I Said NO To Anxiety At This Estate Sale

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this estate sale video is going to prove that you do not have to wait in line for hours to find good things i was about 20 minutes late got in walked in and found some really great vintage items some fun things some local history things and some things that were hiding up in the rafters in the basement that others completely didn't see so join me for estates all day get your estate sale eyes and gloves and bag and let's head in and see what we found [Music] one another right my mom dad and happy yep yep how are you how about officials for faces that i recognized i yeah i knew i knew you and your sister but we're talking about they advised them not to be here it's too emotional so jimmy's still in in raleigh and gino's up and he's coming later this is really cool say han inspection [Music] team what a shame the family's here and they're trying to get stuff and they can't find what they're looking for that makes me sad [Music] oh [Music] cheap so this is easton peter there's the toll bridge and the free bridge and then this is i believe would be the ingersoll brand property which is now all gone and warehouses or they're building warehouses so this was the ingersoll rain this was pretty much all of phillipsburg many people in the town worked at ingersoll rand and they actually built homes for the workers here oh keyboard company credit we gotta get these have all great sorts of local things in them have a happy day let's see what else we can find dino [Music] chains common nails masonry nails wood screws that's heavy that karumba oh there's pencils let's see those any local advertising i don't see any at least he marked everything oh papers [Music] so [Music] i didn't realize it was like this up here let's look at the quick glance of the christmas then i'll go back to the clothes i think everyone was here for all the old beer signs because i thought oh that there was a fox missing that someone bought that i thought everyone would be here for the ingersoll rand stuff bum equipment oh my gosh i guess not actually let me quick look in the closet oh this is awesome this is a sweet jacket i wonder if i can fit it i like it because it's oh there's something in the pockets they're gloves i like it because it's local i have to see maybe i'll grab it i can never have enough vintage jackets right oh yeah there are those shirts up here christmas linens which never sell for me at all there's a whole bunch in his i pants they were like a denim dun dun denim i must have went someone must have went to shippensburg universal land what's this beer olympics that's too big for me i support oh oh we gotta grab that that's a keeper i was pleasantly surprised by that estate sale i got there maybe about 20 minutes late i was not in the mood to have the anxiety of waiting getting a number sitting in my car for an hour and waiting just didn't want to do that by the time i got there 20 minutes late there weren't that many people there i did ask the woman running the sale and she said when she opened there were about 35 people waiting i don't know where they all went in those 20 minutes i'm guessing most of them probably were in search of the vintage beer advertising pieces there were several lights signs and most of them were gone by the time i got there i thought many would come for the ingersoll rand items but i guess not so what did i buy some great vintage items and some great pieces of local history to my area so as i was saying or as i hope i caught in in the um my footage this man worked at ingersoll rand his name was geno i met some of his family they were kind of distraught because they wanted some of his uniform shirts the woman said some like family matters came up and it was a long story but she really wanted to find the shirts for her son because he wanted to wear them for work and she found them but they didn't fit so she didn't buy any so that's just one of the ins and outs of an estate sale that you don't know you don't know the story behind the family who inherited the home who inherited the items what they chose to do with them and at this sale you actually had family members they're trying to buy pieces from their relatives again i don't know the backstory i don't know if there was trouble but the shirts were there she didn't buy them i ended up buying some ingresol brands so back to my story so ingersoll rand got this great jacket it was um a huge business in phillipsburg from 1903 to 2000. it employed around 5000 people in its heyday um probably the mid 1900s know it it was one of the biggest businesses in phillipsburg and many of the towns people work there and it has laid dormant for many years the buildings just you know took took to the earth or the earth overtook the building some collapsed and then finally within the past couple years a developer purchased all the land i mean i don't know how many acres it is it's huge and now we have warehouses so phillipsburg is slowly becoming a town of warehouses which is quite a shame but yeah ingersoll ran was huge and it has a big history in phillipsburg so we have this incredible racing team jacket it's a little more beat up than i thought i can fit it so i could add this to my jacket repertoires repertoire fois it needs to be laundered and washed but fun for the flea market again a piece of local history these are online on ebay anywhere between twenty to thirty five forty dollars i paid ten bucks so worst comes the worst i take it to the flea market i sell for that much i sell for fifteen dollars wear it for a little move it along i bought that i also bought this one i like the colors this is a little bit brighter and a little bit more cleaner cleaner it is the racing team jacket again great lakes jacket detroit so i might keep this one and sell the other one we'll have to see this was fun i think this was two dollars you can't beat it um i did buy some other ingersoll ran items this mug tools and hoist i mean this guy had like every mug from every company event party he also was a member of warren lanes which is phillipsburg's bowling alley i was there many a time during my high school years and fortunately actually someone just purchased it and they've reopened it again there was a chance that it was going to go you know defunct and closed down but thankfully someone bought it got that what other ingersoll rand stuff did i buy i don't know there was oh i'll show you so in the basement there were those great metal drawers um all sorts of tobacco cigar boxes filled with stuff and i found some that were filled pretty great stuff but always like looking through those because you never know where you're going to find i picked that i picked this up this is wallstrot retaining ring selector guide i have no idea what this is but it looks cool this will go right to the flea market i'll get a couple dollars for this i think i picked up some local history items church of st phillip and st james 100th anniversary 1860 to 1960. they used to have a great rummage sale here so this is about the history of the church and the school i'll probably read this and then see about listing it online local ephemera historical ephemera can do well it might take a while to sit there you have to find the right buyer but i've never come across this in my travels in phillipsburg estate sale so we shall see of course i couldn't leave this behind images of america phillipsburg i do have this book already but the front cover is pretty much not even there so i'll add this i think she charged me two bucks for this which is great because at barnes noble this goes for twenty dollars um we'll save the best thing for last just some assorted mugs this is a disney world mug by deca elizabeth new jersey have fun so your straw would go in there this might do well online we shall see i did pick up this set so this is lennox where it's porky pig porky pig and then porky and his friends i guess that's elmer fudd he looks a little dapper there though these were just in a um like a shelf in the basement this one's a little worse for the wear so i'll have to see i'll look these up online it might be a flea market item looney tunes are always decent sellers people still collect looney tunes and with um a lot of what they call cancel culture today some of the characters and looney tunes are probably going to either they are already defunct or they don't you know make them anymore like i'm fighting his gun i don't know but those are fun that was a cute set i also found these we have some ballerinas your classic candle holders i think there's even a clown in there i like the really tall ballerina she was pretty nice i think that was a dollar this bag i picked it up because i like the trick-or-treat bag so this is fun top stone industries and then inside there's actually some yarn or a string i didn't even i'm like i'm not gonna take it out embroidery cotton so i think that was a dollar as well saving my best things for last so i picked up a whole array of clothing um what was this shirt oh this one not made of money so this is this is like barely a single stitch i often talk about single stitch shirts and that is what uh people collect it's called single dingle in the world of vintage t-shirts out there i saw it on instagram and what it is the sleeve just has a single stitch today there's usually two stitches or two you know bands of stitching so not made of money maybe i'll wear this at the flea market and then if people argue with me about a price i'll just point to my shirt um this i thought was a great find this is a vintage lee shirt made in usa white in pretty decent shape i know someone at the flea market that will buy this a lot of people that are into vintage clothing they love the plain shirts because they add their own patches to them their own design so finding one don't overlook them of course you have to have the right buyer though for it um let's see low battery i know what was this shirt oh yes i don't know why i bought this no fussing cool running bahaman bahamas what's the worth of this again i don't know but it is vintage i think it is cool runnings the rhythm the rhyme i forgot the rest of that okay my favorite pieces that i did find for clothing this is a great i support operation desert storm shirt 1991 need a tag so this is a great piece of um american history from operation desert storm i remember it you know i was younger but i remember those um the box cards that went out i remember watching it on tv so good shirt to pick up two dollars and then this which i don't understand i know mountain helens i know there's a lot of souvenirs from there you know they had the my grandmother had a scottie dog made from ashes from the volcano so i have that but this is official saint helens inspection team mount st helens washington but what if you look official saint helens inspection team what it spells so this is a great vintage pickup um basset walker it says extra large but i think i'll be able to just put that that's fun makes people give you a second look as to what it is then my favorite things that i picked up is this little box of um assortment of doodads so ingersoll ran pencils i picked up some of their military missile books is it for military edited by father steadman for all branches of the armed forces i don't know black devil i thought that'd be fun for halloween then we have some more ingersoll rant items this is a thermometer president's energy award bunch of the ir employees federal credit union keychains but look on the back it's fine it looks like a phone we're just a phone call away i call potato chip clip again ingersoll ran employee credit union this i wasn't sure there's a church on the front but i didn't open it up fishbone brothers jewelers north hampton street easton oh there's probably a ring in there that's so cute another great piece of local history there was even an ingersoll ran i think they call them fobs this says car set jack bits on the back we have fillsburg new jersey centennial pin i always pick them up when i see them mary lee passive exercise salon and pieberg i have no idea and then there are a whole bunch of the um ingersoll round company federal credit union pen toppers then we also have wooden nickels from lopakon township which is a township in phillipsburg so i picked those up too special abc recognition i have no idea this just had a whole assortment oh this is great it's a measuring tape from ingersoll rand put it on your keychain this is good for the flea market when you need to measure something oh and then also one of these this is ingersoll rand again put on your keychain little screwdriver i think my grandmother had one of these even she didn't work for herself ran but she hadn't from another company and even this pretty pretty piece it is a pin and it's mary so love the little doodads loved looking through everything and enjoyed getting some pieces of local history some will go to the flea market some will stay with me and some i will do research on in regards to i think ephemera and paper i'm surprised there wasn't more there i was also looking for more like fillsburg high school items but i didn't find any you know i think it's great to be able to buy local history items in your town versus sourcing on ebay but many people have to because they move away and you know they're trying to find either a postcard of a street a book about their town a book about a special subject about their town so going to local estate sales if you're in the area of your hometown and you want to source for local items that's a great way to do that so i hope you enjoyed this estate sale they're relaxed it was great i like the relaxed kind not an anxiety kind but yes i hope you enjoyed it stay tuned for more estate sales hopefully yard sales will be coming up rummage sales i'm ready what is spring the day i'm filming this is the first day of spring so i'm ready for spring to be here it already is i'm ready for spring to keep moving and see what all it has to offer us thanks for watching hope you have a great day if you're out searching for your own treasure i hope you find it i'll see you all in the next adventure here at paper and moose
Channel: Paper and Moose
Views: 21,909
Rating: 4.9476724 out of 5
Keywords: estate sale haul, estate sale business, vintage clothing, rummage sale, local history, Ingersoll Rand, Paper Moose, Paper and Moose, Taco Stacks, estate company, hoarder estate, cleaning house, family estate sale, yard sale, Crazy Lamp Lady, What the Hales, auction life, Locker Nuts, thrift with me, shop with me, thrifting, YouTube reseller, reseller community, shopping local, shopping small, ASMR, vintage homes, vintage decor, ephemera, religious art, basement cleanout
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 13sec (1393 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 23 2021
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