Hoarder Who FILLED A Vintage TRAILER - Clean Out!

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this is a good a good find in here this trailer is jam-packed with all sorts of fun things welcome to paper and booze and welcome back to the hoarder house things are getting improving here a lot cleaner and today is going through some of the outbuildings i'm going to be going through the trailer and the other guys on the job are going to be going through the shed behind me so we'll see what treasures we can find i'm excited to look through the trailer i think it'll be a lot of fun [Music] so here is the shed that the guys are going to be going through if they find anything cool they're going to let me know but i'll give you a peek at what it looks like so it is it is packed there's furniture that piece right there which doesn't look too bad um moments to remember there's like records in there just there's some corning where it looks like there's table oh this might be a nice table axe yeah there's oh there's some axes in there what are these ten dollars a box little jars so yeah so guys are gonna work on this i thought the trailer would be fun to look through so i'm going to work on that but just wanted to give you an idea of what this looks like someone came and bought a lot of the lawn equipment this is all cleaned up so here's the trailer windy today i really like the holiday traveler windy windy this emblem is really nice uh i should have worn another uh hoodie this is really cool it's all the old stickers from where they were at i like that oh i'll have to move some of this stuff out but this should be fun to look through so i'm going to be working in here this might be the easiest area to clean first because it has a kind of table so i'll be able to take stuff from over here and put it over there i don't i don't quite know um there's a refrigerator i'm not sure if we want more than that that's the bathroom i do have my headlamp oh gosh they took some furniture out of here already but i'm guessing that was the bed happy 50th birthday 1969. what's in here another prince so yeah some some sunlight i wonder if anything's in the wardrobe i don't think so i don't think that opens so yes let's get let's get working see what we can find in the trailer so i'm gonna have to be moving from inside here and then taking stuff outside but many of you you know said you wanted to see more of what was in here so tapes yes we have bob dylan willing nelson these are all country george jones kenny rogers merle haggard so these will go to the flea market curtains pins and a fruitcake box outdoor decorations she had liked a lot of outdoor stuff um kitchen pasta holder tea bags [Music] sleeping bag so none of that it looks like it probably sold this would be a flea market pile so if you haven't this is your first time joining me my friend has a clean out business and he took on the task of cleaning out a hoarder's house be sure to check out the first episode you'll see where the major horde was that was inside a woman the woman of this home she had or developed ms and through the years her condition just got worse so as our condition got worse the hoarding got worse because things were just thrown everywhere it also looks like she liked to shop on clearance we found a lot of multiple items of one thing with clearance stickers on that walmart the story behind this trailer i have no idea i don't know how long it was here i don't know where she acquired these items so a lot of stuff a lot of stuff we have a deluxe hood i'll have to ask and see what this there's a stove back here this is a cute little piece that is very cute flea market i got locked inside i got it i'm guessing these are tools little ratchet set flea market hibachi tabletop flea market from mr barbecue um lazy susan [Music] the problem is these become so brittle that they just break and so no one like really wants to use them [Music] oh there's some decent stuff in here have some linens these are nice irish linen these are good for the flea market those are really nice and then we have another nice piece that's definitely flea market worthy that's actually pretty nice those are cool friends oh i don't know what that is that ain't moving that's like stuck up into there oh if you can see i'll quick show you so see how the the ceiling so i need to be taken care of so this isn't this isn't shutting that has to stay right there [Music] [Applause] these are fun these are so cool just because they're in their original packaging those are great i love them i love it because it's in the box these are really fun that's amazing build a complete set the easy unit way start with the number one that is amazing there's one two that one's missing the spoon there's four of them in here those are so much fun some boxes are a little better than others but that's really cute that was a cool find if you can find more stuff like that in here that'd be great utility corner and drop cloth versatile so there's actually stuff in the drawers we're gonna we're gonna be daring open up the oven i really like the logo wow i think it's the cleanest thing in here come on take a quick peek what's in here dish plate hot i gotta grab that let's see if i can reach it i'm gonna use these scissors short short paper problems [Music] just how to do just about anything now do we dare huh that's cute oh those old drawers i love them they're blue that's in really nice shape actually over in this area straighten the camera not sure what we're going to find [Music] this is fine that's still in the original package interior latex paint sears best this would be amazing if these were in great shape and still like in this original packaging they would they would sell i know more of these they must have won this paint a lot bird seed let me take care of this box scribble stainless steel pop cleaners that's fun patio door insulator kit that's great for this those are both great for a flea market i have a whole roasting pan set yeah this is good fine so this box and amidst all the soil and other stuff had some nice pieces i think this is rather nice i don't know what the who the maker is or how old it is but i really like the color and the handle it might be oh these are just like dollar store things that no one i mean i'm sure people still buy them now but that'd be i think a hard sell i want to see if there's a matching one they're vacuuming this was nice too this is mark japan so another nice older piece this might be one of my favorite pieces so far besides the flatware in the original boxes i really like this this box is labeled ceramic planners but i wanted to see if any of them are old made in china i'm guessing it's the same that was nice these are great for the flea market because then it's cheaper than buying them at the store these are wraps perhaps these are a bit different these look a little bit different [Applause] these are nice these are again great for the flea market looks like uh whole set my grandmother had these cording wear sorry pyrex i thought it wasn't holding a tyre oh there is there is there is [Applause] happy dance happy dance i thought i saw it oh oh this is great oh winter weather chicken dinner oh wow it even has a lid so we have that one it is a little bit warm this is the amish amish butter print i believe i'm not up to date on all my pirates but these are great it just keeps going you might have the whole entire set oh yes oh my goodness these are amazing how nice this makes me want to set on my own maybe this could be my folks i took that bag off do you see what i see do you see what i see these ceramic christmas trees oh it's a big one there's the base oh man i have so many of these though i don't think i have room for one more let's take it out and see what it looks like oh let's see what this tree looks like oh it's a glitter glitter base oh i didn't have a tree coming home with me but i don't want to break it down here how'd they get that in there all these years who would have thought who would have thought that is a great that is a great tree in great shape this is a good a good find in here this trailer is jam-packed with all sorts of fun things so i made some decent headway here this is all cleaned out now um i did look in the drawers underneath the sofa bed but there wasn't anything the larger pieces i'm leaving and here for now instead of dragging them outside we have a tea cart this is a range hood and then a candle lit tree candle light tree it was originally from kmart for forty dollars so those are really cute the amish heck signs so i'm going to tackle the closet space and see what we can find in there besides mold good thing i have my mask oh bowling bowling ball oh boy we are not touching that i can see all the wiring and everything up there guessing my clothes bowling ball fire safe empty oh dead mouse we're gonna shut that leave that guy in peace he's gonna stay with the trailer why are these so hard to open so you have some boxes carpet huh not sure what's up there but we're gonna have to find out the magnets on these there's gotta be i must be doing this wrong oh what the heck oh same thing there is i saw there's an old suitcase or travel case there but that's holding up that door and we're gonna not disturb that door quite yet what is that it's like a microwave computer fax machine and some christmas wrapping paper looks like some linens um what if those are clothes they've been eaten eaten on this was the bed as you can see all right this might be like a bedspread let's see what this bowling ball is like oh we do have the bathroom i might as well show this guy we have golf clubs in here oh there's two sets wow practice your swing while you're uh [Music] this is a cute a cute little bathroom definitely but hello all right let's see what we have in this closet so in the closet we have a bowling ball it's really cute it's like a blue it's hard to get out of the bag because the bag's so like stiff this woman had tiny tiny feet i don't think any of these can be saved so this will just be recycled not recycled but what kind of fever too bad there weren't any cool vintage shirts but just like the the mice just got to oh there's i think that's blood so we're just gonna leave that in there [Music] uh to the dumpster so that christmas paper that was in the back some of it is actually vintage but i'm so reluctant look at this one because made in italy i'm so reluctant because of just the how this place is oh but i might save this one you know i just don't want to be bringing home something that could be infected with you know mice whatever but this i this has to be saved what's inside oh it's only a couple sheets of it but look how cute let's see what the other one is let me try and set this up oh it's reindeer this is so cute i think i'm gonna have to keep this one this one's a keeper definitely that one's a keeper let's see where i can put it so that'll be safe i think we're gonna wrap this up here lunchtime this will just be about taking out this furniture once we get to it i don't know what if there's anything underneath here but um the bathroom that's gonna have to be another day most likely but at least this is cleaned these will go to the flea market they're just prints maybe someone can use the frame let's use wreath cookie these are really cute is it mako i think oh made in japan these are really nice and it's cool because they still have their original stopper these would be fairly easy to clean i have this guy he's popular looks like he got some uh soot on him from the chimney but those are really nice a lot of records so this is all cleaned out really well oh my gosh the smell of mothballs is so overpowering ain't no moss in here oh man it's amazing what you can store in your shed oh there's the culprits ah those things are strong i have some blinds hamper lamp older mirror more of the corning corel stakes heater scrap metal they found a decent amount international stoneware japan do some stuff in here too more frames oh this was neat oh cool older ashtrays golfer guy pat boone this is from i think it said wilton will in columbia pennsylvania united states of america one dollar those are really that's really neat so some good finds in here i think my favorite over here would be the vintage christmas salt and pepper shakers i found some really nice pieces of glassware that little green pitcher some of the other pictures the pyrex which was really fun and the vintage wrapping paper so some good stuff and the guys that cleaned out the shed they found some really neat stuff too but christmas items those were fun so it was successful a lot of the stuff is just going to go straight to the flea market usable items we've removed the trash and yeah ready to move in not quite but i hope you enjoyed this i will probably probably be coming back out here again to help not sure we still have a cargo container or a truck container that we have to clean out not sure what's in there i think the critters have gotten in there as well but we'll have to see so on that note thanks for watching i hope you enjoyed this if you did be sure to hit that little thumbs up button button that would be greatly appreciated share this video with anyone you know that might like old trailers and seeing what all you can shove in one but if you want to see and check out my other extreme hoarder clean out videos just go to my estate clean out playlist and they will all be there so thanks for watching hope you have a great day if you're on the hunt for your treasure i hope you find it i found a few things a few treasures in this trailer thanks for watching have a great day i'll see you all next time
Channel: Paper and Moose
Views: 22,741
Rating: 4.961102 out of 5
Keywords: hoarder house, vintage trailer, clean out, hoarder clean out, A&E Hoarders, Hoarders full episode, AirStream, vintage holiday trailer, Taco Stacks, Paper and Moose, Paper Moon, scrapping, dumpster diving, vintage kitchen, trailer restoration, restoring a vintage trailer, thrifty, thrift with me, Hairy Tornado, Goodwill, estate cleanout, hoarding buried alive, hoarders before and after, vintage trailer remodel, ASMR cleaning, cleaning, What the Hales, Jeebus, ebay reseller, etsy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 12sec (1752 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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