They MOVED Out & Left All Of THIS! Trash Picking Ep. 14

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hello everyone welcome to paper n news today is garbage day trash picking day curbside treasure hunting day where I go out to the streets I see what people have put out for the trash that I can turn into treasure and let me tell you I found some treasure today treasure that I was not expecting and that some people actually overlooked so let's get out there and see what goodies I found out on the curb for free so there's this furniture but something else caught my eye because I can't take furniture that's a nice table two chairs not so much of course Donna it's ripped I forgot my bones those are hangers cat scratcher no I'm not doing that since there was another cat here darn it I saw that painting and I thought it would be good it doesn't need Washington Street Boston Coulier Gulch bull J Coulier and Perkins darn it that wasn't actual machine 1871 that stinks it's a nice scene you know what how do you remove that you gotta take all the nails out I wonder if anyone would be able to repair it I'm gonna take it why not I feel bad leaving it he's pretty cool pots garbage I like these they're cracked I like these these are pretty neat we'll take both of these garbage picking it's good there's a whole pile there was a couple that was just here looking through genuine teak and I don't know what they took or what they didn't [Music] that's me Warsaw I don't know what those are what they didn't tape but no they were here for a while digging they were here for miles oh my gosh [Music] me please crapper look at those bugs all right let's be nice about how we get those things out for eggs please County that's like these are nice this sterling thank you we're gonna take though there's no paper is there like old paper I like that that's insane yeah yeah it's like you know like fairly old stuff you know where I'm like a nice mixture yeah you know with broke my call we love is the like same it's not nice time lady [Music] [Music] [Music] so that was pretty good garbage picking but it also was a sad reminder of what is and what isn't I'm not gonna go over some of the other stops that I made I picked up some things I didn't pick up others I got those pots again if you are new to the channel when I picked when I garbage pick I can't take everything because I have limited space in my car and I have limited room to store and also when I go to the flea market I want to take as much as I can so if I have one bulky item that might only solve for 10 or 15 dollars not worth it but let's get to the fines so there was this painting goodness it is damaged as you can see it's pretty bad I wasn't gonna leave it and then I saw that it was David 1891 and on the back it has a pretty neat label which the frame kind of reminded me of something more modern so that's what I thought maybe this was just a print and then seeing the signature and the label so you know will someone buy this and try and restore it I don't know someone might buy it just for the frame but I couldn't leave it there it's just I couldn't so we picked this up so in regards to the house that had all the boxes out the woman that now owns the home actually came out I'm not sure if I caught that on camera and she said that when they bought the house the former owners left so much stuff inside and they have been making frequent trips to Goodwill and they were just tired of it so they're just gonna start putting stuff out on the curb for a trash night and people take it they take it reality check moment here of course I asked if she have any old if there's any old paper and she said no what could I have done I don't have a truck to pick up everything at one time I don't have a place to store it I don't have the means or the time to tell her hey you know what I know you you know I mean she was sweating taking the box of stuff out because it was hot and I could tell that she was aggravated from being left with all this stuff whereas me if I moved into an old and there was all this stuff left I be like this is great but you know I couldn't say hey you know what I saw the flea market you want to get rid of all your stuff I'll just take everything I don't have the means to do that I don't have the storage I don't have the vehicle and I don't have the time because of working full time now I know people that have all those things and I let them know so you know whether or not they spoke to them whether or not you know I'm not sure what happened but to me it was a sad reality check because that is something that I would love to do I one I would love to get into a state cleanouts because I pretty much think that that that is your ticket you're not buying from a middle person you are getting the stuff firsthand so you know that would have been like a clean-out because some of the stuff they were putting out for trash it makes me wonder what was in there that they donated to Goodwill and what could have been in those boxes before I got to them and what they consider trash so let's look and see some of the stuff well first these aren't old but you know they're handmade pottery pieces marked with like a V on the back whether their pottery plates you put you know a vase on top I'm not sure but they're nice you know these these are nicely made and in this town you know that these things weren't purchased at a dollar store none other than you're wrong with the dollar store but then we have some pieces so we have this nice Bowl swiss-made stop stop we nut stole I'm not sure if you can see that mark probably not there's a glare so yeah this is a nice copper pot when I say copper pot I think of Chester copperpot from The Goonies you have not seen the Goonies go watch it then this other this is copper - I don't know my metals I'm thinking yes it says copper - a nice strainer with cute little feet there were the the bakeware of the trees I didn't take them you know I I use you pick up some scrap for taco sacks but I was running short of room in these molds which I love no these are decorative because they have the hangers on them but making some but I still like them what else what else these so these were trash put out on the curb not wantin there's four and they they're march of the twenty on the bottom I can't make out Maidan oh it's made in France and it does have a name the one did so if any of you recognize this pattern I'm sure if I look online I'll be able to see it but I have not checked these out what they're worth no these would do well at the flea market and then I even just thought for Halloween this will look great having some festive things inside because in the color so there were those for those beauties this this is a cap Co so I don't know how vintage it is is vintage from the 80s from the 90s I'm not sure again great color you know a heavy pan Burbage and then since we all know everyone it's like they're one were the goblets I think there's four of them they are March 3:19 and it is Meriden SP company international silver see oh I think it's Meriden so I have to look these up no there is somewhere but and this is what makes me sad to think of what else is in this house that I do not have access to and that's another thing like I you know I'm sure if I would have said oh can I come in and see what else you have she wants to get rid of it oh so I guess I essentially would feel bad going room by room and just taking one piece one piece about a piece you know dude they want it all gone granted I probably could have but I have some things to learn when it comes to picking obviously sorry those and then there was just this other you know China where this is me I think that's a quail you're pretty and then just marked again on the bottom oriental there's the word this nice box which I wonder if that is actually I'm gonna say mother-of-pearl but I'm wrong so it's a nice box if you can see them in loops the shell and Eve you know sure you will let me know in the comments and then inside I doubt that's not mother Pro that our coasters some scenes on them so that's a cute little box no there's no markings but cute that might be show actually then again just some more this is hand painted and upon sewn upon China you know this really doesn't do well at the flea market this is very very thin this is decorated in Hong Kong but this is remarkably thin it's like I want to save zone China but look how pretty with the Dragons so we have these little cup sake cup babies with the dragon and then this house it's Niagara Falls with the dragon why not let's just put a dragon on everything I'm not made in Japan I did not see a saucer like this this the variant are the RC Bavarian cause w-wait they like finagle I want to say they finagled this themselves but I don't think so because it doesn't there's no hole here so it has like peaches or oranges peaches maybe inside it's very pretty this piece Higgins and cider New York elite works Limoge France I know who mows is a good maker but as for the worth no idea I'm not familiar with that so if any of you are I picked up this junk too because I thought it was cute this is made in France it's just stamped on the bottom that's a nice look to it this will look nice for fall I think out oh another one of the cups I liked this I don't think I showed me taking it out of the box but it's a tile Africa Santana whiskey Oh Portugal Lisbon was boa Portugal so I'm guessing Lisbon and it's nine to eight but I think that's very pretty there are some tiles that are worth an amazing amount of money I want to say Delft Delft tiles I might be wrong that's just something that I've heard at some of the auctions that I attended I attended I like this piece again trash trashed the former owners upped it like don't get me started so they were very into the Asian motif because then you have this with a dragon oriental Asian the dragon to more of the goblets you probably don't know if you'll be able to see that mark inside but so for goblets altogether a juicer made in Italy and then these which I do need your help on I've I mean is shaped like an egg but it has that hook thing on it so oh do you dip the egg in and then let it in the water I don't know so I'm sure that some of you will be able it'll know right away and maybe this brings back some kind of memory for you so you'll be able to impart your wisdom to me and let me know what it is this what one person doesn't see as valuable or has value and there just might get it out I don't want it other people find value in it and that is one of the great aspects of trash picking but it also makes me sad because I don't have the means to take everything that I would love to take but hopefully one day I will and you know I can have a truck bed full of stuff I'm good stuff quality stuff well up into it it's Christmas and vintage Halloween and I know one day fingers crossed I will come across a pile of postcards thrown out in the trash I know I'm gonna put it out there let's hope but anyway a really good day for trash picking a surprise day and you never know what you're going to find when you go trash picking as I always say in this case silver copper some tiles and then some French cookware so a good good day I hope you all enjoyed this garbage picking trash picking adventure with me and you'll see I'm soon with the next trash day home so until then thank you all for watching be sure to LIKE and subscribe tell your friends and I will see you all next time [Music]
Channel: Paper and Moose
Views: 168,375
Rating: 4.8172064 out of 5
Keywords: trash picking, garbage picking, taco stacks garbage picking, paper and moose garbage picking, taco stacks trash picking, scrapping metal, trash pickers, garbage picking finds, old paintings, antique appraisals, paper and moose, dumpster diving, Meriden silver, found silver, locker nuts, blue bus dave, look what I found in the trash
Id: 5dEmFJOyp5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 11sec (1451 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 25 2019
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