I Bought a Goodwill Mystery Pallet for $40! Unboxing What's Inside

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all right so i bought this pallet here i figured this box or this pallet is the first pallet i've seen or there's got to be a ton of mystery boxes in here i see a dictionary right there which isn't promising i see some books up top but it's almost like oh that's loud it's almost like they just took the donations straight from the donation bin and just plop them in here so we'll see how it goes 40 bucks all right i did recruit some help paper moose is actually helping me out she's checking out outside or checking out inside i know last time when i did this with jay and armin it really helped out having a lot of help uh so this should definitely be a fun one and let's get into it all right so i'm going to do most of the unboxing once that truck leaves because i don't think you guys want to hear wow that is no like a smaller vision we need a hedo vision oh my god i see more books i remember the last time i bought this it was all books we'll see what this ghost goes to um what's in here these are wrapped but i'll try to probably go through most of this once that truck leaves a popcorn bucket that's like when you get at the movie theaters i don't know it's going to be exciting i mean we got five bucks in backpacks right off the bat so this thing costs forty dollars somewhere that's just garbage all right oh some backpacks up top started off that one's a really clean one this one isn't bad adidas two so these are actually probably five a piece just they make 30 bucks back to break even this these pallets are a great deal uh unfortunately like if i get a bunch of books they might just be like a quarter each uh the new rule at this place is you cannot donate stuff back from the pallet so unless you have a van or an suv like they do you're gonna be in trouble if you have a car you might as well just cancel it you're not gonna be able to pick this up you're not gonna be able to take the stuff so uh i advise you to either rent the truck get somebody off a truck if you're interested in buying one of these pallets brain teasing puzzle actually a whole bunch of cds here those are cds these look like games that's a cd some of these are just games some rcds all right traveler's guide here's some paper for you parkway national parkways glacier mountain is there probably not what is that records holy books um the godfather that's this one there's a whole box of books renwick japan they're actually really nice plates is there oh yeah i don't think it's real no it definitely does not look real at all all right i'll throw this in there oh more books i think that's the trick that they do here they just fill you up with books on the whole i'm really i'm gonna be really mad these are all books because that was like how it was unless they're antique or old but no that has other stuff in it does it all right that's like seems to be the trick right now we got a bunch of glassware and some uh some plates which don't look too bad xl they might be uh like goalie gloves i have no idea t-rex that's uh by magic that might be an ebay piece whatever this is hard to choose from diaper disposable bags those are good for a little trash can hey look more glassware individually wrapped underneath nursing pads those are bags these are pets is there anything underneath i can't tell probably not what about this guy how is it oh you have buzz that is buzz that's kind of neat tupperware maybe it's vintage tupperware eagles cup these look like just glasses kind of nice holders somebody might want those make your coffee and then have your bread oh yeah bread maker i don't know if i try that on oh it's wrapped scrap metal some tv wire ceramics like uh oh got a dream catcher yeah that looks kinda neat so a lot of stuff will be end up going to the flea market it's uh i mean once in a while you'll find an ebay piece like in the first pallet there's a lot of ebay items but most likely especially because i'm my van uh well you're not supposed to donate anything back but uh i'll just keep this in the van we'll actually go trash picking but i'll keep this in the van and then unload into the warehouse oh got a kutztown university i don't know what that is dolphins beanie got another hat on armor hats these actually decent hats got some like a dolphins poster thing got some socks a mask try that on yeah [Music] i've done that yeah got another hat oh my early cat this might be a keeper oh no seven and seven eights that i think is uh i have no idea but some tampa bay rays because that's their logo slippers and not oh that's the top beanie but i don't see the beanie well we'll throw those up front sometimes these irony cats are really hard to find so something like this should get 20 bucks for the kutztown one i'll probably get 15 or 20 the other ones will probably be dollar ones but probably just made our money back in hats in really good shape yeah college college kid rick flair socks might be keepers we'll see down the line all right tupperware was nothing but newer tupperware you got a newer mason jar this is like a chop thing so it wasn't vintage tupperware oh well what's left got some depends what's that a longer burger i don't think no i don't think this might be nah it doesn't look like stuff it's like dog things like for a small dog i think what is this that's not i don't know what this is i don't think it's not like yeah this looks like just housewares it's a nice candle stand yeah a lot of this stuff is just gonna be flea market stuff that's going to sell but nothing too crazy and some shoot shirts at the bottom this is for your uh your folders oh look more books glassware glassware glassware glassware glassworm books seems to be the theme today last worm books nice pieces in here it looks like a set like same colors like i don't know what that is she's still digging oh she's jumping she's jumping in left hand oh boy holders see what's in here potholder maker all right never know where you'll need to make your own pot holder oh okay is it okay is there a matching paragraph yeah yeah who are these not my style [Music] [Music] yeah that one's gone i think i had to take some of those pieces out bit by bit [Music] anything good in the bag what's that um hockey tournament awesome sort of sort of game studio art set i think it's empty it's empty oh no what's that headlamp oh headlamp i need this oh for the flea market oh man flea market piece probably should keep this up front oh looks a little problem oh it's all like pots and stuff i think this is for candles put your candles on that oh it's chipped says unicorn so that's the trailer for all the scrap metal in case you're wondering if you donate stuff like this but i can see there's lamps and crutches and things there's purple heart on the other side does it it's that's in here oh it does say purple that's in here this could be the maybe the purple glass heart with a unicorn well there's a uniform there's a unicorn i wonder if these are all uniforms no they're not okay so it's gonna be all a bunch of smalls candles whole thing of fragile so this thing's unsearched another cup 2002 all right so it's not gonna be anything old this is definitely a neat piece so i'll put that aside i'll try to remember not to crush this anyway the purple heart they were going to donate it to the first oh yeah yeah yeah yeah so purple heart is actually a donation place where you can donate this or they come and pick it up and they probably put purple heart on because you put it out with your trash it says purple heart on it purple heart comes by whenever you schedule them and they pick it up so these are all donations unicorn yeah the person just loved unicorns you find somebody like unicorns here you go whole collection hello and cake fan it's got some weight to it and then you have surface plates service plates a bunch of triangle service plates yeah this is like already ikea new homes fine made china find made no fine porcelain made in china oh i got like a modern look today it was like from a wedding because yeah oh yeah yeah oh yeah and then with the dress yeah yeah yeah with the dress this could have been like somebody's wedding decor and they donate all in one shot heavy all right last box here last box of the pallet silver and glass service set silver and glass hurt so it came from the same place everything's wrapped yeah just i'll throw it in the van looks like it's all going to be the nice thing is everything's wrapped so you really don't know what you'll find some milk glass lots of glasswares time got this might be feels like cut glass i'm not sure top to a uh by a serving dish a bunch of toys at the bottom rubber stamps 1998 and brand new pie plates so a lot of flea market stuff here uh i'm gonna have to go through all the books see what's there but a lot of this is gonna be flea market there's a couple couple pieces that probably just go on ebay like the hats bright clamp this one pair of sneakers throw them on ebay the unicorn might go on etsy or ebay so decent decent pallet definitely enough here to to at least make your money back which is always nice thank you all right so this is kind of the whole uh palette unboxing finished with and this is kind of what we got in the end uh what i'm going to go ahead and do post video probably in a couple days is i'll probably go through all this stuff that's wrapped and probably take out the wrapping and just leave them in the box or in a flat so it makes it a lot easier to either research it to see online what it goes for or if i bring up to the market people can see what it is rather than having to as you see unravel every single item um nice pie plates there's a couple there i see two or three i don't think i checked that this was in here it felt like these things always sell awesome like that pretty confident i had a studio art kit like this when i was a child because i definitely remember using those what are they called they're not called crayons they're called something it's not coming to my name right now it's not going to my name is the name is not coming to my head right now um yeah for sure i had something like this probably like twice the size and i remember being it's probably pretty expensive for the pastels right yeah pastels there you go i do remember that so that's a good piece right there i mean i don't know off the top of my head this kind of looks like a cheaper one maybe yo yeah yeah yeah yep neighbors uh it's kind of funny there's a guy who uh with the the bike um if i dropped off all the bikes a couple weeks back they were actually just literally biking up the road uh but i do remember having one of these when i grew up off top my head i mean maybe five or ten dollars for this if this is like a 50 piece maybe 15 i don't know uh but definitely going to make your money back with everything here the one thing i would say with these with these pallets is it's very very easy to make your 40 bucks back but if you don't have a van or a truck or anything the downside here is you have to now take everything you can't re-donate stuff back to the store i'm pretty sure like you'll probably go back the next day and re-donate this place the place where i got it from i get a lot of people message me where can i find these pallets where can i find these pallets and although a lot of youtubers would say hey look i'm not going to give away my secrets or sign up for my membership it only costs 200 a month taco stacks ain't like that if you guys want to check out where these pallets come from check out your local goodwill if you have a goodwill outlet store also known as the goodwill bins some of them also do have those available this one came from the good this one came from the goodwill outlet store uh i did not get any information on how to come across these no one gave me any forewarn no one gave me a message or you know warning that hey look the pallets were there i simply showed up i saw a bunch of pallets last week i think it was um and i was like wow i should probably come back again in the future and buy a couple more pallets so i don't know how many more times they're going to keep on running this pallet thing you'd have to check with your local goodwill i haven't been in an actual goodwill store but if you have a goodwill outlet store by you this one is around two hours away so it's not right down the road it's not really a local goodwill you might have to drive a little but hey it's part of treasure hunt if you're in the business treasure hunting you know you have to travel for some deals um i probably will be back so my run i might run by a flea market here in a couple days and uh maybe stop by on the way back since i think it's only 10 or 15 minutes away so we'll see what happens hopefully you guys enjoy this video if you guys enjoyed the palette unboxing go ahead hit the like button subscribe down below i will be making more videos just like this in the future and more treasure hunts hopefully you guys enjoyed it until next time have a great day keep living the dream [Music] peace [Music] you
Channel: Taco Stacks
Views: 105,769
Rating: 4.9004211 out of 5
Keywords: pallet unboxing, pallet unbox, mystery pallet, goodwill mystery pallet, resell, reselling, reseller, amazon pallet, bulq pallet, bulq unboxing, unboxing, unwrapping, amazon returns pallet, goodwill pallet, goodwill pallet unboxing, whats inside pallet, goodwill bins, goodwill outlet, hairy tornado, hairy tornado pallet, buy and sell, goodwill thrift haul, pallet haul, pallet found inside, found money, found gold
Id: hoy2Ltanovc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 56sec (1316 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 18 2020
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