Why Did They TOSS This Away In The Trash? - Trash Picking Ep. 315

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good morning everyone this is the walkway to trash picking day I feel like almost every clip starts with that walk to the walkway then we walk around the van that we lollygag over here but none different than every other trash day oh I forgot that's alright forgot water butts alright throw back some of these five or six do waters this iced coffees got it go it's trash picking day once again another adventure hopefully this will be another fun one we'll find some things and we find some cool things we get we can definitely use or we can sell or take to a scrap yard so let's get into it let's make another good day and hey let's see we find today let's let's do it don't think about this you go today this is first stuff sing about these ceiling fans and how what's the probability of still finding these things like how often do people replace their ceiling fan [Music] let's try and see if they're diecast or if they're plastic because sometimes our plastic and some types of diecast these look like metal ones but like you're placing your ceiling fan I don't know it's like that job is a little bit more difficult than just replacing a smaller fan at the same time at the same time I don't even own a ceiling fan in my house so I won't really know how often you replace them or how often they break all right now not over there hamper yeah that's better take out that birdcage check out pretty much everything else but that birdcage you're smiling Kappas must have a weight on them so you don't steal them [Music] yeah was that as a dishwasher or something work [Music] uh-huh a chair Cheerilee blacker sometimes these wheel actors the ones I have these electric things on them they usually never broken it's more a matter of they're not really powerful enough for a lot of people battery's sick of running a cable through a yard walking around extension cord it seems to be metal day today I mean in probably three or four months nothing seemed to me air conditioners but it is kind of funny how we're gonna start CHCs we've come across quite a few of her past month or so great Anna Wallace and say I lived out my full scrap dreams and that means hauling around big stuff like this this is dirty so there's definitely just scrap scrap we'll probably easier if I just completely went right next pork breakfast occurred damn wine though good now still didn't make it far enough East those things I really stupidly heavy I guess that motor and it must weigh a lot also it doesn't want you to fall over anything alright there's garbage down that way it doesn't look like there's any garbage over here unless I'm completely missing this guy always had a ton of stuff out and now they picked up over here which is interesting concerning that out not not late today it's a bunch of garbage over there we'll come back and swing around there you know actually just in case we missed the garbage truck Naima Lett run down this whole road I'll turn right around Wow interesting this roads also picked over on average I would say when I show up here about 6:30 6 o'clock this stuff doesn't get picked over until some styrofoam until probably about 7 o'clock or 7:30 [Music] that's where I got my I think I look kinda nice but looks like a trash can't possibly well inspect it later well I see whatever else was up here I always see that chicken right by the telephone pole I constantly think is that trash but it's been there for three or four months all right let's see whatever this stuff is what we got here no right without a chair all right whatever all this goodies are see metal and some other things that might be on maybe it's water-damaged Mau somebody wanted harley-davidson so it's kind of cool good wine good life I just know there doesn't smell the best but I'll debate about what I want to do when I get back they're actually decent usually the ones you get a Dollar Tree but they're like a dollar or stem there is that rust what do I eat off that it might be an antique what's my say this is just a nice decorative but the camera part or the battery parts all rusted out I don't know why I think this is an antique if not they really distress this the right way all right should be one more go around working left to right all their American Girl dolls put their empty empty boxes empty boxes on the American Girl dolls good in here somebody probably some of that got some cups this thing maybe we'll find a Bangor high school fan I'll grab that it looks like that's about it first aid kits always so very well it's one of those things like I even kind of hoarded them myself I probably use a first aid kit once every three years it's never for me so I don't know why do hoards so much but if you need a band-aid or something in a rough time kind of sucks to go out and try it finally I beat the garbage truck here by about half a block you might be able to hear in the background that's empty I just guess when I grab this metal here that's just garbage wrap this at least we know this is going to be saved wonder if you like dug up landfills how much good stuff is still like intact say off like this best like metal like this stuff is not gonna be to dust no matter of 30 years so how much of this stuff can you still just pick up and you know let's just go scrap that I still don't have my Clippers forgot about that look like some interesting pieces guess I take the box I can use the box there's a nice piece of brass may be able to eat some candle holders there's some wood chimes on the bottom I'm fairly confident this is brass brass I just play depressed but that's it's pretty cool oh I'll get the door there we go get yourself a mattress see what kind of goodies on these boxes mouse box is completely mangled that's plastic that was a really cool looking box you think it would sell like it would see benefits now it's broken not too bad let's play the odds let's play the odds it doesn't break and play DMS it sells I'm white empty out all that junk out there but it has that like primitive look to it air box is destroyed that's a no-go but this one it's got the look it's got like the right greenish color as well alright garbage truck is that way reliant cruise down this ways guys fly but we're way ahead to the other side of town once I hit up this one Street hopefully the garbage hasn't been picked up over there because that's usually was it a better stuff but more the mysterious kind of stuff there's a lot of scrap metal on this side which I enjoy you know picking up and recycling and stuff like that but I also really enjoy seeing like random things of treasure it's kind of like the thrill of the hunt aspect of all this I've got a cat just thinking about crossing the road cat one underneath the car did something I don't worry line [Music] I did drive by that one wooden piece and it was it was waved on the top and there wasn't it was like the imitation door on the front I thought I was like a pullout drawer or not pull out drawer I thought it would revolve a door on I don't got a deer I thought the door would open up on the front but it was really just one drawer and then like an imitation imitation to where I guess you'd call it he'll knock off got bamboozled so we'll head over to this other side and try to grab something all right where'd I see that oh it's kind of far wall but we'll walk it this probably won't be one of the last stops if not the last up yeah someone like that new side of town right here but that one house there way that fisher-price toy and puzzles will walk back that whole street was all picked over for garbage but the recyclables were left out so government struck beat me all right there's a snap-on truck driving into the Chevy dealership imagine two minutes on that truck Aaron so we've grabbed today we grabbed a couple really quick a couple cool items here you know I think it's still amazing what we find out there so we got this nice brass planner this seems to be pretty desirable these planners the brass ones especially these that's a knockoff candle in there so that's probably one of those flips which ones it's made to look old it's not old they're a dime a dozen tons and tons of metal we got two air conditioners up there that washer a chair radiator a bunch of scrap metal I really like this wine thing as well I'm not a wine drinker but I think it's kind of a cool invention here Oh Oh falling apart but you throw your gear corks on the top you can see how much you drink and of course this very very cool primitive looking toolbox there should be I think I'll flap here and it just completely gone which is a shame but I think this still itself this is exactly the right look that you have you have that old green paint on it which people love there's a couple colors that people just absolutely love painted that green color is one of the the most sought-after but then again it's just like it's a trend you know overall fun day you know lots of lots of treasure I still think this might be an antique so we'll see if that sells yeah I'm gonna wrap it up here that pizza shop down there that burned down probably about six months ago moved but that place is now empty yeah hopefully you guys enjoy I enjoy the rest of day if you guys enjoy the video smack lake but if you guys want to see more trash picking videos you haven't already subscribe down below more trash picking adventures in the future never know what we're gonna find in the trash and until next time have a great day keep living the dream [Music]
Channel: Taco Stacks
Views: 56,059
Rating: 4.9263926 out of 5
Keywords: Trash Picking, garbage picking, trash day, found for free, free stuff, trash picking finds, scrap pallet man, scrapping, scrap metal, garbage truck, garbage men, garbage truck pick up, recycle metal, recycling metal, upcycle clothes, upcycle, antiques, american pickers, found at curb, abandoned, dumpster dive, dumpster diving, dumpster dive ulta, dumpster dive gamestop, taco stacks trash
Id: mU4cR7PILvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 52sec (1192 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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