Garbage Picking Rich Neighborhoods - This Is OUTTA Control

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all right another day another dollar I gotta take this garbage out to my own garbage what's going on here all right so I got space right here for more treasure I kind of took out a couple box I bet took up boxes over here this the side pieces are aluminum but the bolts on it are completely rusted out so I tried hitting it impact driver and I couldn't get him off and I was like you know what I'm not gonna not gonna waste a whole day trying to get off that little piece of aluminum this looks like it's all scrap I took out the other pieces so we do have some space when I take the stuff to my own garbage pile but we're going to do some garbage picking this morning run to the scrapyard see where the day takes us make another fun one so head on for another adventure and see what happens let's get into it okay so we'll start off the day with heading down the road which I found the two grills that one box with the jewelry box so it seemed like the stuff was older they might be doing a clean-out of some sort the two grows is kind of throw me for a loop so we're going to drive over here I can see this road has been picked over yet main rotor has it looks like the house no but they got a toolbox outside so numbers-- how do the reverse Terry it's a good video that's all plastic that's a toolbox I think this is what is this forgestar is not toolbox I don't know what it is George is these two locks maybe houses up here too right yeah we're a yellow trash kid is that's what I think for the black trash cans are up there I can't see anything whatever is here is where it was which it doesn't look to promise we got some screens website we've just got some metal screens for scrap it's all she wrote don't want not go over there trash can looks like some aluminum screens so I guess we'll rescue some metal was kind just expecting another so that box with the ceramic angels in it that box whose title xmas lights on it so based off that I figured they probably had an old box of like Christmas lights and I was hoping that had old the holiday stuff or old whatever sometimes it's just not the case think I see something it's me I see a lawnmower on the other side of this car there's a lot more put that toolbox are they alright so we're gonna put that over there otherwise those are gonna toss this on top but I might need to take these apart at home and she's in there just like that looks like possibly blunt metal that's what it is sometimes these boxes have a ton of this one doesn't has a ton of copper next to it see what's going on over here I think I saw some bikes it's not really depend on how they look see how pipes out over there that looks like the actual bikes are using oh my god oh no it's mangled bikes all right grab these it's got some weird look in I know what you're going to call those I'm we call them fender caps the wheel tops out what you call those things all right don't think we're fitting any more any more grills in there no more grills to a mattress on I think those were there last yesterday garbage garbage and I say wow something's moving over there in the trash but that's the guy just put out more trash garbage stroke to the left it's a garbage truck is a garbage truck how do you move so quick there's zoomin made me go so he's for the township over so he's going to do is cut through there or I just was and it takes a right cuz there's another Township on the other side and right these these houses are like the town line so he's not even this trash company is a different trash company it's the trash company that has the automated pickup so yeah this is a town that that dump truck was going in they got included that clip oh man it's got some weight so it's got wood handle herbal wood sex is actually pretty nice surprise white a twin but for something like this the guys to get out there guys the gala the truck buddy throw us in there and just on cue we have this guy that sees getting out of the truck it's gotta get out of truck thinkest doors open yeah damn this is eat it's like a yellow you see how it's bright salty oh it's because they had that box out there I see it might that have over over there I don't know seesaw handle I didn't see the mower that's rough that's why I don't like the automated stuff I think it would work fine in suburbian like this it works fine but in cities absolutely not like the first time I just did he'd have to get out every single time to walk around the you know walk been around cars it just would never work I think with that it I don't even know what to say I don't know I was going to say it probably decreases the amount of garbage you throw out and the mouth stuff you buy because it's like hey if we can't get rid of this we're not gonna buy this but at the same time it just doesn't work if you have cars in front of the garbage bins or in that case if you overfill the garbage bin I know I've seen videos I didn't like just lifting the whole thing off it's full of stuff in the garbage going everywhere I've seen those videos on YouTube on YouTube but I think if you have cars around there you can't really do that because stuff is gonna fly and hit a car panda but I also wish they would go back to their old ways of just doing normal trash because I find more stuff this person throw away more metal this is where I found the chair yesterday but read it was $3 maybe just a third tool on the wall who knows someone's like an edger does have a bleed on it what's the probability this thing works I'll just uh most not I'm not gonna even scrap this I'm way to test it when I get home if I remember something which ones tools I would never go out and buy cuz I find him in the trash but I always want to test and see if I'd work for my little sidewalk all right so I'm ready in a second town it must be the medal day and five over Myrtle two years ago they had like a day for I think it was called white metal for some reason cuz down there there's one of the biggest grills I've ever seen and there's no way I can grab it and just like there's just metal out like really ran a piece of my art so here we go what's up with this lawn mower just chillin at the curb did expect someone to take that lawn mower I mean it's got a sawzall or a circular saw like I'm not I don't know what that's all about there's a couch over there what's all this stuff more metal I got radiators that's good metal I think I see a grill up there too which I can't take right now it was just too much this is just too much it's always about like how you could probably packed your van better but my issue right now is I have that air conditioner that I didn't take out I don't want to crush it because if there's freon in there we'll have some issues so this mini-frig probably won't be picked up the only reason why is because I don't want to crush that these yeah this is five three bucks a little yes I just don't want to I don't want to move this over there and have that one of those get punctured so I'm not moving that and putting a fridge on there sucks leaving stuff but hopefully another scrapper will come around because some need to grab that massive girl that's over there now I thought I saw a grill or smoker or something yep that's what it is popping out over here on the left I don't want to say no Mel left behind but it's heartbreaking it is heartbreaking time like a pack thing its I don't know find some smaller things I think we can grab down cheese Creek kidding me another grill what's that oh my two more mini fridges were all the scrappers like last week there was five scrappers fortunately I'm done with this town it's not they split it up into two different sides this size and the net side kind of this development and it kind of goes back farther that way but that sides are even picked over that's where I saw the garbage truck it hurts because it's like I really hope someone comes and grabs that I'm not really worried about the money aspect of it but there's just like a million grills out today and I just puzzled to say the least but we're going to run to the scrap yard I did want to stop off at the hardware store but I don't think they're even open yet so on to the scrap yard I guess taco mindset right now is I think that town has had their metal day today and they're bringing a differed garbage truck to pick up all the metal I find it really hard to leave just chunk all the metal after doing like a metal day so I think all that stuff scant recycled anyway so no issue there we are at the scrapyard it's definitely a bunch of stuff that I'm going to taste sixty to forty sixty two twenty so it might be like takeoff maybe I think 200 pounds or 100 pounds that air conditioner wait a lot and I'm trying to think in my mind like where I found that air conditioner that was already like kind of separated and it was in that same town where the metal thing is happening so that would definitely make sense on why I found that air conditioner it's like an old jeep up there that's really cool they put on top of the mountain it's not a dirt looks like we got a bunch of washing machines as well as an air conditioner a bunch of other goodies in the metal building which is over there pretty cool with the guy there so it's pretty easy to just say hey you know would you sell this and they'll go yeah sure and he usually charging me twice the price of scrap so pretty close to what they'd probably sell it for got a motor there and dirty brass which I'm shot and that's even here but hey I already got in there alright so here's my glorious pile right here we got over there trying to walk around take a little sneak peek of what's over there just nothing right over there not seeing a hole oh that's that green uh what's that cold I forgot what it was called I found one or two those in the trash and colonists origin and my good friend Mark who buys a lot of storage units and he's the one who says the flea market where everyone rushes him he bought one of those off of me so this is still what I got I gotta take that out that was one that grills that was a top piece that's cast aluminum this is all aluminum and those are just empty boxes and air conditioners over there which ones like take apart maybe today or tomorrow this guy's got a grill it's like grill central so made 19 bucks there's eighteen dollars and 60 cents and once I take apart that air conditioner I bringing those radiators cause I'm not gonna bring them in today I usually bring in my bring a bunch of aluminum once I bring in all that I'll probably like 40 45 bucks maybe $50 all right so that's not bad getting back to the good old days where scrapping was kind of a moneymaker in some way it's a lot nicer to bring in $40 or $50 worth of stuff rather than a walking eight bucks but a think I take out of the landfill is always essential and always great dropped off a bunch here and we'll be on word and see where else the day takes us and I wrap it up today a whole bag of tacos stack orders are going out today there's what 11 orders there so I greatly appreciate that I got all the t-shirts lined up as well as some hats they're already folded I might also add these to the mix these are taco stack magnets they're a little bit bigger like a postcard size it's flip one is over the magnet on the back I might add these into the shop i bought them pretty much just for my van but you need to order a certain amount so as always these t-shirts high-quality you got your golden or you got your guild in ultra Gildan ultra cotton these are the older tags it's a white tag it looks like the smaller size smaller size that still have the white tags while the other ones have these gray tags very good quality shirts and still very very affordable first link down below if you guys are interested in picking up any shirts or any merchandise all these orders over here and going out right now so we run to the post office and that might actually wrap it up here shortly yeah so that's going to wrap it up here still got to take the roll take out this stuff I got this whole box here I know paper moose gave me these looks like a lot of brass where there's some clay down there look like clay pottery of a glass jar whole bunch of looks like iron nails so I do sit down and kind of take the stuff apart this might be some premium it might be premium insulated copper can't tell but that's why I be the rest of today's project I think you guys can see how large a sealed unit is I think pry weighs 60 pounds I'm keeping net for the time being and I'll probably test out the edge or later today but that's why I wrap it up here for today's video hopefully you guys enjoy it we went trash picking once again kind of chill video as well and if you guys enjoyed it go ahead smack Lakeline subscribe down below for more trash picking a more treasure hunt and catch up guys next time for the next adventure until next time have a great day keep lemon enjoying boost
Channel: Taco Stacks
Views: 76,369
Rating: 4.9238458 out of 5
Keywords: garbage picking rich neighborhoods, garbage picking, trash picking, trash picking rich neighborhood, trash day, garbage day, garbage pick up, scrapping, scrap metal, recycle, recycling, recycle metal, taco stacks trash, trash picking live, ralli roots, dumpster diving, dumpster dive, dumpster dive haul, dumpster dive ulta, dumpster dive gamestop, paper and moose trash, speedy diver
Id: j7TgMonJ7Qk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 50sec (1310 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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