Dollar General Pallet Unboxing Haul Reveal (08/12/2020)

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you are live hello people without our microphone again one second um we have microphone now can you hear me now welcome people we have dollar general pallets and we're gonna find out what fun stuff we picked up today and have to sell at the upcoming flea market and what flea market is that well springs road flea market this weekend if the weather cooperates it's looking like this may be the first weekend in a while that is getting a little issue they're calling for a good percentage of rain this weekend but we still have several days to go it could move out finger crossed it does and we may get rained out today i looked at the radar here's us and the storm is all around us moving out but you're going to hear thunder and maybe see some lightning but hopefully no rain box number one what do we have baby let's see that's the thing about dollar general pallets it's like a box of chocolates you never know what you're going to get ain't that red baby i guess so uh-oh you cut too deep you cut too deep no i didn't i didn't cut it let it cook it looks like we have a box full of dresses oh yeah we're good we're good all right that thing looks like this big cool okay it's a 2xl okay nice so that's what that whole box is that's uh what's the price tag that's 12. the price tag is 15. that's true so these may be an easy five dollars this i wonder if that was what the box because a lot of these boxes what we looked at actually had what was in the box the extra box it had never been opened right it's unusual yeah they had been taken like their empty uh tish or um toilet paper boxes and paper towel boxes and filling them with stuff and some of they had some potato boxes and we're filling them with stuff so what was on the outside of the box wasn't what was on the inside so this palette seems like quite a few of the boxes whatever was listed on the outside is what's on the inside next box the whole outfit yeah this is the victoria's secret pink wannabes this is the dollar general version of victoria's secret pink and it says love on the side so it's a really nice sweatpants and sweat jackets and so you got how many sets yeah three sets oh medium they're ten dollars a piece and we get three dollars a piece out of them at the freeway right yeah that was a good one that's a good find you got that and then we got some looks like fancy girls fancy sweaters oh they have um little leggings to go with them with little jewels to match the sweaters we've got turquoise jewels and pink jewels and those are mark 1250 a set so that's nice real 50th set yeah and then we have some um little girls dresses marked five dollars each these will go now right yeah these will go now because they're still summer i need to keep that separate yeah we'll need to take those and then some more love sweatpants and they're marked ten dollars a piece too so nice we try to separate what we can take to the flea market now and what we have to save till fall now this looks like an original box what does it say fragile helicopter 23 millimeter white not sure what that means this looks like original packaging means something oh 25 jackets keep all the plastic intact with a hoodie those are 10 bucks right yeah nice brand new with tags yes we gotta filter the lines four of them in here so that's fall do we have our tape so these obviously are not what the box says they are because those were not light you know i gotta find you a knife i've got several inside i need to put one in my fanny pack don't cut the merchandise oh hello throws nice oh they're bagged let's take one out eight dollar throws and some of these these are five the plain ones the plain colors are five and the fancy ones are eight so these will be two dollars when the weather gets a little chilled all through what this net we got some difference well i see something with ears down here so let's take these out let's see what the ears are you know hooded blankets oh little kids hooded blankets it's a little kitty i know who might get one of these uh oh i hope she's not watching she's gonna ruin her christmas ripley if you're watching close your eyes and your ears let's see what do you want you want a kitty cat a unicorn an owl or a kitty or a black kitty or white kitty that's something bunny oh that's good is that a bunny that's smudged it's we can't sell it so maybe she'll get that one exactly so that's so we like to close we do real good with the smoke yeah we have um probably i'm sure we've made our money back off of the pallets that we purchased in bulk well i think we're ahead over here yeah and so come winter time come christmas and fall this is all just what i call pp it's pure profit laid back yeah we've got boxes and boxes and stuff laid back yeah this has been easy to recoup money on looks like full sheet luxuriously soft full you must all be full sheet sets four sets four sets are all full sheets full sheet set they don't have i don't see any prices on them so one fitted one flat two pillowcases yeah no prices on them but they're brand new so these for now these can go now yep those are now here take them out put them in here i don't know we'll have to look them up and see how much how much they could go to the store and get them for this one's a light one this one this one may be a gift bag or anything on the bottom up pillows pill is so so depressed eight dollars for a pillow come on dollar general come on three bucks can we get three in them i've got the other pillow no two dollars yeah we've sell pillows for two dollars so so pillars uh so-so yeah these can go now yeah it doesn't look like it's ever been opened so that's a slow cooking small that's for household use only on it so we can sell those for five easy all day long these are now yeah anything that's not seasonal goes now to recoup money what do you like to price your dollar journal stuff usually a third uh yeah most of the clothes and shoes and things like that will price them a third of what the value is um household stuff half and they these were were dollar generals from uh florida yeah zolfo springs florida so if you're from zolfo springs florida let us know give us a thumbs up give us a thumbs up let us know how um zulfo springs florida is stuff so this is a mishmash of things cool i'm not sure what that is amazing snow powder we taught little socks for babies i guess you spa headbands little unicorn type headbands it expands instantly whoa something to play with huh uh there's some more it rolled off been knee-deep in snow this is fall you putting this is stuff you take now uh omni later on mini q a tiny little bunny rabbit he'll go in the three four or the five for a dollar bin let's see real quick all right does he work oh that's cool a bunny happened yeah there he goes i don't know if they can see her cosmos like where is that let me add it a real tree muscle shirt that goes now goes now that's a pretty little t-shirt love always with some elephants on it that'll go on the three dollar rack a school box oh looky here i think this may be a 12 months 12 months into 24 months oh you're not not bad nice got suds all over party decorations this is uh five for a dollar stuff a little dress soft and cozy dress three dollars isn't that going here now when we were picking up the palette today the owner of the palette place was telling us that the reason they're getting all of this dollar general stuff is that the dollar general stores are doing what they call a reset and she said that when they do that they totally empty out the store they take everything out of the store and totally restock it with brand new stuff so that's what all these pallets are so dollar generals in florida have just totally cleaned out the stores in preparation for brand new stuff and they're getting some pallets in from tennessee and georgia last one we got was south carolina yeah so and then this is florida and are those the other places tennessee and georgia was there one more place got some hair bands some twine some of these worthless little squishy things that are just nasty looking they get dirty and real here there's a little oh here's another little later no i got one there all i need is one and a little swimsuit here's a school box we can put stuff in another one of those little nasty squishy things throw it in here what am i throwing in there it's a nice description and then a dream big keychain will go into five for a dollar thing and that goes with the oh this one's getting ready to fall out of the van so let's do that one was this trash i just put small stuff in it oh it's small this small stuff i see a display box of some sort oh before set items on selling floor please remove plastic and swift tags so this is the complete display let's take it out and show everybody what we're wowing about that is awesome look at that you can just take that one baby clothes look at that we set that round table just like that that's right i don't think so that takes up so much that takes up too much space look at that though that is awesome that is pretty cool i don't think it takes up too much space how much you're going to display all that on the rash that we already have no we got one rack and it's full of shirts and dresses right and we're going to do this right here this is what we're doing you'll see it i have spoken i haven't had the last word i have spoken size 12 so how much are these books they're um cable tied onto the bar they're seven dollars past seven dollars that's three dollars a piece yeah so how many we got one two three four five six on each one two three four five six there's thirty six six is thirty six these cute little dresses dang i like that all right put it back in here but i still think it's a mm-hmm that's for now yeah oh yeah where's your marker there was a couple boxes like that i hope they're all the same oh oh books oh we got smoke for some more oh there's no there's an iron man though there's other stuff down there salmon rusty anybody want a salmon rusty book call us messages a teeny bit of trouble don't eat this book don't eat this oh don't eat this book i understand what that means i thought it was don't eat this eat this don't eat this whoa look at that cute outfit mac lupica troublemaker that's cool is that uh now yeah sure i just should i just go ahead and pick these in the garbage no we'll give them away oh okay yeah yeah yeah somebody will take them if you give them away another t-shirt what's it say it's one of those zone pros that we've been selling 3x oh yeah oh yeah there's a swimsuit that's 15 bucks that's a good five bucks i am a set yeah 15 price tag on it it's all summer tons of clothes it's got a little smoke one of a kind here's a cool nine dollar toddler it says three t green tea this is a jammy set oh it's all schmidt stuff over here oh yeah that's cool with the camel american flag 10 bucks that's three bucks easy like we've said before three dollars is the magic number in our fleet so you want to oh another swimsuit you want to get another box out why sort through yeah i always i always want to be bossy i think those pants go to this little set beyond cute so the most of the little kids stuff we don't really hang up i just throw them out on a table the dresses things like that that will bring three bucks i'll hang up a lot of this stuff it's a dollar or two dollars for the kids stuff like this only has a 350 price tag on it so it'll just be a dollar yo how cute i see toys my little pony drip paint and spin cool art i used to have one of them yeah yeah do you make cool art with it yeah that's cool five bucks on the two buck table what's this little pony bowling set ten dollars there we go these will be five bucks i'm liking this you picked out a good palette this time baby thank you be me beautiful butterflies you put sparkles and whatnot oh butterflies here's a barbie of color nice there we go yeah that'll go some footies is that all stuff to go yeah i'm making sure i can put some of it back in here once i make sure everything is cactus i think that's part of the set but i'm not sure where's the other that's not it some of these sets i think get yeah separated we've got pieces of sets here vinyl sport balls price five dollars another vinyl ball can't see can't let jen see this fantasy princess pony oh how cute well that'll go that will go little girls love their princess pony stuff this is the four pack puzzle paw patrol puzzle pack paw patrol two dollar table this stuff needs to be wiped off these are there's a pair on it i guess if they're one pair on a stick piece of paper what are these those probably can go into five for a dollar pound really yeah like that or maybe two for the idle now we'll have to think about it all right i got some more room in this box don't tell me to get another box you should know the drill by now and these boxes look like they've been sitting around for a while dirty sit in the warehouse how many how many dollar general scores was it sixteen thousand well over sixteen thousand dollar general stores in the united states a little bit of useless information before we were looking up dollar general info video this morning 16 000. yeah we were we took a guess i guess there was probably about 20 000 in the united states todd guessed fifty thousand i guess i win i don't know what i'm talking about oh birkenstock want to be birkenstocks nice and little pink soft is that now yeah is that dirt on that collar is that dirty probably yeah this one's a little schmutz is it gray no it's it's all yellowed right there oh yeah probably been hanging in the store for a while just toss these in there yeah but not i guess the slippers can wait to make sure see what's underneath size nine size nine size seven these feel comfortable different kind yep these are eight dollars i think we get three of them we're gonna try but probably not for slippers queen nap queen slippers soft this is all kind of this is rest slippers slippers we'll hold on to these for another month or so yep perfect for christmas here's another one of those boxes that has a potential display in it yep sure is awesome i need to go back and look for these boxes look at that more are they the same design it looks like it so it's another one of those little miniature displays with a bunch of the little girls dresses on it looks like the exact same dresses and they're three books a piece so another 36 dresses 78 98 108 108 there you go 36 times three 108 108 yes 108 potential potential box has a potential of 108 so that's two there's two boxes of that i think there was another one if it's got the same thing this is a heavy clinky one this is a clinky one that sounds like it has glasses i got one you got one i got one so i guess i could bring a bump armed and dangerous this one's heavy oh this has got all kinds of little boxes in it and books oh hey now sarah palin going rogue i didn't know he got excited over sarah palin you know it you know learning to drive more books dollar store books oh that was clinky yep i see something as seen on tv a taste of temptation spin spa cleansing facial brush now we could lay that on the table for three dollars and nobody even give it a second look but we take it out of the box we've learned that we can't sell anything like this in the box it's got to come out of the box and half the time they don't even want the box unless it's around christmas time maybe yeah unless you're trying to fish but there's still got to be one out yep that they can see yep so and then we got some hats some cute little silver boots do we need to hold on to these for fall no no yeah get rid of them some kind of little unicorn pillow i guess is the pillow am i supposed to put him in do box little little wallets i guess we can throw this stuff over here with the slippers birthday flashing candle holder more slippers oh we had some of those but we had them on the two dollar table did we sold them oh this is the one number one more tennis shoes color changing there's another one right there some more 1990s car phone chargers car phone i mean cell phone charger that goes on dollar table oh mom this one's for you best best mom ever that can go that can go that can go it can oh more of these things do we sell them um i think they're still in a bin in there but it's a toothbrush holder in the shape of a clam shell got a bunch of these oh look here garden glove and visor set that's cool always on duty a little t-shirt another spin spa oh easter egg todd won't let me pick these up out of the goodwill bins i did did one year what two years ago yep and we hauled them till we wore them out but we sold them until the packages fell apart sell them no we didn't we sold them here you go hang in uh uh smell goods smell good the beads for a closet or something sparkling hangovers lavender we got some body wash pens body wash pants crayola can paint yourself oh no way good for couples play body wash pen with blueberry scented wild blueberry scented whoa should we keep these babies colorful bath fun cheer oh let's put any stuff that has the potential to leak in here or personal personal stuff more colored body wash backdrops fragrance free water coloring tablets three dollars for that bowl hair bro dollar general table table i don't know about bracing there it's a little headband spa headband more little girls t-shirts princess jasberry jam scented jazz berry screaming green apple cinnamon a bugging with a fuzzy ball a lady's hat goes in the fall we're going to be set for bargains and slippers you have anybody out there need a bargain or slippers come a lot of these jelly bath bombs berry celtic citrus scented a lot more wallets it's a sparkly wallet oh it's a little notebook journal type thing a brand new unopened pack the pumpkin spice oh and they smell good do you have another box um another empty box that we can nope not really all right i'm gonna put these here for now and we'll put them back in here after we get everything out all right our pair of tennis shoes and the rest of this is stuff i'm going to clean out now here's an activity cube what's an activity it's got activity pages five crayons and two sticker sheets you do activities you do activities with it yeah so i'm going to take this down and clean this out while todd gets another box i got a box there oh well i'll get to it oh there's those little boxes that came out oh yeah anchor honking that's the glass jars decorative jars we got one that didn't have a marion bright gift jars oh box of six of those might bring a dollar maybe probably not probably not maybe a dollar for the whole box can't be able to beat two jars for a dollar i hate to sell anything for 50 cents a dollar a piece or two for a dollar there you go that way people have to take two of them yep that's right people will buy we have five for a dollar box and people will come up there with six things and it's 50 cents it's 50 cents a piece or five for a dollar somebody just finds one thing it's 50 cents surely you can find five exactly throw them in the garbage on your way out but you gotta take five things for a dollar oh check these out baby look at those little slippers eight bucks they got pressed look at that those are cute cute you got uh swans and unicorns oh those will sell i'm sure yep more fall stuff and that's one thing about the dollar general stuff you know ninety percent of it is brand new packaged and you know ready to go if you if you buy return pallets you don't know what you get with this stuff at least you know it's brand new supposedly mostly in good shape this sounds jingly too sounded like some glassware oh no this is cool silly sense finger paint hey here's even better pitch that stuff we got the finger paint the whole case of it again good for couples play dollar tube this one's gonna need taped up bathtub finger paint hello six 12 pieces that's nice i like unfortunately we don't have a bathtub no we don't do we no there goes that idea who's that idea out the window scroll all the fun okay this box isn't usable it's like muck in it all right yellow jacket i'm gonna have to go get my bug assault oh look at here whole package thermal tops six of them some stuff to wipe medium large large extra large extra large 2x one open box look at that nice yeah we're gonna have to start looking for these boxes with the blue around and that's what those other boxes were oh okay yeah all right yeah yeah look look that was unopened that one that one came from um jacksonville georgia i thought she said these were from florida they were the one was from florida well we got one from georgia too they interchange them between stores get in there looking for another box to put this stuff in nice modem jars anchor hawking these are these are nothing oh these are bigger same premise same premise yeah maine usa anchor hawking no they may they might go for a dollar yeah making jams and jellies filling them up with jelly beans the cookie stuff where you put the flour and the cocoa and you layer it you know it's decorative i'm gonna supply you with the ingredients but you have to you have to bake it oh wow shirt long sleeve i believe they are long-sleeved don't they are priced at ten dollars that's three dollars three dollars that's going to pop them back up in there and read yeah it was and then those are the pants more they look like lounge and pants yeah lounge and pants that's what i meant to say lounge and these are um some more of those jammy sets they say coffee and pajamas coffee and pajamas in a heart yeah four of those some little boys jammies go team with all kinds of sports balls on them cool those are marked five dollars three should be able to get three out of them that's what's here i was agreeing with you oh you agreed with me i'm so used to you arguing with me i didn't suspect that these are like a sweatpant type mid-length shirt 10 bucks there's five of them here 24 months 12 months 18 and 24 months that's what this is 12 18 and 24 months so that's good what kind of sizes to choose from oh yeah so this whole box quackerjack crackerjacks man you've never heard of it well maybe you need to show the dollar general mike yeah i don't need to shop at dollar general shopping video support little support now we're gonna be able to get all this back in here see perfect i hope it don't start raining i don't see a scramble i hear rain i felt it yep so we take a take a second to put things under cover put it right back in there so so so where's our canopy we always say when we do this stuff we're going to set a canopy yep well so much for all of that rain going around this i'm learning not to trust the radar see this box there we go this is another dollar general pallet that's piled up here with stuff well sharper image at dollar general check it out baby yeah those are the slippers i was talking about yeah and dollar general he knew that dollar general had sharper image that's cool oh did we sell that other big one yeah we did we had a big one like this before the light fixture coloring pages means all right all right well unfortunately that's all for now because the rain is upon us if we had remembered to put our canopy up we probably could have continued a little bit but anyway yeah i think we're done i think we're done because just cause you say something cause i said so because i always get the last word i always get the final decision ain't that right baby all right peoples we'll see you next time see you out there hopefully thank you for joining us subscribe bye everyone click the button the bell all that stuff all that stuff everything you're supposed to do on youtube but don't
Channel: ToddnJenn Huffington
Views: 526
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: qtnhzkI1e68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 56sec (3296 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 13 2020
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