They Are THROWING AWAY EVERYTHING! - Trash Picking Ep. 264

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all righty everyone welcome back welcome back to another video it is trash speaking day I did go out trash picking the other day this and when I combine the two days however I also went out I think it was yesterday day before yesterday I stole a bunch of metal in my van big issue right now scrap yards all over the area are closed right now so I cannot go anywhere with this metal for probably bout another week or week and a half I'm thinking maybe I'll just make a pound for my garage it looks kind of trashy looks kind of junky but I guess that's what I'll have to do however I did not get the metal out of the van already so I'm going just be piling more stuff on top of it that's just how it's gonna be let's see how we let's see how we do and let's see we fine now let's make it a fun one let's find some treasure what do you say let's do it oh we have here looks really expensive it's broke at the bottom see it's busted right there that's why looks like a really expensive vacuum cleaner cookie gee I remember I picked up I think is a Kirby G for attachments yes I think is up a vacuum a pull like in your workshop essential cleaning probably dust vacuum I think that's what's actually called oh I see what they are they're geared for archery interesting a whole bunch of shutters chairs metal chairs two of them a little moldy but we'll deal with that later well the old astral bag collection that it's interesting oh my welcome to me like it's a lot of junk see a nice clean in there or a nice yardstick collectors it's not a military blank it looks like one but it's not Marshalls Creek there you go Marshalls Creek that's a bamboo stick that's shattered up here it's bout it folks it's about it find out here puffing yeah holy moly trash what's that guy doing the world so this road it's terrible we are in the second typical cheese in the second town now probably this road it's really not a two-lane road it's a one lane but it's two ways we're in a second town now knowing that there's been a lot of different restrictions in the past couple days five days or so every single day everything's changing everyone seems to be home so what does that mean that means trash is out and plenty however at the same time it also means that there are cars literally just jam-packed on these roads so to pull off and try to park it's going to be tough but we'll try and make do with what we have all right what do we have here no idea what that is VHS what is that that's really cool that's really cool still notices Cosette front loading system made by Toshiba this is probably one of lightest themes of metal I've ever picked up sweet what am I going to a fit no idea the one do you ever get a very large basket it's a little jacket up there but I never find something like that but salsas toys in it do a lot of things so just be a little generous here a little bit metal out here but I think I see something I can probably use that this is thanks I don't know tripod as well it looks like it's uh spindle your staircase take a look over there trash look at this sidewalk I don't even know that show it upright but one thing with trash picking you always look for oddities I see a lot of different colors over here on the left so we'll see what that's all about they also have a lot of oddities up there we have a car coming I won't be as intent I guess he's looking I don't know what it is well maybe it's his stuff always look for IVs because you never know what you're going to find so here we have tons of mattresses I saw something that looked like it was brown behind that but that was their trash can what these people go and the fans really loud that is or this this look like a really nice frame it's an old it is it's not a new frame by any means whatever that is is just absolutely outrageous oh geez [Music] that's a good piece someone's broken but I think I'll still do a nice door there should have a roller on it it's missing that oh man only I hope this hickory shaft golf clubs in the trash oh geez I'm pretty sure whatever I did they're probably not very good for an environment now they're a imitation dirty invitation ones they're not really Hicker shaft why do I think these are ski racks you know what else is here nice couple more items Oh downer ones are definitely smashed up take a hammer swipers as I can't reject our neighbor who knows if that works how's it going all righty this whole scrapyard thing not being open it's gonna be an issue actually I don't know if I knew all this stuff for next week or two weeks I mean just but the thing is I don't think a lot of other scrappers are out so you know $1,000 I don't think there's gonna be a lot of scrappers out so this stuff is literally going to landfill so we'll just make tacos house the landfill or a scrap yard for the next week or so I guess I can I can deal with that scrap stuff that I can't take it's got a lot of mesh and stuff on it I would say no metal left behind but I just left pedal behind the last stop my runway grab this clean metal nicely wrapped my goodness Mercer really what works on it like this things like I guess we'll find a way to put it right here just went to sling this thing up and I was like you know what let's I think I'll sit here maybe I don't know probably honest things st. prior weights hundred pounds it's missing Frank cover [Music] stupid heavy alright a subscriber actually just sent me a message to Instagram told me about this this is bananas I can see they're going somewhere because they had that trailer there and it's packed covered this is gonna be rough when I take this I grab in all this metal I think my yard stone my yard is gonna look like this pretty shortly pretty soon pretty shortly do the old hamburger check nothing in there so I do think everyone out there will give me his up on this kind of stuff cheese the piece c2h5 the treasure some seen a ton of empty boxes now looking like that it's like I'm not grabbing at this right now I'm not grabbing it airsoft rifle thinks night or soft paintball gun I guess I'll grab these so it's definitely good deeds are really nice this is I'll probably that's why I say this one put this in the warehouse let's be real here boy try to sell these because these are there that I just do how do you think stack there you go yeah that's that got some weight got sweet try my best to do this right bro it's just gone more and more of a hassle right now I can't do this maybe I can lift it now maybe not there you go big issue I have is the $400 camera on my chest so I don't smack it around boxes alright alright so we made it back voila here we are so we did grab a couple cool things got the JT tactical paintball gun we also have a bunch of scrap metal that would be for sure this awesome like patio set we got going on this I mean wicker like I've always said it's not really the best selling item I think I'll keep the chairs even though the table goes with it you'll need to get a glass cuz well I hate to break it to you but for cocktail hour boop-boop-boop you're not really gonna put a cocktails on there so you'd have to get a glass cut everything like that and then eventually once you start dealing with all this other issues with that you might find a buyer but the amount of my you have invest is just too crazy so I then when I'm just trying to keep the chairs I'm not going to try to scrap them cuz well scrap is so far down anyway we did grab that awesome awesome basket very very cool we also grabbed that really cool old vintage maybe even antique picture frame well if a reproduction looked like piece of paper inside or whatever was framed inside there it is safe it's just hiding in the corner I know everyone's like oh you Paul scrap metal and everything break everything well that is not being broken that is in good shape I did grab that massive air conditioner I think what I'll do is actually why these days this week I'll actually sit down and take that whole thing apart I know a lot of people been requesting for scrap metal videos in terms of taking things apart on sorting metal so maybe it will rip that whole thing apart and I'll show you exactly what's inside and what you know what you can scrap things for will be like an S and more scrapping video but yeah another fun day thank you to everyone out there for all the support it's been truly amazing I can't thank you guys and girls enough for all this it's it's been a good run so far and hopefully it'll continue I know there's definitely a lot of restrictions put in place this is my consideration of social social distancing as you see I don't deal anyone outside it's just literally just me I don't trash pick with someone else I don't really even talk to anyone really wanting trash picking I don't even come close to anyone everyone's inside or walking down the road or whatever might be so it's my way of social distancing it's also my way of exercising so by being able to do that kind of thing I'm able to continue the trash pick but no pickup soccer no pickup soccer games for me no pickup basketball games for me no going to the mall none of that keep your distance if you guys can all you everyone out there while we try to get through these tough times and hopefully you guys enjoyed the video if you guys enjoyed the video go ahead smack that like fun let's try to get this Rio to 5,000 likes if you guys wanna follow me on instagram at taco underscore stacks I do post a bunch of bonus content over there as well stuff maybe for everything subscribe down below for more treasure hunts until next time have a great day keep living a dream hoose [Music]
Channel: Taco Stacks
Views: 70,061
Rating: 4.8982253 out of 5
Keywords: Trash Picking, Garbage Picking, Trash Day, Found in trash, found in garbage, dumpster diving, dumpster dive, speedy diver, dumpster dive ulta, dumpster dive gamestop, abandoned, abandoned house, estate clean out, house clean out, bank forclosure, scrapping, scrap pallet man, omargosh, steve and steph, dumpster dive target, scrapper, garbage men find, garbage truck
Id: UCQmny84_7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 0sec (1380 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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