We Will NEVER Forget this Amazon Customer Returns Liquidation Pallet | Liquidation Pallet Unboxing

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i have nothing to say nothing to say yeah hi there my name is joe and i'm jessica we are homeschooling natural living entrepreneurs this is a story of how we balance it all for the freedom to live our lives devoted to our family and faith thanks for stopping by subscribe and come on in and action what's up everybody so today we are unboxing this palette right here it's an amazon customer returns palette that we got from southern liquidation is this this is the second palette that we have purchased from them that we are unboxing we paid 350 for it we went and picked this up uh so we calculated a cost across the three pallets at 75 a piece so we are all in on this pallet for 425 the last pallet we unboxed it didn't quite meet our expectations but today we're still going after our goal of doubling our money so we're shooting for 850 bucks let's get into it [Music] i all right a little more sturdy than the last one these boxes are stacked nice they're nice and square let's get these two toys here because they're right on top and uh yeah let's do it do a quick search in here i'm not gonna do too much but to see what i'm working with here making sure at least there's you know parts so looking at it we've got the two vehicles we've got i'm gonna have to like go through the instructions and double check and make sure all the parts are there and there are instructions more pieces all right so assuming that this is all good um it depends on how much it costs but chances are this is definitely going to be a really nice local sale this item here is selling for [Music] 39.67 so about 40 bucks assuming that all of this stuff is good we can we can probably sell this locally for 20 bucks okay the second one is this fortnight nerf gun sweet gun looks pretty cool um i cannot show julian i know right she's gonna want it um it's hard to get it out of the box but this has obviously been used i'm going to inspect it when it comes to listing it uh making sure that all the parts are there and making sure that it works i might even shoot joe in the face not maybe not the face that's holding it we're so aggressive i know i don't know why i said face maybe like the back side or something did i make you did i make you mad no i don't know why i said that that was really that was really mean i apologize so let's find out how much this dude is worth so we can kind of get an idea [Music] okay okay so this item is selling online for 51 to 53 dollars somewhere around there so that's actually pretty sweet so assuming that this works and everything is good i'll sell it for 25 if there's any cosmetic damage or anything like that i'll drop it five to ten dollars here it's like at the hamilton beach my guess is a blender but that's why we unbox these because you never know what you're gonna get until you unbox it not a blender what is it it's a coffee maker ooh well that could have been a second guess yep maybe a little espresso machine oh nice i'm not really sure what that is some i don't know some coffee maker it looks like it has been used and gently used you can see some wear down here actually see some mine is that denting yeah there's a small little dent there okay so cosmetic damage can't sell it as new open box for sure i think i mean you can look inside it looks pretty clean i mean it doesn't really look to have been used because that's where the coffee would go you'd see some discoloration and stuff so i don't think this has ever been brewed in but somehow it is scratched up let's check to see how much it's worth so when we do price checks we always use the amazon buying app to check prices just go to the amazon app a lot of people ask us what we do because it's got a little barcode feature we just hit the little camera barcode scan it pops right up so awesome so this is on sale it's normally 70 bucks on sale for 45 dollars i'm thinking 20 bucks i don't even know what is this what is this oh hey it's a baby thingy is it no until i keep them from rolling off but that's huge babe like the baby is not gonna unless it's like for a bassinet i don't know dude or the maybe the top of a crib maybe the crib mattress could be i mean it's it's memory foam it's got discoloration you know i don't think i'm gonna want to put my baby on it if that's what this is oh it's a dog bed yep it's a dog bed so babies know doggies okay but i don't know maybe some people out there would never put their dog on this i don't know uh i'm thinking we can get five bucks for this at our flea market so i'm a little worried about this one but i'm gonna grab it anyway because it's big and it's in front but it's upside down and it's telling the box says to keep it upright so i don't know if i should flip it over we know that never works i know i'm gonna okay so it's been open on this side all right let's do this oh that does not bode well look at that it's got like a yep oh man that's broken yeah but yeah uh i like the lampshade though we could still sell the lampshade um somebody will would buy a lampshade like that it's pretty and uh as for this thing that's a neat little lamp i mean it's huge i like it i would use this and it's big it's it's pretty tall i mean you know uh i just don't know how to fix something like this so i don't know about that i don't know i don't know what to do with something like this um i don't know babe what do you think yeah i mean this is where like we will probably get a million suggestions from you guys because you guys are awesome at suggesting how to fix stuff we just don't have time to do all those repairs so uh if you are interested in buying this or any any of the items that are on this pallet check out the facebook group which is down in the descriptions where we put all the items from the pallets and we'll put this up for auction maybe somebody want to buy it for a cheap price we'll probably start auction off at five bucks charge for shipping maybe somebody will buy it as an art project so and if nobody and if nobody buys it then we'll just part it out and sell the lampshade grab no i'm not grabbing that now i'm grabbing it one box we know holy that's heavier than i thought one box we know in one box that jingles that we don't know it's been definitely used you can see some some scratching and which that's going to be inside like that i don't know if it has all the pieces in here it's got the little thing here it's one of the things where i don't feel safe selling it just because i don't want to put somebody else's kid in danger if it doesn't work or if it's broken but it's looking like all the pieces are here so i'm thinking this is we could probably get you know 10 bucks for this at the market it's a bissell steam shot i don't want to suppose that it's one of those little steamers that steam clothes and such uh but i think it might be that you got the hose looking inside i've never seen one like this nice before that's fancy it's been used and uh something that's gonna have to be tested uh put some water in there then empty the water a lot of work into making sure that this is resale ready uh so let's look up the price these are retailing brand new for 40 bucks this one's been used if it's in working condition i think we can get 15 for it i'm trying to pull stuff off the off like you know it was fragile oh i don't like the sound of that something's shaky in there too y'all hear that that sounded like glass y'all i hate hearing glass because it's so hard to dispose of it's so dangerous it brings back memories too yeah there was a time where we had a four thousand dollar sink uh off the return pallet and we made the mistake of searching it up before we looked at it and uh it was completely shattered it was shattered and it was just very it was a good punch um okay oh okay hey plastic tubs plastic tubs uh this one's got this one's got a crack in it yeah i'm seeing a little break here in this one also so maybe there'll be enough matches you can sell a couple yeah um i mean how much are bins worth okay so these guys are selling for 59.99 what yes we're obviously not going to be able to get that much for them how many guys in there there are i don't know i think there's four four okay i think there's four so if we can get five dollars for a good match that's not broken i'd be happy with that yeah so five dollars each yeah i'm just gonna assume that two of them are probably good so ten dollars hey get off yeah all righty let's go with this one because i like opening the stuff that you don't know what you're gonna get sounds like plastic you better be careful because one of these days you might shake it and break it i know shake it back where's that seeing hot wheels this may never leave our house alligator it's been used a lot like some little toddler like they really use this they use the heck out of this sucker and then when they were done like let's ship it back and get a new one well here's another thing to think about uh it's gonna be almost impossible it's gonna take forever to figure out if there's no paper in here this box doesn't have any like i mean look at that or anything i mean if you can figure out how to make it work we'll just keep it yeah but if you knew what it was a little pro tip that you could do is part it out uh if it's not a complete set because parents may lose the alligator it may break and they want the hot wheels set so they may go to ebay looking for mr alligator uh but we're gonna say zero bucks because we just don't know uh and this is a lot of mess to go through [Music] i'm gonna grab these two things yeah no no no you're not hey look i'm my own woman and do you do what you want i do what i want we put this guy here you want the fresh flakes is that a chicken on there fresh flakes is that like frosted flakes but for chickens i wish okay this this particular guy is not on amazon anymore but this bedding sells for around thirteen dollars so we'll just you know sell it for five bucks at the flea market we've got a lot of people who have chickens here they jump on that i didn't realize what we grabbed but this is cool because i love uh you do decorative stuff sells so well here it does i got so excited so but you know don't get too excited these are returns they are the chances that it's broken could be pretty high so we'll see what happens oh my gosh it's i can i love the colors already i hope it's not bro we don't need it oh but babe look colors uh balls i mean they are but see i broke the i broke the padding already sell it locally we don't need padding just to sell it down the road oh i seen it i saw it it's a bummer yep look at that right there that's a bummer that's pretty too oh man it's kind of heavy duty yeah i mean this is one of those things where it's like it was padded so well they had to have dropped this it looks used like look it's got scratches on that no no no that's from the uh styrofoam styrofoam all right but can i keep these balls yeah i guess are you gonna throw those at me too i'm sorry that was an accident we could sell those balls if we wanted to sell we could probably get you know four or five bucks for the two balls do you think uh let's play market boost yeah somebody will buy those bowls all right so it's only it's only like 40 40 it's 47 not only 47 dollars but it's 47 so you know it's not a huge huge loss we'll sell the balls for you know four dollars a piece so eight dollars yeah i guess i'll grab swaddle me baby stuff sells well and uh this little whoops this little chocolate fountain i wonder if she needs fun doing it you probably could uh i like cheese you do like cheese and uh i don't know just something like this i gotta i got a bad feeling that somebody on a budget wedding on a cheap wedding budget they maybe not even a wedding baby shower they rented this for the weekend and then they returned it after the wedding and it looks like that is the case so oh that's great it is so there's lots of chocolate on this there's chocolate in the bowl in the fountain on the cord uh there's just chocolate everywhere you see nice buildup down there like they did rent this thing uh and we don't have the time to be going and cleaning this before we sell it so i don't know if anybody out there want to buy it we'll put it in the group to auction off and somebody can pay shipping if somebody wants to clean it then more power to you but we'll start in there for like five bucks so let's look at swaddle me we like baby stuff and it's in a little baggie good news all right oh so cute you get a lot of baby stuff is that people have babies and they have little baby showers they sign up for like this gift registry in amazon they get too many or they get like items and they send items back and i hope this is one of those items it looks beautiful yeah so it doesn't look to have ever been used and uh it looks good so no nothing great condition so that's exciting yay it's a win all right so retail is 62 bucks i'm thinking 40 bucks this box is extremely light and then i'm gonna grab this thing before we forget about it all right but it is an elongated toilet bowl seat so it's one of those toiletable seats that go real real long sell these for five bucks we've got a few of them at the flea market booth it takes a minute for them to sell but we'll sell them for five what could it be what's in the box it's a very big box and it feels like there's something really small inside of it or something let's see it is a bin i think of something okay it's a bin dog food bin nice it's actually and it's broken is it broken yeah it is broken see yeah the pieces are yeah so that sucks that's a big box to be a broken item it is but you know and it stinks for like the profitability of this but i could use this we're homeschooling a homeschooling family we're always looking to be able to store stuff in bins so i mean we're gonna call it zero because i mean you can't even use it for anything you know really so i'm just gonna use it myself all right so we're halfway through this palette and i would love to be able to tell you guys i'm super excited but i am not um you know like i said we paid 350 for this palette um and really we're all in for 425 for so we're supposed to be making 8.50 on this we're halfway through the palette and we're at 168. uh so we're not at this point you know if we don't find really good stuff in the next half of the palette then we've lost money on this one and uh i'm not i am not thrilled to say the least so we got a yeah i i think it's toilet paper it looks to be toilet paper but we better open it up because you never know in case somebody used something else and then we've got a case of brawny if this is toilet paper and paper towels we will be keeping it for the house so it will not add to our profitability but will save us lots of money from spinning at the store and it is for sure toilet paper awesome angel soft i like it uh score a lot of people are like you know you know you when you think about it you know we could spend money to purchase this at the store or we could just keep it off the pallet since we've already purchased it at a discount anyway yep so looking at the brawny it is paper towels so yes so two boxes that's like probably a 20 box this is probably 20 box if we were to sell it but it ain't worth it this is a little frustrating we are happy to save the money from having to not buy toilet paper and paper towels for a while but we're so far in the hole on the pallet at this point that i was hoping that we can get some items that we could actually sell and put in our pocket all right so this is zarnis which i love because it sells so well and secondly it actually says a two-step comfort foam pet stairs so not only is it a good brand that resells super well but it is also as long as it is not broken it is also pet supplies so hopefully uh you know this will be really good and we can add it try to at least try to break even at this point like i i don't know at this point that's like my goal now so um it's still in its original packaging doesn't even look like it's been opened so that is really cool really cool so this is the pet stair i guess one folds on top of the other yeah to make a very small stair for beds sweet i like how you're holding your tongue is that the trick there's another one over here now i'm self-conscious about how i'm holding my tongue okay uh so this is a this is 24.99 so we can sell this for 15 at the flea market booth and i think that would be good yep i'm gonna grab this big box here it's another box and uh it's a big box that is light so that doesn't bode well oh my gosh what if it's another what if it's another bin here goes a very heavily used little kids item that goes over the little oh that's interesting yeah so uh i'm thinking two bucks at the flea market booth i can clean that up pretty quick yep so let's look at this one though it's light there's nothing in there oh my goodness say hello to my little friend does it work though because this palette sucks uh it's missing so many darts that's okay uh oh wrong way this thing works this is how i feel about this palette is this right here you're ridiculous i wish i could just blow it up because this palette uh we're having fun unboxing this cool stuff but it's a total waste of money uh for this something in 10 bucks we can get for this uh it doesn't have the bullets that many bullets so 10 bucks that doesn't look good no i'm just you know at this point like i'm like just emotionally speaking like i am just feeling very irritated yeah it's part of the game y'all like i'm not sitting here like i'm so angry yeah but you know when you do this for a living like the risk is always there it is always there it doesn't matter how long you've been doing this uh you could do you know we did our due diligence with these pallets and with this liquidator um and still we are where we are right now so the risk is not another plastic i am done opening these ominous boxes another plastic bin another broken putty yeah another broken plastic bin i have nothing to say nothing to say yeah what you're seeing with this palette is uh a lot of the big boxes was all broken stuff uh which sucks you can't make money off of broken items specifically but when the broken items are in big big boxes uh and taking up a lot of the space on the pallet there's no money to be made and we're experiencing that today so we got some cat litter and we are actually thinking about getting the kids some cats whispering they won't watch this video but if you don't have cats you guys have told us that you can use this to clean up oil spills in the garage uh but we're just gonna hang on to this i mean why not we're already in the hole yes there's no recovering no recovering so you don't have to i'm gonna grab this box that says fragile but looks like it's been ran over uh by a semi truck oh boy it looks to be it's uh what do you think it's a burnt up uh it's a fan but it has quite the odor it's got like oil or some substance on there and uh it's kind of burning my nostrils i mean look at this other side what is this stop touching it put it away thanks for opening that box for me babe i took one for the team i may be making a great mistake because these are organizer bins oh great at least i know what i'm getting into you know what i mean yeah i'll i am a positive freezer and refrigerator yes oh we need some of them we do i'm a positive and optimistic person by nature have always been um but i do sometimes feel frustration um and this is how i'm feeling right now does not mean that i'm you know gonna stop doing this or that you know i don't have you know fade i mean these look good yeah but we're keeping them because why not you know like why not keep them uh we i've actually been for eggs yeah oh that's so cool i've actually been pricing stuff like this like cereal boxes and stuff like that because my kids are becoming way more self-sufficient and to be able to sort out their snacks and have like easily accessible foods and stuff to kind of help them gain that independence um so actually i will keep these i'll find out how much they're gonna sell for here in a second but i will keep these um because i was gonna spend the money to buy them anyway yeah so it has nothing to do with the condition of this palette i actually did need something like this and i've been shopping for probably about four or five months ever since my oldest started cooking and my youngest started making her own yes we got a faber barber wear faberware these range anywhere from 10 to 15 brand new it's got some scratches on it uh put at the flea market booth price it for five bucks and uh wash itself then we got a little shoe rack that the box is pretty well damaged uh who knows about the contents inside shoe racks like this they don't sell but 25 to 30 bucks brand new anyways so this is something that would have to go in our flea market booth uh for probably around 10 bucks if it's all there and it's not broken it looks pretty though yeah so i see some broken poles is oh yeah it's broken can it be fixed i mean it's not worth our time babe somebody if they're a welder could weld these in but i was just asking if they could like be put back in there they've been snapped off so yes these could be fixed uh by somebody who has time that's just not equipment we don't even have the equipment so zero dollars i like what i'm seeing on this it is an office chair sweet um it's definitely been opened so you know chances are this is gonna be something we have to put together um because it's just so hard it's hard to sell these at the flea market with not puts again yeah i've done it before but something that should sell very very quickly and normally does when it's put together takes it took probably the last office year we had took probably over a month yep oh snap there goes my uh there goes the instructions so you're doing it blind uh all right so but you know what like first impressions it's a little dirty uh from just from being in the box yep but i see i see parts that are enclosed this looks like it can be cleaned off we can probably sell it used like new on both either facebook marketplace or on uh the flea market it's actually a really cute chair i'm trying to find the price though okay so this is actually kind of kind of nice this is a ranging new anywhere from 110 to 120. actually there's one on here that's 126. wow so that's really great looking at this it's been used in our area they don't like to pay a lot for used office chairs so we could probably get 50 i'm gonna unbox this and i'm a little scared after the fan debacle just a few moments ago uh that this is a breeze xl cat glitter all in one system which is kind of cool uh it's it is scary though because i don't want to have to deal which you know if we get a cat you know what i mean but still i don't want to smell it so open up the box looking at it i'm scared i know i just don't want it to be used it has been used and got a little residue right there um i'm not sure how that would get on the side i don't know but you probably should wash your hands don't touch it i should watch my hands it's got some catwalker tablets in there um so yeah it's been used some stray cat hairs in the bottom uh i don't even know at this point uh i just feel like throwing all the stuff away and getting rid of everything and just cutting our losses and moving on so we know used litter boxes you can't really sell them you can technically but it stresses out cats like they can still smell the odors of the previous cats and cats are kind of interesting like that uh so we're gonna just get rid of it because i just don't feel like dealing with this stuff anymore it's garbage i'm just ready to move on with this palette because it is a loss and move on uh this is the the last item it is a booster seat so i'm hoping that it is it has not been like you know used heavily or anything like that graco is a reliable brand it's a basic brand so it's not going to be super high-end but i can imagine it's probably going to be either 100 or a little bit under for something like this i see that the manufacture date is last year so we've got it's got plenty of time on there and it's been used it's not even what's on the box see this right here is the basin fashion uh item which i already looked up and this item right here is not available on amazon it's got similar colors that are different prices but this one was actually a 99 item this item in here is not that item also if you look really carefully you can find uh what looks like food or some kind of blowout some kind of issue in there it looks like somebody bought a new car seat opened up a return and returned the old one so yeah this is um and this right here the manufactured day i mean it's i just don't feel comfortable selling a used car seat i don't know what has happened to this car seat it could have been in an accident which lowers the integrity of this car seat and i'm not going to put a child's life at risk for me to make a few extra dollars so this is zero and that is it guys so remember we were all in including expenses for 425 that is the minimum we needed to make to break even but we didn't get there no no we didn't get there we made it to 200 and 232 dollars 230 there are several items that we kept for ourselves because it's things that we use all the time so that could have been in there maybe to 270 bucks but 232 bucks is harsh somebody said it best in our last live stream that whenever they purchase from a new liquidator they expect that first purchase to be a loss because you're learning a new relationship you're learning about that liquidator and we learned just that with this purchase so we thank you guys so much for joining in don't forget to catch our vlogs if you're interested in learning on how we sell these items and until next time peace [Music] you
Channel: The Family Flips
Views: 31,212
Rating: 4.915493 out of 5
Keywords: Customer Returns, Liquidation Unboxing, Pallet Flipping, Amazon Returns, Amazon Shelf Pulls, return pallets, Buying Liquidation, returns pallet unboxing, Liquidation.com, liquidation review, extreme unboxing tv show, amazon returns pallet how to buy, amazon pallet flipping, ebay mystery box unboxing, flipping pallets, liquidation unboxing, pallet unboxing, pallet flipping, amazon return pallets, amazon pallet unboxing, amazon liquidation pallets, liquidation pallets
Id: GfyFODd3oG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 22sec (2122 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 12 2020
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