I Bought A Drug Dealers Abandoned Storage Unit! And It Aint Empty!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] what is up beautiful people I got to show you something very very important and right there dead and this I'll show you this hold on oh it is about to freakin go down this is the first time back to the live auctions going it is a full freaking house alright guys so we are here in Arlington Texas I have the laptop and my wife with me are here the this is how the auctions look we're here at the facility you have to be in the park there's probably about 40 cars here y'all so anyway I'm logged in I'm unit hopefully they can't see me but anyway so they're about to start the bidding soon guys so I have not done this live yet so let's see if we win ourself a unit I think there's 60 units hey y'all check it out she's walking right there look they're out there so this is how it's gonna work they're out there but I can see their window is right here see alright guys so look she just arrived to the unit all right guys here's the first unit of the freakin time back very first live unit I'm not bidding on that crap second year first location it's already at 50 bucks there's some vendors in here Victor's bidding on it but I think the cushions some of these cushions might go to the unit he just bought so anyway there's a lot of furniture man what about ten boxes I'm not bidding on that one doesn't doesn't look enticing unit of the day the first fourth unit of the day I don't want this so we're gonna go ahead alright people so we don't want none of that junk so we are heading to stop two of the public storage caravan today all right guys I'm bigger then there was a thing called a lunch box in there before 350 375 375 from Justin now for keep your bidding rusty or 75 is the bid to Justin for 80 from rusty now for 90 oh gosh you're out with drinking your coffee faith engine sorry Justin got there 200 Ryan you're out 225 y'all I'm bidding on a straight up safe from 275 now three [Music] I'm willing to go $400 in the say because I can sell it that said a thousand dollars safe yeah I'll sell the safe okay 302-b 3:25 now I need 353 35 now 353 35 I need 350 349 350 365 now 370 375 down 400 it's I'm running at $500 on this I'm sorry I'm gonna do it I can sell that safe look it's a digital 75 or 75 now 5 I think I can sell that safe for I'm I'm bidding 5 and rollers on a safe guys look this is all that's in the unit that's all it is is a unit very gonna say yeah that was a close it close it close so did to Justin yeah baby I just want a safe for $500 there's nothing else in there but the furniture blanket and a safe all right guys no BS so here's the deal I just talked he told me his suspicions is that if some fool and it's illegal that was his it may be empty but he just told me he thinks it's full and I said well I'm gonna try to get high right now he said that I'd be good so I'm super boy you're doing good thing you're tough [Music] don't you think yeah lungs don't get a hernia dropped it before yeah oh there are some scratches there did you get it alright guys man I am wore out look yeah baby so check it out we're trying to head to the next location luckily this whole sign-in thing one person the office at a time it's super duper slow so anyway I'm about to roll up at the next spot I just ran in there and drugged my sight well you also look for we dragged it down there and then actually one of the other bidders was there as I ain't gonna give you 20 bucks to help me collect this in the truck because my wife she's not the strongest but so he said man just keep the money in a Grand Prairie trading post look it up on Facebook I don't I've never been to the store but I can tell you what the owner and I think this is dad but super nice guy so definitely worth the try right so anyway hey we are off to the next thing we are gonna bust this safe open today alright guys so we are back up here at googan I went in and took a pee pee and we are here with the same and I wanted them to see if those guys wanted to come so anyway they let us borrow some sitting on the back of the truck singing a song for you - oh yeah baby where's my to help me open this safe they're gonna be pump y'all actually I don't know it might be hot it's the end of the day they're probably all grumpy they got sticky on the where they've been walking in the sweat and chopping their blood and their inner legs yeah I need y'all's help where's Katie oh there she is uh house pick up going alright good I just bought a safe it was the only thing in the unit I just bought five hundred bucks and there's something in it only thing I ditched the rest of the auctions yeah there's somebody pulling up over there hey y'all grab the tools out the back of the truck we don't have any tools this is all we have so whatever is in this building or whatever goukan Squad just let us use I guess that's how we got I mean I got a lot of stuff around here I mean I call me the king of southern engineering so anyway all right thanks we're gonna get this stuff out look I know what you're gonna say to you know if you get a line you break apart take a magnet to it and you know your part pays 100 bucks each sell $4,000 man that's what you probably do with that segment and I'd be like man that ain't fun that's boring you know hey y'all come let me record while y'all try to shake this so I was really in a hurry because of what the manager told me that's why I was trying to get in my truck and there was beyond suspicious people around it sounds like there's something out yeah go further all the way down you hear anything yep man you're a rookie Rookie do you know how to tell someone's in there what there's something in there I can see something right there all right hi I'm Carrie hey how should we bust this thing open Oh y'all wanna see if we ripped the door off do we have a strap let's try to rip the door off what that sounds like a fantastic plan so take one of opening the cannon gun slave straps and a truck take one all right guys so hey look there's a little crack actually come over he keeps it look it's like a little mini baby butt crack safe butt crack oh submit alright the thing of what we got tied to the truck we're stepping up our game if you'll remember the last the 500 pounds safe we tied it we tried this it worked but we don't have the supplies the look last time we taped a camera to the back of the truck to get the best angle so what we're doing now is I think but so we're gonna tape the cellphone on here to get the best angles for you guys so we're cleaning this up we're doing a little prep work tap it on my game I got one of my peeps up on a freaking silo to get that angle David alright guys so hey we are gonna attempt to rip the door off of this safe I absolutely know this is not gonna work it's gonna rip the hayloft or it's gonna drag the safer I'm probably gonna see if I can sling it into that dumpster over there so let's just give it a good you all right so hey don't get all that yeah dude I wanted to get going so fast I was like minimus slingshot that sucker right through that silo or right through Google Squad a sheep or something so it looks cool all right guys so look here it is let's review so this is definitely only scratched little me that's still resellable all right hey look nice traps to work record everything and that don't stop the camera we're about to find $100,000 guys right here can y'all believe that worked no all right I was just like hey this is kind of fun slinging a safer and look at my little doughnuts doughnuts yep oh that sounded heavy oh my gosh open this is the best minute video yeah I thought that opened it look wait alright guys we all think take to drag it around a little bit yeah look at that strap we're down one strip all right guys time out we got to come up with a plan all right guys so look this is what we got I'd like to do something real cool real beautiful for you but that's all you get for this we're just about to beat you know what I was thinking oh yeah all right so here goes yeah but you gotta have a plan I say we start usually it goes in here well usually there's like three right let's just take one mark laughs can you see how soft it is testing [Music] [Music] alright guys I'm gonna try to get the duck that thing is just in our way I think our only problem is that this thing just a little scratch there so much so we're trying to take look we're trying to bust this hinge got a gap y'all can you see it yeah yeah oh yeah that pins out zip up in people we're gonna take this inside just beat that off and then freakin everyone go back that way in the hold door fell out I just spent 500 dollars on a crystal ding-dong no I got an idea I think I know what this is and you're already saying untouchable bare hand hey Jake smell that call it a pack of condoms where you calling I call it trash how much is that okay she had some drug paraphernalia alright guys so check it out I think we figured it out so look they were dealing drugs right yeah all these little smelly things this big bag smells like weed and back in my days you only do stuff like this if you're dealing like with poundage just so they had all of these in here to block the smell when people were going up and down the halls because well we're at the unit so I can smell weed and units all the time and it ain't just a little joint it's like something like this so these people were drug dealing you probably went to jail or something and that's probably just how it all ended so anyway [Music]
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 30,789
Rating: 4.8300781 out of 5
Keywords: Storage Wars, Storage Wars Fights, Storage auction, How To Make Money, Reselling Business, Safe Cracking, Storage Unit Finds, Funny Videos, Ebay resale, Unboxing, Mystery Box, Dude Perfect, What the Hales, Steve and Steph Resale, Curiosity incorporated, Whats inside, storage wars fight, Abandoned Storage, storage unit, Storage Unit Auction, grimes finds, safe found, abandoned safe found, how to open safe, finding money in safe, i found money in a safe, I bought, I made
Id: D_rUQtaQj50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 41sec (1181 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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