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hey guys jamie and sarah here we just got home with these two amazon return palettes we're gonna try to flip the items on there and see if we can make enough profit to pay our mortgage so like we said this is two return pallets uh we paid 500 each for them so a thousand total um the reason we paid so much for them is because they were mostly appliances and things like that so we knew we could sell them quickly and make a lot of profit so the palette liquidator that we bought these from said that each palette that was 500 was worth a retail value of 2 000 so to us that seemed like a pretty good guarantee so that's why we bought two of them um so that should be about four thousand dollars worth of product so our mortgage is around a thousand dollars a month so we think that even if we sell these items at sixty percent of retail value um we'll have enough to pay our mortgage plus a little extra so we got a lot of requests to do a pallet flip again we did one a couple months ago from walmart but it did not go so well so we've been super hesitant to do this again but you guys really wanted to see us do it again so we're doing it for you it was a lot of work last time we made we only made like 125 profit um so we're hoping to do better this time all right should we get to it let's see what we got [Music] there's definitely some really broken looking items see this box looking pretty rough shape so we'll see how it looks on the inside keurig phillips okay something from phillips okay we'll see it's kind of damaged mystery box low fat air fryer those are trendy right now low back another key egg i'm going to keep one of these meat slicer whoa kind of slice and meats that mystery box mystery box tea fall i don't know what's in here we'll see juicer this one seems heavy yeah cool yeah kind of industrial okay this one is cracking me up look at this it's like an old-fashioned pressure like someone probably accidentally bought this and was expecting an instant pat and was like what so they returned it i don't know if we can get anyone to buy this but it's a pressure cooker ninja foodie whatever that is it's like a juicer combo of some sort mixer grinder wow pretty cool whatever that is it seems expensive yeah we got a real deep fryer here none of that air junk you know all right another nespresso these are like 200 bucks so that's a good find he really wants to keep one of these my goal is to be able to pay our mortgage and get an espresso two giant instant pots with air fryer you want one of these kinda we saw these on the pallet and knew that they would sell really quickly so these are heavy okay speakers of some kind these are heavy they're grizzler do people buy these i don't know you might be stuck with a bunch of griddles at the end of this [Music] all right so last we have two microwaves down here uh microwaves also can vary greatly in price so it could be a 80 microwave or it could be a 800 one we don't know we're gonna go inside and do some research look up all these model numbers and see how much retail value is actually here [Music] so since this is an amazon palette i'm going to go ahead and open up amazon and i'm going to type in the search bar the product name and also the model the model number if i can find it so let's start with this juicer on the end here so see this is an omega juicer so i'll type that in and then down here i think that's probably the model number so i'm gonna try typing that in okay so it pulled right up you can see that this is the right one right here and it's valued at three hundred dollars wow that's a lot more than i thought yeah so that's why you look them up because juicers you can buy a juicer right now for like 50 so i'm not sure if someone will be willing to pay that for it um that seems like a lot to me so since this is worth 300 if i want to sell this for 75 of retail value so that's 225 so that would be at 75 percent um if i want to do 60 of it so that's 179 so someone would be getting over 100 off if they really wanted this juicer what i'll do is i'll take my own picture of it post on facebook marketplace but i will also take a screenshot of the actual retail value so that they know what they're getting it might be someone that already knows that they want this specific juicer or else if they don't they can see why i'm charging that much for it and how much it would be worth if they were to buy it from amazon um so we're going to be selling these on facebook marketplace to start um we're hoping we can sell them all without having to do like ebay or something like that and have to deal with all the shipping this is going to be a little bit different than our other flips we usually do because a big part of what we do is the staging but a lot of these are new products so we're not actually even going to take them out of the box so we'll see if it's any harder to sell these items because we're not staging them so this actually has a sticker on there that says product destroyed so we're not too hopeful about it but we're gonna look it up so i think it's this one which is 199. so that's pretty good if it actually works oh is this some missing parts maybe it seems like there should be like cords in here or something oh hey look at that that's pretty good all the parts are there nothing is smashed it looks brand new actually red um i wonder what happened to this box but i'm actually pretty hopeful on this one all right these things are sweet let's see these have any lights on them you know oh hey green light that seems pretty good um so because this product works and all the items inside look pretty nice and we're actually going to trash this box and just put it in a normal plain box i feel like this does a disservice especially if it's a working product you know what i know it's missing what it comes with 12 coffee samples hey missing my samples come on all right mystery box let's see what's in this one okay something very exciting all right looks like a and shiny something i have no idea i don't know what this is okay you do yeah it's a fray it's a deep fryer okay hey so we'll have to look this up by the model number if i can find it in the brand and let's see what it's worth so it looks like on amazon this one's on sale for a hundred and forty dollars so we could maybe ask between eighty and a hundred and five dollars for it all right mystery box number two looks like it's been through yeah there's some stuff yes hopefully this one is in decent condition chill ups is that a printer maybe all right so i have no idea what this is so i'm just gonna look up the model number and see what it is it it's not a fryer but it's not a who knows it's not a picture either yeah all right so this is a smokeless indoor grill so um it looks brand new never used um must just be another one of those where the packaging got destroyed i don't know but um this has a value of 200 worst case hopefully we can get 120 for it but kind of a strange little contraption this palette is mostly cooking stuff but i know for a fact that this is not because it's a a speaker of some kind so i don't know who is buying these much anymore i know there's like the sound bars and stuff but maybe they're desirable so all right so these retail on amazon for 280 dollars so it's a lot more than i thought um so we're hoping that we can get at least 60 to 75 percent retail value for these if we can get that for these though i'll be super excited okay so we started a spreadsheet with all of the items what the msrp is and then what we're hoping to get for them um it's just our way of staying organized because there's a lot of items here i think we're going to have to try out ebay for the first time maybe some other sites too because i'm not really sure that some of this stuff will sell on facebook marketplace so hopefully we made a good choice with this palette and we'll see how it goes all right so we just added up all the values and the total comes to four thousand two hundred and eighty five dollars so if we can sell stuff at seventy five percent of its retail value so that is thirty two hundred and thirteen dollars um if we can sell everything at sixty percent of its retail value that's two thousand five hundred and seventy one dollars and then that's not accounting for if things are broken or if some of the things probably won't actually sell so we'll see what actually happens but we'll keep you guys updated so since we spent a thousand dollars on the pallets and then our mortgage is around a thousand dollars we're hoping to profit at least a thousand dollars on this flip and i think based on these numbers we can so we actually counted and there are 30 items between the two pallets um so it's kind of a lot of work to post everything and then talk do all the communication and that kind of thing um i'm gonna try to account for my hours and how much i spent time-wise on all this um to make sure it's actually worth my time because my time is valuable it's not worth nothing so um that's part of this whole thing too palette liquidation is actually becoming really popular i'm starting to see all these little shops kind of popping up all over the place how i actually find people is actually through facebook i think you can google stuff too but i've had the best look with facebook i will actually just type in my search bar pal liquidation and it will show me the closest in area to me once you find them you actually join their group and then you can watch them post things they'll kind of give you updates of when palettes are coming in how much they're listing them for palettes actually range greatly in price so make sure that you're getting a good value because you definitely could be paying too much for them um so do your research there i really liked the girl that we just bought these from because she knew exactly what was on the palette and how much it was worth um where other ones are a little bit more of a surprise which can be kind of fun you might really score big but you also could get screwed so um this was a little bit safer of an option so that's how we did it this time all right today we're gonna start listing stuff um we're gonna start with these keurigs um these retail for around 107 on amazon right now so we're going to try to list them for 80 and see what happens but what we're going to do is actually open all these up and inspect them first you can see they've been retaped so we just want to make sure all the parts are there okay so this one looks pretty good it has all the parts still in bags so that means it most likely hasn't been used um and yeah if you look in it still has the tape on it so we're just gonna put the lid right back on this one and tape it back up and lift it um so this one didn't have all of its original packaging um it still has never been used it's all taped up but some of the cardboard is missing so we're going to take this one out plug it in to make sure it turns on and then use this one for our pictures that we use for our listings all right looks like that one works so now that we've taken our picture of these we're going to list them on facebook marketplace we know marketplace best and we prefer it because we can do porch pickup and don't really have to ship the items out or anything like that then the leftover items will probably try ebay or something where we have to ship the items out but we're hoping we can sell a majority of them on facebook marketplace all right so we're going to work on the instant pots next these are all three the same item they retail at 180 on amazon um so 75 of that would be 135 so we'll list it around there um we're gonna open these up and see what we have going on this box looks a little damaged right here so i'm a little concerned if that one got broken or anything in shipping um and then this one's been returned it looks like so we're going to check these out check it out hey a prettier box box inside a box but it still has been opened and still probably returned so we'll check it out but it looks pretty intact to me so i think we're gonna leave it like that like inside the plastic so people know it's never been used so far we're having pretty good luck with all of our purchases everything seems to be working and in really good shape i'm guessing this is what they call a shelf pull because the box was ugly and kind of dented they couldn't sell this one so they put it on a pallet so as long as the actual um pot wasn't damaged which i'll kind of check out then this one's a really good a really good one yep so the inside cardboard is damaged but nothing the pot hasn't been touched so i don't think we're going to touch this one so since we don't have any out of packaging for these we're not going to take these out i'm going to just take a picture of the box i'd rather have people trusting that they're brand new fresh in the packaging then for me to take it out and take a nice photo i think that's the route we're gonna try here so even though this is just a picture of a box we still sort of staged it um we cleaned up our kitchen a little bit made sure there wasn't any like trash laying around or any open containers stuff like that so i still am trying to make the background look as nice as possible um just because i think it's a turn off to see like dirty dishes and stuff like that so it might not be necessary but it's just a little extra step that i think helps make the product look its best all right so we came across our first damaged product one of our beloved nespresso's we were hoping to keep one of these oh yeah that's broken shoes check it out ah dang maybe we could get a replacement piece if we're gonna keep it ourselves kind of a bummer no my nespresso whoa this one's sweet looking this one's stainless steel [Music] is that the wrong piece don't think so babe the wrong part so cool all right guys we might be in trouble with this one our nespresso dreams are starting to fall apart i don't know stuff's falling all over the place this is not good this is like 600 of our flip so we have to try to figure out a solution all right so we definitely have a problem here with these espresso machines um one they are completely different we thought they were all the same model they're different they also have mixed match parts and then there's also some broken parts so we have some problems we're gonna have to look up the model number for each one of these and then see if we can get any replacement parts it's not looking too good for these ones kind of a bummer yep okay so we did some research and we found that this one has a bad water tank and this one has a bad capsule tank so we found the water tank for this one on ebay for 21 and we found the capsule tank for this one for 16. so we're going to order those it's unfortunate that we have to pour more money into this it'll be an extra 40 or 50 bucks with shipping but without doing that these aren't really sellable um so this way we'll be able to sell at least working machines and recoup some of that money we may be only looking at about 50 of retail value now though what do you think about this pallet so far so so far this feels like a lot of work for not a ton of profit compared to chairs that we sell that fly off the shelves so to speak i am getting zero hits so far on marketplace they've all been listed for like a half hour to an hour and i've gotten no hits yet so we'll see i'm just trying to be patient but it's hard when we do a chair flip and that sells like instantly safe to say we're starting to sweat a little bit over here i think i would like my thousand dollars back yeah hopefully we get a thousand back i think we can the mortgage bit i don't know we'll see we'll see if we can do it all right so we just took this microwave out of the box the box says panasonic but this is a frigidaire and it's definitely been used there's some scratches on it so what we're thinking is that maybe someone bought a new microwave and then returned their old one to amazon i don't really know what's going on but we're definitely going to test this one to make sure it works all right so i'm going to put this cup of cold water in there and see if it heats it up let's give it a try it's kind of loud all right here we go it's not steaming ice cold i don't think we'd saw a broken microwave so yikes how big of a hit was this one like 200 bucks 250. 250 bucks gone so this is how it's going not well i have posted everything on facebook marketplace i started most stuff off around 25 off so like 75 of the retail value um and crickets so then i tried lowering it to about 40 off nothing now i'm up to about 50 off and i've literally had no increase so i don't know if facebook is shadow banning me or what i've posted it on garage sale sites um i've tried a lot of stuff i've tried regular pictures i've tried stock photos you would think i was asking people for a kidney because no one wants anything so we're gonna try ebay i'm not thrilled with that because i don't feel like going to the post office 30 times um i don't feel like paying 50 to ship this heavy box maybe more i don't know so we're trying ebay next we'll see how it goes at this point i am not a fan of palette flipping and i cannot recommend it i feel like we're missing something if you guys know what we're doing wrong please let us know we're gonna try ebay past that we might just have to do a bunch of giveaways cause it's not working i hate palettes hey palettes we thought that our first palette was just a fluke and that the next one would be better but this time is going worse than our last one so we definitely i don't know if we're gonna be able to pay our mortgage i don't even know if we'll get our money back so that's how it's going i've had four people click on my instant pot ad out of the hundreds i don't know wait we did sell something oh yeah we sold our meat slicer that's true one person wanted the meat slicer that retails for a hundred he offered me 30 for it i asked if he'd do 40 and he said yes so we gave him 60 off so we've made back 40 of our 1000 so far still 960 in the hole it's not going so good cheers cheers at least we got a free espresso machine out of it that's true that is the best part of this whole process it's been a rough one if i could give palette flipping a star numerical value it would be zero zero stars zero stars don't do it we don't recommend it it's terrible actually it wasn't so bad we just weren't patient enough shortly after filming that last segment and we started to sell some stuff both on facebook marketplace and on ebay like we said before we preferred the facebook marketplace because of porch pickup it just makes it really convenient for us and people just come put money under our mat we take the money when they leave it's really really convenient yeah ebay was a little more complicated but i have been selling a lot through it you do have to weigh things and measure them and then also bring them to the ups store but once we learned how to do that we got it down pretty easy and we started getting really quick at it so far our sales are and ninety six dollars with a thousand dollars that we spent on everything that's a 496 dollar profit not bad yeah it's kind of bad because if we spent 40 hours on it that's only about 12 and a half dollars an hour we do have enough merchandise to make another 500 if we sell it at what i'm asking which is pretty low i think we will we learned that we can only sell things at about 40 of retail value that was pretty much average we have seven items left and if we sell them at our estimated 40 of retail value that'll bring us to a total of 1966 dollars in sales which is a 966 profit enough to pay our mortgage the principal and interest on our mortgage is only 872 um so that 966 dollars would cover that and then part of our taxes and insurance i also should note that those numbers are including us keeping the nespresso which we're pretty excited about so we definitely would have been over that 1 000 mark if we would have sold that but we still were able to pay our mortgage keep the nespresso it's all good not bad yeah it was fun it was fun kind of it was so it's definitely possible you can make money doing this however we definitely would advise that you proceed with caution yes because it's a lot of work it wasn't a side hustle it was a full-time job for us and maybe you can make more money with it if you do have a lot of patience and you're willing to let stuff sit in your garage for a month or so um we have been doing this for about three weeks now um and that's how long it it took us just to make that 500 profit we like furniture flipping better we feel like we can get a lot better of an hourly rate for our flips than with the pallets all right guys thanks for watching we put a ton of energy and time into this one so um if you liked it be sure to give us a like and let us know down in the comments and don't forget to subscribe to our channel we have some pretty fun and exciting new adventures coming up so we're excited to share that with you guys see you next time bye bye
Views: 83,020
Rating: 4.9131975 out of 5
Keywords: pallet flipping, return pallets, returns pallet unboxing, amazon pallet flipping, flipping pallets, pallet unboxing, unboxing pallets, side hustle, flipping side hustle, flipping pallets side hustle, flipping, amazon return pallets, amazon pallet unboxing, flipping amazon returns, amazon return pallet, flipping pallets amazon, flipping pallets for profit, flipping pallets 2021, amazon returns, side hustle ideas, amazon shelf pulls, amazon liquidation pallets, unboxing, flip
Id: 1z4Nrgs6iV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 27sec (1407 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 22 2021
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