I bought $45,000 ELECTRONICS Amazon Customer Return Pallets + HUGE HIGH DOLLAR SCORE!

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[Music] today we're back with another installment from this forty five thousand dollar amazon customer return liquidation passive by a total of five pallets that had an msrp of around 9 000 a piece installment installments what are we doing paying off a car or something this is another installment a new word for the video series it's a big word for you it's a big word so we've seen i don't know how many boxes so far but this is the next one we had a total of 30 of these as they call them in the business coffin boxes full of stuff hodgepodgey stuff stuff electronics toys books housewares pay pay hey hey not pay pay hey pay i don't know so it could be eclectic mixture of all kinds of goodies and we've had some good bugs we've had some bad boxes hopefully this is going to be a good one this one was heavy this one is busting at the seams so hopefully this is going to be at least double the money yeah hopefully hopefully so each one of these if you break it down was 150 a box was our cost our goal is to at least get double the money back on each box i'd like triple triple oh yeah that'd be fantastic that would be fantastic fantastic so far we're seeing a maybe break even to double up depending upon the box yeah so here we go do this we're gonna see what we got oh this is interesting okay okay i see some electronics i see an american flag interesting different stuff in this one yeah go ahead baby okay so i have a package of water filters right here if these are sealed we will sell them sealed inside if they are not sealed inside we do not sell them because we cannot guarantee that they are new and that's one thing i wish that like the water filter companies would do is put like some kind of indicator on there that it's been used but they don't oh that was a nice one your homework that's all for you baby oh this actually this is like uh electronic type of pallet or uh box this time we've got electronics electronic electronics oh thank god which is some of the stuff that i have honey we need the money money man some of the stuff that i like what's this okay well you do this i'm actually going to this thing's heavy that almost looks like carbon fiber it's like fake carbon fiber oh well that this is a real bummer these are not sealed not sealed so they will not get sold yeah this has quite a few electronics in it so that is super exciting bummer bomber here we go this mystery the front of it says opovi oppo apovae and it's oh oh it's a massager yeah these are actually so really cute and these are not cheap no they are not they're usually in the hun like a hundred bucks not usually brand is op0 m3 pro it says press the button to detach the battery it has all the attachments for it yeah these things are not cheap because we we had a few of these in a past palette and they were like 100 bucks a piece at least what is it here it is m3 pro yep this is the m3 come on baby come on baby i think we might have come on baby electronics okay so sold um so these are brand new brand new okay open box 56 plus 1255 in shipping open box 104 um open box 55 plus nine in shipping open box 81 plus shipping um so yeah i would say we're looking at probably a 75 dollar item conservatively there yeah i'm happy with that i'm happy with that so yeah this is good i am well i could probably ask 100 bucks for it best offer on it and of course we'll test it out make sure that it works and everything like it's very clean too you know i'll get my massage it's fine you know and there's more electronics in here so this is awesome we are going to do homework now and this is rey's for today arithmetic level one i say that for you baby i saved it i might need to use the arithmetic arithmetic arithmetic arithmetic so that's what it looks like exciting it's exciting i mean you never know this could be actually worth a lot of money oh there's a upc on them actually are some of those school books can be expensive because back when i was in college some of these books would be like be like 100 some bucks a book it was ridiculous prices if i had to do it on amazon yeah we'll have to do a little oh yeah that's where it came from that might be amazing would be the best spot but yeah i mean if you've gone to college you know the price of these books actual these kind of books you had to first now they're playing all digital 49.99 that's all the amazon price now part of the packaging part of the items were out of the package and part of them are in the package so i'll have to make sure so i'll be sitting down and going through page by page page by page that's like that's exciting yes that's the excitement of my job yes we're going to do this dinosaur dinosaur dying oh it's super cute oh my god it's a go dog tough for fun that is so cute but it's a dog toy and it may have been used maybe here here hold that for a second you are so rotten has it been used though yeah it's been used so it couldn't be used like a baby toy no if if it's been washed no that's a negative my grandson loves dinosaurs my daughter loves dinosaurs i think it's more my daughter loves dinosaurs so she he just wears the dinosaur puts him in dinosaur stuff all the time yeah but that's okay because it's super cute that's yours baby would you give me something exciting i'm assisting you in the good stuff i have a lace hair wig that's human hair it says too oh this is in good condition too next says in the box human hair extensions oh yeah this is this is new that's what says one percent virgin human hair so that's actually probably kind of expensive it could be a little bit more expensive these juices for human these do take some time to research and figure out which ones they are and what length and all of that oh and we have some eyelashes that go with it real human eyelashes no they're not real they're not eyelashes they're not real anyhoo we'll have to look this up i'm guessing it's probably in the 20 range with another zero dog harness step and harness looks like maybe new not exciting it looks like maybe a goat put it on why do i always have to put things it is a goat it knows who knows who's actually been in that before you though it smells good i mean it smells like plastic that's it it's it smells like plastic and sweat actually honestly it like plastic and sweat you're making stuff up goat head go ahead awesome mystery box oh well it says pet safe on it was not total mystery pet safe sometimes gives us some good expensive stuff this is expensive we have a pet set pet safe pet containment system all this stuff is still factory attached that's still oh that's not that's man that's money right there that's backwards oh i gotta look this one up that's still all factory charger oh yeah this thing it's it's brand new pet containment system this thing is brand new yeah pet safe pet containment system like the collar it's still like factory wrapped up this one's money right here it's money more electronics 83 plus eight in shipping that's for used that's yeah that's for you there's a 140 it says why was my phone looking all kind of crazy this is more like open box new item yeah there's all kinds of other things that are pulling up it's awesome it's a stubborn dog in-ground fence operating system i mean just the collar itself right here sells for 95. oh just the colors 95 for a new one for a brand new one in its own packaging or whatever but this is the entire system it's the entire system so yeah and honestly if the caller sells for 95 i'm also seeing the containment system selling individually for 50. so it is quite possible i break it up it's quite possible so that's another thing before just kind of a word to the wise is look at those things look at breaking things up and looking at selling them together because sometimes you can make way way more breaking it up by breaking it out then selling it as a one component if you break it up it's possibly 150 bucks right there if you break it up like one this actually paid for the whole box pretty much yeah and then we have another one that was 75 and we are we've only hit the surface there's more electronics in here still there's still more so i'm going to go with this one i just recently listed this guy right here the exact same one this exact same ac 1 7 or the ac 1750 well i'll have to double check but it looks exactly like this so um a note on this make sure that if you get one of these in your liquidations make sure you do a hard factory reset on these otherwise you're going to get it back from the buyer i learned my lesson on that um and just make sure that you always do a hard factory reset you can find instructions on how to do that but um [Applause] looks like they're fighting in the air or something they're canadian geese they sound weird they can just keep flying over there because i don't want to be pooped on night talk okay so this looks that looks this looks incredibly good it has been it has been um plugged in because the plug is not factory sealed anymore but look the this the cover the protective cover is still on the top of it this is sweet that's a good it is a good actually so it looks like like open box like new condition so we're looking at with the box like 40 shipped with the box that box is destroyed like 36 shipped with the box 38 shipped with you know so it looks like around 40 dollars plus shipping if it's in the box i am not mad at that so right now we're looking at honestly we've almost made double the money back already on just a couple of just this one box i mean because that's 40 75 1550 that's probably 15 20 bucks yeah we've already probably turned 300 bucks on this box already and i've got a 50 book over here there's still more there's still so much more stuff in here there's more electronics left in here still i i'm feeling good yeah this is this good box 24 piece it covers for your for your chair legs chili cover oh no not super exciting we have a fur lifter that's real exciting it has super exciting got a mystery box oh looks like a wooden shelf we've gotten a lot of wooden shelves recently people just don't like their wooden shelves well they probably find out that they're cheaper at ikea but then they find out that that the quality is cheaper ikea quality is pretty bad this is it says a queen three-piece juve set red stuff on it uh that's just hair part of it oh god what is that what is all of it covered in red is it supposed to be like that yeah it is almost like yeah it's kind of ugly though it's got like it looks like like fuzz balls all over it like not not even the little dangly things oh that looks gross i don't know what that's all that's all you baby but it's all over it i mean like the whole thing that's all you that's weird that's all you that's just straight up we have a sprinkler thing sprinklers we have an american flag this is this is actually a nice one too if you feel that that is a nice such a nice quality one oh looks like it's coming apart oh no yeah all the stitching came apart on it yeah it sure did that's why they sent it back the stitching came up somebody could easily stitch that back though probably stitching i mean we'll probably put it online and and say stitching needs fixed and somebody can get an american flag like uber cheap uber cheap yep super exciting these are lightning cords iphone cords so exciting full bag of them iphone cords oh toys outdoor adventure hunting series that's fun that's real fun you got bears and gadgets and gizmos galore i have some type of brace what is this some kind of hand brace it's awesome oh that's all you babe oh that that's all you it's it's an elephant put it on put it on check this out oh there's some down there oh my god it's electronics oh it's not a costume oh we might say that back for the grandson you like you can like lay their head right here and this goes around their body oh my oh and it's so soft so soft i mean he definitely need to be washed up like really really well cartoon toys it looks like an ikea tag kind of does that's really cute super cute i'm loving the elephant i'm super loving the elephant well i might be a dork but that's okay i don't know it's okay a bouquet holder brand new in the package where's my bouquet bouquet holder where's my bouquet here it is our anniversary so where is my bouquet i don't know you don't know that's sad hair hair yes we do have highlighted hair highlighted hair today is our anniversary what yep what yep and we are recording it on what is today 20th november 20th november 20th that's been recorded anniversary baby three days ago we did forget that it was going to be our anniversary and his mom reminded him through text and then i was like it was actually while we were filming so yeah we honestly we wouldn't have remembered it's our anniversary today if his mom didn't remind him and i reminded him yeah you're kind of yeah we would have totally missed our enter i i think there's actually been a few years that we did miss our anniversary maybe i think there has been a few were like what's your bursary last week i think so it's quite i think we actually have a few times it's quite funny we just totally forgot our first it's like 13 14 years i don't know today is 13 years it's a baker's dozen it came up on facebook oh yeah baker's dozen that that was anniversary right there that's our gift one kiss uh we have a rabbit in cat comb babe i got you a massager for for your anniversary it's real nice too and i got you this a watering wand yeah jump in baby that's a mess oh my glowing glowing flowing oh you put that on onto your tire makes your tire glow for mercedes-benz isn't that illegal in most states but under your tire probably i don't think at least in this day you can't put that stuff on onto your car like that at least in this state i don't know oh screw lost the screw you got a screw loose baby i don't know what that is what's it look like components that's the return sheet oh yeah that's just this is a shower storage hanger heavy duty jumbo arm indoor outdoor storage wall hanging hooks dock or wall mount oh my god for canoe kayak paddle board surfboard snowboard wakeboard four pack that was the title of that item put it on put it on put it on we have received these many of times and i have so much fun with them i put it on the costume put it on well i can't air it up right now just put it on no it takes a lot of effort to put this on oh yes it does take like 15 minutes what what is that exactly this is a blow-up dinosaur suit and if you want to see a video of me running around in a blow-up dinosaur suit it exists on youtube yeah you can go find it go through the whole catalog and find it make sure you watch every single one of those two one all the way through all the way through huh so we go ahead let me grab out the next electronic item because people are wanting to see it we've got a dymo label rider for fiddy full fitting this is not the last item either that's the electronics a 450 let's see if it's actually in there it's not missing anything how much did you sell for now um you know i haven't sold one for a little bit because we did have like four of them at one time and i think we've sold through all of them we sold a lot of them before i think they still have one sitting in there that i haven't listed the rollers in there that's actually one thing that usually gets kept as the roller so yeah these things always work they're just a pain in the butt to hook up for apple products so yeah you're looking at fifty dollars shipped uh so you know you gotta take that out so probably about forty dollar item right there right i am looking at pre-owned just so you know oh we might keep that oh container lid oh yeah oh my gosh i hate i hate the the lids that go to like plastic containers everybody out there knows that pain hey everybody hates such a strong when you say you don't know that pain and you've got yours all organized then more kudos to you but it's a pain for me water bottle luminous coasters coasters that glow in your car carbon monoxide and natural gas alarm coasters that glow in your car probably they are they're glowing coasters i've never seen that before that's the good stuff we've got a five function handheld shower set it's exciting it's very exciting good baby it's all you god you always give me the junk here you go babe this is all you that is not junk that is beautiful oh look here's a little thing of uh oh that's broken glass that's broken glass oh here honey have a thing of broken glass that's probably pretty nice right there these are nice too we have a dupont deluxe faucet mount drinking water filter look it up then we have the 3m work tunes these are the ones they're blue yeah these are also bluetooth those can be expensive yeah yup this is the bluetooth work tunes oh yeah that's still fabulous you can use these like if you cut the grass you can still hear your music really well look these up too while she's doing that thing still doing your thing yeah here we go let's get to sold ones because you always want to look at sold you don't want to look at just listed because you can list something for five million dollars doesn't mean it's gonna sell for that so always look for the sold so pre-owned you're looking at 25 ship 20 shipped 15 ships so it just kind of depends so conservatively fifteen dollars this one 50 bucks plus shipping 50 plus shipping so i think we're probably this is going to be like a triple or a quad quadruple box yeah this is this one this is like a box that you you want to get this this is a good box nice no the electronic item thermal laminator this is the pro scotch electronic electronic electronic electronic electronics so actually this was actually like almost an electronics palette or mystery box so super exciting we haven't had one though since like box number one or box number two it's been a while then we got a marine dc pump so this isn't as much as i thought you're looking at about twenty dollars but still 20 bucks 20 bucks you know much about dc marine pump oh yeah i know all about it oh really yeah in lightness um so it's a pump for the marines for like for the branch of the navy yes okay because it says marine what do they do with it um they pump stuff oh they pump terrace hopefully it's yeah it's all in there it's used it might be kind of expensive would you like me to look at it while you continue on i kind of figured that that was the we've got some silicone a breast pump she's just real smart you know that sounded facetious facetious that's a big word again this is kind of good these are both factory sealed brand new brother toner cartridges model number tn-660 still factory so we can't sell them on ebay but we can probably still use on facebook i bet yeah i have been listing these on facebook these are factory sealed the brand new ones i have been listing on these are factory let's go ahead and see how much these things are they factory or are they factory factory are they factory factory are you sure they're factory factory okay so this this pump for the marines i'm kidding i know it's not for the marines uh you're looking at uh sixty dollars plus shipping and here's another one 45 plus shipping 50 plus shipping wow oh wait there's different models but wait these hold on sell new on amazon for 56 dollars a piece for these toners these two combined are like 100 bucks plus shipping brand new so i would put these on facebook for maybe like i don't know 100 bucks for both see if anybody wants them freaking awesome factory seal that's another 100 bucks so yeah i think we're probably getting four to five times the money back on just this box so the last few that that you saw that we might have lost a little bit or broken even this box pretty much doubled up all those boxes now so okay so this one actually has a very wide range of uh selling so i'm seeing it anywhere [Music] from twenty-five dollars up to a hundred dollars whoa pretty wide-ranging oh that's pretty wide range so we'll have to do some more investigating and kind of see why some things are listed lower so anyway uh light switch thing oh that's exciting cup holder for the baby thing oh for the stroller for the stroller thing cup holder almost done with this one oh we have a frida product which one is it oh no it's not the snot sucker no it's not the snot sucker it's not the mom washer what is it maybe it's a pregnancy test i don't know it kind of looks like a pregnancy yeah it does what is it i don't know it's some kind of file thing or something i don't know do you guys know i don't know i don't know i don't know i don't know i don't know it's a frida thing i don't know it does look like a pregnancy test though yep here's a silicone mat for a hair styling tool you got something hot put it on here the heat mat kind of cool kind of cool mystery box oh that was yours baby nasty that is nasty you always get all the good stuff baby we have original olaplex hair perfector factory sealed it's like a specialty thing too tail or hail hey hair wrap is it awesome um it is oh it's a it's a oh it's a door thingy door thingy it scares off your neighbors no it unlocks the door it scares your neighbors it unlocks the door so that's the last item here's you every time we walk in the house and you're like it's the alarm i'm scared she's making up stuff no i'm not he walks to the house he's like shut the alarm off it scares me it scares you and the cat no it doesn't anyway anyway that's last time this box this box is actually freaking fantastic this one was a absolute home run lots of really good stuff clean product electronics this is a good box this is a good one got a dinosaur suit dinosaur suit i mean this is a fantastic yes it was box this one makes me happy yeah this one's probably like four to five times what if you break it down this box costs 150 each it's probably four to five times our money back on this one box so all of those that were poopers this one made up and then made those than double ups if you scratch the money off this one you spread it out then it makes the last last two or three there kind of evens those out to like double ups now so it all it works out yeah so you might have a couple stinker but then you have like a home run box where it's like five times your money back so hang out with us when we have those stinkers hang with us because we will have boxes like this just like this one and we've got like 20 more to go through so who knows what we'll find maybe a playstation 4. maybe a diamond ring yeah playstation 4 diamond ring does amazon sell diamonds probably i don't know i've never looked [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Franchise Kicks
Views: 41,106
Rating: 4.8881769 out of 5
Keywords: safiya, randomfrankp, tech, storage unit, taco stacks, marvel, ps4, nes, nintendo, lego, XBOX ONE, shocking, playstation, ebay, amazon, fba, reselling, garage sale, flea market, thrift store, thrifting, unboxing, amazon tech, amazon customer returns, pallet, returns pallet unboxing, tech haul, mystery, amazon returns, tech returns, mystery tech, massive unboxing, franchise kicks, apple, microsoft, sony, liquidation, storage wars, StevenSteph, APPLE, dumpster diving, scam, scammer, a&e, extreme unboxing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 26sec (1826 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 21 2020
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