I bought a $2,063 Amazon Customer Returns ELECTRONICS Pallet + Another APPLE Product Found!!

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today we got my favorite kind of pilot video that I like doing at least once a week usually on Saturdays you know what it is we've got electronics so I've got two very large boxes that came on one pallet all these are supposed to be customer returns from Amazon butter by nose customer returns some items will be new some will be used some could be damaged some could be the correct packaging but what's inside of it is not what's supposed to be there you know you've seen on this channel many of times so the full amazon.com manufacturer's suggested retail prices of all items in these two very large boxes 2063 dollars so that's not bad at $2,000 Amazon liquidation electronics pallet not bad so what I paid though 214 bucks that's it that includes taxes fees 10% buyer's premium I don't pay shipping costs I buy locally and pick up in person so 2:14 that's all I pay just that's about like what 10.2% or something like that so it's right on my goal of 10% of what I liked by my liquidations for because that leaves plenty of wiggle room just in case it bombs just the case of it's just not what it's supposed to be I know if you watched last week's that was a pretty disappointing electronics palette it was I don't remember exactly now but I think it was close to like $3,000 of value and I got back if I was lucky like a thousand I mean full price of all the items you know if they were new so like last week's palette I still don't know what happened what exactly what went down I think personally it was just when he got liquidated the three was supposed to been a 1 so it should have been like 13 or dollars instead of like 3300 dollars so I think there was just a mess up on the numbers but you know what happens that's that's the liquidation game that's what that happens you know you get a group really really good one they need to get one that's kind of a letdown but last week's I still made profit on that pallet I still made money on it it wasn't a lot it was a couple hundred bucks everything's gone I've sold everything from that palette but uh it was still profitable so anyway I'm gonna quit rambling because I know certain people don't want to hear me ramble for the first 30 minutes of this video correct comment down below hashtag no more rambling or hashtag ramble for an hour straight I'm undone I won't have will for an hour straight maybe 20 minutes though oh we see what do we got what do we got what do we got okay these boxes look much fuller than last set I can't pick it up this is actually both these bogs by weight 30 pounds apiece and it's kind of awkward picking these things up by like a corner edge to show the camera it's kind of a challenge but anyway so let's just go through this box do one thing at a time and let's figure up how much all this might go for so we got first thing 83 handset cordless answering system that's not bad let me go ahead let me grab my phone I've heard from a lot of people who said that they've actually enjoyed whenever I look up items like live on camera and give actual like Amazon prices on them so for this video I think I'm going to do that more this video and then just edit out you know a few seconds every single time of me looking it up you know just to give everybody actual like amazon.com prices it's interesting so this thing on Amazon sells for $23 and 19 cents that's that's the new price that's the actual price it has a rank of 197 so open open box item it's loose packaging pretty much how I sell things you know half price on that so I'll Pike you like 12 bucks on it then we have this is actually an extension part for that same foam this cells known Amazon for twenty seven dollars and 49 cents it says so open package item it doesn't sound loose though that makes a difference although everything's still tied down tied up everything looks good in this thing so I would probably do like 20 bucks on this just because it's pretty much just the seal is broken on this that's all it's wrong and then this one this one it still has the covers on the phone so this actually has not been used for this one either it's just open package item all the phone still have the covers on them so kill so those these two are like 20 bucks apiece 40 bucks for those two handsets and I actually see a laptop in here I got one last week in a pallet electronics pallet and I just got another one let's go ahead let's go ahead and do it it's the same it's the same one I got last week yeah last week I got one out the Asus Chromebook it retailed new for 225 I sold it for 140 I think it was Anthony looks like 140 plus shipping costs and I sold very quickly I probably had honestly eight to ten people email me about the Chromebook from last week and yeah the first person that you email me about it they got actually it's the exact same one from last week it's the exact same one got a Chargers in there goon so like last week whenever I got it out I charged it up I checked it out make sure it functioned perfectly and it worked perfect yeah so there's like no like usage marks it just looks like it's probably somebody bought it and then they just returned it so I'll have to make sure charges thing up just like last week's and make sure it works okay make sure there's nothing on the hard drive that's you know questionable but yeah so once again I sold last weeks for 140 so I had a whole line of people that wanted to buy it too so I'll do the same price on this one 140 bucks so yeah cool that's not bad so I think actually with just those first four items the two the three phones was at 20 40 50 all right now I'm at close to $200 and for this whole thing I paid almost knock the phone's off I paid Turner 14 bucks so I've actually almost got all my money back in the first four items okay we got a lot of like hodgepodge stuff in here now what we got some highlighter some Sharpie highlighters my good about five bucks on that a Swingline stapler one of these really high-end staplers I get might have some issues though oh no there goes yeah so like a high end heavy duty stapler or you could probably do like you can staple a freaking book almost so that's why good 15 20 bucks on that TV antenna um HDTV yeah I seen it's like 10 dollars I used to keep them all like I've said in the past but once I got those for all our because we cut the cable cord over a year ago and now we've had the PlayStation boo which is pretty much all the same channels that you get you know cable TV but like half the cost but we don't I think there's only one local station that is not on the is not on the PS or the PlayStation boo it's the I think it's CBS so I kept antennas just bringing the CBS for pretty much for football season yeah anyway I'm rambling led under cabinet lights these are really cool if you display oh it's brand new to the 3m has not been peeled yet I'm gonna have to keep this actually because I'm actually I am redoing my upstairs sneaker room I'm going to actually put some of my collectibles in that room so this could look kind of cool for videos duh make some things kind of glow a little bit in my mind I'm not gonna keep that actually let's see I phone cord will get plenty of those TV tuner antenna adapter why Nick guard calm looks like this is some kind of TV adapter Weingard calm not so much about that another TV antenna I spent 10 bucks on that antenna we've got a Swingline stapler this is more of what we're used to seeing like in the classroom and stuff is it falling apart no that pieces goes on top need staples no staples in there next we've got finished stainless what could that be used for buffs doesn't say I don't know I'm not sure about that let's see we got this is the USBC chords correct yeah looks like one two but five in there so power sale capacitors they're still factory taped I don't want to break it open model number PW - 55 @ / 5 r power sell capacitors let me see if I can get Amazon to pull this thing up yeah whenever I tried to pull it up it pulls up computer software PowerPoint Chinese Edition software so yeah this is not PowerPoint software so - sure about that earphone Bluetooth wireless looks like oh these are like these a cheaper version of ear pods air air pods I mean now your plunge air pods I actually buys some air pods from the Apple store couple weeks ago to use whenever I'm at the gym and the air quads are freaking awesome I mean they're kind of expensive for a pair of bluetooth headphones they're not they're not the cheapest they're good though like I like them so it's just a much much cheaper version of air pods okay these things buy like 10 10 bucks maybe maybe i7s next what is this [Music] the label says I still don't really know this thing is yet thank you for your purchase milord boxing it says it's a case for mill yard 6-inch trifled full there is a barcode that's not covered up like Amazon likes to do let me scans barkos I can pull something up it sells for $27.99 new there's the Amazon ad right there for it so sells new for 28 bucks looks like it's still brand new the retail box just kind of beat up on it a little bit I don't know this might be more like an eBay thing maybe like 20 bucks or something like that not too sure I'm I'm sure with us even but it's I don't know what the mill yard thing is maybe I should know that's a few things left this first box we've got a battery case for an iphone 7iphone at 8 a little bit of older phone it's not alleged I know let's play a good 20 bucks for a battery case oh this is a huge power bank charger yeah there's an anchor this is quite a large one I know anchor does make some that could be used for actual like MacBooks and stuff to power them as I could back up I wonder if this is one of them if it is I'm gonna keep it for a backup power for my MacBook so it's a Power Core 26800 model a 1 2 7 7 so this one is just a twenty six thousand eight hundred milliamp external battery with dual import for iPhone iPad Galaxy Android so this is not powerful enough for a computer some Polaroid film and it's been opened up and taken out okay it has not been exposed yet the lights light should be good still not for vintage cameras how much is this film sell for this thing only has eight photos that you can take how much does 8 photos cost wow that's kind of expensive 8 photos it sells an Amazon for $18 to 25 cents wow that's like - 225 a photo - 50 a photo something like that wow that's expensive open package item but it's still factory still has not actually been opened up yet so we're still good on that so like 10 bucks on that maybe three things left in this box another stapler but swingline's it's the same one the one that was in the box awesome oh okay I got an Apple watch Apple watch series 342 millimeter aluminum case well that's awesome I wouldn't expect an ad in this what expect an Apple watch at all but especially this boss what is Oh looks like this is a specialty box for Apple and Android product returns to Amazon interesting okay so hopefully this is not iCloud lock to somebody so this is actually this was a factory refurbished by Amazon is certified refurbished here's the warranty card for it too so this was ordered back on January 19th 2019 sold by electronic deals Inc through Amazon warehouse there's the official order slip for it so oh it turned on okay that's one of those things iCloud locked or not does that look like it's iCloud lock at least this far doesn't look like loud locked so uh this is also it's got the band for it it has the charger it was certified manufactured or refurbished by Amazon warehouse deals let me sell much a series 342 millimeter Apple watch goes for okay so on amazon.com the Apple watch series 340 millimeter space grade aluminum blah blah blah refurbished by Amazon sells for $239 refurbished by Amazon this one is also this is GPS and LTE so this is actually like my Apple watch that I have is just GPS this one is GPS and tea so you can actually can hook this up through your actual like cell phone company so there's a series three Apple watch cells factory refurbished for 239 on Craig 239 on Amazon so like I would give a much better deal than that because it's oh it's it's not like factory silly more from Amazon like me personally I PI sell for like 150 you know knock off almost like 30-some percent off the price something like that so yeah okay that's not that's awesome so I'm definitely I am in profit now I got it oh I got an Apple watch was it two weeks ago it was a rose gold color two weeks ago three weeks ago something like that so that's actually two Apple watches in a matter of like a few weeks here's the thing up folders there's one thing bare their needs of that it is just a cheapy cell phone case so that's it for box one that was a good box I'm already in over double my money like I've made all my money back plus I mean something good profit just right now so I'm happy with that so me boxes stuff up and I'll be right back with the next box okay here we got box number two so first five ones you bad this brown tape is actually already started coming loose in this box pretty quickly I think my cat sat on top of this box here we go with number two looks like this one's got a bunch of records in it a bunch of regular me pull these records out first and get to what's underneath of them there's quite a few records my goodness there's a lot of Records in here which is fantastic is that it I say half this box is just records here's all the records from this box all the weight in this box is records that's a ton of them so here we go well who actually will do the records last first item we got a fire kid proof case designed for little hands Amazon branded case we got another entire box of batteries again I've got this box I think twice now this month so I think the whole box like ten or fifteen dollars or so in that range [Applause] car waterproof and night-vision camera [Applause] that's different sensing looks like a car waterproof and night-vision camera chords for it where's the camera is that the camera that's the remote for it [Applause] oh well that's an issue the camera's not here it has the courts port the remote for it's a Ford Lincoln Mercury multi kits installer cords cords and this is not the camera right I don't want to research this whole thing it looks like they remote as it does look like a camera the main but sometimes they make things kind of unusual looking these days so I guess that might be a camera next August view wire free doorbell camera plus time plus chime this is kind of like looks like an off-brand of the rain camera doorbell camera that's all they're actually still has the original face on it or the protective face II take off as that one they're still cool looks like it has not been installed yet on anything so it's still 100% it's new just over package item so this wow this sells new on Amazon for a hundred and fifty two dollars and 80 cents that is the brand-new price 150 so this is open package item but has never been mounted on anything yet like this is I got it probably easy selling for about hundred bucks I bet so this that's freaking fantastic it's been a good palette pull out a couple things Universal USB backup power like just another fancy USB backup iPhone cord skin for an Alexa remote alpha glass for iPhone is six through eight wall mount for second generation echo dot let's see is this a watch yeah we got a watch US Polo Association watch they always make nice watches they're not really expensive though but they make nice ooh there's two in there they make nice watches Oh u.s. polo so few eyes in looking for a nice watch but not a you know expensive price tag look for the u.s. polo watches so let's watch sales know an Amazon for $32.40 it's a set of two at two-tone watches classic men's so 30 bucks new in this condition I mean it's there they're brand new I like Twenty twenty five dollars is actually what I would sell them for there we've got 20 was left in the box Alexis a remote again and we've got a rugged zag messenger case for an iPad and this is this this is used this is not new at all got uses marks on it but a use AG that's 40 50 bucks right there okay let's uh let's do some these records first one we've got Miles Davis it's not factory sealed is this poly bag by Amazon this outer cover is just poly bag this is there's the original cover for deluxe 3 LP set celebrating 60 years of Miles Davis revolutionary soundtrack first vinyl edition comprising both original soundtrack and the complete session takes so this looks like one two three record set of Miles Davis so yeah this thing probably at least and use condition 15 20 bucks I bet next we got magna carta cartel I don't know what this is about 2008 Magna Carta sounds familiar though but about 15 dollars shipped Coltrane jazz in Chains Coltrane like 61 follow up to Giant Steps features a mild Davis rhythm section on seven tracks so that's kind of cool good 15 bucks on that one then this one is this factory-sealed this one's actually factory sealed still the best of Max Roach and Clifford Brown in concert it's still factory sealed has not been opened up yet so Apollo 15 on that then oh we got the Beatles Rubber Soul I actually did not have Rubber Soul I have the original one from back in like 1960 whichever year it came out but I don't have like a repressing of it this is the Beatles and mono so yeah I actually will be keeping this one for my own collection that Beatles idle moments Grant green good 15 bucks oh this is Justin Timberlake what year 2013 Justin Timberlake cool cover on it though looks like this is a double LP record set just to make by 15 20 bucks so we got head carrier Pixies the new album 1 or 80 gram vinyl plus CD plus exclusive 24 page book and the person that returned it put it back in the original like cover it at a came in May actually how much this thing cost so here's the limited edition box on Amazon it sells new for $43.98 of 44 bucks new use condition it just it just opened up this buy good twenty twenty-five dollars then we got Foo Fighters wasting light hold on my wife's weeping the cameras gonna pick up the sweeper outside this door like crazy hold on wait till she moves okay she's done we got food fighters wasting light nominated for seven Grammys album of the year 2011 Foo Fighters by about 15 bucks on that we got air French brand moon Safari I've heard of that one good 15 Morcheeba big calm I've never heard of that one good 15 on that we actually another one that still factory sealed but it did split right here a little bit but it still has not actually been opened up yet so this is a brand new Ben Rogers wildfire it's still factory sealed but the seal has come kind of loose on it a little bit but as to actually not been opened up yet this cells doing Amazon for $26 so yeah it's still like $15 in and we got spirit 12 dreams of doctors yeah this is a limited edition of 1,000 copies on white vinyl individually numbered this one's numbered 663 out of 1000 back here that has the number down there might show you sell them camera there's number 663 let's say it sells new for like 26 bucks so that's still like $15 we got Motley Crue the dirt soundtrack I'm actually I'm gonna keep Motley Crue I don't have any Motley Crue records so this one will go into the clutch so so so far out of all these I'm keeping the Beatles Rubber Soul and Motley Crue the dirt soundtrack next got AOR that group sounds familiar I think I know them sounds very familiar I'm sure once I listen to this I'll be like oh yeah I know that summer I know that band but playing there 15 shipped noah jones not too late they know a Jones fans out there 15 shipped Florence and the Machine I've never heard of this group or this solo artist I guess 15 shipped another John Coltrane this is one I get almost every single time I think it's so hard to sell to spoon gimme fiction I've never heard of this one we're about 75% through the records we got Vampire Weekend contra the Bane's actually I guess called Vampire Weekend I think I've ever heard of Vampire Weekend here's what we have left almost almost through the records this one just oh this is the edge Sheeran this is 2014 so about five years old here we have a rise up there stuck together but we'll do this one first nukes time as Sonny Rollins it's probably backed by Amazon it's not factory sealed it's just just poly bagged then oh here's the new ghost this one is just playback my Amazon once again it is not factory sealed that's why you see me I'm doing this because this is not a factory seal if it's factory seal I never opened them up but this is just Amazon polybag they put on there one for liquidation purposes and two it keeps things clean this is 28 tingle this is actually their newest one I don't think I've actually heard this this one yet so I've listed this thing before I sell it like I've tried so hard to get into the band ghost it's just I just I can't get into them but I've tried we got rise against it is not fair so there's just polybag but rise against then we've got culture vulture snarky puppy and that's kind of different just holy bad is not factory steel let's see print sign of the times this one is taped shut so this will have some tape on the back and front actually his tape yeah on the front and back cover so we got print sign of the times what year is this I don't see a year on it yeah prints get $15 shipped this last this the last one we got Dracula music by Philip Glass so this is the soundtrack to the movie Dracula that's different okay so we got that is everything so this is actually pretty good palette I got it for 214 bucks I got out of this thing a laptop Apple watch probably 20 records we got an off-brand like a ring a doorbell ring camera thing this was actually really good this is actually gonna be an insanely profitable palette this is gonna be very profitable palette this this is one of those palettes where I'll probably make you know between like I'm just guesstimating right now probably maybe 600 to 800 hours of profit in that range maybe maybe about 600 without actually and everything up right now cuz I don't know what the total is but if I bought it for two something I bet he's about six hundred bucks a profit so this was actually really good and it's always fun whenever you buy a pallet and you get you know a laptop and an Apple watch on it stuff out that makes it very easy to resell everything and makes it profitable very very quickly because the big-ticket items it really helps a lot but I got to make sure that the Apple watch is not locked somebody's iCloud because if it's locked and pretty much is just a brick on your wrist so yeah that's what we got so I will see you next time I got videos coming up all next week every single day sometimes twice a day so be a lookout for double video days and I'll see you soon I'm out [Music]
Channel: Franchise Kicks
Views: 1,298,720
Rating: 4.4354343 out of 5
Keywords: safiya, randomfrankp, tech, storage unit, ps4, nes, nintendo, lego, XBOX ONE, shocking, playstation, ebay, amazon, fba, flip, reselling, garage sale, flea market, thrift store, thrifting, unboxing, haul, amazon tech, amazon customer returns, pallet, returns pallet unboxing, tech haul, mystery, amazon returns, tech returns, mystery tech, massive unboxing, franchise kicks, apple, microsoft, sony, liquidation, jebus, treasure hunting, storage wars, StevenSteph, dumpster diving, a&e, extreme unboxing
Id: gaTk0I27pIE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 41sec (2081 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 20 2019
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