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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ May 18 2021 🗫︎ replies
you know what else they're better like Hansen Jack you're him I'm gonna keep copying wide thumbnails until they invite me on welcome back to the series where I a voice actor review voice acting and we've been reviewing plenty of bad voice acting as you can see up there you should totally click that I definitely commit but today I would like to discuss the good variety of voice acting the best performances in anime animation video games any performance it is captivating fascinating and creaking and downright entertaining so let's get right into it but of course I can't review voice acting in this plane attire I need to get in my persona Mike I'm a professional sense oh yes I would like to add before we start this video that this is entirely my opinion my preferences and stuff that I love no doubt you have characters and performances that you love dearly and hold close to your heart but these are mine and I want to explain them why the first clip is the genie from Aladdin the genie in Aladdin is one of those super rare cases where in video games and animation normally the script is their first or a skeleton script to really flesh out the characters so the director and the casting agency know you know what the character is first to be very well but you know with a Landon it's one of those rare times where you know the script is very much geared around Robin Williams and you can tell that they've just let Robin Williams just go loose on it he's speeding through different characters and changing voices and making them all feel distinct within one go and that is very hard to do I'd even argue at times that the animation is kind of behind Robin Williams as an energy and it's that kind of energy that he brings to it that I think just makes this a performance that just is burned into all our brains no doubt if you've watched Aladdin the genie is what you remember most about it when I grew up watching Aladdin all I remembered was the genie and how funny and entertaining he was and really it's one of those performances that just ages so well and you can appreciate it at every point in your life you know as a child it's really funny it's really ecstatic and you love that kind of energy and as an adult you can really come to appreciate the amount of love and care that he's put into this performance and it definitely deserves its spot as one of the best voiceover performances of all time and now one of my favorite animes of all time with a dub that is just as amazing Cowboy Bebop and let's just get this out of the way now I don't want to see the whole dub buses sub argument pop up it's really stupid if you're an anime fan and you hate dubs that is such a narrow-minded view dubs are really important part of the anime industry and it shows the industry in Japan that the West is interested in dubs just because you can read subtitles completely fine without hesitation doesn't mean that everyone else can there are some disabilities out there that require audio help to understand and enjoy a show if I do talk about an anime dub today that means in my opinion it is gone above and beyond what the sub offers and you can get a lot more out of it anyway enough of that BS let's watch the show look at my eyes fee one of them is a fake because I lost it in an accident what a great scene one of the things that's so amazing about Steve limbs performance with Spike is that you know Spike isn't the most expressive character you know in anime characters are really over the top and it's kind of refreshing to have a character who you know isn't too quick to scream or shout you know he has his moments where he's screaming and shouting and he's laughing and he's cracking jokes and it's fantastic and it builds this realistic character but I think one of the best things about Steve Wynn's performance is that there's so much expression without actually expressing things you know it's very the sound so counterintuitive what are you going to do I'm not going there to die I'm going to find out if I'm really alive I have to do it say I think one of the most compelling things about spite and this is totally due to steve blum performance which is he expresses very intense and very heartfelt emotions without much expression when he's whispering or when he's talking very softly you can feel a range of emotions being expressed without any crazy things happening without him breaking down into tears but you can feel that you can feel that pain that he's been through through just simple talking and just very slow monotone and explaining that isn't helping spike it's not and just that that level of carefree just really helps you like believe in this character just simply delivering one line in a way that you can imagine one of your friends delivering it is what makes it and the fact that they had to do this all while matching lip flaps and the fact that steve blum had barely any experience at this time voice acting it's just insane that this dub came out as well as it did and there's a reason why it's so iconic let's talk about the one you guys want me to talk about and some jack from board lands too handsome jack he's amazing do you want to stop the greatness that is handsome Jack well come and get me borderlands 1 had a lot of characters I remember enjoying the game a lot I remember enjoying all the corny and terrible and cheesy jokes but I don't think any of the performances would burn DIN to my brain now board longs to introduce handsome Jack and that [ __ ] was amazing when were first introduced to handsome Jack were meant to believe that he is the scum of the earth and he does a damn good job at selling that I'm racking my brain trying to think of a name for that diamond pony I bought oh I was gonna call it piss for brains in honor of you but that just feels amateur hey maybe but stallion yeah I love that I love this this line is great I love it because you can imagine a guy you know in his office you know with an apple just being an [ __ ] you know you can just you can picture it so well I think one of the comments down here says it best whenever he talks to you I just imagined him on his office chair half lying on it and spinning around let's break down this line I'm racking my brain trying to think of a name for that diamond pony I bought out I was gonna call it so in the first half the line he changes up the pace and the intensity of the line a few times listen to Rudy carefully I'm racking my brain trying to think of a name for that diamond Pony I bought out like you can feel his head of rock ulam I'm racking my brain trying to think of a name you know he's like hitting those woods very softly and just intensifying the pace slightly on some of the woods and you can really feel his head mMmmm you know what I mean and that's the nuance in it and then on top of that you right after that here it's in a bit of stuttering I was gonna call it piss for brains in honor of you but that just feels amateur hey maybe you know this is there's a few stutters in there it sounds natural it sound like this guy's kind of you know he's he's trying to be an [ __ ] but he's not he's not really being despicable you know and you can tell that Damian cloth really understands this character well from just that one line you can unpack so much about this character and the nuance in that performance you can tell this was probably a guy who was bullied in school and is trying to be cool now you can tell that you know he thinks he's a lot cooler than he is and you can tell that he's really trying to be an [ __ ] and not really nailing it and we got that all from 15 seconds of dialogue let's also listen to the spoon story from handsome jack and I'm dying laughing right so I scooped out his stupid little eyeballs nits kids are can't see where he's going he's pumping into stuff anyway I don't know maybe you had to be there the moral is you're a total [ __ ] I love this so much it's so good oh there's so much to unpack about this like just from the moment where he you know in the start you can tell he really believes in himself in this story and and you're you're a hundred percent solve this guy is delusional and then halfway through and he starts laughing mid-sentence you really do get the sense that this guy is recollecting this story for like the first time in a while and that he genuinely thinks this is funny you know if you told me that Damien Clarke was just laughing in the boof at the story on his own I would believe that I think many of us would believe that he this is genuinely the voice acted laughing it's that good it's so convincing it sounds perfectly natural and of course the final line the moral is you're a total [ __ ] he just really nails it it's it the deadpan [ __ ] just really is the ribbon on on the Box you know it's fantastic I love that story so much and of course if his character was only just this one noted and funny throughout I think it still would be an exceptional performance but I think what really elevates handsome jack in the minds of the people who played this game and loved this character is that towards the end he gets very desperate and this character just does a 180 and he's really on his knees and you can tell that there's real desperation in this character you and just really tell this man is at the end of his rope and that he's just on his knees and that he's he's he's moments from losing everything and that just comes across in this so well he's so close to erupting and he's holding it back and then he remembers that he needs to stay calm to convince her and then he delivers the next line and you can hear at the end of this line real genuine anger of a guy who's about to lose it's just really fantastic it's if there's so many level way screams that I'm a goddamn hero like God it gets me every time because you just get the full character in one line it's so good to talk about Ladd Russo from backing up now back I know is what I consider to be the best English anime dub of all time people will think you're just a bitter grumpy old man let's see that out loud damnit lad I don't have time for this make tracks why don't you oh come on is that any way to welcome your very own nephew I love this performance for many reasons one he really captures the dangerous psychopath sound without having to tell you he's a dangerous psychopath you know the moment he walks in and starts talking but this is a guy who's gonna kill people after all what you're planning to do is search until you find the ones responsible and one thing that is really hard to do is intensity and acting a lot of people think that volume equals intensity and that is not the case and this I honestly feel is one of the best showcases of how you can be intense without needing volume and squeeze and squeeze and squeeze until they fold like a dog and squeeze when the rides are about to pop out squeeze do you really hear the intent to kill and like it's nothing to him and you can hear him walk up this staircase of intensity while he's squeezing his throat listen every time he doesn't more you can really hear him driving that home listen to it and this is our first introduction to the character and in this one scene we know straight away of this character is a nutcase and that we don't want to mess with him he just really sells every single punch you know often an anime I find it like when there's a fight going on in this dialogue it sounds like they're two separate things that the fight is happening and the dialogue is happening completely separate whereas here you know the dialogue is the punch the punch really emphasizes the dialogue and vice-versa it's fantastic now let's talk about the last of us with Jolin Ali played by Troy Baker and nationally Johnson this is one of my favorite scenes from the whole game it's fantastic and it just my god not her you know what Maria told me about Sarah Elliot I love it when he says Ali because you can just feel everything with just one word you can feel the frustration the despair the sadness and just how much he is just holding on to everything right now you're right you're not my daughter and I sure as hell ain't your dad we are going our separate ways damn that seen me up every time man it's in voiceover a lot of the time when actors do do children it's kind of like you can sometimes just kind of tell it's an idle doing it but with Ali you're really sold but this is a kid they talk like a kid they act like a kid it's just amazing and if you haven't played this game it's I know this is gonna sound like a mean but donkey from Shrek is great then I had how do i how am I trying to sell the track is an amazing acting okay all girls are like onions they stink yes nope oh they make you cry no oh you leave them out in the Sun they get all brown start sprouting little white hairs no layers Eddie Murphy is donkey is I would argue a similar position to Robin Williams as Aladdin the character is kind of built around the actor and the actors performance it's it's really fantastic oh you know not everybody like onions there's no pretty much I can say except that Eddie Murphy is just extremely expressive like Robin Williams and it's the same kind of deal you know everybody like puffy next up I want to talk about Liam O'Brien as dr. Tenma in monster saving your life made me realize that the weight of each life is equal no one's better than anyone that's why no one has the right to take another person's life as a doctor I live by those beliefs for the last nine years because of you back when Liam O'Brien used to do a lot of anime I just loved his performances and him as dr. Tenma is my personal favorite the fact that he's also matching lip flaps but absolutely nailing this character the intensity and the absolute turmoil the dr. Tenma goes throughout the series I couldn't imagine anyone doing about a job you talk too much universe doesn't know your identity but I do I was your attending physician doctor tenement life is just constantly ruined and his life views are disrupted and he's put in situations that he would never want to be in and Liam O'Brien just brings these situations to life with just how full of despair he sounds delivering some of these lines especially a write like this one human life is precious don't you see that he just sounds like his whole life is crumbling before him and you could really feel all of that making it sound like you're losing control over your voice due to being in a very intense emotional situation and being able to do that constantly over and over again convincingly is amazing and dr. Tenma just nails it throughout this whole thing and with that I think we're done for today if you guys enjoyed this video please do share it around it means a lot to me and please smash the like button and all that stuff and comment I have a patron as well if you'd like to support me and if you do want me to review more voice acting in future please let me know down below what you'd like to see me review do you want more good voice acting more bad voice acting or would you like me to review voice acting of you their viewers I would love to maybe do that I hope me dissecting these performances a little bit is a bit insightful and that you enjoyed it without further ado I will leave you beautiful weebs to it so bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: CDawgVA
Views: 1,632,534
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Voice Acting Review, Voice Over, Voice Acting, Voice Acting Reacting, Voice, Acting, Voice Over Review, Voice Actor, CDawg, CDawgVA, CDawg Voice Acting, Reviewing Voice Acting, Reviewing Voice Over, Parody, Wired, Wired Parody, voice actor reviews good voice acting, Aladdin, Borderlands, handsome jack, Baccano!, Monster!, Shrek, Last of us, voice over, voice actor, voice acting
Id: 3vfMms-bpzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 26sec (986 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 30 2019
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