I became a BILLIONAIRE and turned Europe into a launch pad...

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have you ever wanted to become a billionaire just so you can found and run your own space agency with the aim of colonizing mars in your own name imagine having your own flag design planted onto the martian surface oh yes hello fellow engineers and welcome to earth x a game that allows you to do exactly that but why is it so blurry it's so blurry hang on let me go to settings oh we're at 720p hang on a second right i imagine this is going to be like going from not wearing glasses oh wearing glasses that is sharp that is sharp anyway this game allows you to do exactly that so you get to pick yourself as a ceo i think that pretty much represents me if i was going to be a ceo i'd probably wear a suit and a hat we are going to be milan ask or melon ask and for a company name we are bringing back the uk space agency and yes if you remember our kerbal playthroughs you remember the uk space agency was responsible for this as well as this and yes a few a few explosions and other disasters but mainly it was it was very memorable and positive so let's create a new game we've got a tutorial on see what we're doing since you decided to buy airfx among tens of thousands of other games well so someone's just telling me what i need to do and she's talking so long it went dark it's now night time but don't worry if we go over this way to the lovely uk which looks very strong in this globe it's nice it's nice and sunny over here it's daylight so we've got 60 million to play with we've got 15 skill points we can spend as well so if we start with our research streak you see we've got loads of different things we can unlock all sorts all sorts now we're going to start with a small rocket because you got to start somewhere you see we've got 10 skill points we've got 3 million 150 grand we've got to build a factory and an office so if we come down to this icon here which looks like a man holding a warning sign uh we can build a factory for 450 grand or an office for 2 800 blooming l anyway let's build those can we plonk thee can we plunk these anywhere i think they need to go on great britain so they should get built pretty soon so it's really dark but i've got a torch i can bring my torch over england so sorry guys no sleeping tonight there we have our small factory i want to make this easy to remember so i'm going to rename that as the shaft and this is going to be not office the balls so now we have both of those we can go back into our research tab so we'll click on the small rocket you can see everything is done so let's unlock that we've unlocked it right so now we have the ability to launch a rocket we got to come into this button the contracts because we we need contracts in order to make money so on this contract we've got to launch a very small leo which i think is what we've just unlocked so we've got the rocket to do that now we've got to enter our bid in here and you can see there's other companies that have bid so since i want to win this one i think i'm going to undercut all them i'm going to go for 15 million well 15.26 million let's hope we win i know so we did win we have a year left to complete the contract can i just launch now no rockets found oh pooh we gotta build a rocket right let's hit pause down here in vehicles all right so to start off with we've got vehicles let's let's just buy a small rocket so it's gonna cost 1.7 million we still got 53 mil so let's let's get that constructed that's going to take us 56 seconds so whilst that's happening let's have a little look in the research and see what else we got we got prototypes over here so for rocket engine we've got to launch four small rockets and then we'll unlock that so let's have another look at the contracts and see if there's anything else we want to try and do what's this bottom one it's got a timer on there's only a minute left that means i want it hang on it's all gone red it's all got red what have i done i've broken it already ah so in the top right you can see i've built my small rocket but i don't have a hanger though let's zoom back in to the uk space agency base we're going to need a hangout we're also going to need a launch pad as well so let's build a launch pad maybe there in wales or is that cornwall not really sure where that is and then a small hanger can i squeeze that there oh look i'm gaining land mass i've just made great britain even bigger right so you can see the bars are going up they're getting built and then we should be able to launch finally all right so there you go you can see our buildings are built we've got a launch platform let's zoom out and in the middle of the night let's launch our rocket so we've got you've got a 61 failure chance which isn't great but that's what it is when you first start one of these companies now you can also see as well if we just launch it now we're going to lose the entire cost 100 that's because this isn't part of the contract so we need to go back to the contracts need to go to that one and we need to say launch now because we'll get 15 mil if it works so select our rocket and then let's launch so t minus three two one large where is it well i didn't see it what what the i launched it from the other side of the world where's that i launched it near australia that wasn't the intention however check this out congratulations it worked so it's 2003 we launched our first rocket from the wrong launch pad but that's not the point now we can also predict when we're going to hit new milestones like our first landing the iss supply first capture in space but milan ask is not cocky so we're not gonna do that at all man look at the profit we made on that no wonder milan is a billionaire right next up then we do have a few other things we gotta do we got some test flights one involves putting a potato into orbit okay that sounds fun so let's buy a few more of these rockets i might actually buy like three of them just so they're stacked up i do actually need more factories if i want to build more in one go but i think that that'll be all right for now or perhaps i can build i can literally build a brick a building a bridge to france out of buildings right there we go no more brexit great britain and europe have reunited in the form of factories and once this build is built it means we can build two rockets at once right so in the top right you can see we're constructing two rockets i've also got one built already so let's do this orbital spud launch chances of failure i've actually reduced a bit i think because we had one flight we learned a lot last time so let's launch this and then we've got to find where on earth we're launching this from it's it's not from great britain again oh there you go there it goes so gross did we do it success we launched a potato into orbit it cost us two million i don't know if that was worth it if i'm honest i missed a launch platform on weird island near australia why are you there why are you there why are you there i want to launch from great britain i built i spent 15 million on that anyway we can also send some concrete into space may as well do that let's give it oh look that is that's in the right place yes uk space agency oh i'm so proud please don't blow up or anything all right it's going it is going wait is that good yes i think that's successful success the uk space agency has done it again nice so now there's a potato and a lump of concrete orbiting the earth so i'm gonna do one more contract which will probably involve another rocket so let's build another one look at the failure chance now it's going down every single time so we'll get another two more built and then it seems most of our contracts they're not ideal they're all red which means we're gonna have to make money a different way until we can research the right things now if we come down into this tab link link this is how milan asks is going to make most of his money and this basically provides internet to the entire world and all we gotta do is launch 294 link links into the atmosphere which we can build in a gigafactory now we don't have a gigafactory unlocked so perhaps we could hire some managers to help us now looking at all of these i think the the main person i'd need is probably a lead engineer although they have milestones they demand like he needs us to land 21 times on a drone ship oh man i really want to hire will smith as well that's men in blackwell smith not wild wild west one right so i guess the next logical thing to do is work to unlock the medium rocket so we've got to launch two more small rockets and test three rocket engines now we can unlock the rocket engine by launching one more small rocket so let's get that done and we're gonna do that by sending some more concrete into space so we launched that over in our aussie base i mean it's not it's not really aussie yes what island is that i probably should know geography has never been my strong point but nice that has happened which means we can now unlock the rocket engine i guess let's build that for 1.2 mil ah look what i've just noticed you can upgrade your rockets so in the research tree we've got upgrades and we've just unlocked the telemetry one so for four million let's launch that and that will allow us to see how fast and high the rockets go meanwhile our rocket engine is available to test so 300 grand boom let's test it oh we get a little camera view of this so there it goes at the the flames are doing the flame thing i think i think that's a successful test okay next up we're gonna do a full length fire so test that 500 grand there's a cloud in the way get out the way cloud so this is what half a million quid gets you more more clouds basically the trees are going absolutely mental i don't know if they're head banging or something milan asks who plays hardcore metal music constantly during his time at work i mean all we've got we've got some contracts we can actually take out so the rocket eater inc are currently winning this one that says no one else bidding let's just put the biggest bid we can in 60 million yes please right we've also got boost work that is one we can do uh 15 million except for yeah sure we'll do that for 15 mil you've also got some medium rockets now i haven't unlocked that yet i think that's a bit risky if i try and do that we do have a few years solid why not we'll do that i think we'll be able to do that one fine oh look the rocket eater someone else's bit they're all bidding 60 mil as long as no one undercuts me oh he's just undercut me pdf space damn you anyway whilst the bidding is going on we've still got some research to do so to get the medium rocket we need to launch one more small rocket and test one more rocket engine so we'll test that 500 grand then we'll launch one of those 25 chance of failure pretty good meanwhile we've got to keep building rockets now these are cheaper because we've got we've got stats look you can see how fast it's going how high it's going decent profit and now we can unlock the medium rocket so that is unlocked and we've got to launch seven in order to upgrade to make it cheaper we've also got other upgrades like rideshare telemetry cargo capsules oh and a manual landing cool now we've also unlocked a hat the uk space agency hat so i guess we'll use that it costs five million but it makes everything 50 grand cheaper apparently i mean i sort of thought it was going to be a cowboy hat considering that's the one that we wear but apparently it's a baseball cap but whatever okay right time to do some buildings because we've got medium stuff unlocked so we need some medium factories i think i'm going to spread into europe for this we're going to build properly across the channel it's just one landmass now we also need a medium launch pad i think that's going to go right on the tip that's what she said i think there will be good then we also need a medium hanger so we'll shove that sort of there and then all of those should build overnight in the meantime we'll do another evening launch from the uk look at it go you can see how fast it's going it's so fast a thousand kilometers an hour i don't think we've had like one negative launch yet they've all been they've all been a success and then rather than keep doing this manly i can actually go into the settings so into settings scroll down we have auto launch so we'll take that i'm also going to do always days i don't like it being like that's much better we've got daylight everywhere i think it's time to build solar panels everywhere i've just doubled their efficiency all right medium rockets we can build them for three and a half million so let's get one being built you can see we've got another small rocket on our launch pad ready to go so let's just select the contract we gotta do it's a palapa so that is launching wait no isn't the one over there launched why am i so bad oh no oh no there's a failure this is why i didn't want to launch over there there's a reason great britain has the word great in it oh no so we just lost like five mil on that we're down to 13 million i've been spunking money like anything right we gotta we gotta keep an eye on the finances now so which contract gives us the most money it's the hour of sat success is 40 million failure could bankrupt us though i think i think we got a gamble we have got to gamble i don't know why we're looking at this camera angle right well there it goes i think we're doing the test oh no oh no still going wrong right quite a few failures going on right so at the tip of england which some of you may call scotland we have the medium launch pad and it's ready to launch now our first medium thing is the arab sat seven eight one it's got a 32 chance of failure which means two out of three times it should go right so it will show on there we'll press launch and look you can see all the rocket hello he is ready to go now we need this to work this is 37 million quid profit if it works come on two and three chance two and three chance uk space agency yes okay i think we've done it i think we've done it yes we got 37 million in the bank that was make or break for our company thankfully we just made it so back in the contracts we've got a year left to complete these two so we need a very small rocket and a medium rocket so we better come in here and we better build those so there is a medium one for three mil and i'm building a small one as well i've also got i've got a small one ready to go so what i'll do we'll go into the raz com and we'll launch that for hopefully three million 23 chance of failure this one's over here in the sea it's looking okay though come on uk space agency yes that's another success right so i guess we'll just keep going with the different contracts trying to make more cash right so basically in these contracts there's i think there's some that you can bid on so just bid on the rocket eater again for 16.8 million then a lot of these other ones they're just like they're like fixed fees so obviously i'm not gonna do that one for four million that's like that's not worth my time but i could do the 10 million one so we'll accept that and then we'll build a few rockets so we'll do the small ones i think four of those should be you probably need a medium or two as well in our research to get the next prototype the rocket hopper we're still we're still trying to test three rockets so i guess we'll keep doing the full length fire test that's happening over there hopefully that number will go down so we've got another one done whilst that's going on we're gonna launch the arab sat four seven eight three so no we're not because look here a capture was required and if we go into our vehicles we need to upgrade it to get the cargo capsule oh no we need to launch nine medium rockets so i think we're actually going to fail that contract is that going to cost us 20 million oh i'm an idiot i'm an idiot anyway let's launch some of these small ones oh look we launched that from north america i didn't know we have a we had a thing up there we're colonizing everywhere anyway look we got 37 million profit for that all right so i'm just going to launch another one of these small rockets so gonna launch from the uk yeah that's launching from our welsh site oh mind the satellite above bloody oh that was tight that was close but there it goes that looks like it was a success yep nice and now in our research tab look we've got a little blue dot by the medium rocket which means we've unlocked and upgrade the rideshare that allows us to launch multiple payloads with one rocket so yes we'll upgrade that for five million we'll bid on the eu rocket and then we'll do the same from germany germany give me your money alright so basically germany has given us three different things to launch three payloads so it will launch one of them and whilst that's happening can we launch the other ones yeah we've got a launch here oh no oh no that looks like it's failed i think that's failed it's falling down it's full oh dear that was a failure how is the one over the other side of the world doing that looks a bit more successful i think that was a good launch so sorry germany we you win some you lose some it seems now we can now upgrade our small rocket as well which means if we spend three million our rocket should be cheaper so if we come and build a few small rockets oh nice they cost less than a million each so let's build four of those grab some more contracts i'm gonna set up my jeff's to launch one at a time so there's one so as we've zoomed out you can see we're launching simultaneously off either side of the world we have conquered the universe i may i may be exaggerating but there nice three million profit for that one four million profit for that one cheers jeff cheers jeff and then we just rinse and repeat so let's build some more rockets look at the failure chance seven percent this is banging so four of them on the go launch more rockets got the simultaneous launch going on again i'll tell you what i might i might try and get a launch pad on every continent i literally want to take over the world so first off let's zoom into europe let's build some more hangers these will allow us to store more rockets just have a little hanging down on italy and one over in portugal right and then small launch pads we want a few of these so we already launched from europe let's get one in africa we'll go proper in the middle let's go about there another one in south america again bang in the middle i think then we'll do we'll do a north pole where's the north pole is it that bit or is it over there i'm gonna guess it's there but i'm not entirely sure we're gonna do one in the south pole as well right nice we can launch from every continent now except for asia sorry aj i forgot about you so it will build a few more small rockets accept a load of contracts including one to send a millionaires ashes into space it was his dying wish so yeah we'll accept that right then back in the research tree just going to prototypes yes it does look like testing the rocket engines has helped so back onto rocket engine we'll do one more test with the crazy head banging trees they go we've unlocked the rocket hopper this prototype will allow you to practice landings of your rockets okay we'll build one of those and then to get a spaceship engine we've just got to test those twice and automatically land 14 rockets but first off since we've got all of these active contracts let's launch them all at once oh man look at the failure rate as well down to 3.6 failure so basically i'm never gonna fail right so that's all of our launch pads ready to go so they're all gonna launch says i can literally scroll off quite a while and if we look every continent is launching the north pole the south pole south america europe asia everywhere oh look at all this money coming in it's just constant money and it also means we've finally unlocked the cargo capsule nice let's unlock that we've also unlocked the ability to sell flamethrowers it'll cost us a hundred million but it means every rocket we create will cost 250 grand less so once we get 100 million we're definitely going to invest into that but for now we're sticking with the hats and i i like to imagine these are the peace love and bridges hat from my merch store you should check it out engineer dot store all right let's send this millionaires ashes into space so we'll launch that with a small rocket we also do these remaining contracts so nice they're all taking off hopefully they shouldn't fail we've got very good at launching rockets they look good to me nice we've got money i just want to check with the flamethrowers if i oh okay so that gives me a hundred million straight up but it means everything i buy costs more i'm not i'm not sure i don't really know either way we've just gained 100 million nice because that means we can build some cargo capsules now these cost seven million each but they will allow us to send stuff to the international space station which means we can do some some of these contracts that have iss on it like this one we can also do some more rocket testing so yeah we'll test that static fire the camera is going mental on that test but i think it's successful the trees are happy still and we can also research the 150 meter hop so this will get us ready for landing rockets back which i can only imagine will mean we don't actually lose rockets so profits will soar because we can reuse them so here's some look it's going up the cows are freaking out they don't like it it should go to 150 meters which apparently is off the screen and then hopefully it will land back down on its feet yes here it comes here it comes is it gonna do it it's gonna do it gently gently yes successful test let's do another test of that so we've tested the two rocket hoppers the next thing we'll do is automatically land 14 rockets i've just worked out in order to get the actual cargo capsule support i need to pass these challenges so we need to launch eight medium rockets and unfortunately the only medium rocket to launch is this one the boost work which requires a geo rocket i did the game earlier tell me if i build a drone ship i can do that i don't know let's build one of them and see what happens it's only 16 million chump change to me i'm also going to continue building into europe and actually expanding europe i quite like making the landmass bigger we'll build a few factories down here the more factories i have the more rockets i can build at once oh look we've got a medium iss which we can do now for secret lab so if we accept that offer once our medium rocket is built which will be in 20 seconds we should be able to launch that and make some money meanwhile i'll keep the small and the very small rockets going that's just easy cash in my opinion we'll build more small rockets launch them all into space and take that fat cash paycheck and then unfortunately the medium iss one it now says no capable rockets even though we literally have cargo capsules and medium rockets ready to go so i'm guessing that means i need to unlock the cargo capsule support which means i've got to launch eight medium rockets now there's no contracts to do those without cargo so unfortunately i'm just gonna have to take a loss on these three million per rocket so sorry medium rockets you're you're just getting launched for no reason like there it goes at least it's successful it didn't blow up and another one here from the great british world which is now the great europish space center nice build a load of medium rockets we need to launch three more and then we're good we'll keep launching our small rocket so we have some money coming in they launch you from great britain and africa at the same time nice money right so i've got a load of medium rockets ready as well so i just need to like i gotta static fire these to increase the chance of success so you can see this one on the top i did the static test so there's an eight point nine chance percent of failure this one i skipped and there's twelve and a half actually that's not that i don't think that's worth doing solid we'll skip them all i can live with twelve and a half percent failure they will launch those two and then hopefully if they're successful which i think that one is where's my other one it's over there double success i still need to launch one more hang on hang on alright so there goes the last one at the top of my screen cost me 3.7 million but now we've got the cargo support capsule support the cargo capsule support unlocks that's around 12 mil that's unlocked and also in this we've finally unlocked the large rocket we can do a moon orbit 31 million to unlock look how cool it looks though so yeah let's unlock that we've even got a link link terminal that we can unlock so yes we can also start selling bricks in our merch store which means we get 35 mil cash thank you and finally we've unlocked a large factory but not only that there's a gigafactory which allows us to build the link link the wireless internet service and once we get 292 of those we'll start making serious cash however for now i think we've got to accept more contracts because now we have the large rockets look these have the geo the iss the emio so many tlas but essentially it just means we can accept more contracts so first off let's build a large factory we'll plonk that down there and we'll build a large hanger somewhere in the italian alps and then oh no to build a large launch pad i need a 125 million so i guess for now we've just got to accept more medium and small contracts to get that money up but for now guys i think we'll leave it there i love that my company's taken over most of europe and turned it into a single landmass and next time perhaps we'll be spreading across the continent into the americas into the asias if you want to see more boost your like button otherwise i'll say peace love and milan ask bye
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 368,779
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elon musk, falcon 9, falcon heavy, space shuttle, space travel, space x, earthx game, earthx gameplay, earthx highlights, space sim, rocket building, rocketship building, space launch, space race, earthx part 1, earthx playthrough, earthx walkthrough, spacex mars, spacex landing, spacex live, drae, strategy games, casual strategy games, management games, space simulator, space games, spacex launch, space launch explosion, rce
Id: AGnTBDGulak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 54sec (1374 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 15 2022
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