I became a God and CREATED ENGINEERING in The Universim!

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this video is brought to you by the patreons and those that support my channel get a variety of perks such as your name here access to bonus and behind-the-scenes content exclusive merch and the satisfaction in knowing that schmeichel is fed for at least one more day but hello fellow engineers and welcome to the universe sim this is a god game where you get to control or not control you get to persuade the inhabitants of your planet into living the life of fulfilling the needs of the people by becoming engineers and i think now there's no better time to play this game because as you can see here the engineering update has just released which hopefully means if we progress far enough we should be able to engineer an awesome planet like this one look at all the infrastructure on here we got ferris wheels posh buildings and bridges i think it's time for an early bridge review so this is a seven span cable stay bridge it's curved like the earth i'm sorry flat earthers spanning a huge lake it allows people to get from one side to the other if they're one of the people that aren't fortunate enough to own a hot air balloon and if you spin the screen you can really see how it's meant to look because it's not meant to be upside down and diagonal but i give this bridge an 8.6 out of 10 bridge review oh wow that was that happened a lot earlier in the video than i thought it would anyway let's get into a new game and first off we're looking at these two people these are the people that will live on our planet the two that are fortunate enough to start life i know they're not actually called people they're called nuggets i think because they sort of look like chicken nuggets nuggets so we start off in the dark we gotta we gotta touch the touch oh that was bright all right so again a little look through some of the life that's gonna be spawning on our planet oh look there's a cute little fox i wonder where he's off d oh my goodness what is that anyway i think this is our planet the place that we are going to be colonizing so i've just been told i am the god of this planet and i need to find somewhere to place my little nugget capital so we're looking for somewhere near water so we got somewhere to drink near like resources like rock and trees perhaps not right next to huge bears or in the middle of a barren desert so i reckon down here looks pretty decent let's go there the architects of their species the what of that what okay we've just been told that these two are architects the first two people on my planet they're architects how could this happen anyway as this is a sponsored videos these guys are gonna be named after my patreons now unfortunately for two of you you are gonna be at the architects so we got down here this bloke big chungus not gonna ask why he's called that and then this woman over here hippo sorry but yeah despite them being architects i've got faith that they can engineer something decent out of this planet but they are gonna need my help so we're gonna come into this bottom corner and we're gonna research primitive tools like we already have that and we are going to research the water wheel and then fire and then the water flows study because we want to become drainage engineers not just any old engineers so you can see they're building some residential area and it looks like yes they finished uh but oh no hippolyta doesn't seem to be impressed is that because you just found out you're an architect is that why you're crying the book of love oh goodness she basically wants to find out why the only other person on this planet is called the big chungus i'm on it so basically i have special god powers which might surprise some of you but basically if i if i hold the middle mouse button we get loads of different powers that we can use very very useful and to make hippo lippo's dream come true we're going to be using le cupidon which will use up 20 creator points however if you look in the top left we have a very nice number of creator points uh so we we're gonna use this we're gonna trick big chunga so big chungus i've basically just shot him in the ass with a cupid's bow arrow now we're then gonna click on hippo lippo and and oh wow they're wasting no time they are where are they going they're going into that building and then oh oh goodness um okay okay um they're probably they're probably just there's probably like one of those mini trampolines in there and they're doing some keep it thing um right what what can we go look at what they're doing oh look at this building over here isn't this nice that's that's a nice bit of engineering right are they oh they're done they're done oh my goodness they've produced children already right unfortunately she is crying again she is she mining at the same time i think she's just crying uh we are struggling to agree on names for our little ones big chunkers keeps wanting to call them something trivial like stick and stone all right don't worry i'm on it so we're gonna rename these little ones after my patreons of course so no you're not stick you're something far less trivial cats don't bark i think we can all get behind that name and then stone no no no no you you were meant to be magic voodoo man but apparently that's as many characters as we can fit in and looking at that leaf arrangement i don't think you're a man anyway all right so next up it's time it's time to build some stuff so we're gonna come down into this menu the construction menu we're gonna go into utilities and we're gonna build a water pump yes even in the stone age they had water pumps how else do you think people got water so we're gonna build this right on the water's edge and that should give our guys water because as you can see down here they literally have no water not ideal we're then going to tell our little nuggies to prioritize building this and look you can see they're mining stone so they can bring it over and construct oh my god he just got completely nude then and construct the water pump right good work next up we've just unlocked the reservoir that will allow us to store water so we're going to put that somewhat nearby you can see we've also got some like road layouts sort of already planned for us so i should probably put this sort of on the road so i think that will give us quicker access in the future i think i'm then going to make these guys do it again because uh hippolyta wants to see more of what big chungus has to offer now the downside is i'm not sure how i'm going to increase my population once those two are sort of too old to be doing that sort of business because obviously these two they're like brother and sister magic voodoo and cats don't bark surely i couldn't could i i'm not sure of the ethics of being a god anyway back in the research we've cued up the primitive cooking i'm also going to do the fishing and the oldowan toolkit because that is a prerequisite to unlock as you can see down there the engine is hut and hippolyta has just given birth to two new inhabitants we've got galactic 51 and ducks are not not ducks dux like there's there's not just like a load of ducks quacking about anyway these guys they're quite slow at building so i'm going to give them a hand i'm going to come into here and we're going to go to telekinesis [Music] because that will allow me to pick up resources and help build now i'm going to go a little bit further away because there's no point getting the ones that are close to them so i'm going to come over to these rocks and these trees and we are picking up all sorts of bits and bobs you can see bottom left we've got 27 bits of rock 25 log i really didn't mean to pick up that many i've just used up all my creative points and then we're going to come over we're going to help build so we're going to pop that on there i'm not sure that worked how i intended it to yeah i think i did actually just destroy the reservoir that was being built my bad so we'll select rebuild on that sorry guys i was trying to help and then over in this building over what is this they've like they've built a bridge oh wow around the back it's got massive grinding things so this is a temple i'm not really sure what temple does but we're going to assign someone to it magic voodoo that sounds like your type of thing i'm very pleased that their temple has a bridge on top though i think that means they are turning into engineers now what's wrong with you why are you crying right so despite what happened last time they want me to try and help them build using my telekinesis powers so this is where they've decided to build we need to we need to grab that and then can we do that no i think we've just ruined it again or did we all right so it's currently got two logs and no bits of stone if i lob these into there oh it did work okay so two more bits of stone so i've got one shove you in oh that was it yes i helped i actually helped oh wow is this thing on fire what is going on here i think are you okay up there magic voodoo they have fully got into the role they got the hood on and everything just mind your eyebrows mate all right so next up we've got a few more buildings we've got resource management we've got an eatery yeah let's build one of these then again we'll sort of shove it on the road i think these are just like paths that people tend to use you can see there's a bit of like it's a bit of a dirt path i think it's just a quicker route that people travel oh meanwhile over here we built the water pump you see that is engineering at its finest i'm pretty sure our original architect traits are all gone now yeah and i think it's time for someone else to make some babies yeah i do realize these are probably brother and sister but you and you are going back oh no look it is hippolyta and big chungus again so don't worry it's just it's just one massive family there i really hope we find like another tribe or something because i don't want this to get weird it nearly got weird for a second i mean watching this it still is a bit weird if i'm honest i do fully believe they've just got trampolines all right and who popped out then we have young carlo welcome to the tribe was there any one that time right next up it looks like the the reservoir is finally complete it's half full or half empty depending on how pessimistic or optimistic you are but we have just unlocked the fishing pier so we're going to shove that in to give us another source of food so i think that will go down there right so next up who do we have down here we have cats don't bark i feel like it's probably your time oh oh look magic voodoo i think they have the hots for you mate so we're gonna send both of them into mcdonald's to go get us some new nugs oh and anyone sitting on a sec if i click on their family they've already had a child robert clark anyway they're off doing that again yeah and we are growing quite rapidly although i'm a bit concerned i think it's now winter because there's starting to be a lot of snow dotted about and as young benamir has just been born we need to work out a way to make sure our little nuggies don't get too cold and thirsty oh no because look our pump is frozen all right thankfully we have a reservoir now i wonder is it worth trying to build another one so we'll plonk out there i'm going to use my telekinesis to grab some resources so bring them over to here shove all of those in that's all the rock done we just need some wood now so we have to shake off the snow from the trees grab a few more as well and nice it's got all the resources now it just needs to be built so let's prioritize that guys you know and sadly our lake has completely frozen over which makes our fishing pier redundant at the moment and what is going on over here i guess okay they've got to keep warm somehow look at your hair what is that galaxy that is a very impressive barnett this is our research tree we should probably unlock some storage areas as well as a witch doctor because we don't want people getting ill i'm also going to make our reservoir more efficient and increase the drinking refill rate and now i think we're at the point where we've unlocked the most important item in the game the engineers hut so it's the home to all engineer nuggets so we're gonna need lots of these i think uh basically just allows you to repair structures but um i still i still think it's pretty essential right we will shove this there i reckon all right and our new reservoirs built however unfortunately the lake's still frozen so we cannot fill it with any water unless it rains but it's snowing so it's not gonna rain if i had 400 crater points i could change the season i could literally skip winter however we've only got 46 because i keep making people bang it so uh what's wrong with you find my lost nugget it looks like the wolves are gonna eat your nugget all right i'm on it where are we gonna find this dude i don't know how far he could have gone oh goodness is that a wolf coming near my camp yeah he's getting pretty close oh apparently i can i can tame him no apparently i can't tame him maybe later on i can anyway we gotta find this dude oh no here he is here he is he's surrounded by wolves it's peregrine we've got to we gotta save them so the question is what bit of power do we want to use i mean could i lift him up into the air let's see what happens it's all right i've saved you he's flying through the air oh god i just hit him into trees sorry all right you're back you're back all right i saved you dude i think yes we saved him kalapsha is overjoyed to have pedigree back safe and sound ah right so our engine is hut is finally completed we need to pick someone to be an engineer so i think the person with the most wisdom is gonna go in and that is cats don't bark and they need to come over and fix this building because for some reason it's taken a bit of a hit it's been very much overly used and as it says down there it's in shambles and you see it's proper cold minus 37 degrees that's like that's colder than the coldest weather i've been in and i've gone to the alps skiing loads of times i mean these guys they're just walking around with leaves covering their bits oh look koikoi induced kid have agreed to begin production on new nuggets and i've been watching this for like five minutes now come on come on man put your back into it right there we go there we go we we have a little we got a little baby baby breticus all right nice on baby breath because you've triggered the start of spring the snow is finally melting which means with the lake ice gone i think we can get someone fishing i feel like hippo lippo you're pretty old these days so you're probably going to enjoy fishing and meanwhile we got the two water wheels doing their stuff now we've got new things to build as well so what do we have we have unlocked the warehouse so we'll build that there and we also have a stone age hospital so we definitely want that oh man it's such a big building it collides with everything okay we'll put the hospital there and i might take this opportunity to go explore because we can zoom all the way out we can see the entire planet we can even come around to where it's daytime oh what do we have down here what do we have down here we have a crash meteorite oh i've just i've just opened it what is that what have i found it says up there cracking these open could be risky it could be a pandora's box bring to epicenter to research okay can i use my telekinesis to do that yes i can right come this way box now i imagine my nugs are gonna be freaking out seeing like a golden cube just floating above their base but hopefully it will bring us good things so that is the epicenter so we'll click that do i open it or do i scrap it i think let's open it let's see what we've got ready oh oh is that a bit of a bridge oh it's a bit of an eiffel tower oh what the hell there's loads of stuff about what's this red dude who are you joey the smiter we've just gained a red dude and i think we've got loads of resources these are iron yes we've got iron uh mr engineer our water pump is it's dying it's it's held together by chewing gum apparently can you fix that oh no don't say that's just out of range ah it's out of range right i might have to build another engineering hut in a better location so there we go not my finest moment i think we'll demolish the original one as well because then we can salvage all the resources nice oh and look our hospital is complete oh wow that that looks a lot worse than i was expecting it to be anyway he wants to be a doctor how about drew the smiter the red dude he's literally just joined he came from a golden cube surely you trust him with your health right and i hear squeaking what's going on guys you're obsessed you're literally upset i thought it was funny at first but it's just constant all these people want to do is make new nuggets i mean i do i love chicken nuggets but it's a little bit too much guys i'm not gonna lie oh what are they building over here another residential area cool and by the way i'm i'm just a god here i think is is someone in charge if i click on this ah yes big chungus he is the leader of enzotopia so how is big chungus doing i'm so hungry i could eat my own shoes okay right we might need to work on food you're already meant to be a little bit hungry anyway how can we increase food for our population well i think we've got a few choices we can either build some more eateries or research to make them like more efficient or we could try and research to unlock agriculture so yeah let's get a town hall and then agriculture and then i probably i know this is quite sad we're probably going to have to look at creating a cemetery because at some point people are going to die and we don't want them just like laying around rotting everywhere meanwhile i'm going to go for another wonder because that worked out pretty well last time oh wow it's cloudy up here it's cloudy but i can go through the clouds where look i found another one give it a boosh all right what's in the box that always rocks all right here we go from the sky we're gonna bring it down boosh all right let's get this open let's see what we've got please do something good oh i took down some trees blimey yeah we got a bit of notre dame interesting oh god what happened over there oh that got destroyed whatever that was the box somehow repaired all your buildings by a hundred percent oh decent so what's going on over here why are you complaining koiko is ill okay i'm on it i'm on it thankfully i have a health hour so i can rejuvenate you where have you gone there you are all right dude you're making this quite hard why are you walking so close to the other person wait where is koikoi is that are you right thankfully i do have this list where i can look through all of my lovely nuggies and we can find koiakoi who is clearly sick and we can say rejuvenate you have been blessed nice we have achieved oh meanwhile look we got a telescope are you looking at me who is that oh that's big chungus the leader i think he's trying to he's trying to see where i am trying to get a face reveal not today big chungus oh maybe he was looking at the moon all right well anyway as the sun rises on engiotopia i think this is a good spot to leave it there we've we've done pretty well for today i mean some people are very very happy oh wow really really happy and we've just unlocked a town hall so i think we'll bung this in about there and then we'll cool it there guys right if you want to see another episode of this let me know in the comments and of course push the like button i will say thank you very much to my patrons for supporting the channel because literally if you didn't support the channel this video would not existed so yes i will say peace love and very stone age bridges bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 598,542
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the universim gameplay, the universim game, the universim moon update, the universim space age, the universim space update, space games, simulator games, god game, spore like games, the universim ep 1, rce, real civil engineer, bridge review
Id: GKKqv-KPIac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 27sec (1167 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 22 2022
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