Are you smart enough to beat this game?

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hello fellow engineers and welcome to the looker now this released a few days ago as of recording and it's a free-to-play puzzler with overwhelmingly positive reviews on steam and it's based on another little game you might remember called the witness and that game was a beautiful well-received puzzle game where you basically have to draw lines from a start point to an end point to solve puzzles now generally your line was confined within other lines so you had to go straight like that you couldn't just go outside like for example this one you have to go around the corner to get to the end but all these line puzzles were set in a beautiful sort of landscape thing and there were boards placed around that you could solve but not only that the game was all like perception based so you had to line up like fountains to get certain puzzles to be able to draw and stuff like that it was it was very cool but apparently this is a parody of it because although the witness was well received it was also a pain in the ass so just like in the witness we've got like wires dotted about everywhere and there connects these puzzles so if i solve this one which i assume i just sort of follow the lines around so like that you can see this wire lights up it goes to the next puzzle so then we solve that one like that follow the wire to the next puzzle which is around this corner oh it's all the way up there and i don't know how to get up there because i can't jump and this staircase goes to nowhere blooming an architect design that i tells you an architect for the visual aesthetic of a staircase because why would you want to get up that stupid blooming architect right anyway perhaps to get up there we got to get through this gate now this gate has one of these so if we follow the wire back it leads to this cubie thing and this cube has wires coming from it so let's try and solve those as well all right so one leads inside this turret and there's no stairs to get up there either well next to the turret there is another one so i guess i may as well do this one so the start is on the right so we just draw that way nice and then following this wire oh it goes into the chess board i'm not sure about that but over here i found there's a hint button i can draw a line across that to get a hint now i don't think i want to do that yet i want to explore first so what's up here it's a door with a sign stop do not come in um i sort of wonder can i just like cross that out and i can't oh it's very it's very red all right let's graffiti this sign oh what the hell it opened i was not expecting that i just went mental because it was really bright you're right mate what the hell is that is that sne for start and end so do i draw oh i just slit oh no it says behind you oh it's gone that was scary i thought that night was going to be like on my ass oh did you see that why do i have a gun now what has happened to this game i was happy doing line puzzles all right what is down this hallway i've never liked libraries they've always freaked me out a little bit oh freak me man you better end me what have we got here oh look we've got start and then do i [Music] okay i'll just shoot the target off that works that works anyway up here we're high up what do we have here we've got some painting we've got some fruit we've got a nice view out there and we've got sort of a clear one of these i wonder can i just like if i draw a line from there over to there oh he told me i did it wrong he said try putting some more loops on it how about does that work for you mate that actually works i solved it see i'm an artist at heart what's over here oh we've got is that a tv remote if we draw a line okay that was like an audio recording of some guy that was probably baked off his face talking nonsense interesting all right let's head out here we're on the castle wall finally i wonder if we can get we want to get over that side all right what have we got here start and end as well as s and e no that didn't really work right this one's giving me the witness flashback so i wonder if start goes to s maybe and then end goes to e i think that's a note what about that way around yes alright was that way around the gate opened right so we've got an s and e there change places and what if i did what if i draw it back right not sure what that's all about so let's just color in that worked last time right anyway this looks like i can control the chess pieces down there so do i have to do this like in order of how chess works because i think everything i'm doing is gonna make a check so if i move this guy over to there then he can just go boosh down to that oh actually i think that's the one because if i if i do that one to there then he can't move anywhere without being done by either this guy or my horse yeah so i think that's the one i think i just gotta do i gotta do that right apparently that's a no do i need to do all of them at once yes all of them at once so the horse moves well then that moves then that moves you move up there and then boosh you're done mate you're dead we won the game i feel like i could have won that in one go though anyway hang on that chessboard it didn't turn the light on why didn't it turn the light on what did i do wrong anyway let's follow this cable this goes up to the turret that we couldn't reach oh it actually goes it goes back down again interesting all right around here we've got some cannons we've also got a target do i need to aim at a ship i assume that's like that's like a pirate ship or something so if i aim there and then say yes sunk it right then i just use my perception i guess to go over that way so i can shoot you nice the canon moves and boosh yes what a shot and there's one over that way oh this is quite fun see you later m8 boosh and then there's one right in the distance so about there seems good and this cannon is gonna fire on that and that was the end of that oh there's one there's another boat there i missed that one right you cheeky bugger eat some of this boosh all right so now a song called the pirate ships now what do i do is that a ship there i've just fired a shot i don't know what it is but eat some of that sorry if there's like random people on the island all right we've even got a door we can't get in but if we head back where you pass the cannons we can go downstairs and along here we've got a puzzle here so do we just do start to end i've done like the zorro sign sweet okay so that's this door unlocked i sort of want to go over to this one what is this oh man this is proper witnessy so from the start i guess i can just go straight ahead and then i'm looking for a way through and i think it's just no there isn't one there isn't a way through ah can i just you silly game silly silly game i thought that was a bit complicated for early on anyway let's just lit this one over there which i assume is the same sort of thing this this is proper taking the mick out of the witness i love it so the witness would make you do like the actual line puzzles and you'd like for a hissy fit because you get it wrong at the last minute i'm not gonna lie quite prefer these ones although what what do we have here how do we do this one also does anyone else see two men touching tips there is that just me no i can't okay okay that's good that's good can i go outside the screen no what if i go left do i come out on the right note what if i do that that and a bit of that does that help what about this yeah don't know about that one i might just leave it for a little bit i really thought that would solve it you know but um all right i found a sort of gaming room with arcade machines and ice hockey there's a wire that goes this way and it goes upstairs ah so that's what's up here that's what's behind that door so we've got to get over that side i think in order to get in there right well i'm stumped so you can do it really i want a better hint than that me i believe in you this is all you yeah maybe uh maybe you can't do it oh no he's giving up on me you're weak maybe i'm weak baby you're stupid you should be embarrassed but you keep crawling back like a mewling calf at my chafing teat pathetic right screw you man i'm going to go complete this puzzle all right i gotta get that end stop oh you cheeky blooming game right so i just gotta draw along this can i go all right moves oh it's so annoying all right what's this one this one i think we do actually have to go in the lines all right so it looks like i think we just go up along this one all right there we go this is unlocked now what's in here hang on there's there's no end where's the end all right well i guess we just brute forced this i did nothing oh it beeped what does beat mean oh it gets louder he's beeping i don't know i've either got to get to there or there or there so as i draw this he's saying beep i'm getting closer he said yes but nothing happened what do you mean beep i'm here yeah what do you mean i'm so close oh right after lots of trial and error i finally got bloody i'm not a fan of the beep system mate not gonna light not the most clear thing in the world right what do we do it a bit of that is it nice all right so now we've got two lights going to this thing we're just going to do this third one which comes from over here i've already got this one going down so i just do whoop whoop nice okay i think that's everything yes this has now unlocked a key puzzle so from s to e we've got the key and look the box is opening what's inside you oh look it's got an automatic spinning system that's pretty nice engineering that oh we got a kids food menu a chicken nuggie what is that a single chicken nugget anyway we gotta help this crab dude get back to the ocean which is the end so we're gonna go down here along there down this bit around these bits then we're there nice and then over here i think this is just like a copy of the gate so if we do that sort of thing the bars disappear we're free right so just a rock that way what is this direction there's a nice little beach down here but not a lot else so i'm guessing we're going in this which i can only assume is a hedge maze great now i have a theory to hedge mazes i think if you always go left like you win it's just something that like hedge maze designers do so we'll keep going left whenever we have the option to turn so round here left and then left and oh anyway 10 minutes later i think we're finally out oh exactly where we went in aha but look i found something it's like sort of like a churchy thing restart what does it mean i don't know question is can i go through that flower in the middle yes i can right so we got that we flipped the page so what's a double green up can i go through that i can nice so do i have to get like all the icons on my journey like that yes so if we make the slipknot s sort of oh we failed do i do the spear first and then the star is that like alphabetical or something or i just don't cross streams you don't want to cross streams all right i guess we'll find out now if it's something to do with the alphabet oh it might be it might be maybe it's the colors so circle whatever that is whatever that is okay that was right there's only so many different ways of doing this surely yes it wants me to like do an s no what about something really annoying and doing like that one then that one and then the middle one oh you get so bad at drawing all right that's that one done oh we're back to the start all right maybe that's the hedge maze completed not entirely sure so what else have we got around here oh yeah the arcade machines it's called snack i can underline it i can overline it put it in a box oh i just i was just going to color it all in and we've unlocked it right so on this one when we draw can you see us like it's actual blocks like we can't just we can't do curves or anything yeah so i reckon something like this right there okay we've completed it oh and it's kept it and do i have to i've got to draw around it okay i might have to restart this i might very much have to restart this i got restart please all right serves you right for trying to be funny matt to be fair to myself i was just trying to do it efficiently but you know how it is all right i think the key is just to stay close to everything you've done like this one will go back along there i mean is it worth going down all right so what about that there we go i definitely feel oh bulls i definitely feel like this is the most sensible way of doing this seems to be working ah stop ah damn your right hand all right so for this one i'm gonna go over to here i'm literally just gonna stick to this oh right hand you and me are gonna fall out son all right let's do the hard bit first actually i don't know it's hard it's literally just a straight line all right so then down there nice okay now the outside of this decent right do i go left or right i reckon left actually i'm gonna go left victory nice we completed this neck oh that's another oh i was doing it the wrong direction so now that's colored in which means potentially we can head up here aha and this door is now open all right we got gaming set up in here so do i do start down to game no matt stick to what you know we do the s to the e ah here we go oh what is going on here have i gotta do these fast am i like shooting i am like shooting oh no i didn't do that one oh i missed one i missed one my hand eye is not the best what did i miss one i don't know 300 points that seems pretty good right oh god you got to be quick on these freaking out oh why is my hand eye so bad no damn you all right we only got 400 points oh yes i got one night no why am i so bad at these ah sod this all right 425 points thankfully the door opened ponytail thanks a lot mack i'm gonna assume lots of people probably understand that i live a sheltered life okay don't i don't get jokes like that hey look there's the maize ruin here's a house at the back all right what is this we've got a golden box it's covered in like bits of puzzle uh hopefully i can just do a bit of wob oh that made a noise oh something's happening to the roof it's a jack in the box what is it it's a total station we're gonna do some surveying finally some engineering surveying this castle needs it i'm worried that it could be settling it's like survey ception there's a survey within a survey don't say a mini one's going to come out of that oh no oh what is that it's a laser where is it shooting over there oh we're just now where are you looking oh it's gone straight up to the sky i don't know what's going on anyway let's complete this one whilst we're here i assume that just goes down like that oh now we can use the staircase there you go i engineered it to make it work what is this thing doing it's like shooting all over the place what is that it's like an arm coming off the side of it oh it's poking it's poking the laser oh has it just i think it's just turned on that solar panel that's got a red cable coming out of it now anyway over to this door we can do the old zorro sign again guess unlocked oh i'm back in this room with my minimalistic style strongest shape drawing okay oh so now we're up here this is where the the ray was shining so that has now gone to this thing god knows how we're gonna complete that what else we got got like a glooby thing we got a telescope that looks at the sun i'm not sure if that's sensible shall i have a little look through oh why did i see that oh that she hurt i got another audio file right and now to solve this i probably should have worked out like what i'm meant to do but i guess we're just going to brute force this so i'll probably see you in like half an hour we'll see how far we get 3 000 years later right and after about attempt 15 we're finally through the door so what is was it worth it what's up the stairs uh pretty nice view and what is what is it oh look there's an s there and there's an e there oh do i draw right so from the s we've got to stay on the grass we basically can't go on this black path so we can come down here we can go straight through the fountains and then i think we gotta stay like on the light stuff so we can go over this there's a bit of flower pot in the way along there onto the grass once they're over the leaf and do i go along this line no i don't i can go along this a pile of rubbish onto this wall and we've made it to the and i've drawn a knob that's literally a knob the obelisk of knowledge the obelisk of knobbage more like i think the game wanted me to draw a knob yes well nice on bradley lovell proper enjoyed that that was like the witness but fun oh yeah really enjoyed that if you also did boost like button sorry it's dark right now the game closed on us anyway peace love and the looker that was awesome bye guys [Music] you
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 831,885
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the looker walkthrough, the looker playthrough, the looker, the looker ending, the looker 100%, the looker no commentary, the looker letsplay, the looker gameplay, the looker complete walkthrough, the looker full game, the looker longplay, the looker achievement, the looker game, how to complete the looker, carrot helper, the looker on rails, the looker investigator, the looker the obelisk, the looker snék, the looker great book, the looker steam, rce, real civil engineer
Id: LfY0hJ6zrKU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 26 2022
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