This is humanity's biggest threat...

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hello fellow engineers and welcome to playgink so today's video is a warning to you at home oblivious to the imminent danger to our way of life because this little blob here this is the start of a horror disease that threatens to take over and destroy the world yes when you look under a microscope this is what architecture looks like so today in play inc i will be playing the role of architecture and yes i know it's not gonna be easy for me but i do need to show you the dangers of what could happen if we let architecture take over the world so to start off we gotta select our starting location now being british i'm gonna select britain because not only is it the country i know most about obviously but because it's an island it's sort of like the through point for the world like everyone sort of travels either via us or we travel everywhere so i think it'll be a good place to start spreading architecture so architecture has infected its first human it's weak obviously and basically we've got to evolve this disease by clicking on those little things we get disease points in the bottom left so look you can see scotland has been infected there's now four people infected with architecture and it's spread to northern ireland as well we can zoom in hold it there's five people infected already if we click these we get more points and then bottom left if we click this button we can see how architecture is getting on yes you can see it is simple it's a very simple disease at the moment but i will be using bioengineering to make it more complex which is the worst case situation in the real world so on the top right we got these tabs and we can spend our dna points to tweak the virus and i sort of am here i think i want to like sort of infect the world before i make it dangerous because i feel like if people know how dangerous architecture is then they'll just rise up and destroy it instantly so in these symptoms i'm not actually going to add any symptoms for a little while i think i'm going to start in the abilities if i come to this one this is drug resistance if i spend my 11 dna points on that you can see it's resistant to class 1 and 2 antibiotics which basically means it won't be as cured as easily so we've done that and as you can see here you have successfully evolved architecture oh it hurts my engineering insides but remember i'm just trying to teach you a lesson this isn't this isn't me actually helping architecture it's a simulation and we've just been told architecture has begun to spread it's spreading from person to person in the uk and will grow exponentially these are dark and dangerous times there's 48 people infected but it hasn't spread anywhere so let's go back into our dna menu and i'm going to go into transmission i feel like perhaps because we're on an island perhaps it's better to evolve the bird side so basically this will make birds carriers of the virus so i need 12 dna points so let's just save up for that by clicking those and just simulating there you got 13 points so i'm gonna evolve the bird and then that might start spreading the disease across the world yes just been told architecture has infected hundreds in the uk yes horrible it is horrible although as i'm a southerner i've noticed we're not infected sorry the northerners it's only the scots and the northerners although i'm sure it will be long until the southerners are infected and then it will go all across europe and the world right we've got more points to spend i might come up to this one which is bacterial resilience which basically means it protects you against all climate so that means as we move to other countries it should be better i mean that maybe that's why it's stuck in the north because it's slightly colder up north a bit warmer down south okay oh look we've we've infected thousands of people 6 500 people in terms of the world though that is a small number compared to the 7 billion in the world and you'll notice architecture has not been noticed what a lovely world we live in this is how the world needs to stay we can't let architecture take over if you zoom out you'll notice oh we've spread architecture to central america so if we pop that little bubble there that spreads it a little bit further and we've got a load more points and i know america is getting some architecture over there it's not good it is not a good look guys and the numbers are flying up we have 69 000 people infected nice oh and it's also it's mutated on its own so i didn't do this basically sometimes in this game the virus will just mutate on its own and it's developed a rash symptom so if we go into the symptoms this is the rash one as you'd expect with architects their skin becomes blistered and painful which slightly increases infectivity which is quite good actually i do i do want it to spread a bit more but i don't want to add too many symptoms for the moment i want to go under the radar so i think we're going to do some more bacterial resilience so we can survive more climates because we are we're in the uk and central america very different climates let's just make sure we're good everywhere and the good thing is the more countries we spread to the more chance there are of spreading to other countries because they've all got ports and airports and all sorts oh look the uk is infected they've just sent a plane to the usa is now infected and iceland yeah architecture is infecting more countries this is not good europe's got some as well it's just gone to spain it's now more infectious than tb architecture is a very infectious disease so you can see in here we've infected 15 million thankfully it's still a very low number i sort of i think i want i want to spread to every country and then get really infected i know as soon as people sort of realize that it's infectious i'll start closing the ports closing their borders all that sort of stuff right we got 19 points if i click on those two we've got 21 points uh let's do the next level of bird flute let's evolve that and now birds are really going to start moving architecture about yellow it's in australia it's in japan africa's got some architecture i'm so i feel so bad spreading architecture about the world but we got another 13 points i'll tell you what i feel like it might be worth doing this one because if this disease gets too infectious the earth will start trying to research to find a cure so if i do this one this just slows it down it decreases future research speed so i think that's a good investment and oh no architecture's just evolved it's developed a coughing symptom on its own so i feel like people will start to spot yes here we go look a doctor in the uk found a new disease which has been named architecture oh i love this i love this it appears to be mostly harmless but must be investigated further other countries are also reporting this disease yes we've got to be careful the doctors are investigating architecture now look at all these points to collect yummy yummy yummy in most corners of the world now it's looking pretty good i'm going to go back into here i think in transmission i might do this one so this means fresh water will spread the disease and as you see that's especially bad in humid environments and ship transmission so let's evolve that and then perhaps we'll do the third bacterial resilience as well because then every climate is doomed so you can see we have now infected 69 million people nearly there we go nice that is a nice number if we click on the world that's one percent of the entire world you see on the left here these are all the countries that are infected oh there's way more countries infected than not infected but of course because this disease isn't dangerous yet there's been no deaths particularly useful when you're trying to go under the radar like i am right wow architecture is now more infectious than hiv i mean look at the uk it's completely red in fact looking at this despite the uk being open for business as usual everyone in the population the entire uk is infected with architecture and look it's already started look at that building the gherkin you thought that was a good idea you thought that was a good idea oh well an architecture has mutated and developed the sweating symptom that is quite dangerous and even more dangerous the uk has started work on a cure thankfully it is expected to take a long time because they haven't got much funding i feel like if people were being killed by this disease the funding would be higher so we've got to try and keep this a fairly safe disease for now let's spend points on genetic hardening which slows down the research speed and then also genetic reshuffle so any work they've done will be futile more work will be needed to develop a cure all right and then we just let this run for a bit longer we're slowly infecting the world i mean look at the scandinavian countries they are getting blasted and the world has reacted by using new sterilization air filters on their planes i mean look at north america that is that's quite impressive what percentage is infected 69 nice oh wow look at europe and asia that is crazy china is half infected although they're still open business as usual they're not too worried even though architecture has infected more people in the world than the common cold i think i'm gonna i'm gonna spread it even more we're gonna make sure we can survive chemically treated water which be very good for ship transmission and i might make rodents carry the disease as well wow we have inspected three billion people in the world that's 42 of the entire population architecture is spreading fast oh wow you see we've actually we've infected every single country every single country now has architecture it is a horrible place thankfully africa has done all right they've sort of shielded themselves a bit there are a few countries is that egypt yeah egypt is being infected big time 62 percent of egyptians have architecture now which now has the symptom of insomnia so no sleeping for a lot of the world right now mimo i'm gonna make sure we're resistant to class three and four antibiotics and then i i might think about a symptom or two i feel like cysts is a good representation of architecture painful lumps containing pockets of pathogen slight chance of bursting which can lead to disease yeah let's do that let's evolve that it's only two points oh look at the world we've infected five and a half billion people with architecture this is how quickly it happens now bottom right as well that three percent that's how close the world is to creating a cure now thankfully although the whole world is infected there aren't really many symptoms so it's not that dangerous of the 6.5 billion people that are infected none have died from it you might think well matt what's the what's the problem with architecture spreading throughout the world like this well the trouble is when architecture changes you get used to a certain type of architecture in the country then all of a sudden curved glass walls overhanging beams and then you've got abscesses growing out your anus you get paranoid so you won't go to the doctor and just thinking about maths makes you nauseous now the french have been quite good here they've shut down their airports to try and limit the spread of architecture obviously they don't have access to this map they don't realize it's already too late 97 of the world have architecture yes architecture is global yeah i feel like with 49 points now is probably the time to start getting serious so if we go to our symptoms we're going to try and be realistic here so when i think architects do i think skin lesions yes i do we'll have some of that do i think tumors yes architects must have brain tumors and in the past have architects give me seizures most definitely so we'll evolve that as well and then we might start to see our first death yes here we go the first death happened in morocco was it bad luck or is it the beginning of something terrible well looking at the death figures they are flying up 84 000. oh man it is it is bad now the world has realized their mistake they let architecture into their lives thankfully the entire world is developing a cure for architecture are they going to be able to they if i come into abilities and i give myself a genetic reshuffle then look the cure is being developed very slowly there's 40 million dead already it's happened in days we've killed more than the black death and the last healthy person on the planet which i can only assume was an engineer has now been infected with architecture there are no healthy people left in the world everyone is infected and i feel like it's just a matter of time until death takes them i think one of the final symptoms of architecture is insanity you start to believe that the glass walls are fine that buildings should look like this no it's because you've been infected you're going insane so yep the world is a mess now it's absolutely infected the planes and stuff are not flying anymore and although the cure for architecture is 25 complete the amount of deaths is flying up 130 million normal life in the baltic states is beginning to break down due to architecture this is what happens one country at a time they'll all go mental and architecture is now killed more than the spanish flu i think the architecture has been placed on the huge watch list the world knows how dangerous it is now but i have a feeling it might be too late despite the german's best efforts deaths are flying 200 million they're sending planes and i have to try and pop these bubbles to keep it back so that they're going to south america to research but pop pops sorry germans not this time oh wow and the cure for architecture has actually turned out to be lethal the researchers say the setback will damage cure efforts that is what happens with architecture you let it in and you're in trouble right the cure is actually 50 complete i'm a little bit scared actually that's that's quite high i don't have any points that i can spend at the moment so i think we're just gonna have to try and kill everyone before they cure the world which means popping these pesky bubbles right so the new stats show the architecture is the deadliest plague ever it's killed more than smallpox though eight percent of the world has died to architecture although the world is fighting back 65 percent of their way to a cure though despite access to the best drugs the usa president has been taken ill that is what happens with architecture and at the moment the tokyo olympics are still going ahead despite 17 of the world population dying how is how is uh japan doing actually 22 percent of the japanese have died yet they're still gonna do the olympics oh yeah in the us they've they've selected a new president already because the original one has fallen victim to architecture i'm a bit worried about the cure though they're 84 of the way there oh look there's actually been a cure thanks to applesoft the new eye cure so i think humans did come together the engineers of the world despite being infected i think they have come up with a cure it's about to be released when that hits a hundred percent and oh no the us has threatened china they think china deliberately released architecture as a weapon he's sworn to take revenge it's right the cure is finished it's being deployed worldwide oh wow look at the bar look at the bar 20 of people are now cured of architecture and just like that only a very small amount of people are infected still has the world done it i'm glad this story has a happy ending architecture to be eradicated the world has survived a devastating plague and will soon eradicate architecture forever although much of the world is dead we can rebuild architecture has been eradicated yes guys of course i wasn't going to let architecture take over the world but there should be a warning we mustn't let it happen anyway i hope you guys enjoyed i will say peace love and architecture catch you guys next time bye
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 367,349
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: plague inc, plague, plague inc fungus, plague inc is a perfectly balanced game, unlock all genes, unlock all, unlock all plague inc, unlock everything, all genes instantly, plague inc exploit, plague inc glitch, video game exploit, game glitch, plague inc walkthrough, guide, video game guide, funny, montage, exploit, the spiffing brit, plague inc evolved, rce, real civil engineer, bioengineering
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 33sec (873 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 17 2022
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