Breaking Minecraft with your Dumb Ideas

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I've said it before and I'll say it again stop trying to burn down your house now today I'm taking comments from my previous breaking Minecraft videos and making them a reality you guys have some terrible ideas on how I can get my PC to blue screen so why not try them all out also say hi to camera B so we can watch this moment on camera hi camera B let's start with something simple hi blue screen my PC by making a really big platform of block with drip Stone hanging on it then I removed the platform with a command and done okay cool let's try that position one position two slash set air let's go oh oh my gosh that's so weird from this perspective is it even moving it's not even going anywhere oh well I can't move my mouse or anything so this is just Frozen now well guess this isn't moving anymore so I guess while this is going let's move on to the next one use the blocks within blocks resource pack all right it's enabled and it's actually running surprisingly smoothly but if you look at each of these it's all more blocks within blocks every single texture is made up of more blocks even the tools are made out of other blocks and stuff this is crazy the funniest one that I've seen is you put the red mushroom block down and check it out it's just more red mushroom clocks within the red mushroom block I feel like that was cheating hello chicken are you more blocks you're made out of beehives bees are also made out of beehives I'm pretty sure yeah so you can side your own face yeah obviously this is all pretty cool oh the sun is is made out of gold it's really cool but it's not really like crashing my computer so what do we have next the immersive portals mod when I loaded up the game with immersive portals uh it gave me this notification it says nothing on the lines of uh Nvidia video cards have a bug with the driver and it might crash the game which is good we want that to happen so I'm not going to address it uh we're just gonna play with portals but before we do any of that we need to talk about you listen if you scroll down right now do you see this button because if you see this exact button it means you're part of the 83 percent of viewers that aren't subscribed that's a pretty high percentage and I kind of want to bring it down so if you're willing hit subscribe plus it'll get you informed on the upcoming goofy stuff that I've got planned it's sure to be fantastic and I don't want you to miss out regardless though I appreciate your view and I don't want this to be a drawn out subscribe segment so we're gonna go right back to immersive portals enjoy what could possibly go wrong so if you don't know what immersive portals is uh check it out this is essentially what it does it allows you to go between the Overworld and the nether seamlessly and just jump in and and go through the portal and it works perfect obviously it's a bit laggy because it is loading two Dimensions at once and trying to render them both at the same time so uh this could lead to some uh chaos nothing I really want to try is uh making an infinite loop I don't entirely know how it works but I want to be able to see myself through the portal let's see if this works if I could do all oh it worked oh it worked I can't believe it worked I did not expect that to work that is really weird it's so trippy here's another question if we build a big old portal gun light this up and then we walk through right so that's that's just the same size portal portal helper I don't know how you work but we're gonna mess with it and see what happens can we make a portal with these if I'm doing this correctly yeah oh right I need to install the the other mod to be able to do that but that's cool that's so trippy okay well I'm I'm sure there's a cool way to crash your game with this mod and I would have to mess with it further and it seems like a mod that I could just do a full video on this is really cool though I'm I'm a fan of this this is wild all right next mod hammer update it has moved down like six blocks since last time you checked in so that's pretty cool on the plus side it hasn't blue screen so that's that's kind of nice or I guess that's a downside because the goal is two blue screen so oh hey look at that we could see overhead now that's super cool side note by the way this is over a hundred and thirty thousand drip stone blocks anyways I'll see you back here soon after we look at a couple more this is a rather boring technique but it's guaranteed to crash any computer have a repeating command block set to always active and enter this command then throw a snowball straight up all right we're gonna test it you gave me the guarantee the command is set let's see what happens here's a snowball whoop oh geez whoa okay uh that's interesting it's definitely doing something it's definitely destroying my frames uh it looks like the game completely is crashing but uh it's not blue screening the computer I'll give it a second though you gave me your guarantees it's just gonna be frozen I'm pretty sure that's about the extent this is gonna do it uh yeah I mean you can see a b camera here it's just not responding so I think it's just gonna be that it crashes the game and cool that's a good time so it definitely crashed the game but it didn't crash the computer so uh we're still on the lookout have you considered using a mallet good thing I don't actually own a mallet otherwise that would be weight I definitely thought the Walmart I went to would have a mallet for me but instead I got string cheese so [Music] update my skin has changed to a default skin I don't know what happened there but apparently I don't have my skin anymore but on the plus side you can see those trees there right in the middle I think we're almost to the ground yup tune in next time to see how much further we can get and if I can get my skin back I've actually heard of this one before and I'm very excited to try try putting a chest down fill it with any item and then pick block the chest while holding the control button and then fill a chest with that chest and repeat basically stacking NBT so here's what we'll do is we can take a chest and we'll put uh basically just a bunch of uh purple wool right bam take the purple wool fill up the entire chest with it and then we take this chest and you use control and you middle click and now you can see this chest has NBT essentially what this means is that if you place this chest down it'll have the same items in it that the original had pretty useful but now what we're gonna do is we're gonna take a chest here and we're gonna open this chest as we just Snappy chest we're gonna grab the NBT chest and now I have a stack of these and we're just gonna fill this chest with those chests now when we control middle click on this one this chest has now a ton of data in it place this down you can see we have all these chests and all those chests lead back to the purple wool so now we're gonna do it again we're gonna take these ones and just put a bunch of those in there and now we've just gotten so much further now we place down another chest we open this one up and we fill that with that whoa hey we're getting a little bit of lag oh my gosh okay all right now this chest is kind of insane oh oh oh my um I have a feeling if we do this one more time this is just gonna completely just self-destruct I can't even like place them in effectively look how it's going oh yeah that's uh that's nice and Frozen while this is working I don't think it's gonna blue screen the computer but it's it's really trying oh yeah it's see it just crashed the game there it is it just it just crashed the game all right so it didn't blue screen everything but it did crash the game so hey we got we got one step there that was solid all right on to the next one yo look it's actually touching the ground now I think wait oh those are the yeah those are the trees look in the top left there that's crazy look at that it's actually landing on the ground oh my gosh guys it happening things are actually happening now well the drip stone is landing the eagle has landed except in this case the eagle is the drip Stone we're almost there we're so close but I guess it's just gonna last a little longer try crackers wither storm mod if you haven't already seen this mod it's kind of awesome essentially as the title suggests you can summon a Wither storm this is based off of Minecraft story mode and it's a really really well done mod the Wither storm itself will go around sucking up blocks and getting more and more powerful here it is in phase two this is phase three and this is phase four where it starts to get even more ridiculous phase five it starts to look like Megamind and phase six it gets some friends and face it was the top so this is this is the craziest it gets which not gonna lie it's pretty crazy so there's a lot to this mod there's a lot that it does there's a lot of particles there's a lot of things happening so what happens if we get a bunch of them okay uh we've got I think four that's already doing pretty well I'm gonna go one step further here's the idea I'm gonna essentially take a repeating command block and set every wither storm that's close to it to the fullest for the stage there we go that's that command and then this other one we'll summon a Wither storm way up high so now if we just press this button we instantly get a Mega wither storm and then if we set this to repeating I'm Gonna Keep It on I need Redstone so that I can just press this button summon like seven inch oh yeah here we go here we go baby here we go this button is still pressed down I don't know what's going on oh oh that's that's uh yup uh-huh that's oh my gosh I think it's working I think the idea was working yeah I got a solid like one frame per second now so that's real fun okay okay oh calm down all right well now that everything is just a purple mess uh I guess we'll just move on to the next mod have you tried doubting your computer in orange juice good good thing I don't actually own some orange juice oh no this is gonna do the same thing foreign that's huge it's like almost there wait that's whoa that was crazy any calculations right now we're almost there we almost made it without blue screening this is awesome congratulations you want a giveaway oh no guys listen if you ever see a comment like this completely ignore it because it's not me the only account that I respond to comments on is my official narfi account which has a check mark next to it if you see any other account that looks like me has my profile picture or anything do not click it is a scam in fact I actually have to run some code on my computer every once in a while to remove spam accounts they're rampant on YouTube and if you haven't seen them before you'll probably start to see them all over the place so just know that I don't do giveaways and I don't respond to comments with an account that isn't my official narfi account just a little PSA so that you guys know when I'm actually responding to you anyways back to the regular normal actual people comments oh oh my gosh check it out look all the all the drip Stones gone and my Skin's back oh my Skin's gone again I just I spoke too soon I guess oh my gosh the updates are getting quicker look there's particles down there it's actually function wait look my Skin's back does this mean we have actually no we don't we still don't have any frames per second it's all still seconds per frame but uh we're almost there the chat message is disappearing we've got a couple frames now oh my gosh I'm gonna hold shift and we're gonna slowly move can I zoom in there's nothing there on top of the trees right now oh yeah there they all are oh my gosh look at all the trips down I can't even like zoom in wait let me try zoo I love how my hand like disappears a frame before I actually get zoomed in close the brackets hit enter oh oh my gosh I have frames now that was an experience and even though this didn't blue screen I'm pretty sure the next one is guaranteed to install a Minecraft mod designed to cause a blue screen with a command well I couldn't find anything like that but I did find this with the blue screen of death on death mod I think we're gonna need my B cam for this one this could be this could be rough so let's get into it this could be really interesting because if I do end up dying uh my computer will actually blue screen this could actually be the first official blue screen that I've gotten from Minecraft even though it's a mod designed for this this could be the first one none of these houses have any chests great well you guys really just don't have anything huh okay oh bread great wonderful leather armor there is one more lock there and I'm leaving it be you know what I really want to do I really want to find a very like obscure way to die or even honestly like I'm looking around for a witch hut right now if the witch was the first way that I could find to die that would be pretty awesome I feel like it's an achievement to just die immediately to a witch you know like that does not happen very often this is such an extensive swamp is there really nothing out here got a bit of a better Vantage Point let's see if we can see anything out here there really is no witch hut any Desert pyramids out there that want to let me jump in and blow up we could definitely run over here and see what's around I I think uh it might be worth it to see if there's a desert temple man I was really hoping for a witch that's such a bummer wait I have a saddle I can get a horse heck yeah let's go man buddy yeah best friends for Heather let's go we're off to find a blue screen let's go yes this is what I wanted let's go before I do jump to my inevitable Doom though let's see what's in here oh iron pickaxe I don't even have to make a pickaxe let's go let's see what things I'm gonna be missing out on in these chests three diamonds all right we got a couple emeralds we got a couple more Diamond multi-shot that's so cool oh before we do anything else I'm gonna put golden horse armor on the on the on the horse come here I'm Gonna Give You horse armor before I disappear and never never come back uh you enjoy that golden horse armor you look snazzy all right I'm off to my Doom have fun out here in the real world living the rest of your life as a normal horse and uh yeah it's gonna be great and this should be the blue screen let's see it happen [Music] oh no freaking way all right they got me on that that was pretty funny that was pretty clever all right it did in fact blue screen we did in fact get a blue screen any more light hey guys thanks for thanks for being here in this whole journey and this experience and this fantastic was that was that cheating though was the mod cheating though I feel like we might need to do it again
Channel: Knarfy
Views: 2,286,325
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Knarfy, Knafy, Minecraft, Mods, Funny, Showcase, family, clean, safe, minecraft, mods, funny, breaking, break, breaking minecraft, minecraft chaos, chaos mods, immersive portals, modded minecraft, minecraft popular mods, showcase, minecraft update, minecraft mod, minecraft mods, mod showcase, minecraft meme, minecraft funny, funny commentary, best minecraft mods, mod, minecraft fabric, minecraft memes, java, chaos, minecraft custom, no swearing, family friendly, memes, challenge
Id: v87ZSluhM5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 11 2023
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