I Made The DEADLIEST Trap In Minecraft

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what is this what is going on purple oh my god my game this is the deadliest trap in minecraft and i used it in sip over civilization event to catch some of the best pvps on the server in this event we had two weeks to build a thriving minecraft civilization before the war started and naturally as a redstoner i was put in charge of building farms and designing traps now to make a deadly trap i could just use a bunch of tnt minecarts tools to kill someone but these traps are single use and normally they only catch one person i wanted to make a trap that's just as deadly but can trap multiple people at a time and is reusable and this is what i came up with essentially it's a giant obsidian cage filled with witches from the witch spawners we had it has bubble columns to stop the player from pulling down and a ton of signs to stop them from placing any blocks and as an added benefit the signs can block you from eating gaffers wasting precious seconds to trap people in here all we had to do was bait them into this corridor where i would open up this giant trapdoor dropping them to their doom it was pretty annoying to build but i got it done just in time and so it was time for the pvp everything was perfectly in place the trap was primed two weeks of preparation all came down to this one moment all i had to do was wait and i didn't have to wait long are the are the red following machines going yes guys i got somebody i got somebody [Music] yeah he just ender pulled out okay this design sucks so i guess it's back to the drawing board the main problem is the trapdoor so um let's get rid of that instead we're gonna use a bubble column that leads to a safe room but as soon as i'm in there the entrance gets blocked off using xero ticks so anyone else who enters gets diverted upwards into the trap next we're going to ditch the witches we need a mop with a better ranged attack and a larger hitbox so it can fill the room more easily so i decided to use guardians yeah this is fine we might as well move on to the next step having this many signs is kind of wasteful so we can swap a bunch of them out for cobwebs so the player gets immediately stuck on top of that let's add some elder guardians to give the player mining fatigue this means that even if they do reach the walls it will take them about 15 minutes to break just one obsidian block with efficiency 5 but if that wasn't evil enough we can take some inspiration from a1306's maximum security prison and put cobble generators on the outside so even if they do get through the obsidian the wall just regenerates itself it's perfect then i put my trap inside a mountain and decorated the outside using my rather limited building skills and then all i needed was some victims i mean test subjects i mean terrain terrain come here pythagorean theorem or something right oh he's in the floor look at my amazing building skills it's better than anything i would build okay i broke it damn already griefing my build no it's cool i like it the walls are a little open though it's a bit cold in here it's windy it's windy in it in it why is your name purple dragon nuke mcbyt why is his name purple dragon nuke he's neither purple a dragon or a nuke purple would you like to explain yourself exactly i am suspicious of you i know you're doing something sneaky i shouldn't open anything right oh wait you want the uh block facts hair resource pack there we go i hate to break it to you though but like your hair's gonna be all covered up in a second you're gonna leave the helmet off so you can keep your spiky hair i'll put it on if i need it i'll put it on if i need it you look in the chest we're gonna need this stuff that doesn't sound too fun is that the real sip over redstone competition tank maker third place pingu yes the pathway goes down there but we can just cut corners a bit okay okay i will walk oh you want to walk you want to take the long way round yeah of course because i know that there is something dangerous on the other side he's so cautious i've pearled miles away from where you pearled oh you're such a hipster crafty you're more hipster than a hipster door oh my god that's a redstone reference guys wait did you guys leave me in the dust yep no oh my gosh there goes like the the cinematic intro of us walking down the path for you yes yes i kind of do brain i'm scared when you're not holding my hand there's a nice bridge nice bridge over there oh yeah you like my bridge huh a good bridge quality my 2012 building style bridge it's it's good it's good it's good okay maybe you lost the path a bit no no no i thought that i would save some time by going diagonally uh uh where are we wait look at me just i'm gonna did you just oh i thought your ender pole landed down there oh no no i was on the tree the birch tree now what's in here and why do we have weapons follow me follow me i have 20 fps this is not good i heard pistons oh my god that's that would i have 12 frames per second what the why is it so laggy oh my god what is this i am losing a bit of frames here oh my no what is this no what what what was this how much fps do i have i'm 20 fps my computer cost me 3 000 but this thing is giving me 20 fps how many guardians uh about 400 400 what the hell is this why yeah we need to fight all of these off well when i say we i mean you what is this i'm just getting too fbs you might have wanted to put your helmet on oh my god my game what is happening to my game i went up there and i lost like a billion frame rate yo what is going on bro what is going on purple purple uh death you know i i was expecting death i just wasn't expecting it that soon i also wasn't expecting it in the form of 12 frames per second and guardians it's just an obsidian block filled with oh no i got mining oh mining fatigue three thanks that's nice that's that helps i can't last four and a half minutes is mining fatigue i believe in you should you i don't think you should there is a ball around you literally like i can see a sphere of particles around you you bring a sick man into your sick build this is not okay look it's taking you so long to break that sign i literally cannot do anything how are you still alive i'm not live for much longer oh my god i'm dying i didn't even hear any noises or anything it just like froze my game and then i went back to the spawn i'm at 10 gaps this might be the end i popped i popped no no no no no no no i'm chugging gaps bro what can i do what can i do no i'm dead no i might admit i made a mistake here i made a mistake i made a big mistake oh that's fine sorry it's not fine oh no oh no okay what i'm actually about to suffocate now no i'm serious this will be a short video he said oh no oh oh come on you put a cobblestone generator there how do i uh that's the neat part you don't i've just stuck here forever basically yep yes sure i mean how how would i get out there is literally no way of getting out oh i got it i made minecraft's hardest prison i trapped minecraft's best players in the deadliest trap in minecraft you guys are in for a long one well thank you for reminding me what the outside world looks like [Music] is this the whole content he just yes this is the car this is the content [Music] i think i'll give it to you here you've more or less escaped no [Music]
Channel: Purplers
Views: 412,320
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, redstone, door, piston, sticky, block, cube, voxel, tutorial, walkthrough, guide, handbook, how, to, build, trap, escape, room, deadliest, deadly, impossible, illegal, here's, why, this, break, free, sipover, civilization, civilisation, lifesteal, clownpierce, theterrain, shalz, craftymasterman, lord_jon25, mcbyt, mysticat, guardian, elder, farm, obsidian, cobble, cobblestone, generator, mining, fatigue, sign, golden, apple, gapple, trapped, SMP, server, ajthebold, facts, block facts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Fri May 20 2022
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