Bedrock's Redstone SUCKS, Here's Why.

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there is a war between Java and Bedrock which one has the better building which one has the better PVP the Minecraft Community is very divided on these questions but another part of the debate that's less talked about is the Redstone you see redstone on Java and redstone on Bedrock are very different which leads to a lot of people getting frustrated with redstone videos because the contraption doesn't work on their edition of Minecraft I make Java Redstone and I get a lot of comments asking if or when I'm gonna start making Bedrock Redstone as well and the answer is no I won't and here's why the first reason is fairly obvious but I'll include it anyway when I started playing Minecraft Bedrock Edition didn't exist Java is what I started with and it's what I'm used to I could do Bedrock Redstone but I just don't want to next up we have the elephant in the room in Java Edition there is a magical thing called quasi connectivity but for convenience we just call it QC basically QC lets you power Pistons from diagonally above or from two blocks directly above and it's a bug that's existed ever since Pistons were added Mojang basically copied and pasted code from wooden doors into Pistons so they think they're two blocks tall when they're actually not there were many people calling for Mojang to remove QC because they found it janky and unintuitive and of course because it's a bug but in the end Mojang decided to keep it and make it a feature because it's one of those glitches that just makes the game better without QC most of the Redstone on my channel wouldn't have been possible all that lightning fast xerotic stuff forget it once you've used QC there's no going back and that brings us to bedrock it doesn't have QC so there are fewer ways to power pistons and fewer piston arrangements are possible and that fact alone makes me less inclined to make bedrock Redstone but by itself it's actually not a deal breaker the rest of the reasons though are deal breakers in Java if you power a piston and then quickly unpower it it will leave its block behind so you can unstick blocks from sticky pistons and you guessed it you can't do this in Bedrock instead you have to put another piston behind and power that one which is slower the lack of QC already made fewer piston Arrangements possible but this aspect of federal Pistons just made the problem worse and there's another problem with bedrock pistons in Java if you put an immovable Block in the way of a piston power it then break the immovable block it won't push out until you update the piston in some way this is a block update detector or Bud for short it makes timing piston extensions easier it allows for more ways to build specific circuits and it can detect stuff faster than observers can neither us to say it's a really useful feature but if I try the same thing in Bedrock the Piston pushes as soon as I break the immovable block even though nothing updated it the Piston is constantly checking to see if it can push not only does this have fewer uses but it's just one more thing passively causing lag in your world it's not just Pistons though Java's observers can detect a lot of things that Bedrock observers just can't the most important one being note blocks so you have to use rails instead but this is a problem because rails can't float they need a support block underneath them and in many Redstone builds something might need to be there that rails can't be placed on noteblocks solve this issue but that's only on Java the next point isn't really to do with redstone itself but rather mod support Java Edition has one of if not the biggest modding communities in the world some Java mods have more downloads than actual AAA games so if there's a specific tool you need to test your Redstone chances are somebody's already made it and there's a bunch of of these mods that many redstoneers can't live without they make the process of Designing and testing Redstone so much more streamlined world edit unlimatica let you quickly edit terrain and make backups of builds so if something breaks you can quickly paste it back in Minecraft's structure blocks just don't cut it carpet mod gives you a plethora of tools to test Farms game speed lets you speed up and slow down the game so you can easily figure out problems with timing capture and Playback lets you test if a piston sequence Works without having to wire it first and block event separator lets you see problems in zeretic Redstone that will be completely invisible without it even if you did slow down the game Bedrock Edition does have some limited mod support okay yeah there has world edit but most of the mods are nowhere near as powerful as Java mods and they're tedious to set up and this means that designing and testing Redstone in Bedrock is a slower process because you have to spend more time guessing what went wrong and manually fixing things so you can't spend as much time actually building the Redstone and and it only gets worse from here in Java we have something called update order and the simplest way to explain it is with two pistons and a redstone torch now take a guess when we turn on the torch which piston gets to extend first it Powers both at the same time but we can only let one of them push this is where update order comes in it gives the game some rules to follow so it doesn't just randomly pick one now if you guessed the top piston then you'd be correct the top piston always Powers first you might disagree with how it works maybe you think the bottom one should go first because it's directly next to the torch fair enough that's a valid point But ultimately that doesn't matter what's important is that it does the same thing every time this is known as deterministic Behavior it makes Redstone predictable in ambiguous cases like this one update order literally makes Redstone work so how is this different in Bedrock well Bedrock doesn't have an update order it's random so something that works a hundred percent of the time in Java might only work half the time in Bedrock if we're being generous now I don't know about you but I kind of want my Redstone to work a hundred percent of the time I don't want a slot machine take the device you're watching this on as an example the electronics inside it work precisely because they're not random if they were it would crash all the time heck it'll be a miracle if it even turned on and since Redstone is basically just electrical circuitry turned into a fun little game why should it be any different the randomness just adds frustration there are only two ways to get around bedrock's RNG you need to either slow everything down or avoid cases like this entirely which greatly limits the number of ways you can make your Redstone and even if it does work in the end it's an extra hurdle that we really shouldn't have to jump through in the first place randomized redstone doesn't make it better in any way it just makes it slower and that leads to my next Point Bedrock Redstone isn't just slower because the randomness forces it to be it's slower because it's just bloody slower take a look at this Redstone clock for example now the Keen eyed among you may have noticed that the Bedrock clock is twice as slow as the Java clock here's another example this is a Bedrock piston turning on and off as fast as it can and this is a Java piston there's just no contest Bedrock Pistons are hard-coded to stay extended for a certain amount of time before attracting again and Java Pistons aren't so they're just plain better all these differences in speed timing and update order have led some people to call for Java and Bedrock Redstone to be made the same but this isn't really feasible after all Bedrock is coded in C plus while Java is coded in well yeah now if we just ignore that problem for a second what would happen if we could take a Java piston and put it in Bedrock well it wouldn't fix anything and of all the bad things about Bedrock Redstone this one annoys me the most Java and Bedrock Minecraft both have a little clock inside them that ticks 20 times every second and everything in the game is controlled by this little ticking clock every time that clock counts up we call that a game tick now Java Redstone runs at the full 20 ticks per second but Bedrock Redstone just isn't like the other girls it's all quirky and different in Bedrock some Redstone components like observers will only do stuff on odd numbered ticks while other components like rails only do stuff on even ticks what does all that garbage mean well for our Java piston it means that any Redstone timer you give it is forced to be an even number and that's a problem since much of java piston Behavior relies on being able to have odd timings so better at Redstone is less precise even if you perfectly copied and pasted a Java piston into Bedrock it wouldn't function the same since it has to play by bedrock's rules and if we go back to that Redstone clock from earlier the reason is slower in Bedrock is because the rails aren't allowed to turn on at the same time The Observers power them even though rails are supposed to turn on immediately this also makes timing in Bedrock more confusing because combining certain Redstone components introduces hidden delays that shouldn't be there I know Java gets a bad rap for being unintuitive at times but this part of Bedrock Redstone really Takes the Cake needle us to say bedrock's underlying Redstone system is an absolute mess if you wanted the two versions to work the same you'd have to rewrite all of java Redstone or all of Bedrock Redstone which Mojang can't do without angering one side or the other and I don't think they do that just for the sake of redstone parity so if I did start doing better on Redstone I wouldn't be able to think of it as anything but a downgrade but okay I've dunked on Bedrock Redstone enough now there are some good things about it that Java doesn't have in both versions you can make redstone dust only travel one way using a transparent block like a slab but there are times where you need to use a slab for some other reason but you still want the Redstone to travel downwards in Java you can't do this but in Bedrock you can you just use glass instead so here Bedrock has the best of both worlds in Bedrock you can waterlog some Redstone components whereas in Java most Redstone breaks if it gets even a little damp medrock also has movable chests furnaces Hoppers and so on which is very useful for storage Tech and flying machines Bedrock comparators can read stuff through pistons and chains which would also be very useful for storage Tech if you put a redstone torch on the side of a piston and power it the torch will turn off and this has a fancy name it's called a soft inversion and if we have this in Java it would work very nicely with QC these things are tempting but they're just not enough to convince me to do Bedrock Redstone its flaws greatly outweigh the benefits at least for me but now I'm gonna go into hiding because I've probably angered a lot of Bedrock players subscribe
Channel: Purplers
Views: 1,055,246
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, redstone, door, piston, sticky, block, cube, voxel, tutorial, walkthrough, guide, handbook, how, to, build, this, is, illegal, here's, why, ban, banned, weapon, dimension, end trap, update, fake, cheating, cheater, scicraft, ilmango, phoenixSC, grian, goodtimeswithscar, rekrap, hermitcraft, mumbo jumbo, mumbo, tour, server, smp, lifesteal, who, the best, redstoner, at redstone, mysticat, clownpierce, sipover, civilization, civilisation
Id: OmaXZldgq8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 38sec (638 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 17 2023
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