I Fooled My Friend with ILLUSIONS in Minecraft

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this is my sacred base where I keep every illegal item on the server on Eli leave the server and your loot shall be mine but I'm using the world's most confusing optical illusions to make sure even won't steal anything all right Ethan's distracted I think it's time too bad news of him by combining the Overworld and never into one you think this is a normal dog not think again now it's an illusion quickly my brother we must run to Jordan's Village and loot it like it's tilted Towers because I want that man's illegal Loot and nothing will stop me now that was kind of close oh wait it's coming upstairs switching spectator mode bro we almost got caught we need to speed run Speed Run speed what the uh yeah wouldn't it be a shame if someone just got some TNTs and Clinton still and destroyed your way out of there okay it's not looking and light it up baby fly through oh in my basis no no no no no that's my way back please how do I get home now how is this guy gonna get back to the Overworld he has no obsidian bro what is he what is he doing oh yes okay perfect let's just go come on come on yes yes yes yes and now just through the bedroom bro don't stress I'll give you an escape or at least the illusion of one for our next illusion we're gonna break out the ground here go down about three blocks ever pretty good and then we'll break out the side we're going to create another portal except it's not going to be a portal oh we got Pistons we got 10 okay dude I think we can make a uh a Bedrock Breaker with this this bottle unlike the one we just used you won't actually be able to go through instead you're just going to fall into lava uh as long as he falls for the illusion though but I mean that's what this is all about guys seeing how far we can push Ethan into insanity is that work does that work please tell me that works all right now let me explain how this is all going to work with the power of maps now initially these just look like regular old Maps yes I I understand that but if we place them down here they're going to look like a portal to welt the overwhelders all right surely we can look around and see if there's something no no we can't eat them this is the nether roof why would there be anything up here yo check that out guys a fake a portal to the Overworld all done with that's what they even say this is gonna lose his mind oh he's coming over he's coming over here what uh yeah someone broke the Bedrock no way we've done it we've escaped yes yeah why is the world's so far down why can I see the Overworld is someone using like some sort of portal mod I guess wait if we actually set lava below here hold up hold up we come through here and I set all of this to Lava we just gotta sort of aim for the ocean right about here yes okay here we go back to the overall please send me back what why is it lava what the apparently Ethan is stupid enough to fall for the illusion this is too good wait we have the perfect opportunity now that Ethan's dead we just have to add it to my band this is great illusion I didn't think I was gonna get to use this much yes it sounds exactly like what it is it is a photorealistic replica of the bed scraper made out of Minecraft blocks okay we just need to set even spawn point to here anyway I could be back at any second he left the seven I don't know when he'll be back I don't have any loot yet though we have to get this right or Ethan will see his heart when he respawns back in there he is there he is okay we put him in a spectator now I'm bad for what cheating hell right surely he just moves his mouth and he'll realize the entire thing is fake with someone watching me they saw me go on to the near the roof that wasn't my fault it just glitched and put me there a movie your mouth mate it's not that hard and it'll be exposed right in front of you actually talking at which we don't really want ourselves exposed so we need to teleport Ethan far away back to his base the minute he starts moving why am I banged for cheating okay I'm soda wait what oh he's moving all right teleport him out of here and to be ourselves to him bang oh we got to give him to put him in survival's mode hey wait I'm unbanned I don't know we gotta hurry because ey will be back any second oh no if it is making a beeline straight for my base I think it's time we put down our next optical illusion all right bang all right and switch into spectator before he gets here oh yeah the sideways house any moment he could either get on and just report me and then I could get banned again or you know the server will update and realize I'm banned like upside down right now what is what is happening what is happening here why would you do this oh it's just a distraction so I can build my next Banger in front of my sacred base Ethan wants my secret base I'll build it right here for him just kidding it's a oh we got a speed run out of this joint my brain is kinda hurting all right yep that illusion is definitely distracting him long enough okay we need to connect this world with my actual secret base oh well my fake secret base I don't know at this point these Illusions are beginning to confuse me guys all right let's Chuck this down making my way downtown gonna go steal John's loot right now yeah Ethan just head to my secret base I promise you there's nothing stranger it'll always go through the portal beautiful bass it will be mine ow why'd I take full damage okay what uh I don't I don't know wait the best background diff is that was there water there the base is fine if you look from this direction not fine if you look from any other direction wait what huh this actually took so much math for me to figure out look I had to get like the spacing perfect but it was worth it guys because I can break it right now Ethan's brain cells are literally dying oh what is the Grand Canyon just sitting here so put some barrier blocks here so when he even tries to walk through he's just gonna be walking on air I'm so confused but his base was right here and I can just I can just walk on air great he's just tauntingly there's illegal items I'm so glad for that all right fine I'll take your loot anyway wait is he still looking for my items you know what punishment for that punishment we're gonna stand right here and you know what let's put down another door that takes Ethan to a very very special place of course of course it wouldn't of course it wouldn't be that easy no no no I'm heading back to my base I'm out of here Magic Door Magic Door no no no no no no he's seen the door why don't you go find out what's in it okay it's taking too long see you later bye it might take me back to my base right yeah yes it might say what no no no I wasn't actually ready to make that decision now you might be wondering how is this an illusion Jordan glad you asked we pre-loaded the texture pack so now a crazy Shader pack which makes everything well weird is on looks like a straight line except Ethan doesn't see it that way why is it all Wiggly and why is it like a tight rope of Androids and Rose belonging to sheep not in this world what is it huh do I have to go all the way over there to get out I mean the rest is just a void look at how slow he's moving it's literally a straight line and this man's like uh it's me why are you wiggling stop wiggling I can't get focused but who knows how long it's gonna take either to get to the end of this tide rope that's actually perfect for us because we're gonna head straight back to our base and make our next illusion that's straight yes let's make a straight run for it we got this it just got further it just it just moved why is it Kirby behind me bro what is happening ladies and gentlemen let me introduce you to the voice check it out it's literally unrendered chunks to make it look like the game hasn't rendered whatsoever and we're gonna surround my entire base in it wait is this it's straight it was straight the whole part and there's a door wait what where's this door I was literally just looking this way for a second and it's all not saw that I know you saw that I'm gonna go slash slash walls void underscore Block it's like my face isn't even rendering and now we just have to wait for Ethan to get to the end of the oh I think I see his name tag guys he's at the end of the time but now he's gonna come through don't pretend I'm crazy all right fine we got through the Magic Door and what the where um wait this is ey space this is perfect yeah Ethan you're out don't stress about it and look you're right here where my base was it's right here I'm pretty sure I think it's just not rendering all right that's fine we'll just keep on walking forward look at him guys let's try to walk in and it gets bounce back every time wait I might even move screw you Aussie Wi-Fi fine I guess I'll just log off log back on and then we can loot up this man's house wait did my man's just leave the server did he rage squid oh he probably thinks it's not loading because he's resetting his game oh that's too good guys because he just made a big mistake leaving we're gonna make an entire clone of this world now it might seem like a regular world of first glance but it's gonna be corrupted with Illusions yeah baby we back and it's raining finally I can take EOS curse lose experiencing 10 pickaxe spawners command blocks all the possibilities are endless he's back well not actually back just back in the Clone world looks exactly the same as the other house but once Ethan goes in you'll see the surprise I've got lined up now I know for a fact that doors they are cursed today so we're going in the side entrance all right let's just break this glass up bang bang and in we got what the welcome to the crazy world of Illusion no no get me out we'll just I just my screen what is that why is it spinning what is happening out my head I can't even like the minute I start looking around here everything just hurts like Ethan's like up here and he's down there I don't know what's real I don't know what's fake anymore what is this no no no a village yes normal stuff yes yes perfect all right well we're safe in the village yes Ethan just walk through the door absolutely fine and welcome to this world this here is a Mobius strip where the top of the strip actually becomes the undecided ship this is actually a mathematically impossible structure and yet here it is all right go go go we're gonna get back what the what the what my brain what is that why the error textures ever what is it no no no dude I don't have time for this I just gotta get back home I just gotta go no just walk through this house I promise this house nothing's weird about it we've got to go go go go down there little go go go wait it's actually endless you don't have to go straight either don't worry I put a nice little door here for you let's go look no way no no no no I want to go back please please oh no worm what oh you're gonna regret I've lost Ethan Wesley got oh no I've lost myself in my own thing got up he's here all right all right thank goodness he appeared otherwise I don't know how I would have found him what is that huh okay just go through it what just wait what what ah excuse me what the X I don't even know how I built this right now I don't understand how this works what is this what wait no the door the door was here before the door's here before right the door's right no no just go go we gotta run up the hall go to the door wait it's going forever no I'm I'm proud I hit a little Gap right here we'll just go through the oh okay and yep we are falling all right I don't want to be here I need to get back to anyone's face I'm sorry oh wait wait wait that's the that's the village okay we can make this wait what is this oh oh that folder built this they let me escape jump through and bang and he should be falling from the sky anybody been down yeah we found the bottle daddy goes and straight through another portal I'm getting out of here it's just that easy what the I'm back at my face yeah Ethan you did all of that only to add back you look like an absolute clown right now stop this I'm back in the console game yes we're into the console man that was not very well password protected but now we got creative mode and we're gonna fly over to Eli's base man it's just flew hey yo either cheated and I caught it on camera this is a survival server I mean I'm the owner of the server so I'm allowed to go creative mode but if it is not and I was gonna get to my secret base before I have time to build any other illusion nice I know that's a scam that is a scam down there all right we just need to break this I mean let's go into a world so nobody sees us all right cool cool okay if someone checks now win survival it's all good and wait did I mention that my supervisors also at illusion that's right guys it isn't real it's just a photo wait wait it was a scam the whole time there were Maps but there was like I can see the spawn is in the he scammed me no no no no I'm blowing this place up he's blowing it up yeah I knew it was gonna do this Ethan blows up everything I I prepared for this yeah okay great Ethan you made it through but uh you might want to take a look over here wait it revealed something what the yoh we found his actual secret base it's another illusion I'm about to take this guy's loot all right let's go what we got here uh okay we got stairs all right we'll just head down the stairs it's that easy yeah just that wait is this longer than before this wait is this like wait what yeah you're on the infinite staircase either why don't you go down and try and get the loot oh that's right you can't because it just keeps going over and over and over again all right well if it's gonna be here for the rest of this live so I'll see you guys later it's an actual infinite Loop no I'm gonna be stuck here forever this stupid illusion garbage well let's see this has no life I'm so done with this game bro please let me out of this Loop
Channel: EYstreem
Views: 6,787,637
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eystreem, eyestream, eystream, minecraft, family friendly, roleplay, funny, troll, prank, secret, hidden, tutorial, minecraft phone, minecraft bedrock edition, i fooled my friend with illusions in minecraft, i fooled my friend, fooling my friend in minecraft, minecraft optical illusions, minecraft illusions, minecraft illusion portal mod, minecraft mod, minecraft immersive portals, minecraft infinite dimensions, trapping my friend in minecraft, putting my friend in optical illusions
Id: gd2lBMjV9to
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 24 2023
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