Can You Break Minecraft's Simplest Version?

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so I broke in Minecraft a few times [Music] but every time I've broken it we've been playing the most recent version of the game not only does it have new more intense features that let us push the game to its limits but it's also adapted with PC Hardware as the game has grown along with it this means that the game takes up much more resources now than it has in the past so what would happen if we traveled back to the past oh welcome to the original release of Minecraft just kidding this is just the last version of the game that still supports skins I'm currently a Minecraft 1.7 we're going back all the way to 1.0 foreign this is the original release of Minecraft and here I am I am Steve being here in the original version of Minecraft means that my computer isn't using nearly the same amount of resources as the most recent version using for example let me show you just how fast this world yeah it's already it loaded that fast that's just how fast it is however this version also doesn't have nearly the same number of features so this may be a struggle to find ways to crash it also it doesn't give you the ability to use commands at all so I'm limited to just me although it does still have TNT so that might be useful so here we are trying to crash a game that seems near impossible to crash I'm gonna set a timer for 30 minutes and if I can't make my game Crash by the end of this timer I'll let a bunch of my YouTube members humiliate me so here we go I'm gonna start at three two one go so of course my first thought is to place a bunch of TNT and see just how much it does to my game and while I'm placing these I need to ask you something is Minecraft 1.0 the only game you're able to run smoothly like I mentioned before as Minecraft gets updated over time it gets more and more difficult for older computers to run especially when you introduce mods resource packs and shaders into the mix this here would have been unimaginable 11 years ago when Minecraft 1.0 came out so I think it's about time your gameplay experience got a bit of an upgrade at the top of the description down below you'll find a link to Apex gaming PCs who I've partnered with to create three tiers of gaming computers that perform excellently with General games but are especially good at running Minecraft you could place TNT with more FPS than you know what to do with they use top of the line PC components from trusted companies like AMD and Nvidia both of which are Brands I use myself in my own Ray you can also customize your PC with their excellent PC configurator to meet any of your Computing needs and you can Finance your PC out over time to make such a large purchase much more manageable so if you're interested in an upgrade head on down to the link in the description and use code narfi at checkout for up to 250 off your next purchase you'll be getting a pretty solid deal and you'll help support my Channel at the same time be sure to keep this video open though because I'm gonna like this TNT that I've played so far here we go oh uh it didn't wait come on light yeah there we go there we go here we go let's see if this even makes a dent okay all right it did it did next to nothing uh oh this is gonna be harder than I thought that's gonna be about two minutes so I've got 27 minutes left here we go something I am seeing that we can do is put rails down maybe we save that to later but I think we might be able to just Spam mine carts that could be helpful chests might be a good option too I don't know if these really lag things out you can't place them next to each other also it's getting dark oh boy since I don't have access to commands I can't actually change the daylight cycle or anything so I guess I'm just stuck here oh dispensers and a bunch of arrows could be good there's no way to make a stack of them wait oh there totally is okay all right you just shift click in here okay I'm just gonna spam this for a little while I just realized I can sleep I'm stupid I can control the daylight yeah this is super inefficient this isn't doing a thing all right all right we're gonna move on to something else boats we can do boats oh oh right boats do that I forgot that boats do that here's a question can I like place them I can place them on the land so can I place them on the side of something does this oh oh wait this might actually work hold on if I just like spam place a bunch of boats here they're not gonna go anywhere unless I like hit it it could work this could work this good work you hear my mouse spam clicking right now spam faster all right that's a lot of boats uh let's see whoa whoa oh look at all the items oh my gosh it's more satisfying in this version than it's ever been before okay we have we have something here I'm just gonna spam click this for like a minute and we're gonna see what happens after so long this is gonna be crazy all right I've been spamming it oh yeah what happens if I just like break the block underneath all of them oh oh I think we're good just kidding oh uh I guess we are good there's like 500 boats here wait oh oh oh wow oh wow oh you can hear oh my gosh I didn't realize this was a satisfying Minecraft video bro I hate that my face isn't just my face but my face also isn't moving here so if I push like overlay my regular face then it'll be fine right look see I'm fine now it's me hey guys it's real real me the whole time I'm just gonna do that for the rest of the video I'm so sorry editor narf anytime I'm in third person you're just gonna put my face above it time is running out we gotta go I'm sure if we just spammed this for like the rest of the time that we could probably do it but I kind of want to see what else Minecraft 1.0 has to offer so let's do that hold up hold up there's a sign oh well that's a handy 1.0 feature whoa what the what was that sound that's not a regular Minecraft style what the heck these animals have not changed since the original game these guys are just these are all the same hey there I'm getting distracted I need to stop being distracted no stone yay look at these saplings though why why why are they like this what happens if I just like plants a crab ton of saplings does that lag anything this might be way more difficult than I thought it was gonna be I I thought there might be something in the code that would be just super inefficient and might lag this out but we press on we will find it I'm I am confident okay I mean to be fair if the boat thing taught us anything it's that there are things that can lag in here so I'm I'm sure we'll figure it out all right these saplings are doing absolutely nothing I'm gonna use something else these rails I'm gonna I'm gonna try to figure out rails this Minecart can I oh interesting do rails work like this uh kind of like find a spot where I could just like ah there we go okay kind of want them to all hold on I'm gonna make a Contraption here theoretically do these move into the hole do they go yes okay all right cool so wait hold on if we just sit here and we just I can't I just want to spam the mine carts so that they all go in there everything in this version of the game is so slow like I can't I can't just like search for a bed I have to like scroll down to it and I can't like people like to hate on the new updates for having features that like aren't great but look at where we came from guys my thought process here is that if I get like a bunch of things moving all at the same time that might bug the game out to a point where it'll crash I don't know that's my working Theory though oh okay we are getting some wow we yeah we're really getting some wow that is real weird on the recording what the heck I don't understand how this game works okay I'm gonna break this one spot right here and we're just gonna see what happens absolutely nothing what about breaking the other side okay what about breaking this one and then also walking up to it oh oh wait where is it going it just has its own it's this guy's got his own plan wait hold on I want to see if I can get this guy to like go up there yeah oh I picked up a pig bro my cards are broken that did not do nearly the amount of damage that I thought it would it definitely affected my frame rate but I think that was just when everything was in one place so uh bro I only have 11 minutes left I gotta I gotta figure something out there's no spawn eggs I can't Mass spawn stuff you know what we were onto something with the boats maybe we go back to the boats I don't understand how this game works all right okay all right back to the boat plan because the boats like since they drop things like that's that's pretty nice so I'm gonna spend like a solid like three or four minutes of my remaining nine minutes to like just place a bunch of boats this could do damage this could this could actually crash it this might actually work but also I don't want to use up all my time because it might it might not so I don't I don't know I will see you in like four minutes oh oh geez oh no it's only been like two minutes but I accidentally right clicked on the boat oh no what did I do oh no oh geez oh what the heck is happening oh here's the problem oh oh it's fixed okay all right well that was a waste of two minutes because it just completely oh man oh man oh man well you know what I'm dedicated to this now I think the boats might actually make it I will see you in like four minutes again but I only have six minutes so I don't know [Music] it's getting dark now I've just been holding right click for like three minutes okay when my timer here hits two minutes and 30 seconds I'm gonna move and I'm gonna see if I can actually move it all okay 2 30. we're gonna move oh okay we're kind of moving can I sleep first so that we can actually see things I'm scrolling down I've only got two minutes and 60 seconds where's the bed where's the bed where's the bed yes yes bed yes Okay click on the bed click on the planks okay all right so the sticks go in there all right okay okay out out of the inventory out of the inventory scroll move to the next thing place it down I've only got a minute okay come on move forward there you go oh too far too far go back go Back come on go forward sleep should never be this intense right click go work work go go go go go let me sleep go come on I only have a minute left let me sleep why won't you let me sleep let me sleep why we don't have time for this we gotta go we gotta go over here we gotta go I can't fly anymore oh no oh I buy flying I am not flying uh this is bad I'm not flying anymore oh no dude oh no everything is falling apart there is there's nothing I can do 30 seconds can I build up fast enough to get to I don't think I can stuck here what is going on am I dive Stone above me 14 seconds look down look look down seven seconds six all right I can't make it there's no way no why did it have to end like this no oh no oh man I can't believe that uh all right I want to just see if I was able to have made it up to those boats I want to see if I could have actually crashed something I'm just gonna walk forward we're gonna hit them we're gonna see what happens oh come on oh my gosh the boats oh look at all the water particles oh I don't even think this is gonna crash up dude that's so many items down there what how did you not crash with that many items well I guess that means I lost members Club here I come [Music] this is this is uh this is my Rebrand uh oddly enough the it's just outfit suits you press this button gives you a snowball and but you have to stay behind the Red Lion and you throw it little trigger all right go for it oh nope not quite oh geez no they're so none of them are hitting this is kind of impressive yeah you're all bad at this yay I'm safe up here there's nothing you could do oh I got it I don't even know please take me your leader stand on the platform with me we're going down together they can't hit us you're all bad at this okay did you just walk into it whatever I'm just too skills foreign [Music]
Channel: Knarfy
Views: 461,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: knarfy, knafy, mods, minecraft, clean, family, friendly, fun, funny, gaming, youtuber, minecraft mods, minecraft funny, Minecraft Beta, minecraft 1.0, minecraft original, 1.0, first, family friendly, canman, camman18, games, jokes, meme, clip, good, great, working, fast, comedy
Id: bLhJwN738qM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 19sec (799 seconds)
Published: Sat May 27 2023
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