I am a business man with BIG AMBITIONS...

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thank you to all these patreons supporting the channel allowing schmichael to be fed giving him the strength he needs to edit these videos yes hello fellow engineers and welcome to Big Ambitions a game about becoming an entrepreneur which literally has big Ambitions uh because you can literally run almost any sort of business you like and as many as you like so let's start off we've got to pick a character name so we'll be Matt of course uh we get to pick a character model I'll be sort of what I look like I guess which is really Hench what is this one oh oh whoa whoa before 10 pints of beer after 10 pints of beer but it will be pre-pub matte there's only two types of faces oh my goodness I'm sorry if you look like that in real life but that that took me by surprise for some reason yeah then we just gotta pick our clothes oh my goodness why I'm I'm quite busty do they they have bras in here I feel like I need one it's even worse than a T-shirt oh yeah we'll hide it under a suit but I don't want to come off as too smart I want to be a little bit casual so we'll go with shorts yeah camo shorts yeah and then cow print shoes I guess so if you ever wonder what I look like there it is so the story of this game is for an 18 year old my grandma just died and our uncle Fred at the funeral he took us under his wing okay so this is us in the big city your Uncle Fred one of his Meats has got a place for rent so we're gonna go do that now we're 18 we've got to look after ourselves so we'll head along here oh no we'll bloody oh well other car sort of rubbed me over oh this is a this is America isn't it you don't have right-of-way on roads and you get arrested if you just cross a road when you're not meant to anyway we've arrived at the place so let's have a look at this thing so you can see up here we've got 15 grand that's all we're worth but let's be fair is quite a lot of money but we need someone to live so we can rent this place it's going to be 1300 quid deposit 90 quid for appliances and a daily rent of 44 quid so yep let's rent that so now we have 13 and a half Grand but we have a place to sleep check this oh it came with a bed so yeah we'll click on the bed we'll go to sleep we can we can choose when we want to wake up I'm not waking up at five something that's ridiculous for like half Seven's pretty good I mean I would do exactly half seven but this is very sensitive so you saw that 729 sleep so basically the night passes and then we wake up rest as a daisy ready to go right so Uncle Fred transferred us some money I've seen that's what the 15 grand was we didn't just suddenly have 50 Grand Good Old Uncle Fred has our back there and he's given us some ideas of what we should go spend that money on in order to you like not die which is nice of him so we've had outside we're gonna head to the appliance shop so let's try and do this properly this time do I have to wait for like a little green man on there I thought it was a zebra Crossing because I had the stripes all right well that person went and they nearly got run over anyway all right so oh that person did get rolled over oh can you can you actually not get run over in this game okay well that's good to know I'm safe I'm traffic safe anyway the appliance shop is up here so let's head inside all right and here we are we gotta go buy a fridge so down here we've got standard fridge 1800 quid all right where's the cheap ones where's the cheap ones there are no cheap ones okay 1800 quid you can see it's in this box now that's very uh how did that fear that box magic say 1800 quid yet we'll buy that I guess so now we officially own actually I should have I should have seen if I could just walk out with it right I will be back yeah but for now I gotta take this back to my apartment so we'll head across here ah let's not get run over by anyone we've arrived back our apartment so we can go inside and then we can shove a fridge down I assume this is our kitchen is it so it will Wang that there so we have a fridge but we have no food inside it so we need to go buy some of that so we'll do some more running running to the Elgato food market and we have arrived so let's grab a basket buy three Fresh Foods and then we'll see can we can we leave no we have to pay ah okay fair enough fair enough game all right so yeah eight quid each place order and now you can see that is in a brown paper bag so we can take this back with us head back inside our building fill up the fridge and then we can eat some of that food because top left of that is our food bar in red uh dropping all the time so we need to make sure we are stocked up ourselves nice all right so Uncle Fred was on the blower he's basically he's he's good he's teaching me like life lessons Okay he paid the first rent which was very kind of him but he told me I need to get a job gotta fend for myself uh he suggested we go check out the supermarket because they have some vacancies going so we'll head back to the supermarket trying not to get run over and uh we'll we'll go get a job so there's a job board here so we can click on that so 25 quid an hour we've got to work eight till four now I feel like that pays better than my engineering job did so yeah we'll definitely accept that so we're obviously not gonna start stating you can see up here today is my day off so tomorrow at 8am we will start work anyway I've decided to play it safe we're gonna head home but this game is basically like The Sims like on crack and obviously like more based around the like business world because although we are now an employee we will at some point be starting and running our own businesses so yeah I reckon early night ahead of tomorrow's start I don't want to wake up at one in the morning we're gonna have proper power sleep and what time do I start work again was it eight how long does it take me to get there how long to eat breakfast how long to shower I reckon 7 30 will be fine so we'll get 15 hours 20 minutes sleep got nothing better to do with my time I'm actually quite envious of this dude I'm not like so first day we made minus 43 quid profit uh because because we didn't we didn't get paid obviously we haven't worked yet so we've woken up fresh in the morning uh we've gone into the bathroom realize we don't own a shower or any any water or anything like that so we'll go to work a little bit stinky but look at us we're wearing a suit we are ready for our first day of work uh just just don't look below the waste so oh no you say it's eight o'clock already let me know I blink for work I Believe full work all right I've just got I just got a blooming text hey where the hell are you you're working hours are eight till four consider this a warning oh no quick if I'd woken up and gone straight out the door I probably would have been okay I probably still would have been late to be fair okay we're here we're here let's get inside enter building so where are we working right so we've assigned ourselves to here and then we just get to like watch ourselves doing our job all day another interesting thing to watch so there is a time machine button so it will get to the end of our shift yeah you can see there all the 25 quid per hour I got decent um now we can I guess we can head home we're completely out of food though so as soon as we get in a big old snack I think so we've arrived home we better go eat some food norm and you can see we're pretty tired so I'm just gonna sleep from now all right we're gonna have a bit less sleep today we're gonna wake up at seven we've got an hour to get to work now you can see yesterday we made 131 quid because we spent nothing nice we don't even eat lunch so we've got an hour to get to work whoa I would never get used to that crossing right so we have arrived with half an hour to spare let's head inside and then right we're we're at work we're doing our shift so time machine till the end all right so I'm heading home with food uh Uncle Fred phoned while I was in there to congratulate me on my first few days of work um but he says he's he's a businessman himself he said Matt you don't want to be the employee you want to be the employer so he suggested I go see his mate who can give me a loan now looking at the clock is 5 30 so I'm gonna imagine the bank is probably closed or if not closing at least by the time I get there uh tomorrow is a Friday and if you remember Friday was my day off I think yes up here tomorrow day off so we'll have a little snooze we'll have a bit of a lion because it's our day off so let's say we'll wake up yeah we'll wake up at nine that sounds lovely 15 hours sleep and then we're gonna head to the bank Jensen Capital so here is the bank let's get inside and then we gotta ask this dude can we get a loan please so I want a 15 grand low soon um although can I what's the limit on this nine million 999 999 yes please oh unfortunately no they rejected me they'll go up to 40 Grand okay well I better do what Uncle Fred says he seems to know best so 15 grand loan we've got to be aware we got nine quid interest to pay every day and we pay back 62 quid so we've got 71 quid every day to pay and that's fine for now however we will be investing this money because we are gonna go rent a property so we can start our own gift shop so you can see our money up here we have our new loan so let's head outside and then let's head into our Biz phone 1.0 down here because we've got Google Maps and if we head into the map we can see the entire town I mean it's actually massive like corner to corner it literally takes quite a while and all of these buildings you can go inside and rent and stuff so in the map filter let's toggle retail because we want a gift shop remember and then we want to find one with a maximum of 75 square meters in the Garment District yeah so it's pretty much any of these ones in the middle here so you can see this one 55 on Third Street at 75 meters squared this is the amount of traffic you get so 30. so if we compare that to like another similar one you see this one only has 10. so basically a lot more people walk down this side of the road than that side of the road I guess oh this one down here is 42. so yeah we'll go with this one with the 42 traffic because that is good so let's set its destination and then we've just gotta oh we just gotta head down that way so it could take a while so here it is this could be ours next to just jeans and Lucas Pizza oh I can head in there for lunch okay decent yeah I like this I like this so 700 quid deposit 120 for electrical stuff 24 quid daily rent that ain't bad let's give it a rent so this is it this is the place that's gonna be our gift shop so we can decorate this however we want uh I reckon it's pretty good how it is to be honest so if we head into our phone into our BisMan app we can see this is what we own at the moment and if we click on this we can start a new business so you want to be a gift shop so like that and we need to think of a name or a shop where you can buy amazing gifts literally the best gifts on the planet real civilengineer.com yeah I've heard there's amazing merch on there just saying so just like that we have our first business up and running however we have no products to sell no points of sale no shopping baskets and no opening hours oh dear but we do get to pick a logo so I'm gonna browse files and then yes up here you can see it's me oh why is it green I don't know why it's green there we go so this is our shop logo real civil engineer.com I mean there is there is meant to be an m on the end but um it wouldn't fit so that's the important stuff done so we just need to buy all these different things in order to run our shop there's going to be a lot of back and forth ink doing and throwing Jimmy you one more time to meet to you so we're gonna need I reckon a car so let's go find a car dealership right down there so we want to go along that way and go left so we'll head outside we're gonna go get a car because then I can't get done for G walking either oh and actually while I'm here I'm gonna I'm gonna quit my job because yeah I'm not I'm not going to work tomorrow I've I've moved on we've got bigger fish to fry I'm starting a gift shop it's gonna sell really good engineering t-shirts and stuff so quit job oh and what are the odds of this Uncle Fred's giving us a car the keys in the glove compartment oh D so yeah look here's Uncle Fred's Car oh nice so we don't we don't have to oops ah you found the car yeah I just crashed it all right so we want to head to an appliance store so let's set that as our destination there all red lights what the hell do you do with this cross what is this do I go down no that's one way that's one way I can't get that way can I oh no I can't go that way they like stop playing oh I'm so glad I'm not driving in the US like actually this is scary where's the roundabouts west of roundabouts okay right so we're up here so this is where the appliance shop is so we want to park over here I guess so I assume that's legal right yes legal decent okay so park vehicle and then we'll head inside so we're at the appliance store so we're gonna need a hand truck I'm not sure what these are called in the UK like I've used to use them quite a lot are they just called like a trolley or Wheels I never knew they're like the actual name for it was a hand truck but anyway I meant far too much fun driving this thing around tornado t-shirt coming to my store on here soon yeah I need to buy a stack of shopping baskets so they can go on a rounded shelf how is that gonna fit on here oh well it has it's fit in that Tiny Box that's quite decent we need a cash register so that can go on and a cabinet so our hand truck is full to the brim now so let's go pay I'll just have these please mate thank you very much so it will take it outside shove it in the car yep just in the boot and then I mean I suppose I should probably return this but um we'll just park that there's sorry all right then we'll get in our car I'm intrigued to know if this guy stopped for the red light or for the hand truck think it was for the red light so we're gonna head back to real severalengineer.com we're gonna crash into that guy oh sorry mate sorry about that oh man did the car actually dent I think I dented the car look at the front of it oh am I gonna get in trouble this is my uncle's car oh idiot Matt all right anyway there's our shop so I'm just gonna pull a cheeky you eat oops uh then we're gonna do a parallel park pretty easy maneuver not when you're up my ass what are you doing mate I'm trying to park here you knob what was he doing final park in front what an absolute knob head look at the shop side up there oh man I'm so excited I don't know what we have here our shopping baskets okay to shove them by the door I guess then we want the shelves now this is this is quite a big space for just one shelf so I might sort of make my make my store look a bit smaller for you like bring everything to the front oh we can decide what goes on it do you want a cheap gift or an expensive gift well this is the real civil engineer.com store so they're all expensive gifts okay well we're all set up we just need products we also need paper bags because beef can't just leave with products in their hands or never know if they've been bought or not if they're in a paper bag then we know so it's nearly 11 in the evening I tell you what I'm gonna get in my car and you might think we're gonna drive home uh but no I'm actually I'm gonna sleep yeah then we'll wake up at eight o'clock nice and early eight hours sleep pretty classic pretty standard so we lost money that day 75 quid but we set up our business and we're nearly ready to open so we're just gonna go to a whole sales literally around the corner okay so we'll drive around the corner oh God the road shut so we've headed inside the wholesale store this is where we can buy like everything we need to run a shop so it will grab the hand truck annoyingly he wants us to sell cheap gifts so this is a representative of the real civil engineer.com store I'm just I'm just doing what Uncle Fred says because he knows best so we'll buy these shove them in the boot Park this on the road so I can get out without traffic again I keep going to the wrong side of the car because I'm British as well right then we can head to our store hopefully we have time to parallel park this time all right so in uh in there oh not bad so we're gonna fill the rounded shells with cheap gifts there we go what are they what are they oh it's hundreds and hundreds of the architect tears mug or maybe the trust me I'm an engineer mug either way very good mugs they may be cheap but they're not cheap if you know what I mean all right send the paper bags go in the cash register and we're ready to open I think so let's do it let's open the shop so in our schedule we can choose when we want to open so I guess we want to open like I feel like the longer the better right like if we're in the evening that then people can once they finish work they can come to our store so yeah we'll do that we'll open every day even even Sunday oh wait no actually maybe I have Tuesday off I'll go buy I'll go do all my good shopping on Tuesday all right so shop is now open so let's let's work the cash register I'm gonna sign myself and then we'll just fast forward time and see if anyone comes so we'll keep it wait what did they say what did they say it's awkwardly quiet in here okay we might need some music the walls and floors are so ugly here okay we might need to redecorate fine I'm not gonna lie though considering I opened at like 1pm we've had a lot of people coming in decent right time machine to the end of the shift oh wow we are out of food out of energy we we need some food bad so shop is shut is the is the pizza place open can I have a pizza please 20 quid okay I'll just have a burger burger and a drink oh look I've actually got to wait for him to go make it so we could literally own this we could have our own Burger business at some point yeah so let's just eat these standing up yeah just pour them into your mouth like that mate that's it then I mean we could head home or acquire a fan of just sleeping in the car to be honest so I think our store opens at eight so if we do if we do 7 30 we should easily be able to get from the car to the shop in half an hour right we made 588 quid profit oh I should have done this years ago and let's get ready to make some money oh no we're out of energy we're out of energy oh no we're not we're not looking in a good way the head is hanging okay let's just pop next door to get some food Luca I need your help mate I'm struggling I need a pizza give me a pizza 20 quid that's so much money yes I know we have no employees I'm just eating pizza I probably should have shot the shot before I left right consume Pizza litter the bag head back inside work the till for the remaining hour of the day I got no energy I can't just have food you gotta sleep as well no stop coming in how do I close the shop why do hey are they stealing no why are so many people coming in there's only 10 minutes till we shut get out get out my shop or where are all these people coming from honestly right shop is closed now get hell out okay right well today I'm going home because I think we actually need like a good night's sleep like in a bed not just in my car so it will park in here oh no we can't I thought I could just move that car out the way can I get legal parking I want to park outside my house is that so much to ask the trouble is if I park illegally I'm gonna get a parking ticket then Uncle Fred's going to kick off not worth the hassle we'll park down it all right back in here let's have a snooze and then oh I need to be at work for eight so we gotta wake up at like half six maybe so I made 800 quid that day though okay so Uncle Fred says we need to hire someone and then we need to go do a business course so on the map if we toggle school there's a school up there I think we'll set that as destination we'll head back into the biz man and I'm gonna tell I'm gonna tell my shop we're not opening today so what day is it it's Monday right we're having Monday off as well now because education comes first we need to educate ourselves so we can be a better businessman so it will cheese it up here head around here Keller where you down bomb trying to park all right so Park up and then we'll head to school so we need to do a basic management I think this allows us to get an employee right so study for 10 hours oh yeah it's a 10 hour course we can do 10 hours in one go cost us 300 quid that's fine we are learning and just like that we've learned basic management so we can start a recruitment campaign for customer service employees so recruitment agency where is that oh so right now it's right next to my shop what are the odds of that yeah they're currently closed they're open in 14 hours that's slightly annoying still I'm a busy businessman now so this is just what we do so we'll park outside the front uh then we'll sleep until 8am which is when it opens we made a big loss that day because the shop wasn't open and obviously we paid for the course as well but now we can head straight into here so you're right I'm looking for an employee for real civilengineer.com they need to be good at customer service yeah so obviously if I want to wait I can say deliver it in 10 days it only cost me 50 Quid I probably wouldn't now I'm impatient so it'll cost me 500 quid I can get more candidates as well each one is 500 quid so you know that we just hire any and everyone here well they're actually looking at my editors maybe maybe that is the case what now but we're just going to have one candidate so whoever applies will get the job they could be any age group we do not discriminate at Royal civilengineer.com so confirm so they will be in touch at some point in the meantime I might go from a store this is the good thing about being your own boss so you can decide when you want to open like do I just want to open for like a few hours today yeah why not I forgot it's literally just there I don't know I don't know why I got in my car oh God hang on I'm doing terrible because someone's waiting for me to park I'm doing bad parking I don't know why if someone's watching you park you just lose the ability to park so we'll just wait for that money to roll in so there's the end of our shift you can see that the amount of mugs we have shifted I might actually I might need to go buy some more tomorrow oh no look the floor's really dirty I might need a cleaner as well blooming out right anyway Luca is making a killing out of us another pizza please oh no look at the front of my car and that is dented to Hell who did that it must have been that person there they must have crashed into me or something anyway we are gonna have Wednesday off now because look down here the roundest Shelf soon runs out of cheap gifts so what we're gonna do is drive to the wholesale store again yeah I realize I for some reason didn't eat the pizza did it shot or something anyway let's just order everything because I'm starving we're in a kebaby ice just closed was it I think we're yes we've got the last order so yeah let's consume all of those I'm too stuffed oh that was a waste then but anyway we're then gonna sleep here that's all morning and then our shop shot today remember so we'll head into the wholesale we need cheap gifts so yeah 200 of these please so that's those bought oh there's my pizza my pizza was in the boot oh decent okay we'll shove that back in then and we'll take the cheap gifts we're gonna shove them inside and restock the shelves there we go yeah the rest of these I guess we'll just shove them like in the corner yeah dude all right so we've just received a new message from Anderson Corp they're the recruitment people so let's see what they say uh 27 year old Jennifer Clark has applied they want 14 quid an hour that's cheaper than what I was getting paid from a supermarket job so they're not that good at customer service 34 I mean for 14 quid now though that's a bargain that saves that means I can go do whatever I want to do so yeah you're hired congrats Jennifer welcome to team rce so now I can choose what days I want Jennifer to work oh and annoyingly she's only got like a set number of hours she can do do I want to open at 8am do I want to open later probably doesn't matter let's be let's be an eight till four sort of place so she can work seven days a week that sounds good to me 56 Hour Week all right so in our store there is Jennifer working the till I need to I need to go work out how to clean floors I think because this place is stinking yeah thankfully though I can leave the shop running and it's still going to be making me money well I can go on my little gallivanting Adventures so let's go I feel like these traffic lights are broken so I'm just gonna go around them we're gonna drive up to square appliances here we are oh what I have to pay parking here six quid well you know my eyes are bad that's eight quid okay well we'll park it there fine whatever all right we need a cleaning station which I'm guessing is these yeah 100 quid cleaning station it will queue up to buy this out the way you make cheers then we head back to the gift shop can I Muller this guy no I can't fair enough I've just noticed every time I crash in something I think that's how good my car is so 19 so if I just crash 13 oh no I need to stop crashing my car's on the brink I've destroyed it before I've even used up a fuel tank all right so we'll park down here I'll grab the cleaning station uh how's your day been Jennifer right good first day on the job yep good stuff so I got clean station here I'll pick up the mop and then we can go clean this place so here we go we are cleaning the floors the life of a business man all right so Uncle Fred's just told us it's good selling mugs and stuff but maybe we should expand not just do gifts perhaps our parched customers could use a drink so we're gonna buy a drinks fridge a box of soda cans and then we're gonna place them somewhere so we can make a bit of extra money off everyone so we're at our store with our fridge as I said before I want to make this place a bit smaller so it doesn't look so like Barren so if we shove that there stocked and ready to go if anyone's parked while they're shopping for mugs maybe they want to try out the mug now they can literally just buy a drink straight away uh now it's time to try and expand our Empire yeah and Uncle Fred told us if we use the market Insider app we can work out what sort of things are in demand so sort by demand oh yes people want burgers I love a burger so we're gonna start our own burger store however first we need to get some more education the fundamental of Business Administration but I think for now we will leave that there for today I hope you guys enjoyed this game is super super fun and addictive um I might carry on streaming this perhaps or if you do want a video let me know in the comments below anyway thanks to all the patreons this video wouldn't exist without you guys so really appreciate your support and remember you get a discount in my merch store so for now I'll say peace love and future burgers that don't exist yet but we'll soon unless they eat all the profits I made all the profits because I really tasty I love Burger bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 354,554
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: big ambitions tips, big ambitions guide, big ambitions tutorial, big ambitions walkthrough, big ambitions, big ambitions game, business simulator, big ambitions steam, big ambitions how to, big ambitions early access, big ambitions gameplay, charlie pryor, big ambitions charlie pryor, big ambitions tips and tricks, rce, real civil engineer
Id: sVdlZSJ7bF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 53sec (1493 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 04 2023
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