Cities Skylines, but there's NO WATER...

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the desert is hot sandy and completely devoid of water pretty much a terrible place for humans to live right I don't like sand yet in recent years more and more cities and incredible Feats of engineering have sprung up in these desolate places and is largely down to the abundance of oil beneath the ground anyway hello fellow engineers and welcome to City skylines where today we're going to be trying to replicate the real world desert building phenomenon starting out with nothing pillaging the land of all of its oil and building some huge ass skyscrapers but this is going to be a little bit more challenging because in City skylines generally you need a water source to be able to do anything in the game so to allow your citizens to drink you generally get a water pumping station or perhaps you could put a water tower in but no no I'm giving myself the challenge of there is no water on this map we have to engineer our own solution to this problem it says dry as well a desert actually but there is lots of oil and as disclaimer I have turned off the infinite demand mod and the infinite money mod uh but I've still I've still unlocked everything so we can we can get straight into the oil industry look how black this place is okay so first off we got 715 Grand so I guess let's do a sort of Road layout now we want to do this cheap so we're going to do this with a two-lane Gravel Road uh so yeah you're going to be coming from a three-lane Motorway straight onto a gravel roundabout I'm sure I'm sure that's safe let's take a road off in I guess this direction we'll just go straight for now first off let's paint an industry area so this is going to be our oil industry something like that for now should be fine and we're going to call this place black gold ink with a K and of course we need to build our oil industry main building so that's 30 grand 240 quid a week but it should pay for itself in no time so it will shut that there and now you can see we have a start because we are in the oil industry uh so we need to we need to get some barrels on the go and I love as well you're like one worker he's just like walking around like scratching his head because unfortunately the building has no it has no power it has no water um so not running very well I'm hoping though I can still make money once I get a few oil pumps going so I've shoved one of them down they look like they're working they are pumping away again they need water and power it seems we cannot produce the oil we can't pump it until we get these things set up now because we can't use water we can't pump it we need another solution now and what I would like to call a poo Lucian not solution pollution because yes you have guessed it we are going to be making a sewage treatment plant and turning that into clean water now I'm not entirely sure how this is going to work because I feel like I sort of need I need to kick start my population I need people in order for them to poo in order for me to turn the Poo into water let's get a road in down there and then let's start getting some Poopers down so both sides of there we have residential areas going in so hopefully people start moving in then they'll probably complain that there's no power and water and stuff so we'll work on electricity next probably makes sense to do an oil powered plant right it does create a lot of pollution so I probably could do that down here I feel like to start with though I can't pump that until we have electricity so we're gonna have to use renewable energy to kick start this two of those up there that's producing 16 megawatts then we need to do some pylons we'll go down to there yes okay we're good they're not complaining about power it's just water now and as are our newly moved in residents wow people really moved in quick there next up then we need to try and turn their poo into drinking water this will get the cycle going so I'm pretty sure this is like almost gonna be realistic because in the real world we do just poo we put it all in like a large storage tank sort of filter out a bit clean it up and then we just send it back to the Sea back to the rivers so we want a water drain plate oh my God it's huge I forgot how big these were you want to shove it in that end I believe and then we're going to use pipes which cost money remember we've got to try and be fairly sensible with this we're gonna go under the road under the roundabout and up to here so that they they're at least connected to the sewer and then I'm hoping we should see some poo come out of here yeah it is there it is all right I think it's filling up right let's hit pause before this goes too far because what I need to do I need to split this down the middle with a berm right so this is good you can clearly see there's poo filling up this side and there's nothing in these two so I'm gonna put a channel through here so that's gonna go straight across like that and then at the back I'm gonna do a higher level Channel like up there like that man this is like being back at my old job doing drainage engineering so we're then going to use these little guys the floating garbage collector because as we've learned from oh man they're huge I forgot how small this is like compared to the pukino in engine Topia but yeah essentially these will clean the water so if we can just round these in the theory is as the Poo sort of washes through it it should get cleaned and then as more poo ends up down here I'll add more in this area and then hopefully by the time the water comes through here it should be completely clean meaning we can then give all of our citizens some drinking water oh look everyone runs driving in now yeah looking looking pretty good we do need to start thinking about like can you see everyone's sort of there complaining there's Services people want so they're not currently getting I need I need to focus on this water firstly all right well annoyingly even fast forwarding it seems Seems the game is glitching out the water's going through the floor why does it do this oh no all of our buildings have been abandoned we didn't get water in time I'll tell you what though we can have a look at the water quality yeah because actually can you see like can you see there we got some brown on that corner but over here it's it's blue so perhaps it might be too too close but perhaps we can oh yes yes yes look there's blue there's blue coming on the back okay so it is pumping some water yeah they're not complaining anymore oh wait it stopped it stopped okay I think it stopped because maybe we need another one of these we need like more sewage coming in all right I've added another one in the hope that the surge the turtle surge it might actually yeah I think it's push is it pushing more water down there's a bit more frequent supply of water now people they're still complaining but I think I think it's better at least all right so for now I think we need we need more industry we need more commercial uh because these guys they got nothing to do and we want to keep them here so they keep going so that we have water we're just using these citizens essentially all right so let's come out this week then that can all be commercial then industrial down that side of course they will all require water as well so we're gonna have to go from there up that way that's another grand spent right we need to sort our money out because we're losing eight grand a week um we are pumping oil though we've got got the workers over here working very hard as you can see I think I'm gonna spend 30 grand storing the oil that means we can then pump more so here we go this is this is looking a lot better and yeah we've sold off first eight barrels you made 320 quid means hopefully our profit will get there weekly profit minus 160 yeah but I think perhaps now we should be okay as we start to fill this up oh no everyone's got a stick and diet oh blooming out blooming out I was like oh look loads of demand for residentialists because everyone's dead and sick right so another road come up this way and then I think I'm gonna like connect them like that then we can shove more residentials down there and then we'll start doing Services up here so we've got your medical Clinic your small fire station small police station and then some schools we actually probably put a cemetery in as well shouldn't I let's shove one of those in the middle of the roundabout lovely right a little bit worried there might be a link between the pumping of water and the illness that everyone seems to be experiencing I'm fairly certain that water is not clean though right let's try and have a little no we're out of money completely minus 18 Grand a week whoa pause it a second what's costing so much schools aren't that expensive oh no I've got a bankruptcy alert already this isn't how oil money is meant to happen I thought I just put a drill in the ground and then I'm rich all right they're going to give me 50 Grand that's like two weeks worth I'm gonna take it anyway I don't think it's gonna help though look at all this traffic there's definitely demand for our oil we just need to get it out somehow oh also we got garbage piling up as well all right we'll bang a landfill site down there because we we need to you already yeah but we need to make this place profitable now why isn't it profitable that is the question so they're importing oil products too large so where are they coming from why why have they brought oil in did I get the wrong end of the stick with this building right empty empty I think I've been buying have I been buying oil yeah look I'm an idiot I was the importing oil spent two grand on it thankfully I think we're good now we should start making profit soon hopefully maybe right so industry there we go there we go so we are making some cash two and a half Grand income 600 Quid expensives we're making 1600 well that's just gone down we're making a grand question is how do we make more or I mean we're sort of out of money now as well right time to take a loan I reckon 200 Grand as long as we can make 30 grand to pay it back in 520 weeks we should be fine let's take that for up to 186 Grand I'm going to invest this into bigger pumps I think a lot yeah that's that's what we want a large oil drilling rig come on pump the land of its natural resources oh we're out we're out of electricity I say what now it's time then let's get the oil power plant on the goat because that will pretty much be free to maintain now because we're producing so much oil oh yeah look at the power output 120 megawatts oh yes and look at the oil profit two and a half Grand a week now the main thing with trying to get these working is we need some educated people which we don't have and I think because they keep dying before before they're old enough to have gone to school and got an education we just really need to fix this water issue and it might be Beyond My Control anyway let's let's see what we can do right so water's making it around here over to that end okay that's actually good that's what I wanted sort of these are 50 Grand a pop bloomingo I feel like if I can get these to go in a channel and we'll be much better off so let's let's move these down to here and then let's build a channel so it all ends up down the bottom so assuming I haven't glitched anything if we fast forward we should see the water comes through here and ends up clean all right maybe I need another sewage Outlet unfortunately with minus 70 grand all right we're gonna have to raise taxes for everyone everything is now 15 tax to budget we're gonna have to lower electricity garbage is eight grand I was at the water cleaners that's probably the water cleaners I've just taken all the loans it's not enough we're still 24 Grand too late right the model she's abandoned buildings more people move in and we'll get more tax out of them right right these guys are complaining about the tax rate now as well all right let's get some high density evolved so like high density means more people which might mean more jobs I'm gonna have to turn taxes down everyone's kicking off everyone's kicking off they're gonna they're gonna quit aren't they you know 12 okay they seem they seem all right with 12 we're getting all these built oh that is good that's a lot more poo a lot more water oh look the week the income is dropping well not drop it's doing the opposite it's going up yeah I think because all these people are paying tax right we just need to educate you all and then we should be good right yeah so what I'm learning is building a city in the middle of the desert that has no natural resources like water that you need is Bloom inexpensive I've got no money but there's huge demand for people to live here so what I might do I might have to start demolishing some of these like smaller residences and replace it with high density just to try and sort of make the most of this I should I wish I built more blooming roads at the start I'm not gonna light but if we get these high-rise buildings on the go they hold a lot more people and then water seems to be working like this solution working out okay I think no one's complained about water for ages right so the new plan is we just leave this running and sort of whenever there's a building to be demolished we demolish it so we get someone new building its place but we're sort of at the point where on occasion we're making profit we're just minus about a grand a week at the moment to our total bank balance we owe 500 Grand half a million quid but once we once we have a bit of a selling Purge of oil we are good you will notice occasionally you're getting that symbol which says not enough pliers for our oil but look oh look how close we are to profit come on just go green go green yes we've made 200 quid we made 500 quid see I reckon the longer we leave this the better so I'll see you in a few hours where hopefully we're back into the positive and we don't owe anyone anything right so we've fast forwarded a good nearly a decade Anna uh it's working we're in the oh wait we're back in the negative no there you go they go look we're on the positive we're in the positive so we have actually kind of made money I've been expanding this a bit as well tweaking taxes and all sorts a population we're nearly up to 3 000 people which means the cash has started to fly in um so I guess we're sort of proving this is working and I don't know how but I've sort of I've made like a funky pattern which I feel is very like oil baron-esque uh speaking of which over here most of these have like loads of jobs now so yeah 38 out of 50 workers that one's 36. so these little ones they're all full which means we are actually finally raking in the money that's what it might be doing because we want more money we're sort of wasting this we are making oil but there's also petroleum and Plastics to be dealing with so I am thinking let's extend our roads like back here a bit and then this is gonna be quite an investment but we can we can build one of these to process the sludge a petrol chemical plant to make petrol and chemicals oil waste refining to help with the petroleum as well this one will help us get Plastics then we should be good hmm breathing the fumes of money hey we please know I have now paid off all my loans as well so that is good less money going out each month and I'm hoping this will sort of this will send us to the next level and perhaps we can start doing some of the crazy engineering projects like huge skyscrapers because I don't think this is enough engineering for one little desert civilization and honestly I cannot believe the water is working well at the start I thought I was doomed but it is actually working right so these guys are complaining they're not getting enough resources I think that's just because the road Network like you sort of have to sneak up here um I don't actually know can you build a bridge with a dirt road is that a thing because what I'm thinking if I can if I can stop all my tankers from like using this like perhaps come off here like a bit earlier let's come over here and then oh we can actually do we can do a gravel road bridge oh interesting all right so if I connect that down there then hopefully our traffic will bypass this roundabout and all these all these crazy Junctions I mean there's oh I just I think someone just got run over in front of me thankfully I like clipped through a building so we just about missed it but oh it is Carnage down there I don't like it I don't like it all right there we go so we've got these lorries using that now Gravel Road straight into the motorway I'm sure I'm sure they're not covering their certain stones and stuff yeah people are complaining about lack of electricity what's going on there oh look we're in the yellow we're in the yellow I did turn the weekly expense down on that so let's wrang that back up a bit let's go up to 80 production because we're making like five grand a week at the moment so yeah you can see in here now we're now making petroleum and Plastics uh and I think that is the petroleum that sort of made on money go positive but yeah things are looking good might be worth getting a few more oil pumps on the go oh something I've just noticed as well we've got two competing large oil rigs here so we've got this one on the right which you can see it's called engineer rig now their production rate is 11 000 units per week they are doing fantastically they're doing the industry proud uh this one on the left is called Arc rig Tech yeah that's that's the best one I could come up with uh their production rate is zero units per week zero 34 workers zero units per week so it turns out whatever industry you're in you're always going to have engineers and Architects all right well anyway let's pump some more oil I reckon let's get some more large rigs going because yes still plenty of oil around let's your boy it was basically unlimited at this point right throughout the point where the city has expanded drastically um the trouble is our original water source if we if we go out the Cinematic camera uh people over this way they're struggling for water and since we're making a good like six grand a week now it's probably worth we can make like another one of these hopefully it might be more successful uh so what I'm thinking to sort of to try and save on the glitch side rather than digging down I'm gonna try and dig up and what we're gonna do I think we're gonna do like fairly large settling pond so we've sort of got like a curved area and if I just grab a few of the sewage outlets and then my thought here is they will sort of fill up this thing and then if we fill this middle section we can sort of make like a long sort of Lake thing and then I am just going to take a big big Grant so we'll apply for that all we've been granted that's nice because now we want to fill this area with the cleaners if we just do like this sort of thing then the theory is these will kick out the pollution I've actually I've done two of these so they connect together so you can see poo coming out getting cleaned as the Water Works along and then it should just work along this channel where look it's nice and clean and then it heads to the pumps so overall I think that's a really really efficient way of making water in the desert and hopefully this will work a lot better than my original one because I have actually used engineering this time and wow that is really making some water however check out the monthly bill oh boy minus 17 grand yep making water in the desert is expensive because each one of these costs a grand per week to upkeep I'll tell you what actually I might actually turn a few of them off but uh now no one is complaining about water over this side and of course it means we can keep expanding our city and then keep expanding our industry I think what look we're nearly we're back in the positive we are back in the positive already I think I'm starting to understand that why we build cities in the desert this is going incredible yet the Plastics are being made that's six grand a week without all the taxes from other Industries literally just the oil that is paying for everything look 10 grand a week just the Plastic industry is paying for the water so people can drink here and what do we do with all this money May you ask you not only keep pumping oil but I think it might be time to lose the oil power plant we don't have enough fuel because we are actually selling all the oil we have so so slight problem with power at the moment however we have money and uh since we're in the desert we're gonna get a solar power plant because it just makes sense so that is much better the city is booming however we need to show off to other countries that our city is booming so as you enter the city via the overly complex Highway Junction you'll be driving along and you'll see in the distance the high-rise buildings and as you get closer you will realize oh yes this is an oil country all right so first off you can take the first turning to backer the three um if you look closely you'll see the attention to detail isn't great but things are often built in a rush when spending oil money because we're always scared that the oil price will drop Etc um but first off we have the incredible Arch a lovely symbol of engineering and beyond that you can see oh a tower yes it's got a revolving restaurant meanwhile we have the high-rise District obviously this is the financial center of the of the place uh just just ignore the dirt roads where we still need to upgrade those at some point although people still do Drive their Lamborghinis about on here because why wouldn't you I mean next up on our tour if we head past where all these peasants live um we can head up this hill because oh my my what a journey this is a private driveway someone is making a very long Trek off why are you going there she holding tools based right oh she's a cleaner at the oppression office I literally I didn't even type that that's that's literally what the game came up with oppression office it knows we're in the desert anyway up here we don't actually call this the oppression office we call this Casa de matte yes this is where the engineer of this piece lives he looks over what he has accomplished knowing that efficient engineering made all of this possible so yes for now we'll say peace love and oppression makes the world go round as well as oil bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 800,066
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 21min 29sec (1289 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 08 2023
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