Engineering a $1,000,000,000,000 railway in Transport Fever 2!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome to transport fever 2 which has just been released on PlayStation 4 and 5 and the Xbox One and series X and S consoles and the publisher Nikon have very kindly sponsored this video so you can boost the link in my description to check it out and in this video I will be using a controller so you can see how the new UI and everything works on Console now if you've been following my channel for a while you know I've played this before I started in 1850 and used horse and carts as well as steam trains to do my transporting as I expanded my beautiful transport Empire if you want to check these videos I'll Wang them in my end screen but today we're going to be going into a free game I'm going to select a map I prepared earlier which starts in 1969. nice just so we have access to the more modern stuff and then we start off looking at my company headquarters yes this is rce limited but if we zoom out you'll see this is a map that includes the entire UK space wait wait just just just the UK it's the entire UK but yeah if you haven't seen this before you might be thinking what the frick is going on Matt well transport fever 2 isn't a city Builder there are there's lots of cities going on they're all sort of upgrading at the moment because I've just fast forwarded loads of years um oh and sadly it's about to be it's about to be the end of 1969 it's now 1970 I should probably let's slow down the speed a little bit so there you go as we hit a new year we are unlocking loads of new vehicles you can see up there so yeah I'm just gonna hit pause and uh things aren't going great you can see my earnings of zero my account is zero so my company headquarters is actually downgraded to this look at that terrible sign anyway the aim of this is to make money by creating transport links uh so if we zoom out you can see oh man look at Great Britain and Northern Ireland oh there's a little bit there's a cheeky bit of a actual Island as well we've got Dublin involved decent yeah you can see there's loads and loads of different symbols loads of different cities and towns and things so I'm just gonna have a mooch about and try and find some symbols next to each other that relate so as an example if we head over to here to Peterborough you can see they are City demanding bread and Bricks the two bees of the world so what we need to do is find somewhere sort of nearby where we can make bread like up here north of Norwich and you can see in order to make bread here we need wheat because there's a wheat symbol and the narrow to the right and then bread so if we can find wheat nearby which oh my goodness there's some right there just across the pond however if we look at the land links uh the nearest road goes actually through Peterborough then through Cambridge then all the way through Ipswich up through Norwich yeah so although it's close as the crew flies it's actually really far away but thankfully over here there's another one so if we press B to go to our inspector we have Norwich farm and this Farm produces wheat just what we need oh look at the little sheep and the cows oh there's like one black and white cow all the others are like ginger ones anyway what we need to do is find a way of getting our wheat from here up to there now as there's a road that goes straight through although it does go through Norwich itself home of Alan Partridge by the way uh I am going to focus on trucks so if we come down to here the road Network oh we can build all sorts of new things like New Roads and stuff but I want buildings and we're gonna need two things a truck station in order to load and unload Goods as well as a road Depot which allows me to buy and sell trucks now unfortunately I have zero money so what rce limited is probably going to want to do and then borrow lots of money so now we have five and a half million in the bank however we are gonna be paying interest on that so you've got to make income as soon as possible so first things first we'll build this through Depot now if I just zoom in you can see wherever you move this the the price changes depending on the earth works so can you see if that's there because we're like on the left hand side we've got that slope because we're cutting into the ground that's gonna cost us money because we're gonna have to deal with the dirt same on this side if we put it like can you see the right hand side the building's on a bank that's going to cost us money to bring dirt in just like in real life so we're gonna find the cheapest place which is probably about there I can then raise or lower it as well so if I go about there that's 15 and a half Grand well spent boosh and that's aptly named the Norwich Road Depot because it's on Norwich Road and it's a Depot and we can use this to buy vehicles so we've got loads of different vehicles to go with and it's worth noting not every vehicle can move every type of good so if I go on to filter I can change the cargo type so we're just looking at the vehicles that transport green oh man these are slow 37 miles an hour and now you would think the large ones are probably better to do but they're actually not because in the top right look at the price 400 Grand per truck nearly 69 Grand a year in fees and his capacity it carries 17 whereas if we just go down we can get one of these little Isuzu flatbed trucks they're 340 Grand and only 56 Grand a year they only carry 14 so I think my money's better off spent buying some of these I've just bought five of them that might be too many now I'm gonna buy Six I bought six now then you can see them all in there you can rename them if you want to I'm not going to but yeah they're all sat there just waiting for me because first off we need to go back into here and we need to build those Depots so truck station here if I shove this you can see as long as it's near the farm the farm goes white if we go too far away like we got this then the white disappears around it which means it's not in range it's now in range of this brick Factory thing no I don't want that all that you need to give people bread so we've shoved that there so we'll be able to load green onto there and then we're gonna head back to north of Norwich so what's this place called oh Norwich food processing plants what a catchy name we're going to shove down another Depot because although they were going to be unloading wheat we're also going to be loading the bread so a Depot is required if we were just unloading we could actually use this the truck unload stop because we need to load we need the truck station so let's let's just rotate it Wang it there for 124 Grand money well spent and then down here we can come to our line manager we can press X to create a new line and then we decide where we want the line to go so we want the line to go from this truck stop all the way up to this one at the food processing plant so then our grain gets delivered from Norwich East to Norwich sidings and then the trucks go back because if you zoom in you can see like the route the truck's going to take in Orange so that's good so if we come back to the road Depot we can then assign all these vehicles that I bought so we can do right bumper we can say set line go to line one and now when we press play they're all leaving look at these little guys look at them go and over here the Green from the farm is piling up on the side so as these go guys head in and park up next to the green they should fill up with that stuff there you go literally filling up with green and then he is on his way with his 14 loads so he's gonna drive all the way through this town all the way up here up to here where the Norwich food processing plant is gonna pay me for that delivery and then they're gonna make bread so next up it's probably worth taking that bread to where it's needed over in Peterborough now as we saw before it's quite a long journey to go all the way around the other way so what I'm thinking I might build my own Road here because it looks like we're going to get two River Crossings so we might want to build a bridge now until we get that delivery we are working in a deficit we're not making any money so I do need to be a little bit careful but back to Road I can choose what sort of road I want to build and each one of these has a different speed so we're gonna build a medium Country Road and we're gonna start from this end we can see whether to be a straight which I don't really like that corner down there don't look safe but if I change the build mode we've now got a nice curve we can play with it you'll notice as longer and stuff the price is going up but the one thing you want to be careful of can you see we're sort of we're slicing through a massive Hill there so as I said before just like in real life we're gonna have to dig all that dirt up dispose of it very expensive so we probably want to come back and then actually follow the ground a bit more so that we're saving a lot more money so you can see our roads a little bit lumpy now but it was so much cheaper which is good and now we need our first Bridge so 44 Grand spent on that we've then got another Bridge 32 Grand but then we can just curve down this way and Connect into there lovely so now we have a connection from our food plant to Peterborough I can't believe I built an entire Road and two Bridges just to deliver bread but it does mean we can expand our transport Empire because we can build a truck on load stop and we can shove this in Peterborough so look you can see South side of the river they're all wanting Bread North Side they all want bricks it's a gang rivalry that's been going on in Peterborough for years are you bread gang or are you brick gang anyway we're going to come down here we're going to shove our truck stop probably probably there on the corner boost and then we're gonna add a new line we're going to say go from this place over to our new truck stop so there's the route along our new road you can then decide do we want to take these vehicles off I mean it seems to be I feel like we've got a good number there's like as one's leaving another one's coming so I might actually buy some new trucks so into the road Depot buy vehicles buy I think we'll buy three flatbreads oh my goodness they cost so much but then we can set these guys to line two which is my bread line so they'll leave the Depot and head to that line which means up here we should start guessing bread yes so the grain goes on the right side the bread is getting stored there just out in the open with vegetables on top apparently but let me check out the engineering of this place by the way they've like made a grain carrying Bridge you know what that means we need a bridge review this bridge allows green to travel from the green Silo on the left to the food processing building on the right it's suspended up in the air in excavator buckets meaning all these people underneath can enjoy the scenery of the road without getting green on themselves or something you may think this bridge review should have included these two Bridges because they're much more bridge-like but it's my video so I'll do what I want to anyway I give this score a graintastic 4.2 out of 10. I'm not really sure why they didn't just move the silo next to the building to be honest anyway Bridge review so yeah not sure if you saw whilst that was going on a truck was actually there he is there he is he was actually carrying some bread which means assuming he survives by making it across the bridge past the the Brick loving side of Peterborough or Peterborough I am British I should pronounce it britishly we will end up at this truck station where we get kaching 39 Grand and the more resources I give the more the city expands as well and increases their demand Etc lovely stuff so if I had an encounter they'd be very impressed with my rce books at the moment because although he spent a lot of money on our initial setup we're finally making profit every year now that means we can probably start looking at expanding to include the entire country yeah you can see from here our little trucks that's all we've got going on of this entire place um but I think for money making I probably want to go a little bit bigger now I know in Scotland there the big producers of the old oil so if we go up yeah particularly in this corner we have some oillage going on now a fellow Brit told me there's a way to make even more money in this game because the cost per resource isn't defined by just the resource it's actually defined by the length it's traveled so as an example up in Wick I can see there's oil barrels being produced on the right in the wick oil well and over at the refinery they are wanting that oil so what I could do as before we can shove a Depo in shove a truck station up here another one over here buy probably a single truck because I don't have that much money left make a new line from the pump to the refinery shove a new tanker on that line and you can see up here the oil is stacking up because they are pumping a hell of a lot of oil up here so I think it will come in it should then pick up some of that so yep open up the flap shove that insanely large amount of oil in your tiny little truck and then he's on his way meanwhile over at the refinery the truck is finally arriving and then we can see how much money we get for that 45 Grand I'll tell you what I was probably that's probably better off sending bread but still 45 Grand pretty good that's for this truck which can carry 18 of those barrels remember so 45 Grand divided by 18 uh that's two and a half Grand uh that's two and a half gram per barrel quick mess now let's see if our spiffing Brit was correct if I were to make a longer Journey would that be worth much more now to do that I sort of wanna I probably want to take oil from up here lovely North Sea oil can I take it all the way down down south is there anyone down here oh yes there is there is over by Chatham they are in need of some oil I haven't actually seen this game in like modernish times look at the Burger side I want to eat there I love Burgers anyway so what I want to do for this I probably we could do this by sea but it's a long long wait so I'm gonna try and do it by air I think it'll be much quicker so ideally I want a cargo airport which has two runways for small and large cargo aircraft so I want to take as much Cargo in one go as I can so I'm essentially putting Heathrow or Gatwick in probably Gatwick this side of London and I can see I need 19 grand for that so we're gonna need that again up the other end and then I'm gonna have to buy planes uh so what I might need to do first is borrow a lot more money so I've now got a 69 Grand loan nice which means I should be able to afford these airports they'll plug that there for just under 18 million head up north unfortunately can't quite get away with plonking an airport on here because we're is going to be touching the seat but we could come over here and literally just slice through these mountains oh I've gone too far I've gone too far come back up come back up so I can put it there that oil refinery goes yellow which means it will send stuff I actually I forgot to do at the other end still 40 million boost I'm sure this will pay off I'm sure it will right right let's just head back down south again I have a feeling I may have built this too far away from the actual oil refinery now I could put another line in that trucks the goods from up there down to there but I don't really I don't really want to do that I'm trying to do this as efficiently as possible actually if I put a road in can you see as we get close to the building as long as it forms a connection like that can you see our little connection at the end like if I go there no connection if I go there's connection that could connect everything up so I guess the only way to find out is as a new line from our airport up here ulapu airport I've never heard of Google I thought I was made up apparently it's the place sorry people from hula pool then we had all along the bumpy mountains and connect up Chatham airport then all we've got to do we've got to come over to the hangar we can buy planes now remember cargo type we're going to be transporting crude oil and then we probably want to go with the plane that can carry the most at once so that only carries 10 14 another 10. is that Canada or Canada air by the way that carries 27 but it costs nine and a half million and I've only got 6.7 so perhaps I want the Lockheed Hercules although I'm just 300 Grand short so one second so thankfully the bank of Ray generous they gave me another 500 Grand so let's buy this plane boosh then we can set the line to the line four then we should see this guy is gonna come out there yeah look at it we've got our plane so let's hope is this is the oil yes the oil's stacking up so because this is in range of the of the world there all the oil is going there which means as the plane comes down we should be able to pick that up so yeah we got a butt flat so all the oil's gone in and now we are ready for takeoff I'm not gonna lie I don't think I'd fancy that takeoff yeah he's probably eyeing it up like oh man I wish I didn't put that much oil on board we're gonna have to pull up and make it somehow all right so pull up pull up quick oh look at the wheels keep your landing gear out oh that was so close that was so close but yeah right that is in the air so that should be traveling All the Way South hopefully landing at Chatham airport some point soon so we'll speed up time and then just wait for that to happen but here comes our plane it's coming in for landing and oh blooming now mind the tree by the jog yeah it's probably tell someone to cut that tree down anyway he has landed safely so here is the test as it comes in and stops here we should see the oil on load and we should have a very very large kaching where hopefully we'll work out oh 3.7 million I don't even need to do the maths but I'm going to so as it says on the bottom it carries 24 I don't even know if it did carry 24 that time but let's just assume it did 3.7 million divided by 24 154 Grand per barrel hence the investment might pay off uh the downside is it takes like well look at the bottom right takes probably about a year for that journey to actually happen so might be worth investing in some more aircraft now since the date went up we did actually unlock some more Vehicles oh yes the McDonald Douglas now you can see it's twice as fast and it carries three times as more oil so for the bargain price of 35 million it might actually be worth it you know so I'm just having an awkward meeting with my bank manager oh that's not ideal I can't borrow any more the buttons grayed out okay with five million sure I'll tell you what let's speed up time and hopefully this guy can make another Journey right so it's been a good few years now the year is 2018 and we have a huge Fleet of Boeing 737s which means we fully paid off our loan and we're making about 20 million a year um we're sort of at the point where as the plane lands it's taking off as well so we have constant plane traffic from these so we almost can't make any more than that unless we find a use for this oil that we are refining down here and looking over here over towards Ipswich you can see there's actually two uses here so we have chemicals we can make in that place or we can make fuel in this one now seeing as we're by the Sea uh it might be worth checking out the old boats so we're gonna want a shipyard so we can build some boats that can go there and then we just want a cargo Harbor and yeah as long as that goes right behind it means it's in range so we can shove one there one by this refinery we are just out of range I think if I do that and then just do a road along here I've created like a spider road so that's got all the connections we need to link the two which means we can add the cargo buildings we need which means we can buy some Vehicles so we want boats that can move oil there we go and voila we have the viola that moves at 19 miles an hour carries 240 though so maybe slower than a plane but it's going to carry a lot more and then we get a warning saying we need a large dock careful YouTube captions the ships come out their little boat hole and then down here yeah we can see this is filling up with the refined oil so as those ships arrive they should collect all that oil so this ship is arriving we can see it Dock and then it should grab all the oil actually as it says there it's only got 36 out of 60 on there still as this returns to Ipswich Port we can see how much money we get for its load 132 2 Grand so divide by the 30-ish that it was getting so that's four and a half thousand dollars per barrel now it's time to do a test because we could just ship the the oil a very short distance or we could make use of these planes returning throughout the moment once the planes land here they then do the return leg of the journey completely empty but what if we found somewhere that also needed the refined oil ideally really really far away like oh up in Glasgow they have no oil nearby so if we can squeeze in an airport down here we can add that to our airport line question is can we fit it in such a way that we don't impact the existing roads and things but we do turn the oil refinery white I'm sorry about this but um but now it means that will fit in there perfectly in our line manager we want to go to line four then we want to add a station which is going to be this airport oh and this is called like Scottish shouting Airport airport actually that was a bit more pirate than Scottish I think that's now in as this plane comes into the land it should drop its load off for money and then what I'm hoping for is it picks up I picked up one one out of ten oil okay Lisa makes it easy to see how much that oil is worth per barrel because there's literally just one drop on that so it's landed let's see what the money is 189 Grand oh that was so worthwhile so now it should fly off I mean it's only got a short flight to do just over the other side of Scotland uh back up to here where the oil started from and that is the circle of monetary Life as a airport transport person so as you may be aware in the UK they are currently building a train line a high-speed rail line that goes from London all the way up North through all these lovely places uh up somewhere up north and because we have our oil lines doing the same thing at least by air we're gonna need our own high-speed rails so we've got at least 220 Grand to play with plus last year we made 26 million so I imagine for every year this takes we should gain another 25-ish million which is good for the budget so we need a cargo train depot can I get this close enough that that goes okay well it's not the most sensible place because we're casting right through that mountain but it does work so we'll shove that there but uh since this is a high speed rail we're gonna put high speed tracks in and we're literally gonna go straight through everything that gets in our way I mean because although the game is telling me I could put a level crossing in we know that this is going to be high speed we don't do that anymore we do Bridges Engineers love Bridges and I guess we're just gonna go and see how far we can go in one move if we put the whole thing on a bridge hello we got to there that's only that's only 10 million okay well let's really hurt the game by going as far as we can yeah we're up to Glasgow Airport we need 1.3 billion okay perhaps I can see why this is going to cost a lot in real life right so it's been a hundred years since we started it's 2069 and if we head into South Wales where my HQ is check out my pad not only do I live in a huge mansion but look Paddy's got some little place out the front nice I also quite like in this city like there's just like like if you like wieners this is this is the place for you so many wiener joints you'll be pleased to know as we head back to the southeast our planes are still just about running uh you can see though they're in pretty poor condition the rust has got to them they've made us a good income though 883 million quid and if you look just over over there you can see we have finished High-Speed Rail 3. so we have one passenger station down here we need to build a 117 Grand Road uh just to make sure passengers can get there so yeah we've got a station there we've then got a one-way track that goes all the way North now you may notice there's another Railway next to that's because I forgot that the train would have to come back but it goes straight over leads as you can see there I did put a little station in by Glasgow so that is actually Glasgow station and then up through the bumpy old mountains we've got we got this mess now you might be asking yourself Matt you got 883 million I keep want to say Grand it's million it's not Grand it's million uh in the bank what are you gonna spend it on like you've built high speed rail 3 what what else can you do well we we don't we need to train and trains of the future are expensive so if we come to the train depot we can buy vehicles and to start with we need a locomotive so this one at the bottom has nine and a half thousand horsepower but actually the oldest one in the book has 10 000 horsepower so we're gonna add a load of them so that's 150 million to give us 50 000 horsepower five trains in a row but why do we need them you might ask well a railway that long needs a long train so we're gonna add these the buy level cars and they they've got an upstairs and a downstairs they can hold lots of people although no apparently not apparently they only hold 33 people yet they're two-story anyway don't question it Matt just just buy them just buy them so you can see as we add to the length it's now 700 meters long thousand meters long now the price is going up but the horsepower is well it's just gone from the accident range to the good range yeah but that's why we added five trains because as we keep buying a longer train that horsepower isn't going to be sufficient come on vibrate faster we gotta buy these we're gonna buy the ball anyway that is a 9.8 kilometer Long Train That's 4.87 miles long I don't actually know how many cars that is I just know it's going to cost me nearly 900 million quid and it'll hold 9 300 people so let's buy that it's now in this Depot yeah there you go it's got 284 carriages let's hope when it pulls into the station that you're not at the wrong end now we can then set that to the line five then that should come out so we probably want to speed this up a bit but there's the five carriages coming out and then we should have yeah all of the all of the passenger cars love it so Train's still coming out if we head over this way you can see you can see it's so look look how long this tree is man absolutely love the details on the tree but look how long it is oh look how much it's costing me with minus a hundred million already now I've seen that stopped coming out oh it's it's still coming out it's been leaving this Depot for like a year now no two years it's like it's like like it's just the engineering of that building how does this even work anyway the train is coming down my elegantly designed Helix so it can arrive at ground level where there's there's a big crowd of people waiting at Adam oh no one's waiting anyway train then heads uphill because it's got to head through mountains we've got Bridges we've got tunnels yeah and then we still have a hell of a long way until we get to our initial station down here I feel like you don't really realize how big the UK is until you try and build a train line along it and looking through these towns I'm starting to see a sort of pattern in terms of what people are into in the future like there's a lot of them down this street that's all I'm saying right so it finally arrived at the destination down here unfortunately I thought it was going to fix the traffic I feel like it may have made it worse because these guys they're gonna be waiting a little while anyway you left Chatham station a few years ago and as you can see there it's got zero it's got zero people no one wants to go on my train why is it normal to go on my train anyway it's now going north and good sign the south end of the train it's it's not actually it's not it's not this far up which means as we cross over leads this is actually a sensible train sort of although I'm not entirely sure that Crossing is too standard but um yeah I'm sure it'll be fine the main thing is I was nearly a billionaire and then I I ruined it all by building lots of bridges and with our five mile long train that cost nearly a billion circling the Spaghetti Junction of that place I did just want to say thanks to the deaths for sponsoring this video really really enjoyed the game and I actually massive fan of the controls uh building the train track with a controller preferable to Mouse in my opinion anyway check the link in my description if you want to check the game out on Console but for now I'll say peace love and trains bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 1,381,174
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: transport fever 2, transport fever 2 console edition, transport fever 2 new update, transport fever 2 gameplay, transport fever 2 console edition review, transport fever, rce, real civil engineer, billion dollar railway, hs2, high speed rail 2, hs3, high speed reail 3, expensive railways, long train game
Id: pHOr06flPlw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 34sec (1654 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 15 2023
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