These bridges make me look STUPID! Poly Bridge 3!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to poly Bridge 3 We are continuing the campaign where we're halfway through the rustic Barons and in all the levels in these worlds we're given parts of the bridge that we can't actually delete so everything there is locked in place we cannot move any Road in fact we don't even have any road that we can build ourselves so we've got to use this weird shape which I feel like has probably been architectured and of course us the engineer we have to put it together to make sure it works now we're given a 31 Grand budget but as Engineers we like to push things to the Limit use as little money as possible and then we can spend what's rest on the pub so we are given wood which costs 180 per meter you can see steel costs 450 per meters so generally we'll be trying to use wood there is also the brand new material of poly Bridge 3 the foundation which costs 15 grand plus 900 quid per meter basically the taller it is the more it costs so essentially we won't be using that because we're tight Engineers so to start with I'm thinking well I'm seeing under here we've got anchors so we can use those how heavy actually is this thing six polygrams it's not actually that heavy but it is quite a big spam I am just wondering could I get away with oh no I don't think I can oh no maybe I can maybe I can we'll a trust oh oh no trust doesn't even hold at all I mean the curves going on really doesn't help there so if we add some under supports like perhaps do do a bit of that on that side a bit of that on that side then we've made the bridge span shorter which means it holds will it no in a word so that's because you broke I'm just wondering if I move that to the side and do something like that then we sort of made that stronger is this any better oh no okay so I actually broke then it was it was you why would you break and I think if we bring that down and just try and make the force as it comes like down here we want it to go straight into there I think because it was going up the force was sort of like ah trying to get around the corner you want to ideally make your forces a little bit straighter in these so let's see is that any better no that's actually worse map okay but if I just make the bit that broke which was that bit if I make it a little bit shorter then it should be stronger because essentially the force that was coming down there is being split into two different beams therefore only half the force is going along so essentially that should be stronger so if we watch this you can see we're under half budget which is good I mean technically we haven't failed technically um yeah okay I think that's job good I'm gonna I'm gonna go home it's uh it's Friday afternoon time to knock off early car definitely made it across sorted no so again that bit broke so I can try and make it even shorter but essentially as long as the force is still coming down there this little piece cannot hack it so I either need to make that steel or I need to add more wood yeah to make it stronger so I think what I'll do I'll do that and then do that so now the weight and the force that's coming down should be split between two different nodes so that should be a lot stronger will it work though is the question I mean we made it but the bridge collapsed all right well after a bit of tweaking I finally got it to work I had to put a little bit of Steel in so 14 865. we're in the top 16 so not terrible but uh we can do some shaving on this so first off we probably want to watch this with the stress on and we can see yeah a lot of this isn't actually needed so particularly if you look at this part we've sort of got like double the bracing you see in the middle we got trust over the top but on these sides you've got underneath and on top and if you watch the force you can see because they stay green it means they're not being stressed so we can probably remove at least that so if we play that now um well either way I'm still pretty sure we don't need like either of those on the end so essentially our bridge will probably end up looking somewhat like this and we've saved a lot of money there and so I'm just thinking if I try and like Smooth this because I basically want the force to go from down there like over sort of like that I feel like I may need to use like this bottom curve because at the moment if you look at like if you think about the force in here it's going to travel along this beam straight down into that anchor but going the other direction it sort of has to twist back up so that's why I had that piece in initially but that's quite a lot of extra extra wood and stuff I'm also thinking as well on this side I can still see sort of bouncing over there so because I know that this is going to be stronger than like the middle truss maybe worth doing like that support underneath rather than on top because essentially that's going to mean we have a shorter span or did you see that that was way stronger already I'll tell you what then let's just make these a little bit bigger oh look at oh that was nearly decent but we saved so much money it's what broke over this side it was you let's just make this a bit bigger oh it worked it worked okay that's good we can save a lot more still I reckon but we're now in the top two percent we're 99th in the world now let's have a little look where did Tyler get on oh we beat Tyler we beat aliens Rock already decent but yeah I've barely barely trimmed this so if we watch a lot of this isn't going actually going quite very red actually I didn't think it was going to but I'm pretty sure we can like trim like that corner down a bit I feel like in here do I need that so I've got that as a wall brace I could potentially bring it like away because that's a lot cheaper does it still oh it doesn't quite have the strength that bit of Road breaks now it has a wall brace it's like 579 if it's not a wall brace I save like 70 quid can we find a point where it works no I think we're just gonna need a wall brace there all the time now the question is though do we need both of those because I could probably delete that and although this can move I don't think it can actually move because of this end if that makes sense so yeah look it's still holding is it strong oh it is not strong enough it is not strong enough now yeah does this need to be there now I've got the steel down the bottom could we get away with like that or you can see it's like orange already oh it was close it was actually quite close I wish I could just change the row just to make a bit smoother damn architect look I just want to be under 10 grand I guess I get rid of that piece it's worth a try get rid of that one didn't work oh that one did work okay that's good question is can I get rid of like that piece perhaps like structurally that could work it's just whether it's strong enough yeah what about probably not that what about that one because this can't go anywhere this is like this is rigid because it's a muscle so although that looks like a hinge it shouldn't actually move anywhere oh oh it made it but it broke all right what if I just make this bit of Steel a little bit longer so frustrating because it gets across so easily but the bridge is gone and we can't have that we're an engineer Bridges must be more than one use okay then apart from that I'm just gonna lower these a little bit then I think we're we're good we're gonna stop here 10135 you see gets across everything goes pretty red where are we on that leaderboard we're 63rd and the actual cheapest was 7400 what okay let's head into the gallery and see how they did it so 7700 in the gallery oh that is actually the same person why of course okay that's actually I mean it breaks it breaks that shouldn't be allowed but I'm pretty sure they had a cheap one that didn't break it's just not in the gallery why does the gallery why does the gallery show me like the braking options I don't want to see that I don't know here's another cheap one oh yeah it's just literally just trying to use like the smallest amount of wood possible now they actually went down to that bottom anchor which I didn't and there's this like way cheaper than mine so sometimes it does pay to like to build further because it means you can get away with doing less up here I guess yeah it looks like everyone's sort of gone down to that one even this guy how is that cheaper than look how much steel there is down there how is that cheaper than mine hey look at this one two grand cheaper than mine but it's got a huge length of Steel I'm sort of annoyed at myself because I feel like I I said like the force needs to go like in a straight line down to that bottom node and then I just didn't do it gotta listen to yourself Matt anyway this one is almost the same price I think this guy is like above me in the leaderboard like by one position he's got a bit of like rope tension going on there holding this beam in place because it's just two muscles so that would like fall if that rope wasn't there but it's rope made out of wood obviously fair play also on the left side he's only got a single wall brace he doesn't use the anchor very sneak and cheapy anyway now we're heading since the other end of the gallery and the gallery is so broken still like these are sorted by budget for some reason like page 10 I think is the same as page one again and then there's a page 11 which is the same thing again still at least on page nine we have a happy face look at that we have rce propaganda hanging from a bridge love to see that we have a very trusty solution to this problem and oh you would not expect that to be the most expensive solution just a normal truss on top but oh they use the foundation there's a foundation down there okay I understand now I feel like that's the only replay I've seen with foundation in it anyway there's probably more replays but unfortunately gallery is still having an architect moment so let's go to the next level smooth roads so what have we got here okay so we've got that which is all yeah it costs zero so we can't change any of that you can see the padlocks that is locked in place but down here although that's been built for us we can literally say I'm not having that and then we try and build our own I assume if we press play does that bridge yeah that bridge just fails top one works perfectly I guess to start can we just copy the top one so nice that gets that start that one stops and then we've got to get over there okay what if we copy this but give it a rotate so it's the same Bridge it's just on the wonk and a little bit shorter on the wonk is a technical term by the way but does that survive up there yeah it does okay so that's the easy way to solve this if I was speed running that's what I'd be doing somehow I'm still in the top 28 uh but with two and a half thousandth in the world and I used to be a real civil engineer so let's use some engineering to make this cheaper now as you know the the roads are pretty strong in this game so I'm thinking if we do some sort of arch with the with the roads we can say and then if we trust that up it's a bit smoother than it was before let's just see is that strong enough and high enough yes it is both stress one up to 97 I'm thinking these end ones we can probably we can probably come down quite a lot because we've got we've got the arch taking a lot of the force here I mean ideally I want to make the bridge shorter as well by doing a doing a wall brace underneath so does that work it breaks what if we do a bit of that instead okay that works that does work until the other side but if we make it symmetrical oh my goodness it all fell is that not symmetric or is that not a wool brace is that not me that wasn't touching I don't know it just keeps doing like a Mexican wave sort of thing okay well maybe we'll stay on top on this side then if we watch it with the stress on or we can see these like they can come way down they were bright green so you bring that one down as well okay so for now I think that's pretty cheap we're under 20 grand now we've just got this bridge to fix look look how much bigger it is than this one let me just see if I were to delete that can we get away with doing a straight I'm gonna imagine not because it's not going to be high enough but if we just push those into there then we can build a really simple truss and we just keep an eye on how low we are I mean it completely failed I mean the trust is a bit bigger okay so we're quite a bit lower actually so again we're going to want to add a bit of a curve if I unlock the tangents I can make the I can make this side a bit smoother so let's see if we just go push and do that then that should be okay we'll try and support this from underneath on this side probably to about there and then we'll flip onto the top I mean maybe we'll go underneath on this side add another wall brace something I'm noticing on this level like if I grab this and I push it right to the side so it can't go left any further that should be a wool brace but when I press play can you see it moves like if we watch this dead on look at the angle and actually look at the movement it moves so you can't do wall braces on the middle for some reason interesting anyway we did that first 16 000 and like that's eighteen thousand we did that for eighteen thousand six hundred and forty five with 240th and I haven't really had to go with this side yet well and and we had that piece which is a piece we don't need but then maybe that's why my wall brace down here white was so like wobbly we can't wall brace to the middle how random is that anyway would these we probably just want to try and smooth it up a bit make them all a bit smaller in fact maybe I actually want some Arch to like give the road some strength although to be honest we're in the top two percent did we beat Tyler oh no what it's 41st 17 400. oh that is cheap I feel like my lack of wall support is really hurting me on this one like is that just a me bug or does that actually happen hey I'm just wondering as well would it be worth like because we know road is 300 quid per meter compared to just 180 so if we were to get rid of a bit of rude could something like that work I mean actually we're still well over budget compared to Tyler's hmm um I tell you what I'll tell you what I have a sort of idea here if I ended up on road like there and technically I don't need to do a trust from there I only need to start like bearish oh do you reckon that's how you do this one oh wait no I'm talking nonsense I'm talking nonsense I do need to do a trust down to there and then we're still up to 18 Grand now I don't this is the way to do it it's just there's too much going on over this end I feel like the wall braces do not work at all though it feels like they're moving let's double check that I can't do a wall brace over this side there's so much movement it's like it's not actually a wall brace I think there's a glitch on this level devs anyway we're under 18 000 I have no idea how I can get this any shorter without like losing pieces somewhere but I feel like without wall braces I can't do it so we're gonna say that is a loss we can't win them all let's have a look in the gallery oh I came hundredth yeah I'm in the top 100 that would be cheapest price was 15 grand apparently so let's have a look in the oh no what that's what I was trying to do how did they do that's what I was trying to do wasn't it I guess because they did a straight road rather than a curved one because you only get your strength in an arch if you well if you connect to both sides if you're dying me from one side you want that to be as straight and diagonal as possible so the force goes into the into the side oh yeah oh I can't believe how close I was to actually coming up with it you know this I don't know if they got a wall brace down there how did they get a wall brace down there I'm getting all moaning now I know look there's no there's no war base down there stop moaning Matt stop moaning sound like an architect anyway these ones oh they just went straight underneath usually on these levels building underneath isn't as strong that's like why I went over top initially this one oh look that's supported from the other side and then they've got the drop there as well and they've got a gap at the end yeah it's all about trying to reduce your number of Road pieces and yeah again this one oh they didn't hang it but they did just did do the Gap underneath it's all about the gaps it's all about the gaps and I said to the last pages see if there's any builds about now Gallery goes up to page 10 out of nine but that's about unfortunately so I guess we're going on to the next level meet me in the middle so here in the middle we have arcade we literally just gotta meet that in the middle interesting oh we're gonna have to support it yeah it's not supported by anything well I'm sort of thinking first bet is we just do that with you and then that with you then we can get two roads up to there and then a third on top and over this way I'm sort of thinking as we've just learned let's just go if we go up that will be cheaper because our bridge is probably going to be between those two and then we just we just drop down onto it so I feel like something like that should be the cheapest way of doing this let's start trussing up so we know we can just do X's they are pretty cheap or we may need to move you a little bit there we go we shouldn't need those cross beams there should be enough rigidity there so something like that could work it's very very cheap it also could completely fail I mean the entire bridge is just supported by those two bits on that side so maybe we'll need like one underneath perhaps I don't know for now let's see oh it's working this work oh it's not working so ew why is that water so Brown and pooey anyway what fruit oh you broke over here did you let's just have a look at the stress and see what's going on you can sort of see the stress move okay we I dearly need to get you like upstairs I mean what if I delete that bit um just complete Carnage okay so we do need that piece in oh it's just so much force yeah I'm just wondering if I lower that slightly and connect to there is that gonna help enough oh that made it way worse what was that bit okay what if I just put a Blocker on this guy just to like slow him down a little bit so bottom car goes on its own first okay that works fine and then I just ideally want that to like cheese it and allow him to drop down so if we do that you can see it's moving so that should give us time no he's trapped he's trapped this could work though it might be a bit cheesy you have to remember this is in real life this is just poly Bridge I'd never do this in real life this is not a typical Bridge solving solution okay a blue is off and then this guy goes oh man but it fails right did it fail because it's bouncing you can see the force it's like rocking oh it's going so red oh actually actually you may have done it that time speed back up oh we completed the level 14 200. oh we're 90 seconds I mean it's good it's top two percent it's not great did we beat Tyler 35th what okay back to the drawing board what can we do to save money I mean I feel like this jump like we can literally like go back to like there ish probably they see the the longer this jump the better because it's cheaper and also if I can bring it higher as well that is also cheaper all right I'll tell you what I feel like I'm gonna have to do some tweaking on this one so it's time for you guys to enjoy a montage building bridges that will surely shine Architects just want the best anymore and smile okay so after I spent so long doing this just like trial and error and whatever I could basically I had to replace some parts that were being stretched like that bit of wood there and the truss up here with a rope because rope's slightly better in tension than wood is that but it does cost a little bit more as well but this is what we came up with you can see we've minimized the road by having a steep ramp at the end you see down this end I'll jump only just about makes it but we beat aliens Rock by a hundred quid and we're 27th in the world so I think time to have a look in the gallery how did we how is that so cheap well they managed to save like well over a grand what hang on what did they actually so that end isn't connected underneath you see they've got a rope up that side the same as mine they have some funky trussage going on there then on the left they've got like a cable what that does make me think though did I did I actually need that piece if I delete that okay yes on my bridge I did but I guess you could delete that and then connect those to not with rape with wood and then yeah that's just as rigid but it's just as strong as well so that means you can bring these up which is a lot cheaper and assuming it's still as strong yeah okay so that's how they save money on that end that's pretty good actually I mean yes I have just copied but it got me to 18th without even trying really yeah you can see lots of people did that technique at this end because that makes a much cheaper sort of truss I mean it doesn't look like a trust so it's like a mess but it's pretty good this I don't understand how is that one so cheap I think that's rope where I had rope and then rope there as well it's just like I don't know how it's so much cheaper or don't oh look they don't have a piece there on mine I've got that piece but they don't I assume mine will just break if I play that right yeah yeah some very cool techniques there some other ones we have all right this one they've got some rope holding in place we've got a rode wall support under there ah then we have some rce propaganda look at that hanging down that helps with the aerodynamics to hold the bridge in place when there's like strong winds and stuff last clever that is this one look they said no we do not need your piece of road I'll build my own hi RC it says this one oh look Damo and Jimmy dog are back the poly Bridge 2 veterans on is that is that a bridge to dinner so Jimmy dog goes across okay there's a little dinner bowl at the end this one ran me as loads of elephants underneath that is strange and this one there's loads of like they look like cats or something like like big cat heads oh no I hope this person isn't a poacher and that's like their Hall of like dead animal heads anyway the next level is called dangling roads oh no not why are we encouraging this devs unless let's actually have a look at the level what the why is there a dangling what it's just a hanging bit of rude in the middle all right well what I'm thinking of this one let's just do a bridge for this bottom car we should probably make it so that it goes under that so if we give it a bit of a Down curve and then just go then hopefully that will fit underneath and then the top bridge that will well hopefully this will just like flap the Lorry will sort of push it out the weight so I'm hoping wall braces will work on this so let's give that a try give that's a try push them right in the corners then we just want to truss this up but I don't want to connect to that road 998 so we want to end up with something like that is that strong enough no it is not there's the bits on top that are breaking let's just steal them up for now I just want to see if this works okay so we end up with oh we're way below okay well we below that road I'll tell you what then I might bring the road up a little bit can I just do a straight do you think nah surely that will touch surely that will touch it's very slightly go down but okay that's good we fit underneath there next up we need to do a bridge for this truck now what I'm sort of thinking if I want to try and save material I also want to hit this as low as possible so can I just replace at the top of this with road because we sort of know that road is stronger than wood anyway so maybe that will like do the steel situation as well so something like that we're gonna have to end up up there somehow so ideally I mean could I just do like that sort of thing to hold that and potentially we're just going to support this end quick so oh this is going to be really really steep something like that though it's a wall braced there okay so how is that looking oh no did you see that it got stuck in the tube this oh no how did I plan that so badly so yeah we may have to come down with all of these then similar to what the bridge looked like initially annoyingly right okay I think that fits now kind of hard to tell because everything else is breaking right okay so I've massively reinforced this with steel and stuff I just want to make sure it works so yeah that drives through the road oh it doesn't make it okay so you broke let's just replace that with steel for now I'm pretty sure though this is how you want to do this level at least if you're trying to go cheap okay so pretty good 26 Grand I imagine we can save a lot of money here what what top one percent 93rd in the world okay I don't understand how I managed to do that so cheaply maybe they went over that bit of rude rather than under I don't know but what I do know is we we can surely save some money quite easily here I mean I was thinking earlier like could I not have any of this stuff and just have it like dropped down the trouble is then it drops down like like that like it will be at the wrong height is it possible I'm just wondering like if I were to get rid of everything and just have like a normal Bridge down here like what we had at the very start but instead we actually build it onto this because that's going to add a lot of strength we have bridge but then they Collide we have that thing's trying to slow it down oh I mean no it's because if it lands behind the green car then I have the potential to use just one Bridge I've just got to work out how can I slow this down such that it lands after the green car stop going oh man this took so much tweaking just to get it to work but I think we've done it surely this has got to be like number one the leaderboard unless someone's cheesed it somehow but yeah essentially I've come up with this weird contraption that allows allows the truck to fall onto the car behind it and then drive across the bridge now the Bridge's got to go underneath so we get under that bit of Road and then you can see the car over this way it starts under there we've got a flap on top so if we just watch this in slow motion you can see it drives out then the flap comes down boosh and then the the truck can drive up there later on meanwhile over this way the car's coming across and the truck up here is sort of heading over that way this dots and then as this comes down it lands just on the the right hand side I need Steel in there and a bit of road as well just to stop it breaking it rocks forward but then backwards then it lands on its Wheels drives under that bit of Road and then it can get up there we've done the level for 21 500. oh wait what I beat Tyler but I only saved like a few what so my last Bridge was pretty much the same price or did I not beat Tyler before how did so many people do it cheaper than me I really thought I was onto something with this so in the gallery cheap oh look everyone did single Bridge there's me think I'm a genius but what the how is that bridge so cheap 13 Grand how does that not break I don't understand this one very very similar I mean that's like identical to mine but like look how cheap what yeah pretty much anyone that did it cheap were like I.E just use one bridge map you know oh that's actually a good way of doing it even though the car completely drowns in the abyss single bridge but like for a hole for the green car to fall down if we just watch that again Watch this green card goes all through the hole and then whoop see you later mate I mean to be fair the cheapest dual Road solution is still cheaper than mine that's under 21 Grand fair play ah look here we go people going over the road rather than under it it does mean you can use the road as a support so not all bad yeah pretty much everyone's doing the over Road solution now oh no way no way they lifted the route of the way what that's really cool okay let's watch that again so I think they got they got the the chain like the wooden chain to like weight it up and lift it out that's so cool almost as cool as the RC propaganda and we got more RC propaganda oh look there's two dogs there's two dog heads this one I'm don't know if everyone else is seeing a triangle pointed tip like I am but um more RC propaganda is then oh okay then what is this oh no way they spun it round oh did they add an extra bit of road because I think the original Road was just like that bottom half so they added right to the top anyway next time we'll be finishing this world and then going on to another one look we've actually unlocked loads of Worlds now uh the next one in actual order is a hydraulic level oh God so we'll see how that goes but for now I'll say peace love and bridges bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 620,766
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: poly bridge 3, pb3, new poly bridge, bridge building game, rce, real civil engineer, real civil engineer poly bridge 3, professional plays poly bridge 3, engineer poly bridge 3, polybridge3, pro engineer plays poly bridge, real engineer plays, real engineer poly bridge 3, poly bridge 3 number 1, poly bridge 3 #1, poly bridge walkthrough, poly bridge guide, poly bridge 3 guide, poly bridge 3 walkthrough, bridge, poly bridge, pb3 foundation, new material, pb3 new material
Id: k3G2DN8zvqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 35sec (1715 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2023
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