I built an entire city for just ONE PERSON in Cities Skylines!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to City skylines today we are going to be making an entire city with a population of just one yes we are going to be giving one person everything they could possibly need which if you've watched my videos before you know that's slightly different to what I usually do I tend to end up hurting my citizens when I try to look after them we've had tsunamis we've had commute to look like this I mean and then there's the Hall of engine Topia which not gonna lie not the most successful place to live in the world but this is where I redeem myself so first off we need we're gonna need some roads in and out and I feel like although I like this side I feel like a nice introduction to a city will be going over a river across a bridge of course so yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna make this person live over in this corner now because we're connecting to this highway you can see their three lane highways so let's do some three lane highways so we'll head over to this way and then we've got the bridge to happen now we could go ahead and just do a normal standard Bridge like that but we're trying to make up for all of our wrongdoings we want an exciting Bridge so I am going to come up to the little bed at the top and I'm gonna make him a heavy metal bird with flaming eyes by turning Anarchy on because Anarchy allows us to have a little bit of creative freedom in our engineering skills meaning we can do a very exciting Bridge like that so then we just Loop the motorway back around and another bridge in like that connected up to the motorway and then we have a nice little link road so people can actually come to this place we just gotta do a slip Road off so we'll do that off here of course what does every road Network need to be good correct a roundabout yeah if we do that then he can literally live like there so you can see the outlines of the house once the scaffolding goes away look what it's revealing the single house all right let's hit pause that is quite a decent house I must say that's actually that's actually huge considering it's one square look how many rooms there must be in there all right so first things first I need to I need to actually rename the town it's not Springdale it it's all by myself and then obviously we need to rename the ivy residence to be the only residence right so that is in decent the trouble is it's got no electricity it's got no water source it's got nothing so let's get the electricity sorted first there we go I feel like a nuclear power station should do nice and close so we don't have to ruin the view with pylons or anything yeah because we want to make sure when they look out the window in the morning they can still see the lovely bridge on the horizon so that works yeah in terms of water probably worth guessing a fresh water source what way is the water flowing okay so we'll go Upstream of the bridge we'll shove a super water pump there that should be plenty of water they'll never have to go without now obviously that needs power to run as well so there we go much better there's definitely no chance of him having a power cut now next up we need a water pipe to take the water from here and we'll go under the road because we are Engineers we've got to get to the power plant but I don't want to go straight to a one resident no no no no no because we gotta make sure this water's clean so if we go to there first then we can come out this way then we can Pump It Up High into the mountains because everyone knows water is precious when it comes from the mountain so what I want to do here if I were to build like a dam across that no the Anarchy bird doesn't work on dams okay fair enough I'll build my own with the Landscaping tool so there we go we've got an area we can store water in so what I want to add now is one of these a fresh water Outlet so if I shove that way up there connect it with some pipes then I think water should flow down into my dam then it will be nice and fresh nice and cool and then we can pump it to our to our resident so let's hit play and see if this thing starts pumping water oh yes it is I forgot how powerful these super pumps were that's quite a bit of water so that should mean yeah up here the nuclear plant has water this the only residence doesn't yet but that is a yet do not worry because way up in the mountains the water is Flowing out which means we've made a waterfall look at this so yeah water is Flowing down and it should fill up this land there shouldn't be any graphical issues because I haven't like I haven't reshaped this I just built the dam so hopefully I should be able to build another water intake and it shouldn't be too long till the water reaches that this does need power though and again this guy has an amazing front view you want to make sure his back Garden View is good so we've probably gone a bit overboard I mean we've given them a waterfall but we've also given them a view of that I mean actually yeah if we just plant a load of big redwoods in front of that then uh it will never know right I mean actually the Redwoods they're not they're not the bushiest down low maybe if we plant a few like smaller trees at the front yeah perfect you'll never know although perhaps I could make my waterfall look a bit more I'll try and make this look a bit more a bit more natural there we go it will shove a load of rocks like that thank you Anarchy and that over the top beautiful so we'll do our pipe network from this new pump with the with the fresh Mountain Water we'll do direct to this guy's house which means drinking water is nearly achieved but I think this thing needs electricity so we'll shove a wind turbine right next to it and no one can complain about wind turbines because they're like they're like efficient and eco-friendly and stuff so yeah the perfect natural view although the one residents they're now complaining they need to poo right the Eco Water Treatment Plant we can shove that down and I think this cleans the water so much that it can shove it Upstream of the water intake to free connect those two together and then yeah look so fresh water is coming out we can check it's fresh in this view you can see there's no Brown there so the Pinnacle of sewage engineering has gone on and that means these are now happy so the one residence oh wait sewage is backing up no no that's not good that's not good I forgot it's on a it's on a different sewage network isn't it so annoyingly I'm gonna have to do its own sewage Network as well we'll go around the back here then we'll come down to there as you can see they're not touching they're definitely separate networks we'll shove another sewage Outlet thing in make sure the power's connected then hopefully the only residents yes we are good we are good and people have actually moved in we got three adults and two teens in there so I'm guessing are they are they on their way are they are they currently driving over the bridge can anyone see a car literally don't see any look at a state of this bridge I can't help myself when I play this game it's just something about it makes you want to go crazy all right well we'll just have to wait for them to arrive I think in the meantime I wanna like we need to get some like amenities because this isn't much of a city at the moment it's literally just a house so what does what does a city have I mean what have we got here we've got two teams and two adults yeah they're all uneducated so I reckon let's build some schools for them so they're probably gonna want an elementary school even though they're probably too old for that I mean maybe this ring could be like the Ring of education so you start off in their elementary school then when you graduate you go to high school which is like next door then once you graduate that you go to university then if you're an adult you probably want to go to the library to learn some stuff then you'll probably want a community school as well as an Institute of creative nah I don't want that one modern technology Institute though yes oh well that's a bit a little bit bigger than I thought it was going to be we'll shove one there though so now whenever these residents show up they are ready to be educated there's so much education going on I can hear I can hear the noise of kids playing and stuff but I don't see anyone I mean that makes sense there's only there's only one house here so presumably there's not gonna be anyone here I'll tell you what I'm actually I'm a bit disappointed that not enough people are using my bridge no one's like no one's even aware of this town so I'm gonna do a little bit of Road tweaking because basically I want I want this highway rather than going straight past down a junction down there I want everyone to go down come around and come back so if you're coming from this way you're gonna go up to that point then you're going to want to go down there then when you come back if you're going to want to go up and over and then connect back down there then this road can just go go underneath in a tunnel like that lovely so now people they have to come have a look at my new city so drinks van is leading the charge heading towards the bridge and what we will be asking these residents as they cross over would you mind giving us a bridge review the engineering of this bridge pushes boundaries it also destroys physics like literally these guys wheels are nearly coming off as they come down this corner but it gives people a glimpse into a life that could be yours if you work hard in your life all you need to decide is which path do you take to carry on the road that you're on or do you try to drive towards a better future well these guys they're they're going that way so maybe that means this bridge loses a point or two despite the spiral return so overall I'd give this bridge a 0.7 out of 10 I feel like I've lost it a bit I can also see there's like Vehicles flying all over the place look at that white one what is going on look at this wall though it's like it's hideous why are they like flipping around anyway I have a question where are residents where like there's only one adult now there's one died or have they left what if they what they did die time to build some more amenities so I think we're gonna need let's get a cemetery in case you want to be buried I mean to be honest I should probably shove this like around the back on like a dirt track because like we don't we don't want to encourage death here we don't want people to think there's an easy way out I mean I mean no we're trying to look after people I've been I'm putting around the back because it shouldn't ever be used it's just in case of emergencies so Cemetery there I'll do a crematorium next to it just in case people want to go that route nice uh next issue you are pins I forgot about bins so I think we've made some nuclear waste so we probably need to store that sensibly somehow uh what do you normally do with nuclear waste I.E dig a big pit don't you and then just forget about it so big hole there we'll build our little dirt track along here as well and if we move this road over a little bit yeah then I can shove that down there and you can see that should just tip everything in from their house they can't see it because they've just got the nuclear plant in the way and then their drive so yeah that's fine you see the nuclear waste collector is coming now I assume these are like autonomous as well because there's no people in here remember just the only residence which I I still haven't seen them I don't know where they are I mean perhaps perhaps they haven't actually come here maybe they're still at work so if I bring work to them maybe they'll they will appear so if we get some industrial area on the goat that would be some sort of job I mean whilst these could be jobs they're also like like they need like somewhere to shop and stuff they will do some low density shopping areas I might want an office Zone as well however I have noticed zero demand aside from residential so maybe maybe that's not what they want at all what do people want when they buy a house I mean location is pretty important they want to be close to schools we've covered that I mean I feel like like close to Parks is quite a good one so let's build a park and see yes look it made them happy oh yes that is an efficient park that is decent all right what else do people I mean good public transport links could be a thing or shove a bus depot down there then we can plunk some bus stops around might want to go to the park maybe you want to get off at the nuclear plant for some reason go to all the different types of school on different stops and then link back so that's pretty good bus links look oh now we have buses the buses are coming how many buses are they there's only three people living here they've got more than one bus each all right so it's good to have a bit of movement with uh with this stuff but there are still only three uneducated people that I've never seen before but yeah sadly that hasn't lured them out so what I might do I might restart this with the infinite demand mod just so that we start to get some of these other buildings in I feel like that's probably sensible all right so we're back infinite demand is on which means we'll finally get all these all these buildings up and going we've got the industrial down here commercial offices everything a single person could possibly want to come out of their house oh no the other adults left there's only two teams left oh dear all right well what do teams actually want I feel like this could actually lure the teams out I feel like we got some like here we got like a barbecue restaurant there we got a donut shop what else do teams like been so long since I was one I can't remember well they might be into sport so maybe we'll do a stadium somewhere yeah Stadium there has that made them happy I mean yeah look look at the happiness that's that's definitely a smile oh look one of the teams has grown up they're a young adult yeah that's good they might be going out to work soon because some of these places they they do actually need employees another thing might be worth doing like this house is oh oh someone left Yes we finally got a first look at our resident so this is Robert Thompson he's got his first job out the garments limited okay well let's follow him to where I love that he's cycling like there's buses that he could be using he could get a car but no he's decided to cycle to work what a lad I mean perhaps maybe I should make him like a cycle cycle Lane right I tell you what by the time he leaves work he's gonna have the smoothest cycle home you've ever seen we're gonna upgrade that road that road that road and that road so yeah when he leaves work he's got his own little cycle Lane question is how long is this shift because he's been in there quite a few days now there you go it's been it's been a few months but he has actually left work now there he is is he happy Robert Thompson are you happy he is happy look at that I mean although come on mate you're not even using the cycle like wait where's he going where's he going he's not going home he's gone into the Flaming ring careful that's really spicy food of it ready for the ring scene when he comes out you know what that means though I need to extend my cycle road so we'll upgrade that road as well I mean probably all of these should be it just in case he wants to go to the stadium in case he wants to cycle to school so we wait for Robert no hang on a car just came down there who are you Ashton Walker oh they're a tourist we've attracted tourists and what I want to know as well that Robert he went in here there's not enough workers zero workers so is he just helping himself the food in there oh hang on who's this who's this oh look where they're going the monument rocket Park yeah look at the sights Isn't it nice isn't it nice Ashton you know it is you know it is all right well city is starting to thrive uh two young adults live here now so I'm guessing they're both gonna be working jobs soon oh my good look at all these people look at all these people we're attracting loads of tourists I was not expecting tourism to be a thing here wow is everyone just everyone's just coming to this park I mean I can't sort of see why I just didn't really expect this sort of crowd where have they walked from look it is rammed here though that's like I mean technically they're not even they're not actually looking at it they're looking over that way and guys you'd enjoy it a lot more if you just turned your head to the right a little bit is that guy just wearing pants although that's just a bum bag I think he's just wearing skin colored shorts okay never mind never mind ah slight issue now a lot of our places they're sort of I mean everywhere's everywhere's derelict now um I guess because we don't have enough workers oh does that mean no there's still rhinos going out of business that's where Robert worked oh no does that mean he doesn't have a job anymore wait what we got four adults in it how are people moving in all the time all right okay let's redo the zoning I think if we try and do this sensibly you can demolish everything that's there so I don't entirely know how this works but if I just do one blob of industrial so that's turning into something yeah we have a ball we have a ball so that takes that takes two workers so you can see there there's two jobs available if we sort of then do the same with like loading the commercial there you go they're building that into something what is that apparently they sell meat so there's two jobs available there as well so we have two adults that are uneducated so they should be able to work in those places I guess the question is will they I mean not looking good at the moment still two jobs available in this one yeah and this one it's not it's not looking great not gonna lie why don't they want to work all right well something I could do I could build the Eden project because that will allow buildings to upgrade so if I shove that like there and we should start to see these buildings upgrade and maybe if they're upgraded they might be like a bit more impressive man what a view these people have like there's probably a bit too much traffic for my liking person eat quite a lot of buses but a hell of a view in it alright so yeah my upgrade plan didn't work that needs demolishing now I mean hopefully another one will grow in its in its place right yeah there we go where one stood a ball now stands aboard now I am thinking though maybe would it be worth demolishing this house the only residence and replacing it with like a bigger house so yeah these they just don't want to work they don't want to work so I'm sorry but you're being you're being demolished I'm gonna paint in a four by four so this house will be four times bigger than the one that stood in its footprint so again it's called the only residence and we just gotta wait for people to move in now because no one lives here currently oh look there's a fuel station this time so surely people want to move in like the amount of tourists we get down here they got fresh Mountain Water I mean I should probably go check this oh yes oh yes water levels getting pretty high actually I should probably should I do like some sort of drainage solution down here yeah I think what I'm gonna do I'm just gonna slightly lower the water level at this end then we got like an over spill so water should come down there come down there and then maybe maybe I want like a canal to come over here to a deep wide Canal we'll start from like that way just end up over there yeah so now we have an over spill that shouldn't lower the water level too much but uh just enough that it doesn't over top here in the meantime do we have yes we've got two adults moved in oh we've got we've got a crime problem there's been a Spate of crime at the at the rocket Monument so let's get some police stations in I mean actually we don't have police we don't have anything like that to get a police station before we get a fire station I mean and a hospital seems sensible to me well hang on an ambulance left straight away where's the ambulance going responding to cool at the only residence or is this what's been happening he's trapped by the bus right quickly they're the only residents we need to look after them oh no the only residents they've gone to hospital is this what happened they got ill and I didn't realize all right so the only residents they're coming to the hospital they've gone inside so yeah patience one out of 500 oh I should have built this a long time ago I wonder actually no no one's been burnt in the crematorium what about oh no look someone did die one person's been buried at the cemetery because maybe it was it was poor health didn't realize anyway there are two adults in there and I feel like maybe they want to procreate maybe they want to like create children and to do that they'll probably need like child care so we'll shove some childcare down we might want to make elder care just in case they do get old and may as well shove a sauna down so they can relax a bit yoga Garden as well a pool because you gotta go swimming Sports Hall next to the stadium oh look someone's in the pool someone's in the pool are you one of the only residents or are you just a tourist oh no there's loads of people in the pool even though we had Siri visitors apparently oh look all the people doing yoga so yeah we're doing the the arch bridge and now the tower and now I've just realized there's a creepy old man just just looking at all the all the rear ends what are you doing man don't look at that who is this guy Matt's editor oh yeah that makes sense that does actually make sense to be fair all right all right anyway oh it actually worked I actually worked getting the child care we now have child all right look at this look at this by the way someone on a bicycle Harry Graham they are one of the adults that lives at the only residence they work at the modern technology Institute so they work oh they work in that building wait no the one the back the one at the back that is a decent job so maybe that's why they didn't want to work in a fuel station or inside a gas canister sort of makes sense I guess apparently that's the fish stick Factory as well interesting interesting well anyway I think this has been a huge success to be fair through the power of engineering and by having unlimited budgets we have given these residents everything they need so I guess the only thing left to do really is chocolate severity 10 meter at the place there's a little birdie told me it was a bunch of Architects that lived in this house oh man severity 10 is pretty pretty insane actually yeah well at least they lived a happy life and on that note I'll say peace love and happy lives bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 838,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines, citys skyline, city skyline, cities skyline, cities skylines 2, city skylines, neom, saudi arabia, the oxagon, the octagon city, rce, real civil engineer, oxagon cities skylines, cs, cities skylines population 1, cities skylines single house, cities skylines one house
Id: 5sTBF9hOhG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 48sec (1248 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2023
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