Baldi's Testing My RAGE! | Baldi's Basics Plus

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[Music] [Music] oh I'd need to switch it back to just me full screen hold up I was so excited to play Baldy I eat I was so excited I started it I was so stoked I started it with him on screen instead of you know me saying hey guys and welcome to GT not live where it's still me soul on the couch with mirror mat pat up here and peep at you who who is cold the deathly stare continues to haunt our dreams um so I'm playing baldies basics plus again because it's the new game it's baldies you like the first playthrough regardless of how I felt about that playthrough and I've gotten to do a couple selfish quote-unquote selfish episodes lately between the meme review the Alpha rad stuff and snaff animators heck those were for my own personal enjoyment so I call it selfish content it'll probably do a couple more of those just to treat myself to something I enjoy playing and so you know I thought I'd bounce it out was something that I less enjoy playing is probably the best way to put that so here we go of all these basics we're back I was not pleased with how I did in the last stream and so I looked up where the controls are because a lot of people in the comments were like why didn't you look for the controls with you or why didn't you find the controls cuz I looked for them in the game and so I looked again in the menus I looked in the zip file I looked on the website I couldn't really find them in any easy to locate position so I'm just gonna press random buttons and hopefully discover what I need that's kind of my methodology right now ah cuz there you go people said that you know people are like oh you can look backwards and I remember that but just I can't I can't this game I can't I don't know what it is I don't know what it is about this particular title it's one of those things or it's like all their indie games like fine fine this game just continues to infuriate me and so much so that I'm just like done just put ski but I'm gonna keep doing it this is not selfish Kanna this is Contin for you guys hopefully I can get past level two and figure out a little bit more about what's going on the scale so let's hop into it let me know down in the comments below what the controls for this game are because lord knows I can't find them I've tried I'm sure the comments on the previous video probably say what they are apparently there's an overlay map that I can use will see if I can discover where it is I love you so much Baldy and your little one slice of hair or great just just just don't just don't even bother don't be spec bugs website back report bugs great options again no control mapper wait to business what'd I miss last time control mapper strafe strafe no vertical no horizontal move forward and move backward turn okay yeah interact use okay run look back is space quick map is tab there you go advanced map Oh see now we're getting somewhere a jump jump you can jump wide only this is good items let's see okay all right all right all right look we learn the controls I found them we're already doing a lot better today we're doing solid trigger Hannibal you know what I want to start I want to start with a challenge pick a challenge you've snuck in school after hours Shirley principle of the things will be after you use dirty chalk erasers lockers and your map to avoid being seen and click some notebooks it's just you and Baldy the catch is both of you move super fast you think fast enough to collect 25 notebooks grapple your legs your legs might be broken but thankfully you're equipped with a grappling hook see if you can outwit ball divas friends with this is your only way to move man I'm so bad at the base game that the challenges seem like things I should never touch but I am really curious so I'm gonna do this I'm gonna try this this actually says to me these challenges actually sound more fun doesn't mean gameplay loop so I'm curious so I need to stealth and wait okay quick map and an advanced map okay so this is advanced map hey baldie here I thought I was just avoiding the principle of things and I avoid getting seen so quick map okay so I can kind of see that's cool that I can tell where people are now oh wow there's a lot of people wandering around so there's a lot of principles that's good to know and he's moving it means moving okay oh this is actually teaching me a lot about this game this is actually really good I feel good about this oh no I need to start second okay so if I get brought to detention I'm immediately eliminated so that's why it's challenge mode huh okay let's let's do one more let's let's try that again this is interesting [Music] he can't go into I really don't understand how the chalk eraser and stuff works but school hours in the hall oh okay so he can see both forwards and backwards I thought maybe if he was walking in a certain direction I would be able to kind of walk behind him as though like okay here we go so he's this way that means I can run through this door okay okay oh this this map is kind of great I have to admit I am kind of in love with the fact that there's a map it feels like a whole new baldie all of a sudden kind of okay so he's gonna disappear down that hallway great I'm gonna go this way oh there's a lot of there's a lot of them in there so I want to get into that room so I can get that okay like I get down this this main hallway right now so much so they'll both be able to see me okay it will say the controls with just wish I could turn the map on permanently that'd be great three look we're doing a lot better okay nope okay snowshoe Oh buddy oh and busted though yeah okay can I can I can I deflect with this all right all right huh challenge mode that's fun I like that I'm really curious about grapple I'm not speeding we all know that I'm not speeding in this game but I am curious about grapple here so I've got unlimited grappling how far does it go gonna go all the way down the hall wait whoa whoa what do you want oh my gosh oh this is wacky oh wild this water oh the no squeak ok so that's the stuff that kind of like hides my sounds that's faculty okay there's Baldy oh wait no oh this is wacky I kinda like kind of love this this is such a more fun way to play just plow through the door on it tells you where the it's great it tells you all those okay oh no oh no oh wow you can book it I love how fast as the oh shoot no no I'm gonna land on some yeah I don't want no counteracting counteract it now it's like I'm web slinging except all my wins are competing with each other okay oh that's fun I love that that is so broken and janky but it's really delightful so I'm gonna do that again real quick the thing is you have to you have to be so good with your aim and also all the in that case here let's do regular hide-and-seek again so those are some of the challenges which that's kind of fun I like those they're pretty wacky Oh so the map generates okay so you start seeing the map as you run through the hallway so that is useful to be able to understand where everything is and keep track of where you've been that that's actually really smart I'm glad that this is a mechanic I think that's super useful the detailed map I'm a little less clear about though that's interesting so level one as we learn the last time is all about gathering every Baldy says you can't hide for me what is this that's pretty horrific I got a sake can I see Baldy do I know where he is I guess not is he on the map or is that only visible via the like the the detailed map hello wind I will absolutely they're a little small child what who are you this is just creepy and disturbing like for you here also bar these like weird moon-faced creatures very very odd hey can I not open the store why can't oh what the heck what the heck why could I not open the door what was that all about damn it oh it's even worse than ever I looked at the elevator okay so it is the same map so it's the same map three times so you get a couple attempts at it which is good umm what happened to the door though that was weird that I just like couldn't get through it that was really bizarre is it that guy is it that moon face is that some like new character new villain thing that's it he keeps following me like you can tell that his face keeps appearing on the chalkboard okay corner no book and this baldies yep okay shoot so Baldy doesn't show off on me which is unusual maybe he should must show up on like the detailed map maybe maybe not oh well we have I mean we have done the best job with with Canada's first level but at least we're learning the mechanics I feel I actually feel for the first time in this game I'm like oh okay I'm getting a sense of how this can work and how I can use some of this to my advantage now um so that's nice energy energy bar I'm just gonna slowly saunter through the hall is I just really want a one hundred percent complete my math honestly that's that's what's giving me life and satisfaction in this game right now the ability to just wander around and fill in the empty spots on this map I don't know if anyone else please video games that way but to me like completing a map it was like 100 percent completion is so satisfying there's a bit weird to just kind of like wander around with this just pulled up constantly I will say it's probably not the the best visual look for you guys watching but it is helpful I will say this this map is actually a great addition to the game that makes me feel a bit more in control over everything that's going on yeah anywhere around here I just want to get caught by the principal creepy creepy blue man and no clue what he does but he keeps showing up in those rooms which is weird and we still don't really know where notebook for kids we're learning and growing that is a lie I'm not good but I will accept your empty comments ok let's check out the library so we discovered the library last time during my first playthrough of this write and it is unusual it is definitely creepy as all get-out what it all scissors um but man it seems like just a death trap like I feel like the library is just best avoided entirely I want to walk around it because I'm curious if there's anything to it but man it seems like I mean it's silence and so like can baldie hear me in here can he follow me into the library I'm kind of confused because like at this point he should be kind of like gaining on me or checking me out or something but it doesn't really seem like that's happening great I'm going to open in the mailbox with my teeth great ah this is wild right cuz it doesn't seem like anyone's in here it doesn't seem like baldies really followed me in here faculty pass faculty nametag oh so I'm part of the faculty now huh nope detention great good to know in the room time we go what is this thing this thing is on every chalkboard this round it's very strange so the faculty I'm assuming is just gonna let me get into one of the various No Oh Oh nope didn't didn't do that correctly I am faculty okay oh no jump rope girl Oh mystery room whoa what is mystery room oh it's got the grappling hook can Baldy follow me in here I found mystery room does seem like Baldy is moving away from mr. right oh this is crazy I don't think there's yeah okay so there are walls and we kind of found everything that there is in here but wacky so what do we think is is Baldy gonna immediately attack us when we leave the mystery room it seems like it's moving away I think we're good also I love the fact that crystal didn't mind that we were in the mystery room that's just kind of phased into existence okay I don't know where Baldy is I need two five oh man we're already doing so much better okay bones oh geez whoa whoa grappling hook maybe oh I need that book I need that book shoot one there we go I need to lose him somehow or use the RUC oh he's so close nope run run where might I stop why'd it stop let it stop let it stop sure No darn it hmm all right we know where five of them are nearly six don't know play five five five no come on five five five five thank you my math is pretty incredible my skills at basic addition and subtraction No Oh get out of here oh the jump rope I get it let's not let's let's not do that again that was the worst I'm really upset that you took as much time from that okay Jordan oh I thought I had enough time I thought I had enough time I the hubris got the better of me my my pride was my downfall hmm and the tubes are my lives I get it now that's why there's a bunch too and that makes all right I'm feeling better I'm feeling better about this game I feel like I'm at least like making some level of progress I'm still stuck at the same low seven seven seven thank you Baldy you've taught me so much math oh no no oh no get out of here oh that was a big big oops happening there okay so baldies literally right behind me so that's no bueno it's fine love this game so much it's the best game ever makes me so happy baldies super school how's it Explorer mode is this just exploring what my exploring exactly how is this different from hide-and-seek is it just like you can do a random may like it saves the randomized maps that you've done are you keeping these in the effort of like oh now you can like is this a practice mode huh I wonder if this is meant to be practice oh hey principal psych told ya I was running to the halls and you didn't even know that's the extent of my juvenile delinquency 15-second detention oh yeah it's what you think Chuck bored I'm really suspicious about that guy on the board by the way via that moonface it's kind of creeping me out I'm not here in Baldy slaps Baldy slaps man it's a song that slaps um okay here's gum boy hi fools you gum man you and your different animation style couldn't capture me this time think you're so smart nothing's gone and we have one more so the map is great I will say the map seems pretty darn useful there's this is the detention room so nothing there so I think this is exploration mode I mean I know it says Explorer mode but I honestly think this is a mode where you don't worry about Baldy which is a bit odd because the game is randomized so is that so what is it teaching me just skills I can just practice it's it's kind of like practice general abilities not quite sure and now if I beat this is it just gonna be like congratulations you did it I think this and can I switch between different ones why tepees earned what do we think whitey P stands for YouTube heaps I've earned I've earned zero YouTube poops no poops [Music] don't work okay this is just door into the abyss great it has very heavy board vacations okay the door to be this is very heavy Lord meaning ytpo that I did learn some whitey peas right there right he's what do we think it means points probably uh YouTube points I got twenty five YouTube points that time good job team twenty five whole points how Adsense is determined on YouTube how many YouTube points do you have right now each time you upload a video ah you get a hundred points then every like you get an extra point and 1000 points equals $1 that's gonna be five five great I wish all math classes worked that way where the questions that you have to answer you just answer via inflated balloons into a giant random machine that's here since it doesn't seem like I'm being chased let's let's learn about things shall we Baldy we know great teacher do it as incredible hearing abilities he can not only tell where any sound came from but who made it oh wow here at school we believe every good school needs a bully okay sweeper we know what do you do when the school is open seven hours and you haven't hired a channel janitor hey broom okay if I see anyone break the rules it tastes good and feels and gum guy tries to impress others by blowing bubble [ __ ] gum bubbles but usually just ends up spitting a lot okay that's it that's it oh just in this round I love the fact that in order to learn about the characters you have to like stop the middle of your run and read these just build a playground there's out of out of I love that we're at the playground and yet oh yeah here's here's the school faculty lounge right here right outside of the playground because why not talk about your random level generation makes total sense what's this thing it's that principal whistle oh no oh no the entire the entirety of outdoors is leaking oh no mother nature is flooding ooh but this doesn't give me an infinite room oh no kids outside oh oh mother nature everything is flooding Oh see this is this is making me have like PTSD flashbacks to last year thanks guys this is this is totally not making me feel a lot of confused emotions mom on water YouTube poops 75 YouTube poops I've almost to $1 I've almost earned $1 on YouTube hello oh that's funny that's um that's the beard that's a it's it's horrific when depicted on a wall like that but that's the beard from random encounters we talked a lot about during the last new review uh all right so here we go I'm just wandering through again like I feel as though we're gonna take your king no you're not gonna take no you're not taking my can of be soda cuz be so does the best can I blow them away with B soda certainly not what no I know Oh the cruelest irony of them all it was brutal just brutal I'm bored I just blew soda in your face here let's wait what out of order so that's a good lesson to learn I guess is that certain elevators can just shut on you Oh even in the Explorer mode where there's no stakes this game still finds ways to just like making baseball I was so excited cuz I'm like I'm done with this level but I'm not because it's not okay so the outdoors I think is that big open space yeah because there's the faculty lounges in yellow over there so as long as we go this way and wait did I miss it hold up man it is a good thing that Baldy is not chasing me around cuz this would just be the biggest fail ever have I learned anything from doing this I guess I learned a little bit more about the items and a little bit more of that like hey the elevators can get a screw over hopefully this doesn't shut great this one's not out of order alright well that was how many YouTube poops did I get 125 YouTube poops so many YouTube poops I'm gonna get so many Internet dollars for that so many imaginary internet bucks [Music] what fun goo so there's really no reason for me to contain this right I've done my fair bit of exploration I've gotten to nine notebooks though look at this we're at nine notebooks really buy at certain points on this gaming act like nine new books now uh that's so many notebooks Baldy I can't I can't be expected to find them at oh there's that whoa there's conveyor belts now what that there's no way there's no way I can't I can't I can't believe it there's no way there's conveyor belts there's nine notebooks just wasn't at seven when it first came out the original version and now baldies basics plus it's plus more notebooks just getting around is all that matters there you go boop love these 79 nine nine I want to see a version of baldies basics that actually rewards you for math skills not just like basic addition and subtraction but like one that gives you some like integral calculus or some like multiplication division some just something something different and a little bit more challenging as like a bonus like hey good job you you solved that derivative you get you get a specialty item just to refresh everyone about their differential calculus no no leave me alone five I hate all of you all your side cares all these garbage doing but whoa sweeper sweeper no sweeping fooled you the fog machine malfunction again I hate when that happens the theater department needs to maintain their supplies a little bit better oh I'm gonna take your candy you're not gonna take anything cuz I got nothing honestly oh the fog machine he didn't see that I was running the whole way that's good to know that's almost more useful than we got nine Wow thank you math equals more math equals math mad mad mad mad what was ever in the comments let me know those everyone's favorite math were you an algebra person or a geometry person it emit like is determined by your like the the right and left it's it's one of those things that there are certain people who are imma treat people in certain people who are algebra people based on the way that you think about the world and so I was very much an algorithm person but people who are more artsy than I am and kind of more left-wing really like geometry and moves because they liked the more freeform let's connect dots and put like logic together rather than hey let's just like solve numbers whereas for me I'm like why would I oh this is horrific what is this what do you do I touch you should I touch you are you the one making the holy I can't believe you you just made everything dark is that is that your steak you just make things dark shoot I need to find that's really horrific I'm really freaked out by this thing now it was really scared that's scarier than Baldy any day of the week that is way scarier party at the principal's office this is my this is my reward no leave me alone kylo sweeper sweeper no sweeping oh here we go I'm in principal's office oh oh I get to grappling okay so wait here let's learn about how it's so dark oh my gosh I hate you so much wow there's oh these are just balloons for the principal's party oh this is the tab if you want to keep an eye on anyone look no further than this fella don't forget where you last spotted what if you want to keep an eye on anyone looking further nice fella don't really look that makes no sense I sent those tuition so that take Sodor's take money okay this guy some kid drew this face chuckles and next thing you know it's floating around causing mischief so that's creepy chuckles and the test Wow there are definite new things that guy was super creepy that was really unsettling I gotta admit like legitimately the design of him and like that eerie sound and just the flashing hallway like that was probably the best scare that this game has given me in a while because you just didn't it and you don't expect it at all now we just need to find the last notebook huh this is to the principal's office [ __ ] I do like playing the game without actually having to play the game gotta admit I like lurk here's the thing I like learning about the world of this game and I know last time on the last video where I played this I said like oh I haven't done a theory about this even though people asked because I don't think there's much lore and they're like oh having in the comments I saw that you guys were like well did you see the ending of um like secret ending of the last game and and I did thing is I think a lot of it is just like it's a random to be random I think it's random to poke fun at the games like math or indie games that like try to be more than they are right like that's the sense that I get from this game like this whole game is kind of like for the lungs with the characters with how like kind of the bad aesthetic oh my gosh stop stop stop No but yeah that's mystery room has appeared Thanks okay so you got to find every elevator I guess to in order to new one oh that's just a lock right um you know what is but uh but yeah that's the like this game feels just like reveling in the fact that it's like a mean game right that's just like for the lols there's a like it might make it seem or might allude to there being a deeper story or something like that but I it doesn't strike me as the type it it strikes me as this is all a joke I just wanted to complete that part of the map honestly and even with that ending last time where it was like super meta and you have like a voice saying like I'm trapped in the machine or like alluding to this idea of like oh Baldy is it's the worst alluding to the fact that like there's something else going on and that's something else is so like we're trapped in the AI we're trapped in the machine you know kind of like snappy stuff right now like where staff is at this point where people are like are the glitches are the computer programs knows they're viruses whatever um the story of the the story of this or that ending was kind of alluding to like something similar but I think it's just like their parody oh my gosh are you kidding even in Explorer mode this is the were like I can't imagine playing this game and having stuff like that happen so that's where the last one is I guess is thank goodness for the Gucci graphics and decent sight distance where I can actually see where the next elevator is because otherwise I have no idea but uh but anyway that's my interpretation know kind of how this whole thing works so there you go yeah if my dearest senses are tingling like I if there is a story it'll be you'll be telling chica will be last-minute it'll be just kind of like a thing to get people talking but not like I I don't think there's much here um I just don't think it's that type of gay man I don't think this is that type of creator um I wish I think that this is a game that really lends itself to some potentially interesting creepy lore but I also understand and respected like hey not every game needs that which is weird coming from me right like if anyone shouldn't be saying that it's it's me all right that's like it's so fundamentally not what I do um but I get it right like not every game needs a deeper dark lore of like this was a school building where kids died or baldie got trapped in a video game or anything like that um so I get it I and I think that that's what they're going for that ending I I think is again it's I think it's like for the walls I think it's like people find it and then they're like Oh what could this mean what could this mean what could this mean when it was just a troll I think like it's a Baldy is feels - it's a troll game and I think that that's the the fundamental thesis of the whole thing right it's like it's it's just for the trolls um all right we're gonna do one more time let me let me see how I'm doing timelines because I feel like this is me going out for a while 50 minutes okay 50 minutes so let's do it let's do let's do one more around hide-and-seek on now that I have an idea of who some of these characters are we're getting a sense of how things work let's try it let's do one more hide-and-seek see if we can make it level 2 because I suck at level 2 for two books straight maybe the game will take pity on us and make it really that would be super nice all day we already got one notebook because the games like hey you suck at this so I'm just gonna give you a notebook for freebies and I'm not gonna have Aldi chase you much at the beginning here because I know that you are not good at this game hello I hope every video you click on my haunted video I hear everybody click on OK cuz he hears everything I get it all right Thank You warm-up level oh my gosh warm-up level they really did I don't know if it's like the learned AI trying to help me along in this game or what but I do appreciate like this is a really long fingers hallway okay so now we're outside Wow being outside fills up your stamina oh man and it makes it infinite there's something in that tree I can't click on it but oh hey alright let's let's not die to Baldy shall we especially outside where I have infinite run like that would be really stupid of me um wouldn't put past me cuz again not great at this game please let's just not be a dead end please let this not be a dead end please let this not be a dead end okay hello okay oh my god are we really okay well we're gonna have to great thank you please think that put me far enough away for you please let that that was kinda what I was hoping for actually look I have some level of strategy here cuz I was trapped in that dead-end that was that was like worst worst-case scenario right there No oh that was poor form on my part oh there's Baldy nope watch out for the sweeper sweeper no sweeping oh come on okay no no don't bring me to Baldy god I got grappling ugh this great no no no oh oh oh sweet come on just gonna dance around this I'm so determined it's ain't gonna happen this is all typically what are you gonna say okay here we go here we go this is it one and done baby this way it was close there was a lot of false starts oh but we nailed level one boom perfect give me all those whitey Peas I got all those whitey peas up in here so many YouTube poops it's great that's cool I would look at it but I know I shouldn't if I have any hope of accomplishing anything in this game so this is it this is the run that's gonna end all runs the 360 no-scope of baldies basics right here three three three three three three okay that's his bubble gum okay go go go I'm just gonna try to no at least get the notebook before he takes me that's 90 seconds okay deep gosh I got the news when will you learn when will you learn ever learn I'll never learn I'll be a bad kid all my life principal you can't catch me copper okay where man okay how are you alright so that worked out pretty well out like I'll take that oh hey is that a shoot is that a notebook room down there there's a lot of notebook rooms are here to 100 zero zero zero okay baldies right there so just make sure working this nope okay four oh that's just door principal I really need to find a soda that would be great don't you don't you don't have to sweep sweep sweep and don't let anyone tell you otherwise live your own life sweet - sweet oh my gosh you so much bubble gum kid you are everywhere and the worst all the time okay five five this is it ooh moldy is also on that conveyor belt with no way no okay oh no you can just get it fast now I gotta actually plays like well oh no no no Oh booty it broom you stupid broom stupid bristles and your stupid handle your dumb dumb catchphrase ball we had it we had it [Music] alright well let's try this again shall we no running in the hall no 15 second you are the worst you're the worst I hate you passion of a thousand suns I I don't even know if sons have passion but if sons have passion I hate you with that passion okay okay here we go here it let's go this way let's get it let's just go down this hallway that's filled with a decent number of notebooks oh there's Baldy Shh hello that's a giant clock to stay in very strange very very odd clock okay three maybe that'll distract no that's just a boss oh hey I'll take this where's Baldy at where do you think you bad where do we think he's at where do we think he is no no no no no no no no no no no okay we're here we're outside come on come on recharge recharge recharge this is good it's good to know that this recharges your stamina that's really really really really really really helpful because that gives you a really good open area to avoid Baldy well also getting everything recharged that you need oh well he's gonna need a new ruler does that mean he's like he's out of commission for a second okay five come on oh no no gum okay good oh my gosh what the heck how'd he get there so soon wait he's stuck in the gum he's stuck in the gum oh my gosh okay okay okay okay now oh no no no no no I need to figure out how to get out of here now I have no idea oh my gosh sweeper sweeper no sweeping sweeper no sweepings where's the elevator there it is no it's oh that's the closed elevator okay no no no no no this is just a field trip I don't want field trip 26 you know dammit dammit Oh God oh he's here he's here he's here [Music] we've been so close guys we've been so so close oh oh we had it we had it the stupid mechanic the stupid mechanic of the stupid elevators oh that was brutal no so sad that was our run that was that was the run okay here we go there's the principal principal the running thing is literally the worst thing ever nine I don't know what this does I still don't really have a solid understanding Ben doesn't it I'm gonna put in here school in up here we go focus man focus that's the principal's in room that's a notebook room notebook room hello creepy SOT guy all right here we go here we go where is can I grapple in front of you can i grappling hook is that against the school's rules is that a bad is that a bad so does the it seems like the alarm clock mic might distract him right am I reading that correctly is that let the right way to interpret what's going on we're here I feel like he's like right behind me definitely sounds like it oh god okay we're gonna do okay so these are finding this is the moment where we run this way Boop okay all right all right all right all right balls sounds like baldies gonna need a new ruler don't know what that means does that just buy me time is that what I'm is that the case also where is the last notebook no this is principal's office and all that no oh no we got gum boy great look look at the skill that I'm demonstrating in this game at this point much skill I'm a leap gamer let's see ninja pull off this one oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh oh there he is oh no no no no [Music] well that was all these basics plus again got so close three separate times and of course the elevator just shuts in your face because why would it why wouldn't it this game hates you every again it's a troll game it hates you every step of the way this game that is so aggressively just hates yeah well you don't want ball these basics I hate you right back alright how do you feel about that does that hurt it doesn't I just want to shave off that one little hair you got oh alright well challenge wheels it like the challenge modes everything in this game is a challenge mode it is just challenging to be patient and not to play so anyway that's of all these basics plus friends I have a feeling that even if you beat it you're not getting a good reward that's my prediction because telling you so all the troll all right I'm gonna wrap it there I have had enough of this game I'm gonna go play another game that hates you but I at least enjoy a little bit more which is the Alpha rad levels so I'm gonna go play Mario maker I'm just gonna be allergenic for a while so thank you guys so much for watching thank you for being patient sorry we can't get much further than we did last time but at least we were more proficient right I feel like we were more consistent in gameplay we got to explore some challenge modes we got to see some new characters cling that creepy test guy and chuckles so intro there's an interesting stuff here is this a game for me I struggle with this one I struggle with baldie so anyway thank you so much for watching I'll see you in the next video and remember that wasn't a stream it wasn't live stream but it was fun hanging out and couch with you so see you next time let me turn off the camera turn off the camera right now [Music] you
Channel: GTLive
Views: 260,918
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldi, baldi's basics, baldis basics, baldis basics in education and learning, baldi's basics mrs pomp, baldi's basics plus ending, baldi's basics plus trailer, baldi's basics plus gameplay, baldi's basics meme, baldi's basics plus demo, baldi's basics plus the test, the game theorists, game theory, matpat, gtlive, gtnotlive, gt not live, gtlive baldi
Id: 5sPnUNYelbI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 29sec (3569 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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