The Sequel To I Am Bread is... Fish? | I Am Fish

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Dec 18 2019 🗫︎ replies

I ❤️ matpat

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/TheThoughtfulTomato 📅︎︎ Dec 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

And the sequel to that sequel is:

I Am Chips!

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/HgWellsian73 📅︎︎ Dec 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

Next game I AM GROOT

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/rossinerd 📅︎︎ Dec 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

1:14:00 Absolutely agree. It's not on my personal favorites of games of the decade, but in terms of influence and importance it's absolutely one of, if not THE most important game of this decade.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/DiabloGraves 📅︎︎ Dec 19 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] look at that intro ladies and gentlemen once again an intro that feature Stephanie but a couch that does not how sad she's left me guys I don't know where she is we changed the intro so that it could be about the two of us and then one of us just up and leaves it's because of the hair isn't it she abandoned me because the hair Chris did she talk to you about the hair she hates the hair doesn't she uh yeah I mean she talked to me about a lack of hair more like it really yeah it's it she has a call right now I don't really know if that's true yeah actually she doesn't have a call right now she was supposed to be on but she's like in this calls running log so here I am no actually it's funny when it comes to like my new hair situation I think it's the the facial addition of the facial hair that is the thing that scare and Stephanie away more than the lack of head hair Stephanie is definitely not a facial hair person and so the fact that mine is growing and will continue to grow for the next 25 or so days at this point yeah boy yeah she is she has stayed as far away from me for at least you know the greater two-thirds of this month so anyway hey guys one for GG live where I don't know if stuffs gonna join me on the couch I don't know if I'm doing a solo today I'm just taking it as I come I'm getting a break from writing my end of year theories which is nice and today we're gonna play a game that Chris tells me is made by the same developers who did I am bread except now they've diversified out of loafie carbohydrates and have instead segwayed into the realm of aquatic animals I am fish part of the ever-expanding I am canonical universe apparently so I'm assuming based on the previous game and based on the similar branding that this is also going to be a rayji difficult to control game am I correct in assuming that Chris yes but from what I've seen it's not I think it's rayji but it might be even weirdly a little less raging because you're a ball this time which gives you a lot more like rolling capability oh that's good because if it's a little less rayji I have a little less hair that I can read hair with so I think it balances out that's nice so if you want to engage in today's stream there are two ways to do it one is on Twitter hashtag GT Live where Chris has drawn a decent fish actually well done buddy thanks ran out of orange I was gonna say I see that we ran out of a color but you know what I like to think of that as you just being artistic and making your fish more realistic and nuanced yeah blending in with the McDonald's logo or in the chat the chat is always available which and because Stephanie is not on the stream and Chris is the man manning the chat and Twitter means he can respond to you because he's actually paying attention like to say things like what Chris a lot of eggs be there or be square said yo can I get a clap and a half because I actually didn't fail my exams hey congratulations I'm just impressed by the fact that you got your grades for your exams back so quickly that was always one of the most frustrating things for me in school was the length of time it took to actually get graded papers back you ever feel that Chris oh yeah I feel like finals are the fastest though because they have to get them in before the end of the yeah because they have to get the grades in but I did have those professors who just gave you literally all of the grades at the same time right but there were also those times where like the professor or the teacher or whatever wouldn't actually tell you the grade on the on the test like sometimes especially for these exams yeah they would grade them quickly but then you would never find out what your grade actually was or you would never see the answers to it ever again you're like whoa I guess we got trust that that was a thing that existed Miha friends I hope I did in fact yeah right I gotta take it you know just gotta trust gotta trust the teacher that they didn't screw up okay let's let's swim right into this shall we so this game appears not to be fully released its version 0.3 yeah so basically the guys behind this game are also behind I am bread and a game called pigeon simulator see that was before they figured out what their brand was and there still is it should have been iron pigeon it really should have been you can go back and rebrand it guys but they're trying to figure out which one they want to launch into a full-fledged thing so what pigeon or fish pigeon or fish and there's a third one that I'm currently blanking on our trash bandit trash bandit I like the name tray I don't even care what the gameplay of trash bandit is I'm just excited about there being a game that exists called trash bandit that sounds adorable ok so I guess then we're helping them to decide you as the audience us as the player helping them decide whether or not this is the game that they want to move forward with yes this is the one where they want to dump their money great awesome now we will find out so I'm saying we have a level select I should probably show the controls how to play that sounds useful full game version does that exist great thanks for your thanks for your game vision not version Oh full game vision ah see letters are important breeding accurately helps you play games better who says that playing video games is an educational I'm gonna show the controls first just so I can see this fish head Direction control tail control tail camera and flap tail okay so it's really just head in a direction and flap your tail I think that works control I don't know what the difference is between control tail and flap tail guess we'll find out how to play roll your bowl to the ocean flap your fishes fishies tail by holding a trigger and flicking the right stick to nudge the inside of your bowl flicking the right stick okay once you've picked up a direction for your fish they'll try to keep that direction as long as you don't move the left control stick be aware of the effect of the water has wow water physics be aware the fact that water bowl the water has on your bowl so it's sloshing around right so don't be afraid to let it roll sometimes overcorrecting can lead to disaster alright let's do this okay go and open the chat from panda underscore Snorlax who wants you to keep an eye out for some Doritos they're literal they're literal line is you better collect all the Doritos and then they say you'll know what I mean when you play oh I was gonna say do we have to read o's and off because Doritos sound delightful we did but not anymore where did the Doritos go create Wow how dare you guys how dare you so we got three levels that we can get through let's see if we get through all of them and collect all the Doritos apparently which are things press a to begin done swim towards the light okay turn and pitch the fish okay so I can go there hold and control the tail and then the camera moves okay great it's a swim whoo [Music] wait hold up hold up so I have to swim back and forth like I have to actually flick my look you know oh I see so I have to hold a trigger to basically tell the game okay I'm ready to flap my tail now and then I flap my tail like like so oh that is obnoxious that's that is a bit rough but okay cool ooh all right and you don't really want to do toe okay it's fine I wish there was an auto flap tail option here okay go be brave glad enough flap what I said that wouldn't be Reggie enough no of course not why would that be why would I want seamlessly fluid gameplay okay here we go oh good going well I made it through that I'm proud of myself where do I want it so I know there's little checkpoints okay hold up okay I want to go this way I want to roll my ball hold up flap flap my tail flap flap flap but tip wait stop why stop stop why are you already screwing up fish okay flap oh yeah oh this is terrible why is this already so hard get turned turn your fishy body okay okay your fate no no okay here we go are facing the right way now we're just gonna flick look back and forth press f2 to provide feedback about the game feedback controls are tough I don't think that's helpful feedback for you though I think that's your intent oh no don't you dare come from dare fall off that edge don't you dare well now I can but do I want to that is the question McCready wait there there's no checkpoint hold up they got this get the checkpoint get it yeah buddy oh here we go we're gonna fall oh no oh oh oh oh we are literally oh my gosh no you did it thank you your bowls a little cracks but I was gonna say I'm a bit concerned about the safety of my bolt also should my fishbowl have like some air holes or something I'm a bit concerned about the fact that my bowl is completely sealed shut yeah right I feel like that's probably deadly for the fish right hello buddy here we go yeah we're gonna we're just not gonna explore okay okay look at that another checkpoint boom seamless gameplay right look at how good look at how good we are at this game nope ooh oh hello there's a mattress down there do you think it'll protect my bowl let's find out together yeah yes I think that protected it right my bowl doesn't seem we're cracked I like to think of this as Nemo's less exciting journey oh my chocka pick 360 in the chat says Super Monkey Ball mission haha that's true oh that's great I would love to see I would love to see the fish make a cameo in Super Monkey Ball they haven't made a good Superman they haven't made a super monkey ball game in forever I just saw an ad recently they're making a new one no way are you kidding me that's very exciting oh I'm gonna die or attack you oh oh go now the clothesline oh yeah here we go oh oh oh-hoh look luckily there was the conveniently placed couch on that person's roof for some reason oh no oh now we're spinning out of control and the graphics are out of control and everything's out of control all the whole world is chaos everything has devolved into chaos Oh No the graphics are too intense this is 4k gaming at its the hardest most intense stuff turn-turn I'll think goodness thank goodness for ledges superfish ball I like it sounds like the sort of thing that I would put my ramen superfish balls oh no don't go that way don't make fish scented what why would they ever make a fish scented bath bomb Chris I mean there are a lot of gross things out there if not maybe otherwise I was gonna say Chris I feel like this is a market opportunity for you like this is your chance buddy you see an unmet need in the marketplace that's how that's how some of the biggest most successful businesses get born create a whole line of gag gifts I do you assume that that's a gag again I mean that's how you start whoo hello man thank goodness there's so many people who have such terrible dorito you know I see the Dorito but I also see the truck headed my way oh that almost hit me it may have actually it's unclear what my fate was I do see that Dorito though I really really want that Dorito so just turn around you know would be a great game mechanic for this if you crack your bowling the way you have then you just have to magic carpet lol like leaks a little so now you're racing the clock oh that's a great idea Chris I love that go cross street cross straight dope go go go go no go go go slap your tail come on okay oh no no there's a gutter don't go in the gutter now we're so trapped in this gutter we're never escaping the gutter ever again we're stuck here friends this is it this is where this fish goes to die I do like that idea though the the seeping water because that would put a lot of urgency on what's going on you know it's not just taking your time and keeping your bowl and task it is literally a race to the finish at that point you know what's the gutter fish thanks buddy oh oh oh the humanity Oh oh yeah oh no oh no fish no oh oh you died on your way towards freedom damn you Dorito damn you my my quest for a delightfully cheesy snack food I want I wanted some of that delightful nacho cheese dust instead I got the sweet taste of the great beyond oh we're getting a lot of requests in the chat to name the fish your cylinder who named the fish huh which we named a little guy I mean Nemo seems like the obvious choice which is also kind of a lame choice right Chris you're a weird dude load you name him Bernard Bernard the fish I like clac I'd like it Bernard hey guys I'm Bernard the fish just sweep Oh watch out just trying to cross the street just like a modern more brutal animalistic Frogger right here there you go Bernhard no pshh oh there is this a fish flake I'm assuming that's what that's what this thing is oh come on go go No Oh the quest for this Dorito is really bumming me out right now Bernard you're insatiable hunger the rete oh yeah do we need to breathe the name of the Dorito yeah save myself some precious Oh Oh the roadway the roadway is just brutalizing right now I am getting wrecked by cars left and right Bernard no the epic adventures of Bernard the fish all right we just ease on down great okay great okay okay now you stop stop oh we're so dead oh just keep going just keep on just keep swimming just keep swimming just keep swimming just keep swimming great you know what that Dorito can wait for another round all right we cross the street little Bernard trying to pull the Free Willy and swim home doing an epic jump oh hello what is this are you trying to make me a cannibal Amy don't tempt me I'm gonna want to die all the time though cuz goldfish are just delightful and crispy I'm hoping that this leads me to the water they don't land in it yeah wait what oh it just shatters when I fall okay great so I got one scale oh they're apparently scales not Doritos great why do you hate me [Music] here's what you would have got but you're still in the bowl wait I gotta get out of the bowl here's what you would have got but you're still in the bowl hmm what does that mean maybe you can flap your way to the oh-oh seein as you crack it close enough I was gonna say that's into ya huh is there a way to get out of the bowl yeah let's try again we'll do this first level again maybe I'll it unscrews if you like twisted on a surface oh oh wait we're in a different house now Oh No Oh buddy this is this is not this is not a good one they have put me in a very precarious position right here oh no a position that I can't even like go I mean momentum oh I'm so sorry about your computer sir I apologize hopefully that wasn't a very valuable monitor it looked pretty low quality you are gonna be doing any high quality gaming on there all right oh here's a your the lamp it's gonna shatter the lamp now a toaster sorry everyone just gonna knock everything off yourselves Bernard coming through oh no no no no nanu-nanu oh there's no chance there's no chance so dragon underscore wolf underscore in the chat says you have to smash the bowl and then use your momentum from breaking it to leap into Oh obviously of course why why would I have thought otherwise there we go all right Check Point number one checkpoint got anyone seeing any Doritos no but dill pickles in the chat says haha bald thanks Kris thanks thanks for choosing that comment to read out amongst all levels high priest I appreciate that I wear my baldness with pride thank you very much and you look good um well thanks Chris the weird one says in all caps no but based on where they are in in the washing I think that's because we just left from the higher shelf for the pillow here we go so this is Luna Lopez or Bruno Lopes depending on how you want to pronounce it says that he loves us and he wants you to know that you look good with you thanks guys oh you're all so sweet it has been quite the adjustment I'm learning all sorts of things it it does legitimately feel much colder like I did not anticipate how much colder I would feel but you can bet like around these here parts it has been very cold lately and my head is definitely feeling the chill in a way that I would not have anticipated definitely got WAY colder like the moment you lost your hair right unfortunate right I know I feel personally attacked I think mother nature just shutting me down and like oh yeah Baldy let's see how much you can really handle you don't you don't really anticipate or or truly appreciate how much heat your hair keeps in okay here we go this is crucial right here I see a scale I'm gonna try to get it without dying multiple times here we go ladies and gentlemen I may be stuck I'm a I'm a it's fine fine we're all good oh no come on swim swim my little fish buddy oh no don't push too hard don't push too hard stop stop stop here we go all right [Music] with their little lip here that's a problem what what's the proper experiencing here Bernard Bernard push with your little fishy body don't push too hard Oh Oh Bernard you flew too close to the Sun my friend oh good night I'm so sorry I'm just trying to collect your scales my friend all right here you go swim Bernard we're gonna get this we're gonna get this feels like a very inefficient way to travel the world that's fine okay here we go no no no no no no no Bernard stop all oh you hate to see that just imagine being the like neighbor like whoa whoa how'd that fish wind up on top of my fence it would honestly delight me to no end as I looked out a window and saw a fish like on a neighbor's ledge making moves I was gonna say hopefully you don't end that with talking about how the fish is dead Oh No Oh would you like me to no end to see a dead fish on my neighbor's fence post what would it not Christmas what that would that delay you to no end I'm a bit concerned that's that's something that you're finding a lot of pleasure in no no okay we've gotten that we've gotten we've gotten ourselves the dorito time to find how we get down go ahead girl go ahead get down all right this is presumably not the way to do it okay here we go bounce it out bounce it out good great no no no focus go ahead can I squeeze through here my squeeze squeeze yes okay well no no while there's a jump there now on the plus side every death just made that much sweeter and by sweeter I mean salt here cheesier by my little my little goldfish snack thanks Amy I do appreciate it so we have to get the scale again did it go away probably good didn't it oh no it didn't yeah that's nice Elise go from the other direction go Bernard a little fishy that couldn't you're like a little toaster that could put the old fish come on all right so you're killing it Bernard no I'm killing him look close close but not quite okay so here there was a jump here no no no there's no no no no no no no it's Gardens Oh Bernard you were gone before your time hey on the plus side as a goldfish you're only set to live for like two weeks anyway oh you know what is their lifespan really that short no goldfish if taken care of properly come if we're really one sec can you look it up Chris I don't know actually I'm curious what the actual life span of a goldfish is we do pride ourselves and oh no no no no no stop sending me down this pathway may get this thing okay here we go okay here please melt like a minute caught oh no I have to do this oh wow so if prop if kept in it kept in like proper water that is cleaned and you know not ranked and if they're not not right and if they're fed a very diet apparently they live between ten to fifteen years Wow longest goldfish who lived on record was 43 years old 43 years record-setting lifespan for a goldfish that's crazy wow that's wild I would have never guessed it was that long that's running about like maybe five good good for you mighty goldfish I'm proud of them little guys can you imagine though being like the little kid who like wins a goldfish at the fair or whatever and then you're like stuck with him for like and you're like I don't want this goldfish anymore look that first week of owning your first thing going on here what's going on here why did why do you why did you push me in that direction Gabe that was a dumb idea that was like that new Mario Cart BS have you played and everyone's surely experienced this if you played Mario Kart 8 you've had this horrible experience where you decide last minute you want to go a different direction than you were heading and the games won't let you and it'll force you to keep going that way like when the road forks if you make a decision too late it'll just pick a direction for you to go well Krista gave no fast the game does not know bad press the game knows best it's like it's like the stadia stuff is your latency man wait you want to play the game yourself you'll be silly Chris you're so silly why would you want to play a game you're right the game oh geez oh hey that's the end thank you it did I would is it winter me there's rain oh oh man alright this seems like a terrible idea but let's do it this seems horrific come on my little fishy get in that drain oh oh oh no oh poor little fishy Bernard Oh Bernard you've experienced some severe head trauma I have no doubt this is insane so that's what happens when a fish gets flushed flushing the fish oh we got pulled Free Willy This Is It this is that moment we were all waiting for it okay we got it we got it we gotta watch em all right all right my little buddy here you go free will a go nope okay that didn't work try again gotta just build up some momentum here do it finds this is totally okay okay here we go and the windup and here's the pitch oh yes nailed it what was the song that played at the end of Free Willy I've never seen for you are you kidding you've never seen Free Willy I know I'm a bad whale fan yeah you are Chris I'm disappointed in you as a whale fan are you in their bottle yes apparently the plastic the suffocating me I saw myself very quickly - I I saw my life flash before it was a little bit before your time all these Free Willy references I apologize to all our younger viewers I'm sorry that you don't appreciate the classic family family drama of a little boy just trying to set his whale free it was it was a Michael Jackson song I think like I think Michael Jackson sang it back in the day oh shoot how do I go in the opposite direction aspect six eight nine and the chat just said Chris you can turn auto steering off which is a great thing to know for the next time I play Mario Kart haha oh you win yo okay there we go we made it but I missed the Dorito so I feel like we gotta aim for the Dorito come on Dorito I love how you're like to fish right now one fish two fish goldfish oh my gosh so we've been talking a little bit about like Ali and his habits and what he likes to listen to and stuff I have been his current favorite is listening to the audiobook of one fish two fish red fish blue fish Oh black fish blue fish old fish new fish this one has a little star this one has a little car my what a lot of fish there are some are red and some are blue some are old some are new some are glad and some are bad some are or start some are sad some are very very bad Wow why are they sad and glad and bad I do not know go ask your dad I could continue I have the whole thing probably memorized at this point why are you not reading the book well we well we we were the ones reading the book and I think we got overruled by Oliver because he's like oh I could listen to mommy and daddy read but they read too slow so instead let's listen to 90s sitcom star david Hyde Pierce from the sitcom and runs favorite Frasier and let's listen to him read one fish two fish red fish blue fish and so that he has a great actor is also a great great interpreter of the one fish two fish cannon I think I'm a bit more excited than him in my interpretation of the story of events happening in one fish two fish does he read it like Niles crane he he has a slightly like neurotic and like dry read of it whereas I'm like I don't know I'm a little bit more enthusiastic with my read Niles feels a bit but what happened what happened here am I caught on this what happened why can't I swim anymore why am I caught on this thing why is it did my fish die my fish dead oh maybe you can only last right the game seems like it would have ended I think I'm just being kept it wrong along for the ride here it does seem like the game has frozen in some way it's not looking good for our hero one fish two fish dead fish blue fish here's the twist my friend I can't press any button at this point yeah yeah it's all gone hold on we're all completely gone two friends coming in [Music] nobody but the the reading of one fish two fish from Niles crane is very dry and very huh right it's not right oh hey did it just come on plug well there you go I wouldn't suspect that good job thanks Chris that's why you're the expert buddy it's very dry slightly neurotic it's pretty delightful actually I enjoy it but yeah I think I think the difference is he reads a lot faster than stepper I do I think oh no after all of that oh no I gotta get this checkpoint no oh the bottle on your head kills you man terrible um Bernard I'm so sorry my friend but uh yeah I think that the pace of audiobooks is just a lot faster whereas we take our time and we're like let's look at the word and let's like you know individually point out the things in the illustrations there's like no he's like screw that don't want that just give me the story he's also really into Peter Pan right now when at what age do kids learn how to read I honestly don't remember when I learned is that a six-year-old thing did you unplug it and replug it that is what I did all right let's unplug and replug again them and I whacked a bunch of buttons weird hello Ariel odd um when do you learn to read a tease isn't that six seven is it that way I don't know when do you learn to read I bet the chat knows chat knows everything I bet there's one kid in the chat or one guy in the chat who's probably like I'd learn to read when I was two because I was a genius I a genius read within one year of age hello Gaming says five or six Chris I don't know if that was the tone but that time reading I think you're I feel like you're I'm not the only one feeling personally attacked right now Lydia Gervase says four-year-old thing and electrical gaming says six year old Aaron Blackburn says three four ish and it's Juby in all caps says two-year-old - so I guess Jimmy's the genius well I think I think the thing is right you need to at least learn first how to talk to some extent and Ali has a lot of words that he's able to say at this point maybe not fully articulated but like he knows oh go go go go no no oh come on when you die in the sewer because you got out of the suit right he's got a lot of words even if you can't officially tell what a lot of them are like he understands a lot of words and so I wonder if we pointed to a word in the book cuz we haven't tried this actually like hey point to the word fish or anything like that wonder if we would do that stuff we should try that point to the word fish is that cool why no that's what I'm saying like it because we're talking about what age kids start to read stuff just finished with the phone call she's going to the bathroom I'm embarrassing her right now will I play with my fish it's not a euphemism but today there's a benefit I mean I'm sure there's been studies about this whether or not there's a benefit of learning to read later or earlier because I got a wonder if maybe it's like good for your brain to like learn ways of thinking that aren't based around reading because once you learn to read that's kind of how your mind oh come on so they go Lego oh wait did I shake it off now I wish the result would like it I wish there was a way to shake it off or something to escape that all right this is this is brutal right here this section the sewage section the sewage section is a real drain sorry I apologize so much for that I love did you though you're gonna love it I don't know if I can take your opinion seriously oh come on I did not hit that I did not hit her I did not I did not hit her a nice reference it was did you appreciate I figured you would like that one Chris because what else do you need in your your story of a goldfish just trying to get by then a reference to the classic cult movie no room [Music] wonderful a staff to miss you in my life what's your phone call good yeah yes you don't have to we're just playing with fish we're just reenacting Free Willy right now what goldfish it's a goldfish yet that is correct if you if you want some goldfish in my bowl you can you can have some goldfish but I got play is that tempting enough yeah what's the promise of goldfish enough to lure you away from work yeah you can absolutely have a juice box oh come on I am I'm disappointed she's doing great great we were did we were doing solid it's funny it was easier with him in the bowl it's these these stupid jars that are just destroying me oh the message of this game is literally don't pollute Sofia fierce a Joyce says wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle oh we're go away go wiggle okay come on go fish Fred go launch launch okay good that's why the chat is excited that step is coming to play Quinn dark flame says come fly a whole step which I think was supposed to be play step but it was enthusiastically typed and thus poorly tapped okay here we go oh-oh-oh-oh go come on go yeah yes we landed on the right side too I was like oh there's no chance okay here we go this is it if I could get to the next checkpoint my life will have a cheap meeting I think it was a list of West you're gone no visible beer bottle dastard oh look you're like merging with it ah your beer fish oh okay fine wait what happened don't you know I don't wanna get feedback on this game I'm giving live feedback right now as I play this game like feedback no get out of here Oh No knock us out no damn you oh this is tragic both games people curses oh and I had multiple Doritos oh oh oh thank goodness nevermind I take it back post the people where you throwing shade okay here we go now we're diving now we're gonna go up again dive up up up job to early jumps to early if you don't like this control scheme there in the options but I went with what they turned the classic really yeah this is so good as a control scheme though Chris it's so useful and oh come on did I get a bottle how do I get about another bottle on my head God Oh get out of here get out of here get up on out of here with those eye holes man between yesterday between yesterday and today I'm just being presented with constant failure this is not good for my self-esteem it before the holiday season [Music] see it in your eyes oh that's see it in your smile okay okay we're gonna turn come on come watch out get out of the way box get out of the way box go you might know oh these controls are so good I love them so much they are the best they are the best Chris you have a favorite fish movie favorite fish or I guess maybe Free Willy stuff she's a mammal that good Oh Oh it jump backward kindergarten after-school snack time everybody I have goldfish in a juice box no miss Amy ha ha ha thank you I've now achieved peak nerdiness I like that we're dressed the same oh god I'm so sorry oh I'm so sorry what if what makes it worse that we're twinning today what have we become Stephanie and then I'm the one who's I'm sorry I'm late to the live stream everyone I can move over counting meeting ran over we have to make sure that we're square for q4 bookkeeping man we know how to party don't we but really that's where I was sorry I'm late guys so how late am I oh very Oh later than usual all right right slightly later than usual thank you rious gonna say they thanks for joining us wait so we were talking favorite fish movies I'm done also shark tail guys come on Oh a mammal movie definitely it counts it counts I'm thinking what is that one where that man becomes a fish it's this really incredible mr. limpet incredible mr. limpet right oh come on wonder if you just say okay in a snide way Chris I don't throw a who that this is a real movie sisters mad that I came back to reclaim my spot on the live stream it's true you have never heard of the incredible mr. limpet it's probably a Disney plus I needs a Disney movie is that oh it was in the same era as like Bedknobs and Broomsticks are tuned like half week that was half cartoon half I was like realize really afford to pay these actors for their real-life roles for this whole movie so you're going to turn them into like domesticated animals for like the rest of it oh there's a lot of love for the incredible mr. limpet right yes yeah Chris ya know if that's real word huh uh is it on Disney Plus I would assume it is I think was a Disney movie we have to watch it this weekend cheese dog o0 says she protects she attacks but most importantly she me back oh yeah actually attack but most importantly she eat goldfish no let's be honest oh come on oh my gosh we're so close we are so close I have no idea what it's fine I'm playing I am fish the controls are terrible like I am red but yeah yep that is exactly what you need to know about this game oh come on you were right there you're the chosen one so Finding Nemo is a good choice as a fish movie oh no no no no oh I just saw someone adopts a little mermaid she's half fish that is connect back out there a fish carrot that's accepting a flounder Sebastian the other one the other one scuttle guys seagull he's a seagull he just got old he's in his nameis scuttle they're flopping and jetsam flotsam and death thank you did you say flop um that is what I said babam and jetsam the classic eel duo Ursula is our october t is arthropods what is the official classification of anak tapa T's that's a good question seven octopi are they celebrate the cephalopod right boom technically does flipper count us you people and your zipper was your reveal several movies no dolphins are men Mouse dolphins are mammals fine not a fish movie primarily water abiding creatures that that's what you're just gonna include seals now oh no what is everything ridiculous oh look at how slow this is Oh No okay oh oh that is that's some slow graphical optimization right there oh I do I'm glad I'm glad to be back in a device honestly getting out of the sewer is probably the happiest type babe in a long time and then that's my line says and severide I must leave goodbye and joy well how do you feel how do you feel about that stuff left as you came on you think that was get on you know I think that was oh we were to the sky but this guy want let's this game on I don't want other people I don't people here passing on a live stream okay wow you are generating a lot of momentum for that thing they know right for being such a small little guy I knew that the physics of that make no sense they make all the same stuff I'm wearing very thick glasses if I say the physics don't mix oh no he's coming after me go go a little fish no no go yo don't let the man get you like how he can't be bothered to even break out into all the light no go go a little fish no no look get you go go go turn it upside up what are you you monster what is wrong with you what is wrong with Wyatt why can't you be a no why would you why would your first impulse be to just up turn the mop bucket you weirdo you must what is wrong with you what you just like want to get it back to its original location why would you empty it out that was silly and dumb you're an awful person you should feel bad whoa yeah already oh go go go go go go go go don't let me catch up you only have like four feet to walk where where is it sorry slowly stuff okay go go go go go go let's go go go yeah thanks go go go go swim swim swim just keep swimming just keep swimming just keep swimming just keep swimming go go go go go go just like untitled goose and are you gonna want to edge to the left I I wanna try I'm trying to swim as fast as I came in Lee can oh come on no oh you jerk you awful human being you piece of scum Wow you are scum why would you do that it makes no sense only he must be a sociopath no way why would you ever do that since when what prompted you to do that [Music] I like I've seen several people said missus and I feel like I shouldn't let me call it out at KH attic Oh 8 - oh no no no get through did the did the decade challenge for you sent a picture of matpat in 20 that looks like pony come o 2009-2010 versus you now this level sucks so much less hair don't close hair I still think you might look better though I appreciate people doing stuff like that that's so nice it's really cool makes me so sad you know what I appreciate people not flipping over the water bucket that has a living fisherman right I know why would you will do that man what I did have a lot of hair back that did not know much practical but that really ten years ago you could have braided that well decade challenge one of the reason that women had really long hair during that period in his life was that we were so poor that it was too big an expenditure to get killed I went for like two and a half years without getting my hair cut because it's just like no no girl can afford that still live also we lived in New York City so the cheapest haircut you could possibly get was like 30 bucks I was like I can't do that that's true it's also one of those things to were like at least that particular picture that they used was meaning to grow my hair for a show that I was doing was yeah it was I had to be Huck Finn you needed he needed a long hair Stephanie okay mm-hmm don't judge oh my gosh I'm making progress I'm making progress I can't afford to look around come on don't sue me I need to go this way No Go Go Go Go Go come on the chase is on go please keep swimming go go go Oh get to get between the rocks get between the rocks go go go go come on come always catching up no no you can't run around your honor I'll go go go no I can't see I can't see them up behind you oh your stupid head your stupid head I hate you gah throwing goldfish at you because I hate you oh good he reserved to eat a goldfish off the floor what I like him I don't do he deserved a the goldfish off the floor so the best fish are goldfish off the floor yeah don't relegate our child to floor kick you know what floor corn is some of the best corn not according to you yesterday reading about all the hair in it Oh basically season excuse me hair hair corn is a very different prospect than floor corn floor corn is popcorn that has been left post movie and has been untouched by in the box boy in the bucket yeah yeah so that's totally fine oh your I don't think that's true I watched I don't think know how people eat popcorn in a bucket they just lick it they just go and just what curse most of them allow you to get a free refill afterward and people never fulfill on their free refills so there as for Kane Aaron says Matt look handsome all rugged thank you yeah did you tell them that you're really hating the facial hair oh my gosh I you know what I'm telling am i hating right now is the fact that this bucket isn't that traveling faster Chris does you you've gone back and forth with the facial hair you and Jason both occasionally sports on facial hair is that is it the kind of thing where it becomes less itchy and annoying over time the longer it get yeah how can you spit with come on he can skip over the Epping rocks ah I'm really frustrated by this level Stephanie I mean what facial hair affords you is the right to touch your face without worrying about getting mixed which is nice oh really oh that's true I never thought I wish I had that superpower but it does give you you can't like motion your face once your hair grows long enough so you have to kind of this condition you do it you do have to condition but it creates a problem regardless of the condition of beard dandruff oh oh oh next time you're around a heavily bearded person if they're wearing a dark shirt take a take a gander at their chest and see dandruff pivot Oh oh my god Wow why do you oh no no no I think we're gonna find out with Matthew I think that because it's growing in fast if it's coming in it's coming in hard as we pay for that I'm sad between yesterday's live stream and today he's been doing great today I think you're doing awesome do you realize how not as it is to flap the stupid stick over and over again hot stream flapping it flap it over and over it's a rush Street and I don't have rage hair so what am I gonna do but throw my controller and fish goldfish in ruffle your scrapple Oh little ruffle ruffle do the scrapple ruffle it makes me feel better would you like to make a ruffle my scrapple no try it try it it'll make no it'll make you feel better you have no school I'm serious it'll make you feel that you could row my feet fun no I don't want to ruffle your peach fuzz hear em too I'm dreaming the way I hold the controllers and help me out now I think I think it's I think it's a controller grip if you plays it yeah because now I can do it faster yeah shut up hate you all you all don't appreciate what I do on this live stream by playing games moderately confidently you're all like TV Matthew it's so easy to do you like no it is it ad yessir minecraft one says the sad song in the background it's birthday I will say the music for this game is actually pretty great yeah at tarnish dragons as Chris I don't think I need to hear about beard genders today I did I think I think that is a useful PSA I think it's all really important for us to know that the epidemic is out there you got this oh you got this I don't cuz I'm caught like I'm caught right here look at this what am I supposed to do you're doing it no I'm not I'm not [Music] it's just just give it a shot I have a script to write I thought we were gonna play a fun puzzle platformer today I was so excited about it no no if you guys have heard of it it's called Thomas's alone it's a sweet game it's a platformer it has a cute story from what I can tell well because Chris's likes to see me suffer I got on the livestream I'm like oh so how's that Thomas is alone looking and he's like oh we're putting this now and I'm like oh what is this and he's like it's like I am Brett and I'm like wait but that's a rage game yep oh great that's exactly what I wanted today on a day when I'm stressed out about the number of scripts I got to get through IBPS let it be known to hold up let it let it be known that I need to get this one off my chest let it be known that literally everyone has been sending me non-stop emails being like you have to write seven theories in the next five days mad I get an email literally every day every that tells me that the number of periods seems to go up and the number of fear and the number of days seems to go down yeah the number of days is going down and the number of theories is going up just saying 25 series in the next 24 hours and I I don't I don't think it's quite I don't think it's quite that bad it is a number of threads though it is a very goodly number I'm gonna read some stuff off of Twitter Thank You IG Harrison stuff can't wait for your candy cane hair yes at gesso do 993 hey Chuck we missed you Chris's reflection on you [Music] but the game started the first level was fun and delightful and cute and now just everything sucks and between every time I die I have to reconnect the controller it's I'm so sad I have so much sadness at jolliest a very cute platform hey guys first livestream hung from archival and I'm so proud of the GC live community can I get a clap in a half you can this is from the non raki person I hate this I hate this so much this is not a game that should have like oh I guess the earth this is the equivalent of Chris saying like all the bull should lose water so I guess this would be equivalent to that yeah like all the Bulls losing water so hurry up alright here we go you know it'd be great if the wheels could actually bounce over the rocks that'd be nifty yeah if the game wasn't so weird and laggy here no if that's alright Wayne Anderson I would love it if the camera wasn't attached to though the laughs option no I love wicked at Dwayne GC live that Thomas alone is my favorite game guess what it could be mine till it could be mine too if someone would let me play it but they won't let me play it all I am is a theory machine script writing play the rage game Matt Matt moping with the death music in the background is this is this is heavy mood right now I need I need an emotional diet coke I'm sorry I can't handle it anymore no stopping okay no I need it done let the aspartame win it might give you dementia is that true I read and I read an article it might not be a good study though don't quote that it's really there's a lot of bogus medical stuff that comes out about that time ban at least get a ginger ale it doesn't have caffeine [Music] oh maybe I have the last one water is refreshing have a juice box ride the wave of Ocean Spray you know how many juice boxes I would need to be satisfied for like 80 just have them [Music] Oh pun intended in the chat says changer controls it might make life easier for the record Chris yep it's your fault that he fell off the bandwagon I tried hey my job is to entertain and create environments that are interesting [Music] I'm gonna read some chapter everyone oh the whole chat is just saying changer control ng Ike's forever that was from Quinn darkling let's see originally boss is going to be a solo game yeah okay great have fun good luck oh yeah another sim fight oh they're simplified controls now that's actually really hopeful right good luck yeah they don't [Music] [Music] idea is it moving Yeah right hold up this is clearly Christmas fault it is business Chris has falled on a lot of levels all right let's let's be honest oh yeah this is a important anyway Pope right come back come back to us controls well that was my offer to play oh my gosh I'm just gonna eat my weight and goldfish and sit here sadly welcome to the sad life girl gamer let's take it over yeah no one I know it's not you know what taken over the controller just off hold up there might be the controller failing to connect or failing to it the flashing red no yeah Matt looks good bald says xs-3x at this point I feel like um I feel like a like a hooligan at a in like what's the old Kingsman I feel like I'm one of the Kingsmen characters little best grow up a little famous head yeah I feel like I had roughed someone up in an alleyway I think but only a small person yeah I only weigh like oh yeah I'm like a moderately aggressive hooligan not an extreme hooligan you're so not an aggressive hooligan but I look like an aggressive hooligan moderately aggressive do again right if you saw me in an alley would you be scared of me how it right now no don't don't think of me and my delightful white sweater think of me more in like I don't know like be more black no yeah it was a quarter hey it wouldn't be like I wouldn't be I wouldn't thank you for like a guy who would try to mum someone I pegged you more for like a guy who should be on like no-fly list whoa really for like maybe he's an escaped convict trying to blend it no man we do have a flight next week I wonder if they'll let me on because I look so different I mean I look so different not even Google home can recognize my face anymore it's true this is actually a really interesting factoid by the way just throwing this one out there the idea that so when I shaved my head Google home could no longer recognize me however when I had a hat on this is before I didn't stop shaving but when I had a hat on it could recognize me which is interesting right it didn't recognize me as bald but it did recognize me with a hat on which covered up my hair Armin Salazar says hashtag not my map hat okay how are you doing brother is that what they say that what they all say wait you're a British hooligan now yeah why can't you be an American hooligan you'd never pass for an American rule again I think that's little bit maybe you could pass for a British Ligon Marva maybe I have a British ruffian oh you know you need a little tap for that yes okay boy head presses at work oh boy that's great ma are you kidding Chris that's weird hashtag just use another controller says mr. anonymous mr. anonymous Rock all Iraqis don't feel don't worry I feel the same way I just what are you swapping it in two different USB ports Oh Ryder - Steph prove you're better than that some things you don't have to Wow Wow Wow just now it's getting beaten down i'm from the babe everyone matthew like a pirate says alpha you alright pirate I could go for pirate I like pirate uh definitely feeling grow a beard I'm doing it in the process is in the process I'm not allowed to shave my beard for another 25 days play we're not faking this we can't get a controller to work is it work now hey yeah try let's try go for it Steph the controls are simplified now I'm making that disclaimer now so in case she completely rocks this [Music] Oh she'll get graphics still an early build of the game okay yep so you turn with the left stick and you swim with the triggers Wow oh my gosh holding the triggers is so nice instead of having to waggle it back and forth I did have to waggle a lot of wagon using clubbing I never this is what this is what the clubs sound like Stephanie if we work we're in the club we're in the club right now so it looks like you're gonna have to hop out of the pool and down those stairs [Music] have to jump out of there you have to aim down and up you have to launch you got this stuff I need to turn oh my god oh my god wait what okay let's just everybody let's just everybody calm down just everybody calm down right now we're turning we're turning okay we're swimming those loons are going down that's down okay [Music] joke area you get this stuff I do think the simplified controls are gonna make a huge difference because having to wag is like having to focus on waggling back and forth it's so hard you got it up all right down and then up apparently though the club has closed oh I'm gonna because music is over but now you got this down up Free Willy stuff come on oh no that's not it what's the song from Free Willy that it was like a big inspirational song for like a good solid year no get out you're nowhere close to getting out you got this I believe in you you got it man it is so nice to not have to play the game oh great oh man I feel so much better now what yeah okay keep going think thanks for joining the livestream 15 minutes late tonight so you can see how you're feeling after playing this game for 50 minutes oh it's so real I'm so relaxed now this is amazing oh so I got a ask actually this is this will be helpful chat while Stephanie continues to try and figure out how to get out of the aquarium I would love your input so I the script I'm writing it's it's kind of a quick turnaround one but um but I've been writing it over the last but I've been writing it but I've been writing it over the last week and I'm curious it's basically on the most important games of the last decade so this is looking at not the best not necessarily your favorites what is the most important or impactful games from the last decade since we're coming up on 2020 you know I haven't seen a whole lot of like best of decade stuff and I'm assuming everyone's waiting for their best of year stuff until like next week or whatever but I am curious I have my list and I think I have a pretty good list as I've looked back across the state of the gaming industry for last ten years and I have like about six or seven like honorable mentions then I have two that really likes stood out but I'd be curious what your thought would be like and does not necessarily a game like what yeah no I I have a I have multiple games on my list that I don't particularly like but that I recognize were important for shaping the videogame industry so let me know Oh will you be there like Michael Jackson thanks cheese dog oh here we go no pun intended says smash ultimate see I think the first smash or actually I would say smash melee might have been on the list for its respective year or for its respective decade I think ultimate I would like the one thing that I could point to ultimate and say would be it's one of the few games that has managed to get such a unity of different game developers together can all share the same space so that's cool but I don't know if I would it's not on my list so I'm curious what you guys are saying Oh Miriam Abraham says a spider-man ps4 and Link breath of the wild it's my dream ps4 that's an interesting one how was that one you mother oh wow you fell down the steps I think that's an interesting one cuz it's like one of the first really good like licensed games that we've had in a really long time breath of the wild was pretty impactful for Nintendo and for the franchise of Zelda but when it comes to III debated breath of the wild did her breath of the wild was one that I'm like that's a pretty good one because it changed a lot about the formula Zelda and wonder Oh Steph what would you put on your list of important games I agree with Geoffrey Harmon and Neos Abdul though as well and Iman's those three old you have one of the ones that's on my list what about you Steph Dark Souls because everything is now the dark souls of X yes I think that's one of the hallmarks and if a game that made a big difference and gone beyond itself yep it's it is more than just a meme right to say that something is the dark souls of something means that it's the hard version of that thing yeah it shows that it created a genre all sorts right yeah and I think that a lot of beings of our also type super copies Dark Souls mm-hmm what so baby go let's see we've got that card con can you look up an app you can there it is Donovan Jones hashtag matpat is bald that is very accurate fluff up up you flopping plop plop keep egging the water you do it before you die go go go go go go go go you almost there I'm seeing a couple people saying I don't like fortnight but fortnight I would say that's that's on my honourable mentions list I don't think it's one of the most like like if I were to list like my most most important ones I don't think it's quite there yet it'll be interesting to see how for tonight develops over the next couple like creating a life outside of itself the fact that fortnight dances were a cultural we're like a cultural moment and that it was one of the first times that gaming was like really really outside of itself yeah and in the public like in the public sphere it hit mainstream really well and I think that our and I think that's why I happen that's why I haven't on my honorable mention list right is that what fortnight did wasn't it like it didn't create a genre because Battle Royale already existed it didn't necessarily add a whole lot of like new gameplay or anything like that but what it did do I mean I the the building mechanic is actually pretty interesting and different but what it but what it really did do is like you said it mainstream gaming and gaming and gamers in a way that had never been done before yeah the fact that like ninja hosted New Year's rockin Eve er and Selleck was just so different I think yeah the boot er start or no dude er says Star Wars fallen order because it proved to EA they don't need a multi-platform a multiplayer game with microtransactions that's really funny I I hope that Star Wars falling we did Randy with the star was fallen order we did a theory I'm about like the real science of Star Wars but um I hope that that games sold well or sells well because one it's a very good game it's a lot of fun it's it's a game that I haven't fully beaten yet but like that's one that I want more time to play because it's really fun but to for exactly the reason you just said I don't know if it's proven to you yet that you can succeed without micro sends axons and multiplayers I'm hot and so I'm hoping my god by putting one so I'm hoping that Star Wars falling order does do well financially for them to prove exactly that way because I am a fan o doing this I coulda just bought myself some goldfish gaining them I appreciate you Ilona in bed which is how I like to eat most things hmm do you want to trade I can try now that we've switched it to easier controls I can try again yeah yeah whatever still a Greenspan says Angry Birds launched mobile gaming you're right but actually that was before this decade and that's one of the things that as I've been researching it's been interesting to see where 2010 started so when you look back at the gaming industry and where it was ten years ago like Angry Birds already had a really solid foothold in mobile gaming and it really started to like pioneer what mobile gaming on phones looked like and farmville was really huge in the social media like everyone was playing it on Facebook and stuff like that so casual gaming was what no they were playing for carnival was everywhere yeah all those Zynga games absolutely and so that's where you start the decade right was go go go we're out go Wow Wow so you start the decade ending the Wii U or sorry you're you start the decade ending the weave lifecycle and you're you're kind of like closing out on the like the last year or two of V games so at the industry is still really interested in like pursuing motion controls Kinect hasn't launched the PlayStation Move hasn't launched you also have the industry looking at the casual and social gaming market and so yeah that's that's where you start things and so then to see where it's gone from there with kind of like like you said the souls like games kind of surging in the popularity you have MOBAs you have the MOBAs and then you have the you know the the battle royale games kind of surging you have kind of the the first iterations are really kind of like the first prominence of the games that you're playing on cycles of like 30 to 40 minute play sessions like the rainbow sixes of the world and things like that where it's like you play small matches kind of like the counter and counter-strike and stuff already exists and don't already existed and stuff like that but you see those really surgeon to prominence like short iterations of just repeated gameplay cycles that you can grind away with it's an interesting time in gaming twenty twelve is officially where gaming shifted it's the most profit or not most profitable shifted into the highest-grossing industry of them all of all the energy of all entertainment yeah of all entertainment mediums and so that's another really interesting trend that you have here is like this decade was really like the most important when it comes to gaming simply because of the explosive growth that I've experienced on the profitability side and the triple-a gaming center but get the flag in the triple-a gaming sphere but then also the indie gaming scene was also starting to grow at the beginning so like super meat boy limbo grade had just started to hold me I think I got it I think I got it you did good job yeah you got it that's your checkpoint that's a checkpoint staff you continue moving forward so I'm curious what other things do we have here milkshake cloud undertale halo d dlc Mario Kart and a fan even minecraft so undertale definitely halo was the [ __ ] what's up yeah I was gonna say halo halo is a bit before this decade DLCs of a personal favorite of mine for this decade and I I don't know if it's the most influential I think it's one of those things that it has the potential to be influential based on how the sequel go like it could really make an impact I don't think it's hit they're quite just yet ninja godmother wow that's great that you were able to get Seth ever been on the show cool guest but where's Matt huh I hear that a lot but it'll look like Seth Everman great question I should have looked Seth here we go oh this is a he's the musician who did how to create Billy I'll Isha's Oh bad guy then oh you pronounce her name I love Billy Island is it Eilish and I said Ellis during my interview with Susan I know it's definitely it's Islands right okay I didn't know back that I'm learning I'm growing she's been around she has done the same interview with vogue for three years in a row thank you stuff right I sold my tubes reading tab it is all it is constantly all over everyone suggested video feed all the time like okay okay bow you have a YouTube channel right okay interviews really Eilish I got refused to watch I'm like no I will not watch this suggested I know you want me to watch it though the watch part of it hoping that it would drop out of my team no but then it continues oh yeah terrible the Eilish interview content and here's the vs Abdul I really like Billy Isla I like her songs a lot but I'm just like please please get her off of my homepage I just don't need to see every behind-the-scenes gossipy interview with her talking about her latest hair color I just don't I don't need it that's amazing oh Sh I guy said he did the video game music parts 1 & 2 yeah I didn't know that that was his name but I've seen some of his videos and his stuff is really good robocat 899 says hello from archive land portal 2 or cuphead it's it's weird to think about that portal 2 was released this decade cuz that is right it feels like portal 2 was a long time ago I mean oh hey you got a fish scale good job step it's a little bonus collectable it's a Dorito you caught a Dorito stuff well done where is the exit great questions keep exploring cuphead Cup heads great I can't wait for more Cup head will get it in like 10 years right - really and animating I'm just gonna say they release one cup head every decade I like elegant and spicy okay so these guys don't care that there's a mop bucket rolling around at the club guys Oh everyone is inebriated dear elegant slicing I don't know if you've ever been to the club like 17 I frequent [Music] right there yeah where is your mop step how you doing you making progress doing so well looks like you're doing great how you doing with this game you like it as it relaxes me cathartic I can say that for another like two more minutes xx star drops dream it dream X X says PT and The Last of Us so PT is a good one like it is a really interesting one because it really did show that like horror is still a thing and I can be successful and bummed that it never got like the full release are kind of like bummed that it never kind of saw the light of day Silent Hill was the thing that was leading tours last of us an interesting one it's a great game but when I consider it an important game of the decade it was a really good game and it was solid in the storytelling department is it dead end are you kidding me Katie will [ __ ] it says the fish needs a drink step then it can't get the fish a drink it's gonna get the fish drink it Oh busy this bar is oh you might not wanna bump that guy he may put you in a drink yeah yeah I don't want to bump them a deer road which says down the stair step you gotta go down the stairs you do have to go down the stairs but did not look like a good idea fish in a mop bucket but okay cringe cringy Doug says grow beard be Viking if you work it on it I'm why am I mean the process okay you know what I've reached a dead end there's no way I make it down the stairs move it I'm throwing in the towel I appreciate your efforts in this fishy game I am fish and I'm just gonna continue to snack and I am snack you are fish here let me see if I can give us at least down the stairs I wonder I want to see how the game plays now that I know that we've simplified the guys I am really curious about how better how different the controls are okay where where are the stairs I wasn't really paying attention Skyrim is interesting one I Skyrim's been one of those one the biggest game ever made and set the Skyrim has been one of those ones that I've been debating cuz it was really [Music] scary yeah Skyrim has been one of the bigger question marks actually on my on my list of life how to include this do I include this right cuz it did start the trend of open-world games yeah like not necessarily started the trend but it popularized the idea that everyone felt like they needed to mean to have an open world I mean even my breath of the wild was heavily influenced by pirate right right Karoshi Katzie says PT influenced indie horror a ton despite not being a full game right along with snap of course undertale also affected the indie scene in an extreme way Pokemon go did a lot with AR right Pokemon go is a really interesting one Pokemon go is definitely one that I've been considering yeah it's the UM that's a it is a tough one yes Skyrim is interesting I think Skyrim Caitlyn chat brings up that dragon cancer which is a really interesting example unfortunately answer it's not like as well-known as some of the other ones but but it's very hard to point to fish burger but the thing about it is that it it was like a such a big example of the use of game as a storytelling medium but not even necessarily as a a gamified medium but more of like an interactive storytelling game I think that's good yeah there I mean one of the things that it'sit's hard where you kind of like draw the line because there's a lot of games that have that are important because that are important for some element and so it becomes kind of the question of like what defines the most important game yeah um you know because you have to create like a somewhat narrower list and I agree that the stuff around like narrative storytelling is the big influence you know it's also interesting too because the sky is the sky red thing in particular is interesting cuz they're not even moving they're just sliding around wouldn't press says I think minecraft will be best as an honorable mention because it didn't truly influence until after the start of the decade but the game was first made in 2009 making it before the decade so it is interesting and you look at influential games of the decade I think minecraft is like if not the most influential one of the most influential but technically it did start before yeah that's although there have been many versions of Minecraft that's that's one of the things that like as I'm composing this list right that I'm having to kind of justify again I know we gotta go get our baby in this is this last thing I'll say about this because I have to get back to writing drop in this last dream but it is one of those awkward not starting it or ending it I love you guys I miss you bye but it is one of those questions that I've been having to like ask myself is like in this day and age where games persist longer right where they're constantly being updated or you know there's new characters involved or you know patch updates and things like that games are much more persistent worlds now than they are standalone releases certainly there are plenty of games that are still standalone releases right like Jedi fallen order the one that we were just talking about a little bit ago that's you know pretty much of the game that you're gonna get and if they're gonna update it it's gonna be a sequel right whereas minecraft has had a constant iteration of updates and new things added and it's in growing and expanding world a lot of the MOBAs function the same way a lot like Rainbow six siege or even stuff like why can't I think of it no man sky you know was one of those games that started as one thing but within the same decade evolved a lot right and so you know over watches is now a very different thing than when it started all of that idea so as I'm composing this theory and as I'm composing this list I have to kind of define the rules of what can and can't be allowed did a game like Minecraft which was released before the start of the official start of the decade does that still count because you know it was persisting into this new era of gaming you know and when was its impact most felt is one of the questions to like a game that was released you know maybe you know before the decade but whose impact is really felt in this kind of period of time does that count so anyway that's that's one of the things that I'm working on I've been working on for a while it's been fun to like look back and revisit how much has changed in ten years because it's easy to forget nowadays how long 10 years is it's a long time and a lot changes like on the internet it feels like time gets so compressed and it's so much of the now that to take a minute to kind of get out of that bubble of immediacy and step back and look at kind of that that flow of events it's really insightful it's really telling and it gives you a really good sense of perspective of like oh wow this has changed and grown a lot and a lot of the small things that like bother you on the day-to-day that feel like the end of the world or whatever really start to take perspective as you kind of get a sense of like well is the whole the whole shape of this thing and how do how did this dot connected this stunt connected this dot and you know that that flow of events that I think nowadays you kind of miss out on because we're so focused on like whatever the next trending story is and like what's the new movie what's the new game what's the what's the new controversy that we need to be worried about rather than like hey let's take a breather and you know just look at things from a wider perspective so hopefully that's that's kind of the goal that I'm more with this new theory it's fun it's different I'm sure it'll get people mad because anytime you do something like this is a list of important things whether or not you disclaim like hey it's all okay you know people get upset if they're like favorite isn't included or whatever so hopefully people aren't too mad about it but I think it's been fun to work on and it's been fun for me to revisit a lot of these kind of like nostalgic memories of like oh yeah I do remember you know farmville even though I myself wasn't really playing I'm like oh yeah that was a thing so anyway that's coming up hopefully early next week provided I finish it I gotta finish the script tonight and record it and then we're just gonna like rush it through but in case you didn't see it there's a new game theory yesterday there was a new film theory yesterday and we'll be back I'm not a hundred ceinture win tomorrow I think Steph and I are trying to get some Christmas shopping done because Christmas is less than a week away and we have literally nothing uh-huh Oh as long as I get these scripts done today I can hopefully have a little bit of time tomorrow to get Stephanie some stuff that she really needs but we've just been so busy but the st. Jude live stream and writing scripts and there's just been so much going on that we haven't had a chance to actually get each other anything so I'm hoping that we can steal away some time tomorrow and actually get ourselves some presents for each other so we have something to open next week because Stephanie deserves a lot of stuff but also a lot of her presents I can't get her because there are a lot of like clothes and stuff and it's like I can't get to that I'm like hey let's see if I can get you a day so anyway that's that's the situation so we won't be back tomorrow might be back on Friday um at the very latest we'll be back on Monday so keep an eye out make sure you subscribe and hit that ring that Bell I promise I won't be a salty or angry next time just tired and this was nothing especially after yesterday's ah the last few days have been brutal on the live stream oh it's been so brutal so anyway thank you guys so much for watching I will see you either Friday or Monday and remember it's just a stream Oh I'm stream let's say goodbye in the chat and by let's I mean I'm gonna say goodbye in the chat see you guys still send it in your shoot see you guys still sitting in here Mike mints 84 is his family first rugged Pat working on it bacon ducks I just got here hey bacon ducks Nico Linfield says bye Chris Salina or a fee on a it says bye [Music]
Channel: GTLive
Views: 206,405
Rating: 4.9540858 out of 5
Keywords: i am fish, i am bread, i am fish game, i am fish gameplay, i am fish ending, funny game, funny, funny moments, fish game, game theorists, the game theorists, game theory, gtlive, matpat
Id: wQu84pRKKfQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 51sec (5691 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 18 2019
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