Beat All The Memes! | Beat Saber (Beats Saber Mods)

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stream status went from bad to good in that time great and human internet [Music] [Applause] hey guys and welcome to yet another week of gt live gt live gt live uh so this is take two of our little intro because chris didn't hit the right button so i already went through all this he's like he's like man we're starting again i didn't hit the button but hey on the plus side in the in the down time between start number one and start number two our stream quality went from bad to slightly better than bad whoo uh just so you guys know and and again like obviously we've been talking to you guys about all the tech issues that we've been struggling with uh last week uh on friday and then over the weekend and stuff jason and chris literally took apart the tricaster piece by piece to see if we could figure out kind of what was causing some of the tech issues we did not find that which which honestly i i gotta say i don't know what they were really expecting when they took it apart because it's like yep these are computer parts they look like computer parts everything's good here guys a plus like what were you guys looking for well the people at new tech told us we should take it apart and look if to see if there were any cables unplugged or anything like that everything was fine but we still re-plugged everything and you know great so we did what you do with your internet router like once every other week which is unplug it and replug it in they tested it out earlier today the live stream apparently worked so they right you did a test stream earlier today we did it worked the tri the tricaster didn't catch fire i know it's still not on fire great well give it time because we know how how these live streams work at this point once we have four o'clock p.m pacific time and gt live time everything goes to crap so speaking of going to crap welcome to today's live stream where i get to flail around and beat saber again uh i had such a good time with it last week i wanted to hop back in today to get my you know to get my upper arm workout over the weekend uh we took oliver to go swimming uh because he's starting to like just be exposed to pools it's awesome it's really fun um but then afterward like steph and i will take turns going to the gym and so like when i go to the ymca i do probably the manliest of activities there which is the stride elliptical machine it's not an elliptical machine it's like you're you're like a striding across the plains of africa it's very exciting uh very very about like there's a room next door where people are literally lifting the ginormous weights and here i am being like let me get my swole on my striding so my legs are feeling well worked out but my upper body needs a little bit of help which is why we're playing beat saber today uh i went back and watched the live stream of this from last week uh and true to form we got claimed by like 20 different companies like i said these live streams when we play like let's do just dance or whatever get claimed by literally everyone so make zero dollars uh quite like the other ones will make like a little bit of money these are just flat out zero but i went back and watched them because it was really fun and uh holy cow i thought i looked really cool while i was in the vr headset and like look at me slicing stuff and it's satisfying to watch but i didn't realize just how derpy i looked while i was doing it like i like in the game you're like look at me slicing these things like i'm a hardcore you know cool ninja guy and in reality i just look like i look like this the whole time i look like a rubber band man just flailing my arms like a like a like a a troubled bird trying to fly for the like a baby bird learning how to use its wings for the first time so anyway uh so get ready because this troubled bird this little troubled baby bird learning to fly is gonna try to learn to fly yet again in today's live stream where you can engage in both the chat and on twitter uh let us know what songs you want us to play in beatsaber you can do it hashtag gtlive where uh we have our two eggplants which yeah is that going to be our sabers for the day eggplants i mean they don't have to be but they can be we can always dream can't we the problem the re i would be afraid of the eggplants just because they're not color coordinated they they change the black colors if you use the eggplants your left hand becomes orange blocks and your right hand becomes purple oh wow okay so so eggplants send us your eggplants not in any weird sketchy way or engage in the chat let us know what songs you want us to play what songs you want to see me fail at hopefully before the end of the day stream i'll get chris back in here to rematch maybe redeem himself a little bit from how how he did last week when he played this game i'm already seeing people in the chat shout for megalovania there you go play believer one person said but other meg levaney is following that up great so that's that one and then uh jason is is in the office this week whereas last week he wasn't available i think for the beat saber livestream so maybe i can pull him in put on the sweaty visor as the sweaty visor of victory and see how he flails like a little baby bird uh so without any further ado oh don't worry stephanie's coming back she's very eager to play this game but she's you know still hanging out on vacation a little bit so she'll be back soon um you saw her on friday it shows you that she's not dead comments were not getting divorced don't worry there was there was a comment on one of the past lives where's stephanie they must be there it was incredible i'm sorry i can't call you out because i don't remember what it was or who wrote it but there was this huge comment thread where like they concocted a whole storyline about this where it's like the channels must be failing and losing money and matt is determined to make them successful and stephanie's like no you're blind to how much money we're losing she must be divorcing it was intense it was intense don't worry uh we are we're fine everything's good sounds like an amazing soap opera right tell a novella here on youtube um okay let's hop into this no more no more time of wasting this baby bird's gotta fly okay uh-huh yeah are you happy with the camera position this is where the camera's going to hover the whole time i'm getting there i have a couple of different things to be doing here there you go that the nice eggplant shot there we go all right so i think chris downloaded a bunch more mimi songs as well as some legit ones as well that he did great do you have anything you recommend starting with i mean you know my personal favorite is real life cannibal shia labeouf but you know you're you're you're a real big fan i'm an upsettingly large fan i probably watched that video once a month really yeah it tickles me that's amazing we've turned off uh fail just because i i do want to get off uh i want to get through all the songs at least um as i'm flipping through this i see that one of the ones that we added is all-star shrek edition yeah so it's all-star by shrek there's probably some fun remixes stuff in there too great you know what i think all good meme-ish live streams should start off with a reference to shrek so let's do that shall we princess 1.67 okay so we can do this it's also fairly short uh so let's you know shrek is love shrek is life shrek is now beat saber so let's let's play that shall we oh and i got my these things are enormous [Music] okay she was locked away that should not i love the fact that we still haven't hit any sort of song yet oh this is me simulating clapping above my head apparently that was terrible nope that was a mistake holy cow [Music] right this is very much a troll nope how do they determine the difficulty is it a self-rating algorithm i think the maker might determine haven't these people ever been on the internet ever [Music] maybe too much [Music] [Music] oh this song is great this is the first song i ever learned all the lyrics to really yeah i made a commitment with my best friend sam in the third grade to learn all the words oh my god first song i ever saw in concert oh i saw it i saw it at the taste of chicago which is oh my god no stop leave me alone holy jeez that was rough man yeah that was intense a marie by the who else has been playing this game here a marie by the sea uh a few of us around the office yeah you're just playing beat saber and you're pretty cool great well did i beat your high scores oh apparently okay dude i think i failed that one unfortunately you know i gotta say i kinda wanna take this off because at least now i can know whether i fail it um no but uh back when i was studying so i when i was in high school i did summer school programs oh dee that was rough man uh so back when i was in high school i did summer school programs at northwestern university and that's like just outside of the chicago area and so we would go into chicago every once in a while or like on weekends to do stuff and they had like their how every big city does their like taste of cleveland taste of l.a where they show off like local restaurants and like local chefs and whatever and so we went in and it was taste of chicago and it was cool because we got like you know okay tasting way overpriced small plates because that's what those festivals always do but um but it was really cool because as a part of your ticket they have like the bands coming up and playing and uh they had they might be giants he's saying uh wow they might be giants uh who did uh istanbul not constantinople oh that's a that's a jam right yeah that's it's a bop i would say that that's a bop uh i don't i don't think we have that one downloaded onto the beats saber playlist we do not uh istanbul the constantinople now and then they had um they had all-star uh they well they they might be giants gave way to uh smash mouth and then they did all-star which was fun it was very exciting and so that was that was without uh without exaggeration my first ever quote-unquote concert experience it wasn't really a concert but uh it was my first ever like seeing a popular bands perform like their big hits live which was cool i like that uh we have pewdiepie this is this is mature content this is mature content but then again we're also not getting monetized for this one anyway and plus it's you know this is we we branded this one as a mimish song this is mimish how would i do on this song you want should i do this one i think so it's a 3.9 star we'll just we'll try yeah we'll try this one's for you felix here you go buddy i don't like your t-series nothing personal kid but i almost go all out this is great just this once [Music] are you kidding me i failed already no no no no no no no i'm not letting that happen hold up unacceptable like you t series how did i fail that already nothing would i even get into the mature part but i must go all out shoot justice maybe you should turn fail off for this one no all right i'm gonna do this okay i didn't nothing personal kid okay hold up but i must go on i also love that he calls t-series kit it's great justice once okay wow i'm i'm missing like maybe like three or four okay here i'm gonna turn off i'm gonna turn that fine we're doing it one more time fine i'll swallow my crush and we'll get through this we'll just plow through it nothing personal kid sorry felix i'm letting you guys go all out he's schooling me just this once has he played his own song in this uh yes wow lasagna [Music] get out of the menu system this is even worse than before who the hell is bob go back to beat saber i may not have i may not have bought billboards for him but i'll play your song and beat saber even though it is literally this is so impossible [Music] this is like in ddr land this is the equivalent of the like max difficulty songs this is this is wild [Music] it's also again there needs to be some level of standardization for the rating process because this is supposed to be easy wow man that was uh that was a solid performance on my part thank you thank you everyone i really proud of how i did in that one we all are wow that was shockingly hard all right still boom e rank e for excellent e4 everyone subscribed to pewdiepie right e4 except exemplary work matthew thank you holy cow here let's feature in the platinum band oh crazy frog that's not obnoxious at all oh i bet this is intense it's only 1.3 this star don't believe this number you see on screen it is a complete fabrication here crazy frog the original meme [Music] there we go [Music] there he is oh yeah here we can see there we go [Music] this is the sort of warm-up i was looking for [Music] [Music] oh see there we go see you need to go back to the old memes to succeed in beat saber us old men on youtube actually crazy frog i think that's even before my time really yeah i thought it was just like a a dance jam shake it [Music] was it just the jamshim i i really don't know i always just thought that but i could be sadly mistaken [Music] you know even though even though my life at this point is like youtube back when i was in college we would have like share share viral video nights oh those are fun but i was i was always the late comer to the stuff like i never had good ones [Music] everyone else i don't know where they were finding them maybe they just had like family members who were really good at like sending them emails with all the viral videos and then it would always those nights would always wind up being like watching the same videos over and over again because like they would watch we would watch new ones but they would never be as good as like the first batch that we had found right i feel like that's just a truism of like the internet right the first time like you'll always remember your first viral videos your first memes whatever like the originals were better it's very hipster that way especially if it's like an inside group meme right yeah what did you and your friends have is there like their meme of choice uh we our favorite one was there's no need to be upset we would do a bunch of those because chrome chromecast was brand new right when i like moved in with a bunch of people and chromecast so we would sit around and spam each other because you can all connect to youtube at the same time so we would just spam each other with different mimi and you could grow and you could cast up your your favorite videos yeah uh-huh it was like honestly a really way more fun than like gathering around the laptop to do it though i did plenty of that and see us old folks had to gather around the laptop we had to do it the old school way and everyone just like looked and then we would take turns one at a time our my my one of my all-time favorites was and to this day and i referenced it especially early on in like game theory was uh the leprechaun in mobile alabama which i don't know if you have you seen that one chris i have not that just sounds you haven't seen it there's leprechaun up in the tree oh oh the news yeah that was that was one of my favorite viral videos so was um natalie and brulia's torn but done by a guy who was just pantomiming all the words that sounds amazing it was great here let's here none of these have oh expert is at three so we're gonna keep it at hard and just try this uh i listen to this song uh sometimes when i'm writing scripts and i just like if i'm writing a script i'll just play the same song over and over again for like hours just to like get me in the script writing zone so this is this for a long time was that song [Music] oh come on i was there nope that was [Music] wow this is a busy song to be listening to while you're writing it's impressive yeah it is now do you listen to more well no i'm thinking about it and i guess i generally i don't generally listen to stuff when i work on anything but busy stuff is better because you know they say doing anything that is like fast-paced like moving around right like helps get your brain flowing and you end up writing like better more cohesive things if you kind of think through it in motion so i wonder if thinking through it to a song that kind of has a lot of momentum has the same effect [Music] but you're very well right this is delightful i would comment about that but this one is shockingly hard the meme songs man it's almost like they're built to troll you i can't imagine why i know way out of left field this one isn't a mimi song though i mean this is just a normal song but like the more internet friendly songs are like just the harder ones right oh yeah they just like throw a wall of blocks at here all right i didn't have fail on it wasn't it wasn't the prettiest but we got throw it we got a c that'll pass yeah you pass that's a pass oh man i see that you downloaded despacito buddy uh i did i did do that uh did you know on the re-upload that when i was talking about my lukewarm feelings towards despacito the stream started to lag at that moment really yeah it was almost as though the despacito gods came down and they were and they s they smote they smote our livestream chris yeah they did not like that no they're like how dare you question us where the number one video on youtube well maybe if you make up for it today no because then here's the thing then they claim it and then they win chris then despacito wins even more than they've already won on youtube maybe if it was despacito 2 that would fit into this more meme-ish live stream but no friends i will not give desposito any more money than they've already earned and are claiming across youtube they're even wrongfully claiming pewdiepie's videos there you go i can't i can't abide by that the dude will not abide the dude will not abide normal matpat however uh the ducktales intro sounds delightful people are suggesting that you change up the sabers if you were so inclined yeah yeah people are do people not love the uh the eggplants right now no i'm i just think people want to see different options we're still getting plenty of uh megalovania a few bohemian rhapsodies bohemian rhapsody would be a good one that would be fun those are so cool i'm gonna go kitchen knife i think oh i think kitchen knife is fun kitchen knife basic no need to get fancy with the kitchen knives just give them you know keep um family-friendly basic kitchen knife there you go despacito here ducktales woo oh i'm so excited right who doesn't love the ducktales theme song i mean granted this is the new version of ducktales theme song not the original that's okay though they adhered to the spirit of the original [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah chris did you grow up watching ducktales i wasn't a huge ducktales fan but i liked it when it came to ducks i was more about darkwing oh darkwing duck was great yeah i loved that that was my zone solving mysteries running around the wb lot it was great oh come on oh they split the difference oh my god oh no what are you doing to me ducktales couldn't handle the ducktales i was betrayed by ducktales i feel like my childhood is is slightly more ruined as a result of that that hurt i can't have that happen i need to restart it that was unacceptable it certainly was [Music] oh they kept the sound effects they're very casual about the whole they could rewrite history component of this like that's a big deal [Music] okay here's where the split happens yikes nice okay i knew it was coming i'll take it b huh only missed 10 not bad not bad these are hard man yeah i like it i thought last time when we played this last week it was hard but geez we've cranked up the difficulty i need to stick with like the brand approved ones from like the big publishers these these are just killing us right now holy cow all right [Music] we've got to play the best sonic song ever right escape from the city i think so after this one i might need a break and we can talk in the chat because i'm feeling it man holy cow here we go okay great great thanks thanks everyone good live stream we'll see you all later this is it's been a delightful delightful experience thanks thanks everybody uh okay here's what we're gonna do i'm gonna do it slightly slower song will play slower let's start there i think that's the way to go so i can have a little bit more time here to react [Music] it does lose a little bit when you turn it down a little bit uh i forgot how much i love this song it's such a great song it's also a great workout song that makes sense i might be listening that listening to it later if i do actually go work out which probably not gonna happen oh hey all you is guess what if i throw you into this live stream you'll get your workout right here you're right you're right it does lose a little bit of something when it's a bit slower like this song is all about traveling fast like sanic and i'm not traveling fast like sanic right now yeah you're traveling normal like normal right i'm just kind of like meandering down the city yeah i'm not escaping anything [Music] i'm not escaping i'm more just kind of like casually casually taking in the city which is not the goal here [Music] great did you play much sonic chris i didn't i did play um there was one big sonic gamecube game that's like the main one of my life but i was never super into sonic wow i know i know i know i liked some of the tv shows though yeah the the sonic cartoons i was i was way more of a tv kid than i was a video game kid no i know yeah but you watched the sonic cartoon a few of them i mean nothing beats the jackie chan cartoon every saturday morning adventures yeah oh jackie chad adventures was amazing that's like the the story i based my childhood life on yeah did you want all the talismans yeah i really really did i really wanted to be the grandpa like oh oh grandpa was the best i thought he was the coolest man ever to be animated [Music] wow he changed the ending yeah yeah yeah yeah look we did we made it through we casually sauntered our way out of the city success see man it's okay you followed your rainbow i did danger was lurking around every turn but i did follow my feelings i did live and learn alice tran says i love jackie chan adventures as you should what was the i i'm trying to remember what all the powers of the talismans were in jackie chan adventures i don't know there were a bunch well because they were all what chinese zodiac signs oh is that the connection oh chris dude i just i was i was a little tyke i just i just accepted that they were magical that's great no they were all i believe they were all chinese zodiac signs and you know the different powers the only one i remember i think was didn't the monkey talisman give him the power of invisibility oh yeah i think it did and then like the talisman spirits broke out of the talismans to like reclaim them at one point that was a great show pretty exciting it really was and jackie chan didn't voice jackie chan right there's something funny about that wait he didn't i maybe i'm thinking of something else but i thought that he was at the end of every episode though teaching me life lessons and karate moves i don't know maybe the chat will correct me when when this catches up right i was gonna say come on jackie chan he was they got him for those final end of episode like hey kids here's a psa about being kind to bullies or whatever and then he was like look at me be awesome and we were like right and then he would do like a backflip off screen and you'd be like well that's that's the only thing i'm taking away from this moment oh man oh people are saying friend like me cesar oros is speaks for the chat when he says megalovania megalovania do we have megalovania i believe we do there are like a ton of different versions of it of course there is there's no way there's no way it's 2.73 there's no way this is gonna end up being harder than actual sands in the game but i'll here i'll here i'll try it yay i'm not gonna do no we're gonna see how long i last i'm gonna die immediately and then maybe we'll put it slower or something there's no way okay oh man [Music] ah oh i had it i was i had it for a while yeah you looks like you were on a roll oh i had it for a little bit i had it for a little bit i was in the zone oh here i'm taking off my jacket forgive forgive any pit stains that exist just fair warning i should have learned my lesson the last time but and just taken the jacket off from the beginning oh okay let's try this again it's time to get serious megalovania is calling right once they start throwing in those like little side to side hoppers and stuff all right here we go this is for you [Music] chat [Music] shoot it's it's those two like diagonal ups that are the same color that's throwing me off here okay we're gonna do slightly slower because i think i can do it without failing if it's just slightly slower i love that quiet beginning what i said i love the quiet beginning while the blo they don't start until the blocks hit you right it's the dramatic build up [Music] nope ah [Music] see that's the thing that's killing me right now is the uh it's the transition from side to side because they're both like blue blue and then i think you come in with red on the other side that's tough here i'm gonna do it more time but i know so i watched speed runs at agdq all the time like they just did that for charities it's one of my favorite things but i would [Music] see it's it's that bomb i'm trying to get those up and top but i would love to see i know it's not a game that you can really speed run beat saber or like dance dance revolution or anything like that but man i would love to see games like this in those sorts of settings oh yeah where it's like you know you in front of a live crowd you know for charity like amongst all these like incredible speedruns and just like the top people in their field of their respective games and seeing someone like i don't know play through some of the hardest songs in beat saber that would be incredible that would be so much fun right would that be a blast and you can do like audience you know competition and stuff with you know a beat saber s game right it'd be fun [Music] the classic from connect star wars man the legend lives on with i'm han solo in beat saber we'll do this this is i'm sorry i wasn't able to complete makeup i feel bad about that that was just really hard i might have to practice similar like a sans boss fight yeah i might have to practice the han solo star wars movie failed at the box office and you know why because it didn't feature this song you know what if they had featured i'm han solo or at least put that in the trailer either the trailer or the end credits no yeah i didn't see it i still haven't seen it would you have seen it if it had this song in it probably expectations would have been very high right expectation through the roof [Music] disney just needs to give the people what they need what they what they want dreams [Music] right [Music] [Music] amazing that was terrible i wasn't thinking about that one that was stupid you should not have missed any of these notes in this song [Music] sorry i'm getting distracted thinking about han solo yeah you're having too much fun i was i got it i got to focus it's about performance not about fun [Music] this is beat saber this isn't first fun beat savers love beat saber is life [Music] you know when i think about han solo as a character in star wars movies like this is the sort of music i've seen being accompanied by you know like a nice smooth groove that's true he is the smooth guy of anything he's in until he gets old and then he's just harrison ford [Music] yeah he's not he's not nearly as as spry as he used to be is he it's okay i forgive you right his hips i don't know would be able to handle such smooth smooth flow [Music] there we go wow [Music] wow this goes on forever yeah they committed to the bit you know connect star wars they're like you know what we're dedicating a song to han solo we're giving it all the time it needs to be amazing can you really put a length on artistry like this no nor a value oh man i got a request for queen from the three geeks and from freddie mcdoodle oh freddie mcnoodle excuse me well now that we've lost everyone who is watching this because we did five minutes of i'm han solo from connect star wars that was for jontron joe felipe miguel says i'm han solo you and me both buddy you and me both you know what i think deep down we're all han solo there it is right han solo is kind of like the force it's a state of being it's a mindset are you han solo today yes yes you are han solo today i too am han solo are you han solo chris i am may the han solo be with you and as as with you chris may the solo be with you as well may the solo be with us all ladies and gentlemen i know i know people are excited but for queen you said queen a lot of people are saying rockefeller street well well i think about doing queen let's do the me channel theme [Laughter] because i because i'm in the han solo mood and you know what han solo would do he would he would rock out his beat sabers to the me channel theme because why not oh this is weirdly soothing wow oh no [Music] it might be soothing for you buddy i can't oh my wow wow that is shockingly hard you were you were just too soothed to to handle it it's true i i do i feel this disconnect between the frenzy with which my sabers need to be flying and the inner peace that the wii channel music gives me the me channel music gives me let's try it again [Music] and try to suck less [Music] [Music] wow [Music] ah shoot oh i had to think about it did he fail did he not fail he failed oh come on i can't let the me channel theme fixed beat me it's been fixed you can't let whoever fixed it that's why it is this is it i need to fix myself now they went out of their way to fix the me channel theme now it's time i fixed myself yeah this is i mean really this is really just a a story of self-discovery here it really is in the same way making a me is a journey of self-discovery nintendo will you give me money in now same way the making of me is the truth or either a journey of self-discovery or a journey of figuring out ways to parody famous pop culture figures that's also very true in characters that look like playmobil figures yeah i made a lord farquaad the other day very fun how'd he turn out oh very far quality it was pretty great i will say it was for ultimate smash bros so you know i had to give him a sword and a little bit there were a few things off but i liked him are you practicing up for smash oh yeah i feel like every day i am like i'm not gonna play today and then i get home and one of my roommates is like smash and i'm like yes [Music] who do you play as um my favorites are samus and when i'm feeling like i'm not doing so hot i'll break out the king dedede and just butt slam everyone oh i pat that's not even satisfying to pass there's no big climax yeah that's fine yeah a dede fan huh ddd i mean the first time i saw his character in whichever brawl or whatever iteration he was first introduced in i i didn't know about him as a video game character and i just cracked up i think i laughed for like a full 10 minutes so he has a special place in my heart oh that's adorable bohemian rhapsody oh yes strep in lazy it's not a nine minute meme compilation but it is a six minute epic rock ballad let's do it [Applause] [Applause] [Music] this is one of those songs that's gonna like not be too bad for like the first three minutes and then all of a sudden at the end it's gonna just be miserable this is one of those ones like that meme song that i was worried about last week it's just gonna explode right in the last 60 seconds right and you get all this way into this like super long song you're like i'm gonna do it and then all of a sudden it just like screws you over in the final minutes no [Music] at least it's such a hoot of a song right if there's a song that i'm gonna play a bunch of times i'm okay with this this is a good one although it would be super anticlimactic because that's like like you're just getting up to it and you're like yeah here we go and they're like oh fail [Music] up i like that it follows the drum beats here like i feel like i'm playing the drums yeah that's nice there's also a drum beat to clearly follow which is good but then [Applause] [Music] so as much as it feels like playing the original or like the real song but then you get into like now i'm gonna huddle in my little cave to avoid the dangerous concrete walls [Music] just like in the song just like in the real song right that moment where freddie mercury powers in the corner of the screen per every freddy mercury music video right i mean it's really a staple of queen's music let's be honest oh just a person 47 or just a person 47 1 tweets can we get your reality which is that doki doki song just throwing it out there there it is cute here we go [Music] [Applause] [Music] holy cow all right all right oh my gosh no no no no i'm like a little child no no no no oh my gosh there we go put your hands up in the [Music] [Applause] [Music] me air my eyes nope in the middle oh come on oh my god oh [Music] no nope [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i think i got it oh that end section i was nervous the chat was going wild you've been receiving much love thank you guys [Music] william cozart says my dad he is a legend oh they're not letting you off easy at the end here you're playing those pianos [Music] and finish with my giant knives in front of me oh that was great that was a good song i mean obviously it's one of the best songs ever but like that was a good that was a good beat saber song whoo i missed 20. i'll take that b rank that's good oh i'm happy with that performance yeah everyone is angry chicken says good job matpat thanks guys see this is why i gotta stick with the normal socks huh and on that no let's do happy little clouds bye bob ross oh yes great nothing like an auto-tuned bob ross to this day us doing the bob ross tutorial on the live stream which is on this channel you can find it is the one of the most stressful live streams we've ever done i don't know why i was so exhausted by the end of it i was so like stressed out by the end of it which is the antithesis of what you're supposed to be when you're doing bob ross painting painting stresses me out a little bit i gotta say let's see how stressed out i get beat sabering to bob ross yeah i don't know maybe it was just bob ross saying relax you don't tell me what to do thank you for allowing me back into your homes if this is your first time with us let me extend a personal invitation for you to drag out your oil paints and paint along with this each week oh man i gotta get my canvas [Music] [Music] is this is very decidedly not a very bob rocky song [Music] we should rebrand this video i filed i i followed a bob ross beat saber level so if i follow the bob ross painting tutorial [Music] honestly your painting was pretty great oh you're just sucking up me now was it the best i'll not buy a long oh my gosh what's jason doing here can i get out of here why why is jason behind me i was just zedding out with bob ross and then here i hear this guy behind me we were just reminding the audience of the quality of your work jason wants to turn at this doesn't he are you seeing these skills buddy is he gone now do you leave me i'm being a cool bob ross ninja man no a bob ross ninja bob ross the ninja those are words i never thought i'd hear next to each other so they look like paintbrushes oh that would be amazing i'm sure someone can [Music] dear modding community and force people to use the paint brushes for this song and only this song [Music] i didn't realize bob ross had so much to say in the song [Music] this is beautiful right just like realizing we're han today's been a very zen live stream it really has this is nice between bob ross teaching us that we can all paint all of us getting in touch with our inner han solo right i'm han solo you're han solo roll han solo and also chefs also neon ninja chefs yeah bee bob ross comes for you buddy jason are you still here i i am still here great do you want to do one of oh these like han solo han solo is here but we can't see him are you han solo today no no wow no why am i not surprised jason maybe one of these days you'll embrace your inner han solo i'm not a fan of han solo what man well uh jason here if you're gonna do one of these this is the one you're gonna do are you gonna teach me how to play what's there to hear okay fine i'll do it here here i'll do one i'm not going to teach you how to do oh my gosh here we're going to do the mortal kombat scene here let me come on camera so people are i'm not it's uh right here actually actually we're going to do sam's oh god sandstorm by darude 3.14 great that could be a pie reference this is going to be a possibility it's like just like ddr this is expert plus how about spooky scary skeleton here i'm going to do what song is that that's sandstorm by deru no it's gonna be too hard let's do spooky scary skeleton so i'm gonna teach you how to do this okay all right okay here so okay oh that just starts off it did that one uh what caught me a little off guard i gotta say so uh you're not you're not wanting to do that okay your right hand is your blue hand your left hand is your red hand okay and you want to slice the boxes in the direction that the arrows are pointing okay uh real quick is this problematic if i'm colorblind are you colorblind no i'm not i'm just curious in case our viewers are color blind you know you don't want to promote this for them can you change the saber colors you can change the sabers and you can change them into eggplants but that won't help with color blindness it won't help your wow man he makes a good point i'm just trying to help the people at home you know you're a good man you're you're a good man thanks for that here you're welcome i don't know about that look at that i feel like we'll get taken down if we play that guess what we're getting taken down for everything jason this is this whole stream is taken down probably as we speak here we're gonna do we are number one [Applause] okay so this is how you should do it i don't know how hard this is gonna be we'll find out [Music] nope nope this is terrible listen closely wasn't really on a beat this is not anywhere close to being unbeaten here i'm just gonna kill myself like there was no sense of beat whatsoever there i don't i don't think i was missing that one like here what's this one american yes this is a chris is super excited this is the song and austin duncan who said doki doki or spikey eared gumi who said dude dlc here we're doing ddlc [Music] oh i love this game this is so cute [Music] you get it jason yeah i think i think i get it i'm a little confused by a couple things what's that so some of them when they're like triples right in order yeah you can't really see the blocks behind yeah it's it's hard do you know exactly what it's going to be like is it always if you're going down the second one's gonna be up not always oh okay yeah unfortunately okay yeah we can always slow down the song and okay so we're just avoid those avoiding the block yeah with your with your sabers okay but i do it with my head too [Music] yeah sometimes when they're tight like that it's hard to tell okay and what about um circles anything goes oh just like good yeah [Music] for such a relaxing song this is rough [Music] [Music] maybe maybe you should maybe you should talk to the beat saber guys huh okay see and i failed too bad mostly because jason is making me talk while you do this no i talk plenty while i do this you're just making me sad i have that effect a lot of times you just like suck the energy i'm like wow here we go ninjing look at this we're all han solo i'm han solo chris is on so you in the audience and then jason i'm not you're pretty sweaty yeah good luck okay here i'll go first so that way i can see it done oh and so that way i don't have to put the headset on so they got to listen to the song twice though yeah i'm sorry guys never going to give you do you would you rather like my hero academia no that's fine whatever's fine is there different settings though like you're on expert mode right now can i like make it no certainly not that would be silly why would you do that here what here i'll find here super mario theme you can do that all right how's that right you feel good about that one not really but i'll try it great here we go super mario theme okay this is it it's really loud [Applause] yeah you got this and i'm assuming jason you've never done anything like ddr oh no i used to do ddr yeah yeah i wasn't very good at it but i did it you should be great at this then that's with my feet when i dance i dance through with my feet with my upper body yeah you do you do the white man's sway yeah yeah you do the like side by side it's more like just like ballroom dancing in general you use your feet more than your upper body i didn't know you were such a ballroom dancer well no but i that's the only thing i've actually taken [Music] i'll try and mimic that when i play does this look like you when you dance [Music] it was hard i was expecting it to really speed up at the end like you were running out of time in the level man well captain feel good about the game take it up with take it off with the music composer then take it up with red knight over here okay all right man i thought that i thought the remix was great i thought you did a great job translating into beat saber well done a plus to you i'm sorry that you can't please ever if the internet has shown us anything you can't please everyone in this case very little actually pleases jason very little um ballroom dancing yeah yeah um do we have a towel god you're so demanding oh my god the lenses are wet yeah that happens it's like he sweats out of his eyeballs it's a it's a very it's a very tight seal of the mask buddy were you crying i was crying because when you failed did you cry i did that's okay a little bit yeah say whatever makes you feel better about sticking your head into this that's what i say are you would you rather smash my tears against your face or my sweat your salty salty tears yeah my salty salty tears are my salty salty sweat you're called tears it makes me feel better wow weird right what jason it's a weird dude oh look do we just have another one of these it's made to pop off chris he broke the headset he broke the head so you can quickly change them out have you never been to a convention before jeez i thought they just said no i knew that they popped him out or the arcades the arcades do the same thing right arcades have these now uh like there's vr arcades yeah i did not know that you didn't know about the pr there's no i mean i knew they had vr head like arcades but i didn't think they were just like oculus's or like vibes i just thought they used like other technology also my purple hair has stained my forehead now which is pretty cool look at that look at that good new look you got this i like that look i like that chris is supposed to be getting it for you and then he didn't oh he was supposed to set this up for me no that that uh it sounded like you wanted him to get you a new a fresh one yeah i don't think we have more than this oh wow oh my gosh i'm gonna turn purple we should really invest in one of those you have purple all over your forehead i know i do is this gonna happen to me i don't know why it keeps running off of my head my hair is beautiful i don't want purple you know what i think purple would spice up your life a little bit it'll be nice yeah i recommend putting it on before the sweat gets cold because then it becomes cold sweat on your face which is very nice and weird oh i'm sorry to hear that that's fine it keeps me like a little down yeah yeah yeah all right wait wait i gotta put the practice your safe touching practice safe wiimoting uh practice safe touching it's oculus touch okay that just sounds good so you can get the wii sabers so yeah i put something on the ground here what is something on the ground okay that's the board hashtag gt right um you have tiny feet you think these are your size feet does it know what do you do oh the little those are no those aren't your size are you sure dear internet i'm so sorry that i i like that jason decided to hijack this stream this is my one moment of fun today wow on a very stressful day i'm sorry to hear that yeah i understand a lot of emails not not fun you should step back once wait why i'm on the feet you're on the feet but don't worry about the feet step back because your your head is off the camera what about now here how about now yeah just just chair squat the entire time that'd be great all right how do i go up no do you want me to do mario no do whatever you want buddy all right do you do you can i change this no oh certain songs only have one setting because they're fan made songs or like independently made songs so you're kind of stuck i you spin me right around it's great again i apologize to everyone watching this stream apologies headphone users apologies youtube users for what you're going to see look you got it see you got the concept this is great there it is look at you combo 10. you're already beating chris that would be a red one yeah blue there you go see there yeah yeah yeah yeah there it is [Music] fun fact nice there you go buddy yeah what yep oh we're supposed to go loser there was a full wall there uh i recommend putting your handsets like kind of out of frame at the those moments like just throw them as far to the left or to the right dodge the wall yeah to dodge the wall yeah hey can you tighten this i can i'm like worried i'm gonna just throw up i too was worried about that yeah this one too yeah does this does this make you feel like you're a ninja i like this room a lot yeah it's just peaceful i think that's a diving board up there i think it's a fluorescent light tron style but you know you live the dream buddy you've tried it again you wanna try again yeah you're doing good plus like i was saying yeah thank you plus like i was saying when i was in college for my advancement what did you drop your hands up there no i was in a menu i know the menu pops up every once in a while when you hit the wrong button so i was in advanced latin dance and my final i had to choreograph some form of latin dance and so i i did a passa doble to this song fun fact what is a pasado play it's the it's the dance of the bull fighter so i did yeah i did where where your female partner serves the role of the cape so like how a bull fighter has their cape so the man is the bull fighter and the woman is the cape say what you will about objectification whatever like that's just a classic latin dance but like her movements are supposed to be like willowy and kind of billowy and and cape-like whereas the guy is supposed to be like i'm the strong bull fighter standing here and like waving the cape around and this and that this level is hard and so so it was pretty uh but uh this is a very non-conventional song to do for pasado play but uh we did and we we aced we aced the final wow hit okay yep and then we had to travel around to local nursing homes and perform in their cafeterias oh yikes which was it was weird they start firing up you spin me right around in a nursing home cafeteria and you're like okay here's me whipping my like female partner around it it was fun though too cause like my like a lot of people took that class for the easy a but i took it because i'm like i'm a theater guy and i wanted to learn a lot of different dances as a theater guy uh and my partner was also like really deep into the dance department and so the two of us were doing like all sorts of crazy like pirouettes and jump splits and stuff too it was a good day i was proud of it i was i was proud of my pasado belly till you spin me right round that sounds like a really fun time what level of difficulty was chris it's kind of an invalid question because chris didn't make it more than like 10 notes in it's true [Music] yeah maybe you should bounce less it's not working for you oh hey did i make it farther than 10 notes i think i did i mean 10 notes might have been an underestimate hyperbolic man chris okay okay here here all right we're gonna give jason easy mode i feel like easy is what i mean right now here okay it depends on the song buddy if you fail this one again we'll we'll find something for you follow the arrows there you go up down there there see use those ddr skills at least you look great doing this pretend like your arms are your legs in ddr okay here hit okay here's what i'm gonna say since there seems to be some sort of animosity or some sort of rivalry here between jason and chris yeah yeah yeah jason and chris figure out what song you guys want to duke it out over and we'll see which person is the the beat saber supreme yeah go easy mode on that one though you both know friend like me don't do that one that one's really hard not easy it's hard no go to friend like me you can do foreign i feel like chris should go first [Music] why because it's just fair okay usually usually it's age before beauty jason yeah he's young i'm beautiful you know what how that goes okay you know what i okay chris do you accept jason's challenge i accept this challenge great all right i'm coming over there yeah all right i'll do you a favor i'll close my eyes the entire no no you can watch it's fine you can't memorize it okay up down left right you know baby start yeah konami code the beat save it would be the shortest beat saber level ever all i'm saying is my friend used to memorize the ddr pad well you have to sometimes right for the heart for the upper levels i could memorize this again you said your friends memorized the ddr patterns you are neither your friends nor is this ddr nope so correct so really it's a random pattern it's got to be the same every time i mean it is but i'm just saying that like i understand the statement all right chris you coming in i'm coming there's a few sound level things chris is chris is stretching right now yeah i'm back here stretching chris is there's no high score chris is stretching his hammies i haven't played friend like me i'm sorry i haven't like i'm trying to get through as many songs as possible jason i apologize for not getting to a friend like me [Music] all right here we go enough of this here chris chris is in front of you all right again i am you know what they say about guys with dainty wrists dainty wrists i i they don't say anything about them actually i wish they did they should yeah battery energy all right what like you just battery god it must have been a really bad day for you hasn't it you are all over the place right now yeah okay i can you go you know make sure the tricaster doesn't light on fire please thank you chris here switch down a little bit switch it to easy mode but yeah there you go yeah do do do do the poop squat i'll just normal oh you're doing normal you don't even want to do easy easy i mean you could do normal again what do we think we think easy's better here i think we give both here here's i don't know we'll figure out how to do this on the fly we won't get through normal okay do easy okay here we go start with easy master i don't think you quite realize what you've got here so what a great song whilst i illuminate possibilities follow the lyrics the very office i'm sorry [Applause] they're not even following the lyrics i wish it was following the lyrics see that those did no no there it is okay the easiest part is it does help see it's finding itself it took it's like you dancing chris it takes a little bit of time to warm up to the beach oh jason are you feeling nervous [Music] that was definitely not on the big climactic note unfortunately [Music] whoa 95 000. well done all right well done chris make sure you put in your name quiss chris yeah bean 5 3 18. all right all right jason what's your what's your strength in a wall is it an automatic failure it's not an automatic failure but you do drain your life battery too many of these [Music] wow so chris are you gonna dance in the background now i think i have to yeah i committed to this idea it's warm yeah i know right that's what happens when you physically move your body that's for your right hand yeah i know i know blue is on my right i got it is that your right hand again i apologize to everyone watching at home i know i have my hands those dainty wrists these things you put these around your eyes curse my fragile wrists it's okay buddy can you fix this oh oh chris this one's like that too dammit what do you want they're just loose no like you're using the wrist straps incorrectly i'm not really using them here it's fixed this way okay so you see what i did there all right you do that this is good see this is what i have to this is what i have to put up with every day friends this is what chris has to put up with every day geez all right now titan at will sir no he needs you yes you'll never run but i need you he left you i know he he ran away that's like one of my favorite really disney movies here step back home slice just so you know that's a good one aladdin no no uh robin hood oh oh classic that's a great one that i had a questionable number like we we figured out the number of deaths in that one it was we must believe zero but there was a couple of questions [Music] you've got power to your corner now is heavy ammunition in your hands all you got to do is rub that left and i'll say it i'm not ready [Music] chris how you feeling this is also here's my question when genie grants the wish making him a prince he's really a prince yeah he's really appreciative that bothers me i'm a logical loophole right because his wish was great it wasn't like genie helped him fake it like when he says make me a friend by the nature of the rules he would be a prince at that point [Applause] we see that in three which means the wisdom truth [Music] and all that money and stuff that he has that comes with being a prince like presumably he's getting that right and so this whole like ruse at the end i'm saving her and stuff like oh i'm still a street rat you're not though you're not i gotta say i hit the menu button multiple times in that chris you didn't need to hit the menu button i don't know that's that's not that's the idea that's not no i'm just saying that's not a box that you should be hitting right now i'm just saying it's not fair to have that menu so because you're a dingus yeah not fair yeah yeah that's exactly what i'm saying that's exactly what i'm saying is chris sucks wow wow yeah what so what was that score difference there 95 000 to 90. i'm just saying okay i bumped the menu okay so that was a good warm-up you guys i think you guys got to do one more one do one more oh you watch 50 what do you want here i think that one yeah i have a target no the chat has been all about uh has the chat and all that i have to tell you let's do it all right what level do you want oh yeah you did it easy you can do normal all right this is going to mean i'll probably fail that too it comes down to who fails out first yeah who fails okay we'll hear you don't keep our score though so pay attention to the score when we fail out use memory i know right flex those neurons ladies and gentlemen god defrag that buddy yeah oh jason coming out strong oh actually i i said that i hit the menu again jason jason don't hit the menu what button is the menu because this is really freaking annoying don't squeeze don't like this you're so locked okay [Music] if you get the menu we can't we can't help you this time [Music] i mean it's early he hasn't gotten into it he hasn't squeezed his menus yet he has the menu right now you can tell when the menu is on i'm like oh he missed those that's the menu oh oh i think they're giving him some credit here [Music] you oh look at this [Music] i think [Music] chris's superpower is actually not following the beat at all he thinks he's following the beat the whole time yeah follow those lyrics yeah watch that wall [Music] amy how's everyone doing [Music] [Music] thank you i think i think it's funny watching them too the yuri theorist says he's going to bring it to a best of three at this point [Music] yeah i'd be worried this battery's getting low oh oh there it is good job change blades good job i will say if we're giving like flare points jason's winning yeah you have way more flare points than i do here hold on all those flare points were taken away by this pose right now this is this like this like sweaty chicken pose right now that's going on oh no i like how you draw the drawstring you don't trust yourself to continue holding the device did you see how many times i hit menu button it's true you almost hit me in the face a few times you guys are doing great you guys are doing great i'm so proud of both of you so much okay so if chris makes it to the end of the song he wins i think yeah here okay if chris makes it to the end he wins well no he if he beats 105 you're going to reach that too okay here we go oh man are you hashtag team jason or team chris [Music] you guys have you guys have good moves going on whoa [Music] chris getting those legs into it getting those hips [Music] tossed in that combo though but whatever you know it was fun [Music] it's beat saber it's not supposed to be fun it's true this is a serious athletic contest for serious men appearing next a.g.d.q yes you missed that one i'm dying oh here we go he's back up is the chat with him a lot of the chassis [Music] i think i just got more flare points whoa look at that wall avoidance [Music] we need a workout routine here do you recover from a menu push though but chris you should just arbitrarily push the menu button so you have an excuse [Music] are you getting tired buddy no are you just getting nervous i'm getting nervous the pressure's on you're real close you are i don't know what that was it was a tail oh was this i'm sorry i'm sorry mom [Music] this is where they start throwing you up oh he's recovering he's recovering [Music] [Music] oh battery's getting low nope the battery's dropping he did avoid that i think chris might have this hundred thousand hundred one two four [Music] he means not in the game he means just in life oh it's telling you to step back home slice there you go well done i think i just missed everything maybe we just do this as a regular like workout here every every monday morning like beat saber mondays it'll be our like corporate health plan i know jason you wanted to like institute like all of us playing tennis but tennis is like requires some pretty intense skill levels and equipment right i mean i mean this this also requires both skill and equipment in fact the equipment might be more expensive unfortunately [Music] wow chris just showing off at this point it's true i have the thrill of the fight it's not real easy [Music] hey well done good job oh that means the camera battery died oh is that really what that means yeah it is that's what happens when you practice safe it's class it's just you're a mess chris oh you're a hot mess wow it's just it's just black screens on top all over the place wow this is a hot mess wow this is embarrassing if it's not live lego batman says every great film starts out with a black screen so mediocre in the words of lego batman huh yeah all right here i'm going to do one what time is it all right all right so to finish this off i'll do i'll do one more one here so chris takes it good job buddy twist i gotta see the chris chris sucks i know i'm not even but there was only a c it's not that great all right jason pick and pick a song for me to do this out he had a thousand days right [Music] [Music] what's that song playing at x at three minutes and 14 seconds into the video oh it's sandstorm i just meant taking you back to gdr i was gonna say this takes you back to your rave days yeah [Music] now we're showing off oh never mind no no there's no way like yeah it is it's interesting because as i look at that pattern it's it's kind of rave handy because your right hand is going one direction and your left hand is kind of going the opposite direction as you cut it it's one of those ones that i think like if you get into it you can remember as you can get on some of those patterns all right i would say thanks for the memories or moana you're welcome is thank you thank you you're welcome what no no no i i didn't why would i ever think okay because because dwayne johnson and i happening yeah you're face to face with greatness and it's we caught pokemon together how you feel that was a weird collab when you think about weirdest weirdest collabs on youtube or like weirdest collabs that i've done that was a weird one [Music] [Music] what can i say [Music] and hold up the sky when you were waddling yay hide this guy where the knights got cold right the rock bringing joy to this live stream into the hearts of millions with his autotune singing and throbbing biceps and bring you fun have you watched his american ninja warrior ripoff i haven't but it honestly looks like a great time have you ever heard [Music] [Music] the tide the grass the ground no that was maui just messing around i killed a meal i buried like american ninja warrior like american gladiators oh yeah yeah it's cool i love those sorts of shows you're welcome when we were doing the parkour stuff i met a couple of american ninja warrior uh guys really good to see you yeah it's unbelievable like what they can do it's so cool oh that's tough that came out of nowhere at the end of summer [Music] there you go wow blades that was fun that was a good one chris sucks [Music] really i missed three and i guess ah you got a b i miss three and i get a b that's fail terrible here let's end it with ymca because you saw them we saw them and because every every live stream should end with ymca oh god we're doing the sprinkler that's what's going on here i should really not hit these mines though so i'm gonna stop dancing [Music] there i'm going to be careful now [Music] there we go just keep it away from the mines stupid i hate these mines man god what the heck these mines are terrible hold up i'm getting i'm just getting rid of these things that's garbage that is garbage too far don't you gotta be more precise guess what don't restrict the way i dance to this song the ymca is all about freedom and teaching my young son how to swim in a public pool that's suspiciously warm because it's the kiddie pool which is you know questionable use critical thought jason i feel like i think a lot of people are probably allergic to that pool [Music] i'm lucky i don't have pink eye yet okay i get it you're making the ymca i think i can't get c [Music] wow this one's surprisingly hard why m c a y m c a [Music] you can also i don't know if i can do these things at the ymca anymore i don't know if they still have getting myself a good meal at the ymca maybe at certain ones our local ymca i haven't found it they have a they have a delightful snack bar oh oh yeah it is that's right yeah it's it's only yeah we did it's only at um it's only a certain hours of the day you and i went uh at the wrong time for the same brother after work yeah probably for the best too this nipper is really good and it's like so after you work out being tempted by all those cookies and cases that's probably not the best decision so you come back oh absolutely they know what to do yeah we saw that we saw the village people at the streamy awards and it was like one of those bucket list items for me because i've always been a big fan of the village people was it like the lower part of the bucket bottom of the bucket i mean it was one of those things i i don't really have much of i should put together a bucket list i don't really have much of one but i'm like oh if there was a band that i would like to see in person village people actually is not a bad one like because i'm a big fan of a lot of their music because it's fun it's fun to dance to or in this case meat saber too it's the staple of every middle school dance ever [Music] did you notice we put that headset that's what happens when you're dancing on easy mode we were on normal thank you if you were sweating on easy mode you and i would have to have a conversation about like your heart health well i mean like my chest feels tight i'm a bit concerned about you buddy i'm a little concerned about me all right so with that ladies and gentlemen i gotta go write scripts and deal with all these emails that jason's complaining about but i dealt with them already uh there's i'm sure there's more dealing that you and i both have to deal with uh so anyway that is that is beat saber in the epic clash between chris and jason um chris like little corner in it still being just like right i like that i like that chris prioritized zooming in the camera rather than going to full camera what's your point and it's just you right i think i think he purposely cropped you out wow that per man my purple hair really real bad it's bad that's so funny there we go hey so anyway that's beat saber uh jason how do you feel about losing to chris yeah i don't recall that happening it's called rewind the livestream buddy yeah yeah i feel okay about it i mean it was my first time in it he's at least watched two full streams of beat saber so he's at least a little bit familiar with it yeah yeah all right that's what i'll say are you throwing down the gauntlet yeah smash brothers okay yeah are you gonna are you gonna challenge do you accept his challenge in smash brothers chris oh i do i do wow he does all right ladies and gentlemen this is crap he's been playing a lot with this one i know right so there you go man so there you have it ladies and gentlemen that's beat saber round two uh with a promise of a chris versus jason super smash brothers challenge coming in the near future uh this is purple headed matpat captain purple forehead uh signing off for the day we'll be back tomorrow four o'clock p.m pacific time hopefully you are here with us for something new something exciting um do you know what we're playing i think i do oh all right right i think i do well don't look at me i don't know where we're playing clearly not uh great so anyway that's it for today guys hope you enjoyed beat saber uh it's super fun thanks for sticking with us uh it gives me a good chance to work out for the day uh i gotta go write some theories in the meantime though we'll see you tomorrow and remember that is just a stream a live stream chris say goodbye to the chat sir alison says purple pat is so purple i'm so purple kenneth says round three rose says clap and a half real weird elana goodall says bye bye it's awkward that there's like a layer of skin here and then it gets purple yeah it's strange it's a strange
Channel: GTLive
Views: 472,875
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beat saber, beat saber psvr, beat saber ps4, beat saber vr, vr, beatsaber, beat saber song, vr game, meme, meme songs, beat saber meme, beat saber mods, beat saber expert, jacksepticeye beat saber, jacksepticeye vr, beat saber gameplay, oculus rift, oculus, lightsaber game, lightsaber vr, rhythm games, meme saber, rhythm game, beat saber songs, ps4 beat saber, virtual reality, game theorists, game theory, matpat, gtlive, gtlive vr, matpat vr, gtlive beat saber, saber
Id: SfiVzN-KaqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 14sec (6494 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 28 2019
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