However High the Tree of Mind, It Is Still Beneath the Sky of Seeing

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she will hum Shiva [Music] good morning everyone and welcome to this satsang with Mooji Baba today we have a very important announcement to share with you and it does relate to the coronavirus and it's not meant to create a panic but we do have some new instructions for everyone here and also for those who may be joining from home and thinking about coming to Rishikesh so if you have visited northern Italy China South Korea or Japan since February 10th we're asking you to please not come to satsang so if your home that means and you're thinking about coming and you have visited one of these places since February 10th we suggest you don't come and if you're here and if you have visited any of these places we really ask you to take it upon yourself to do a self quarantine now I want to share with you that a couple came from North northern Italy and they approached us to say we've just arrived and we've been in northern Italy and there's a section of Italy where the virus is spreading at this moment and they were so kind to come forward and actually we are asking them not to come to satsang that they stay with their quarantine until the 14 days have passed and we're sure that they have no symptoms so this is for everybody's well-being and we really ask you to you know if you've been in one of these regions for everybody's best interest please just stay home and watch the satsanghs on broadcasts namaste Mooji Baba ji ki satsang murajjab cos Wakata ajik Mahatma pool new suits nahi kiya D up northern Italy Jean South Korea yon adduction Korea Iran yup on may thus February say hey or a be up satsang Kili are ahead - please be a posh Romania satsang Kaleo or ger say they can Q key in sorry regions may coronavirus coffee fella who wa or homie Bhatia gareki Jevtic aapke cha da Dinka quarantine period complete nahi hota the puck up nine other up McCoy's se coronavirus ki jo symptoms with Jose Casilla a secret chef throw up please curse a satsang gig here aurilla dr we are Rishikesh min nahi hain but in mesa kisi bhi they show me her northern Italy China duction Korea Iranian upon or up so try Rishikesh Anika toe up please ABI apna travel plans North Korea or curse a satsang jointly je up key say hurt kill your Bakke sub kissing a Killa bought a Chara Haga in the Nevada or Eid of satsang Hindemith Sonata hang though al capone's translation desperately cages at the a gatekeepers babka phone set up cutting a cab satsang in Dimas once again the idea of kappas for NATO vo no new coach also with I Kirk a dark age yourself satsang in emissions at the whisky leery of translation des page are you the idea of satsang Garces una Carta hey-ya Bob Cousy occasional Chhattisgarh satsang to MU G dot TV pay life satsang page occur Bharatiya janta party Cagiva happy sorry switch NID via the new birth Drishti was explaining about this coronavirus and also she mentioned that we are offering live translation today in hindi and several other languages and on the information board just outside the or you can find the languages that are offered today as well as information about how to make use of this service and those joining online you'll find a way to find these live translations that are available even now and during this satsang you all can really make an impact on these live translations and our recordings by switching off your mobile phone every phone that's off helps improve the quality of the recordings and of these live translations that we're sharing over Wi-Fi basically so if you can take a moment now and switch off your phone it makes a big difference to all of us thank you a word about the schedule this afternoon at 3:30 we're going to have an afternoon program here in the satsang hall now we did this on Wednesday and medieval came and in this particular moment after lunch we were having some spontaneous music offered in the dining area and Mooji Baba was there and it was really very admirable some of the everyone came to join listening to the music but some people were leaving and they were saying the music is nice I really came for the satsang program and this music was just running a little bit late and in fact Mooji Baba then made an announcement and said the higher choice is this satsang these videos that were showing here are really powerful I feel to say this for those of you who came on Wednesday and had to wait about 20 minutes late for that video to start you can trust it today the intention is that we'll start at 3:30 the video today is called must-see awakenings and again it's a video showing a spontaneous satsang that happened outside of this space here here in Rishikesh in fact at Mooji Baba's home where people really coming fully into the seeing not unlike what's happening here in the hall but just just another viewing where you can see a very powerful dialog that happened so everyone is welcome 3:30 today for those joining from home these videos will be made available online it will be the next offering you can see it by that name must-see awakenings and now the recording agreements by being here in the satsang hall you are agreeing that your voice and image may be recorded and used for the sharing of satsang so if for any reason you don't want to be on camera we ask you to please take it upon yourselves to stay out of view of the cameras now every day I say please no photographs and no personal recordings of these sad songs and yet every day someone is taking out their phone and making these recordings also during the music and we ask that for the entire time that you're here at the ashram to please not make any personal photographs or videos our team is actually providing these and it's more than enough you'll see the quality is amazing then each week we're putting things on thank you for that about our Sangha shop that's both online and in the back of the room we have some beautiful offerings from Mooji Baba and the team and all of the proceeds of these items go to help support the sharing of these sad songs your donations also help to make these satsang as possible without them we would not be here and there's a lot of gratitude for all of you who are making these contributions now finally after satsang I do mention this one each day also about not approaching Mooji Baba for contact physical contact and it bears repeating every day it is his wish that we greet him with namaste sometimes he is reaching out for people but really in your heart to please know that physical contact at this time it's just not advised and we all are meeting with G Baba in the heart here in these sat songs and when there's really no reason also to rush out for darshan stay with him here in the hall and greet him with namaste and we thank you for this Mooji Baba will be with us shortly [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Hey [Music] certain are Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh namaste welcome everyone to satsang today welcome welcome also to those of you who are joining by a broadcasting for today's satsangh thank you very good [Music] [Music] [Music] orange not because it's orange okay my adorable Lord of love and mercy salutations and prostrations unto thee thou art omnipresent omnipotent omniscient thou art searched under existence consciousness bliss absolute thou art the indweller of all beings grant us an understanding heart balanced mind grant us inner spiritual strength to resist temptations control the mind free me from egoism lust greed hatred anger jealousy fill my heart with our heart with divine wisdom let us behold thee in all these names and forms let us serve thee in all these names and forms let us ever remember thee it has ever sing thy glory did thy name be always in our lips let us abide in the ever and ever let us abide is these ever and ever my lord I was with you here in 2 0 1 7 in my journey from limited eye to universal eye hence this prayer of universe life written by Swami Sivananda Saraswathi of Rishikesh in 2017 when I was when you had instructed me that I should be and see in order to transcend the hypnosis of conditioning and false beliefs and I have been doing that but somehow the virus in me has not delusion virus has not completely been eliminated although I understand that I am consciousness and everything is inside happening the consciousness but this idea you have about myself although it is weak although the B and seeing has given me power of understanding stability capability but still this unconscious ghost is still bothering me so I request you to please the ghost is bothering you or you are bothered by the ghost there is a subtle difference I am not bothered by that goes maybe but but ghost is bothering me this both are happening now it cannot happen like that if the ghost is trying to bother you but you're not bothered you are not bothered you say it is coming again and again although I can remain in consciousness for considerable period of time but still because of this beginningless delusion it's somehow treatment your treatment is not all the ghost is what ghost is my mind unconscious mind and body yes okay nothing that you are conscious of can be you nothing that you are conscious of can be you let's start there and I will go on from here meaning you are speaking about the ghost the ghost is not speaking about you I am looking at my hand my hand is not looking at me the can't in the consciousness through consciousness mind appears okay now who is the mind speaking to who is the mind intimidating let's slow down because these kind of questions and the solution to these questions they may wipe out a whole forest of delusion if you catch it we are not talking one point one point one point one point we are talking about throwing a net over the entire thing in one go so P please pay attention to what I'm saying is it you remember what I just said now what did I say to you the minders should not come mind can only be seen to come and go because in front of something the mind in its play as the deceiver can only deceive the idea you have of yourself and not the self which is your true self please listen and mind appearing can only intimidate or deceive the idea you have of yourself actually I helped a bit here because I asked who is the mind speaking to who is the mind appearing to this ghost mind is appearing in front of something that is saying this ghost mind is troubling me now is not the ghost mind and the one who is troubled by the ghost mind yeah could I say that the one who is troubled by the ghost mind is also imagined just like the ghost is imagined yes yes yes unfortunately it is that way okay no fortunately it's that way recognized not recognized unfortunate because if you are identified as the one the ghost comes and he stopped no no and because there's such powerful identification with that persona the one who's saying the ghost is troubling me so through our talks you have come to see that both the because everybody takes the ghost to B then ghost but then take the one who is frightened by the ghost to be yourself and it is understandable because it is born out of habits and conditioning where the consciousness in its earlier stage which is still present now the earlier stage the sense I am which is just the dynamic consciousness that consciousness got identified with the instrument it's appearing in and say I am the body rather than the body belongs to me I am this body I am the conditioning that arose inside this body and there was born the identity or the personality called me remember what I shared earlier when I said repeated something that sri ramana maharishi say he says the I removes the I yet remains that I this is not just for logical thinkers right I remove I yet remain I what is it how many eyes are there what it mean that I am hmm earlier I said only that I which is of the form of consciousness is the true eye and not other usage of the term I which relates to the body persona and life and death that's perhaps a lot to take in and so again I will repeat it and slowly only that I which is of the form of consciousness is the true eye and not other usage of the term I which relates to personality time life and death action and so on so that itself is worth sitting with that and contemplating when I sense or intuition arises inside its first arising actually is consciousness consciousness was the first arising in the morning when you woke up if you woke up at 7 o'clock this morning at 6 59 59 who are you at 7 o'clock something floured this consciousness hmm the sense I am sometimes it arises your conscious but it hasn't even the sense I am hasn't even come up in that way just consciousness is there but quickly the feeling I am Miss Tia it's not the person the person sometimes comes in later when the alarm goes off or something reminds you of a role and then the person come maybe I disregard that for a moment some of you will follow what I have just said but again come back to Ramana statement I remove I at remain I this natural sense of I which is impersonal it is consciousness hmm must remove that's what sadhana is to remove the false I which is the person the person's feeling that I am the natural I removes the false eye which is ego and again remain as itself the natural I sense you follow this universal eye is stillness piece it is prior to the identified eye it comes like that but this identified eye again comes up this eye is not an entity it is like a field of consciousness you can say we are used to locating it as an entity because of the early mistake of thinking it is the body and it is the conditioning so that gives it a sort of grounding and having used the eye which is originally consciousness and bound it to the body you feel that the universal consciousness must also be bound to a universal body but the eye as you have come to see to the invitation and through our inquiring and looking each day something moves from being apparently solid as a person and is thinning away into a sort of space but it is not just space like this it is awareness itself and as you are discovering this beyond intellectual conviction but actually experientially recognizing then you see here is peace here is joy here is love here is harmony but nobody is balancing harmony nobody's operating here it is the field you may say of pure consciousness initially when we have very strong identification with the entity self that the eye person self hmm we will not be immediately attracted to what we are speaking about because it's looks as though this is an evolution towards emptiness and carnal mind is not attracted to emptiness only when it becomes over full and it can't bear the claustrophobia of so much thought then it can appreciate the peace and the rest of emptiness emptiness is not a burden to anyone it is our natural state emptiness without the word emptiness so back to what you say you say my mind is like a ghost is troubling me and I say this you that you speak of is a location that is not a fact it is felt it is believed in but it is not a truth it's not a fact it's troubling me and almost everyone on this earth will agree yes I know it's troubling me too and this thing I am also affected by it and this eye is taken for granted and assumed to be the fact of our self the awakened one comes to know it is the fiction of the self why because it can also be perceived but even myself saying that that is also weakness scible hmm there's struggle sometimes to to grasp that although at a certain point is going to become so obvious to you I say it's obvious but for you the obvious is not obvious until it's obvious what to do it's obvious it's latent ly obvious dormant ly obvious and satsang is to reveal that the naturalness of what we are there after such statements like I'm troubled by this and troubled by that they will be thinning away they will have a weak voice right now they have a strong voice they come with a strength but there will be a weak voice and eventually you will not notice them because the one that they would speak to is also no more presently this one is being identified with and representing yourself and you the consciousness is in a state of hypnosis and you're protecting the false identity we we all we do how can what I'm saying really detonate combust into spirit experience so who is the one listening also sometimes we are listening in a uniform and the uniform we are listening to with is the eye person how you're going to understand them the eyes person the one we take ourselves to be is it reliable is its voice reliable today saying you know yo you know this ghost keep coming up and stuff like that it's not like please stop it and tomorrow it's saying hey there's a good movie called ghost should we go watch it is not consistent it fluctuates now so what we say it's only in the moment we may say this thing is like that and I really feel so strongly but another moment maybe you will not say that so is this voice reliable no it is not reliable but ignorance has not been removed paying so ignorant will mean what ignorance is the Maya the mind ego it's not that the mind will be removed like I remove this from here and I put it over here that's not the removal doesn't necessarily mean that the removal means waking up to the truth of it which which when seen no more has that that force of conviction or influence anymore you remember this remove doesn't mean I take the mine and I'm full so I'm out although that could also be experienced but a broader understanding is that you transcend the influence of that the impact and the effect of the mind the mind cannot work like that without the one who believes in it they go together just like one hand cannot clap you need to hand and you hand up so the mind by itself cannot torment something that doesn't exist it must be connecting with something that believes here he comes again and then the mango so nobody realized we are kind of watching that at another distant how Chuck and I gave an example another one that's coming up right now yes I remember as a boy we used to watch also a lot of these movies from Hollywood you know and scary things comes also with the music you know so there's a child walking into some some house and you know it looks not nice the child is a child innocent little dolly walking you know and everybody in the cinema no don't go in there and who could let the child go into the charger don't I said can they can the child hear the music what's going on so it's like this and then something we all identify with this child and then it occurred to me but the cameraman is there the cameraman is there and that changed everything he will make sure the child is okay it took the responsibility of us to save this child on the screen the point is we are identified with something I also went one time to one friend's house she invited me to dinner her children were there she said please go and say hello to Aaron her son was upstairs when I went to the door I hope knocked on the door I opened it he was playing on a computer game and it was like he was flying I could see the thing that looked like your inner airplane is flying and he's flying and shooting things down order hero planes he was that so I said no hello Aaron he goes okay so he's you with me papa yeah so he's there and he's flying and they're flying I did okay and then something hits him and it was like this not so he's projecting an identity into that craft and identifying with that identity flying moving and like this like this so actually but II still just here sitting in his room I'm trying to get somewhere with this we are actually here in all the scenes happening that come and go that scenario of the mine coming and being you know is also watched but the thing is that we have not seen that the one you are identified with you see you can see because we are so take it for granted that's actually the fact of where I am please help me to come out of this all of this is belief and the force of identity as you begin to observe in the manner that I have been sharing that but but you can see this mochi you say yes is but I can feel the heart beating yes yes you can that's also perceived and gradually the space opens up when you are reminded that you are up you're capable of observing this and as soon as you are capable of observing this the energy stopped emerging towards projecting into that identity and you become aware of the environment of the weakness that it is stable it is really uninvolved it is peaceful and all of this is not seen because we identify with the body and the person and this is one of the most important discovery the space behind the I person in which the I self is itself appearing rare it says does it happen in the human Kingdom that that seeing really really is acknowledged because as soon as it's acknowledged the psychological mind loses its hypnotizing power and its hold on you also you are no more [Music] stapled to that position of seeing you see that somehow Wow that is it is my strongest imagination I am also in it the person is also a form of consciousness but it is so contracted into the identity of a person that it's it's not functioning in its totality it's not you see this now in the morning when I did your videos meditation videos old videos I was not to be seen but that you were not what I could not see myself in the sense that I was consciousness that I could see that I was absolutely still and I was enjoying that feeling I'm not getting here yes this is the feeling it is an intuitive understanding yeah experiential understanding yeah in fact in one month one day I was trying to sleep it was already 2 o'clock and I was thinking who will sleep down so then I said convinced myself that what I will be unveiling I don't sleep so I went to sleep but that situation comes but at first when you are told about this that your sense of your persona is witness several it feels like sometimes and not sometimes or not but not far but gradually as you keep checking in a space opens up for more and gradually you become so acclimatized to that space so naturally it feels natural at a certain point I will not have to tell you remember this stay as this it will become natural just like presently I don't have to ask you to stay to stay as yourself it feels natural and automatic in spite of the fact that that is only a limited idea of yourself presently if something comes to 0 it cannot be seen it is not seen with the senses or the mind it is known directly gap Leslie it is yeah I am that I'm not concerned about trying to find myself that's an old ghost story I am myself and also there's a body and consciousness is present in it and the sense I I am also in this body and I'm tasting through the senses and the mind also but it's different it is not ego in the same way there may be some ego still present but it is not enough to cause any trouble at all it's just some faint thing that keeps the consciousness from becoming complacent some some alertness must be there somehow but the the the the way in which the world is experienced is very different from when it was experienced with strong identification in personhood that's a terrible state at a certain point it is so limited it is so insecure so full of judgements and fears attachments and differences it does not make for a beautiful world in front a beautiful world need not be an imaginary one it is seen from the pure eyes of pure consciousness and it enhances everything that appears in front so now what can we do now having said all these things look what is the practical what is the practicality now I feel my words to you are highly practical but now they have to be also experienced 'el hmm so what needs to be done I have to continue to marinate B and C B and C means ax you got ask BM c VN c you last time you told me that you b and c don't calculate marinate is b and c a verb not now [Music] it is consciousness as consciousness yes one has to marinate on what unconsciousness see consciousness of consciousness is that going to produce the highest everything is inside consciousness so that understanding should come the understanding is there that consciousness is meditating unconsciousness is also perceived even the act of meditating and the intention of meditating and the the self-awareness of the meditator are also perceived in the totality when consciousness is marinating in consciousness there is no meditator yes let's say let's say when I use the term consciousness now I'm talking about that out of the womb the womb out of which the world has come and in which it exists the dynamic consciousness which manifests in the body as the sense I am prior to that is the unspeakable it is say sa prior and made this gesture but it's not there and that gesture this gesture also takes place in it also it is subtlest of the subtle but we can say like that you can say like this but these words also will dry up even these words that say it is the subtlest of the subtle will not be needed it's not needed there I want to know as I speak can you still relate to what I'm speaking otherwise no good what we are sharing and speaking must be true here now but this here now will never become there then in fact in it there is no time there's nothing to pass or to come I just want to know if if this feels just theoretical to you or you or the words are alive in you perhaps we are waiting for something to happen perhaps you are waiting we have a conception that ok I'm it's not complete I'm not there but the supreme self does not know completeness it does not know accuracy it doesn't know 100% it doesn't know anything like that knowing is ignorance to that I wonder you see when I speak like that because I'm totally in touch what I'm speaking but I don't know touch with what I'm speaking there perhaps there may be in the mind a feeling that something is not complete something has to become stable you see so therefore we are looking now what practice what vehicle I can use to get to that highest state whereas all these that we speak now from the perspective here they they they are not necessary they don't from the place of the pure there's nothing to for me to do I am already the place that the mind is presently speaking in that unit of consciousness trying to encourage you to get to that higher place that place is already in you but from the conviction the belief that it is some place apart from you you know it's only because you are identified with the wrong you I you're taking your I to be a certain level of awareness and so it becomes that and your position there but you can I am totally zero in this I'm total serie I'm not trying to be 0 I'm not trying to remember I'm 0 and because of the naturalness of that I have the confidence to share it with you on so so that you'll find your naturalness when I say 0 you see from 0 every effort that is being made registers as a momentary idea 0 beyond the concept of zero as you said yes not zero you see not the zero the symbol if they are still energy to probe use it up use it up if there's still energy to investigate use it up question what is more light which you are killing can you not remove it for me it's it's imaginary so I don't have to remove it it's not offensive that I need to remove it it is already seen for what it is it was only functional when something links up and locks into that with identity then it will appear to be something more it can be there because if it was not there I see when we are speaking with hundreds of thousands of people moving in the market and so on very often they are coming also from that I place also do I need to remove it in them also no I want my bananas sir how much is this is allocate can I have the okay right there no not just too much that is yeah I'm relating through that actually I'm relating to consciousness that believe it's the personal draft even as it is in satsang just in satsang there is an intention is a recognition that that eye is a limitation and now it's it's creating an urge to go beyond it so therefore that is possible wherever there is the urge the responsibility to wake up completely out of that what I call a dream is totally possible of course it is already manifesting in you the urge and the will to transcend it so therefore it has to happen I mean you know this is it's so obvious so so simple and I so I don't want to make any mystery about it because I intended that whatever we talk about should reveal that - such a dazzling clarity that you don't come back to me and say I'm a mooch come on you know it was so simple why did you talk about all the other things about it so I don't want to be caught like that so I'm really trying the best to not to show how simple it is but maybe to remove whatever it is that's making it seem it's difficult you are here when you wake up to the truth that you are here in the way that I'm speaking you will not have to move one single bit to here or here you don't have to look under your shoes nothing at all you'll see oh it's just a shift of attention I think I'm this person talking about trying to get to the highest state and you can't also just imagine okay now okay I'm there I'm the I estate no that won't work awesome you cannot trick God also and everywhere I go throughout the world we come to this place and there's a silence but there's a little tension in the silence where we go from here I mean what to do even that is also seen even that is also seen in you of course you see what is it that's persisting tell me what is what is hiding what is hiding the the reality what is there what is there a conviction that I must do something to get there that conviction is there also or our conviction like yeah but I need to get rid of my mind I say you don't have to get rid of mind you only have to recognize where you're looking in that mind cannot exist without you seeing it you can exist without the psychological play of the mind but it cannot exist without you you are the greater you're always there remove the mind you are still here if I remove the matter now what Romania will you are you gone because the mind if I remove the mind it will have to take the one is troubling as well because it's not the mind is of trouble is the one who is being troubled is the trouble he can create many more Minds you want to hear it again it's not the ghost that is the trouble is the one who keeps thing seeing ghosts this one is the trouble but it's used but to whom that is also ghost are you affirming or I didn't you're framing yeah ah so if that is also ghost obviously it must be seen that that's also course it's not true then what remain then I remain as work consciousness then why isn't there this glowing smile and joy on your face I'm not kidding your medicines are weak my medicine is weak at the moment no the one how can I be so critically correct how can I be theoretically so much correct it can I'd it it is good to show you that theoretically correct is not experientially correct necessarily so experientially only I have come to you experientially when I hear your meditation it is good but here I am not getting that which I get in your meditation today oh yes even this one who is not getting it if he should get it he will vanish what can a medicine for a ghost what is the medicine for the ghost do we need to give medicine for the ghost and that certificate also is it not that's it is seen that that is that is a ghost but we're looking for a feeling we're looking for something to happen like whoa like that for home where the did was cook or something but then also that room will also be for the one who has been frightened by the ghost who is giving you a hard time here we have to solve it or not that's why I've come to you ah yeah sometimes I see everything is consciousness sometimes as if consciousness is using me or when you see everything as consciousness in what position are you to see that consciousness seeing Maya whenever we're there there is object there is consciousness it appears like that actually I'll get what you really see is really what you are not but you are you cannot see you can only be and you are already dead what you see you cannot be you may be say you see the consciousness and everything right now you see the minds understanding assumption of consciousness you can only be that what you see what you perceive even what you imagine what you remember cannot be what you are who is perceiving all of that that's why I asked a question and that which perceives be perceived I meant intuitive seeing not seeing by the flesh yes whatever is in front of the flesh or whatever okay so whatever is intuitively seen by the third eye consciousness I of consciousness and all-encompassing awareness yeah we didn't reach everything so so is the consciousness now searching - for something that consciousness what trouble it has would if say it's not complete with the consciousness say I've done all this work and still I am not 100% this is not there bliss is not there that you got checklist of detective never mind it doesn't matter if you can confirm the consciousness does not need anything it does not even need bliss it does not need love the flower does not need its perfume but the perfume cannot exist without the flower something is saying yeah but this is not there and come try to be unaware I tried to get rid of awareness we can all do try to be unaware because everybody's trying to be aware so try to be unaware you succeed you will also need awareness to say I succeeded don't you see from that perspective that even the idea of not getting it and so on is just a voice strongly believed in appearing in the awareness thinning away like a cloud and vanishing to make room for another thing to come also unendingly things are appearing in the in the infinite nests of what is and something gives attention to them something is given attention to each cloud is also seen in the vastness this vastness has no eyes does not need nose it does not need limbs it's the infinite Ness the limitless one everything is perceived but that's not its job even to perceive automatically perception perception and the act of perceiving is also perceived [Music] the mind wants entertainment spiritual entertainment even you know yes I want but I'm not getting this and this thing but that also is perceived in that who can get awareness who can lose it it's not a commodity even the feeling of commodity things appearing in and out of it is perceived automatically in it so please respond to that statement I just made now everything is visible intuitive seeing is there yes is there even interest in seeing its functioning automatically effortlessly why should you pick up effort the senses are functioning in within their own laws functioning automatically why to be troubled everything nothing is troubling you is that something to happen in the future or is it the truth of the evernow' present so the idea you know I don't feel it you know some days I feel I'm totally awareness now other days not is only an casual passing feeling appearing in awareness itself which itself does not come and go awareness doesn't know it's Tuesday or Thursday or it's you know it's autumn or winter these things don't apply which concept can apply to that field of awareness and where is the awareness where is to be found most in the east or the west is it more outside or inside to these of any reference for the truth come it's your turn to speak up the awareness is beyond even I am the I am is here with buddy Xia and the body must perform some work for prom upon to do and the consciousness is present in it also full of joy free from the limitations of personhood and ego hmm it moves in life corresponding moving in total appropriateness to the needs of the moment intuitive spontaneous it's able to participate in the play of planning something of even feeling a little bit annoyed and so and although everything is playing in it but nothing sticks if I take some velcro and I put it in space it doesn't stick if I draw a face put a hat on it it doesn't stick in the space in the same way nothing sticks to the awareness and the consciousness is like a mirror it can reflect a million things it hasn't done any work to do that the mirror is not even reflecting as an action it remains pure this is like this but it's not a black hole it's not what you may call what's this thing here now it's not just a void or something void is seen also black hole will also be seen it's none of these we're using the word it so it feels like some day we're talking about some subject thing you can look it's not an it where is it and where is it not it is more here than you in your present self conception I have nothing to give you and yet some of you will be content you will have transcended the influence of this world I have nothing to give you you don't already have an hour just to remove to peel away in this cataract of illusory identity but when when how for all the people many people in the world and this knowledge this knowledge or the possibility of what is to be discovered here will at some time become of interest to them but you are here maybe it's not time for many for most no interest yet but in you has come an interest an urge to to discover so therefore the possibility of awakening you know in terms of these paintings is the mode is the high point amongst the human in the human Kingdom focused in here of course yeah such things happening all over the world but if truth is to be discovered and Awakening is to be is to flourish the possibility of that happening is highest right here no I take it this is the purpose why you came to look to discover to verify to confirm and still beyond this it may take some time to stabilize in the complete scene but the mind force will not automatically just vanish and it need not to do that it can come but it must come each time with more in service not to deceive but to serve if required thank you well I should put my hand up as well - I can't take all these questions I don't know I am searching for them for someone who is fixed about this one to go through this thing send somebody come to the microphone and I don't know who it will be anybody we can come okay welcome start let's see where we go with this let's see how I don't forward come on you go okay I'm here ready to look with you okay I know it doesn't require much effort so it will take whatever effort is needed in some cases maybe a lot of effort in other places little effort in some case maybe no effort we will see bearing in mind that what we say we are searching for is already present I stand with my word it's not gonna come in from someplace it is already here we don't have to it won't come in with Amazon it will be here it's already here you will see okay so on on the strength of that statement and the proceed then okay I will proceed okay that's enough for now actually even that is enough for now for the moment okay even that is enough for now that you came there and what you a what are you experiencing right now nothing really no you see I it's fair and it's honest I'm not experiencing a nice dancing anything at all now if we if that experience yes I'm experienced anything and it's if that is not given to the mind where your mind goes experiencing anything or there is really nothing here even the one who stood up to ask this question is not really here but that is perceived so which nothing are you speaking because there's two kind of nothing there's nothing from the mind that goes nothing there and there's a nothing which comes from nothing which nothing are you speaking which nothing you experiencing okay all right wait for a minute let's see what happened take someone else okay let me try you for a moment stay where you are try you for a moment yes okay next one well whoa it's not the joke and they never come no mistake region I was there please will you check seeing here talking so they used to be very strong identification with the scary movie that the mind created and the one that it thought it was happening to and that just doesn't feel real anymore that's good what is real just this just this this this implies what I mean by this this is what the witness that sees all these things come interestedly yeah it's very important because a weakness can also be interested out this thing is coming up and how could this thing is come with this kind of witnessing or a sort of what you say impartial witnessing or sort of none identified witness you know Victor the touched witnessing is happening by itself and is perceived also a hand of panoramic witnessing is what did mean witnessing not detached yes but also in that non detached witnessing seeing something being detached and then going in the sea and some internal reaction creating disturbance also some nervousness can play out yes as has been the habit of the person yes but it doesn't matter it doesn't matter okay that's good you you find any problem with functioning in life in terms of your daily activities what is required from a day does that interfere at all so fear thoughts come but again the sea yes they do they inhibit the activity meaning you know there are moments for saying yes and moments to say no and but it's not planned spontaneously moving and it's not you know irrational it's not interested no yes no no no the you're functioning there's a harmony there's a peace within your heart yes yes the day is unfolding in whatever way you're not writing a diary you say diary of the day not necessary and your inner states is peace yes throughout the day there may be waves of some anxiety some nervousness will come and they do come but the attitude that meets them is the seeds of power they are seen they are seen have you come to that state whereby even the functioning of seeing and movement happening naturally there against a background which is not doing anything at all it is totally beyond and the reach of the the mind and the sense of person you are aware of this yes you are aware that this is just what is that that's what is true yes and that is truth yes and that is the substratum to all that appears and dissapears you're aware of this yes that is your reality yes yes so in the nervous system can behave a certain way but the mind may come to to to evaluate that and some of that this but it is not being given too much importance like that yeah believed yes that's fine that's fine that's fine but it never wins the day okay so gradually impressions come you feel sometimes some tiredness in the body sometimes a little bit all or handling all this can happen but it's not strongly identified with it seems like it's part of the unfolding dynamics of life the life force and so on it's not holding strong identity that is your your feeling you're seeing yes so therefore the waves that come and go generally the chart is not keep going up and up but is the stable or dropping the more you your attention is in confirmation that of only the what is that only the what is is the attention is brought to them confirming this then the what appears does not leave any footprints in the consciousness no so the life becomes a little bit like a writing on water it's not it doesn't leave any impression or let's say writing on sand in the desert then this is fine that that is fine if each time sometimes a sense of identity comes up but that is understood automatically and intuitively that just that there's some pulse coming from the dynamic consciousness from the sense of being you know arising and even that from that place something must be looked at and so on but it it it never can exist outside of the infinite nests of the of what is and the what is is not a belief it it it doesn't just stays it is yes good like this Thank You Chi you can check in like this whenever thank you next one come it feels like I'm waiting for the identification with the body he are waiting for waiting for the identification with the body yes to to completely drop or something or when there's when there's pain when there's something gets the attention in the body and a lot of focus goes there yeah so you say you're something seems to be waiting for identification with the body to drop when especially in pain and so on and things like this does it want the body to drop when this pleasure also no no so we just don't want the trouble of the pain and the discomfort that's not necessarily going to take you to your purest place if we only want the body not to be there or the identification with the body not to be there when there's pain but not when there's pleasure right the one who we investigates look and says you know whether there is pain or pleasure know that that is both seen that that is seen what can there be that exists beyond the realm of pain and pleasure that is unchanging here yeah and what is the value of unchanging is that the key that is unchanging is that what we want is unchanging only suppose it was unchanging and it was not nice so this unchanging Ness must be the height of everything because nobody wants on unchanging everything in the life we're looking for or maybe you fall in love and if you have a sweet sweet moment and you want to press pause or something and just enjoy that moment but nothing in life is going to operate like this not even death so there is only that which is when recognize allow all things to be and all things to flow in their momentary here and gun nests and is not troubled by that it is the cause of them and is a great wisdom permeating all the traffic and the flow of impressions and life and the dance of existence exists in it and yet it is unalterable indivisible imperishable uncreated this they call the supreme self the absolute mighty god timeless and is inside all sentient farms all sentient roms is there and I put it the highest purpose in existence is to awaken to the reality of that as your fundamental nature and self but also if you want to have relationship with it meaning to at least you know and that's strong in you a relationship with it you can have also you may have a relationship with the supreme in duality yes he also create doula tea and also feeds that which turns to it with some love and some devotion and has a respect for it takes care of that Twain also and also the one who is not aware of it it has no respect for it it takes care of that one also but the one who appreciates it who strives for it this one will experience its presence and its joy much more than the one who is full of ignorance and egoic self awareness and this type of thing and you reflect a little bit and you will see it is like that it is a very fair game perfect so you said I only asked people who really need to know not any domestic situations of course we don't at the moment but you so what you want now tell me to stabilize in the unchanging yes have you have you have a taste of the conviction of the after of the half-day of the stable one yes yes it gave you the darshan of that seeing to invite you to disappear in it which is your true self yeah to stabilize in it the stabilizing it means that if you have had the experience and and and the the firm seeing that that is and it is complete in itself it's not just some some kind of what you may call clinical state or something it is totally beyond beyond anything you can conceive your highest joy your most deep peace your fullest self if you'll know this then you'll be naturally attracted to it yes not merely as a concept but but vibrationally also you just want to be there what can stop you so you simply keep marinating in it you just fixing just fixing don't keep calculating just fixing the attention even on the sense of being without making any story just be aware of your of the awareness just that it may feel like you're doing nothing at all but that itself is removing our forests of delusion just by holding the attention in the heart not a visual image holding your attention even if I say putting your attention on attention okay put in the attention simply on the intuitive sense of being without developing any traffic around it just this and you will you will know and experience that this is right and this is full this is true that's simple that's simple and there's a joy in pointing to the simplicity of that because otherwise you're gonna get tired very easily when the mind is young meaning that is full of full of I am the body feeling it can put a lot of energy on things many things but not on this is not interested in this yet by the time you come to this stage where you are fully gripped by your own reality but it's not selfish it's not that you are just interested in you because there are many people they are interested in their own realization but it's still very personal and that's why you don't feel any progress because it's like there's still a person want to get know everything and if somebody comes close to your meditation how you're going to win anything when god is love and care now don't come how you gonna do this so watch this sense of this person watch that one also don't identify with that cut it loose with it for free just stay conscious if you want even just on the sense of I am the sense of presence just keep your attention here simple and don't allow the attention to connect with any thought or feeling or any mind flow stay like this now even for a short time there's tremendous power the concentration natural self focus that's all don't put down your books for a bit unless you're reading a book that really speak when a book is really good you will read a sentence and you have to put it down if you're reading out 36 37 38 and Nenana you look and assimilate what the voice of the master is saying and be with that in the same way I put you put your attention on the sense of being just but don't turn it into a task and in a short time you feel it opens up into a real space piece and you will want to stay here you want to stay here such peace will come if people speak with you you'll not be annoyed you'll find out wherever you go even at a certain point even you may get into a strong discussion with someone and it's not going away the peace is not going away this peace wants to be with you it doesn't want to go anywhere you've become attractive to peace you become attractive to silence you become attractive to love they want to be with you not with your person your person was always pushing but now being truly a self-aware self-centered is not a personal phenomenon just to pay attention like this and you see all your problems are solving by themselves but don't do it for that you can do it for that or so but do it for freedom stay like this that's all like that and what you ask there you want to stabilize in that that is stabilizing in that this is very important of today what I'm speaking when I share just now simple things simple pointers when followed yield as such great result simple pointing the sense of being do no sense of being don't create we don't need the imagination for this it's already here the vibration I am the sense of presence the way that you know you exist it's already here it never leaves you just be with that it's not personal consciously and don't allow it to engage or any you don't engage with any other thought forms and nothing still I don't be conscious of that it may feel like an effort in the beginning but it becomes a joy quite soon it feels like an effort in the beginning because the mind habit can flow in and it feels like it's disturbing the concentration is it but stay with it I would encourage also today that whenever you find time sit with that sit inside your own self these are not words I can tell to everyone sit inside your own self be self aware there's no story there's no history no desire don't create and do this and peace will come going to be there with you the deep contentment and silence will be with you thereafter as you move about in life you'll see it is still there still there get used to it it calls you back come sit with me be one year with me gradually that's simple simple advice it may seem over simplistic even naive even but follow it and see what happen follow doesn't mean going somewhere follow mean being still follow in stillness and you see so this is another form of what I'm sharing every day it can take this farm also and many people will find hardness this is a synopsis of the invitation also the invitation guides the mind back home home heart the heart doesn't need any story doesn't need any history does have no desire because it is content desire means not content so this is your heart it is already content it's already not searching for peace it is the abode of peace it is the generator of love just as you say you see this may sound like a bhakti language yes this is where bhakti and Jana oh dear one same thing yes good just take everything it's already not there now you can assist talking take everything you create all this stuff for the time please take it is empty what can the mind take it's like thieves in an empty house what can the mind take is all imagined all the imagined you see mind will tell you but they still cupboards are full cupboards are full yes how could you take everything there's no cupboards everything imagined everything imagined very good thank you yeah okay take one more this kind of line of things and people now we're not going to come - please come right I can I'm not going to I'm gonna break this line of people then this just spontaneously no mistake orgy namaste I came to expose I who's been I who's been getting in the way of everything yesterday morning I i like 4 o'clock at the morning i was listening to Papaji and someone came to him and said i see clouds and he said the clouds come from the sea the scene comes from vibe but where did the I come from and me I took that very serious knowing that I'm in my own way I meditated on that but I gave up looking with the mind and I just looked at who was meditating ok and I kind of fell into a deep meditation or sort of sleep and waking up I witnessed the I a period in the presence that was already there and I wanted to ask you may you please help me to be free of this I yes and I you did not create how you did not create it arose spontaneously I in any form you can say I in the form of the world this I is usually personal the one it's the cultivated I actually hmm it Springs from the the I am the eye person comes from the item most lively in the state of this eye person it's meant to be a stage you will outgrow and our raw means you come back to the pure eye which is just a natural vibration I am that is consciousness okay so for a long time it seemed we live in the domain of the eye person you follower this we're living in them in the reference as the eye person which is strong identification with the body with a culture and conditioning that we grow up in that kind of environment we take that to be what we are you see so the body is not what you are but it is important also even for the state of realization it is important don't curse the body thank you for the body good fine but the person if someone is born Japanese body grew up and went to live in some place in Africa they are going to grow up with African conditioning and African speaking so it sees that the mind is not Japanese unless it grew up in Japanese culture that's how conditioning is so it's very flexible and it is changeful like that so that i initially the consciousness intended to further create this contraction of i as a person so it will live in the person for a very long time the person is also consciousness but it is consciousness with a lot of distortion this tends to be selfish and insecure and judgmental and fearful full of desire all these things they come it enjoys and its surface that state we must taste that while and by grace an urge a yearning to come out of that state will bring you finally to that's the I which just I am who is the witness of the ego and its life when I gave the example of the two birds in the tree the first bird is building a nest and feeding the babies and so on that bird would represent that stage of our life when we are highly intent on building a career give your exams having a family you having a business ensuring and as much as you can that you don't have to depend too much on other people for your existence that life and that mind and the second bird which is above that bird looking quietly is not doing anything is not building is quietly observing you can see all that the first bird is doing the activity the intent where it's living it sees all that it perceives the wind and the sky everything but it's not active in that way then I asked you I said also this second bird is a subtle existence inside the first bird you see so I asked you can you relate to these to chew that metaphor of the first bird activity where we're moving and the second bird which is that that dimension within our being where we are just observing and that's a pure place a very powerful place it's not so active but it's latent with power and peaceful and open fearless and still have you found the second bird location in terms of my then it comes a point where even this second bird also and first bird are both perceivable also it's more subtle if you come to that if you are aware of this and this will take time because some people they're fast in the intellect and you tell them this and they want to go straight to the ultimate yeah if that's not done I'm gonna go straight here but it's only an intellectual conviction so this one you say now that having contemplation of papaji's words that you've come somehow into some deep state could be sleep could be trance could be deep meditation but then you came to realize that the I sprouted and I sprouted is this I the personal I not the sense I arose but it is in front of something which didn't arise be present with that one in whose light the arising eye is perceived how many people is on board with what I'm sharing right now thank you that's good so you are here and you see now like you're aware of feeling the eye and it's vibration arising now so that is also perceived now your question is how do I become free from it because free from and I said do you need to be free from it you won't need to be free from strong identification with it to be free from something is only to be free from identifying with it because identifying with it it's like somehow you merge with that you don't have to take shape you can perceive everything in fact you can perceive everything much more clearly without taking shape when you take shape you come into condition your conditioning will have an impact on the purity of your perception you understand enough yes so if you don't take a shape like this then you say oh I don't like this enlighten us so you're already whether you like or not like you already combined yourself with that thing you can perceive very openly this is what happens in your pure state is that you can perceive but you're not sucked into things you don't log into them made that deep race till you're functioning with them is pure and maybe get a maximum expression from it and no entanglement magnets how can I get rid of this I why to get rid of it you may say because it interferes any troubles it does and before you well now you are a lot of people are coming to me through you in form helping me and I feel the grace but before years back when I was listening to you I had this his wonderful breakthrough but this same I destroyed everything and now I'm here asking can the I which is appearing in the space of the weakness can this I remove the witness take a moment that which is appearing in the field of the witness can it remove the witness it must be troubling not the witness but the one who says I don't want you to be here you are causing me trouble he's going to trouble that one and both will be witnessed if you say but it still troubles me because it's it destroys everything well it can destroy everything it creates but it did not create the one who witness him do you follow this thing he can create everything he can smash everything that he is created but he cannot smash the one who witness him the witness is not trapped in that domain this witness the impartial detached witness he is not part of the crime scene he is not part of the play can you see this thing yes and you say at times you say some people are so up there that the monkeys gotta like they're so up there in the head that's that's where it seems like I am right now yes however far you go up in the tree of the mind it is still beneath the sky however high and the tree grows it is still under the sky tree means the mind the tree of the mind is ruined the branches a great banyan tree great great banyan tree but it still also beneath the sky of seeing what needs to happen is you must confirm your seeing is it personal does it have any personal virus in it because if it does that is what will interfere with the perceiving sometimes you may have heard me say the the subtlety of the deceiving eye is able to slip behind the eyeballs of the seer so to speak yes and say behold know I exist how to catch this one demon how to catch it yeah yes well because actually there is no behind the ultimate there is nothing behind how will you know the ultimate is ultimate who can know the ultimate is ultimate who can know the ultimate but the ultimate to say something can slip behind the eyebrows so my my my metaphor is only to say even if there is a seeing which feels holistic but it contains a grain of identity in it hmm then that drain will also be hidden behind it somehow in it but we talked about this seeing which is what is a attribute less you understand the stamp means beyond quality beyond attribute nothing to compare no form can be there in itself forms may appear in the field of the changeful and they are perceived but in the ultimate it is nothing nothing can appear without it whatever appears appears inside it and disappears inside it and leaves no trace on it yes Mooji is it's happening I feel it I see it and I just mainly came to the mic to expose the Unreal so that I may have your grace that I may fully become established this time yes so to get rid of all these things is not a physical act it is an action of grace it is an action of understanding is an action of recognizing your true place in position and the delusion has nothing to hang on to as long as we retain the sense of a private autonomous individual personal self these delusions persist when that can be seen through that the cause of the problem is the eye and not the thing which we are thinking is causing the problem that the eye positioned in the form of the personal identity is the factory for problems so if it gets rid of or whole forest of problems it will still generating more problem I wonder if you understand this thing yes so when this eye is seen because the trick so far is when we identify as this eye you put it in the position of the absolute and you assume well that's the fact of me the costliest mistake and then you find that even to that one trouble comes then we are in trouble if the one you take to be the fact of you is capable of suffering trouble we're in big poo how the way out of this yes is to see that even that one hmm itself is perceivable which means that it is phenomenal that is apparent that it is a fiction and not the fact that is the seeing that is the seeing in that instant some kind of switch a switch less switch happens and the recognition is there that this why are you paying attention to so much as well the mind is looking what is the pH of that water when that I which has been conceived off when people sometimes they say but beyond this I don't know my whole world is inside myself as this I and I say this very I is only a bubble in the infinite ocean of the real for when you should say really can I look with you to see if this is true how is the proof that if the eye itself which we have so longed associated to be ourselves and by the way this eye is also fluctuating all the time it feels like this one day it feels like that's another day still even when it appears to take on the form of the I am it can pretend even to be the I am itself which is the witness the auspicious witness you can even hide in the witness also so when I say that the eye that we assume to be the fact of yourself the self that wants to be its highest truth then what is the proof that it is not the highest here it is that it also can be perceived at first when we hear that something the carnal mind wants to reject that is like no no no no fear comes even because it's like I have a lot invested in that I I just want that the ultimate is given to it I have a lot of investment emotional investment future investment or my plans everything my account is in that I please don't disturb it too much just add on to it the absolute and I'll be happy that's what so therefore I'm saying that that one that sense of the eye that feels oh you know I've been meditating for ten years and you know I've done so much I've read all the books I've been to all the places even he's there I said that within which the memory of this I also the memory the seeing of this eye and the seeing of the memories of this eye is also seen the apparent attributes of that eye is also seen I wonder if you understand what I say it is seen I don't mean to some telescope or something I mean seen in an intuitive way it is seen not necessarily in such a physical way but there's also a physicality about the seeing or so that there is some distance it is perceivable as if it is perceivable that is already a truth it is perceivable by what is it perceived can that be known that cannot be known in the traditional or classical sense of knowing something the knowing and being are one what is important don't try to figure out what is this thing because you can never figure it out with the mind but what is the I who is seeing all this thing in chanting what is the I the mind goes to create if what it doesn't know it will create and see if we can sell you the the fake copy is it because the one who wants to know is also fake and cannot tell fake from fake are you with this you know we can end it right now in this place because I say and I'm saying to you or so now that this feeling of I and even the voice that says please just help me to end all of this are you willing that this one also is ended yes yes how to end it except to see its unreality how to end it apart from seeing its unreality [Music] some time ago remember and it was last year's whatever somebody came and he said I lost everything my business has collapsed my wife has left me my parents are gone my children are living abroad and they don't want to come back I've lost everything energy I said what you want he say peace they say for that for that the one was lost everything must also be lost who can take such a statement but if if I lose me who is going to find peace this is the twist you see this is the twist who can go through with this twist you see because the one who has lost everything has become the intimate self I've lost everything Swamiji please give me just peace then even this one must be lost or how to lose no to be seen already just the facts of saying this and hearing it already the work has begun it's not a mental work it has begun the serum is in they say go after the storm the peace will come a storm will come and the peace you seek will come but it will not be the old one who speak it in fact you have been innumerable eyes and they've all gone replaced by fresher versions of inés the one real is the consciousness which is table so we come again to this point beautiful point to finish here this I feeling that feels like it's it's everywhere is here and my eye is here it's in the breath it's in the lungs it's in the veins allergy it's in the heart pumping yeah it's not you that which is aware of all these functions and the one who is dysfunctional the one who is in pain also is not all these seeable easy this is at the very crux of realizing the truth will you include the seeker in your finding will you include the seeker in your finding us so who remained what remain know what remain if the one itself that is saying I I just need to get rid of them I need to get rid of the the offender that which is offending me and I say the one offended is itself the offense who can see who can see then how what can survive this seeing them now from the place of the the emotional identity that is saying please help me please that mean please admit to go through if that vise which you may perceive is your most authentic and nobler voice is itself perceivable so in the place where that is perceived woo is here now are these satsangs of real value to you yes rare I am NOT here to promote belief belief is great faith is great Trust is great but now I'm asking you to look excuse me mochi since before we leave and me being so so so so so serious about this huh maybe please look together may we please look at this may it please be so effective to a smoochie its effect will be in its compounding and in the grasping will be the effect if I understand I think I understand it but I don't want to waste this opportunity I don't want to go back and still trying to figure it out was still in the understanding whoever goes back is also seen and it becomes decreasing ly important the seeing remain everywhere equal everywhere it feels that which is saying you know I don't I really want to make sure I understand this ir itself if the feeling as I said it feels so intimates that everything you think you know is based upon this feeling you have about yourself that I am this this is me and this is me and everything else is happening to this me construct but this me itself is construct it's rare that that is seen what if it is true take risk what if this very I that you say why is why is it still holding round and it is seen if it is seen I say it is phenomenal you know it is not stable and yet identity keeps going there but your identity with it is always fluctuating it's not stable the identity come and identical identical identical and then what in front of what is all of this happening which itself does not come and go you're seeing precedes your answer your understanding precedes your answer the mind wants to receive an answer and go away with the golden answer the brass mine wants to go away with the gold and Sun are not they both are so seen even if an answer would come the best answer is the answer would work the best answer would be the one that removes the questioner not that the question I receive what is happening must I please your mind must he be that the mind expects something he doesn't get this answer it's disappointed so I didn't give me I'm sorry I'm going and he'll be laughing into himself I had a near-death experience not everyone is ready for this revelation not everyone that's why I told you you know rare it is in olden days you would have to search for a very long time to come to this kind of knowledge and this type of discourse and even when you finally met someone who could help you it doesn't mean they would accept you even you would spend 12 years serving to get rid of all the the rubbish we have a little bit to be worthy to follow this kind of instruction so that so many people are here actually and continue to stay here is a is a nice surprise actually because many will leave they will leave because because you brought the mind and the mind wants to leave with something called our enlightenment whereas the mind in a psychological identity itself would be left and I'm hoping that you understand it's something here I don't know if it's the eye of the mind but it wants to commit suicide in your presence not physical suicide but it want it's asking you to make it disappear or the self is asking you to demolish there so that presence for God so under pure self the pure self does not require the demolition of any ego it doesn't admit the egos existence apart from imagining so it finds no offense in fact it doesn't say that ego is there it's like it's not it causes the ego to be there because you need the ego to mature the ego played an important part in the in the play of existence in this in this this this game of transcending we had to taste what it's like the duality is very important for experience there can be no experience without duality there cannot be any transcendence if we did not go underneath the inside the delusion all of this is part of it but finally you wake up to the truth of yourself you see the role that the ego sense played but for you that game is over or it's shrunk to a very small size for someone else it's enormous for someone else the ego is God almost but for you you have transcended the ego becomes weak its voice is no more it's done its job to help you to transcend through your powers of discernment and the power that is your true self you're discovering you see so we're putting too much emphasis on ego the ego must be done listen in a way we are advertising how big it is it is nothing at all it is just that ID that you have identified the pure with the impure rabbit which was necessary for a while to make game more more steamy so now you're growing out you're going back into yourself its voice it may be for a while when used when you began by choosing freedom or sensing to his freedom you he became very loud for there and he is trying to sink your ship to puncture your wheels to burn down your house then you you chew that very activity you came to see more clearly what it is and the damage it could do when you associate with it now that you're leaving him you see the betrayal you see the effectiveness you see the fact that you can see that is also your transcendence finally the remnants all the remnants collected from your sense of self is coming together to say please help me to get rid of it but this voice is also imaginary you say but it's not imaginary because I can feel it feel so strong your feeling of something strongly is not evidence of its reality we feel suspicion towards people equally as strong turn out to be false the strength of a feeling about something is not the evidence of its reality or even of its existence we have many built up many things you know because you have a talent doesn't mean you're special some people have a little talent they start to walk as though they or something this is also an idea we have many ideas in our mind and the biggest of them and they all hinge on one I am this I but the eye we long time take to be ourselves is really a personal construct or a cocktail between the sense of person and the sense of being and the person is pulling you back towards the the ego-mind and beingness is pulling you towards the self this you for a while which is the the working title eventually will evaporate it is also a service purpose the I as a personal serve this purpose the I as the the witness serve this purpose all of them take finally to where does it go it all merges in the absoluteness of yourself where's absoluteness somewhere is it something tangible now it is you you without you it has taken a while to develop the necessary sensitivity and subtlety to grasp these things they're not going to appear in Time magazine they're not going to appear in newspaper it can only be for those who have a yearning but to transcend the egoic influence of the ego-mind identity that's it you have come to this place now I have Mooji yes right now I know that everything is saying even me talking and even me whiny it's it's all saying by what it is see and you don't have to answer that in words use the fact that it's seen and just be in the seeing without being attached to the things seen be the seeing in fact I can go a step further the very seeing nazar so seen we are looking for something to hold on to but you're trying to find something to hold on to is also seen by that which is holding on to nothing at all not even anything that cause to be created what what is in the way I expect to see less and less of you over the years less and less has this become more and more I say it in two ways I think I should be less and less people because they come with mine to give something to mind you don't get something and then you're disappointed and whatever or sometimes I say to people some people I see only once each year sometime not even that but each time I see them I see less of them you understand what I mean is a very nice thing I see less of them less of them that's not them okay you get it yes I do [Music] so we come to this moment again where we have this kind of pause this silence sometimes a bit of a nervous silence where do we go from here where we gotta go anywhere but even if there's a sort of a where to go that is also seen [Music] can that be in itself that it is so so seen don't turn that into some cliche understand what it means that they are seen all these are seen but that which sees can that be seen we are waiting for what something to change in the head maybe a feeling and sometimes that will come also like just you know what is on which side are you of my pointer the one waiting for something to happen or that which is not waiting for anything I have a mochi when you say I know what is the content of your eye iris referring to the one who were speaking to and who is the one I'm speaking to my highest uh the one that's also observing all of this going on with our saying the words yes this one only needs to confirm if you feel impatience frustration don't give too much importance about that make your impatience work for you it's fine it's good but don't let it become emotional don't let pick up any identity use everything even if you are restless and impatient that the impatience be towards holding anything that's not true use everything everything becomes a mirror for you and everything you see it's reflecting if it you cannot hold it you cannot hold it what I'm speaking nobody can hold it you are it you are it that which whoever is saying I really want to stabilize in it you are it then who is saying I want to stabilize in it only there's a correlation between you saying you cannot hold it and you were saying you are it because I did experience it I had the experience what was it but because so you had the experience when you what I had the experience of I knew I would say I am in I'm like you say you are what you are looking for I I found myself like my true self but being that I thought I can hold it and no no I'm saying yeah I switched there the one who feels like I'm trying to get something cannot hold it that one cannot hold anything and the it does not need to hold anything yet nothing can exist without it can you stay with such subtle and refine seeing or not this is this is it this is this is the thing you see this is the thing if you feel a struggle and you feel unborn these are the these are the birth pains to your own deliverance soon your joy this is longing sometimes the pain is greatest because mind is in the mind sense it's not the mind is holding on if you feel the mind is holding on but something is holding on to mind the sense of the person which is also an aspect of mind is still holding them to mind and is giving this feeling that even sometimes even sometimes our body language is not it's expressing like that identity is there all that is momentary shapes occurring into the shapeless but in the moment you believe so strongly in your shape in another moment it is gone that still nothing has moved from the shapeless because we have identified with us something that wants to get something if it doesn't get the thing it wants to get it feels as a failure did you get that don't touch yourself the judge yourself creates and perpetuates a self and expect also that sometimes at the at the at the very at the very edge of discovery sometimes your greatest resistance will come the mind will play its loudest June the strongest resistance the greatest doubts may come the don't will be disheartened by this take them to be good science also but they should endure some mochi thank you and I will always why will be here until the end of your season because this is so dear my heart you might end before the end of the season that is my good intention I am below okay thank you for now I would ask or maybe some people come in to play something I'll ask you for the moment you know we have spoken in this way and those in whom these satsangs matter because this is a mirror that one day will not show the face you think you are in it and that they could be today or so that you marinate your attention on the quintessence of what you have heard marinate your attention on that value this meaning make use of the seeing but there's no need to get sweaty about it because the force of the the power that's emanating from the self is a cloud blasting it's the breaking open all these little tumors of resistance it's happen like that I don't want to use too much elaborate language but don't worry have the idea this life is for freedom and I am already chosen for this freedom and don't doubt okay thank you ah it says upon me me and PRCA what is all you say say it's enough microphone despite being in the water the fish feels thirsty I get amused on hearing this the grace is overflowing yet you are wondering and struggling here and there without self-realization the being keeps rambling like someone heading to Kashi or to Mathura the holy places he the supreme one resides in your own sanctum the imperishable one only the eye ego that resides within tells that he is far away and this thought of separation always disappoints says Kabir to the seeker without the grace of the Guru the essence of life the secret cannot be known I'm gonna read it again good it very much pertains to our satsang despite being in the water there are many people they've gone to - online no they already leave early to go to - online I'm sharing the quintessence of this induction line I say despite being in the water the fish feels thirsty I get amused on hearing this the grace is overflowing yet you are wandering and struggling here and there without self-realization the being keeps rambling like someone heading to Kashi or to Mathura we are only places he the supreme one resides in your own santim the imperishable one only the I ago that resides within tells that he is far away and this thought of separation always disappoints says Kabir to the seeker without the grace of the Guru the essence of life the secret cannot be known we are here together on this moment don't listen to your minds assessment you will tell you oh yes almost got it it will tell you many things but you are before the hearing of these things or the thinking of them we are here [Music] [Music] [Music] Neiman Mena [Music] funny me me ah city more hair soreness or neigh oven ha seeded more hair soreness or neigh Arvin ha seated Bonnie me Mina Biasi [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] Angelica let's all get it put it all I literally saw Oh ditto like to cut the fitter my dick undefeated Monni me Mina bill [Music] [Applause] [Music] turn it - aw put it all [Applause] toilet would it all Mike Ditka the fitter but it see I don't like y'all No oh my god No boy might put off gosh my gosh it [Music] Mina [Music] Oh [Music] bill [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] my lord so my but in my boudoir shed puffy nah but um Wooderson funny me Mina [Music] Mina [Music] [Music] [Music] but [Applause] [Music] but would a keyboard are [Music] buta keyboard [Music] Mina Oh me Oh [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] go ahead the copied [Music] [Applause] [Music] get the coffee so no my son technically so no way would it be mine would've been am i dumb [Applause] [Music] money may mean a bell Oh Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] me Oh feel didn't [Applause] and just as the clouds I've given this metaphorical example before like clouds are passing drifting by in the infinite expanse of the sky they come and go each and every one they come and go the sky does not move similarly all thoughts sensations feelings including including the eye itself are clouds floating life in the great expanse of the one imperishable unborn and create itself when speaking and you're here I would say to you listen to this and be here like you're the only one here I'm speaking only to you don't worry about who gets it or done get it I'm speaking only to you listen like you're the only one here doesn't matter it's all for you just like you can hear the sound coming from outside and the traffic and the birds are whatever nice yet nothing sticks nothing sticks yesterday we had a day just like this where I could look into your eyes and you could feel the moment you did whatever you do where is it everything is gone except a few moments of memory everything is gone and even those memories they are so you including one day even the one who remembers is going but right here right here is the unchanging one it's also here and we say it is that which is your heart not the pump heart heart beating the very source of our existence that's it [Music] [Music] [Music] yes yeah it's here yeah [Music] and this one inefficient [Music] buddy that's what would thank you thank you you [Music]
Channel: Moojiji
Views: 69,100
Rating: 4.8889589 out of 5
Keywords: Mooji, Papaji, Ramana, non-duality, truth, love, meditation, Satsang, God, Self-realization, awakening, duality, self-inquiry, soul, self, enlightenment, Buddha, Krishna, Shiva, devotion, yoga, Jesus, Christ, ego, prophet, spirituality, spirit, guru, Liberation, sahaja, maya, peace, awareness, bliss, sacred, I Am, eternal, mantra, wisdom, contemplation, time, nirvana, supreme, divine, surrender, seeker, reality, presence, philosophy, freedom, being, eternity, suffering, grace, negativity, life, desire, practice, mind, mindfulness, possessed, depression
Id: AjBb1FoVmBA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 166min 59sec (10019 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 27 2020
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