*MUST SEE* Mooji Answers — The Master Key to All Problems

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] see [Music] one [Music] question can you guide from self-awareness to universal awareness if you know is this one there must be a lake of course this time but what have you [Music] thank you Oh namaste welcome everyone to this afternoon's gathering here and if there are anyone following by via broadcast for today for this afternoon's gathering very big welcome to you and as I entered this morning or maybe also a couple of days ago that during the time can you all hear all the back also yeah thank you during the time that satsang has been taking place letters have been coming in daily sometimes someone may even feel touched by some point or something and they're writing for clarification or whatever but it felt in the moment it's always been difficult for me in the in all the years of trying to be in the satsang here and addressing all the letters we were not able to do it and then this time hardly I think I did it so I felt in fairness to those who are writing in that I would take some time and look through some of them I don't know how many I can get through today so what I would ask of you is not to be putting your hands up to now and so I can get through these in spite of maybe you're able to relate to something that you may hear from the letters but just try and see I will see as much as I can to capture really the essence of what people are sharing and not just the person only so and then my feeling is like this that whatever problems whatever difficulties or challenges come there is a universal aspect of it when looked at from the place of consciousness it really concerns us all as consciousness if you are looking only for a personal resolution for a personal situation you probably feel you're not able to relate to another thing why am I saying this because actually I've seen that you may have a question someone may have another question but if if you listen carefully I may answer your question you chew their question it happens all the time so please don't lock off you say oh no he's talking about this now I'm holding on to my question if you're or if you're holding on to my question I'm also holding on to my person there will come one more time when these things you will see how actually universal you are and not so personal as we might imagine as you listen and continue to deepen in your your own inner self you come to realize how Universal actually the consciousness you are is so mmm today I was I asked can I because many letters came and for the first time because normally I don't like to look before I just want to see them fresh so I was thinking there are many letters let me see which ones I couldn't be bothered with today because we don't know how many so I found myself saying okay keep this one I keep this one and all of them came so I probably still won't be able to go through it just depends when I'm out of juice I'm out of juice and we leave an idea perhaps we can pick them up at another time and then so I didn't really read them because that takes also a lot of time I kind of just had a feel and say okay okay we'll see and then I asked my Hema to shuffle them up so I don't know some of them got dates and then I'll start just act like that leave this one here and see okay thank you and let's see namaste dear master I am really struggling being present with you in satsang at the moment also with invitation I feel I try too hard a sneeze wants to come also with the invitation I feel I try too hard also maybe I don't have the same urge anymore but I'm not going to accept that mind the feeling is maybe I don't have that much urge anymore if you don't have that urge to to this self-discovery if it's falling it may be not so good of thing but if you have been like it's linked to this other statement maybe I'm trying too hard so maybe sometimes when people trying too hard then maybe something drops and then you relax a little bit and maybe the mind might come also and say look you're losing your drive but maybe in such a state maybe it is good to relax a little bit if you are trying too hard trying too hard enough and there are people who tried too hard it's like you get up and you you know you get dressed and you put on your roller skates and your helmet just to go to the shop next door so that happens in satsang - trying to be the self relax a little bit please please you're making me nervous okay so let's go on something in me doesn't want to accept this truth but I don't understand what it is also I doubt about my real position I sense it but cannot say it is what I am 100% because my person is very violent and angry and so on so it seems like a really big jump from that one to pure consciousness I am tired of myself yet I don't know how to accept the truth also I get very angry with my partner when he approaches me with anything stupid because I feel it is too small and then I suffer this anger also for two days now he is also watching your sad songs please pray for him as well I have a yearning for this truth but it seems I really have the worst ego as well anything you can say about this is a blessing thank you you there's a picture with it but I can't say nothing if you sign it thank you you okay ha where we start now so something in me doesn't want to accept the truth this is a universal resistance now something doesn't want to accept you know if you for this it puts all kind of excuses we know this also also sorry but I don't understand what it is I don't understand what it is that doesn't want to accept the truth also I doubt about my real position I sense it but I cannot say it is what I am 100% who is measuring I cannot say it is what I am 100% because my person is very violent and angry and so on so it seems like a big jump from from that one to pure consciousness I am tired of myself yet I don't know how to accept the truth I'm reading over as you see also I get very angry with my partner when he approaches me with anything stupid because it I feel it is too small and then I suffer this anger also for two days now again he's also watching your satsangs please pray for him as well I have a yearning for this truth but it seems I really have the worst ego as well anything you can say about this is a blessing so all the things you talk about I can put them all together because if you try and go one by one by one you will not be able to do anything about it it's all just coming from the ego which is more like a spoiled child and you know whatever you done nothing now I want to sit down and keep quiet bla bla bla bla so what to do what you will do and then you can't take this this child and put in somewhere this one because it's a Siamese twin kinda talk can't get away from him what you can do so um I don't take all these things one by one seriously I don't take it but it's just coming from the ego which I'm not going to try and cure the ego it's like even if you spend ten years trying to cure it in the end you still have to throw it out throw it out mean it's not worth trying to cure the ego these things the ego behavior most important is to recognize you are not it you are not it that may be more simple for you you you may be more simple because to point what you are is not something you can see you cannot see what you are but you can see what you're not I used to say there's nothing you need to do to be what you are because you are but there's something you need to do in order to there's nothing you have to do to see what you are but it's something you need to understand in order to be to stop being what you are not you see and you must begin to observe because all these are sensations their feelings their thoughts their energies arising in you and you being who well actually you are the consciousness then why are they happening so strong because they the consciousness has adopted personhood and this personhood that suffers in this way not the consciousness not the universal consciousness but the person the localized mode of consciousness that takes the form of a person so these type of trouble they are personal universal consciousness cannot have this trouble you see so what why are these troubles coming also you can say they produce an opportunity to aspire to go beyond them if you're going to say anything good about it is that it's just better I just get out of that state I've got to get out how how to do well first by hearing it is not what you are whatever you can see or experience even what you might know it cannot be what you are not if you are searching for ultimate reality of yourself everything is a cloud passing everything there's just been a habit to identify with these these phenomena they're coming and going I am tired of myself of course your dad not of your true self you haven't found true self yet you can never be tired of your true self you can only be tired of carrying this donkey on your back you can never be tired of your true self because one yourself is weightless it is weightless the ego is as a heavy as carrying a donkey on your back a fat donkey and your back so you're gonna get tired why do become donkey that you'll get tired and then you want to give it up I am tired of myself yet I don't know how to accept the truth when you see that you don't have to carry the donkey you put them down then you'll find that whoa the relief and the release you automatically start to feel more like yourself then from there it will just be a continuing continuing of the natural refinement and natural knowing of yourself you cannot do it you cannot judge your real weight by carrying a donkey on your back it is not true easy so also I get very angry with my partner when he approaches me with anything stupid because it feels oh it feels it's too small you'll probably get annoyed by many people at a certain point when you are getting fed up of yourself you're getting fed up of the whole world you cannot be even with yourself meaning what you cannot ever be feeling like that with you're not in your natural state it is only because we are somehow still invested consciously or unconsciously or subconsciously with the wrong idea of yourself now it's hurting I don't know how old you are in this picture you look like you could in your mid late 20s or 30s so so many years you're carrying this wrong identity then at some point is going to be too much so you are coming to that stage where no I cannot carry on the way that I have been believing myself to be this person which you have told me I am NOT and then when you are angry with the people close to you and then you also suffer that anger also and now for two days you're in angry state so for me this one miss you is is approaching being a very good candidate for freedom when you cannot bear yourself anymore when you cannot stand yourself in this case meaning your ego identity something is feeling no no I can't carry on like this then I feel it is a is a good opportunity that either you're going to wake up or you'll crack up you know something has got to go and so you've written this letter so I am with you on it already now we speak that is also watching satsang the partner please pray for me more so I have a yearning for this truth but it seems I really have the worst ego as well why you want to have the best ego better you have the worst ego when you have the worst ego you have to give him up now you have to if you are the best ego you will continue sleeping if you have the worst ego you have to get away you follow so I'm happy to be even given her good news about our suffering that yes it means that you are giving all the signs that you need to be free of what of a lot of contaminated concepts and beliefs about yourself how again by noticing that anything you feel it doesn't matter how intimate sometimes these feelings can feel closer than intimacy they feel like it's the air in your lungs it feels like it's the blood flowing in your veins it feels like you're totally contaminated but it's still only conceptually created those energies the the consciousness somehow has chosen to experience like this for a while in order to come to a place where it's unbearable to associate with phenomenon to associate with a phenomenal identity and now it wishes to be free of it can't take it anymore this is why I say you are good candidate for freedom also people in prison are good people for satsang you've got nothing much else doing you have more I have to give more your attention you have time to focus on things when we have too much of an exaggerated notion of choices and all of this then we have too many things too involved in the world but you she has got to such a point now it's too much saturated with the nonsense of being a person I see even here people sometimes are not ready to separate or to at least to leave the person or to see that the person is not real sometimes we don't want to see that what you want is to of course we want to keep the good bits the good things and there are good things in the personal life but that is coming from your higher state of consciousness when the person goes your good qualities will not go suppose you are trained as a ballerina or an artist and what caused you to develop that your you got no consciousness wants to express all these things you see they do no harm they probably bring much joy in the world us all so how would it mean that by waking up to the truth means you can no longer be an artist that's not true it's not true you may find that if you were trying to be an artist for fame then maybe you'll find that when wake up you'll lose your interest in art because you don't want to be famous anymore I don't care about Fame but if you are doing your work for joy then why should it go I hope you are reassured by this because sometimes people feel that they have to give up everything they have to become something else no the self is not else so where to go now the bottom part I don't need to read because that part but it's all in here in this part that I've read something doesn't want to accept this truth but I don't understand what it is so don't worry about that also I doubt about my real position I don't want to come in there I sense it but I cannot say what I am wanted today you cannot of course because you are in the ego state what can you see everything is some some twisted concepts misconceptions so I would not want to listen to your story if you are telling me something I'd say no it will be contaminated with too much personhood so where is that where can they help be offered in this letter my person is very violent and angry and so on so it seems like a really big jump from to go from one from that person to pure consciousness and I'm tired of myself yet I don't know how to accept the truth so all these are the symptoms of ego only so I'm not trying to treat the ego and same thing with you if you can relate not to the specifics necessarily of the letter but the tone of it don't I'm not trying to cure the problems of the ego I'm trying to show you who you really are and then if you catch this then the whole ego falsehood will somehow get seen and left it this can be a full cure full cure today actually it's possible but you have to take the medicine what is the medicine be aware of all these things are aware of all these things happening inside and be aware also of the habit to identify with them if you're not aware of this identification take place with them and then you will not be able to hear my words because you are hearing the words inside the sickness itself I get very angry with my partner and so on because he says he when he says something stupid but what the ego is saying is stupid already your ego is thinking many stupid things so you have to deal with your stupidness and other people stupidness so if I had to take you at your writing word and address you as though you are this person I will need much more time than this you know and I'm not does a psychotherapist I'm not anybody like that I'm seeing immediately what the problem is don't try to treat the problem of such but to look you are not the problem the problem is that you are identifying with a person whose state and you have the option to be free of identifying with that it is the personhood state that is sick not you you must know the difference between the person and pure awareness self you are more what not more you're not more the awareness you are totally the awareness but unaware of your awareness now you feel that by saying that I don't know if miss you can follow this will you follow it you see may be thinking oh you know the mind might say but that's not helpful for me why don't you give me some awakening pill or something I can't follow all this stuff it's too much for me so this I cannot help some of you have come here and you know had similar kind of intensity of this mind pulsation but you listened and listened and gradually come to see the correct position and grasp who is making that noise outside is the ego so I feel that if you are really earnest I've said enough and you can work with what I say again what is it you are capable of observing even the most intense even in the body supposing you're having a panic attack anybody have panic attack before suppose inside is it possible to observe with the touch mental panic attack yes it is thank you when you're able to to acknowledge or recognize that even such a thing you don't have to identify with it of course in the beginning the reflex is to identify what's happening to me I think I'm going to die I'm having a heart attack all of that in amplifies the the situation now by being neutral somehow you're in the neutrality of pure seeing you can observe that the mind might say but if you only see and don't do anything maybe you're going to die and then some oh yes maybe and then boom you're in what is the difference between that response that you're observing but you realize that by observing without identifying somehow there's a distance from that and that's just functioning that's just a play it will soon pass lightening and thunder is not going to break the earth in half it sooner is go so goes but it's not only that you're waiting for the situation to go but more that you are just aware of your awareness at the same time you're aware of the pulsation of that but it changes because your your attention is rooted in awareness this is the most powerful thing that's one we put this one I have severe depressive disorder that has a debilitating effect on the body and mind it is difficult for me to meditate or enquire with the feelings and thoughts I also experience intense feelings of dread out of the blue for no apparent reason so I also experienced intense feelings of dread like something you know are just suddenly without expectation that can come I know intellectually this is the ego but I have been told by the psychiatrist it's likely I won't be cured of this and that I'll have to cope with this illness for the rest of my life what a horrible thing to be told no psychiatrist no doctor can tell you your sickness is gonna be for the rest of your life none of them can they can tell you but you should not believe it you should not I know I have some doctors in the house I know there might be some psychotherapists and psychiatrists in the house I am Telling You if somebody tells you you're gonna be like this for the rest of your life don't accept some things we can say yes it is likely that this condition may go on maybe for a long time but as long as you have some faith and as long as you know you're not the body and the mind you are not doomed sometimes you might be told this you're gonna have for the rest of your life and it could turn out to be good also in a way I'll give you one example one example remember some time ago there was a man in satsang in property satsang and he was always you know a bit of a playboy around the place or no answer in satsang was always fooling around and so on so one day he wrote the Papaji actually put his hand up and said that he wants to know I want to know apology how I can win freedom as soon as possible so the master said to him yes I am aware of you and I just want to tell you you will not be free in this life so you can continue with your monkey business you will not be free in this life maybe next life well you may think oh my god how can master say business she's a very hard but master knew what is happening because this struck so hard that this man changed he said I'm not having that I have to win freedom and all the monkey business fell yes no more monkey he became monk no monkey and like this so in this case the reaction it created the really intensified is urge and focused himself no no I I can't let this life no I cannot give up my life for these foolish things my behavior so change so in one way I can say everything is everything is ok whatever but I feel that to to say that to someone who is very weak not that doctors say intentionally for anything maybe feel yes according to my discipline your lighter tablets for the rest of your life and it could be true it could be true but I don't like to feel like I cut off the oxygen anybody I say actually it can change I don't want to break your faith it can change there's a lot can change because you have the power of consciousness it can change then I give you back some power because if you tell somebody you're likely that you're going to die from this illness I'm know that I'm getting into trouble some waters to talk like this but some of them they give up so quick already so in the end whatever it's okay from the highest situation with the highest looking it's all okay I guess so we are we know I know intellectual are I also experience intense feelings of dread out of the blue with no apparent reason I know intellectually this is the ego but I've been told by the psychiatrist it's likely I won't be cured of this and that I'll have to cope with this illness for the rest of my life you may you may ask who is the one feeling I know it's me feeling not consciousness but it's very intense and I and won't let go you may ask who is the one feeling feeling I know it's my feeling not consciousness but it's very intense and won't let go not sure if I understand that I'm not sure you have any insight to offer this one or you may ask you saying I may ask who is the one feeling this I know it's me feeling not consciousness I see but it's very intense and won't let go my single point I come back to even if something feels you know I'm not going to let go it's only because you believe this and you accept this and it feels like it's going to be some very long drawn-out process but if you observe this this is just a voice it's a feeling appearing now soon it will also go it may also come back but I'm going to meet it the same way it is only something apparent it comes and goes do you get this thing why I'm printing like that identity egoic identity is the root of suffering personal identity unquestioned is the root of suffering that ought to be good news for you because it means you have an option you don't have to be living only in the narrow world of personhood you are much greater than that as consciousness as body this body is limited as mind and person is limited as consciousness unlimited but the body mind is where desires function whereas in the total state there is no desire why there's no desire because it is the perfect state all things are naturally in harmony and balance there [Applause] namaste Mooji since I am NOT able to make it to Rishikesh I wish to ask you I am in a situation where I see my parents being arrested by some family members and they are in a helpless State I see them especially my mother doing everything in our capacity yet going through continuous betrayals the situation has now prolonged for more than six months I feel my mother doesn't have much more time in the body it was sort of revealed in a dream and I don't want her to carry resentment or hurt in her heart my father is also in a very bad state seeing my mother and himself going through it I want your help regarding my mother and also I want to ask I can witness the witness and be empty but how will it help my mother or the situation if I am in that space and it is not effortless at the moment and the external atmosphere is so disturbing I just want to know does it help and how does it help and is there any way you can help my mother please Mooji I need a reply this is an emergency Niki I want to point out something because it seems like the personal circumstances of people is competing with the the focus that seems to be more present here in this room in satsang something is coming up the mind is coming up more about resolving personal issues and not understanding that if you awaken to the truth genuine genuinely it will begin to shed new light and healing on your circumstances and situation [Music] we feel let me take care of these problems first or something or the problems the problem environment and atmosphere is coming up strongly when you are watching your you're watching satsang online rishi cash and these things are coming up more and more so I can't give my proper attention to satsang English again because these things are coming up I wonder sometimes if these things are coming up because from the mind is coming strong resistance to really listening to the master key to receiving the master key not for just this problem but for all problems your awakening to the truth because your mother didn't write this letter father didn't write this letter you wrote a letter so if you yourself received you know freedom from the one you who is worried and concerned and want to do something if you could wake up to the truth of who you are that would be great to help to your mother and father you would bring God into the house not medicine you follow where I'm going with this of course you write like this I bless that situation in fact that yes okay that is by grace the the situation will change but then next situation next situation after next situation when you have woken up situations come and go they are not anything to feel like it stops you or something and I want to I want your help regarding my mother I also want to ask I can witness the witness and be empty really but how will it help my mother or the situation if I am in that space and it is not effortless at the moment and the external atmosphere is so disturbing I just want to know how does it help you put the condition on your seeing I'm looking and I can see and I come to a place of business and stillness but but how does that help my mother or does it have my mother you have not taken your medicine you could also use this situation to deepen more and make it more urgent for your seeing also some of you might say but still you wouldn't not be better to correct the situation for the family and then they can return to their satsang if you remember the story of bhagavad-gita now two armies are facing each other for battle they are probably only you know three-quarters of a kilometer away from each other Krishna and Arjuna is on one side at the head of one army and the other armies waiting there over there they're ready all saddled up can you imagine so much adrenaline so much testosterone on that field the horses are waiting for the for the trumpet to walk get into the biggest nastiest fear of killing each other and whatever and right there at the most tense moment you can imagine hmm Krishna is having satsang with a drama right there at the the height of the most stressful we may not we don't know what the outcome Krishna did not say to Arjuna Arjuna there are some things I want to tell you about existence and if we survive this battle we take you for a holiday in Goa we drink some coconut instead and I can tell you the wonderful thing about what you are an existence no right on the battlefield there right on the battlefield people are waiting for fights having satsang what is the point that right in the midst of what may appear to be your crisis your satsang should take place there not when everything is nice and peaceful than you now I can have satsang and chai now in the most pulsating and challenging circumstances your satsang is activated presently and it will guide everything in fact and the quintessence of bhagavad-gita is what he say that which exists can never not exist that which does not exist can never exist that which is cannot be killed that cannot be burned cannot be drowned it is the eternal spirit you are this but because Arjuna did not grasp that and Krishna had to speak more the soldiers have to wait longer and the world received bhagavad-gita bhagavad-gita could be one page if we understood this is what is this this is a four not even bhagavad-gita could be this big one page you could be if you grasp it but because we didn't grasp it we have big book now and then everybody got thank you Lord Krishna for bhagavad-gita hmm and it said I've already said some of you who can maybe verify that even after bhagavad-gita Arjuna did not fully get it can anybody verify yeah yes we can verify that that's what's been said we don't know what touching laughter Arjun maybe Arjuna has come back to satsang today no disrespect this one is long see we can have one fun one and fun one namaste Mooji Baba you said even the awareness is observed could you please talk more about this in your next satsang in Rishikesh deepest regards and gratitude Arjun this is consciousness dancing this is consciousness dancing for sure look and it doesn't say our June somehow such a day for something just Arjun PS after after trying to observe who or what is observing the awareness itself the attached following symbol comes to my mind what does that mean I don't know anybody know that symbol it's like a curve with a line and dot and a dot I don't know we don't know maybe we just made it up or something I don't know look at that you said even the awareness is observed could you please talk more about this in your next satsang in Rishikesh deepest regard ingratitude actually okay okay Arjuna okay okay even the awareness is observed but it is not observed only awareness can no awareness non-dual when I say it is a non phenomenal when I say it is a non phenomenal recognition it means not one thing recognizing another thing it is spontaneously known by knowing what you are not you intuitively come to know what you are without needing to see also you see so it's good to correct this you said even the awareness is observed so maybe the mind goes you see so there's something more deeper than awareness is there to awarenesses that when awareness is aware of the other awareness now they are self aware when I gave example today keep on putting the attention first on the sense of being the sense of being this conscious presence without creating any images about it the energy gets reflected back and one experiences the environment of the seeing that is also perceivable this is not yet absolute necessity and then also gradually gradually there is nothing to reflect back consciousness only consciousness the pure consciousness alone is there what can know this okay just a Sunday know it doesn't know it informational II it knows it spontaneously I've went to keep this letter over here maybe under one before I don't know what they go together okay there Mooji namaste and thank you for receiving this letter okay I was listening to one of your meditation meditations as was and was deep in my looking when you said there is no person this hit me to my core and in that moment I felt nothing but the shell of this body and yet as though I contain within me the vastness of the universe my mind though panicked as it could no longer reference my person you get this the beginnings of a panic attack ensued and I gradually took shape again as my mind persisted to identify with something other than the self witnessing since then my mind has become so busy particularly with thoughts of how dangerous this process is and that without my mind I would be left vulnerable in my heart I know these things are untrue yet this fear is so strong and feels although it is illusory to be a barrier to me stabilizing in my true self timeless love lucy' a good letter to hear today I read again I was listening to one of your meditations as was deep in my looking when you said there is no person this hit me to my core and in that moment I felt nothing but the shell of this body and yet as though I contained within me the vastness of the universe my mind though panicked as I could no longer reference my person also one friend she was walking to market and she had been to satsang walking through the market and she said that after something vanished my identity vanished and all that remains was this sense of walking to the market he was just walking through the market no not just not the body by itself walking through the market nothing in it but not with the the personhood identity there that gone there was the awareness and just the body moving to the markets yes in awareness awareness is there but the usual tenant of the house the person who not there then panic came and the panic came it is as though back in the body and then a feeling of ah thank you followed by a feeling of oh no what have I done this that I don't know so this has happened quite a few people they experienced absence of personhood but and in that instant there is just the vastness I mean there's no end to what is there you see but the sense of the person vanished and just pure consciousness is there but then a panic came and with the thought come what did the thought here say my mind panic though as it cooled could no longer reference my person no where are you what's happened then some fear triggered some fear and the fear sucked the sense of the person back into the body feeling and immediately followed by thank you I'm back followed by oh no did I miss my awakening or something like this the beginnings of a panic attack and followed and I gradually took shape again as my mind persisted to identify with something other than the self can you hear this you understand this people at the back is there a turn okay since then my mind has become so busy particularly with thoughts of how dangerous this process is process of what of awakening and discovering that the person is thinning away the personal reference seems to be thinning away and in that moment there is a feeling of I'm disappearing many people go to the doctor they go to the G to their to their their doctor and saying that I feel like I'm dying it's true they got doctor and doctor I think I'm dying I think I'm dying a doctor checked them and says nothing wrong with you mister mind because they cannot find the usual reference for the personal cell for the present there's something is so that reaction come so now the mind the beginnings of a panic attack insured and graduate took shape again and I gradually took shape again as my mind persisted to identify with something other than the self it did not want to come back to the cell no fear of the self as a reason since then the mind has become so busy particularly with thoughts of how dangerous this practice is and that without my mind I would be left vulnerable amis are you need your mind to protect you from this infinite self in my heart I know these things are untrue yet this fear is so strong and feels although it is illusory to become a barrier to me stabilizing in my true self this is a good letter to read today because it will come sometimes when you have come to a profound experience I said are very good but now a storm is coming and this storm is the mind it's gonna play everything to sink this ship of the self so to speak if every doubt came panic attack came panic attack feels like you are you are going to die now and you know why you're going to die because you want to wake up through something this thing is not good it's going to destroy you and this is mind can you overcome this attack I know some people can't bear this kind of talk because the mind you mean you mean my mind my person is going to be exchanged hmm that's very expensive to my person came here to get the self I didn't come here to be replaced by the self and fear will come she will come that's why I say I don't expect so many of you to be here because the fear will attack you more than many people in the world because what there isn't enough space in heaven No no it's just maybe I can say maybe it is so high the realization of the self and all of us carrying the virus of personhood to come out of that and you cannot cheat you will walk through the valley of the shadow of death but as David said I will fear no evil knowing you are with me you are at the supreme self so the mind has become very busy particularly with thoughts of how dangerous she highlight she put this this process is and that without the mind my mind I would be left vulnerable who is gonna be vulnerable the self-image the self-portrait the idea you have of yourself the ego is gonna feel vulnerable oh oh we can't have that we must protect and so you go back to sleep in my heart I know these things are untrue yet this fear is so strong and feels although it is illusory it has become a barrier to stabilizing in my true self it can begin to feel the simplicity of what I'm painting can be feel like you have taken on the worst risk you could take and now what's happening to you now you have drop brought great fear into your life you feel vulnerable Oh what has happened and some people they turn away they even turn against also they also maybe become enslaved by these thoughts and everybody has this seed of fear in them but you remember many are they who transcended and came back as the evidence yes I am here like that don't worry don't be afraid of this dragon so my question to you is are you here to go all the way this is very good okay missus one identity seems thinning out there is more wisdom and discernment in me I know I cannot control anything anything also many times these days there is no me doing things and things get better done than before and I'm more or less relaxed and at peace within myself whatever happened or is happening or will happen is what is supposed to happen so no regrets grace and self self created suffering both helped to see that suffering was self made as well as given divinely and was necessary to D bond me meaning to free me my husband who is a pure by heart patient and is on daily dialysis was my biggest attachment and suffering in my life made me physically so sick that I got a cancer but grace as all has been always with me I am better in health than ever before I still cry sometimes but now from a place of gratitude and not from desire and helplessness like before now there is still extreme sadness and an anguish in my heart but along with it a lot of uncaused joy and lightness sadness does not dissolve even though inquiry sorry sadness does not dissolve even through inquiry but if is okay to be sad I am ever grateful to you for changing me beyond recognition from my old self love you love you Suraj Royal New Delhi so sometimes we have to go through this fire where things there is good and bad the strong contrasts are happening but there's a silence within your hearts something that makes you know that everything is fine you are not you are not responsible for holding this universe together for who will come or who will go and something inside is expanding beyond the size into this understanding I am ever grateful to you for changing me beyond recognition from my old self whereas this old self it is not anymore a reference for what I am very good very good letter very letter no oh my gosh darris Muji when I started to awaken I had an experience of the universe speaking to me through people constantly anytime I posed a question it would answer back I also would have moments where I would touch this deep inner knowing of why things are having experienced the deep inner knowing it is hard to grasp that I am no thing because I have seen that I am everything it is it is just the no thing is it just the no thing posing as everything and if it is no thing why the deep inner knowing I have yet to receive a response to this question can you speak to this with great love and respect Terri Wells from Lake Tahoe Lake Tahoe Tahoe in USA when I started to awaken are we all okay you can you are okay you need a break when I started to awaken I had an experience of the universe speaking to me through people constantly any time I posed a question it would answer back I also would have moments where I would touch this deep inner knowing of why things are of why things were having experienced the deep inner knowing it is hard to grasp that I am not nothing because I've seen that I am everything now it is just the north is it just the no thing posing as everything yes while we have a somethingness about us we are attracted to other things and everything in our cultures we are expected particularly in the Western culture and so on that you are to be even in Indian culture also you are to become the best something you can be not the best no thing you can be your parents generally won't accept so it says having experienced a deep inner knowing it is hard to grasp that I am no thing because I've seen that I am everything is it just the no thing posing as everything I'd rather say that out of the no thing comes their parent everything and everything even everything has the no thing inside it we don't have to know that right now it will get confirmed if you don't chase this and I would say don't worry about that at the right time it will reveal itself in you right now we maybe don't need to know that unless it is spontaneously arise for you okay is it just another thing opposing us everything and if it is if it is nothing why the deep in annoying the deep inner knowing is not about something the deep inner knowing is not an informational knowing the deep inner knowing is the infinite the infinite self that's why it's knowingness and not a knowledge it's an intuition it's a sense it's a a knowing that you cannot write about you know make a thesis about it it's the self knowing itself beyond information so is it just the know thing posing as everything and if it is nothing why the deep inner knowing I have not I have yet to receive a response to this question can you speak to this if it is nothing why the deep inner knowing the deep inner knowing you mentioned before and I was also wanting to stop there but I read on it started again when I started to awaken I had an experience of the universe speaking to me through people constantly okay this is fine and that sometimes you are thinking about something somebody speak and refers to it and so that's it they may not think that they are saying something important but you're hungry consciousness accepted yes thank you this is what I was waiting for any time I posed a question it would answer back sometimes we exaggerate about absolutely okay I also would like would have moments where I would touch this deep in a knowing of why things were why why things were I'm gonna leave that hanging for now why things were maybe more what things are in their substance because why they why they were why things were is in a sense to affirm that they are as things but what is their essence would be a more true revelation that their appearances arising out of the no thing just like you lie on your back on a beautiful summer's day looking at the sky empty blue sky and somehow you see a little movement and suddenly it starts to shape itself into a cloud where it come from from no thing it come it appears for a while and then it vanishes into nothing a little metaphor everything arising out where the thoughts come from before there were thoughts what were they emptiness become and they again vanish or if we cling to them something put save and they go into memory but they've also past but you said I want to hold onto them longer and they come back again where things are coming from where is your hair coming from you cut your hair and then you start to come come come where it come from if we open your head will we see a bunch of air inside there now we'll come out of nor thing you look at the tree and where the things coming from out of nowhere they are coming everything coming like that in the universe having experienced the deep in annoying it is hard to grasp that I am no thing because I've seen that I am everything is it just a no thing posing as everything appearing as truly everythingness yes and everything is constantly changing it cannot hold its shape and everything necessary in flux a changing coming and everything it comes it grows a tree grows it gets cut down it again it gets put into the shape of furnitures they get all they decay they get the comfort go back to nothing everything is like this but what you are it appears like it's no thing it's no thing but it's not the no thing of the mind it is the nothingness out of which everythingness appear and is supported everything the life force the the all the forms all the names the play the emotions everything is coming out of him so I hope this answer your question Terry wells if North if it is no thing why the deep inner knowing what does the deep inner knowing contain what does deep inner knowing contain is a library what is the deep in annoying I can ask you this question also this deep inner knowing is what information very good good questions good question two beloved Mooji my soul mates partner sweetheart best friend passed away one month ago his name was Peter I call him Pete the most kind beautiful talented man I have ever known an artist's through and through my grief is huge tears always close to the surface it's hard to want to do anything even to look even to do the things we have to do in life I am so grateful for my life Mooji and the many people who loved me and whom I love however all I want to do right now is fly away to somewhere where I will no not feel this pain where is this place would you please tell me something that I can hold on to during this heartache so much love to you dear Mooji Jana this pain so intense your beloved your closest friend your dearest companion your lover your beloved it's now gone deep pain deep grief is almost swallowing the sense of yourself it is hard to want to do anything even to do the things we have to do in life I am so grateful for my life Mooji and the many people who love me and whom I love however all I want to do right now is fly away to somewhere where I will not feel this pain where is this place feel the pain it is important feel the pain also but the pain is heightened by the story and the attachments also which also you must feel there is something in that there is also a lot of spiritual vitamins in this experience feel the pain it is natural to want to escape that is also natural I want to go somewhere where this pain does not need this is the first yearning sometime yeah to find self you feel that when a human-being passes away that God is grieving oh no not this one oh I love this one so much maybe even those you have loved to have gone on before when you drop your body well no no not Patricia no they are very happy welcome you at the certain states of consciousness they are there and also but in the human story in the human level deep attachment is formed and intensified because of our own attachment to our bodily form and their bodily form muscle and if we are too attached to the bodily form sometimes we have not taken the time to discover your beloved formlessness while they are with far more so you follow yes it's easy because we know the language of form we try to get the best language in form but if we have we developed and the the real love that goes beyond bodily attachment and association also can there be love in the awakened state sure there is peace but they can there be love can a man be married and can they be loved in such a state of course it is a beautiful love the beautiful love a love without craving without addiction without fear also a love we should discover y-you see Krishna associate Radha why Rama and Sita you think Ram was perfect and perfect and then Sita or not at Adi with Sita and Sita or it was all going well until we have to do all our problems is coming up in our relationship they must be a symbol of a transcendental love even while the body is their relationship love also is useful in many levels romantic relationship also because it reaches places or their relationships cannot go to sometime it goes to the places where you have your your deepest fantasies your deepest desires are exposed in them so it plays a part in the in the game of life and the journey of evolution and transcendence also it is there in your spiritual journey also it will be dari pleasure and pain is in service to our awakening success and failure happiness and tragedy is also part of the environment through which we must grow like that No yeah I am so grateful for my life Mooji and the many people who love me and whom I love however all I want to do right now is fly away to somewhere where I will not feel this pain feels like that but the pain has a play as a part of role also and it will also clean something refresh something awaken something awesome many people their true their spiritual life blossomed out of force or tragedy and pain would you please tell me something that I can hold on to during this heartache well I can tell you something that you can let go off you can try also because why the pain also is the idea you have of who you are and who your partner is in reality and something can just begin to see and to let go of everything for a moment even the idea I have of myself if you don't want to let go you may say observe it it's a softer way because they'll let go think or no the reflex is to clean and no no don't let or do I have to let go no you don't but why not just observe it because if you can observe it it can be there but also if you are observing you get the chance to experience the place where you are observing from and that it is a higher place and this is very good so what to hold on to the whole done means duality I'm holding on to the memory I'm holding on to the hope yeah it's fine all these things are steps but child if you can let go of everything or observe start from emptiness and look and see just observe does the emptiness need anything doesn't need completeness does it need a touch men doesn't need Association like this can I speak like this to you and you grasp yes you can it's not I'm saying don't care about life but more don't mind the things come and you feel them and you can get the chance to see your emotional connections and attachments and then you can see who what is it that's attached to what and from the seeing place recognize from the seeing place the seeing is not attached to anything space is not attached to anything that is established in space it's like you make a house and you have designates some spaces as bedroom kitchen bathroom such things and you say this is the bedroom this is kitchen this is the dining room this is the this is the lounge this is so and so but the space in there doesn't know it is bedroom space doesn't face all I'm the kitchen space I cannot go and take a lump of kitchen space and see I just want to transfer it to the bedroom take a lump of bedroom space do you know it's just face the self is beyond the subtlety of even the elemental space I hope that by speaking like this you don't have to kind of put something in your head you can actually relate through formlessness you can see perfectly all this is arising in the space of pure awareness itself [Music] when you have had enough you show me or you can start to leave or something dear Mooji I don't want to live while you love I don't want to live I don't want to kill myself either so I pretend to want liberation but when the door feels like it's about to open I refuse to pull the handle can you relate what I'm speaking the opportunity passes and I end up in the same place I started from I am completely disconnected from life you think I don't trust life enough to go into it I just want annihilation please help Thank You Julie again I don't want to live maybe I don't want to live like this I don't want to kill myself either so I pretend I want liberation but when the door feels like it's about to open I refuse to pull the handle is this what you are or what you are noticing you see maybe just you're experiencing some feeling and and then some images some imagination in some way that you are feeling yes I don't want I'm so tired of this and the mind is interpreting in this way I don't want to live I don't want I don't want to know anybody I don't want any friends I don't want to go to any party I'm just tired of everything then I feel like I even pretend I want liberation the home do you have to pretend you and liberation but when the door feels like it's about to open I pretend to want liberation if you only pretend to want liberation the nor door will open to you you must know you're pretending and pretending is not going to work so your mind is pretending now a door is opening hmm but when the door feels like it's about to open I refuse to pull the handle I don't run out I don't want I don't want I go towards it but if it feels like it's opening on earth or something who is doing that who is doing all of that the opportunity passes and I end up in the same place I started from I am completely disconnected from life what about you you are disconnected from ego because who is making all this what is playing all this role have not interested in anything don't want to live I don't want to kill myself father but I pretend I want liberation but when the door of liberation is opening feels like it's opening I refuse to put touch the handle the opportunity passes and I end up in the same place I started from I am completely disconnected from life I don't trust life enough to go into it I just want to annihilation but when annihilation come also I know I don't want to let down also this is all the egos game our our minds can play like that something started to play in some way within some negative association and it also a negative association also grow negative bad habits also develop good habits also develop bad habits also developed we can see this hmm I am completely disconnected from life what did mean you are disconnected you wrote me a letter something is seeking some guidance some some help No so that intelligence is still there I don't trust life enough to go into it maybe the life that you're speaking about is a certain a certain kind of life if you were experiencing life like myself you would not write letter like this I am also experiencing life many people are experiencing life very grateful for the experience and even thankful for the body thankful for the senses thankful for health there's somebody will say I used to complain about the the state of my shoes until I saw a man with no feet so sometimes we look we said look at this I'm complaining about this but I have so much you see so something has happened here I don't trust life enough to go into it but the one who is speaking all these things is this one just worthy see I don't trust life to want to go into it but you who don't trust life I used also trustworthy you see that this we also look and then there must be another factor there something that sees all of this and you're indicating actually you're hinting that such a power is in you that you are aware that all of these things but you're not aware that you are aware of them my mother when she was in the last stages of her life and she had the state they say like dimension coming even one day yeah I spoke to her on the phone and she's in Jamaica and I spoke to her on the phone mom how you doing she said oh my son my son oh you're so famous yeah said yes I went to someone's house today and this lady had your pictures all over the wall I said really then my sister came and says Atty you know no actually she was in her own room she went out and she came back and she was in she came back too and she saw all your pictures and she didn't know where she was she thought let it snow so then a time came she was also became very sad and I swing mommy what's happening I'm very very sad because I can't remember anything at all actually and cannot remember anything and I said to her but at least you are aware that you cannot remember and she said ah it's true I'm aware that I can't remember and that brought joy I am aware that I cannot remember why because there's space and that there's an awareness in this need to become aware of your awareness and not of the mind which is painting all these bad pictures and that already not big work I don't want to give anybody big work you have to go and do these things and all these exercises no simple like this morning I told you it just start with just being just by yourself it's posted by yourself for a moment outwardly and inwardly also meaning there's a natural sense of being the the intuition the knowing I'm just here empty and don't connect with any thought flow or intention or desire or any image and I said to you in the beginning if you're not used to it the mind might come to try and distract and everything but stay with it and gradually you will become less aware of the things that are going and become aware of the place you're watching from when you start to become these are the early stages of natural self-awareness when you become fully aware of yourself there is no story there there is no history it's not about that it's daily I cannot say what it is like it's not like anything it's like itself nothing in this world nothing that the census can bring or imagination can bring they can compare to this and just awakening to this hmm all your seeming problems begin to float away they're not real and the one who has been suffering them also is finally stay with it I don't just life enough to go into it it's okay if that life is the one painted in your mind don't go into anything I just want annihilation I just want to end so the letter could be read in two way mmm from a very mental personal way and maybe from a higher state of consciousness I want to be free from my mind I want to be free from the mind identity when you are this letter will not you will look at this letter you don't know who wrote it or you will vaguely remember oh yes it's my old my old high nature would write this letter you we move on he said that with all this strong things were reading a little bit of lightness he said that when when one butterfly was going through airport customs and he got stop immigration stop him show me your passports so they show the passport and it's a picture of Caterpillar I said but stop stop that doesn't look like you but the butterfly said it's an old photo this is how I amuse myself sometimes okay dear Mooji mind is being observed emotions are being observed person ego passed and longings are being observed but body is in so much pain pain is also being observed but somehow it seems a while somehow it seems one with pain that you're observing there seems no distance from me to pain to pain and pain body please point me to me so pain body is also being fully observed thank you Danny everything else Irving no mind is being observed emotions are being observed personal ego past longings are all being observed but body in capital letters is in so much pain pain is also being observed but somehow it seems one with being so pain and being become like one the pain is so so it if you the pain starts there at four out of ten in turn what about five out of ten yes you yes yes can you still observe yes yes I said six mean can you still observe yeah yeah yeah it's very painful try seven can you still observe yes yes yes yes but they're closing closing that's observed also yes yes try eight whoa whoa whoa can you slump server the pain is so loud now yeah but the pain is loud it's also observed now yeah yeah yeah China yeah stop stop stop stop stop but we saying stop with the observing or something yeah I still observe it still up there still observed no don't go to ten no no no no Tendo is it observed at all only the pain is here what knows that it is or maybe it's like from 9-10 is it observed Alvin observing no doctor doctor what is that is it like this you don't know as it been up to that place the physical pain can be like this emotional pain can be just as strong at what point will the pain cancel the awareness of pain are they one they can be one well maybe seem like it feels the pain feels so much the space that there seemed to be no gap can the pain be the same size as the awareness I will be in theoretical here very very poignant the letter to say like this yes person ego passed and longings are being observed but body is in so much pain pain is also being observed but somehow it seems one with being there seems no distance from me to pain body maybe when some experience is so overwhelming we become unconscious if the consciousness cannot them don't want to bear it it just cuts out also or it finishes it leaves body any volunteers for that no not one namaste Guruji you are my only support in this world I am living only by the love and support given by year and papaji's youtube satsangs I feel totally incompatible with world and family at this phase conditioning becomes unbearable they create confusions and fear in my mind they don't even allow me to come to see and hear your sad songs yesterday my brother has beaten me so badly and injured my arm when I make decision to go to Rishikesh please father help me totally out of moves I don't want to stay in the dark cloud of negative energies please give me your suggestion and my father my lord my everything one girl in India why she doesn't want to elope and go somewhere she's not looking to work in some nightclub she's not wanting to go and travel the world I just want to go to satsang why would beat her this situation must change for both parties by the power of God if my life means anything at all it said sometimes when you search for truth in this world Sumbul trouble you some will hate you they will persecute you so who are these merely people or are they forces working in people for darkness who hurts someone who is in search of truth from your own family who would do such thing so I am with you God is with you and they will not be able to hide Soviet dear Burgi something has been trying to get rid of personality myself as a person what has now become clear is that the personality doesn't have to go because even the idea of me personally is seen by me without judgment or interest thank you thank you your son always on Prakash something has been trying to get rid of personality myself as a person what has now become clear is that the personality doesn't have to go because even the idea of me personally is seen by me without judgment or interest then if it is seen without judgment or interest interest being more stronger idea hmm then this seeming problem will become superficial and the greatest blow to the egoic mind is when its signals its voice becomes insignificant fail when something becomes insignificant it sees existing and consciousness for you so that is not an episode that's going to go on for much longer if you have come to that seeing now first trying to get rid of personality who is trying to get rid of personality the one who is linked with personality is trying to get rid of personality and that one or so who is one to get rid of personality also shares personality and the sense of being but it is not a reliable or stable state when this is seen then you put what has now become clear is that personality does not have to go because even the idea of me personally the idea of me personally is seen by me without judgment or interest if there is no interest it won't be too long seen by you you will not notice you don't have to try and send something that has no meaning for you Yogi's chew on it if you have no interest in a thing where you have to transcend it it doesn't exist effectively it's only those things that you have strong interest and attachment they caused you trouble and now you have to try and get get over it good respect pronounce Mooji Baba your teachings have changed my life completely I'm letting life take care of life and observing all the happenings come and go without showing any interest but it's a while now that the observation state is going on it's not an effort but I don't know what to do to merge the two observer and observed please show me the way forward with utmost respect Laxmi and our life and that I am the life on the line so we are fine up to there but it's a while now that the observed observation state is going on today I spoke about this that what is the purpose of observing first well initially we are observing phenomenon we are observing the traffic and of emotions and thoughts and feelings that come up in the field of consciousness and with true identity we are observing observing what is the purpose of observing that forever you're observing phenomenally no you will become tired or interested what is the purpose of observing to come to the point when you see that observing whatever you're observing none of this is stable everything is coming and going that's one important observation everything is coming and going so for how long you gonna keep that if you do it for three weeks you still see everything is coming and going three months everything is going on going three years everything has just come thirty years everything 300 years it's not check it was coming and going so once you know that hmm and then the pull to keep noticing that is already dropping then somehow I say actually be aware that you're observing this that which is observing all of this what is that then what happen is the end the energy comes back and we start to become aware of the place of awareness itself and that is going to change suddenly a lightness will come spaciousness a sort of peace a wellness a wellness will be felt a joy is there and the pull to go towards things is stealing away quickly because now the fascination is in the self awareness the more you spend in self awareness your world become harmonious because the heart of your world is yourself and if that is in harmony then your world is in how many more even this harmony becomes a part of the great harmony like this then please put it to the test then you may tell me it doesn't work for me try and see and see how long it will take to prove this yes see how long it will take to prove this should I do another few more we almost finished I think don't say it for me and we have the quotient I'm happy to go home and sit down this one this one or this one this one okay everybody's gonna say something different dear Mooji Baba Namaskar Mooji Baba Oh Paul is well yes thank you and this is ivy from Hong Kong suppose I will be there physically with you all next week but due to the virus outbreak travelers from China and Hong Kong are banned from entering India at the moment which I understand Baba I am scared I don't know this fear I don't know this fear arises is because I am afraid of catching the virus or I'm afraid of infecting people or afraid of death I couldn't find where my fear comes from but I feel heavy with the surroundings under this situation I try to get out from this using my daily spiritual practice but I couldn't apply I feel like I'm surrounded by clouds which abhava how to deal with problems if one can't even address if one cannot even address what the problem is please advise with love ivy so fear like anything else like any other kind of fear it comes for the person not for the pure consciousness it like any other thing fears come up also and they go fear come up and go where the person feels on the threat fear will be loud when the threat ceases the person will be again happy now they say and so anything that that creates turbulence for the sense of the person we will call it fear will not we want it to go I try to get out from this using my daily spiritual practice but I couldn't apply it because you're trying to you know do your spiritual practice as a as a painkiller as a fear blaster you see and it wasn't working I feel like I'm surrounded by clouds dark clouds are surrounding me surround my my identity surround myself belief what to do then begin to observe this person rather than acting as this person looking for remedy begin to observe not just a fear but the one who is afraid we must do this must do this until you see that it is actually possible and becomes easy and natural Mooji how to deal with problems if one cannot even address what the problem is what is the problem here seems to be the fear of infection the fear of what may come out of it that you know I may die from this infection or so this is the fear and also the limitations that you know I am NOT able you're under curfew you cannot go anywhere use these things for your awakening you be surprised this is super booster for awakening when your ego cannot monkey around is it's fixed you feel paralyzed by your situation then you're forced to introspect they don't keep identifying with the ego yeah but I want to come out I want to grow and then nobody even if somebody's talking to you you cannot hear them because you're in your ego madness so when such a state comes and we feel intensely fear is coming and I say you are aware of this fear because before the fear came you were aware of the previous state no fears come now you're aware of fear what is it like the awareness of the fear is one thing what about awareness of the awareness can you try maybe at the beginning such a person would go no no I can't no no no I can't focus right now please please take me to some place please give me and you have to pull them back and say no you have to look at this you have to look at this and you keep on until they calm down yes where's what does between 1 and 10 what is the fear now it's 9 out of 10 ok 10 that which is aware of the fear which causes you to be aware is that afraid itself so I can't see I can't see I can only see the fear I chose it you know what is that that says I can see and I cannot see what sees I can and I cannot I don't get it I don't get it yes what sees because it's already fact is they're both I can see and I cannot see is seen like this maybe you have to try a little bit then gradually calm comes back and a focus come if you feed the person it will go completely crazy and you have to give some kind of medication to them if you can get someone to look then the breath will change you will see the breath changing from fear breath - what watches breath even is that breathing what watches fear is that afraid no my decision a part of what would make all our carnal identity resists this type of exercise but this exercise exercise the fear just paying attention paying attention we become erratic and fearful the more distracted we are from our Center Center is yourself it is not a personal center thank you the Emoji thank you very much for all your help in our journey back home my question is this after some awakenings in our real nature I understood that the real root of suffering is their identification with the personality mind and body I practiced the teachings in my daily life and surrender all to this purpose of complete awakening second paragraph the thing is I dedicated my life to therapy and healing and after this awakenings I had to stop doing that until I could base myself in the truth then looks like it's becoming more like a spiritual teaching than therapy or healing third paragraph now I don't know if to continue my profession that is moving in that way or to stop because I am NOT self-realized in our true nature even I feel in those moments complete guidance and rooted in my being I know I have still my identification with mind and so on in my daily life I appreciate a lot your answer because I honor God so much that I would not like to do something I am not ready for and not during the truth thank you very much Nadia this one income writing so a beautiful night rising now I'm on a path hmm but I've been following the guidance and now some awareness has blossomed in me and it makes it difficult to continue in this path which is not wrong the path is fine but something more strong is appearing here so I dedicated my life to therapy and healing and after this awakenings I had to stop doing that until I could be based in the truth then looks like it's becoming more like a spiritual teaching than therapy or healing now I don't know if to continue my profession that is moving in that way or to stop because I'm not self-realized in our true nature if your therapy work and so on is helping the people you may continue and it will be also infusing a deeper understanding and realization into your work but if it feels like it's a stretch to keep doing one work when something deep wants to deepen in this then this is something you must decide if you ask me I would always encourage you too put energy into your spiritual discovery but you don't have to make a strong decision now you offer it you offer it to the universal consciousness to God you offer everything you continue don't have to force any judgement because the force judgment it come from your person so you can do this and continue with your whatever your discipline is for now and if you see that it is drying up by itself then you accept this but you don't have to cut it the universe God may find a way because maybe this way of your therapies maybe also came from the consciousness and not just from the person now it's going to maybe merge more deeply in that or maybe you cut the journey something new shows you it's time now not even off to decide something maybe dries up and energy comes to plunge and to merge into the universal consciousness so don't force don't determine I just let it ride for now give time to the thing that you love most the thing that's bearing the best fruit put more energy in that continue the other and leave the fruits of that and the outcome to the supreme is good mm-hmm so even I feel in those moments complete guidance and rooted in my being I know I still I have still my identification with the mind and so on in my daily life is aware of the mind identity is still present there whilst receiving guidance and deepening in your spiritual understanding and maturing you're still noticing and it gives you the brightness the light to see that there's still an active ego play going on so now we try to calm that out or to to transcend its influence I appreciate a lot to your answer because I honor God so much that I would not like to do something that I'm not ready and not honoring so instead of honoring the truth we're doing something because you have invested in it already so some people they have come to this and she is wise because she's saying I'm ready to change course if it means that's where the truth is pulling and then don't decide by your mind continue having offered everything up to God you say father I give everything to you please guide my heart and my life force to the right way all that you put inside here is the urge to awaken to truth and you see everything turn out correctly I guarantee okay we are we know our beyond time 5:57 when did we start however k is not too bad there is no J please help me I was lucky to spend three days with you during open satsangs last week and Monday this week I left India and returned to work I feel your pointings fully and would would never desire more than what you helped me to discover never felt so happy and blessed in my life the same time I feel a bit of confusion because these days I am starting a lot of new things for example my own business I spent many days doing a lot of creative thinking learning new things understanding how to operate in this new field of my activity it is exciting a bit challenging and very enriching experience but I am concerned that maybe I focus too much on those activities and that my attention will be drawn too much to personal mode again I am a bit confused about how to stay as isness outside the satsang space when I am very active in the dynamic world sorry yes those two linked I am a bit confused about how to stay as isness outside the satsang space when I am very active in my dynamic world could you please guide me on this I love you enough so you came to satsang somehow experienced the stability the clarity the isness the freedom from egoic identity and gone back to work and the I'm doing starting a lot of new things for example my own business I spent many my days doing lots of creative thinking learning new things understanding how to operate in this new field of my activity she's enjoying enjoying isn't it it is exciting a bit challenging and very enriching experience but I am concerned that maybe I focused too much on those activities and my that my attention will be drawn too much to personal mode again so there's an awareness of that respect and honor that awareness it is your inner Zen stick you understand so because she's not just galloping away like some wildebeest we're going to jump over the cliff know it's an exciting time a new career new idea exciting challenging all these things but is I read and feel the lot of good Shakti doing on to make all this thing but at the same time the horses much have must have some what you call this thing reins some rain to rain rains in a little bit so you have to be there also and you must not be so identified that you're simply lost in your work is not needed to be lost in your work it's not needed to be lost in anything is not needed to be lost even in relationship is not needed to be lost in your children is not needed to be lost in yourself you must be aware sometimes we you feel something passionately you want to pour your old thing itself inside it but life does not require that if you want to show your life completely into something throw it into God consciousness but nothing to anything in the world don't throw it on anyone sometimes you think if I love them with all everything my being then they will love me back but they feel overwhelmed so oh my god you see so you don't have to do that it is much much better that you stay aware and yet at the same time your heart is open but be aware like that so I'm saying - I now know also yes all this is coming don't get lost in it because these things they come like this and they come like that everything come and go but your awareness is not listen that if you stay one with your awareness without personal it is possible that enjoyment flows that this also it's fine is it just an enjoyment for your person or it is just a joy is it an enjoyment that you're doing so well and you're making money you know no but you just enjoy it is fine and then you will not lose let's say contacts not good word you'll not stray from your awareness and go back into personhood it's possible I would like to keep up with you to see if you succeed like that because there's nothing wrong with having a business having a family doing all these things if you stay as your awareness then you may find that actually I don't feel like I'm really doing it even it is just unfolding it seems something's yes there's some effort but there's no strain there's a lot going on but so I can tell you it here it is and nothing is going on there's just a joy so how do can this be true together at the same time there's a lot of Shakti and in the midst of Shanti so like this you pay attention don't feel yes I have you know a week of such songs in Rishikesh behind me you know that will take me through everything no it took you to you stay as you you beyond you know if I say that this you without you you know it tell me yeah the awareness without the ego and you see that it is not afraid it's not in conflict with the unfolding play of the manifest no it is the God of them it is the deity of the manifest also but don't get lost in it and you see that these things they come and go you don't know where this is going you don't know where anything is going anything can happen so don't invest in happenings and you don't have to invest in the none happening there not happening you are so but I am concerned that maybe I focus too much on those activities and that my attention will be drawn too much to personal mode again I am a bit confused about how to stay as isness outside the satsang space business is not something that you do it is just what you recognize as a non doing dimension of being it is what is it's not a becoming it's it's an ease everything else is is becoming but it's kind of a play of becoming in the stillness in the none becoming your wisdom will will will be there always so I am a bit confused about how to stay as isness outside the satsang space when I am very active in the dynamic world could you please guide me on this you'll find that you're active and you are non active but give some space to this sit with this be confirmed in it and you will see that somehow there there's a harmony in the heart of the time is the timeless be in the place of the timeless and you'll understand and time will be your friend don't worry about him but if you're only in time and then suffering come time is okay when you are aware of timeless movements are okay when you are aware of your natural stillness this this is the this is the harmony like this what you are discovering here today will stay with you for all your life if you have grounded your understanding it will take care of everything it would be great if we learned this from early but who is there to teach that we had some understanding from Kali to guide you us because we all receive conditioning why not be conditioned in the truth if you want to call it condition but I'm just saying that playfully okay what we have here now that's one two three four five dear Mooji I can't sense any person in you but only seeing when I am watching today's satsangh I don't know I burst into tears when that person realized I am that I am in the watching itself so many problems are being disappear is art being disappearing or an instant answer is found it made my life effortless as I see everything is a part of that I am and that is watched also there is no separation exists I can even watch the attention itself I can see my mind thinning away in its influence as it is also happening in me your satsangs helped to find that I am so many questions are answered and with your questioning you removed what is not that I am to see what I truly am I want to marinate in this from now and ever please throw some light on this my pronounce to you only feed love Indira but what light I can put on this use everything you put light on it you have put your light on it already is it your satsangs help me to find that I am so many questions are answered and with your questioning you removed what is not that I am to see what I truly am and I want to marinate in this from now and ever you see up there I as I see everything as a part of that i am-ness and that is watched also there is no separation exist I can even watch the attention itself who says this thing I can watch even the attention itself I can see my mind thinning away in its influence as it is also happening in me your satsang helped me to find that I am please throw some light on this what more light I can try this is light you see India way okay and beloved guru ji my father died suddenly and will be buried on Friday I think a picture of Marja although is death is revealing the ultimate truth there are moments when it is clear that our relationship has become more intimate than ever or even that there is no more relationship because he is now everywhere and there isn't and never could be any distance but now as his funeral is getting closer there comes moments of seemingly overwhelming grief I pray for the ultimate darshan of death please beloved guru ji let this illusion of me burn complete like his body will burn and let that which is left stand forever firm in the clarity that in death only the body dies let this being be endlessly grateful for death thank you there is only you Marja from Barcelona Sangha who is writing like this there's great power great clarity create insight there's not a suppression of feeling is not suppressed feeling it is open seeing it's not suppression of grief that grief be let that happen but grief does not define me nor my father beautiful method view bless appeal [Applause] beloved Mooji what is the importance of a physical Sangha for one who is awakening and what is the importance of a physical Sangha for one who is awake ohm she's a guru Mooji Mahajan with timeless gratitude James from New Orleans Marines okay what is the importance of a physical Sangha for one who is awakening whoa a good Sangha a good Sangha is facilitating your awakening sometimes when you maybe you're on you you are on some trip in your head they will not you you know drop that don't go there there with you there with you they support each other they're not jealous of you sometimes they are yeah but he came after me he was here this only he's only human yeah he just came he just came two weeks ago I mean I've been here for over three years what is the importance of a physical Sangha for one who is awakening very important be grateful for them yeah because they are more close to what is happening internally with you they can watch you they also benefit from each other they are your teachers also and we are learning so much true Sangha is loving and kind but also they have human qualities also so we can see it's a it's a very is the greatest combust for a spiritual flowering what is the importance of a physical Sangha for the one who is awake for the one who is awake to the whole world is there Sangha not high too low no the whole world is the self not in some naive way they're not going to walk around on the street pronouns to the cow pronounce to aunty when them to UM go into the pub they're not going to do that I say this because I know some people have done it they say what's the difference what's a defense somebody keep them get out of the way then you're not is not a week that's called the messianic ego yes I've come to save the world no you will become very very if there's an intelligence there something guides your actions not your past experience not your person not your personality a force a power a wisdom is coming through and you are to some you are somehow moving with that becoming more subtle paying attention to this growing evolving through it so what is the importance of physical Sangha for the one who is awakening as I've told you do you you are grateful to them you Hana and you respect them but not like some kind of play or demonstration some people they are going around saying yes I'm going to go now and I'm paying respects to all the people who have taught me but behind there now because I've reached and I just want to say thank you for helping me on the way no yeah they are here you are not to do this if it's coming genuinely you'll feel it if it's coming in some funky way other people feel it I'm a man don't do that that is you see you can do it inside your heart and it's it's not a show don't try and demonstrate spirituality better you speak nothing at all and let it ooze through your pores then you try to tell people you're awake and don't do that please and if you're gonna do that don't say that you are my student in life okay nice okay now we are coming down I just love these two now look at that it's amazing dear Guji I have tried the invitation many times and I still find myself in a struggle very soon even before you ask any of your questions I get into struggling when leaving all objects then attention doesn't know where to rest on at this point resistant come resistance comes into play a sense of drifting confusion while trying to check if my experience trying to check if my experience is in accordance with your hints in the end I feel dizzy and quite mental shall I just noticed that and simply go on Alexandra I again I have tried the invitation many times and I still find myself in a struggle very soon even before you ask any of your questions I get into struggling while when leaving all objects so from the very first what you're asked to do is leave aside any idea you have about yourself I don't say kill it I don't say you know you suppress it you know let's say you can just leave it aside can we do this or not you see but in some cases there are people who feel I can do that and why I just can't do that I can't leave my sense of identity aside is like if I'd written something about myself somebody say something about yourself on paper accurately just write one short paragraph and that is true yes it is true okay can you put it in the fire no I can't why I just got so this is you yes okay you better take care of it then what to do it's the same thing I say can you leave the ideas you have because you have had many ideas that you're not opening those ideas anymore they go so instead of waiting for them to go can you leave them aside yes or no so evidently in this case this one is not able from the first time even before you asked any of your questions I get into struggling when leaving all objects you see something for you leave aside then look what happened look what happened suppose you're cooking in the kitchen there's something you're cooking in the kitchen there's a few things and then your new baby starts to cry or stroking up can you leave your cooking No one thing at a time okay okay then turn off the stove help what you do of course you can leave things aside maybe you have the idea you cannot so I asked can you leave these ideas aside this is already a beautiful test you feel I can't I can't leave them aside can you be empty can you be empty of all thoughts for a moment just don't focus on anything sorry I can't do it before they arose before your thought arose before it came did you know it was coming no now it is here you know it's here yes yes can you leave can you not be a give it attention no that's not true because if that was the case you'd be in an asylum when long ago you are walking on the road you're meeting many people this natural giving attention to some things are not it's happening quite spontaneously you see even not you're not doing it maybe conditioning is functioning like that so here we go again even before you ask any of your questions I get into struggling when leaving all objects say leave all objects aside leave the attachment or the thinking about them aside and already that then attention doesn't know where to rest on if I leave everything attention is looking to grab something does it mean that as soon as the waking state appears your mind is in gear first gear second gear third gear fourth gear fifth gear sixth gear reverse when neutral never but you have to be neutral if you go from first to second I don't is it like that that as soon as we wake up until you go to sleep your mind is active on something because it can be there's always something you have no rest because you have a concept that time is money or something so even some people they eat their lunch standing up or while they're working because it's a waste of time to not be to be empty no value is given to silence or emptiness you know that there are people living like that also then attention doesn't know where to rest on the attention now we say okay leave the objects then what should my attention do what should my attention to it need something needs something so I'm struggling at least you're aware of that that something in your functioning is not going to allow you to have a moment's peace if the attention is always going somewhere then at least I can ask you something is aware of attention needing something that which causes you to see that the attention is always need something that is that need something does that need attention you must come to that recognition if you come to that recognition that you don't have to keep feeding the attention on something you can begin to enjoy at least a little peace in your life so the invitation is still good for you it's showing you what in your life does not work from you wake up because there are some people when they wake up in the morning their first reaction is oh no no no not another day they suffer their days they don't get up oh what a beautiful no not everybody some people they wake up and take sleeping pill because the conditioning in the mind is so strong that somehow they are afraid of life you think people are afraid of death some people are afraid of life or so this is mind this is ego like that so I have tried the invitation many times why you try why you try the invitation because you are searching for peace and you're searching for yourself otherwise why would you be doing here what listen to invitation so I'm telling you Alexandre you will succeed you will succeed is my blessing to you it doesn't matter that these stages are difficult you will transcend them supposing you go to learn to to drive for the first time you want to take part in Grand Prix race suppose you want to learn to play cricket for the first time you know you want to be the star no you are going to get some balls hitting your knees somebody's gonna hit you with a bat on the head you're going to run and fall down you're gonna stay with it until you get better and better and better and better I watched something about Usain Bolt he's from my country is a known as the fastest human being sprinting but I saw some early races of him running he came almost lost everybody younger running and his job they said this guy's not gonna go anywhere now he's the fastest human being that ever run how he do that practice not practice now it's funny that we have to practice a bit to become what we are which needs no practice but it's to do with the level of our negative conditioning and now we have to transcend those conditioning I have tried the invitation many times many times why because you want something you want what it offers otherwise why did you try Alexandra listen why did you try many times because something wants to go beyond your present state I tried the invitation many times and I still find myself in a struggle very early on as soon as we start even before you ask any of your questions I get into struggling when leaving all objects why this struggle it is not natural to you is because of the mind distortions and you are holding a reading of yourself that shaped in the mind and the mind is resisting that the the possibility and the opportunity that the invitation bring it's like that to them but your mind is not bigger than you you have to learn to ride this horse then attention doesn't know where to rest on the attention doesn't know you see now at least she finds out the attention if I ask like this you see leave everything then the attention go no what am I going to do attention goes then what am I going to do now too much attention creates tension attention attention and then what happened is something feels like I'm lost without knowing what to give my attention to but at least notice that and see and don't be so intimate with that feeling at this point resistance comes into play a sense of drifting and resistance come and then you can't follow the invitation you start to look on the ceiling other people are in written and you are looking if there's any monkeys in the trees and watch I notice also I watch I see sometimes people even inside in the autumn people come and they got their their blankets and they do something they give me one blanket they have one blanket and they come like it's cold you know they come inside inside the Sangha room like this and you know what they are doing fast asleep but they're smart they do like this fast asleep even when Manny comes at Sun and then I saw him actually as soon as we start invitation he's not trying to hide it I mean it is completely overtaken by something so I've been looking for ways I have water gun shoot at this is something or what I would do when they do that I would invite them you you come come come sit here okay and then see if you fall asleep and then I have to have some fun I tell you if you can okay so so at this point a resistance comes into play a sense of drifting start to drift and okay confusion while trying to check you're not checking anymore you're really checked out looking waiting for it to end or something then sometime trying to get back trying to catch back in but feeling is too late everybody's ahead of you or something and so at this point resistance comes into play a sense of drifting confusion while trying to check if my experience is in accordance with your ins in the end I feel dizzy and quite mental the psychological mind winds for the moment shall I just notice that and simply go on but is too late give attention over maybe next time which are again but what is happening is that we see the invitation somehow where the resistance come it's very important don't accept that the resistance is a truth about you the resistance is coming that this is a force that is been playing in your life for a long time but it's been a blind spot to you because you never had to check it out and now when you're really being asked to follow some guidance you see how your the mechanism of your attention and mind when it's not in service to your freedom so that's the beginning don't give up now from here you see you will notice so that's what's been happening and then you see that eve of the mind even if the attention is running about it doesn't mean you're running about you're aware of that leave them and you follow you stay here this focus will redevelop in you to pay attention it has not been exercised in the past and so you're you don't have the power to concentrate you don't have the power to be empty look your mind has just made a big mess you have allowed the wrong one to be in charge you see not intentionally but that's what it is if you are going to have a shop selling bananas that don't make a monkey your manager at the shop because when you come back all the bananas are gone you think all good business and the monkey this is monkey mind I think I'm getting a bit tired and so for Alexandra good letter good that you wrote this letter we must move on from this point you're not a failure you are succeeding because you are seeing and understanding the mechanism of the functioning of your mind attention and so on it was not in service it does not want to cooperate now that you want to be free when you just want to be miss anybody it's okay now you chose to be free that's why you started the letter I noticed I have tried the invitation many times means something is still trying be inspired by that something wants to go beyond all this limitation and you will succeed you will succeed don't worry so like that each time you notice these things the mind the attention is lazy and so yeah don't worry don't identify with it and so you will not get depressed it's not you it's just some malfunctioning that will be corrected not just by effort to try and change it but by becoming more aware of yourself once you are clear as to your true nature simple and you keep the attention on it you watch that it wants to go out attend want to go out but you stay as you are gradually gradually your focus will return naturally to yourself and you start to see everything comes back it's like you have rebooted the system and everything now is functioning much better so when your guidance come you can follow all the way and at the end you'll say yes thank you oh I am truly where I am and have always been so don't worry it is not a failure it is the beginning of great success don't give up I have one more I don't know last one now I think that other thing so I hope it's a good one dear Mooji as I the puppeteer pulled strings on me the puppet I am myself becoming master of the play I am I am the necklace not the beads the fire not the flames something of bliss not the rubbish of the mind the pen not the words currency not coins fabric not the weave I am the totality of all existing in the and and in the prick of the pin as I stood outside myself creating someone else contemplating this culminating that I finally found myself it's exactly where I am at the observer can be observed who can be observed who can be observed and so on until I can't be pto because it it is it and I am that but don't worry Mooji and in bracket he he he he as if as if you worry everything is Irie everything is very nice Thank You Mooji no words can express thank you I love you Danika okay may I ask you if you it's been good today it's been good also because in letters what I have found is that people have the time to focus on what their question need to be and so I can have more I can feel a bit more also that and it brings another another flavor into into satsang and I used to do this more try to read the letters that come but after a while it was too much too much but because I wanted to check in with you if you feel you are benefited from hearing the letters okay it's very good then very good very good myself I'm happy because I know that people are watching and they have questions come up and in this kind of way it gives me some space I would not actually to be honest I feel this is the first time in all the retreats that I have been able to read the letters always the half of them are left on red and I would like to thank the translation team who is somewhere around over there translating these letters into different languages [Applause] campy and this is something that is amazing throughout the season in fact we have groups of people who are volunteered to translate such songs into various languages and that is a very good service they are rendering to their own people so that they can hear satsang in their mother tongue and I remember it was some years ago we had this feeling it would be nice first with Hindi also we tried to put speaker outside and it was a bit trial and error but now it was much much better and some of those translating are in this room at the moment having a break because they have to change over like this but I asked also would these be translated and yes yes we may possible like that if we just take a moment there just of silence be in that natural emptiness the uncreated substratum and source of all activities in the mind and world this natural emptiness and notice that there is no effort being made by emptiness itself it is there it hasn't arrived to be here noticing this should bring you great joy knowing that this is not a construct it is not created this silence is at the very root of our being and you don't have to dig to find it it is right here you are not different from this silence you are not somebody noticing silence that silence and yourself are one silence and peace are one silence and space i won silence and love are one this silence and wellness or well-being are one these are the perfume of the self God's perfume the self you cannot see you can only be because of the self even the act of seeing is perceived even the sense of being the sense of presence and existence are perceived when you know this and you can confirm this you will see here there is no time there are no seasons don't speak about it don't try to share this it will be premature instead marinate in it meaning be one with it you don't have to create that it means see and acknowledge it is not different from you you don't have to be seeing something to know you are you witness action and non-action you perceive the visible and the invisible don't pick up any shape for yourself and your perception will be true harmonious what I endeavored to point out and to show you you will come to see does not change whether you're in another place in another country in another situation in your dynamic functioning makes no change to this honor this value this until the sense of separation or the duality about it naturally ends thank you I would want to say something to you that of all the years I've been traveling and sharing this season so far we still have a few days to go I feel has been the most mature group of visitors and seekers have come to satsang therefore the sad songs have become much more of a high in nature I feel that mmm there has been some nonsense online about Travis at songs by jealous people whatever it is and they have said many terrible things and true things but in the end I think it served good so that the wrong people don't come only those who are really for truth and for awakening will come and because I am NOT here to build um numbers but to find those who are true [Applause] [Music] I'd rather be with 10 or 15 people who I can see are just bursting for truth than a thousand who are just casual about it so I have found like this that the quality of the seeing and absorption not for every single person I see sometimes people some people's too much for them maybe they have to leave the mind is too strong that's just life it's going to be a net but that still at this stage in the in our gathering this year that so many have stayed and are seeing that's why I says you are the seeds of awakening in a sleeping world because you are discovering the self the imperishable one and whether you are here physically or unlined and you can listen and you follow that the same opportunity is there for you and to watch beings flourishing in the recognition and coming home this is a enough joy too much joy so I bless that you continue your mind the mind is going to come to seemingly sink your ship but you are returning very quickly evolving maturing very very powerfully it will soon be too late for your mind to do that and whatever needs to be continued to refine and to stabilize that will happen by itself not by itself with meaning that not force climb over step across this this apparent line back into your own house everything is fine and I would like to thank all of you who sent letters also for sending your letters that we can look together and benefit and also identify with what you speak as an opportunity to look into our own consciousness and to see yes that helps us to to look and to refine and purify our own seeing very good thank you everybody and see you Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah you [Music] you
Channel: Moojiji
Views: 198,404
Rating: 4.8416405 out of 5
Keywords: Mooji, Papaji, Ramana, non-duality, truth, love, meditation, Satsang, God, Self-realization, awakening, duality, self-inquiry, soul, self, enlightenment, Buddha, Krishna, Shiva, devotion, yoga, Jesus, Christ, ego, prophet, spirituality, spirit, guru, Liberation, sahaja, maya, peace, awareness, bliss, sacred, I Am, eternal, mantra, wisdom, contemplation, time, nirvana, supreme, divine, surrender, seeker, reality, presence, philosophy, freedom, being, eternity, suffering, grace, negativity, life, desire, practice, mind, mindfulness, possessed, depression
Id: 65DM6uLHu60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 193min 38sec (11618 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 01 2020
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