** MUST WATCH SATSANG ** I Will Not Start With Your Problem, I Will Start With You

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[Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] she [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] hi Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] why [Music] [Applause] [Music] why [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] three [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now I want you to clap together with me [Music] [Music] I know are your are you [Applause] I [Music] I know I know I do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I [Music] she [Music] thank you [Applause] II [Music] Oh namaste welcome everyone to satsang this morning welcome welcome welcome welcome law all you were joining us by broadcasting wherever you are in the world today and a big welcome to you for today's satsang that's you good morning I have a gift for you may I give it to someone to give to you or may bring it after we talk okay okay I don't really have much to say um I just wanted to give you the gifts okay I'll tell you what it is would you like to no no you can come come come then if it excellent thank you nice to see you where have you come from where about Pennsylvania Thanks when did you arrive a little over a week oh yes it's been good to be here always good yes is it good - it is as good as it is for you wonderful perfect thank you okay it says the the parables of mooji baba [Applause] whoa the parables of mooji baba bible and other spiritual stories is told by sri mooji that is very good so excited to give this to you you made this thing for you whoa my heart made it for you yes yes thank you thank you my heart receiver look at that see you guys a bit later so I will I will have fun I think to look yeah good good there's no soon there's also a letter in there for you just a letter I left at that time and then at the ends I put I put an index so your team can see where all of these came from look you did that yeah and they have electronic files I put my email address in the letter so if they want to like turn it into another bacon that is fantastic I love you thank you thank you thank you I love you I love you and there's a from my niece's awesome stickers - rainbow stickers with some clouds at the end of them I would like some headphones like that that is fantastic and the letter is read Latin [Music] so there is Muji for a long time I hope that your team would put together a collection of Bible stories in your words because for me your stories made the Bible and Christ come alive in my heart and I was sitting as I was sitting in monte sahaja last year I realized that I was being called to be your team to do this in saver for you from the US this book has been my satsang my saver my love for you thank you I love you amen and you put ps4 electronic files of our stories email data tatata we keep that the secret that's a very nice present thank you thank you look at that thank you you made it for you huh you made it I made it for me when can I keep this as well that's me I'll wear it okay this is very nice Megan is a beautiful present I think I'll enjoy to look what Pirates have been talking about thank you thank you so much come in uh in the bag okay [Music] good wait a minute nice very nice maybe mm when you go down you you you give them put it there from it thank you oh what a start to the day perfect well okay any more presents you see how guessing is always bad because I really had it down as chocolates which I'm not hoping it's chocolate because for us if we support for some time what happened was that people would ask you know not myself directly but they would ask the team you know what does he like and they say because they like chocolates so for our time was wondering what is this is chocolate so Universal where everybody brings chocolate and they're gone okay [Music] how to how to choose well hmm you say in the mutation that isness cannot us can it be emotional Chucky yeah hmm I'm feeling very emotional now yes I'm glad of this emotion because I experienced this as love the good longing and I'm grateful to be in front of you because your existence makes real that there is something that is that can make these are sh'not your pointings make clear I mean a couple of days ago during the invitation I I felt you know I'm freedom itself mmm there are no doors I said well there are no doors and good then I still feel desertions you know of being yes right you still feel what happiness maybe hot hardness hardness of me maybe which is in the mind which is in my habits my tendency to want to own experiences of life the good and the bad yes success the failures and yeah maybe my question is about this ownership which of course I don't see in you your work in and there is this beauty and there is something I maybe just maybe it is this is too much base or something the words I'm not getting it so clearly so I'm struggling to hear is there way maybe we can it's just a turning down of a base or something sorry just one moment and see if I can get could you try again because it's just the last sentence out surely these hardness of being that I tend to recognize in myself and that I don't see knew maybe that I want to melt or change you know that maybe I've been always trying to change it you know yes even from the very first recognitions they felt that is beautiful but here there is something that has to change thank you and with these wanting to change always that is connected a sense of something that is wrong in the light of your love you know it is really wrong again just the last part if you can remember there is something that feels wrong and necessary in the light of your love but it keeps coming back and I keep all in it I see I see it's good it's good and yes that you say that you you know you feel the hardness in inside sometimes which you don't see in me no but I can feel also hardness or something but it's not a state that stays I can feel everything you know but I I there's not a feeling that I should not feel some things anything can be felt but it what is important is that they are not proliferating it's not getting more and more or there's any attachment to them I would not like it if there are things that I couldn't feel it's okay that I can kill them but then thereafter after filling them what what follows that do I develop a relationship with these feelings and then I'm holding on to them and so it is good that life comes and and tests you to see where you are with these states do they stick and is there something that can be done about them or something that and I am happy that you brought this up maybe I can speak a little bit more about just some I feel very essential pointers to what I'm endeavoring to share and to get across to you it may be helpful is it can I take a few moments into this because I feel what you're asking is incorporated in this and so I'll ever go at that because you know that so much I've been pointing towards the witnessing that how important I take it to be how very important it is to recognize your ability to observe with detachment I put it so highly that I feel that it is one of the major steps that will be taken that will create such a change in the way that life is experienced in you that's the first step and maybe there's another step after this but let me come to this one because most people in life and I don't want to separate your spiritual people you're not spiritual people and just for me everything in spirit actually but we come to that most people will testify you know even people who have been on a spiritual path for a long time still refer from a place of I you know Babaji if if it's okay I can maybe bring a chair because I want to still look at you while I speak but I'm speaking with everyone I don't want it just to be standing up there is it possible that someone yeah they'll bring you a chair you can sit right by the microphone and it coming it's coming it's the chair it's coming for you okay because this may take a few minutes and don't want to just leave you standing here so okay so even among spiritual oriented beings they still speak we still speak you know but this happened to me and when I do this and and I tried that and I've been meditating for so many years and still you know I'm having the IIIi me my mind this type of thing so if we don't if we take it from this perspective where we just listen and someone say what's happening in my world in my case in my mind is this this this this this and so we our our attention goes to what we are talking about in my mind what happens is that very strong feelings of you know attachments come up and we start to look at attachments and I say wait a second the man can speak about innumerable things that we can say it's jealousy its attachment its addiction its fear is the fear of rejection it's this it's my relationship and so on and it feels that we all have so many different problems exist in the world how can we fix all of them and then I remember inside my own being then I say to you listen let's not pay so much attention to the thing that the mind wants to say yes because whenever you know when I'm sitting in satsang here it's fine but when I go back to my home place where people know me everything comes back and I go back into role and blah blah how can I up this and so on so I say I want to condense all of these the various expressions of the mind let's catch it in one net on one net not just like a fisherman with a rod catching one fish at a time let's catch all of it together because however diverse or unique your problem might appear to you it comes back down to an eye you with me yeah there's always an eye behind it that says yes so that's what something to me and someone said well in my case I imply my and me so I said again I hear so many things I've been asked what happens when this thing happens and so on what happens when do string happen and you know what I find is this thing and we are all directed towards the things the circumstances the situations and say you know how can we fix the situations and please listen not so good repeating some time now it's just it's just coming up I'm sometimes hearing myself for the first time saying some things also so we are largely directed towards the situation's the circumstances the memories the projections the the things that come up in the mind how can we fix them so that we are better you with me so I said actually everything comes back to this I who has these problems then I see that wait a minute what is the I like that keeps having problems and I see in every case it is personal it is personal and I came to see that always it's the personal sense of I that gets problems there has never been a problem for an impersonal I it is always seeming it's the I mean the person implying the person you know I've got man problems I got woman problems I've got teenage problems I got book to do with the person and the body that the person sense identifies with so who this feels good now so what is this person is it original it is just what we are we are all persons and each one a unique person each one unique person so then if we have seven and a half billion unique passengers we're probably seven and a half unique problems how are we going to sort it out what I've found is that everything comes back to this I feeling inside us and nobody questions the I retakes the report of the I as the starting point as the fact place this is me but this is my problem we want to fix the problem but nobody looks at the I who has the problem it doesn't seem to occur to us what is the Ida as the problem it seemed to me at some point that there is no personal problem the person is the problem it's creating because it's always seeing this problem today in this tomorrow and are not a problem where these problems coming from and I see largely it's not the problem doesn't really exist externally as we think yes because this thing is there but somebody said well it's not a problem for me there was a problem for me which is the fact that is the fact out there or in here why do I say there is no personal problem the person is the problem nothing exists in life as a problem nothing exists with one single fixed meaning in itself the meaning of a thing exists in the mind of the perceiver of it am I going too quickly know the meaning of anything is existing in the mind of the one perceiving it and not in the thing itself so we are arguing what is just so horrible and so much numbers we're beautiful and so I mean it's beautiful we can't come to the end of our differences because it is a difference of perception and not a different of the thing in itself so one people feel that these red roses is so wonderful it so it's it's an expression of love another one thing no it's blood no your real roses you see and we fight more blood about it and then we apologize more roses we are not consistent if we look for the end of a problem outside of our self so the very I sense should be looked at because it is it that is claiming to have the problem the thing itself doesn't say the Rosen say I am a problem just a problem no somebody's saying the Rose is a problem can I continue like this so let's look at the one who is claiming have the problem this one says this is a problem but then they blow problems something happened you know and you know they they change their mind and then it's not a problem there's not consistent the reporter is not consistent today I love you with all my heart tomorrow we are not consistent at the place of our person today you want to be free tomorrow Krishna wait a little bit we are not consistent and yet we don't somehow investigate the one we take ourselves to be so today I just want to look a little bit like that because I feel that if we are going to try and solve seven and a half billion problems we really got a problem but if you are going to look at the one who has problem hmm and who witnesses the one who has the problem does that one have a problem I think we might find something so the one who is saying yes but me another yeah but do you know you once I and me and you and day and demonsaw on we're just looking at that no because no one is saying you know I need to look and see if I Who am perceiving this I'm perceiving it correctly very few people do that know in satsang you're being asked when people come forward and says you know my problem is this and I ask you know when you say my problem who is them who is you are you referring to as the one saying my problem you know and at first when we first hear this it just feels ridiculous why is he asking this of course it's me yes yes yeah okay of course it's you but you are what exactly and again initially it looks that the mind puts up a lot of resistance like you know what is this this is not helpful let's begin to look at the problem man I said well let's begin to look at you who perceived the problem because if I say that the problem is there another one say no it's not there's over there where do we look I look at the place where the problem start and it start here something is thinking a certain way and I say the one who is saying this can this one's voice be relied upon I'm just saying the one who is giving their opinion about life the world other people wear themselves is this voice reliable is it trustworthy is it consistent you see and you say now it's not consistent so for it to be known to be not consistent something else must be able to be looking at it to say in high is not consistent actually a deeper place of looking must be able to testify that voice though it comes out of this mouth and apparently out of this mind it is not reliable it changes it changes okay so okay it changes what witnesses to change because you can say now my mind is very very there's a tsunami going on in my head how could I please please give me some something please give me I said but won't I slow down just let the tsunami be there don't run for an anti tsunami pill just yet just let the tsunami go there but stay in the place with me just observing it right because a change may happen to the tsunami states and I want you to witness it consciously watch and so you may hear this voice say just observe don't identify but don't try and change the state just observe the state okay and observing begins to take place yeah whoa whoa between one and ten ten being the most powerful tsunami no what are you experiencing now it's like eight and a half whoa it's eight and a half is it going higher no no it's kind of like don't interfere don't touch it was it feel now there's a strong pull to get into it I said but that is also observed a strong pull to go into identity with it is being observed also you have not moves stay only as the neutral observer and what happened now it's down to kind of like six okay all right now I feel really thank you so much so much so my saya we're not over that feeling of relief is also observed or not yes yes yes but I like it the feeling of liking it is also observed or not yes yes yes what's the reading now don't in don't identify it's down to three three and a half whatever not just by observing just by observing okay now a little while ago I gave an example of these two birds in a tree and I'm going to say it again because maybe someone has not heard it I give an example if you imagine a tree or a picture of in a tree and on one branch is sitting a bird and the bird is making a nest and having babies and fly and bringing worms and building the nests and so on and this bird building a nest in the tree represents our activity in life our dynamic life finding a job making a family raising your children planning to build your next house making sure that you you know all these things that bird represents our dynamic life on a branch just above that bird sits another bird that looks very much like that first bird the second bird is just quietly looking it's not involved not building any nest now flying off your and ear to get worms with babies it's just looking it is not just looking at first bird it can see the sky can feel the wind you can see the sea you can feel the space all of this is there but it is just quietly observing this second bird will say represent our capacity and an ability within you to simply observe with detachment that's important or detachments reported to observe things with detachment okay so in the view of the second bird is the first part in the first bird view sometimes it's not aware of second birds a bit high not looking up there is too busy with haunting is not aware of any second bad okay so the second bird's view include the first bird and all its activities but it itself is not to touch to those activities if I were to say to you there are two aspects of one reality one is our active dynamic play in life and the second bird aspect is the place where you can just observe can you relate to these two points of seeing like little feedback maybe yeah you can relate to these things you can see that yes there is that in my that aspect of my life where I'm living planning my next journeys making ready for my birthday getting married next year blah blah blah that's the first bird activity I'm not saying we should do anything about and let that flow but now we go to the second bird position which is inside the first bird actually of an ability to just observe just keep observing yeah we observe yeah we say we can observe with detachment maybe not complete detachment maybe from time to time we lose our detachment and jump in the first bird mode but because you have learned to observe when you get into first bred mode something feels like it's Costa four week and something brings you back into the second bread position where again if I'm just observing not manipulating just observing there's more spaciousness here's more peacefulness there's more it's more panoramic the life seems to slow down I have more space I feel more happy more peace more rested as anybody experienced this or not okay that is very good so from the place of the observing mode and capacity within us when we begin or discover we didn't create observing ability we're just discovering that we have that power within ourselves to observe without logging in every time okay now the second bird is not against activity why is the first bird not in the second bread posture at the same time often because it's so identified with what it's doing and also a belief that it alone exists it's the fact onto itself this is just what I am you can't change the spots on a leopard you know this is how it is take it or leave it but as soon as you begin to recognize but that is observable okay we are not cursing our activities we are just slipping bit deeper to observe and when you observe what happens again more spaciousness we don't feel so hasty not so fearful let much less anxious more joy more pieces coming in so of course you like this as well and remember this second bird position is not cursing fresh bread nor saying oh you know first bread doesn't exist it's not real it's all wrong no no it sees it but when it sees from its own place of observing its activities its dynamic activities come under a higher intelligence field am i with you and so the activities if it's missing in the first bird the ability to observe its activities and its identity it often wastes a lot of energy in projecting and imagining and all kinds of things which when it observes it can see all those things and it can say whoa no but that's just a thought I don't need to go for this there's more space it slows down the speed of perception it's simply just here okay now I would take it that most people in here knows and of experience are experiencing what I'm speaking that even as you're sitting here sitting here are you listening or is not listening happening quite spontaneously in you and understanding is taking place without you understanding and no it's just it just happens this is the marvelousness of consciousness that that is there so we come to this place and then I say the first bird position of the dynamic activity in the world hmm it's a function or not it's a functioning of something is moving activities doing going all of this is a functioning okay second bird observing can we say that could possibly be a functioning us I need to hear from you okay if the witness which is relative to the thing is witnessing the witnessing the thing witness seems like activity done it but the witness is not busy it's quiet but witnessing is taking place okay so relative to what is looking at it is relatively still isn't it but is that also a function or not so it is a function okay in order to respond to this question your ability must be at a deeper place even beyond this particular witness to say that even though it feels very beautiful to be in this state of witnessing and it's much more tranquil but it is still an activity witness means one thing witnessing another thing okay so if I say to you that even the witness is witnessed does it make sense or the speak foolishness okay let's let's be in this place where even the witnessing is also perceived is that also a function slow down now slow down okay first you caught all the activities in the universe actually because we are not going to limit activity to only human activity any activity even the movement of the clouds the ripples on the ocean the feeling of the breeze the sense of thinking and feeling is all activity can we say like this yes and the perceiving of that activity also the perceiving of it although it seems relatively more quiet is also a function may be a slower function more peaceful function a more joyful function but it's also function okay can we see this do we have to dismiss it does it feel that now or that's a function of the earth that's also unreal because if there is someone who is saying but that's also fun that's all so unreal that one this missing is also function so if I say can the witness be witnessed flowing now can the witness of the first bird and it's activity can that witness be witnessed I think you've already answered it Elena you say yes at the place where even the second bird is a more broader witness a more quiet witness is witnessed that which witnesses or perceive even the second bird witnessing is that active is this are these words is this what I'm asking of you hmm to simply look does that bring you into activity is it necessary to stop the activity in order to see clearly now remember I told you about the windscreen wiper at first when we are not clear as to your attention is not on yourself then it will go out and the movement will you'll be pulled into the movement this is why I said don't lock on simply observe should I stop okay so this looking now we are here did you travel to this place when I say even the witness the witnessing is itself observed and you said yes did you come to this place that you travel to this place I'm speaking to no did you create it you're just aware now this has been my effort to try and get you to acknowledge and to recognize that this exists whether you're good person or bad friend doesn't matter this exists in you okay I am NOT tackling our addictions yet I'm not tackling your problems and how to resolve the thing with your family and how to give up the not we're not touching that yet you follow I'm only looking at your capacity to witness and to witness with detachment when you are here in this place of looking who are you I don't want answers for a moment allow the questions to search who or what are you who is looking are you an object that can be looked at should I take it that those of you who are at the front are nearer to me and those were the back of further away from me at the moment or what in this talk are you further away from what I'm speaking by sitting at the back and are you nearer to where I'm speaking by sitting at the front now okay where I'm pointing to where even the weakness of the first bird the observer is itself perceived okay pay attention to your inner environment just pay attention not asking you to create anything to do it just pay attention what is here like now what is here like stable somebody say stable if someone say openness someone say peace spacious yes oh okay it's fading I'm not hearing what say okay general the point is that we are all speaking roughly about the same kind of thing what do you say it's peaceful its spacious it's quiet it's kind of open it's similar kind of feeling different words maybe it's not a hundred thousand different opinions are you speaking of an opinion when I ask you this question what is here now are you giving an opinion now you are speaking from seeing isn't it directly do you need to go and think about it no it is right here so what you're speaking about is right here and who you are speaking as is right here what is the difference between that which is right here and that which is right here my point is that environment that you are speaking of that you say yes there is that this environment does it have trees and rivers is it made of trees and rivers and nice people please okay is it you know the skies are just luminous and is it anything like this now is this a disappointing discovery are you here your suffering are you a dropout crazy hippie mad rebellious [Music] fundamentalist this whatever it is now that we are aware of does it come and go now you who are here to say this do you come and go less voice no okay now I just wanted to hear this from you I just want to hear this from you we have arrived if I use words they won't be true but I'm also using words to say it's like the very the very ground of being but there's no ground the very essence of self any politics any nationalities any religion any war any fighting and imagery oh my god you sure you're not on the if noses that we are not just imagining this is it more real in this hall and not so real outside now so if we look again at the earlier first birth state where things are moving boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo from here do we need to stop that movement in order to be very peaceful so we can say yes it's quiet now thank you do we need to say observing of all these things is unnecessary because we are in parabrahman now having discovered this it is still likely that you will say in a little while you know Rajee that was so fantastic it was it was great can we do it again I said did you do it now he didn't do it you may say you know actually when I'm with here when I'm in satsang when I'm in psychology everything is fine I'm the isness when I go outside I'm in the business how can I stay in the isness because that feels really real right now okay and I say do I really need to walk through those steps with you again and you say yes actually I just feel like I lost it I lost it I said the one who is giving the report about losing it is that voice trustworthy even though in that moment it might feel like you know whoa whoa you know ice know I said that yesterday and I'm on record for saying that but right now how it feels I gotta get out of Rishikesh man I'm just gonna I gotta go down to Gore or something and chill out a little bit because my head is killing me is it possible or not yes it is yes it is because of the momentum of habit mmm comes back and when it comes back this is what I want to talk to you about today because right now it may feel impossible impossible if mine coming back impossible it's just it's nothing it's nothing okay but on the day that he come and the moment he comes or is really something whoa whoa you didn't prepare me for that one and again what has happened is that something from your formlessness something has been seemingly pulled back into shape into the form of a person I wonder if you can see this yeah and I don't want you to say oh I failed I blame no I'm not gonna get it and so on because that's how the person speaks actually and when that identity flares up again it feels real unto itself what are you to do and who am i referring to as you because what is what is the important thing is that you have experienced not just believed but you have experienced directly your true nature are you and your experience separate no yet when the mind come you will feel separated from that but the important thing is that you know that that exists the one who is saying oh I don't know what I'm saying here is that the fundamental thing has been discovered when the mind come back if each time you can take the step to remember that but that was observed you know I'm observing that I cannot be the thing observed you see you remember those steps and gradually you find yourself back in your open space whether you want to call it emptiness or nothingness or the peace state or the isness or the brahman or you want to call it pure awareness or the god self it's all the same there are more words existing in our kingdom than there are things okay not each word is a separate thing we have so many things and hundreds of words for the same thing synonyms I think you can call okay so don't be hard on yourself that the mind comes back the mind comes in you are growing you're growing in your awareness and your discerning - keep recognizing but it is a movement no but in the day and in the moment that the mind is playing so strong and you're again feeling you're in identity is very difficult to jump out of the identity so how is going to work then is that the more you spend time in the place where your timeless funny thing to say the more time you spend bringing your chaotic mind into silence again and you become accustomed to yourself being like this the less influence the less vitality and virility there will be in the egoic state and less and less it will come because you are becoming more grounded in your self recognition is it fair to say this because some people think but I saw and I know I am this as though that should mean an instant amputation to your activities and nothing exists mother father children world everything has gone no that's not the point okay that although it keeps coming back you are seeing from the place of deeper stillness until gradually all that stuff gets merged into your stillness it's not that you need to kill the mind you just need to remember yourself and recognize your true place you follow what I'm speaking but people are looking for dynamite for their mind they're looking for things to chop them - Georgie could you kill my mind I'm saying oh my god you know no you just need to see from the deeper place a deeper consciousness in yourself and when you see from here the influence of the psychological state will weaken so let it come if the fans are going here and I flick the switch off the blades will still keep returning but the power is cut so you know it's slowing down okay what is the power being cut in the examples I'm using that you realize through your attention that but I'm here when I'm here I can see the actions interactions reactions that come from the dynamic state but not being pulled into them being pulled into them mean accepting again a personal status personhood for a while you'll feel that you fail because of the force of the tendency and the habit the reflex to go back into form but this is changing because the understanding which I'm trying to get you to see have become more and more established in you the more it gets established in you the less you will be distracted and deluded by the body-mind States is it clear [Music] this is the quintessence of my painting everything because supposing you have an addiction or some fear in your personal hood state you see that it exists in the personhood state and not in the witness State can you feel this or not that the more you stay in your neutrality the more you you are confirmed in the deeper place of consciousness you can see that those addictions are to your body mind identity and not to you to this and gradually the addictions the sufferings are drew due to what identification when you identify it strengthens them because you associate yourself as being that thing now it may be an episode it may be some kind of disharmony functioning in that way but I would put it that coming to recognize your true place is one of the greatest medicines for all that's happening in your life because something may happen in your body body mind okay but it gets very much strengthened and worsened by identifying with it because when you identify with it you give it power when you observe it and not just observing it but being self aware that you are the witness of all these things then what happens is that there is if I'm going to use ordinary words almost like a buildup of a force of stillness in you and so all the activities some are happen in your stillness can you see this and doesn't matter they go volvo volvo for it's still you are the stillness in which those movements are occurring and more and more you will get excited by or have the sense you've been pulled into identity with those forces and by not being pulled into identity with those forces they begin to come into their natural alignment and harmony with you even you're not putting them in alignment you're not putting them into shape they automatically come into alignment in you because a universal principle holds them but the mind creates distortions of perception and you believe that you are doing these things but you're only by identifying with the smallest power in you experience distortions perception does it make sense energetically and internally to you can you see because the greatest transcendence comes true understanding direct understanding direct experience is our sadhana today not to do this and then later this yes yes just keep as much as you can staying in this you can still do your activity if you're a musician you can still be a musician if you're not as you can still be an artist if you're a parent you may actually become a better parent you become a better artist actually you become better at these things but those labels won't stick to you because your fundamental nature is coming from formless your formless in your nature and you can bear those words they are not words that your mind is fighting against but your art can confirm them so if there's a practice it will be this the mind will keep coming up the psychological identity always will keep coming up and one of the mistakes I see now is that when things come to us it is the mind itself that's wrongly labeling them to say this is bad luck but there are just opportunities to transcend them if you learn from your mistakes they are not mistakes anymore they're your teachers there's a tendency to keep thinking always this all this thing happening to me user because you keep being that me and blame me everything always is here and not seeing this seeing has come to you from the grace of yourself now as you begin to observe more you depressurize these states you deconstruct all these states then I can say if you came with an addiction if you came with a big problem I will not start the problem I start with you to look into who you are living as and if you can come to this level of seeing then I can say now tell me what your problem is now from here not when you are identified with the problem but when you are identified with yourself then I say now between 1 and 10 what is your problem and yes it can still be that yeah I still feel I do some time that it's okay but it's slowing down in your seeing do we get this or not so I'm very happy that we can have some time like this just to talk about this just to look I have not given you any spiritual gymnastics just say just look just look you don't identify for the moment don't identify for the moment this is the power even of the invitation don't identify with anything for a moment are you missing anything if you feel no no no I can't suspend my mind it's too important you feel the need for intense control because this is what will happen if you are if you are only if you are strongly identified with your form you will feel the need to control your life why because it's out of control in your head you try to control not just you but other people too you will have a scenario about how life should be you try to put people in place to act out your scenario as you observe you don't inter interfere because you'll come to see that life takes care of life when seen from the true place but when seen from the limited place life feels like an ordeal and this is why also sometimes people commit suicide and do terrible things because they feel there's no more space in them but this is your space you did not create it and it doesn't matter how many wrong things you think you may have done I'm not gonna tell you start you know correcting all yes yes do the best you can but don't leave this out listen observe because even what I'm speaking with you now there are several prisons around the world where this practice is taking place and prisoners are saying I wish I knew this before my god yes I could see that and made some not the best choices but from that place that's all I could do but now I have the ability to observe you see and recognizing the true self the true state many of these prisoners are more free than you in prison because that's just our physical prison but this is a psychological prison and one that you can be free from today as you see you can say yes look how much energy has been given to identifying with a practice or with a mode or with a behavior but I am much more than a behavior I'm also the witness of the behavior and as soon as you keep on just checking in you keep checking in and those behaviors will start checking out you keep checking in checking in who is looking at these things last week I was pointing out a simple exercise I say I call it eye watching because every thought every activity seems to start at the place of eye I want I do I I know and I say watch this I watch its position is it starting from person or from presence or from pure awareness and as you do that you begin to see how much of your life and energy has been spent in the wrong position in the limited position of personhood something can observe this is the power of observing now thoughts can come and say yeah that's kind of okay but this is not moving I can observe you can observe all you like but ain't moving suppose I thought say yeah this is all very nice you know but I'm not moving it's you and me I'm not going anywhere you wanna leave me look how much stuff taking care of you you want to get rid of me this thought don't get into any fights just keep confirming your true position and feel the emerging power the silence the peace the beauty that you're not creating you are just back in your natural fragrance let's just take just a moment just to sit with this somebody put this it just says my burning question a handwritten note so I don't know if this comes from Internet or what I yearn for complete love total surrender pure vulnerability but I am scared of violence abuse and pain in the physical emotional and thought realms somebody write this now so I put on masks disconnect distract and hide behind pride and walls that I put up believing that I will protect myself I recognize that this myself keeps me from self we are hearing this one I do not know how to let go how to take the jump how to surrender I don't know how to do that I am scared and paralyzed I do not know how to leap off the cliff into freedom what can I do can you advise and the name Sahara Sarge or here yes ok thank you will you come actually there's another part of the letter isn't of it separate you can come there's another is another part it says beloved Mooji my name is Prem sahaja I shall I shall you may remember me from Lucknow I was a young girl living in Papaji satsang with my mother I often danced for Papaji which you may have seen I came to India after many years to continue my spiritual journey [Music] thank you I came to India after many years to continue my spiritual journey I have a burning question today is my last satsang with you I am grateful for everything you have shared I humbly request that you respond to the following I do not need to be known sorry the letter came like this so I just read this part big papa okay too late uh-huh okay where am i reading now okay oh yes I do not need to be known if you wish to just read the question and respond I will sit and absorb your wisdom sorry [Music] it was given to me like this so I will just really know with much gratitude in love suhara okay huh so the question I think starts here so married again does the question part okay I yearn for complete love total surrender pure vulnerability but I am scared of violence abuse and pain in the physical emotional and thought realms right so I put on masks disconnect distract and hide behind pride and walls that I put up believing that I will protect myself I think many people can relate to this it's a human thing I never see anybody's problem has been so unique I recognize that this myself keeps me from the true self I do not know how to let go or how to take a jump or how to surrender I am scared and paralyzed I do not know how to leap off the cliff into freedom what can I do can you advise sorrow so everything you have put down in here in there essential unnecessary way okay in the necessary way so let can I talk like this are you okay that I speak with you now I'm sorry about the I yearn for complete love total surrender pure vulnerability but I'm scared of violence abuse and pain in the physical emotional and thought realms this is natural thing now for now so I put on masks which we do we disconnect or distract and hide behind pride and walls that I put up believing that I will protect myself we know this or not I recognize that this myself that I'm referring to as the one who puts up these things that this myself which is the one who wants to protect myself the one who is afraid of physical emotional and violence or abuse this one you say I recognize that this myself keeps me from the true self we are listening and we're good I do not know how to let go you don't know how to let go how to take the jump out to surrender okay so let's look you know mmm I'm not gonna ask you to take any jump now I'm going to ask you to take any jump just that what you have written is what you can observe now we know that I say this you know this this desire for love total surrender pure vulnerability I want to be so open but I'm at the same time afraid scared of violence abuse of pain so you're aware of what those states feel like in you energetically emotionally psychologically spiritually you're aware of the impact of those fears inside your being now I don't want to be in that state I really hate it to be in that state so what happened though that I have to put on masks and I have to disassociate or disconnect from people or to distract people from seeing this vulnerable mean would I be right to say like this we can relate to that so this is something it's a defense mechanism a kind of a protection mechanism like because what we're feeling deeply vulnerable we feel deeply vulnerable deep and now you step forward to expose that sense of vulnerability those fears you're brought into the light of satsang okay so this putting on masks this kind of distraction is hiding behind walls and pride believing that they will protect this myself doesn't work because maybe other people don't get to see me but I'm still left with me isn't it I we are still left with this thing so there's two parts I don't want that people see me because they see me I feel even more exposed more vulnerable but even if nobody see me I was living in a cupboard I'm still living with this state okay and that you are also observing now when I use the word observing it may feel to you that those words are more far away from you because you're in the fire of these states that you speak about more that that's more real that even in my some people may say even in a good day even on a good day they are still here with me you understand so I do not know how to let go so I'm gonna say to you for a moment you have said these things you've stated them then we're not gonna work on them just like I was saying just for a moment I'm not gonna work on them I don't know how to let go okay that's adidas I don't let go I don't know how to take a jump I'm not gonna ask you to take a jump you know how to surrender I'm not even gonna ask you to surrender I'm just gonna ask again just what we were talking about that you just stay aware you have declared these things there here is good thing that everybody has heard them now all the people here have heard them okay you are aware of them if I say don't go into any of those doors don't go to end to any of those doors into any of those rooms for the moment but leave them we're not gonna blow them up either just say leave it for a minute just stand apart with me as we are here talking you've spoken about them because you can perceive them even if they're in the body right now and they're filling all the body with the kind of energy like there's still a place in you that you can perceive them you are aware of them we are aware of them okay so I'm saying just be the awareness for the moment okay just be with me just be the awareness something I might want to say but that's not dealing with it I know I'm awareness where that doesn't done anything I say even if such a voice should come you're aware of that don't combine anything with yourself don't combine anything even the desire to be free of them just leave it don't hold onto any desire not even the desire for enlightenment for the moment just let everything go let everything go your self definitions your memory just leave them and I said let them go I don't mean take them somewhere and throw them away I mean just leave them hanging even if they're in the body just let them be there for now I'm not gonna do any surgery and Emma I'm just saying I want you to stay in the place that I'm speaking like this just be aware only of them but don't identify or combine them with your natural sense of being it's possible it's possible and if you have reached this place where the words have landed in you and a voice says okay I've done that now what and I say no next don't touch the concept of next so you've done this now we're going to do this now so don't touch even next just stay like this on associated on associated so whatever the problems might be inside talking about this you are aware of them you're not fighting with them but you are not identified with them just for the moment don't identify with anything and anyone here whatever you may perceive as your problem or what a dictionary at ever it is I'm gonna and you can listen you can be on the same train just leave everything for a moment okay when we have tried a little exercise that we are doing now you can go back and talk about the strength of your problem but we are just using the problems as you state just to identify that you have the ability to observe them and not to be dressed in them family it's possible or not and it may feel ok I don't mind to try this I can do this for five minutes I can do it for 10 minutes you know but it's gonna come back so don't worry just do this now just be only the awareness when I say only the awareness I mean what you're not sleeping so you are aware and that these feelings they come and go they may even be in the body right now but you are not identified them they are just an effect inside the form of your body okay let me go to the next point I am scared and paralyzed so even the feeling of being scared or paralyzed is also observable is it or not so again so now I feel if you're scared and paralyzed by these forces no but I'm saying okay just you're just witnessing now you're just saying and you're just being the awareness itself okay don't worry what the mind is saying about this don't worry about the - eh just be with my words you are just staying only as the awareness itself which you can do you say I am scared and paralyzed you say okay even that sensation even if your body was so rigid that you can't something feels like I don't know if I'm holding on or something is holding on to me I say fine don't try and change that just be aware just be aware that's all okay I do not know how to leap off the cliff into freedom no leap just aware just stay aware okay does everybody understand what I mean when I say just stay as the awareness or not it's out now I don't want to talk about your problems now for now I just want to meet you you follow I am NOT associating you with any problem any addiction any disease any mode I just want to meet you in this play don't hold on to any self-definition such as I am this or I went here or any background any history if you had in this letter you know some resume or an autobiography I'm saying I don't need this now I don't need this now I just read what you've said it is enough for me don't hold on to any of these things you've shared them there there may be energetically if they even may even be more loud now or maybe less loud but you are still equally aware okay do you feel uncomfortable to just be aware I think it's difficult to maintain it to maintain er yeah so don't maintain anything we're not maintaining anything you're not sustaining anything you're not maintaining anything you're not going to fix anything I'm only asking you just to stay as the awareness I'm not even asking you to make awareness it is already there even as you speak you can only speak because you're aware because you're conscious so only be the consciousness conscious awareness right now sending only be aware it's possible feel feel feel be it don't only agree but feel just be aware only aware speak you can speak very quickly thoughts latch onto it so there's the awareness and then very quickly my mind starts going but yeah the - toss comfortable but that is arising in your awareness you see does you see it the mind will come I'm happy that it happens actually now then later even because I can guide you into it so the mind come and it's all this stuff and what happens attention goes to the mind no but you are also observing this also your only from your awareness you observe that you're not doing any surgery on it you're only aware of that but don't get pulled in don't login meaning don't climb into any shape to be with that because these energies are trying to get you to be personal because that's what you've been all this time when they come you just think oh no there goes again I'm please and you start to function from a personal mode of consciousness I'm just pointing that it is possible to stay impersonal just be aware of them mind has come why now your closest friend mister mind it comes at a lil what is he got to say yeah you know it's really hard it's not as this thing and this is here now it's know you're only aware as awareness if I can ask you as the awareness itself do you have a shape is it everybody's question it's our question it's a consciousness question as awareness when I say stay only as awareness do you have a shape now are you a woman as a man very important to the house you know okay are you a victim just answer as awareness don't go to past don't go to your mind just as awareness are you a woman no I am scared and paralyzed I am aware of this is you're standing here in front of all these people having an effect on following my words I'm a little bit hot but I don't know okay okay okay that's okay all these things can be there you can feel really hot and sweaty and so on but you're just aware of them don't all them they're not a definition of you as awareness I'm only speaking to you as awareness can I do that okay why am i speaking to you as awareness because all the things you talk about they come and go they rise and fall they change but they seem to hang around something and what they're hanging around is the idea you have of yourself and the memory that seems to hold them but you are aware of that also but the awareness of that and that are not the same thing are they just the awareness only meaning the capacity to be aware also you follow okay it's very very important I feel scared and paralyzed okay I don't know when you wrote this letter but it's possible that that feeling comes up as well the feeling of fear and paralyze or it may be an ongoing state where even on a good day there's still a certain amount of paralysis there's still amount of fear in the background the kind of the noise the static is always a bit there somehow but now you're only aware you're only staying or where it is a very important this is still from the place of observing you're simply observing but not observe not observing with any identity observe identity but not with identity can anybody follow what I'm saying okay now your clue you're coming to the end of your letter say I do not know how to leap off the cliff into freedom so I'm going to take away the cliff and I'm gonna take away freedom also okay cha-cha-cha stay only stairs awareness on the stairs awareness okay because cliff means I have to be brave I'm gonna jump and it's not a bungee okay but it's freedom its freedom okay so both the cliff and the freedom you expect to find I'm saying I'm taking them away now only awareness itself come only to awareness when I say stay in the awareness are you here or not you must be here can awareness be different from you if I say stairs awareness is there something called awareness thing as awareness and I'm just waiting over here to see what happened or is are you in the very heart of the place I'm calling awareness then you ask what can I do now I ask you what do you need to do to stay as the awareness that go and be as this awareness need to let go of anything don't don't don't go to your mind don't go to your mind well that's the part I think I need to let go of okay the market well letting go of it's simply mean don't identify that's all letting go mean don't identify you don't have to or no I mean let it be don't identify because it's feeding on identity it is feeding on identity on interest on belief this is the food for the mind of this psychological states so don't identify how difficult is it not to identify well it can feel a bit difficult because almost like a reflex is faster than you like identification is there already then I say but you are aware of that awareness means don't combine with anything at all is it of any value to say that because something may be in the head it says the mind might say this is not helping me this is not what I need I need to jump off that cliff it's true I know this walk I know this walk I need a job I need to have feel the risk I must defeat this and I have to do something monumental like jump off the cliff because that's that will be as big as this thing feels for me I've got to meet this with as big a thing as it feels for me and I'm telling you know stay as the awareness itself and you know what there may come a tremendous resistance to follow what I'm speaking it's just yes all the Grammys what are you talking about you know where he doesn't really have any answer for you you know I've been awareness before I tried it I know I know them yeah and what I still say stay as awareness sits in awareness as awareness itself just stay I can't sell you this over the counter even if you give me ten billion euros I can't sell this over the counter because it's free for you you just have to sit with this or right now actually because I asked you if standing here is an amazing thing actually you know Papaji arranged that actually that you would not stay unknown okay right now standing here in all these people looking at you and all thing you know the most exposed is going to be basically okay yeah and the tendency to protect it is because it makes you feel vulnerable and make you feel a failure and all of these things okay and I'm only saying be aware of it observe these feelings something was like it's like when the mind come like this it's like an athlete's foot attack now you don't have to be an athlete to have athlete's foot okay you know those of you who have tasted this condition or what if you like there's an itch underfoot and doctor says don't scratch okay that's one of the hardest things to avoid and you start to squeeze your toes together and you start to step on the ground with water but don't scratch and you're doing everything on the mush nothing is working okay and then in one moment and what happened it's going to be the sweetest feeling okay somebody told me when I used this example before he said it is more pleasurable than masturbation okay okay my point please forgive me for saying that but those of you who ever hadn't athletes would know what I'm talking about but you scratch this and then the worst sore the worst pain the worst thing he feels after this it's one of this try use a very strong example there and the mind can try to match it in your head because I said one don't and it loves don't it laughs don't okay I'm saying all say leave them there and stay as awareness this is something that perhaps you will need to spend more time just sitting with that bringing in watch the minds attack like something does not want you to try this something does not want you to hear this voice or to try this this gun it's gonna try to rubbish it now there everything there are voices in this world okay that don't want me to say this to you and they'll do anything to discredit what I speak and those forces are coming from the same place they are coming from in you and I don't want to treat it like it's evil is just evil I'm saying I've seen something more that this test has come because something greater than that is you if you start to label it always of just by somebody put a spell on me don't do that we have been wrongly labeling opportunities as curses you are not going to be free without experiencing struggle struggle is God's Way of helping you to transcend because if everything is too nice you go to sleep so the greatest transcendence is in you otherwise God would not have given you this the greatest love is in you the greatest power is in you otherwise you would not have been given this and something is working to say okay and all I'm asking you because it wants you to jump off the cliff it may actually take you to a cliff and say jump look freedom because this becomes unbearable for some people is unbearable this level of what eudicot despair it wants you to be in despair and to feel that you have no options it will make your world claustrophobic so you have no moves but it can only do this if you remain as a person and you are not a person so I'm very happy that you come because it takes courage to come with these things because you know what this is to do to make you feel ashamed and I say you don't need to apologize for your existence because you are the living embodiment of the supreme and you must transcend these vices there are not years they are not original to you but you had a work in this body to experience these things and to transcend them and your day has come and these things millions and millions of people experience these many many awakened beings have walked through this valley of the shadow of death you understand because it is written in in the Bible in one of the Psalms it says yay for though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death not of death of the shadows of death I will have no fear of evil knowing you are with me who is with you who is with you the one you can never not be and there's no distance from him but mine will make you feel your distance if you hold on to your person you will feel very separated very distant all the sages are here today for all of us for you who feel despair or rejected and all these things to know that that can only happen to the idea you have of who you are and not to your essential nature and you are here today you're being called to recognize your essential nature and it may feel like a struggle it's okay if he's like a struggle it's okay that it continues feeling like a struggle each day until you win you have to win yourself back that is the game of this existence it's a game of transcendence of delusion and transcendence and this is what has happened yeah God has given you a very great role to play to experience these things to experience these things because you have such you've danced in front of a living Buddha and to say even you are not safe from this and this is your day of transcendence this voice gonna keep telling you yeah yeah it's not but I'm showing you you know you don't put on your boxing gloves going for to fight because it loves the fights yes yes you don't try and get into a street fight with your mind hmm just stay in the place that I'm showing you a place that you don't have to create in fact it's the true place you cannot leave the thing that makes you feel like you can leave is your mind and he's had a hold on your life for a long time maybe lifetimes even I don't know but it doesn't need to extend into another day let this be the god day for you not just a good day you understand and I am NOT speaking any sentiment here when I read this letter you know what you say here I am scared and paralyzed who who can write this letter is it written by your pure essence no is it written just by your body no is it written just by your mind no because the mind cannot exist outside of a relationship they don't see a mind running around here looking for a free person okay the mind is a construct the psychological aspect of the mind I mean mine is a much broader thing mine doesn't necessarily mean ego all that you can see and perceive as names and forms time and diversity is true the consciousness minded it come but it's a poor representation of what you are and if you believe in in this identity of a person it will have a hold on you it will blind somehow your intuitive recognition of your timeless and perfect nature and this is what is happening there it will make you feel scared and paralyzed why because you get identified when you identify his voice is very very what you may say influential to you but when you observe as it's clear you must be able to observe to write this letter but you're not aware that you are so aware and that you can be aware without this because you can exist without your psychological identity but it cannot exist without you so all are my word from top to bottom stay as the awareness yeah don't stay as one being aware just let that's why I say even your identity your history everything at one point you must just leave them where they are to stay here so that they become an object of observation they become a phenomenon being observed and so that when you are not combined with anything any activity even divine activity then you are in that place of unmixed consciousness when you stay here your natural conviction will grow your natural power will start to come back you don't have to do any exercise your exercise is just to stay here unmixed if I can share this today if I came to Rishikesh and I could only tell you this today if I have no more songs to share with you and I shared this with you today I can leave and I'm happy not only that when I say share sharing doesn't mean giving it means giving and receiving if they can be received inside your heart what I'm sharing then you don't need to do so many different things and so many different practices this this will remove your sorrow and I stand by them Papaji brought you here today and he has never abandoned you and I want to say to you as a sister then you know I am here you say you are you may be leaving I don't know I want to go into that if you want to stay in touch with me I'm here for you okay and I'll find a way to let you to connect with you okay I can see you after a bit you know I'm going to tell you something because if you have really been listening to what I'm sharing you don't need to be asking me any more questions actually you know if you really have been listening I have already answered your question because any question you can put unless you want to show me that you are a person different and outside the field of what I've just shared which I cannot accept I don't know you don't be coming further saying yes but it is like this this is why I have endeavored if you've noticed that in these last few satsangs have not been picking and speaking 20 people in satsang 30 people in satsang know I want to throw a net over the whole of everybody and say we are all in this net including me okay we are all in this net together we're gonna catch each other today okay so that I don't have to keep on treating you as individual cases because something has already convinced us that we are unique individual cases and I have seen that it's only superficial we are still the same one consciousness experiencing diversity and believing that and then coming back to recognize that which transcends all these things all these things which are so strong for us today and tomorrow they don't exist and we give so much of our life pursuing what is perishable and transient I just asked you to look to find that within you which can never leave it's more here than you is more here than the idea you have of yourself find that and be free today it doesn't matter if the mind come back the mind has a job to come back to test you to test you the mind has a job to come back and to test you don't complain it comes you say thank you for come and test me what you bring today Natasha and then you you will come as a very strong soap to remove the last the last bits of dirt that other things could not reach you will one day be thankful and include the mind also you see on your altar our altar to say without you I would not have been I would not have risen in my aspiration to transcend if you did not come if you did not ruin my life if you did not ruin my dreams I would not be free so stop whinging about the things that come and other thing happen and this one cursed me no one can curse you who you are okay and no one and nothing actually can possess you they can only possess your mind and not to you and it is good that things can possess your mind so you know I'm not even there you can't even catch me there also so please give a little space to what I'm sharing with you today because nobody needs to really leave this hall and think well he didn't deal with my problem thank you I see someone persistently with a hand up okay you come and tell me what you have to say it better be something different namaste Mooji namaste I'm thankful to you and Kalyani especially she's working for mooji dot party Mooji I was been suffering since August 2014 I don't know whether some people will be able to understand but I was been having some jerks as you had explained in the video what I have seen when you met to Papaji sometimes the experiences was very pleasant like body was starting to do the yogasana very pleasant filling inside but all the time I was being absent with myself and just withholding on that situation constantly - 1 - 2 years the time was been passing August 2014 15 came 16 came and lastly last year there was something speaking on the lower part of the brain that I have nothing to receive I am NOT attached with anything literally it was the sound I was being able from somewhere within myself to hear that voice that I have no raga I have not very sure I have not succumb not do come so initially I was been thinking that I have achieved what I was been looking for for some last years but finally after that after 2 to 3 months everything was becoming more and more darker yeah like I was not being living in real joy relations were breaking and on the other side I was feeling that I am something not something very different to that all the ordinary people actually August 2014 was the month and year when I hope that I was being divorced I am having a kid with me he was just 2.5 years old that time so after that I started to do the meditation initially everything was being going well I was getting peace I started to drop all the relation with any thought like whatever the thought is happening in my mind I was being just cutting up like dropping dropping dropping I have seen your video also with that I was being very happy filling more spacious more open but after that some incidences were coming to my mind and that time I was not been knowing that to abide with any kind of thought maybe catching me into the another world of delusion so that night was very different for me and something good feeling started in my spine like mooladhara chakra people say I was not knowing that and something curved energy was moving towards my head and he started I thought that it is very good happening to me I am getting and lighter and dro or I am getting my real path I am proving my real purpose of being alive here but it was all the phenomenon and I am very much thankful to Canyon II because I was being constantly to be trying to connect with you because there are very lots of lace people who are knowing about this real self and now after this journey of 2014 to 19 right now moment I have made some conclusions just to clear myself I I was not been able to come here or in another country because I am having small child and we too are only living together and as I said you he is small but it's my pleasure to have you in Rishikesh and this is very gratefulness of you that most of the people are having advantage of this so after conversation with Kalyani I was been getting satisfied that cello Laettner I will be able to meet Mooji within very short period and then gradually all the negative energy started to be slowed down after I started to do what slow down or slow down slow down yeah after five to six days I asked to myself I didn't make to Mooji Kalyani I don't know C's enlightened or no but what is the thing which is making me religion of this so ultimately there is something third person like mind must be there I was been thinking that I am being harassed by the energy and at the same time I told myself I started to believe that within very short period I will be getting relief from all this because I am going to meet Mooji so there is the factor of belief which is affecting my life and that I started to realize then I again started to drop all the ideas and now I have I have come to some conclusions that to be awareness as you asked her for the first person he was sitting here I am feeling to be enlightened is the first point where we start actually like I am standing here I am standing here I am not doing anything this is the presence within some time maybe one second five seconds some thought will be arising but before the thought arises some energy Rises and brain as I am Hindu I am Gujarati I am Indian in our language thought that energy is being converted into some language and then we understand it that the thought has come am I going right / - yeah yeah between two thoughts we are having some gap like we are doing very desperately something and we are not getting succeed for that and for some time we are getting just relax this is the actually moment where we are pure self that I am feeling where we are not abiding with any another identification nowadays I am able to see all the thoughts arising within myself yes but if you talk about this thing like you know the gap between two thoughts we understand it as an idea but if it's not going to be a gap between two thoughts yeah that gap will soon be taken over by the second thought so I don't want to put that as you know it's just yeah we can say that we don't have to go through such a complex it cannot be practiced by the way you say that you know it can only just be a pointer amongst many thousands oh hi when I start to say like that it is also been watched yeah second thing insert can I just say yeah yeah yes we have dealt with all of this we have because whatever way we can talk about it it still comes down to all these things they are observable in the beginning we can observe and in the beginning when we start to observe it can see my gosh there's so many things to observe but the point of observing is that quickly at some point you see that there are succession of different things coming in to be observed and then I would say and this is good that I take this point to say this that the point of observing is not to observe as though you're watching movie and then next thing next thing next thing what you come to see is that at a certain point the thoughts cannot arise and be perceived without you yes and then to put some of that energy not on the traffic of sensations and thoughts but on the one who is observing them as soon as that comes into consciousness you become conscious that the one who is watching is is the cause of the thoughts generating when you see this the thoughts will begin to slow down by themself when you try to catch all of oh is this one who is observing the thoughts itself also you see then you're not going into the direction of multiplying thoughts everything begins to slow down when if you follow the guidance I gave earlier it will come down to nil no thoughts is there it's very important for you to be yourself saying that to me your self admitting that no thoughts dwell here in this ultimate place the thoughts begin somewhere in the in the dynamic consciousness and that's what is being observed everything I've said this video is on record it is free watch it if you don't watch any other video I think you can watch this one and can resolve all these things I don't see any person's problem as being personal to them only what I have endeavored to do is to try and open it up and dissect the mechanism of the functioning of the psychological mind to you so you understand what's going on in your head and what is not going on and where your true place is that's all you need to know all the books in spirituality they boil down to these quintessential pointings if you can get them if you get them you've you're free out of them if you don't get them you can go from one thing to the next thing from ego to super-ego to supa dupa ego to free ego to all these different things because the mind will just keep on the mind rights are many spiritual books you know mine writes many spiritual books it loves it and don't just fall in love with spirituality if it's of any value it should be bringing you back to silence in fact any true conversation returns you to silence it takes you back to emptiness this is the significant point now so you know you mentioned some things it's good that we hear them again a little bit but I feel we can leave it like this for today thank you thank you one last thing big last thing will be that we are having some musicians to come and play if they are coming and you can get what you have to say in what you can do I have started recently because the in 95% energy like a dangerous feeling tensions have been decreased now and since last a week I have started to say myself I am aware that the sensation has been arised and for the some time it is it slows down but then after after some time I realized that it was also been seen so this is the only running situation so finally what you suggest to do in that situation because the jerks are so heavy so it is my speech I can't explain you okay but from the place that I speak about in fact whatever phenomenon arises in consciousness whether it's some twitching or some jargon all of them are seen as just movements in consciousness okay you see if you don't understand this the mind will try to make you understand in some complex way and then you'll be going to do some study about jerking or whatever it is and then you miss the point that you are that point you are that which perceives all these things when we are looking from the mind it looks like we're all these people going to toilet or what I say sometimes my god you don't realize what you are listening to you really don't you know because I say that even if it means to wet yourself and be free I prefer people going outside to get into the queue for me to put up their head and this type of stuff and to bless mallas and I'm showing you how to be to find your timeless existence I don't know I don't get it and this is it maybe it's open satsang it's like this but you know for how long we have been suffering our thinking and our minds and you know I'm not I have no free wasted words to give you everything is a grenade in your head you know you know you should not be leaving like that it's it's a bit disrespectful to just go like that unless you need to go or even go too low you go to the loo but I perhaps we'll never speak like this again I didn't plan to speak like this today and I feel that it's important to really really give it a shot even if you have to leave today it's fine but really you know don't do that don't just walk out sometime people leaving because they're late for lunch and they say this is really bad I this body has diabetes normally I'm going to the bathroom every hour for now I'm sitting here sometimes three hours with you that's how it important your existence is perceived here I am NOT walking off the stage why people look at almost 50 people standing out there and they're missing what we are sharing and this could be the thing that brings your life back to you that's why I say the teachings have always been in the world but the world is not in the teaching music and of course can you go of you're free to go we are free to be free and we are free to be bound it's not my I am not the accountant of this but I just say give it a little bit of you know this is the last day of the third week of our satsang got five more days with you you know and I'm not holding you wanna tell you if I encourage you stay is only because I know that any thank you thank you so much once you're done [Applause] yeah just I want to finish what I said just now because I say this body you know it has a different ailments and stuff like that and some of it is just absorbed from everything you know like that and when I say I don't I'm can sit here sometimes three four hours without needing to go to the bathroom it's not because of some kind of civic skill that I have and I think that it's just the grace of God it's just grace of God if something is important to you you know you can cancel it will transcend all the physical needs you have to ensure that you get it you know it's mind that wants to go getaway for smaller things smaller things smaller things you know [Music] [Applause] [Music] I [Music] my sir big [Music] we've sir whatever kind your word and with dignity oh that you must end [Music] um be my playmate for a while leave on your plants understand that my game is precise pleasure and pain are alike sorry choice even when in despair look at me while I smile the one who is true won't fear my dark side he'll always prostrate to my inspiring lies here we'll always Pro straight through my unsparingly [Music] my son [Music] my son and become a man trust-based I will illumine your word now let it unfold let it be if I use cries upon the seeking the one with the urge to surrender his life whose heart is in love willing to live aside any interest that may conflict with my [Music] by dwelling in me he forgets his pride he embraces despair and walks towards his destiny with a smile surrounded by flames he shuts his desires and the next assisting princess toward a mother and in ecstasy sing praises Stonem [Music] though you'll feel on his grace that is tirelessly falling upon us though you feel this benevolent force back in silence sustains us though you feel this worm that has come undeserved in the night of ignorance though you're said is lying piercing the shadows our guns [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] strong fearless courageous kind-hearted I am often nature my father standing on my own nothing to hope for I am of the nature of my father [Music] burn down my sorrows in flames of devotion I am of the nature of my father priced in my own peace abide in oneness [Music] nature of the most [Music] ah hi [Music] [Applause] [Music] my son [Music] become a man [Music] and because [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you you [Music] you
Channel: Moojiji
Views: 227,424
Rating: 4.8706574 out of 5
Keywords: Mooji, peace, time, supreme, reality, spirit, enlightenment, Portugal, devotion, presence, Papaji, bliss, soul, truth, nirvana, Jesus Christ, Krishna, Shiva, wisdom, being, prophet, Satsang, freedom, self, self-inquiry, mantra, awakening, seeker, duality, Buddha, I Am, surrender, Liberation, meditation, love, sacred, sahaja, guru, eternal, divine, contemplation, God, awareness, philosophy, Monte Sahaja, Ramana, ego, Self-realization, spirituality, maya, yoga, non-duality
Id: eaV2yJ_sUmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 161min 38sec (9698 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2019
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