When You Forget Yourself, Maya Is Strong – When You Remember Yourself, Maya Does Not Exist

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[Music] you you [Music] [Music] [Music] you somebody's been sitting in my chair what [Music] namaste welcome everyone to satsang here in Montes Asha today I'm aware so quite a number of people have come yesterday or it was yesterday no doctors ever and so welcome to you some people for the first time and some few been before so welcome for everyone and hope your time in monte sahaja will be most powerful time but this will be depending on what your purpose is for coming in your purpose is for coming if it is really to go as far as you can to wake up to the fullness of what is true about you and then I feel good about it then full welcome for that and I see no reason why you should not I'm still waiting for somebody to give me just reason why you should not wake up first of all to know what waking up means also what it means wake up because this term so many people they've heard awakening moksha liberation self realization all these words and what do they mean and perhaps are they meaning different things for different people I don't know but what I mean is to come to to come out of the hypnosis of personhood which although it is also a form of consciousness is very it is the most limited and restricted expression of consciousness what we call a person and yet nearly all the beings are so much in a state of wanting to defend and to protect false identity so those who don't want to at least I've come to recognize that there is a false identity and that the sense of being a person is indeed a very limited and unstable expression of consciousness and have a sense that you can come out of it and that many people are already experiencing that it is true it is possible to to to transcend the lower expressions of self projection and are waking up to a deeper understanding how far can it go well I feel that anyone who come here mantis are thought to come to myself I don't see a reason why I should refer you to somewhere else if you have come and if it is your time and what will mean if it is your time some people they have an idea it is my time I'm ready come give it to me or something and I've found that you know I don't know I don't know you I don't know what you're talking about some people come when they feel I don't know if it's really and they come to at least come to the the what I would say the doubtless state because not by believing something but by somehow having some confirmation of experience that is so powerful that they cannot deny that it exists still some of these beings they go back to the mind also not fully not fully but they may still fine and that there is still some romance with the old conditioning they may still be some you know all desires that we are holding on to and to that extent you will not come to the full the fullness of your awakening so as you see as I'm talking there are certain things that can create a delay in your seeing and much of it is to do with fear fear is to do with ignorance ignorance perpetuate because of arrogance so somewhere in there I don't know where you will place your own self-assessment we will see maybe it doesn't matter actually so I am here also not to teach teach teach teach I'm also wanting to discover who come here and say yes I am here for this actually you can go more than where their mouths say so welcome to satsang okay you can come I've got the arrogance and I feel like bitching this is the final furlong it's like this is this is this is the last bit that needs to go because the scenes up in here I've just been wrapped in your grace and and and seen the love that's been around you but I still even just before coming in and I still get irritated sometimes with people being around you because of that yeah I don't know just I don't know I was thinking about it and I was trying to work it out why am I still feeling this way out yesterday I was feeling this heart grace and I'm so grateful for her to be here but sometimes this this this this thing these feelings happens and I'm not and I'm putting it back to you maybe I've dropped all attachments but I haven't dropped you you your attachment to you so there's two hand touch mentor you attached if you attach to me personally or you're attached to me in personally touched me personally I'm going to give you a lot of trouble yes if you are touched to me in personally you're going to be just fine isn't it like this and it is difficult now because especially with people that you know isn't it because believe it or not we do have projections and expectations and we do have sometimes what you may call you know you've heard me say many of you that I say this or mostly to my intimate students the ones who I feel somehow that they can bear my words I say live as though you have no rights now in the world if you say this it will not go down well the body I stand up for my rights fight for your rights and all I say the one who is wise you know they say live as though you have no rights and no entitlements then what will happen everything that comes to you you appreciate you don't think that you you know they just belong to me yes you know no nothing belong to you not even you not even you meaning that even your idea you have of yourself not even that is true you see when you live like this you know I have no rights and so on then something immediately some humility comes into your expression and humility is beautiful because it opens the way for grace to come because you won't come if your arrogance grace will not come to you if you think you are special she will not come to you so sometimes things that this can happen that you know I'm talking to my sister at the moment and she's coming like there and it's not easy I understand because somehow you know the the the mind will take that shape and say look you know uh you know he is look look how they crowding him all the time and give him a break and so on the mind is pretending to be compassionate but he's not compassionate that is not his purpose for doing that no his purpose is to make you feel vexed and yeah and to believe him you must not believe him I am not complaining you see so when somebody asks one st. what do you want and he answered whatever God gives bitter are sweet because he has already prepared my mind that whatever flavor come I will make use of it the power of discernment will make use of it so when you say that you feel sometimes it's arrogance coming it's not you are as you see the mind has tricked you for a long time to make you feel you have right you have a right to be angry you have a right to be like this and you see who is it speaking to also is it speaking to the idea you have of who you are because he cannot speak to your true self but you don't know that yet so we are vulnerable to this voice you know we have to transcend this voice and its influence and then somehow you come away from its holder see it's still a play of Maya recently I have been I've been sharing with you one of Saint Kabir songs what does he say Maya Maya you are the great deceiver Maya everyone you have trapped inside your net and nobody recognized you but I know you Saint Kabir say you know that I know you you must know Maya sometime what Maya has spoken inside our ears we have accepted too easily and now we are protecting her voice inside no but she's deceiving and how can she deceive you because we don't as yet recognize who you are when you realize who you are in the truth not just as an idea not with an intellectual conviction but with direct experience she will lose this influence over you for this reason you came to satsang is he where does Maya come from I want to tell you something might surprise you Maya comes from God also then grace comes from God everything come from God all this is God's play when you come from you are so from God but you are not Maya you see you have to recognize we put on this human suit to to play and to experience what I say sometimes is like consciousness another name for God you can say hmm creates the sense of a problem or a challenge in order to have the experience of transcending it we have now the challenge to transcend all our conditioning but not to be cynical about it and not to curse anybody but just to see it and to feel and to say no but that's not true so what help do you have to do that because all the beings we have all received conditioning in the same way that all the all the beings living in the ocean are wet all the beings who entered in manifestation rakesh condition to see this body we need in order to to have experience this experience body but the body is also experienced we are not so only attached to the body but the life inside it so something in this we have to overcome we have to learn and it's time for us why you have come here there are seven and a half billion human beings alive currently on this planet you we are a little speck of them why you came here easy what selected you to come here and put another one another place we can never understand the ways of the supreme but you are here and you're here for something and because you have chosen truth most of you then all did all the delusions are gonna come for you the devil is going to come for you because him you must overcome and he doesn't exist only on this side of the eyes he lives also behind the eyes also but you have an advantage because you are already the self you see just you're not aware of it yet just like someone can trick a naive person but somebody was more clever they cannot trick them you have to be wise to overcome Maya Strix satsang is the place that is helping you is reminding you who you are when you forget yourself Maya is strong when you remember yourself Maya does not exist you came here now and you're feeling all whatever whatever is has been undetected the blind spots that has been existing in you you know to where they are coming to the surface is better or good it's good doesn't feel good but it is good for the one you know because you are your beingness now is becoming it's detoxing okay so all this is coming up it wants to burp out what is not harmonious sometimes it feels like you are going to vomit out and nobody enjoys vomiting we don't enjoy when we know it's going to happen we don't enjoy when it's happening but we enjoy very much when it's gone you see so sometimes these things coming up and we have to see with each other we have to tolerate that sometimes today and then somebody point out my eyes in your pocket I know it's annoying sometimes it's they're so strong and you go back to your way of how you act how you react you know to talk to people or whatever if you're feeling irritated you might snap at them and you go back into the same kind of behavior and so it spills on to somebody else I mean yes that is to the dream yes yes the your self-image does that the idea you have of yourself is behaving it is the one that's acting and reacting and interacting there's a deeper place a knowing which is not touched everyone must come to this place you see if you don't touch this place then you always believe it is you why am I like this and sometimes I don't want to do this and this is happening and so on so in satsang I will guide you like that say yes yes the one who you're speaking as right now hmm this one you're speaking as can you return it is how real is it yeah identify it it's a broken it's me it's me it's a no this is just a bit who is speaking this thing yes maybe habitus speaking it may be habit identity habit how many different personalities have you put on over the years hmm how many different things you have called yourself and you have outgrown them you outgrown so many ways of behaving and so many just like you you change fashion and you do different you're outgrowing so many different ways that you used to say this is me and so on and now you're embarrassed by them you will not even want to show any pictures of yourself in those days you see in the same way we are outgrowing certain modes of behavior certain views we had certain things we used to think and believe now they're no more there in the back you know we are outgrowing everything so presently you say yeah but these reactions and I'm find myself reacting as what is the trouble identity its identity that makes us feel so bad about ourselves sometimes so good about ourself even identity is it you see and everyone is protecting identity but identity is the one thing you must transcend identity gets you into a lot of trouble the person you think you are you are an action and reaction happen it just kind of happens you know to a consciousness that has been under some state of you may say conditioning conditioned behavior is under unfolding and we put this target self on to it I know it's not easy to convey you know even when I find things not easy to convey is because it's not easy for you to hear that muscle when more openly you are to it then the words will flow like water being poured into water but when you don't understand it's very difficult for the words to flow you see so at the moment these things are coming up to be burped out to come out if you have a little earthquake in the bottom of the ocean lot of bubbles will come to the top and when they reach the top they pop and they vanish these bubbles of all ideas and behaviors and so on they are coming up because satsang the grace of satsang you see before they used to hide in you they found lots of places to hide in you but now a light of grace has come and they can't hide it's like thieves hiding in a glass house haha under the bed raise a glass bed and under copied glass coffee nothing they can't hide so now they're coming to the surface and doesn't feel comfortable why doesn't feel comfortable because identities there you think it is you so then shame comes blame comes arrogance come defensiveness come accusation come but if you see the way it is a purification your purification is he something is being healed somebody attack you on the street and they yeah and they cut you with a knife is take your money run away and you go to hospital and the doctor also cut you but him you thank you I thank you thank you the intention is different you see suppose you slack the doctor when you do that know somebody I have to put it together otherwise you are going to bleed to death they don't do that again then you are you're don't you're not aware of when things are painful and they are good this is a pain that's good when things come up when you see but you must watch with some detachment if you watch with identity you your eyes will not be clear so in satsang you're told observe all these things but don't identify stay detached and then you you can keep out of it but if you identify then you want to interfere you want to push things about this is challenge you see I see these things coming up for you but I know quietly they're good I don't want to tell her they are so good look I don't want to get too comfortable about it because you also want off to get the rid of demo song but it's not a bad thing just we don't defend and watch the identity of is that identity was to protect he's protecting the enemy later you come to see you have no enemy when everything becomes your friend you have no enemy it said wise person the wise man makes a house out of the stones that is enemies throw at him this house and lives happily in the house maybe in one place you see one of the stones have got blood on it also you say I like to put this one to remember this was a very important stone for me that stone woke me up I put it over the front doors I remember yes this one there is no one it is impossible to wake up without some struggle and suffering this is impossible you see so you are experiencing some of the birth pains you see birth pains the the the contractions have started the same meaning all the things that were suppressing your spontaneity you know little ideas little behavior little old stale behind there coming up wrapping out and then Aragon says but I thought I'd dealt with them long ago sorry there's two coming out then something said but I thought is surpass that five years ago where is it coming so therefore I say don't form any hurried or premature conclusions about anything you experience just watch and just notice that it's just traffic it's just clouds passing it's just waves passing don't identify with them if you identify with them you behave like a wave also you don't identify with them you are just you are not touched by them you will learn but you will not be swept away thank you thank you very good I want you to pay attention also everybody to as we are here because this is not merely exchange of concepts grace is called this satsang together and she wants to reveal herself in you you're going to experience this so don't be too much in questions questions questions hmm it's okay if something is really there but don't use a question to kind of show yourself just more follow where the words are taking you I'm not teaching so much emphasis is not so much on teaching mostly maybe reminding sometimes reminding but very often emptying sometimes transmitting I'm not doing anything intentionally I don't say today I must transmit nothing I'm just yeah I even thought why call satsang on such a hot day also I had some did something wrong I shouldn't have done I ate some gluten breath so I feel particularly a bit tired this of course it doesn't really matter on some other level and I've done it many times Oh my doctor doesn't hear this they watch satsang also so it's a good example also because then sometimes some feelings come that's okay it's not and this ignoring sometimes we are told oh no but you should really pay attention to this and that you should know when you should pay attention and when you should not you should know when you pay attention and when you can ignore some things we pay far too much attention to things which are in nonsense things gluten okay it's sometime a nonsense thing Thank You gertie thank you I'm leaving soon and living tomorrow and it's been so many things came up during this day exactly what you were referring to and I am very so grateful that I was here to be able to just feel the support the energy energy field here and just and I thought I thought that before leaving originally I wanted to I have one wish the way it came it first came in words I wanted to leave at your feet everything that destructed me or troubled me but I realize actually this is not what I truly want is not to is to leave at your feet dirt still live at your feet the the one in me that can be troubled and distracted yes you you you caught young don't just pray to be free from the circumstance situations and stuff that to trouble you then seek to be free from the one who is always being troubled because if you don't and you try only to change situation get rid of the trouble you have your maybe all your life and to have trouble and that trouble tree is gonna keep producing more and more fruit you have to top him at the root how to do that now how to do that you say I want to leave it at your feet what does it mean means if you really mean that you leave it then you don't touch it then if he comes back and he's coming to you say why are you coming back I'll lift you with Mooji is this his trouble I don't I don't care about you and you have to go about your way but who can do that you leave it up my feet and two o'clock in the morning Ruchi can I have it back from anytime I know a bit done with it then otherwise we say things we don't mean them suppose you pray to God you ask God please help me into yeah just why I'm leaving all of these such a visa what is the meaning of this prayer then when these things come back you are fighting and no no you say no no I finished it I've offered it there's a power in that it means that I am NOT going to get again emotionally or psychologically involved with that but he's still coming and then wait a second and you say well I have to leave the one who is coming for also I tell you what I mean actually some years ago I was in Tiruvannamalai we were we've been having a retreat for quite some time or the season I think it was like has been going on for some time and I had last week but I had a sore foot it was caused by ingrown toenail on my big toe and this you know the nail grow light is no and his it's actually caused a lot of pain they went to the doctor then he says aw you must go to one Hospital in Chennai to take the nail out let's go to take the nail out and then he says then you have to you know it was you know after that you you must keep quiet and look after the foot you know I said but I can't go right now because I have another four or five sad sons to do say no you must go straight away because it is infected and it's getting black my toes getting black actually but I didn't want to finish something like that i said just five days more before the end of season mmm maybe I sacrificed at all I didn't want to go on like that so then this week also on top of this I was in the habit of going production not totally was walking a bit around the mountain at 2 1 when place at work from where I am from Ramana from near 2 and place kenapa temple I'd go there in the morning and then so the toys hurting and then I go out then every time I stopped maybe to just sit down sometimes some people meet me I saw all flies around my foot because they know where to go you know they come in and they're there and I'm trying to shake them off and they go off they come back like this so the next day I put a lot of tea tree oil on my foot tea tree oil it's very strong very strong smell I'm told if Flies don't like it then I bandage the foot and everything I go out then they start to come around my knee and looking they know something is around here somehow and it took them maybe five minutes they find it and they still keep coming there next day I go out I put on tea tree oil bandage and socks they still come they didn't stop coming until I went to the one hospital and they took the nail out that was after finish that song then I was fine and by grace it was okay to us finish after this no more flies you get my friends I have to tell ya it's not most elegant example but it is true and you have what is it that keeps calling the Flies so II carted to see what's the point you see of of bandage and tea tree oil citronella oil love and the oil plaster you know fairy socks none of them is going to work I have to either yield this dough or take him off so ego is that toe or let's say the toenail ego is Tony [Music] so how then to take this one out so either I couldn't take it out myself no I went to see doctor what do you have to do you say please help me I want to leave this at your feet but your feet that you have to really leave it or you follow the inquiry that I give which is very very powerful ting and everybody including those who are offered devotional temperament they can also do self inquiry also it's very powerful it takes you all the way takes you all the way it takes you completely beyond the field of images because even if you left this body and you went to heaven heaven is also images for most people there are only very few people for whom heaven is not an image because we are attached to the body the body is attached to other bodies trees and rivers and sky and so on we are touched them because you touch the body this body wants bodily pleasure then you get a heavenly body you want heavenly pleasure who is the one who can go beyond all these forms you can find them even while you have form but you have to discover the formless which is inside the farm which is the truth of you when you do this then I can say let's see if we can go beyond heaven even if you are touch to your body and images you as well Oh No maybe can we go to where you want after heaven so yeah yeah you you you can go to heaven as well and if you want you can even enjoy the heaven here also but where does heaven come from you can enjoy our so here you maybe have not heard that said the said when you discover you see we are seeing and perceiving perceiving means phenomenally thoughts feelings objects people the sense of otherness the sense of your own self mmm this is phenomenal seeing and this is the dynamic expression of consciousness this is life existence that's what we all seem to love existence we don't want it to end why we don't want it to end because we know it end if you didn't if it didn't end you wouldn't need to know that when it well don't want it to end so everything ends everything that has a beginning as an end everything as a form must change awesome is there something is there anything that does not change this is something that does not die does not perish wouldn't you want to know today I don't want to know tomorrow I want to know now hmm you cannot just know it with your mind also I have no ideas to sell I am NOT a trader in concepts hmm if you want to discover then let's look together and you can see and it is the most natural and the most simple of awesome you think you have ever perceived anything that doesn't come from your mind everything we see come and go everything life is showing is a profound metaphor all the time living metaphor hmm yesterday we had moments like this where I can come and touch your body and feel her feel it's warm today what temperature or today's you know 38 degrees you are and those were palpable tangible moments they felt actual and real but that was yesterday it's gone I cannot dip back when take something from yesterday and present it today and say look how it is yesterday a sample from yesterday everything is gone so I'm not making this up we are just putting to know so many things your feelings and thoughts and so on they keep going the way you feel even if you say you know the thing I was looking at yesterday is still here but is that what life is no is how you feel about it all so if you say yes I love you know I love you know brownies I love them really all the time yes I bet you I bet you don't have them one at time hmm when time we came out here it was almost like yesterday full moon night I think home kara said to me all was so beautiful so beautiful I wish it was always like this I said no you don't know you would not appreciate like this so in the realm of change let change happen is very naturalism but here you must find that which does not change then you will understand what changes because you'll know that which does not change and when you find that which is not change to be not different from you then fear will go and death will go is it so our meeting to find that which does not change I'm not talking about the idea of it that is satsang you say I want to leave before I was making a mistake of always asking please can you stop these people from molesting me can you stop this thing from coming to me can you stop me from feeling like this and so I sir now today you say can you stop me what knows me what knows the mean is it the mean what knows the me feeling if I ask this question where does it take you is he if even everyone knows the sense of you yeah you know you so we ask you how are you how is this person you know now I know about this one okay what about you what do you know about you can this you be known yeah you could you tell all these things your biography you can write v is the biography you you can tear it up throw it away you have to find when you say I the highest significance of it not just as a concept but as direct experience when you say I you must prove is I a thing is it an object is it something tangible or intangible is it visible or invisible you must prove that and today is a fine day and you know but I'm not just here to prove it to you you must reread if I it you came fine you say now I want to leave even the one who once once once even this if this one who wants something even good things was not there and what is left if the one who wants itself vanished then what is left now the one who wants even good things and don't want bad things hmm if that one is not then what is there left could anybody our answer from a real experience and not from theory if you come to know that the one who wants who have desire itself if you come to see that it is only an itself an idea believed in believed in intensely if you come to see it that if it's only an idea but you see this you don't see it as an idea no and then something is going to change right here today if you know what an idea is that it's only also a cloud passing but you say clouds pass and they don't come back but I keep being me every day I wake up him still me does this me is this me what can I say is it stable is the me sense the I person is it stable then how can I relate to this as do I can give something which is unstable I direction and say it can follow it it's not stable it can't follow things it believe it follows things if I ask you is the feeling of I in you as a person is it stable and your answer is what now what knows it's not stable it is is it the I that knows I'm not stable or is there something deeper that's observed this hiding is not stable you must prove this I listen I'm not gonna hear I'm not talking lecture to you this is an interactive satsang okay over the last month I heard you many times invite us to check like where where are you speaking from when you say I and during the intensive in Lisbon it just came almost I was questioning everything and it was very intense few days giving me a headache even but it led me to realize that actually my whole life what I was saying I is is actually in front of something is made of assessment and wanting not wanting and I just couldn't say after doing Lisbon then I just couldn't say I I just you know I don't know I think the change just happened I'd said it it was really moving when he said I cannot say I know and feel comfortable because every time now is his eyes and I'm gonna have to check it which one is talking yeah yeah is this good if you're a first if a psychotherapist heard you like that whoa I think you need to come to the office straightaway hmm but for me I say but this is very good this is very good hmm everyone wants just to solve other but you are finding this what is this Insp well what what is being represented by I you go I said sometime you go to restaurant any restaurant and keep quiet just go and take an orange juice or coffee listen conversation because there's always conversations in restaurant oh yeah listen how many people say I did this and you tease but I believe the story you think about it how many times you hear I or me and what is it referring to is it personal or is it consciousness you see then you listen then you may have an idea of when you say I while you're refrained and the one who is intelligent will seven-second but all of my life I'm only referring to my person which is only a set of habits and conditioning and patterns how can they be consistent and something is aware of it that which is aware of it is stimulated into recognition at the more but a deeper seeing recognizes that so now when you say I just well yeah I didn't like that something stops and checks and say which is you don't tell anybody this because it sounds very funny well you yourself a little looking at us and whoa again it's a reference from my mind it's just my mind hmm then who is troubled by it it's a very intimate feeling like I am troubled by it but this I is what how much more space is left for and I know the rest of the I can only be the witness or God who else can take I hear or the devil the devil also because God says I am but the devil also say I am an ego says I am hmm and the witness also say I am are they all the same thing now you have to look like that and I tell you if you're looking like this in a short time you are going to make the greatest discovery possible for a human being and this discovery will not be outside of you because this I is a shapeshifter but he can only shift in a few places I person hmm which is a ego or eyewitness of the person or you know like this or ID the devil which is very unlikely but is there also or I got or you may say is pure consciousness but this one doesn't speak very much and God is not speaking very much the devil speaks quite a lot you use you also and as I person and I witness I witness is more quiet than the I person is it helpful that can you relate to what I'm speaking but we can change subject a little bit it's gonna be the same subject but so this what I call the i watching i watching and i washing is same thing when you say i what is it in with reference to you see is it just personal and if it's personal is it reliable is it stable is it healthy then you say no it's not I said that which knows is not okay must be the weakness of I if this weakness are so weaknesses but don't interfere don't identify what is your environment at the moment to see and you look these are my questions anyone who is earnest whose time somehow has come for that this one is going to wake up he's going to wake up everybody is waking up a different stage of waking up what is a question the one who wakes up will ask could I still be awake could I still be sleeping this question is gonna burn every question you see but it's not for everybody at the same time when it's when interacting with people that it's very easy to that I slid back on identification so because this is all fairly new I have faith that you know maybe even yeah maybe human I'm gonna say something now in response to you but when everybody can benefit from it no it's fine here but I don't know if I can speak it in the beginning we are mostly reporting about the object of perception hmm in the beginning we are used to observing and discussing and becoming involved with the object of perception something external what's going on in the world would somebody says to me what we report about this it is one of the main topics now what what we see what we think what we believe this kind of thing now so a very externalized attention but as soon as you begin to learn to observe to pay attention and to observe with detachment hmm now get too involved in things gradually what tends to happen is a certain point you become aware of the environment of the observer outside many but the seeing place is one but nobody looks at the same place when you begin to observe without getting involved the attention moves back and you become aware of the environment of the seeing and immediately you experience a field like cocooned in a sort of spaciousness and peace and the quietness is there and you immediately are attracted to it it makes you feel content and happy and spacious like that and the fascination with external perception is begin to shrink it begins to turn inward and begins to enjoy the inner seeing your field of view becomes panoramic you're able to see things in a very wide way but you're not easily pulled into anything specifically and you're not bound by anything because the more you become aware of yourself as the witness hmm and if I say can the witness be itself witnessed then the all the energy that was going outward turn inwardly and conserves its power to find out can that which sees can that be seen also and these are not question and answer is more question and revelation questions and recognition question and confirmation and experience you become aware of yourself but is this self an object then you begin to experience that no objects have seemed external this one feels internal and then I ask you that which is able to perceive external and internal is where placed and I said don't give it to your mind and now you come to the infinite one when you feel the infinite you know automatically nothing can stand outside of the infinite to look at the infinite only the infinite can perceive the infinite but there are some forces still alive and functioning within us that is directly in resistance to this type of discovery he wants to keep you just worried about your body and circumstances and what your neighbors said and your relationship and so on and something is fiercely protecting and defending that limited life and you may find you know actually some people have they find that no they are too attached to their projections to come to where I'm speaking some of them will turn against you because they have to protect their projections and your identity and so they are living in the realm of Maya for the moment they are lost two days ago I had one email from one of them one of my students she was from the Osho Jie and she sent one thing she was reminding me that something was said of this this era of time of the manifest world we call Kali Yuga that this master and others have said perhaps in this time there they are not going to be many other generations that will wake up too much conditioning with them in the body the body mind the the urge to wake up to what we call waking up maybe is getting weak I don't fully accept it but all I can say don't waste your chance I am NOT somebody to go around beating drums about these things but always when you are close to the goal the strongest destructions are coming when you are close to discovering or sometimes just after a profound insight a lot of disturbing ideas come for you can you hold your ground or is your desire for freedom something just frivolous and the imaginary is it some spiritual fantasy but I know you and I know that many of you you are already in this process and in the stage of waking up to the fullness and the forces of deviation or destructions have tried you but you have not failed a little bit failing in a small small little small little stumbles here and there but you are still here so I'm still with you and don't feel sorry for yourself because you have to be tested but you remember you are not tested to fail you are tested to transcend because without being tested you you don't you don't find the energy to to really the resolve to grow also when you're in an environment that is spiritually mature then you get a lot of encouragement because you see beings you are the beings like you are the people like yourself who are evolving and shining in wisdom and light so they have the war but I'm I have to reach ih it's possible otherwise what happened the devil tell you look whoa where is your wake where is anybody awake huh you know and you think yeah yeah there's anybody here because you're always waiting for someone else to be awake why not you set an example I think if I don't met you I would probably still be in doubt and this is by far the greatest gift of your presence that which sees which perceive by perceiving a mean thoughts and feelings dreams actualities that can discern that which is behind all of that can that itself be perceived is it a phenomenon is it an object of perception because if it is itself an object of perception what is it that perceives that it can it be other than the truth of you maybe our mind is waiting for an answer something knows what but my the surface phenomenon that which knows mind itself is phenomenal is that itself phenomenal may I ask questions like that also I also noticed this that want wanting answers it is you know lingers when I come out of the state of mind because in this state of mind in person there's questions and answers and it works for wine but then when I get out of this state I see it lingers this desire to finances and it's really when I it's usually when these jobs that are I realize oh okay that was that was keeping me tied to the world of the mind hmm these are you being what well you know you you often say it's and it's only after you come out of a state that you realize so usually when I'm in this data is saying you know I I want and say I want and and and then you really take it as a clue that I'm still identified if I still see my life in terms of problems and solutions questions and answers and then it and it does feel even inside this it's odd there's something a bit strange it doesn't he works a little bit but and it's reading when I yeah as I say it's kind of a usually helps me because these twos once I get one once I slipped back into identification it's almost as if I I can I can see what I was saying maybe where you know you you are in identification or out order it's much better now so this now moment did you create this is called you know auspicious attention when you're aware that you know yes something gets pulled into that space and then when when he gets pulled in belief is there also all the momentum of previous habits is there and he arises a conviction this is happening to me but there is still the possibility of seeing but but oh wait a second all of that not just 90% of all of it is is an is an illusion and then who's left unfinished business left those of you who have just come is this all too much for you is that all 50 voices are heard there too I'm counting this is the kind of things that we talk about here and even if it feels a little bit more you know oh I'm I can't get my head right it's okay he's okay if somewhere in you knows I need to be here even if you don't speak my language something tells you I don't understand everything or to understand not be anything but I need to be here then this thing will feed you is taking care of you so as I said at the beginning yet many I wanted to ask if I could come to you it doesn't feel so relevant right now but no can I give it to you if there's some distance yes and you can sit with that thank you okay hi Guruji hi darling so while I was away from here I was listening to a satsang you had here in the Mandir and you said something that really went very deeply here into my heart and it was that you put yourself in the position of I and God as other as you and this was heard very profoundly and from that it seemed that your you are here as I and the this is what is here I got it sorry my legs are shaking and the since then there was something I would I could see that there was something that wanted to work out what was happening and as always yeah yeah dismiss him exactly zone no good you seen straightaway mm-hmm that you can't know and it was just left like I've just said exactly very good and and just to let whatever gonna unfold now unfold yes and and and that's it and including whatever meaning it wants to feel don't go picking around you know what does this mean and just picking up their mind again just surrender everything in that moment you know because God has picked you up and then don't look after yourself you see might want to say yeah so no what does that mean now you know and you know know so yeah you leave him don't go him to him like this you're totally totally available for this for all of this all of this don't try to work anything out mmm when God picks you up don't try to work anything out you see I once watch one in one in one in one movie okay one movie I don't watch movie very much but I'm going back a few years and it was one of these mafia guys real bad guys you know and he was talking with other mafia bad guys and one one guy that they that was about to get into big trouble with them offered up something say yes but what I I feel that this and listen this is happening and he slapped him the other one slapped him I said listen when I want you to have an opinion I'll give you one that's very very rude isn't having I he's done I mean so that stood up you know so now yeah the goddess tell you when I want you to have an opinion I do that would be beautiful because all the time you're living with your opinion mind opinion and now the supreme as picture up and you say no he you know don't worry about don't work anything out don't work you think if you were truly surrender means let go and I'll take care of you the Lord is saying I'll take care of you you see hmm they're different kind of relationships in we call like in like in bhakti-yoga something some examples I can give you with the relationship between like a devotee and and and God know he says for some sometimes if the devotee is devotees like like like a kitten like a little baby cat and the mother just come it wants to and just picks it up by the back of the neck and carries it around a place and puts it down and he just hangs you know there it doesn't decide where I want to go uh-huh put them now okay there's some the vortexes they're like that God just picks them up and you know where you're going hang in there and put them this place and then they're very happy to just go walkabout and stuff like that you know that's a very very big devotion another one is like like monkey baby monkey mother wants to take you over to there but you always just got a hold on don't learn to mama and mama goes jumping around the trees and then you learn something and then you but you have to hold on to what you have to hold on that's also one kind of relationship answer mmm and then one is like baby kangaroo lives inside mother's belly and just get to look always Bom Bom Bom not bouncing but Bowser ah then you come and this is one kind and then one is like baby bird mommies bring your worms every day then one day you look out know where I'm just gonna kick you out what kind of what kind of baby you are sometimes we're all of them sometimes we're all of them in in that way if you have that type of temperament to see so you are learning also by this way then God is imparting wisdom inside you also because you see yes you know the one the tempter come and say yeah yeah but what about miss traffic was no no I'm already in good hands I'm already in good hands see if he wants me to know something you applaud that knowledge inside my heart and my mind and that is just see that's one way then if at once that somehow you are beyond the stage of being carried or bounced or whatever like this no and then you didn't show you another way maybe something is more refined to really follow you know the ways of the you know of introspection and to look and and to go beyond everything somehow go beyond everything everything that has a shape hmm you can touch you can play but you stay shapeless this is another way every shape you can touch every concept is a shape every object is shape every relationship every idea is a shape we tell you don't become any shape you stay shapeless and who hears this yes and and feels the feels the beauty of it yeah and you see something is talk somebody you say it's okay sometimes somebody say I'm fine until I start to talk with people and then I get pulled into shape when will you speak with people you don't get pulled into shape so the more you look and you you keep observing and seeing but wait a second yes yes that's understood but you don't leave the place of your seeing it's like you're all everything is happening in the place of your seeing you see so nothing pulls you into shape you see then you can speak with anyone even the devil and he cannot pull you into shape then you can confirm your that infinite Ness doesn't belong to you doesn't belong to anybody hmm it is the one that is when you say that alone exists yeah we are that and it has the dance of individuality it's fine it doesn't find conflict with individual expression free petal on this flower is unique doesn't have to make things all look the same the essence is the essence untroubled in every expression he's there when we don't understand you try to make things look the same like that makes them the same they don't make them the same that which is one is not trying to be many it dreams many and plays many and yet it is always one so in a sense in this in this journey of life we are like the recovering consciousness that you're becoming yourself a strange thing to say people say what I am were so is it no you're not not yet you see sometimes I say there's nothing you need to do to be what you are but there is something you need to discover in order to stop being what you're not again there's nothing you need to do to be what you truly are but there is something we need to discover in order to stop being what we are not just keep thinking you're this person and your dad do this and all these things that we touch we go into the shape of them cause trouble when you are clear as to your true identity and something is washing your face washing your eyes washing the mind so that you're not confused anymore then you will see the world as it really can be seen as the very body of God we won't want to own it or to abuse it any more than you want to abuse your body if somebody abuse their body it means that they are not in harmony not happy you want to take care of it even if something appears to be like a little bit of conflict but still it's inside the greater harmony like some time by accident you know whatever I was reading something of Papaji saying though said that you know if you're if your teeth bite your tongue your tongue cannot be unhappy about it because it tends to do that when the food is too nice eating too fast and you don't want punch your teeth out because of biting your tongue okay okay maybe I'm eating too much or something smart present thing like that you know maybe eating too much you speak from experience so just like that is what I feel when I hear you like that I feel so much space yes it also feels that how beautiful this insight is and all the fruits that come from it is joy this love and such gratitude to you it still seems like it's a happening in the non happening ah you talk about so often yes these days I'm talking like this because I feel it is an excellent example because I say everything because what do we talk about happenings whatever we talk about is something we feel it's happened you know or what we want to happen or what used to happen or you know what we are planned to happen or what we think is happening now and I say we put so much importance on this but what I have observed is that a happening is a kind of a mental deduction you know you say this thing happened because we can say like you know if I say what's happening in here and I can point it to someone what's happening at the moment and they could say I can't talk about it it's just so many things happening right now my mind is in a tsunami and it's just like war thousands of thing happening and the person next to you say what about you what's happening and they say nothing and who is right well experientially both the right what's happening what constitutes are happening if the mind says this thing is happening then it's kind of recorded or it leaves an impression something happens so I was pointing out that every happening is a movement of time and change and context and every happening is like a blip in the immensity of the nun happening you can anybody relate to this one it's just doing something and we make such a fuss about something which is just also we perceive out of habit and then we want to break someone's neck because of it and you want to do all these things and and so many other things we ignore also so I said this thing happening and it's gone but memory make it lingers as though it's I got a further life but in actuality that happening may just be you know a few seconds and yet you live all your life with it but something just becoming aware of the space of the nun happening did the nun happening suffer happening and in this nun happening you know is it personal these are questions that if you spend time with me I'll keep asking you you see and something inside maybe feel a bit confronted but you have to go a bit deep and to look and what's happening you're waking up to yourself you're waking up to what is true you're not constructing not creating just discovering there is on that is what is so beautiful then you see that all this that you're discovering was already what you are it's already but you are somebody said also in satsang you know I'm ready Gridley I'm ready now I said you are ready to become what you are already yeah you are just being ready to become what you are already but we don't know you see this is it thank you and I just want to say that I just leave my head at your feet always so many people don't know what you mean when you say that and they get me into trouble don't know you know what it means if you experience some turbulence some sense of burning and things that this I want to tell you ahead of time see it as a very good sign a sign of a process of purification is happening and sometimes it's much much better than sadhana sedona means spiritual practice and you're sitting and yes should I do this and it's burning surrender to it and just say you know leave nothing unburned because nothing can burn what is true only what is untrue you see have this much courage because sometimes you will feel like it's a risk you know oh my god you know I don't know what's happening to me I'm falling apart everybody has to fall apart to discover your harmony because presently you think you are all together but you're we're a mess so sometimes the mess has to split open somehow has to crack over and feel the full blast a sunlight from God's kiss and then somehow some miracle happen in you so whatever happens for yourself just have this attitude thank you even if it feels like and mean it also if you can't be inside are here no we mean it at first it feels a but as some people say but I don't know what to say thank you to anything for I have nothing in my life to be thankful for they especially should say thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you and gradually the vibration it so cleans your field cleans your house cleans your aura cleans your consciousness from all the dirt from the mind and from the person that eventually you probably start to see so many things to say thank you for even hmm just thank you thank clean become totally empty empty empty empty empty it's a paradox that we spend so much of life tasting everything doing everything only to discover the emptiness is above everything for foolish person getting as much but much much we're you know constipated with things over for such person the truth or discovering truth may at first feel more like laxatives than it is some of you know building up but this is good we come to a place where your hemp tea but your complete something feels complete you find that you can respond something responds to life without without strategies also without manipulation it's just why why it happened because you are one with life when we are practicing to be one with life you are separated from life when you discover the truth or you have a love for God your harmony with life again all I'm sharing here I hope that it would be proven in you many of you know what we're speaking about to be true it is just a way of of the self is not something we have to study a lot of books about thank you so a big part of satsang today was to welcome all of you who came in yesterday say good that you came and hope that you get the full benefit of and the possibility of being being here and and I'm looking at the faces that I can see who feels fresh and new but you know what everybody feel like this after me so there is no difference in that way Medus okay thank you for today I think we're good now from from time to time maybe somebody's gonna play some music thing and start to come from time to time when it feels good I will call for a satsang okay and so you may not get two days notice or something like that you just get two days notice okay okay we're meeting at two o'clock and it will happen like that it's good with you and this thing I had had some letters this was from this is from this button I didn't get to read all the letters I told everybody I will read it when I go back to Sartorius I haven't done it I tell so many lies like that I promise I'll read you know and already it's I don't know when it was not innocent but it's not so many and we'll find some time with you we do that thank you [Music] [Music] it came upon the midnight clear that glorious song from angels Valley to touch the [Music] midnight clear that glory song Joe's been to touch the hearts of me [Music] even though [Music] Nevins [Music] still through the open sky as they come with peaceful [Music] and still there music floats over all [Music] Oh [Music] things always just kidding [Music] burns all races king Oh [Music] days are hasting on by prophecy when with the ever circling years shall call the time for two when the new heavens show all the Prince of Peace [Music] and the whole world the song which now see Oh [Music] moons all gracious King [Music] winds always just king [Music] Levens all gracious King [Music] is key [Music] P on earth goodwill to my from heavens all gracious skin from heavens all gracious key [Music] you
Channel: Moojiji
Views: 190,352
Rating: 4.8757482 out of 5
Keywords: Mooji, Papaji, Ramana, non-duality, truth, love, meditation, Satsang, God, Self-realization, awakening, duality, self-inquiry, soul, self, enlightenment, Buddha, Krishna, Shiva, devotion, yoga, Jesus Christ, ego, prophet, spirituality, spirit, guru, Liberation, sahaja, maya, peace, awareness, bliss, sacred, I Am, eternal, mantra, wisdom, contemplation, time, nirvana, supreme, divine, surrender, seeker, reality, presence, philosophy, freedom, being, Monte Sahaja, Portugal, Sahaja
Id: C8qgc09-VJQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 37sec (6517 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 21 2019
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