The Person Is the Mask of God

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] but a struggle to become someone nothing but to running from your hole silence [Music] be able to be like notice this is this is this is in addition also a female just a partner [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh namaste welcome everyone to satsang today welcome welcome all who are joining us via broadcasting also thank you big welcome for everyone now [Applause] I must take the courage and the mustache thank you so much I just feel this entire being is that your feet not at the feet of a man but at the feet of my own heart yeah that's good I'm so grateful and I just wanted to share that this this whole life has been this mind has been so noisy and so I really abusive in so many ways and I've been so identified with everything that it says all the harmful things that it says yes and it's so beautiful this this satsang is is just revealing that when it's speaking now is just more clarity that it's not me none of it it's me yes and you are what now just just watching yeah just see yes how much effort is in that watching we slow down now we're in a good place so you tell me now how much effort is in depth watching you say watching how much effort are we watching like you're watching movie are you watching in some very passive or neutral way that even if there is a nude a neutrality in your perceiving and at some points it might come very sharp and very dynamic but no effort was made it's simply that also that dynamic focus is also observed in your neutrality is it like that or does it feel like we are watching to see where trouble is going to come from in this open question are we watching you're very happy to hear what how you're speaking in the beginning we you testify that in the beginning or previously the you were listening to almost everything the mind sent you were strongly identified with it but some change has happened and some gap is opened where now you are aware that you're witnessing more then you're reporting about the traffic of the mind and what's happening there something at ease back into to acknowledge that there was a there is a place where you are not so pressed up against the activities of the mind you are more observing them so must be more peace there's more silence and naturally more self-awareness before personal now more self-awareness because you are observing things but you're not so much the reflex to login to them meaning to identify strongly so that is already a beautiful change so there's some distance whereas in previous times you would probably have gone more something would have gone an identification will be more active more dynamic more more sharp now this space to observe but still we have not come to our ultimate truth yet we have come to a place where we are observing and you at some point come to see that when you are not identified or we don't go with the personal identification you are not so much pulled into the traffic of what is happening there you become naturally more self-aware you're aware of the environment in which even the seeing happiness so this already is some space more peace more distance more joy more wisdom also coming is it like this what is left now you know in terms of direction something intuitively know this is moving in the right direction because increase in peace and spaciousness less claustrophobia in the being more space still every now and again there's a flaring up of identity maybe happen and maybe for a short time we feel again caught in the traffic of personal identity but in a short time less than before something eases back and you again regain your natural composure that this is only clouds passing not just like this so from here now what happen now it just feels but there's such earnestness yes that somehow feels inevitable now here's what it somehow feels inevitable no yes what is inevitable no I don't feel that that the mind can say anything that is bought anymore but you don't feel that the mind can say anything that is that is thought that is taken by you accepted by you as fact anymore yeah this is good yeah so then inevitable mean means soon something else must happened what I don't know yes and this is fine now so there must be a natural yearning to fill out as much as possible in in some way meaning that the natural yearning to expand as much as the space to expand I'm just using a word like that meaning to or to refine as much as can be refined in the realm where change can happen to reach the highest potential within yourself so to speak now but your personal self is dissolving it's not personal this personal idea of self is dissolving and more there's just a sense of space or maybe a kind of emptiness and you're growing more used to the state of emptiness many people cannot get accept emptiness they feel it's a sort of the mind colors it with a a negative reading emptiness means I'm lost I don't have anything I'm not going anywhere and so on but it is experiencing that with a negative taste but you are gradually becoming accustomed to the spaciousness of your natural being you don't have to hook on to even the body you're not pushing the body away but is something tangible it's very present like this but you are not clinging so tightly to that as the as the position or the or the the source of what you are you know as you're moving in this something is moving in this you're aware of body you're aware of senses aware of the mind activity mm-hmm but you are not defined by them so who are you this is not for anybody else to know but just yourself who are you what are you is there you I will certainly not by the old definitions you intuitively know that you are but you cannot define it you can maybe define what it is not but what it is you cannot be framed in words is it like that a bit yes and so you must be very happy yes I am I am by your grace I'm happier than I've ever been yes and this happiness does not need a story it's not happy about penis becomes synonymous with your being happy for no reason just natural joy this is the perfume of your own self the joy and peace also is there occasionally some remnant idea come from the past and again something plays some proof but quickly it stabilizes again in comes to rest again even at such times even in the most dynamic pulsation of the body mind activity something is not disturbed maybe everything is arising but something is not aroused even the perceiving is perceived have I gone too far even the functioning of perception is also in some way observed nothing to report and yet we speak because mmm some beings want to know but if I come to such a place does it mean my life is over them have I am I retired if I come to this place so it is not easy to answer of course not we retired you retired from suffering from ignorance maybe you don't say that because if you say that very easily easy a shape is formed as the one who retired yes retired from suffering and then the question may come you who precisely and if you are in your subtler state that bubble will also pop and disappear also we cannot speak so much about this but in fact it's not that you are dried up there's recluse or something you are one with life and at the same time the observing of life is taking place in you automatically spontaneously don't want to speak too much about that we want to prove that true experience isn't it otherwise mind takes hold of him learns it and then people say I know that intellectually what is the difference between knowing something intellectually and knowing knowing intellectually means that we have a sense of what is happening maybe some concepts about it it's like being angry and chewing the food and keep only in the mountain I mean swallowed and digested and assimilated you will not say that was intellectual it's complete is there anything you want to ask her no I just somehow I felt like I wanted to check with you yes that this that the earnestness and the vigilance when the minds coming up every moment that just staying with this this is enough yes when you truly stay when I say stay until there's no effort to stay stay until there is no effort to stay and then also whatever arises as mind the psychological play of the mind which comes to to invite you back into personhood is quickly detected quickly quickly recognized and discarded you see quickly seen and ladies when it's seen its it's it's it's venom is neutralized you see you have not taken you've not taken the bait and like this this is exercising your own being somehow your power of discernment is becoming much more acute matured as long as the body is there and the prana the life force is there and consciousness is there the potential for some thought activity for some play of identification must come you see it's not that all we have to sterilize the dynamic Ram no it is still everything the senses you don't have to cut they are not on offense they can play but the one who could become an addict the needy one you are transcending that so then the mind has played all its cards is played all his cards but somehow you need that also you need the minds test the test you need because this friction helps you to to use your power of discernment to keep checking in to keep checking you see that's how it feels good G it is like the louder it becomes the louder and more destructive this voices the more obvious and ridiculous it is it's like it thinks it's fighting but really it's just in service to this knowing me ah this is good in service to this when I used the expression I say the wise person builds a house with the stones their enemies throw at them and lives happily in the house meaning that they didn't just complain oh these people don't notice yah this is good building material you use it and that is a testimony to your growth also that the wisdom is expanding in you once upon a time you would just be complaining and say oh oh why is the world so bad and why people like this but now you have learned to reflect and to contemplate and to design and you see wait this is now I can use this to somehow elevate or refine the consciousness more and more yeah the more this happens the less you are able the less you are vulnerable to the seeming seduction the seduction of the mind to take up personhood again so you have made use of it like that when does it end well it ends when it ends we don't have to make an appointment for that you are quietly here when somehow you have reached when you've transcended and then these bubbles won't come you are not noticed you see yeah we don't have to declare oh yes now I've reached no no no no measurements needed your measurement is you're increasing joy and you're increasing peace and your ability to be by yourself also happily and with people happily whatever environment you find yourself something you retain your equilibrium something is still there you don't have to speak about it but it enables those who are sensitive to and desiring the evolution of consciousness they will be attracted to that presence I like that it's very good very nice very good thank you I must say nobody did thank you my beloved master is always taught us stay just here stay just areas one day when I came to realize this teaching practically I told Papa G about it then Papa D asked me two questions first can you adjust this vertical experience this direct experience can you work can you purchase mother's purchases or just possess okay and you or your Shahan this vertical experience I remained silent because there was no answer around me again he asked another question can you explain this experience in the words in a scientific language if you will be able to explain it you can get the master key you can get the master key for even for opening the mystery then you have a clean vision unattached with Maya this will be a great achievement I said my master I will try my best after about six months the hell I came back now from one village with the answer of the second question with the master key it was a cold morning of the first January a bouquet was in my hands Baba's son said to me after about six months when I came back to Lucknow from my village with the answer of the second question with the master key it was a cold morning of the first January a bouquet was in my hands Papa's son said to me now physically Papaji is no more we have lost him in an accident so majide here is my request to you and to all those who have a deep lust inside their hearts for knowing dull timid put our happiness love and absolute freedom and for making a shape piece to this planet because the world is sitting on the fire everyone is bound to catch a trap of mine unless to have this vertical experience unless to have this vertical depth experience the highest peak of awareness the collective actions of many forces are appearing as things as nouns this perception is deception this perception is deception the noun is the very source of all forces there is always just here and now the very root each of us I am sure this master key will be helpful to accelerate the process of awakening so again I request I would like to offer you this master key in favor of mankind I feel is it my lately there are two things about the master key and these are not only for you but only but also allow our the world first who will practically prove this theory will be enlightening spontaneous just here second I will tell you on thank you okay good good [Music] okay you want to come show me something I need in this house he went to it indeed translator who coming come when indeed translator coming somebody coming behind you or maybe this one is good I would like to offer this most I went to offer this okay okay come let's see because all this has got to go somewhere today you're happy like this so I come come I also bring one stool for me okay so okay please sit down so what you have with them being presented with here it says props theory of evolution and it is listing four points and some four bullet points but I'm not going to read them I want to you must finish what you started with Papaji today huh well I put some up cannot say Papaji Satsuki Etna make a bullet points neighbor new hobby motoki Giovanna what about each category yeah later later for that because the master asks you some questions you went away six months when you returned yet left buddy up to Marina kill each other they kept the kaupapa side up egg wash a teacher together this is my own sort of second question I want to hear it from your mouth Mary optimal senado thank you because if it is kind of late to go away again maybe I am a Sona here so today we have to come somewhere because if he has to go away again to answer the question that he did not answer before Papaji and then when he comes back maybe I'm not here maybe he is not here so cuqui Eggert Asheville pres McCants Resnick ard Avena abdu'l-bahá chalica Alford Obara a champion about who Septimus real men are who the main point of this Keys the source of attention of each living being and the source of the whole universe is one and the same and that is just here you have proven this experientially prove it ok when you speak keep microphone close to your mouth now we don't want to miss anything so ok that answers first question does that answer first question okay yeah yeah people a person about their head he appeared above me Sabbath while second verse second question I am remain silent our postures yeah I am still silent our first pose can you adjust this experience I am still silent you're silent or silence yeah up chupa yeah up to pick wood here I have no answer I am not satisfied with your answer which it's a selenium interrupts you say that in a sense you can say by word it is okay but by experience something is not dropping here right now by word as an answer it is okay but satsang is not about correct answers you must be the answer you cannot give me answer if you give me an answer then you must give yourself it must be you must be the answer not you can give me an answer you see he shut down major ah if I have a torch if I have a burning torch in my hand the focus of the towers will be running here and there but we had there is no focus I had towards it free from everywhere the light is in its source and we have no focus my North identity is you speak to me directly now from you you speak directly from you without metaphors I'll speak directly of your experience to me no food R&D a beggar see there apnea no puffs a battery of E or Quay this experience is very very happy state but I cannot explain in parts very very then don't explain in words bishop to me explain math Karine I cannot explain in words what you see like this no I don't need the words I want to meet you today yeah the one who appeared in front of Papaji hmm one who appeared in front of Papaji did he disappear in front of Papaji may up Keisha blows in the email nada make up semi-legitimate reporter a kid Joe Papaji case and a yachtie because it seemed like he reappeared ah-choo colectivo Papaji Thibodaux Varga Hey Joe Papa she kept some lay open state who aha Kiev Oh an apostate who yatta kappa by iboga you have autobiography because we don't need this I don't need this I don't need this kidney yeah it never listen no I don't talk about it talk about you your and it must be the same speak about you my OS Kiba negara my up Kiba arrow yogi are purvey say Miyagi apni baat KJV Kooskia botany I am change evil but I is always same remain I am changing you are what I am changeable time to time my I am changeable but I I see on things don't change it not work something is changing from time to time but what I am change I am I am changing from time to time - okay but I you're a teacher but I never but I never change yeah George source yeah we all know that yeah thumbs up we all know that as a teaching we know it we know it yes but now I'm here to meet you as that but it's a bear may upset you scared me we'll know when you come and you want to show something like this you don't have the confidence that you are it enough why you want to show this thing here job up as acoustic honey are they here yes apply here okie are up made it no confidence nick mavar he who to me dakara home let me meet the one who Papaji matter which it was similar I just say Papa simulator why needed six months coach Emma Enoch is a ruler to you buddy the master couldn't wait Master wait SEC theta in tha's are they intercepted a the answer was not the question was now why unsub takes six months just generally for everybody who can say the question comes now I want to be free I wish to be free then a dialog is starting with master then some people say you know after three weeks after some people on the same day some after three months after three years after 30 years they come back and they say something something happen I am not the one anymore I'm not this one anymore you know but not the words by itself is enough tanki agar prashna Asami IATA to peruse me uterine immediately okey Secotan Mahina kisi KO tinsel and I didn't catch the signal domain name alone I let him know this because I wanna go bounding up to ask he said that I did not know how to put it in words six months I needed to know how to put it in words if that was my tribe my attempt to put it in words yes Papageno debt Apogee coma Loompa that something want to put it in words which hair dosa Shabnam abandon our data we did not want to wait to hear you put it in words well it's going to sonic or not are they taking opposition to me darling [Music] so I would suggest forget about the words of it my coworker Shep the puja now you can do leave everything he does not require it and he doesn't want me to take on that burden now so it's a layup support although APIs Keys ruining our approach in Covina denotative what remain Georgia baqia rocky kabocha to pub/sub couch or day if I would not accept any of this only explanation you are going to give me as explanation in a theory any kind of thesis don't want relative auger make you see participant Kona mahogany COBOL guru I want to meet you man was it up see Manoj Adam oh yes you leave all these things all these sub cheese over and what remains Baba Yaga and then don't want to answer well schedule a fleeting image a that word works shabd Oh silly don't go back to your seat with anything at all this seat but which be Laker whoppers Messiah yeah I am not giving you anything at all to go back with no couch need a righteous kiss out of oppas jackets okay automatically sometimes this is this this still come comes automatically ultimately he said it comes automatically is that to come or has happened gather a team here who are you where's the tea it's Emily it's not happening now what is not happening now that gather you my personalities yeah in fact personalities in front thank you personalities in front is it significant that personality is in front this not for everybody yeah a personality comes in front it is significant it is because you determine it to be significant other is calm ahead why is Leo key apne face lucky I keys come out for her yes personality something Annika you are the witness of personality our personality key witnesses or the witnessing of personality arises in you yeah whose Cove in Escanaba and that hor-aha soon that personality will move out the way and another thing will come to be witness the evil personality heard Jaggi or horochowski toka technically a personality could be prey to that in which personality or anything else is weakness well just my personality a couch are they far ahead that remains affected but unaffected right there was a FERC Liberta the minute you say yes but the mind is there Jessie apology Harvard month O'Hare you create an obstacle in yourself up Nevada creator Liam Lily because you acknowledge that keoki a and all the rain and gives it some significance we mandate that area doesn't matter what appear or disappear it separately Vertica keyattr I heard ya gotta yes the minute you touch anything jesse is it with cheese go truth in a relationship is formed with it are big sambandham an eyelid nose kisser and you go into shape or topic a car whip on Giavotella they remain shapeless nirakari it's not necessary to pick up a shape to perceive picnic iliac we are car that lanique is Rodney [Music] empty I beyond the concept of emptiness Kyle even kisses and keep our gay people very big Holly what is is there before the voice that says it is Joe hey hey hey hey just Javas you kaitiaki put a Joe have of sapele don't hold on to anything at all Casey Beach is the Magi not even I made that beanie and stay as what remain or Joe Pakeha by ear a that is not an action to kill be carried out what we calmly your job O'Connor it is already complete Oh Pelly Ebola No Oh yeah holidays there which I is there is something what is something but it means something oh this person yeah a salty personalities personality a PB&J personality is there it's personality saying it is there or something same personality personality man who a couch or has okay rocky personality here it's something else yes something is saying both personality and the thing which is saying personalities they're both non-existent Joker a personality or personality so I don't know he non-existent I don't worry Megan both their parent personality and the voice that is saying the personalities they're both of them don't exist nickname early personality or Joe Ava's karaoke personality head don't know bias death of Anna here only the self exists table admin here let's imagine something he'll panic easier that you don't have any knowledge at all we don't have any knowledge that we can rely on weakening yeah and I'm telling you only the self exists on my up seguro yourself self aunt meliha you may call it God opposite Bhagwan cases you may call it a brahmana was a Brahmin cases you may call it the great void opposite you may call it supreme consciousness chaitanya Kasich then you can call it whatever but it alone exists look in bahia and it is before all forms and before all words about herships a belly but the first expression arising from it Latinos Misurata develop a liability is the sense of this dynamic consciousness is Jeevan Chattanooga which is announcing itself in the form Jalopnik ocean acharya our karma as the feeling I am it's it's our second man who this I yeah man his consciousness knew him means to be to exist who MATLAB a stick for him this sense I consciousness exist yes a scheme a Chetan new hmm that is the first exhibition of knowingness yeah Jung got John Nika subsequently appeared up there every living being has this I am vibration I receive me yes Irish and Hakim a who in fact this I sense is our name I make each Aetna hamara nam ma and Bible it says I will make anything I am is one of the names of God I am who is working economic okay so everything that appeared including the five elements to be brokered hota hey Pancho elements and the sub elements or coach element yes came out of it it caused to take farm was missing paw March Bhutanese equity remains bahara Guru Nanak a car Delia and the combination of the elements produced a tangible physical world elements for combination hemara you judge Agatha this body is an elemental body yes a rear-view elements and the consciousness the sense I am is living in it or Chaitanya yes asking me who is Jerry Moreira and the body is animated by the prana or the life force or Sharia bronze a a life force event of the earth in human beings in manifest this is the animating power in the body man of may yet even yes Iceland eager and knowingness the sense I are you John is a schemer who the intelligent principle inside the body Farid me intelligent principle anybody can you you expressed it correctly intelligent principle how do you see the intelligence the Buddha you can't go No okay I just want to say this now I'm going to keep it very simple obeys about us under cool so originally really only the the pure self exists sort of issued the dignity yes even before it took the name God or a brahmana I love shebar pure consciousness yet alone exist but he ached huh even now a BB then to manifest itself sorry Melanie clear it manifests all the forms first the creation of the elements Beauregard Lee and the subsequent shape of each form or bad mahadji Parker I'm gonna try to keep it as simple as I can may I say Alessandra Kula and in the form it infuses itself in its dynamic portrait a car may be given through plate ahead the sense I am yeah as a schemer who the knowingness yeah young that is in each one Johar Cosima and the sense I am oh yes a man who is the announcement of consciousness inside the farm our god Mitch it no Keiko Shania yes it just causes it to be over here who say honey subsequently bought me this i am-ness had the potential to identify with the body yeah me who have Sharif said put your nail up the head and the conditioning where the body is living or Vasari owner open or whatever and especially raha hai and the consciousness I am which is not a person or eh attorney kamijo Juvia Tina here it is the dynamic self the conscious presence of varied event Ozma hey chaitanya took on the self-portrait call i am this body I am this person who snapped like parlay Lee Hakeem a sherry who may get personality who the original cause of all of this is super original current yes is the pure self we shoot admin near gone Brahma Brahma pressing as a good brother good Corsican brahmaand ke roop men you don't have to understand every word you listen to later but miss Whelan I said as soon as the I am JC he may who painted a portrait of itself called I mean personality is born of Lima Peru make Chitra burn alia twig personality kijang innova and all the forms of unique expression or severe guru like vicious a beauty huh yes and this sense of personality or your personality guises the consciousness is experiencing the world first through the sense of personalities I am this person is since our whole anubhav karenge a personality guitar Peckham area yep taeho yes it will experience like this for a time good some a killer essay on above correctly in human time sometimes a very long time lifetimes even - mmm I bought Lamaze America uber ke region it must mature through these expressions we say in the PV ok true mature una pareja but a Huna Baraga until consciousness causes itself to begin to question its assumption that it is a person job that jet and I could say a question Suvarna Basilicata Kim may affect ehome you are all here we are all here because the consciousness has reached a stage where it wants to know its source is Joe Gatto aesthetic appacha Chaka hey joko up nitrogen agita yes we have been we are this hum awareness itself Amir Chetan are you wearing the mask call I am this person marry a VFD ho as a mask been away this morning I was walking and I said to one of your Sangha we were walking with I said make a note of this super Michelle Roth our manic sanghas akaki is called Kirikou the mask of God you should come a quarter yes person personality is effectively the mask of God we active active active have actually issuer come okata hell when you realize your fundamental nature job of normal nature Prakriti John later here you are one with the supreme self the to permit must equal not equal with but a burning because equal is another vibration a core chisel that harmony means oneness making salmon to seven but love each a key I could go on to speak more about it it's rules for now but a pickle a coffee here if you hear this without giving it to the mind but up Mankato garrison in just give a space to this jaggedy grace will begin to bring an understanding mystically within your own self so Kripa a canopy and are you channel a geeky and we will come to that conviction increasingly autumn whose thread which are 3 riche was before her dying it spontaneously and automatically funny happy I just wanted to say that I was making a Jetta [Music] you were able to in front of Papaji maybe I feel tential to realize what I've spoken was there when you sat in front of Papaji so many bola hey John Nick shemitah the BT Java Papaji is our neighbor today but a conviction that you are a person mechanic vishwas Rocky Maivia taeho was blocking very bad hottie the full absorption of this understand Singh it spoon Bianco intended carne me eat bad hottie and still after all these years on a business I'll body the sense of personhood via teacup half were still holding some some position Costa tip over Gilbert other and now I told you this personhood sense opening up Sigma very active huh to dismiss it it's got chortle Y Q because you are capable of doing it QPR picker name a section here because as long as the the conviction of personhood is there Egypt people have kvish var said it will keep on resisting mm-hmm values cavero trattoria your power to confess that you are this big kiss cavero trattoria up condition tak na keiki man yeah not to confess to anybody you see or second a colony first to say it in the presence of your master villain a master key oppa steady McKenna Gillis remember you and to abide in that knowledge in silence or scan me Chuck Rehan a key that's what it means keep quiet it's come at Livadia him at La boetie key keep quiet Jupiter ho as long as your person is there chapter Kafka be active how hey nobody can keep work will be top leaders of them this yet and today ArchiCAD um Hinata here the sense of the person has no power by itself we are people have cook equations in annuity it is existing on phantom power the car panics at Peapod her ether phantom power means like city you have computer and then you can get a fan for the computer just help us computer a like fun quality but the fun has no power you are lock it in the power in the computer there's a computer and it used of computer power power is all the computer computer code under correct nikoline the ego has no power by itself a hungry Shekinah unity it must accept power who's it from the consciousness Chetan is actively anybody here which is temporarily on in a state of hypnosis veget an angel which there Kelly hypnosis my head delusion delusion promise a promise believing itself to be the person opening up Kobe abdomen naked ramen but that belief came from consciousness and not from the past secondly a visual a speech at an izakaya the person you take yourself to be jovial could come on the head or the idea you have of yourself which are is suffering from its own ideas about it I don't say aggressive thing it's a lot to take in - then have to throw out obvious I'm gonna kill your bad maybe fake Nikoli it's like we have to understand something in order to get rid of it I make with so much Nevada Apple a bad news a torn Achilles not everybody subkey Leone some people just have faith which cable which Faso time they say forget about it okay and they forget about each other we are not so gifted in the West best man Bastion Mohammed name giftedness in a year we have to have things explained momentum Jonny is a rural partying did I did I kill him or or let him off yamaneika Mardy a Yank accordion actually I cannot kill him I can only kill what he's not actually Menken a MARSOC farmer sort of a Mars found you again the he head but it's not really a killing like any money he's only removing an ignorance instead of egg Bronco Dugan ahem I'm gonna tell personality he says personality still there [Music] since the delusion goes with the personality still continues yeah let him continue genital over there who that a dude yes because when we awaken to the truth of our self Chiquita palm up Nick John majority the world doesn't vanish as an appearance since our Khayyam neo Tata just what you what you took it to be what's up Joseph so much that maybe that vanish child Vega Abu data and what it is is perceived or Java a cell in my hair Reddick I didn't elect ahead as a form of God basically ish work a group may also in waking up to the truth Satya pretty ugly maybe the mind stuff becomes doesn't have such commanding power Jesus alterity apparent kidney shot be near 80 in its psychological manifestation abdomen sick record resume he's a teenager at thee yes like seeing the moon when the Sun is there JC Chandor Marco technology Suraj home it doesn't have it's not compelling the chin retire so the mind stuff the personality becomes increasingly personality unimportant coup d'etat yeah so don't wait for the personality to go forth now you take attorney guy in this armored car yeah it vanishes in its insignificance to you wanna mean I oppose a TIA Agora poussey Medina man Cardosi Megan may I ask you can you relate to what I'm speaking about yeah happy some whatsapp and react area yes yes very good thank you so it's still there there means it's still significant hey Pheebs come out okay not there means don't worry about that you see it is you who say it is there it is not hit that say it is there arpeggio carrier given here very good rocky me who it is you who say you are the body it is not the body who said it is you I'll carry a key measure a rosary rocky madam oh who is this you who is saying I am the body yet dumb blond hair Joker I can measure it who is it the ultimate self or something in between yeah Beach cockroach supposing we are sitting here and some strange yes came into room Tommy Albert Hale quick yes are there gypsy and everybody forgot which is their body or subpool jackin America reconcile me Raja Reid Bahnson we don't know which is my body I'm Amy Roscher it once a with the body itself walk around going you and me the body doesn't know sorry bunny model it is not saying I am the self or I am you veining Iraqi madman we are madam home if something is saying I am the body which head okay I can measure it home that which is saying I'm the body man joohyuk Eric he measured it who is caused by Maya where Maya's kick are in here it is the consciousness that is identifying itself as a personal favor Egypt now a joke would call your team under here yes don't worry just by speaking mercy bull listen allow some space for some understanding to take place watchlist our ki jagah by now without the need of the mind you say my booty gaben a so much naked eh acaba now yes thank you you can go this way also as a shorter way you had this short way and long way come here no you can go shortly thank you thank you don't you don't have to do that thank you much thank you thank you come this way you can go this way Mastan would you step i wrestling to be there there's so much of what were you talk to you because I are where and experiences of it you you what speak with more slowly and yeah say I have run the experiences of what the way you talk about you want just to have the experience of what terms I have and XP you having the experience of it years I have ended experiences sorry so there is so much I can say about it but I simply have one question and it concerns you showing up in my dreams you Appaji sri nisargadatta maharaj e and what is outstanding in ten dreams is that used you tell me mind Lee my dreams in my dream state under my waking state are more than dreams yes so I said I shouldn't come over here for clarification or confirmation okay and government other than that I think there is a support for lead from the experiences that I have a hand before but you know see in mind you know a separation between me and mind and mind sort of floating no like a clown as master say without substance nor and sort of I can switch off it and or I can let it in go no like it can just go on with it it's business but I'm not yes not following yeah also I have seen that you know the mind can exist in different levels yes you know like it can be thinking about a friend and the sentiment can be listening to music concentrating on you know washing dishes or something and so on you know when that happens I realize that a rings you know whatever I see whatever idea happens in the mind and that that gets confirmed more some more experiences like when I was planning to come over here to see you because of that I couldn't see that Weaver at times whoever was planning to come and see you was the man tonight like okay you know that I was making that in my head yes so is it really true that you know these are imaginary okay this is a very happy for your questions and they are there are a little bit can sound a bit complex to answer them but I want to do it okay I will start with the thing where you say that we are appearing in their dream and telling you that the dream you are experiencing in the dream state and the waking state are both dreams sometimes myself have said that we wake up each morning from our usual dream state very often from the phenomenal dream but to be truly awake as in self-realization we must also wake up from the waking state again each day we wake up from the night's sleep and we said now we've woken up but the true awakening in consciousness is to wake up also from the waking state what could it mean when we accept now I'm not sleeping anymore I'm quite awake why do why is it being said but you do this the waking state is also another kind of dream also why so I'll explain explain this first of all a dream is not a dream because you're flying about and all this kind of stuff what it means by dream is that whatever you are experiencing is subjective frosting just like each night maybe you go to bed maybe you're sleeping next to your partner or your children or whatever if you have a dream a very unique dream you have a dream you are not able to share this dream with anyone simultaneously so you cannot plug in like you have headphones and you say darling miss Wallace experienced this together because even if that were possible the fact that each one is experiencing subjectively even if the even if the phenomenon appearing is exactly the same the way of experiencing it will be unique the meaning of anything is not inherent in the thing the meaning of anything exists in the mind of the one perceiving it or experiencing it so it is a unique experience even for the same person another moment a dream may come again similar but it will be again unique in the same way that our nightly dream is unique experience our living day is also a unique experience uniquely to that particular individual so therefore the way in which we are experiencing when we experience things it's always subjective we talked about it being objective but it is very very much a subjective subjective means here that it is quite personal it's very unique we are feeling that I am the subject we feel I am the subject and the world with all of its people are objects to me I am experiencing an objective world but really the true subject is the self the personal subject is the pseudo self not to real self when seeing from a true place the person are so the personal subject and its object are both objects to a higher scene I'm sorry I have to say honesty in these words what it means is that how we are perceiving the world is very unique from day to day even in the same unit or body of consciousness therefore the harmony that human being speaking about about us being all one and stuff cannot be a harmony that comes together from our mental projections and ideas because you cannot control this it is always fluctuating however much people fantasize that they can harmonize momentary apparent harmonies happen but continuous harmony can only happen when you have transcended the limitation of personhood that is the place in which we truly exist and various people let's say like this are at different stages of different grades and levels of spiritual maturity that spiritual maturity is what enables us to move in harmony and love that is the one in which as we are recovering from the sleep of personhood you are becoming again the universal consciousness don't be afraid of universal consciousness sometimes we feel I like my private world I like the privacy of my own world and to be universal mean I have no secrets I'm kind of universal but this is only the minds devious and deluded projections no one really understands or perceive it the world in the way that a an awakened being does it is nothing that you can imagine it is nothing that you can imagine and we are this this is the paradox just unaware growing back into the fullness of our awareness that is it so that was the first point to say don't trust you think okay we say last night it was only dream I'll forget about it but we don't say that about waking State we don't say ah but that was only a a kind of dream really in a waking State no we take the waking State as an actual factual objective reality but it is still totally opinionated and subjective that's one thing now the next thing you say if you can remind me is that can you remind me what you said after this it's gone if someone you must remember if there's some good points he said the mind also seems to be existing or multitasking or experiencing on different levels simultaneously okay that you can be watching TV and at the same time the talking to a friend or something like this or something else is happening all that and our amazing that however diverse the mind functions are there is an above awareness of all of them that awareness itself is not doing anything it is not existing on different levels but whatever is appearing on different levels is spontaneously and effortlessly perceived so don't worry about trying to understand the mind if you know yourself as the awareness everything is fine because wherever the mind is going actually is not really going anywhere it is just playing and if your attention gets there yeah of course to mine mind is an aspect of consciousness also you may call it the names and forms department of consciousness once it's you come to a realization of the self then the mind itself which is playing as a friend and foe to the personal identity shaped by consciousness once we come to that understanding that there is no such thing actually my person has become my myth I am the one who is aware of even person personality and personalities obsessions they don't mean anything anymore because you've evolved to a higher state of consciousness like that then these things will not any more leave any footprints in the consciousness that's why I say the game of the life is transcending lower and lower States I put it like that but actually maybe more going in to a level of purity and subtlety of perception you can like that then one more thing you say I remember anything nice ain't idea what it is please a please so much to say all this because some other times when I when I when I experience this sometimes I shift the focus yes and when I shifted the focus it and goes back i that mind or thoughts simply you can call them said again when you shift focus when you change focus what happened when the point on my focus in the weeds from no how can I call it what can I call it you know that nothing nasal you know and it goes to votes anxiety distress and suffering begins yes Gautham Attica so I say when my attention moves away from the emptiness and goes to the mind again suffering comes agitation multiplicity all of that comes to play again remember a while ago that was your normal environment anxiety suffering frustration and now it's something more like it's a kind of nuisance you see so something as evolved to that extent where it sees that the the personal mindset is not harmonious you have moved to a more harmonious place you say when my attention is in emptiness all is well when it moves back to the mind chaos comes okay in the beginning the garage because why this happens because there's a feeling that you go to emptiness if you go to emptiness are you in emptiness as somethingness I just want to just put this when you come to emptiness are you a visitor in emptiness looking around everything is empty or are you the emptiness itself if you go and feel yes now I mean emptiness I can see everything is empty then you are the one who will also leave emptiness but if you go to emptiness and you are margin emptiness who is gonna come out we used to say long ago if you imagine a raindrop is falling towards the ocean say this intelligent range are falling towards the ocean and it's feeling scared oh my god what's going to happen when I meet the ocean is when it touches the ocean can it come back to tell the story of how that happened it also emerges in the ocean so to speak now if you have strong attachment to identity that will create some fear in coming to the universal consciousness who is gonna swallow up my little consciousness some fear may come and this is why it is good that it's taken time to adjust to your seeming return so you get acclimatized to your true nature and then at a certain point you start to really want it totally see this one who wants it totally he's also speaking the one who wants it totally because another point you made this one who said I want to come and meet Mooji so you said this one is also imagined you said like this I couldn't see you know like no but that arises in my mind yes not me yes now this is very important point and we're going to close down after this from it I want you to hear what this point is this one who say I want to go and meet Mooji is saying now this also at a certain point in my seeing turns out to be who is it who wants to go there you know I am here who wants to go is also an idea I have of myself once to go on energy now listen to this now that can be good or bad good in the sense that if you have genuinely come to a place of real understanding you see this meeting with Mooji is to find out what I already am could be however it can be a bluff from the mind why you want to want to see him aren't you already that which you are but you're not not experientially yet but the thought come but that's still a play of duality why go to see am you already that which you're going to see go to see him to find out so how will you discern if this is the thought to be rejected or to be accepted some energy is there to help you to say go even though something is saying is a dream it's still unnecessary experience to take place or can you just sit in your room and work out everything about the world the it's all just it is no need to do that because I know what I am and so on because many people have done that and then many years later they come and they say and I've read all the books are no other thing but I don't have the experience I say I don't think I can cheat myself out to him because I I haven't experienced over I am know like when time disappeared position and where I have always been thinking I am actually found data you know it's I've always been this a foolish and a no not foolish guy who is sort of full of nonsense also know but that content last also yes so some discernment is there that even if such a thing a phenomenon manifest in you at and you say I don't know if to do this or not to do this because one way I kind of know where I'm going there for and another way I feel a strong pull to go which which to go and I say don't scratch your head much about that but just remain quiet you may even pray you know Paramatma or kind very consciousness higher consciousness take hold of this expression bring it to what needs to happen whatever way you want but at the right point you will come to know and that experience will be also a very useful experience to have had the last question is no because I seem to have a challenge on focus my attention yes on do I know okay allowing that if there's a challenge to focus your attention some pew said to bring your attention back to awareness and do this video to keep your attention on this and so on I want to tell you something about attention attention is one of your great powers because wherever attention goes and contacts that you are registering as your experience but I want to say something also you are more subtle than attention because you are aware of the the restlessness of attention sometimes the difficulty to keep attention all of this is watched by you also that is another a deeper in attention that which is aware that attention is fluctuating attention is restless how can I control attention you see so don't give too much about that more register that whether attention is still or erratic is perceived and stay in the energy of that which is able to perceive even the subtlety of the movements of attention do you get this or not I say again the attention is moving and sometimes people say bring your attention to awareness but you are the awareness what type of the attention wants to go to bananas okay and you want it to stay here and so but it keeps going to bananas Oh Jen sham bring it here but you are here unless you feel you're not here only when you bring the attention to here will you be here that is an idea appearing in here are you warming up to what I'm pointing to or not you see it's not ABCD efg is not this type of knowledge this is an intuitive subtle divine understanding in you you have to get used to that it's not just a mental understanding it is calling on your intuitive powers subtle discernment and so on mystical understanding and so and all of that is coming into play more and we're all do whatever it takes you already have it in abundance you just not aware of it we are just turning on the lights the power is already there so the thing about attention if attention goes out as we're sitting I'm talking to you and you hear the things are on the street you know I scream I scream sorry sorry what'd you say would you and I'm telling you that you know you are the one who's a thing be nice cuz if your attention is going out and you say sorry I can't give my attention to you because my attention he wants to ice cream so how can we wait until later and I say no that which is aware of the attention drifting is that drifting you see and in hearing this because you need to hear it you can acknowledge but I am just here I who is here personally know personally is that some time with the attention and person is gone but that which can never not be here remains as it is and is now aware of its own self so when you know this the secondary attention that that will start to come under the government of this deeper understanding there's nothing more subtle than you as pure consciousness even attention even the power to believe or to disbelieve or to conceive all these powers are secondary and harmonious in yourself the self is not a thing that can experience changes within itself all change it causes to manifest through the various regions of activity that it designated to express like that I'm sorry if it sounds a bit complex at the moment something here is constantly trying to find simpler ways to put it there will come a time when you probably don't need any of this you don't need any of this you don't need to keep any of this all of this is only to show you you're this to remind you where you are all of this is to point out what you are not what we are not and to understand our powers in fact even what we are not we are can I take a risk and talk like that that which is playing as knowledge and ignorance all comes from the self there's only the self even the none self is the self there is only the self there's only the true is only you want to call the God there's only the totality when we have a divided consciousness it's very difficult for you to accept what I've just said but don't worry don't try too much relax wherever you are wherever you are right there is a door to your inmost being so don't think that you're so far out that whoa God is looking where she goes no no wherever you are right here is yourself right here is the perfection but somehow apparently concealed by its own projections its own you may say illusions like this and gradually waking up to all the complexities of life is helping to exercise your discernment so you can come back to your natural self recognition it's good like this so you are happier with this I think I should I should go and be look just let it be if there is an urge in you to keep using and exercising bringing the attention into a focus by all means use it whatever feels natural for you in because if you're if you're living to fulfill your eyes aspiration your highest joy no then all your life is orienting all your energies is orienting towards fulfilling that desire you see it's a question of if you have a complex concepts around it it may take longer if you have a simple understanding about it it will be it may take very little time so if you feel that it's very important because my attention has so much juice in it is so much energy in it that when it comes it's like I quickly forget myself it is as though it eclipses my intuitive recognition of what I am by recognition of what I am I don't mean a dualistic recognition I mean a non phenomenal recognition could you understand this terminology meaning that it's not one thing recognizing another thing is something recognizing itself we are beyond duality too subtle because you are always subtler still you see so I say this so if you feel you know it really when might when the attention starts to move about there's a lot of there's a lot of energy that goes there and in that moment I have to admit that I am I don't feel I am myself I feel I am in that energy looking for something you see like that if when you say bring the attention it to emptiness it helps me because I can direct my attention to a kind of M yes okay but that emptiness has become a kind of phenomenal somethingness in my mind you see still it is helpful everything that we do in life can be helpful if your aspiration is for truth everything can be helpful not everyone is necessarily evolving you can change without growing you can even get worse but generally speaking there the evolution of consciousness and if the mind is to return to its supreme state only ego we may experience a strong spell of ego identity which is a carnal energy that is directly resistant the freedom and we all know this energy as though there is something in us that just wants you to remain as person always bringing a personal thing so your attention always keep going there and there's a power in you there's always going towards a higher state of consciousness you must come to know these powers really well but when you come to know of the power that perceives both then you are coming into your freedom that's it is it a complex satsang today or a nice and enjoyable one and [Music] [Music] what is left now whatever we perceive in the mind-body energy field don't give so much importance it's just clouds passing they may seem to return why they would return is for the one you take yourself to be that is formed like in a relationship that feels that this is important that something like this will keep calling similar clouds back gradually you will come to a place where there is not this fascination and I want to leave this point with you if we are not careful as long as we value personality it will always keep sending you on another journey because maybe something inside is afraid what if I come to my ultimate goal what then is there after perfection what if I come to the place I so loved the journey that I don't want to come to the destination one of the first books I ever bought was the gospel of Sri Ramakrishna and I didn't want I was a scared of big books I don't like big books there always look for little books but that was a big book and as I got more and more involved and so much juice and so much love in the book I did not want it to finish I didn't want it to finish I cried under my pillow at the book could it be that we are afraid that as something is moving more into the space of this emptiness I'd I want to clear it up could you be afraid it would mean then your progress is only mental because if it is happening energetically inside your heart you feeling joy freedom you will just you won't want to go back to anything at all your you're not even the journey you're addicted to because the journey simultaneously is introducing you to your destination which is yourself all along you're traveling and it's still telling you you're here you're here and you're still moving you're here you're here and you move more and you're here you're here yeah we are here you are here you are here you see yeah not as merely a person or a mental psychological personal construct you are just here it can never be just a mental solution in a sense it is like a dissolution it means somehow you have melted back into yourself and gradually coming into this experience means you're losing fear lose fear which is one of the tricks of the mind fear keeps a shrinking and unafraid to open up to the fullness of yourself imagine a flower that's the most beautiful flower but every time the Sun comes issues and afraid to open up but all this I talk now is phenomenal I have not moved I have not changed I have not done anything I have not undone anything the consciousness is conversing with consciousness about consciousness thank you okay let's just drop all this now for a moment we have to pick it up to look let's let everything find their own place don't place anything that everything falls in their own place if everything that you were holding now is allowed to far away far away no ideas no projections no desires no attachments even if they have been not engagement in anything at all that everything slip away everything even the eye content there remains that which can not slip away but don't be holding your mind don't be holding your head under your arm like miss tablet let everything go and remain as what remains pay attention to that Plus from the mind energy psychological aspect of the mind will keep on bringing up things to present to your attention this must be done this this we must fix this thing you're getting closer you did very well all this kind of commentary offer no space for this right now no need no Maps no GPS nothing at all leave everything pay attention to what is erasable here meaning cannot be removed everything that come can go only that which never came cannot leave and there's nothing to create nothing to imagine at all nothing to evaluate mind sometimes come and say it's fine to be like this here but you cannot be like this in the world without me take the challenge don't turn what is here really into a condition meaning that it's fine when we label meditation it's fine into temple but in real life man rotala in reality which means what this is a softness what you may call the ground the substratum itself of all displays dance of existence the more you accept this don't try to develop it just your acceptance then something integrates you may say marriages in it and you'll find all the things you can do presently can still take place without any distraction but you will trust it that whatever is not in service to the real or to the true that will be discarded with your will nozzle your will enables self-cleaning if you want to put it like that in those terms how to assimilate the things that we've shared today is it to go and to scratch your head and to really be think Thing Thing I would say no don't do that don't disturb your mind more pay attention to the sense of being which is not a needy place it shines in the quality of his nests it simply is sometimes our conditioned mind challenges that it says aw but you know what's the value of that you have to dream you have to do something you have to try try try but here if your heart is touched before your mind honor that be with that welcome the power of the universal consciousness say it is my wish and will and choice to be one with you something rid me of ego and match me in you some people the prayer replace me with you too much value has been given to personal self an eagle March this in the truth like that the grace is upon you even now the self the God the truth is not apart from you somewhere there's nowhere to reach to find it make yourself available open up heart and mind it is already emerging emerging means making itself known then beyond this if you are feeling as some of you have told me more and more empty but a little concerned don't worry that which is will take care nicely of you don't worry because mine will put a lot of things and say but you know how you're going to do this if like this and all these things don't worry you are living in your Higher choice how will the universal consciousness not serve the realization of the truth how will it not do that thank you No a few words well we coming here says to have a tutor here is neither existence nor non-existence in the pure in the purity of your consciousness here there's neither desire nor desirelessness here the wisdom that is learned is freedom and equality why lament then or my mind I am the same self in all here reality is not divided into sub realities here is neither Union nor separation even if everything disappears I am the same self in all why cry for my mind I am the same self in all I am NOT a vessel a temple a house or a sheath here without Association or dissociation I am the supreme reality here without knowledge or ignorant I am the supreme reality why cry all my mind I am the same self in order last one unchanging changing neither is the truth purposeless purposeful neither is the truth if only the self is perceived that is the truth why cry on my mind I am the same self in all [Music] you [Music] you you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yes just today before I step off the stage I just wanted to remind that we honor and celebrate between Hana shri yogi Ram Surat Kumar today is Masum a today celebrated mostly in Tiruvannamalai but in many places in India to this rates Maharaj thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] yeah yeah thank you [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Moojiji
Views: 82,018
Rating: 4.8974895 out of 5
Keywords: Mooji, Papaji, Ramana, non-duality, truth, love, meditation, Satsang, God, Self-realization, awakening, duality, self-inquiry, soul, self, enlightenment, Buddha, Krishna, Shiva, devotion, yoga, Jesus, Christ, ego, prophet, spirituality, spirit, guru, Liberation, sahaja, maya, peace, awareness, bliss, sacred, I Am, eternal, mantra, wisdom, contemplation, time, nirvana, supreme, divine, surrender, seeker, reality, presence, philosophy, freedom, being, eternity, suffering, grace, negativity, life, desire, practice, mind, mindfulness, possessed, depression
Id: QgGuOTj2ziY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 144min 32sec (8672 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 19 2020
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