Win At Chess (Ep 8, 1100-1800)

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welcome ladies and gentlemen to another episode  of how to win at chess a series where i take on   my twitch subscribers in 10 minute games and i  go up the rating ladder and talk you through my   thought process this is the first episode thus  far where i almost lose a game it's the last   game of the video spoiler alert feel free to jump  ahead but first let me tell you about the sponsor   of this video and that sponsor is surfshark  surfshark is a vpn or a virtual private network   which allows you to encrypt your connection to the  internet so that you can browse it privately and   anonymously we edit this part in by the way so i'm  wearing something different sorry a vpn is great   if you travel for business or pleasure you'll be  able to access certain websites abroad that might   be restricted otherwise you can also log into  sensitive portals like bank accounts without any   concern if you're just a regular user at home you  can access certain streaming websites like hulu or   netflix and get catalogs that are not available  in every single country also using a vpn could   allow you to avoid ads if you select the right  countries but i probably shouldn't tell you that   we can just edit this part out and the best  part unlimited devices not three not five not   ten unlimited something that other vpns cannot  promise you you interested in surf shark take a   look at the link in the description below use the  promo code gotham and you'll get 83 off and three   free months that comes out to 2.49 and if you  hate it you got 30 days to get your money back   let's get back to the video let's kick  things off with uh the classic little   nice little english breakfast that's  currently 9 a.m here on the east coast   d4 d5 and i'm gonna play i'm gonna go we'll go  back to to all my roots with the london system   recently revamped my london course okay opponent  has played immediate c5 so if i'm not mistaken   this is chapter five or six of the london course  and here i recommend turning this reverse queen's   gambit which is what my opponent has played  against me into an album counter gambit except   i've played the move bishop f4 now you'll  notice that when when you play with black   uh if they play d4 and you play d5 and they  play c4 you can go e5 this is called the   album counter gambit so dc d e for you  but when we're playing this with white   we've played the counter game but  we also have a bishop move right so oh wow oh wow oh vidouche oh man vidoush karnani  is getting a permanent ban oh man see that's why i   took chat off for the last episode but anyway this  is the idea you push your pawn into the center and this takes away their development square to c6   so if they play the move like this move is very  natural and also very bad if they play here   then i've got ideas of coming here not right  away but like something like bishop e2 g4 h4 h5   uh and also knight e2 night night knight g3 to  win back my pawn black has one best development   plan i'll let him move first and then or i could  just say you know with like this so that's black's   best development plan because it just yeah  okay so opponent has played the very natural   move uh this is a mistake because this is always a  problem this diagonal is wide open in these lines   and now black has to put something there if  black doesn't if black moves the king up you push   and it's mate oh oh oh man going backwards okay  so obviously the first thing that comes to mind   now that the bishop isn't guarding is to just take  this i mean that there's no way that's incorrect oh my goodness when they take back   i can give a check they will block i will go here  because they're pinned and cannot take my queen   i'll be attacking their rook they can't  block cause i'll take and they can't take   because of the pin when they go rook jade i'll  go queen e6 and i'll win their rook oh my gosh and of course they can also  go king e7 but then bishop g5   oh actually not bishop g5 because knight f6 but yeah but i mean it's okay i mean if they play king  e7 then i don't know we'll castle queen side or   something oh my gosh that's the whole drawback  of knight to d7 we have this immediate forcing   move attack oh and they've played it and uh you  would think that this move is winning here but   it's not so this makes me think that i should  castle queenside that's what i think i appreciate   the sub gifts by the way uber nostrum yeah i think  there's i mean why wouldn't you just go along you   know a lot of people here would get this tunnel  vision because but you know then they block and   you're kind of helping them in a way uh yes i  can take and then maybe even take this pawn but   less pieces you trade when you're attacking the  better now this move is killer because my my   rook is pinning the knight to the queen i  also have bishop d6 here and that's mate so don't get tunnel vision um okay wow  that was a much faster first game than   i had anticipated bishop to d6 defended by the  rook this is the only legal move for the king   and uh that's mate that's just that's made  on move 11. oh my goodness oh my goodness   well that shows you the power of number one  knowing your openings and number two um knowing   how to react when they play  something that's not the best   but you already have the  experience that you've built up   so i'll take you all the way back yeah i'll take  you all the way back to this position so in this   position i know that against the very early c5 i'm  gonna go e4 like that's where my opening knowledge   is still there right and i knew that black's best  plan here is to go g6 bishop g7 and castle like   that is how black should play the position that  is what black is supposed to do but when they   go e6 you know oh i have bishop to b5 now one  of the most legendary traps in this system uh   actually doesn't involve the knight on f6 it  involves e6 right away so this is like the reverse   lasker trap and the trap here is that after  bishop to b5 check they block with the bishop   you take they think oh wow they're so dumb i get  a bishop you take forking the king and the knight   they can't take because they lose their queen  but they go here and they're like oh this person   is so bad you know because now if i take uh the  knight and make a queen they take my queen with   check and then they take my other queen but this  is where the trap is you take and make a night   so if you've if you've seen this before it's  a friendly reminder and if you've never seen   this before you take with a knight because it's  check you check the king and then when they take   back you go here and then you win the queen and  you win the game so you have to take and make a   knight checking the king and this is like the very  famous trap and actually what's funny is that this   happens in reverse so when you play black as i  said there's the albin counter gambit and this is   the trap it's the same position you go check here  here here check and then you have to make a knight   and the only way you're going to win this queen  is if you make the knight if they play king to e1   you're just winning i mean you'll give a check and  check uh and as far as this game goes you know uh   i guess i cleared all the moves by  accident but as far as this game goes   you know my opponent went back like this and i  took and they took and i realized that you know   i can take the pawn back in the middle but when  this pawn moves off the diagonal of the king   i have check now finding the follow-up here is  not easy like realizing you can go here in your   brain you're gonna be like well then but you  actually can't oh that would be really tragic   uh but in you realize that the rook is  under attack now black only has one move right like black only has one move black  can't take they can't block because the   this is not and then check and then you win  the rook there's nothing they could do they   could block doesn't matter you take the rook so  forcing moves you always need to scan forcing   moves this is a forcing move because it's  a check this is a this is a forcing move   because it attacks the rook it's the most value  i can get in the position and i'm curious if   after um king e7 the best move is the long  castle yeah it is to go bishop d6 okay so   anyway uh that's a little bit of overkill but  that shows you how you take your opening knowledge   uh to the next level now next game is  going to be against lennis uh lennis chr and remember i was able to win that game with  the help of g-fuel link in the description   or use the command g-fuel on twitch so thank you nate the garden  snake let's play the e6 b6 setup i've been playing this um i've  obviously revamped my course recently   so so far we're in chapters one through  three because this is the the tucson   well actually if he plays also c4 it could be  chapter four um okay knight c3 bishop b7 my   favorite is uh blue ice but i'm out of blue ice so  i'm drinking uh the one with pewdiepie lingenberry my uh my mom used to at ikea used to get  uh lingan lingenberry uh no no she used   to get some sort of pancakes with lingenberry  sauce looking very dressing lingenberry anyway   um okay bishop to d3 so here i don't know where  this knight is gonna go yet uh but i can play   knight to f6 uh i i don't think this is gonna  happen and also my opponent's uh profile picture   is uh komodo the computer so hopefully they don't  they don't okay so this is chapter one all chapter   one uh two pawns two knights and bishop it just  happened in a unique move order if you notice   like it it now it transposes is what that's called  okay opponent has just blundered upon uh the whole   point of this system is that i have two attacks  on this pawn and by taking the knight i remove   the guard here um okay knight takes e4 i  drink it because sponsor or is it that good   no i love i i actually i i love this as  i'm growing i'm gonna make a much more   dedicated effort to not take any offer  on the table like you i've turned down   95 i would say yeah i know you guys have to spam  kappa but uh i i've gotten some crazy offers   you know rage shadow legends for example  offer some wild money and i'm not   i'm not even that thrilled to do it um and i  frankly i probably won't so i'm i'm trying not   to insult the integrity of my viewers okay the  one drawback of winning a pawn in this variation   is the fact that i am under a little bit of  pressure so i need to castle my opponents   got the open rook my opponents got the knight  the oh that's too that's far too slow of a move   you know you have to go here to stop me from  castling or here to make me either move my queen   or play this ugly move f6 because the thing  is now that i castle my king i'm no longer in   danger uh and i'm gonna probably play d6 i'm not  gonna go d5 because that just blocks my yeah but   see opponent is not really thinking what i want  they're thinking a lot more about their own moves   i mean i can even play f6 to be honest and then  maybe get my queen out like this this seems a bit   more classical development and then i just bring  my knight out there's a lot of positions i want   to play f5 to control the center but if i do that  i'll seriously weaken this so the other thing is   you know with all these pawns in a clump like  this if i put my bishop on d5 it's very strong   especially if they can't play c4 and my bishop  is just this beacon on the light squares   um why not knight c6 it's not a bad move but  it blocks my bishop and i don't really want   that now i want to go queen f6 maybe or just  get my let's just get the knight out to d7 for   now and then maybe in the future we'll rotate it  here again the knight on c6 just doesn't really   doesn't intimidate anybody it's not going anywhere  okay so they're trying to mate me or something   can't be a bad thing what if  i play h6 to prevent knight g5   at the same time i'm thinking to just bring my  queen out like you know just bring the queen out   like if i trade the queen i'm never going to get  mated at the same time now i'm i can even take   and it's not it's not the you know my bishop is  better than the night but what will happen if i   take is i'll force a trait of the i'll force  the damaging of the pawn structure if queen   takes i'll take if pawn takes i double the  pawns okay well they're just trying to mate   me which is very disrespectful don't go here  they still have queen h7 i can go g6 or queen   g6 i'm leaning for queen g6 they take me i'll  take back i think they will take their logic   being i'm playing a higher rated player might  as well trade my queen maybe not but queen g6 um anyway why not the f-pawn uh nine  times out of ten this is the wrong move   uh you would think it opens the rook but again  you're not thinking what your opponent is gonna   get if you go here you weaken your e6 pawn  nine times out of ten taking toward the   center keeping it all together is going to be  better there's going to be very few positions   you want to take like this if my pawn was here  and this pawn was one square back or something   maybe you could make an argument for fg6 but  it just destabilizes the the e6 square too much   and when you clump your pawns on the edge of the  board like this long term in the end game you have   no pawn mobility that's why you need pawns usually  more toward the middle rather than on the edge of   the board so uh hg6 doesn't weaken the structure  it doubles your g pawns but it's almost impossible   to take advantage of this and you said well  levy what about the weakening of this fight now   no okay now i want to go here but i don't want  to weaken my pawn so here's what i'm going to   do i'm going to play bishop d5 number one that  attacks this just straight up attacks that pawn uh   number two i am actually threatening to go  here because when they take their knight is   on the same file as the rook and i can play  rookie eight so this this and if they take me   i pin them to their own undefended rook that's  the most important thing is that the rook is   unguarded if the rook was guarded all the way  down there okay an opponent is smart wicked   smart so they don't take um now is this  attacking anything no instructive moment   why this why would i play the move  a5 why like why what does that do   but after bishop d2 the rooks are connected  yes but i would have taken the knight by   then my friends so i'm doing this because his  pawn gets stuck what i'm doing there is i'm   fixing his pawn on a light square why because i've  got a light squared bishop and he actually just   for disrespect exactly that's why i played  that move he just actually walked into my idea   the pawn on a4 is isolated on its own by fixing it  on the same color square as my bishop it's always   going to be a target for me if he had pushed it  maybe he could trade off his weakness but wow   he thinks his pawn is worth the rook wow okay i  mean i guess just take and ask questions later   uh but now you know we have all these pawns  closed behind the structure what do we do   okay let's kick out the knight  let's we got to move our pawns   without creating structural weaknesses  i have a big weakness in my position   this is not guarded but i'll just guard  it in a couple moves it's not a problem   this is not this is not guarded i need to move c6  that's what i need i couldn't do that on the last   move because first of all i had no cover and  second of all d6 was weak he goes back let's   not get tunnel vision this is attacking this so i  can either bring my rook or my king it's the end   game so i can actually bring my king and protect  my pawns it's a good move but now i'm gonna play   this move and my idea is to break in the center  with the move c6 right so with my pawn and rook up wow nice trick wow wow take rookie seven oh my good if i didn't even see  that okay i'm actually thinking   not to take don't just spite takes just  go what if i just oh but c6 there's 97 no but then i'm gonna have to then i'm gonna  have to take and go to this end game okay   i'm just gonna go here wow nice move so if  knight e7 i think forking my my pawn in my   rook i'm just gonna part ways with my rook  and then just transition it to an end game   and that's it so i think that's  just what we're going to do c5 okay suddenly opponent is uh getting a second wind let's take okay take take now of course he's got to take  this there's nothing else this was my idea   uh d5 doesn't really i mean d5  sets up the same idea but it's   not a very forcing move i just push my pawn and okay i did just say d5 right so i think i'm just  gonna i'm gonna push and i think we'll be okay looks like a free pawn but okay he's he   now he he must take he does not  have any other move pushing the seems like tunnel vision of course don't take now i'm actually thinking  my most forcing move is to take one of the   pawns but my best move i think is to go here  maybe not maybe i should i want like this is   this is the most striking move to just  just kick the bishop out completely   just don't let the bishop have any role  be patient this pawn is not going anywhere wow he takes if so i can either take this into my uh i can take this into a rook end game and by  the way i appreciate the donation very kind   said 1200 to 173 months is very impressive um if  i take the bishop then we go into an end game uh but what if i just stick with the knight what if i   just don't let my opponent have  any fun like the bishop is still hanging so now i take now he'll take this i do believe  that this is just losing it's just i mean i   have a i have too much going on on this side like  what if i just push am i not just winning here just b3 like how does he stop my pawn the other  thing is the king is on the back rank so i always right and you know the the thing i  always have is this check to promote   it's just gg yeah it's just gg it looks just  over i don't again it was it was navigating   you know a little bit of a messy territory there  for a second but then it then it all became okay right no i understand people that i'm going to  make the queen i'm saying if he goes like here   for example that looks like it stops me  from promoting but because if if the king   was on h2 i would have some difficulty  yep there you go i'll make a second rook that was a good game um so he blundered in the opening but you know in  in these openings white needs to play a bit faster   and he played uh too slow and he traded and it  allowed me a little bit of time to get back into   the game uh most important move maybe was a5 a  great example of pawn play completely take a look   away from this entire blob and just realize that  isolating the pawn here is uh is the way to go   uh after we traded the queens and there's really nothing for him to do you know  if he if he had moved his um his rook away then   you know yeah knight takes d5 was a very  nice fight very nice find by him obviously   you can disregard a few people in the chat bad actors the opponent plays  one good move he's cheating   so far in these climbs i've only played one  person i was actually suspicious of it's very rare   in the gotham community that that a cheater who  is a subscriber tries to play um let's play e4   this game it's almost never happened i had a guy  sign up today with his account and he was like   hey man i want to play and he was just the most  obvious cheater in fact he's been banned already   a guy tried to sign up and he's already banned the  danish pastry his account is closed for violating   fair play violations so he was a subscriber who  tried to join and i looked at his profile and was   like you won 90 of your games man okay sicilian  let's play the alapin let's play c3 and d4 that's   what we're gonna do we're gonna play the the the  c3 sicilian so it's a rare one but the point is   that it's kind of like the ponziani which is where  you play c3 uh and you're trying to go c3 and d4   um so you're trying to play in the center the two  main lines here for black are to strike back in   the middle immediately okay very good and also  knight f6 so i'm gonna take and then what you   do here when they take back with the queen is you  you can delay the move d4 you can play knight f3   bishop e2 and only then you can play the move d4  now in the long run when you trade d for c here   what's gonna happen is you're gonna get  the three on two is what that's called   the queen side majority so you'll be a  little bit advantageous in the end game   um why cheating what are you missing i didn't  say that my opponents have been cheated i said   somebody who tried to sign up for the climb was  found to be uh illegitimate i mean he had like   again a win rate of over 90 percent all games 95  plus its account created seven days ago let's just   okay now in this position there's a very cool  trick against the in the c3 sicilian when they   go d5 there's a very cool idea and that idea  is the move knight a3 it's a very modern twist   there's you know if you haven't seen my london  video uh the agatomata response london video you   know about this move knight a3 uh and the  point is that there's all sorts of tricks   with knight b5 knight c7 and there's also bishop  c4 defended so you enable a lot of moves with this   weird move and if they play like a6 thinking that  you know i'm so clever i'm gonna start i'm gonna   stop you they're actually wasting their time they  actually should allow this and prevent it with   natural development so that's a good move that's  a good move thinking do i just go knight b5 now   i can also just play here so  just counteracting this pin   i don't really i don't really know i'm delaying  the move d4 delaying the move d4 maybe i'll   play h3 maybe i'll castle of course if they  take i'm very happy i get my active bishop so e5 knight b5 bishop c4 you know e4 is coming  i'm not i don't i don't but i i'm   i don't fear this i'm just gonna castle my king are fidei points after a long  time what oh do they decay i mean   the fide points don't decay your ability to play  chess decays so wait a second um i want to take   wait i can i can just literally take this pawn  because if they take i go here i just win the   and if they take me i take it i'm guarding  this oh wow hidden in all this is the fact   that i can just take this pawn that's  nice nice i just use you just take that was cool now somebody's  saying knight b5 knight c7 yes   guys i know but when i put my knight on  b5 they're gonna probably play knight a6   now could i have played this move  and just included it probably   so my opponent decides to do this now i take and  i'm guarded and i'm up a pawn and i'm happy yay i just looked over at chat and  i saw um a very interesting take   saying london system is a horrible way to learn  chess and it's only good for title players that's the problem with opinions we all we all get  to have one so it's actually on a serious note i   used to um like sit at the marshall chess  club sometimes you know that i would play   a monday night tournament at the marshall  chess club every week where we would play   a game at 7 p.m and i'd come there like  4 5 p.m i'd do my homework for college   and then i would eat and i would play  my game and i would always watch uh   like kids with their parent you know like maybe  like lower rated everybody's you know like 1100   1200 likes just looking at random you know  positions or something i could trade queens   if i don't trade queens this is the alternative  so i just won't and the queen can be a target   here so i kind of like that anyway and i would  watch like older players who are like 15 1600 like walk up invite themselves to the  analysis session and just start spouting   misinformation like because they're 1600 and  they're like 50 years old they think that   they're like a sage so they're trying to tell  this like you know 1100 1200 year old like uh   1200 year old uh 1200 rated like you  know eight-year-old about and i'm like   what do you do like i remember the most legendary  one this old russian guy walked up to the position   i see the position because i'm sitting not so far  away and he's just like black is better no no no   book is wrong black is black is better you know  old books have many mistakes and i'm just like and i had to say something oh my gosh and  my opponents blundered their queen oh no this is this has been a weird one today's climb  has definitely been weird a lot of like these   these these blunders i mean i i don't know i mean  i just had to i was i'm sitting there watching   this poor kid you know the dad is probably like  you should respect your elders you know kids   been raised the right way and here here is a guy  just completely telling him things that are not   true and i'm sitting there like oh my god i think  the guy tried to tell him that night night bishop   is better is is worse than rooking three pawns or  something or is like the same because it's nine   nine i was like dude ninety percent of the  time two nights and a bishop is better than   rook in three pawns like there's going to be  one exception where like all pawns are promoting   or something this has been a strange game this has been a strange game we gotta analyze  this we gotta analyze this game when it's done   let's just not hang the queen now  it's easy we just promote our pawn and put the rook behind the pawn no this guy this guy is uh probably 1390 there's  no need to say he's not he says gg he's 1260 blitz   i want to take a look at something  i don't i don't know if i'm going   to be able to use the game explore  feature i'm gonna try let's take a look uh okay other players   what's this guy's name yui i just want to  see the power of playing certain openings yeah so like look at this for example uh look at this i'm gonna put it on the other  monitor just give me a moment as i crop it   uh oh my god that's gross board size is  gigantic why does this always happen okay so uh look my opponent doesn't have all their games  loaded in the database this is the   explorer but look how few times they've had to  play against the c3 sicilian that was just the   second game in their database that they had to  play against it so it's the reason why they were   immediately unfamiliar with the position and  it's why you know the main line variation of   the sicilian is to go knight f3 d4 that's called  the open sicilian that doesn't mean you have to   do it like if you're 1400 you don't need to play  the open sicilian you could play the much simpler   aleppin sicilian which is just c3 d4 and life  goes on and you don't you don't need to play some   crazy main line you don't need to what are my book  recommendations on the sicilian i don't know i i   i because it's usually split with what sicilian  you have to play so first you have to play the   sicilian uh in order for you have to choose which  sicilian with black you're going to play to beat   the sicilian there's probably books called  like beat the sicilian you know um my opponent   actually played very well but i think they're not  supposed to go e5 i think they're supposed to go   e6 i think e5 allowed the pawn to be a target and  i and i all i basically had to do here was spot   that it could be taken and you know what the  craziest part is it's not even the best move   wait now the computer says it's the best  move the computer wants me to go here first   and then do it that's very funny it wants  me to throw in this move it wants me to   improve my position first and you know you  might play a game like this and get her   and be like oh i crushed i'm so good and then you  get here and the computer's like mistake mistake   and you're like how is this a mistake and it's  like this is a better move and you're like why   and it's it's a better move because  you want to play this and then this   you know it's going to be one of those things  you're sitting there and uh you're like why what   i thought i was just so clever and queen takes  and then what that's what happened in the game   you're like the guy that got to the movie 20  minutes late and now is asking everybody in the   movie theater to tell them what happened right  so that's how the game went yeah so knight b5   improves my position uh and then uh here yeah  of course you see the computer is saying don't   take the computer's saying keep the queen on  the board and uh you know it's uh it's life   okay i had to ban somebody sorry what's up x  power slave x that's basically it don't trade   the queen go d4 try to break in the middle uh  and open this up and there's a lot of things   going well for for white here this queen has to  stay off this line okay now instructive moment   ladies and gentlemen do you take the pawn or  do you push ask yourself what you would do queen c7 where in this position illegal queen d7  hangs a queen yeah you guys are right push this is   not a free pawn so push now the knight's got to go  somewhere and actually black is already in serious   trouble black's best move here is to not even look  at the knight and do this to take and then take   and then if i move the knight they can at  least move 95 this is actually a fantastic   example of danger levels like the the only move  you have here is to go back and if you go back   you just get steamrolled you get steamrolled i  go here i push you just get rolled completely   uh and if b5 and i move my knight you can at  least now take this square which you didn't   have before so that's actually a great  example of how to use danger levels in   a practical way not in a way where you need  uh some sort of big and flashy like tactic so my match with rosen february 9th six  days from now unless you're watching   on youtube like three months down the  line then it already happened alright   all's done the next three people are all rated  over 1500 i expect good competitive games i   don't expect any blunders am i going to train  for it there is literally nothing i can do to   train for it eric rosen and i have played  probably over 200 times against each other   e4 let's go for a caracon defense tell me if  knight takes d4 is big brain where at the end where here calculate calculate if you take they take you take they  take does that mean knight takes d4 is good no   you just take the knight easy just take the  night life is good man just take the night   so ladies and gentlemen um it does not work anyhow let's play the cardcon  defense i saw somebody in chat right uh eric   rosen is gonna whoop your behind and that's  adorable considering i've won every match i've   played against him c5 except for our bullet match  that we played uh for the uh brawl on when when   we were doing the brakes there he beat me i got  to get him back for that now this is so far the   karo khan course opponent takes on c5 i'm gonna  play the move knight c6 attacking the e5 pawn so here right here okay opponent's  thinking why is he thinking let's move four   you're not gonna tell me that you're gonna  take my pawn don't go looking up any opening   databases you're always done let's go let's play  a move what what is that what is this big brain   thinking moment this is how we crack the advanced  variation we gotta we gotta play this move c5 why   you say well levy we already moved the pawn to c6  well that's the point you know we're looking for   a structure here where we we target the center  pawn with knight c6 and we have the move for   the bishop this is slightly different than  what's known as a traditional french defense   you'll notice that in the advanced french the  big difference is that this pawn has been pushed   even though we move this pawn two squares uh  now that and and see now that i've said um   you know i've beaten eric in all matches we've  played uh somebody says why do you hate eric   it's a bad loop guys i love eric i have known eric  for many years and we have a bit of a you know   it's like a pokemon rivalry you know it's like  every time you run into them at different stages   of your life you have to play them again and  again it's like it's like the pokemon video game   um then why not let him win ah good point so  in these systems when they take you attack the   center with your knight and then bishop g4 so so  far my opponent the second that this knight gets   here i pin it my opponent has not played the  most optimal powerful setup so what i'm going   to do now is i'm not going to take and win my  pawn back right away i'm going to stay patient   i'm going to stabilize my center and then try  to win this back with my bishop why not bishop   f5 because it's the wrong move bishop f5 does not  solve any of my problems i need to put pressure on   his knight at some point even take it so that he  doesn't have any targets in the center to defend   the whole point of this is the bishop  is supposed to go here in the other   mainline variation of the karo khan you  go bishop f5 and you prepare the move   c5 but in this version you need to immediately  remove the piece that is stabilizing his center okay he's played the move a3 trying to go b4 yeah but what happens if i just take i understand  you're going to go before sir i understand   i understand it very much but what  happens if i just move and by the way   and by the way wait a minute i might have  a fancy move here i don't need to take   i don't need to take i would like to go here and what happens if i take the knight   if you take my bishop i take your  bishop if take take bishop d4 i'm winning my the e5 pawn that looks pretty  darn good i'm gonna i'm gonna do that i can   go back to b6 but i like the more forcing  nature of the variation i like that bishop d4 and uh there you go there you go there you  go i'm trying to go here pick up this pawn   now we see both pawns fall somebody said why would  you not go knight d7 here first of all yes you're   targeting both pawns but very short-sighted move  because number one you look at this but you block   your own bishop and you also block your own queen  from defending the center so when you go knight d7   and this is where opening knowledge comes into  play i know for a fact after studying this opening   the best move here is knight c6 i don't even  need to make up any moves that is the value of   having this opening knowledge in your in your  head so far i think we've kind of left what i   know about this opening uh like this is just me  trying to make things up now as we go so it's uh   taking the theoretical knowledge of the opening  and applying it in a more practical setting like   i saw i had this bishop takes f3 so this idea  this a3b4 idea is the best way for white to play   way back if he plays b5 first of all i take his  rook and second of all i can go check and win his   pawn so but now i'm just gonna win this pawn and  now we're gonna have a game of course he's going   to castle uh i want to go here and mate him but i  i don't think he's going to just sit there and let   me do that uh maybe i go bishop and then queen  maybe i go queen now not there but like there i   don't know probably there is literally nothing  wrong at all with developing my knight to f6   and then castling i have to worry  about one thing if he plays rookie one   and hits my bishop i can't leave it there i can't  leave it there because he'll play the move b5   attacking my knight so it's never too early  to lose all your pieces or too late you know a6 to just stop that from happening yes why not queen c7 also not bad remember you want a good car con course link  in the description if you're on twitch use the   command courses that this line is so good this  line is so good and i'll show you afterward the   best way for white to play against it but um  what about this they just take guys come on   youtube is watching and they're  laughing in your face come on guys   come on was it worth it to  lose the bishop pair so early   i'm a pawn up my opponent's overextended on the  queen side all their pieces are on the first rank   i mean come on of course it's worth it and  you have to ask yourself when you don't have   a light squared bishop right you need to monitor  the opponent's slide squared bishop you need to   be like a angsty toddler your friend got the  toy you didn't so you got to stare at them   like oh they're got the toy they got the toy  but this toy is not that good what's so what   right so rookie 2 is not a bad move i guess  they're trying to double up their rooks   i'm gonna castle now get my king out of the  middle and uh yeah no pawn d4 is not a good move   it's just not a good move uh they wanna go and  get my bishop i think now i'm gonna play queen c7   i've got i've got this they're either going to go  here or here and i've connected my rooks but i'm   only a pawn up that's just the truth i'm only  up one pawn i still have a lot of work to do   and i think i know my next move  and my next move is going to   be permanently paralyzing my opponent's  queen-sided how am i going to do that chat how am i going to paralyze white's queen side  very good b5 yes thank you for sub power look at   powerslave taking the uh the high road there  powerslave just gifted us up to ll d1 mel even though lld one mel absolutely  attacked him in the chat with   with uh written messages amazing taking the  high road by gifting a subscriber uh gifting a   subscription to someone who attacked you look at  that wait i just realized something hold on i'm   sorry ladies and gentlemen i just realized that  my opponent never stopped me from taking this pawn i just absolutely i i in my brain i already  made a note that he played here i just like   i just like of course he's gonna  play here he's not gonna oh my god   wow um and it's still hanging by the way so i will  take it i i just i just like mentally prepared   myself for the fact that he just protected it i  don't know that was so bad oh my god you know i   was like okay he protect and then queen b3 yeah  that was really bad oh man oops okay so another   uh moment of learning here uh if he takes me  my king will be open however if he goes here my bishop is going to get trapped unless unless and at the end of it two bishops are hanging i'll sacrifice my bishop and there  will be two hanging bishops for white also yeah i feel bad for the horse horse  lives matter too man this knight on b1 hasn't   gotten involved in the game whatsoever  i mean now that neither has my rook but   aha look at that he's trying to gonna get  me here wait a minute what about queen f4   it's the first thing that i saw  queen f4 just attacking the bishop   where's the bishop going to go if if pawn g3  this loses a guard and i just take it for free   wow and then bishop g3 take take take not  that take take take nice move queen f4 anthony tanzer says i sent the 10  minute challenge only 1500 please   don't bully me too hard okay once again if you  are getting here a little bit late and you are   seeing me play 1500s and you want to get  in on it you don't just send a challenge twitch subscribers link  their twitch to their discord   they join the discord and then that is normally  how we sign up in this particular case our bot   was broken and my mod is asleep because  it's six in the morning in california   so i had to do it manually i give preference  to twitch subscribers because those are people   that are supporting the channel and there are  certain benefits to that you know when you're   a black card member for a credit card you pay a  fee every year what happens you go to the airport   you get benefits you go somewhere else you get  benefits you go somewhere else you get benefits   finally the night moved so i'm gonna move my only  piece that has not moved yet which is my rook how does one link to discord yeah i  that that is not a complicated process   you know you gotta first of all download discord  then can you know make sure it's linked to   your twitch it's not that hard dude somewhere in  settings there i don't wanna get hit with anything   here i really don't like that i'm gonna slide my  queen out of danger it's not too hard i promise   i mean if you're good at chess you can easily  figure out how to link twitch to your discord got a break in the middle can i play d4 now no d4 maybe there's this you know in in these kind of more closed positions i'm gonna do it you gotta find that pawn  break which is like the wave you know   my opponent just said to me hold the line  that's what my opponent just said to me i don't know if they're talking about game stop  or just holding the line in this position but ah okay i don't like to lose queens i  don't like to lose queens however   i do like to attack people not physically i'm  not the most uh you know scary person physically   is rook takes e6 a thing here rook takes e6  is definitely a move or like for example in   this position uh but all you have  to calculate is after pawn takes   queen takes king moves queen takes who's still  there's no one guarding the rook anymore and and this pawn so it's a  move but it's not a good one   but it is a move it just also happens to  lack the prerequisite of being a good move   but it is a move it is most certainly a move  it is legal how good it is is another story okay i can take on c3 right  let me just take this pawn what about rook d3 that probably was a move  as well uh i need to move my knights i need   to get my knights hippity-hoppity  into the middle somehow rook f7 i don't i don't know what what that  was in reference to okay well now   i want to go knight e5 but then there's  rookie 5 which is kind of ridiculous it's rookie 5. then my opponent is going to  win both my knights so that doesn't quite work   so what about knight f6 first it's kind of sad i  thought i thought i just had like a much easier   path to victory here but but my  opponent can sacrifice and even   though i take their queen they take my  queen dang knight d4 they just take hello   come on guys has anyone ever told me i look like  harry potter i've never heard that in my life   you are actually the first person ever to just to  tell me that i guess i'm just gonna go backwards   i'm gonna go one step backwards to go two  step forwards that's what i'm gonna do that's it i think i'm just gonna i'm gonna  bring my horsey back and then move it up i   like this game so it's a much more competitive  game despite my early advantage opponent has   stabilized uh i think in this case i i can trade  the queen i mean i know there was a game i didn't   but see now i'm going with my strategy of  one step back to go two steps forward uh i   am up three ponds of material so that  can't really be underestimated what i mean have i ever tried a full beard can't grow one   can't grow one can't unleash my inner rabbi so  now we bring in the rook and we go here and uh one important thing we should make sure that  our king has a getaway square so we're never   in any danger on the back rank and now we'll be  happily trade everybody maybe even pin the bishop   to the rook oh that was an awful move actually  that was a garbage move wow what an awful move wow that was such a bad move why did i do that   wait was it a bad move wait  i have a sick move here whoa oh nice and now the rook has no guard very nice  i'm actually gonna take the bishop with my rook   to get it out of danger wow that was clever going  for my pawn man this person just won't quit all   right let's bring in our second rook i need i need  reinforcements good game not in not good game in   like a trash talk way and like a you know it's  over it's a good game that's nice nice game check   uh okay when the king is coming out  like this there's gotta be a way to like let's just let's mate in the middle of the  board kyle amb says good game you suck okay   let's oh oh oh in reference to what i  just said okay kyle amb's not insulting me   thing okay so step one the kara khan  defense uh whoa step one the karo khan   defense the most critical way to play against  d takes c5 d6 c5 is definitely the best move   is to go a3 and b4 right away try to go for this  a3 b4 put the knight out put the bishop out later   opponent allows me to get this position  and immediately loses both their center   pawns which is very common in this structure  any time white puts out their pawns like this   oftentimes they will struggle to keep it all  together that's just what happens i mean it's   not any sort of disrespect it's just somehow  what happens you should wait with this move   and uh why am i playing a 1500 very good great  question it's a wonderful question fantastic very   thought provoking question why am i playing very  good um and now when we have two pawns up it's   about realizing what our opponents want taking  free pawns when they're available and you know   once your three pawns up you get to  simplify and uh take it to the next level so that was a that was a clean game a lot of  it again comes from the from the opening   the advanced variation of the karo khan  defense playing c5 knight c6 bishop g4 and   uh code monkey time now it's time for sixteen  hundred and eighteen hundred i'm kinda worried   kind of worried uh let me play in  english i'll play c4 this game c4 c6 wow and what about e4 now it's the caracon defense  but i've played c4 it's called the pseudo pan-off   called the pseudo pan-off see it's kind of like  e4 c6 c4 trying to counteract this d5 move to move   to variations good play d5 very good  i'm going to take with my c pawn how do i memorize all these names of openings  by playing chess for 20 years and close to uh   three quarters of a million chess games correct this is what alexandre kustanuk played  against me yes the pseudo-pan-off with c4 e4   can you play a verse of french it's not as good  versus french okay so now we are in a position   where it's kind of like a scandinavian and what's  gonna happen is i will have an isolated pawn on d4   now isolated pawn positions you know you  have a pawn on d4 with no c and e pawns   what a person wants in an isolated pawn position  when they have the isolated pawn is they want to   avoid too many trades and they don't want  the square in front of the pawn blockaded   often times what you will do since the lines are  so open is you will have tactics so i'm going to   have tactics on f7 for example i'm going to have  tactics on b3 and f7 like this more open lines   opponent needs to stabilize the position or else  they can get absolutely steamrolled very quickly   maybe bishop b5 check was even better um  let me just throw in the move h3 see if my   opponent wants to take my knight i highly doubt  it but worth a shot what makes kara khan so good   it's a very silly question that's like  asking you know what makes vitamin c so   good or something you know it's just it's just  a good thing i don't know it's a good opening   it's a main line opening played by many grand  masters for many many decades that's what makes   it good for beginners it's also very practical  uh okay i can either castle or play queen b3 i think i'm gonna i don't know i can also play g4  if i want to get really aggressive but let's just   get the king out of the middle might be a bit slow  you know the other thing about the the isolated   pawn is that the person who has it oftentimes  will trade it to open the position even more   and right now if my opponent needs  two more moves to get castled   i think that's exactly what i'm going to do i think that's what exactly what i'm  going to do because my opponent needs   two turns to get their king safe and in that time because understanding why it's so good could  make you better at the opening no no i disagree   i don't think that understanding why an opening  is so good will make you better at the opening   i think understanding the plans of the opening  will make you better at the opening for example   the sicilian defense i can explain to you why  it's so good doesn't mean you're going to be   good at it the sicilian defense is one of the most  complicated and fascinating openings that exists   but it doesn't mean that you're going to  be good at it i can explain to you right so that you need to know the  plans more than you need to know   why it's good i would say my opinion that's  what i'm saying it's the same way people ask   what are your thoughts on this opening who cares  you don't need my thoughts on a mainline opening   just give it a shot give it a go i don't  like something in this position actually there's something that i messed up here i i messed something up here i  my opponent actually can go long   and the move d5 might not be so good i have not played this isolated  pawn position to its best ability but now hmm hmm they're gonna get to castle did not play this great gotta think here this is very annoying there's just no way  around it's very annoying i think i'm going   to have to go here i want to move my knight i  hate this pin i think i messed up right here   i probably had something better here i don't  know what it was i let my opponents stabilize and i just played a little bit  and now they do have a blockade   especially when they play rook d8  alright well opening stage was messed up so it's the next stage of the game now so opening  is done i figured the rooks are gonna come to the   d and the c files uh i'm gonna go a3 and b4  to take queen side space and attack the queen   and then put my rook on c1 you know for  for all the for all the criticizing of my   play my position is not terrible but it's  not better i don't have a better position h3 is considered a bad move in the opening  no it's not what are you talking about you you really cause yourself a  disservice when you create such   random concepts h3 is not a bad move at all   it could be considered a waste of a move because  the bishop can return but by no means is this i   mean come on guys this is what you you you really  take away from your own development when you   create these random frameworks as i like to call  them like that's a bad move says who who said that   you know it's just like weird it's don't  do that you really hinder your own progress uh and this pit is really not that scary  as long as you block it with the bishop anyway should we play on the queen side let's  do it let's invest in in the rook here and it's   going to the moon and then maybe next move  because this is pinned to this i can go here   and then i can i can try to damage this i would  this bishop is by far black's most annoying piece   as well as you know whenever this gets here now  if this gets here and then takes me i will take   and a couple of things will happen first of all i  will stabilize my pawn with another pawn second i   will open up my rook third i will not have a dark  square bishop anymore so i will have to monitor   whether or not my e3 pawn will be a weakness  that's what's gonna happen when knight d5 happens but yeah i i hate when people do that you know  they say i don't like to trade my my this for   my this or i always go for a queen trade or i  always do this chess isn't you can't do that the ch the chess board doesn't  care about your frameworks   it doesn't care about your emotions either i'm  sorry it's a very non-caring entity so you need   to play the best move you need to develop your  instincts for playing the best move with certain   correct frameworks not well i never tried this for  this no that that's not good okay and there it is   i wanna go here yeah i like this  move i like this move very much   i think this is the way i'm going to make progress  in this position progress is good progress is good take take question is can i play  the sicilian in the next game sure   but the prerequisite for that is that  my opponent has to play the move e4 hmm   should i take you know this  knight is just so powerful   if i take i damage my opponent's pawn structure so  if i take now they have a target here for me maybe   i get my rook in the game this is a weakness it's  very difficult to exploit but it is a weakness knight c5 there's a couple of things about the  move knight c5 like it looks good if they take   oh man what a position there's a lot of stuff in  this position i'm gonna move my bishop out of the   way and attack this see this move if they take  i want to get my bad pawn out of the middle but   if i get my bad pawn out of the middle i block my  own rook and i like this and i like the fact that   right now i've got three targets i've got one two  and three i don't know which of them i'm gonna win   but i like that i can see all of them and  if i play knight c5 and then take with my   pawn yes i take it so it's really difficult  it's really difficult to make these decisions   uh and and i think last but not least of course i  should give my my queen a boost with my rook queen   g4 is just another way to attack this pawn and  queen g4 bishop h6 you're gonna think you're gonna   make them but you won't okay so this doesn't work  yeah i'm gonna go rookie one just attacking the e6   pawn in fact now this is a problem for my opponent  cause if they have to protect with the king   i would not recommend protecting  with the king against the full queen but to be honest i don't see a way through this  knight is so strong and then you see the power   of blockading the pawn right i i said you know  blockading an isolated pawn and gives you such   power you know so this was uh this was a  subpar performance by me from the opening   and my opponent has played well so far but it's  still a very complex position i think dynamically   this position is equal i think from  a dynamic standpoint this position is   definitely equal oh i have a move here  that is so fancy it might just be bad i was thinking rook c5 to sacrifice  the rook and get my knight in to hit   this but i think it's just bad queen h5  they just go back to g8 wow what do i do i think it's time to make this move yeah knight  to b6 is an excellent move if you want to lose a   knight thank you thank you d8 mess thank you  i think i'm gonna go here they have to take   they absolutely must take and now i  have to make a very brutal decision   do i take with the rook or the pawn if i  take with the rook i can double my rooks   you know what i'm gonna  make the very tough decision i'm gonna take with the rook i think  it's i think i have to i think i think   blocking my rook is not right i think i need to   keep my my pressure here if i yes i can take care  of my weakness but then i completely shut out   my own rook so i think i'm going to keep my rook  there and i'm going to keep my opponent playing   passively and responding to my pressure the  problem is every weakness my opponent has is on a   light square and i have a dark squared bishop you  know what i mean i have a dark squared bishop so   it ain't working right now oh but see this is the  benefit of getting of getting in with my rook is   that i have a new weakness i can constantly be  creating pressure and threats and at some point   my opponent will need to play a backwards move  like this and then maybe i can bring in my queen   to c4 so i'm constantly adding layers to this is  there something wrong with queen h5 just king just   goes back to g8 there's nothing really wrong with  it but it doesn't win anything guaranteed okay   how about this oh oh yes yes the benefit  the benefit of not rushing queen h7 or a4   see now now this is a that's a big difference i'm  winning the h7 pawn this is a huge difference i   don't care about my you at a certain point the  person with the isolated pawn can give it away   because in many many instances  doing this in a slow improving way   will still do the job now there is still one  problem here and the fact is that they've kinda we gotta gotta text the speech there that won't  make it into youtube but thank you for the uh   thank you so i was gonna say my rook is kind of  out of the game here which i really don't like opponents done a good job so this is not  hanging that's not nothing's hanging but i gotta   i gotta defend a little bit i gotta like i  really wanna play a4 but then queen before no which means that oh check this out i'm gonna give a check i'm  gonna give a check now opponent's gonna go   back of course uh guys bishop h6 looked good  but come on you really think my opponent's   just gonna sit there and get mated come on you  know why you're all so excited about the move   bishop h6 because you're like bishop h6n takes  i'm so smart what happens when they go rook g8   or f5 and just defend the threat i mean come on  let's be serious uh queen to g4 attacks this and   and then this and then this and then this and  then this lecher's in chat says try to be less   cocky when playing against the guy through 800  points lower than you yeah again if if you're   misconstruing anything of what's happening with  cockiness you probably just don't want to just   just you could just go to a different channel  i mean uh clearly you have absolutely zero idea   uh about me or my content or yeah i mean that's  the whole point i i get all these guys here   to play me because i'm cocky and i yeah that's  exactly right good you figured it out i i have   a uh ego problems and i need to inflate them by  beating up my subscribers very good very good very   good good good job uh okay now the whole point of  this little maneuver there guarded my b4 pawn so   that now i can play the move a4 so the whole point  there was i needed to guard my b4 pawn with my   queen now i can play a4 so knight comes to c3 it's  a good move this is a threat what about oh i was   gonna say this because i'm so smart and that still  allows this so i either move my rook or my king i either move my rook or my king let's let's just move my king right   everything's safe yeah thank you trojan  knight gifting the subs appreciate you no i mean true like on a serious note   uh and this will end up obviously in  in youtube too the the big complaint so   now first of all the threat is this the big  complaint that people always have is that i i'm arrogant and then the follow-up is i have the  right to be arrogant because i'm so i'm good at ch   there's no arrogance here i i couldn't i couldn't  give a damn less i constantly remind people   of what i do wrong in chess too  and i somehow that just like i was just i don't know is it maybe  it's my tone maybe i'm not all okay   knight d5 is a wonderful move creating the  threat on my bishop simultaneously on my rook   what a fantastic like maybe i need to just  sound nicer and people will just think that   by default i'm like i don't know i don't know  i don't know what it is but i think i'm going   to bring my rook back and just guard  everything i don't know i i don't know so i don't know but like man i make the content because  i know people want to learn from it   you know what i mean it's very  strange to call it cockiness or   arrogance or whatever uh okay good move i got  a minute so i gotta i gotta speed it up here   how about bishop to d4 rook is guarding the rook  bishop hits the queen opponent's coordination but i could give a check wow look at this  really cocky check right here on h5 oh   so cocky check and i get the queen out of  the way and now i take and we're winning wow wow what an arrogant check  here on h5 then we pick this up anyway let's take this again it's also it's also not   a and and and this is a don't confuse it's not  it's not i'm not trying to give off some sort of   wave of or or aura of like confidence like i'm  just doing my thing later that's all i'm doing   i'm playing my subscribers and i'm talking  about chess i'm not trying to put on a an act of   confidence or something like so strange mate and  mate two mates very arrogant checkmate here on d1   uh and the only reason i'm going into detail  on this and not letting it go is because the   truth is like i i get this song i get this  from you know a handful of people and it's   just so you know it's so strange like it's it's  but anyway as my grandma used to say in russian something about you know if if if a fifth  person tells you you're drunk it's time to   go home or something like that but  then again it's a russian saying so   you would probably need 25 people  to tell you that you're drunk um anyway so uh this opening the pseudo  pad off let's take a look this was a   good game very a lot to learn here  uh isolated pawn position i feel   like i could have done better in the  opening what could i have done better okay bishop c4 is apparently  bad what's better than bishop c4 bishop b5 uh-huh and what about like knight c6 aha  uh-huh okay what is the computer trying to tell me   oh so the computer just wants to go g4 see  this move this is what the computer wants it   wants me to force the bishop back and then  play knight e5 that's what it wants yeah   which is tough i mean if in a position the only  way to get an advantage is to play the move g4 then yeah so like here for example the move to  get advantages g4 and that's just a bit too bold   but the way i played it black actually had a  fantastic position now where did black go wrong   okay so this transformation was bad allowing me to  take this and damage their pawn structure was bad so instead wow thank you socks are for your feet six month  sub in advance yeah so the computer wants rook c8   knight e5 ah the computer likes the fact that this  is pinned and it likes the fact that the pawn is   covered but don't put your knight there  it doesn't like putting the knight on   d5 because you actually block your own rook oh  and we just hit 10 000 subs so amazing so huge huge thank you all on youtube we have 525 000  subscribers but those are free ones uh so yeah   the transformation of the position and then these  weaknesses and the rest of the game was it was   a complex fight that was a good game a lot of  thought process there to work out and uh i think   i think more than anything it was the adjustment  to where the pawn play was where the where the the   structural changes in the position were and now  the big question was rick c5 the best move yes   rook c5 is plus one dc5 equal wow huge huge rook  c5 was plus one and we managed to maintain our   pressure and and get this position to a winning  situation so that was good big decision there had   to keep the pressure on rather than fixing our own  structures that was a good game it was a good game   a lot of decisions were made in that game and  the instinct there to keep the rook there the   pressure there that's that will come with  experience you will get better at that   with experience all right let's  go red panda final game 1850   one of the strongest opponents i've ever played  in the series somebody wanted a sicilian defense   i don't play the sicilian but let's see  what we can come up with b3 sicilian this is my course damn what do i play against  my own course i'm gonna go g6 and what's funny   is that you would think that this is bad for  black but it's actually not this is one of the   the better scoring variations let's see  if my opponent knows what to do here gotta stop touching my ear i said i would make a anyway knight c3 is a move trying to go  e5 i see the reason move knight c3 is a   move uh bishop g7 there's e5 should go d6 so  d6 there is this knight d5 move oh they're   playing my own course against me and i don't  remember the move here for black in my course okay let's go yeah take pawn fantastic  move thank you for the suggestion i gotta think for a second what about bishop   let's go d6 i don't want them to go  e5 but now knight d5 is a good move whoa they didn't even play the best move  what now i just anyway that was weird oh bishop g7 big question is what's  going to happen with these pawns   wouldn't if he took with bishop be really bad for  black because black bishop and queen are blocked   no it would have just led to a different position  again it's all about transformation of the   pawn structure and how you adapt finding  your weaknesses and um you know it's it   nothing can be that bad this early it's move five okay d4 this is a very common move in the sicilian   we take this we trade our c-pawn for the  d-pawn this is a common transformation now   i have a dragon sicilian setup and my opponent  has played a terrible way against the dragon this is uh this is bad so they they played  okay but then this setup is isn't is no good   but we got a it's it's terrible because this  is not where the white pieces belong in this   setup like you did not play all these pieces  this way to play the position in this manner   the pieces are all standing on certain  squares for a reason so first of all   i'm gonna go knight g4 that threatens this  second of all that threatens to reroute the   knight to e5 and take the bishop at this  point i can naturally finish my development   but based on my opponent's kind of inaccurate  handling of the opening i've to think how do   i punish this and i'm going to punish it by  creating threats and transforming and trading   in a way that i think is advantageous this knight  for this bishop will be a good deal for me i will   be the only guy on the board with a light squad  bishop right so that's what we're going to do this is known as the critical narrative variation   okay daniel naredinsky is a fantastic  coach but he doesn't get credit for   an opening being called after him just  yet especially when it already has a name   like i love daniel naradinsky but come  on let's go knight back you know let's   it's called the dragon sicilian it's not called  the nereditsky critical variation like come on   they can name an opening after themselves later  what is the best opening pattern come on that   doesn't exist there's no such thing okay so f4  but the problem with f4 is that i was going to   take anyway right oh but maybe they're gonna  take and go long oh this is very interesting   oh very interesting are they  gonna go long i don't know hmm hmm okay let's get my night out i don't know i  don't know what they're gonna do going along   is big risky here big risky for everybody  for everybody because now they can attack me   but let's not forget that i can also attack  yeah i have knight before for example   okay so i think i need to be fast i'm gonna  be quick let me get my development out quickly   i can make this trade if i need to because i don't  want to get hit with uh i don't want to get hit   with h4h5 this looks a little bit scary i'm not  gonna lie so actually this was very clever my   opponent reacted to my handling of the position  with a handling of the position of their own   normally you don't want to make this trade but  times have changed i'm not going to sit there   like oh i've got the bishop pair and  then get checkmated on the king side   i'm going to give back the bishop pair trade some  pieces okay so now oh this is a big decision wow   it's a big decision do i take oh wow it's  a very big decision or do i let me do i let   them take me oh my oh it's a very big decision  oh my it's a very big decision night before   hitting this and this no i'm going to be the  first to attack wait did they just hang this   what oh is my knight trapped if i take  that that is so rude what about queen a5 oh my god that's just not nice i'm gonna go a5  i'm gonna glue this in and then rook is coming   this is not an easy game wow wow i don't know i don't know  what is happening in this game a3 sacrificing doesn't work sacrificing my  knight to open the a file oh no there's no way   that's not gonna work and i really  don't wanna go back to where i came from   so i'm gonna go knight a6  and then try to go knight c5   that's a good this is this is a tough  game someone is gonna die in this round   someone says you're overthinking thank  you for backseating me thank you very much   thank you i'm overthinking yeah it's chess you  know it's bad bad thinking is bad bad thinking   thinking is no good thinking bad fast good  think think no think bad bad bad think no think move first think later king b1 i want to go a4 but a4 my opponent will play b4  and then i can't move my knight but i still like this you know i still like this  because i'm forcing my opponent to react to me   otherwise they're gonna go bam bam bam bam bam bam   bam bam bam bam bam and destroy  me so i need them to react to me so some sort of move like rook c4 here or queen b6 and knight c5 that looks like a nice move and hits this and then maybe i bring my i don't  know i don't know what's happening in this game yeah the pawn rush looks very scary for white see one thing that white has done very well in this game is they've blo okay  this is wrong this is completely wrong   this is not what white should be doing white  needs to be for i mean i can't take it's not a   bad move but i i it doesn't it doesn't strike me  as the big and scary thing that i was expecting   so i can probably just go  like queen b6 for example no if i push just queen d5 i  can't take this because of this   but this just gave me a full turn you know  i have a full move now i'm thinking to sack   but the king is safe on the edge there's  nothing on the edge of the board i need   i don't need this a pawn can you just have  it here take it take it take my pawn just so take take you know the thing is in a  lot of these positions what might happen   is the position transforms in such a way that my  opponent has a lot of overextended weaknesses that   is the one drawback of playing so aggressively  is that in the end game you end up with   big weaknesses in the position because these  pawns are not good if the end game happens and   that's exactly what i'm trying to do right now is  send this to an end game where i attack the knight   and the pawn white has to hang on for dear life  here to this night or else they're gonna lose this   now i've got my own weaknesses but  they're not as drastic as my opponents   and i've got the clock so this  is another important thing   another important thing here is that i've got the  clock i'm up 40 seconds on time that actually does   become part of the game as the game goes later  and later so now two rooks hit the night and my   knight can jump back into the action with knight  c7 knight b5 taking on a3 damn that's a good move okay opponent is hanging on here  with their extra pawn but maybe   i'm gonna go rook e3 next rookie  one shaq to just bring the king up b5 just hangs my knight so b5 is idiotic  take take take they block with the knight man okay let's bring back the knight  and go knight b5 i'm down a pawn   but i'm counter balancing this  with decent decent attacking moves   i have compensation in the form of very active  pieces and i have 40 seconds extra on the clock okay let's centralize you when you take i'm  gonna go rook a8 and pick up the a3 pawn   the one benefit for me is your h2 rook is so  bad it is so so so bad it is not involved oh oh that's brutal wow ouch can't take because of the pin rook a396 okay but what if i see what if i give a check  thank you nate coolidge what if i give a check oh my god i blundered i thought i had knight  a4 here they just take with their knight okay   i gotta give this check i'm not happy with this  this is this is this is very is going very poorly and now my logic is that wherever  this king moves i'm gonna i'm gonna get in there with my rook defending  my night still trying to maintain this time advantage a4 god he played a4 what about wait don't have  discover check wait a second wait a second   knight c3 and takes   now it's just a rook end game okay objectively  speaking white should not lose this ever white should not lose this in fact  i think white is just pretty easily   winning because they have two on zero  is what this is called it's two on zero   oh and they blundered immediately  my opponent just made a huge mistake because i just do this now i double stack  and i pick up the b5 pun now it's a draw wow i mean who knows draw maybe even someone's  gonna win who knows so the double stack there   is super important and now this pawn is just  lost that was good i mean that was a it was   a good save my opponent blundering the the the  couple of checks there couple of timely checks   my active pieces ultimately ended up  paying off but uh but we'll see we'll see oh wow oh my god oh my god what oh no wow i don't even know what to do i think it's just   what a move all right i got i just  have to take there's nothing i can do right and now if i go here there's this check i gotta i gotta do this it's  the only way i can defend myself oh my god there's that wow there you go oh what are you gonna do rugby one  red panda completely winning here there's nothing i can do i have the worst possible  end game situation imaginable which is my uh my   king is cut off i'm down a pawn i'm down two  pawns i'm gonna win one back maybe that's it wow yeah this is just this is just losing not much i can do here how to win a chess   i know it's always the worst if i ever  get a really bad position in this series it's like i get i i get i get i get the  teasing but maybe maybe hold on i'm not i'm   not i'm not done believing just yet i'm not  done believing just yet that's true this is   why you buy the e4 course look he played the b3  sicilian which is in the e4 course and he he's   he's beating and i am who would have  thought oh this is so bad let's give a check i could have went for a draw thanks fousey  goosey is that what the computer said   guys remember i don't have the engine you  you you have the luxury of of seeing a live   engine counter of the position it's very  different to actually be playing the game but you know he has only one minute no i think this is just lost there's  nothing i can do it's a terrible end game   terrible scars everything oh man wow gotta move my roof back and forth there's  there's nothing i can possibly do here oh man hoping here's to hoping 40  seconds for the opponent yeah think is there any way this is so unfortunate oh my god it's just i it's impossible it's  not there's nothing i can do uh let's think maybe there's  a way to get a stalemate   it's the only thing i mean of course  if you're actually like 1840 you should   probably resign at this point but uh  uh he's playing very slowly actually i mean time is part of the game i'm not gonna  feel very good he's got 10 seconds like uh it's not gonna feel great  if i win this but it's life i'm i also might not win i'm out here count  my count my chickens here before they hatch the best move what's the best move from a guy  that's down all this material huh okay this is funny eric rosen would  definitely get a stalemate here i learned from eric rosen oh man i feel so mean oh oh man yeah that should not have been taken  he could have blocked with the rook that was that was not nice i should have resigned uh but uh it's life you know that was a good game my opponent should be proud   my opponent played that game  at 91 that was a very good game damn i mean what more to say  from the opening my opponent uh just you know i don't think i played the best here  like he played very solidly and then   this whole idea to castle queenside  was much stronger than i anticipated   so what should i have done instead of knight g4 ah see a sicilian player would  have always played d5 here   i don't play the sicilian so  breaking in the center is a good move   and then this transformation would be huge  for black this is much better for black wow yeah so knight g4 i guess this plan is too  slow three night moves to get the bishop   and then is bishop g4 yeah so bishop g4 is the  best move and then here i played very inaccurately   and he actually just punished my bad moves  he played g4 king b1 was slow actually he   could have just played h4h5 you know i gave  a strong player an opportunity to play a very   good game and he really took advantage of it  he just he just played extremely well like he   he realized that castling short is not a good  idea for him so he castle long and he could have   he could have been a lot more brutal like rook c4  is the best move e5 is not a good move h yeah it's   h4h5 you got to go h4h5 h4h5 here is probably just  close to winning for white if not outright winning   um and then apparently i shouldn't have taken  oh no i should have taken this trade is good   and then i just i just played horribly  i mean i played so badly and he played   so well it's a really bad mix for me for  him it's a great mix and uh his mistake   was here first of all he blundered this pawn  but then he played b5 had he played like c4   easy win pawns together you know bang bang bang  bang bang bang easy win c4 and even here man   this danger level concept of the pawn i mean  i just my god i played like i played that game   like i never played chess before that was so bad  by me i was actually like i was trying hard too   that was just not a good game and he played very  well so rematch i'm not playing him again jesus
Channel: GothamChess
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Keywords: Gotham Chess gives lessons, Gothamchess lessons, gothamchess openings, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess guide, gothamchess e4, gothamchess, gothamchess rating climb, chess rating ladder, climbing the rating ladder, chess speedrun, daniel naroditsky speedrun, gmhikaru speedrun, e4 rating climb, d4 rating climb, chess openings for beginners, chess lessons for beginners, london opening chess, how to win at chess, how to get better at chess, win at chess, winning at chess
Id: QIkFcCpYsms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 34sec (6214 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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