Win At Chess #19 (1200-1700)

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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to how to win at chess this is episode 19 and this is a series where i play against my subscribers i go up the reading ladder and through the 10 minute games that we play i walk you through the opening the middle game and the end game uh this is a unique episode there's a lot of strong players 12 to 1800 uh but it's unique mostly because i play a bunch of openings i don't normally play so you get to see a bunch of stuff that's kind of interesting and we experience a lot of new and fresh positions uh and we have a holiday sale all my courses are 40 off uh so i hope you enjoy uh there's a link in the description to my website and um that's about it oh one last thing this episode is sponsored by surfshark surfshark is a vpn or a virtual private network which allows you to encrypt your connection to the internet so you can browse it privately and anonymously you want to stream a show like brooklyn 99 which is unavailable in your country use surfsharkvpn 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interesting okay so uh opponent plays d4 right away so obviously here uh we're taking we're not too afraid uh e5 is just d5 so that's kind of the rule of thumb i mean this is very scary if you don't know what you're doing to have this kind of bum rush at you so if you're going to go for e4 you got to know that here um white is trying to seize the initiative right away by clearing the e-file forward now if you play knight g4 you can just basically lose on the spot there's bishop takes f7 check already some tactics near the weak square king of seven and knight g5 so you're you're just gonna run into like borderline you know game-winning problems a game losing problem so e5 you you know you you have to go with d5 uh very principal the thing is if you don't know this like you will get smashed so uh now opponent plays uh bishop to b5 and of course we have to move our knight and now going to the center is actually completely fine it should be knight takes d4 uh pressuring this we will just go bishop d7 breaking the pin so this is sort of the uh the idea here and uh we are okay although admittedly i i don't know a whole lot about this i'm actually i'm almost winging playing like this now i'm gonna take with the pawn because i want to preserve the bishop pair i want to keep my bishop here on the board we've compromised the structure mildly my knight is a bit weird but it can always wrap back around and my plan right now is either bishop c5 or bishop b7 and short castle i have no other plans i do not want to attack in the center yet i want to castle first and then i want to play um yeah again bishop b7 or bishop c5 i i honestly don't know the difference between the two uh bishop c5 doesn't really threaten anything and if anything takes away my reroute so my knight c5 96 idea uh my opponent could play f3 kicking my knight out of the middle or f4 actually a 405 is a little bit unpleasant i must say uh it looks a little bit unpleasant there's also f6 but like i said f6 right now is insane because this is coming uh so and and then and then there is c5 which is the most forcing [Music] option that i have but i have to deal with the fact that when this knight moves the queen attacks my pawn so the position kind of changes a little bit but if the knight goes to f3 then there is no f pawn push there's no f pawn expansion right so there yeah there's there's a lot of ways we can play this i'm going to go bishop e7 uh just to see if my opponent does in fact play for f45 uh and uh we that's that's what we're gonna do i think i think it's the most principle the the next thing to do is maybe to trade my knight something like knight d2 because my net is strong it's a strong piece so again when i play these games the goal is not always to make some crazy uh you know some crazy super accurate play i i honestly would rather play a bit closer to 1296 strength at the level of my opponent to kind of simulate a legitimate game so now knight c5 knight g5 probably also okay probably also okay i mean this trade is not so scary it's very hard to play f3 kicking the knight out and then play f4 that like not a lot of people would do that um it's just not very yeah it could be a thing you're like well i just pushed it i'll push it again right so there's knight c3 um yeah i want a castle i think castling is probably good now if f4 this bishop gets blocked in this dark square bishop so i could have gone 96 right away but the thing about knight e6 right away is that maybe this knight wraps around 2f5 right so bishop e3 so of course i mean rook b8 is just always a consideration because it's such a natural move right uh now i i am starting to think about the move f6 i feel like this exchange could do me some favors the only reason i wouldn't play it is that after i take back with the bishop the bishop hits my knight so for example f6 oops f6 takes takes knight takes c6 bishop takes there is bishop takes knight so seeing this through everything is tricky because right now i'm here but if f6 takes and rook takes yeah i mean 96 knight f5 like i said is a slight inconvenience it's sort of dissuading me from this whole operation makes me kind of want to not play it uh g6 also i have rookie eight and then the bishop can come back it's another idea so 96 and then drop my bishop back but i'm so cramped in so many of these positions that i i don't know i don't know knight e6 knight f5 and then trading off the dark scored bishop is also possible but i again my bishop is so bad rerouting to a6 i suppose is a possibility but f6 is just so simple so clean i might play rook b8 first just because i think that rook babe b3 actually benefits me if it benefits anybody um and you know what i just realized when when b3 happens this knight loses stability that's actually very interesting so b3 this is no longer stable which means that i can put my bishop on f6 and c3 is weak so there you go there you go we're trying to figure everything out about this position knight to b3 that is actually a very decent move this might hang knight b3 is a great move wow and if knight e6 i guess my opponent is just gonna take on a7 wow very nice so if i take take how do i guard this knight p3 is a fantastic move i totally missed knight b3 i was playing a little bit of hope chess there if i take and play c5 i hang d5 if i play knight e6 and then bishop a7 um i i to be honest with you i i think uh i have to i think i'm just gonna have to lose this pawn and what we're gonna try to rely on here is the fact that we have a lot of active lines uh so we have like the bna file open we have c5 d4 possibilities um and we can probably break uh with the f pawn so we'll play like f6 etc and we'll just get a nice you know good good position um even at the cost of the a pawn because if we overrun our opponent in the center of the board i think we'll be will be good even with the pawn deficit or the opponent is not interested in taking the pawn on a7 which okay that's a bit surprising although f6 f5 yeah wow and it's not easy for me to to move and if i play f5 then this becomes a lot stronger but i think i'm gonna go for it i i think i have to play a five uh on poisson obviously bishop takes now bishop a7 i'm not going to get as much play in the center as i wanted but i'm still going to get rook to b4 with pressure here and then i can reroute this bishop to a6 or this way but obviously the queen is there so we're down a pawn but it's kind of a meaningless one unless opponent has the a pawn rolling himself and that's about it that's about the entire evaluation of this position knight to e2 okay i get that move i still kind of want to play rogue b4 bishop e8 so obviously the idea is to put a knight on d4 that is the idea um this is very interesting i what i'm thinking about is to to strike with c5 so for example i don't exactly know what my best move is right now i mean i i could play something kind of ugly like a6 i might just play a6 um and uh you know he'll play knight to d4 or something and uh take knight takes c5 knight g3 that what what does that do why are we going over there i guess queen d3 is about queen d3 i visually g6 looks very normal here it just looks good like a good solid move i can't play c5 yet i really want to but i can't so i think i'm going to play this for now and again i my whole position will become much better if i can succeed in playing the move uh c5 and if i can play c5 then this no longer has a guard uh no longer has a problem but i can't because my my queen is there so it's a mildly unpleasant position to say the least but such is life opponent's been thinking for some time okay there's knight d4 so if i take i'm fine but i don't have to take um let's go uh let's go c5 c5 is a nice move because now i can achieve what i want the pawn has been unpressured that's not a word but what what and huh what is this is this uh why did what what what i mean i'll take it you know uh that was a really good game by my opponent for a very long time i don't know why they decided to lose a piece but um okay you know we'll we'll take it so it's still it's still a little tricky honestly so i i have to like get out of two pins here i'm gonna go queenie a uh and uh and then king h8 i'm gonna i'm gonna slide both pieces out of the way i mean rook d1 is probably coming my pawn structure kind of sucks my pawn structure kind of sucks like i i don't have any pond mobility at all so i'm gonna try to like unwind here and now now with a material advantage and also preventing the you know kind of infiltration of the night over there uh i i will be fine probably um but uh again it's not not the prettiest position to play and now we are planning out what clips to put on the clips channel so queen d3 i think bishop b5 here should be but the problem with bishop b5 is that queen b3 and then this is hit that's unfortunate now this is hanging bishop here queen here queen f7 that should be okay yeah i kind of like that otherwise my opponent is just simply going to lose material in the meantime i will uh upload um the video i'm uploading a youtube video as i'm recording a youtube video isn't that nuts talk about dedication i don't know if that's like the the best way to describe it but uh it's not really dedication it's career and what earns my my my income but you know it's still like uh inception over here and what i like to do is i like to schedule the video on my phone so this is a little bit of youtube insider knowledge that you wouldn't have otherwise but on the desktop you cannot actually schedule youtube videos unless it's by the 15th minute of the hour 15 30 45 and the top of the hour on the phone you can schedule it at any time did you know that you probably didn't and now you do and now you are a more complete individual you're welcome is it my move it is my move why did my opponent give me the rook i will take it but i don't understand yeah my opponent played very well and then just played like a total lunatic and i suppose that's why 1296 is a is oh my oh my god he hung the what my opponent should have taken with the rook oh my gosh you blundered everything okay king to e2 now i just moved back come back here with my rook let's go right back to d8 and we will deliver a mate um queen b5 knight d4 the the big thing when you're up two rooks is uh okay don't run out on time and uh also don't stalemate but this is not one of those situations and just take a look at how okay counter play can be created i'm gonna trade queens um here we go and uh resigns okay we'll quickly analyze uh i feel like uh the opening was actually quite good by white like i thought f3 was a good move uh knight c3 is kind of surprising yeah yeah the computer likes f4 actually it very much likes f4 um curious what i should have done okay so rather than bishop e7 i should have been more active with bishop c5 which is makes sense uh bishop e3 is a very reasonable move yeah knight b3 i completely missed uh the strength of this move i mean i just completely underestimated so so the machine uh doesn't even like bishop a7 it doesn't like bishop a7 it actually prefers this which is crazy and then 92 92 is a crazy high level move and then from here it was i mean 92 was played with the intention of going here and the opponent just chose the completely wrong plan and then proceeded to just make a lot of blunders and you know it's life but honestly that's that's you know they played very well for a decent period of time um and uh let's go let's uh let's go for the next game and again in in this video i'm going to play just you know i'm gonna play solid openings and try to put pressure on opponents so let's play e4 uh this is a gotham sub so very high chance of carrow or d5 but uh okay knight f6 oh my god okay that is quite a move so this is the aliokins defense um the most principled way to play it is to play e5 um and then you can you can play like four pawn attack style i'm just going to kind of play normal and solid uh which is just d4 and knight f3 so this is like the main line i mean i i normally don't uh don't play like ultra main lines in these in in these recordings but to be honest with you i already don't even know exactly what to play against this i just normally don't get it i might play uh bishop c4 and like bring the bishop back uh because i'm going to be under a little bit of pressure in the center here i can also i guess play c4 that's another thing i'm gonna go here and i'm also gonna announce my video as i'm recording crazy all in one package so yeah knight b6 bishop b3 bishop g7 castles castles and maybe i'll play h3 h3 will prevent bishop g4 which is just gonna apply some more pressure to my center or i'll play rookie one rookie one is also a very reasonable move uh and uh i just drew a lot of arrows but this is kind of like you know you need to take a center-based approach in general c6 is a fine move i could take and damage the structure but and kind of try to play against the double pawns but let's just be principal there's absolutely no need to commit to anything in many ways this pawn uh blocks the natural development path of the night so uh yeah let's let's go rookie one we're gonna be very principled here we're gonna solidify the center rather than trying to like crack it open i could go c3 c3 is also trying to hold the center very nicely h3 is also a possibility so again i wanna i wanna play against the natural development of my opponent h3 is just an annoying move if the opponent plays bishop to a5 then just g4 let's go bishop b3 i haven't said anything because no moves have been made when you watch these episodes it's very chill so if you sometimes don't hear me talk don't worry it's like asmr uh yeah anyway we've been preventing this so it's we're going to have a very uh interesting battle here i mean this is like very unique territory for uh for uh winning chess like i'm not playing any any of the course content and i mean we're basically just uh just trying to play principal chess like in the center of the board if here probably knight takes oh d5 okay so that is a massive commitment so now that the center is completely closed uh we are going to completely shift our focus over there so what i mean by that is we're going to play c3 this might not be the best move uh we can also play bishop f4 bishop g5 but the pawn breaks in this position are now severely limited black is really only playing for f6 and if this bishop is not able to develop to either square which right now it's really not i mean if it goes here i can just kick it out but it should probably go to f5 uh we we are trying to reroute uh and maybe while solidifying the center go trade off the dark squared bishop on h6 so what i'm thinking right now is to play bishop f4 i'm going to wait for bishop c2 i don't and i'm also going to wait for g4 uh once black kind of plays in their mind what they're thinking is is just developing moves like the knights and the bishops oh my knights and bishops all got to turn that's fine but the structure here is much better for white because we have a dominant space advantage like rookie 8 doesn't make much sense because f6 is the move you're trying to play to not die and right now you are you are failing to accomplish that like you're you're not going to play f6 with a rook on the 8 that's just because the pawn is not supported i'm thinking about g4 here to kind of illustrate my point it's a bit of a it's a bit overextending and opponent might not want to even be restricted they might go here and just try to trade but the thing is this is gonna get caught in the cookie jar because i'm just gonna i can even move my knight out of the way but you know that that trade does not improve black's position in fact it just removes a piece off the board uh it might it very well might be better for black to play bishop d7 or bishop c8 here but just from the space advantage standpoint and the fact that the knight on b6 despite being okay and safe doesn't actually play an active role in this game at all neither does the knight on b8 the bishop on g7 literally got a massive condo built outside of its apartment it can't see sunlight anymore so you know right this is uh this is uh we're suppressing the play here is what we're doing um so bishop b4 uh i'm gonna go knight d2 hitting this and again f6 not as potent because we're solidifying that very nicely and now we are just threatening to not just win a pawn we're threatening to also bust open this diagonal so now the question is knight f3 or queen f3 i think this i should make progress and queen d2 bishop h6 still very much on the cards and in general when you have a massive space advantage and your pieces all kind of point in the direction you can then use your same kingside pawns to go attack so normally same side king side attacks are not possible but when you have two bishops a knight maybe a queen and maybe even a rook in a couple of moves you know king up and rook over you have five pieces attacking black has a bishop and the the space disadvantage here is huge right like e6 i mean black is not doing anything to help the situation so i'm thinking about bishop c2 because i mean i'm never going to break through this side right so let's go bishop c2 my moves kind of play themselves i don't need to do anything crazy um knight c4 is met with a b3 i mean just kick out the knight or rook b1 right uh king g2 h4 h5 right like this is a good move okay now i do need to think about c5 for sure um i don't think it's so scary like i so i'm thinking king g2 i'm also thinking h4h5 i don't really want to play h4h5 without having played king g2 and rook h1 at the same time i want to keep my rook here in case f6 gets played and at the same time i'm almost thinking this and then h4h5 i don't know we have a lot of different attacking possibilities here this is definitely something to consider for my opponent but yeah i mean i think we just go for it i think i think it's very clear what our intentions are with h4 and not to mention when you sometimes just go for it yeah okay but this is a very good move very very smart by my opponent i don't have to take i shouldn't take absolutely should not take uh it's actually totally safe here to to march forward and just like alpha zero if i have to play h6 to completely kill my opponent's oxygen supply and then g5 that might actually be okay do i want to probably not i think it's much more in my favor to attack on the h file i also have to be careful that the opponent can turn the open file against me so don't just think they're gonna take with the f pawn i mean with the h pawn they actually could take with the f pawn and then go back to the file and you know life goes on um here cdcd is not so scary because the knight can't actually activate this move was always going to happen whether or not c5 occurred and i'm pretty sure we can just play b3 and the question is what the hell is that knight doing because if it goes to b2 we kill it if it goes to a3 it's going to die on the edge of the board anyway we will not be trading our bishop and if it goes back well congrats right like you achieve nothing so um and then king g2 rook h1 so the the attack will continue i mean we're just right we're we're just kind of playing the same side attacking chess and king jaturk h1 hg is all there uh i'm looking to see if i have anything faster like for example my g5 knight here but i think i'm just gonna play king g2 i think i'm going to show you the power of everything i'm saying verbally put it into practice cause this is this is like vintage uh you know vintage attacking stuff here um right so and there you go bishop d3 interesting rook h1 i mean again we're not in any danger so they could sag but okay then we're just winning right so here comes rick h1 and everything is in place and you know the nice thing about this is um we can build up before we take whereas if my opponent plays rook f8 thinking oh he's gonna take i have to that's so funny that i called that oh my gosh so what i was gonna say is now the bishop can't go this way you see the reason i wasn't playing h6 is that the bishop could come around but now i could if i wanted kill the bishop forever i can play h6 and g5 and the bishop dies but then we have to play more positionally we're not just getting boom boom boom knockout right uh do i want that um no i think i prefer like checkmate i think i want to play for a checkmate in this game just just to play for a checkmate you know why not uh so i'm thinking uh i'm thinking queen d3 and rook c1 if i ever need backup although queen d3 is actually an inaccuracy i've just made a mistake because now queen c7 and queen c3 will offer a queen trade and i mean i of course i'm winning because again i can always play h6 i can always play against the bishop and that kills off that that's a backup plan to my attack uh but it is annoying and i don't really want to trade queens but uh right there you go my friends are blowing up the group chat you ever like have a group chat with your friends and uh you miss a bunch of messages now you gotta play catch up and if you're like no actually gotham i don't have a group chat because it's hard for me to make friends that's okay life is very long and sometimes even at the loneliest points of it when you're too much in your own head uh just just remember that you know you were born in the place of potentially somebody else sometimes it just takes a little bit of time takes a little bit of time for everything in life to come together don't stress uh i really don't want queen c3 to happen that would be a very high level move but at that point i might even just be so stubborn i won't trade queens it's a very instructive right queen c3 not queen c2 but queen c3 trying to trade queens uh again but beyond that i mean this this game has been a perfect example of how to transform a locked structure with a space advantage uh into an attack and i hope i hope it serves you all well you know i hope i hope you're learning yeah knight b8 is is no good um we we now can probably start chopping everything down i do still have to be a little careful which is annoying um i have a fascinating idea here i can play hg here and rook takes h7 i don't know if it's winning king h7 queen g6 king g8 queen h7 king f7 bishop g6 at least wins a queen so i have uh take take rook h7 there might be rook f4 and then queen g6 and then maybe king f8 that looks crazy i i i i really shouldn't be risking it there's absolutely no reason to do what i'm trying to do here i mean even knight g5 is just simple and strong and probably just wins uh hg rook h7 would have been very nice if it worked i i was a bit suspicious as to whether or not um as to whether or not it'd be okay i will analyze after but it's just it's just always going to be a decent move the thing is sometimes when the knight gets involved the h pawn can move so right now the h pawn isn't moving because hg but sometimes when the knight gets involved now suddenly h6 is possible but my plan there was honestly to probably still take on g6 um and most likely it's just winning i don't know how we'll still have to figure that out but bishop g6 now i have this and now my rook hits the bishop and the attack crashes through and we win i can maybe even play g7 or g7 is not nice that is not nice at all queen here is mate rook is threatened bishop is hanging the biggest threat is of course queen h7 made and the reason i didn't take with check is it's also good because i take here but rook takes a no mate so g7 is not a very nice move um but it's it's still good g7 is is good gg that was a that was smooth sailing honestly and and the big mistake there for black came not understanding uh the opening structure so i think that was the biggest problem uh c6 i think is a big inaccuracy but in general i mean the jochen's defense is tough to play because if white plays principal chess like we did just you know taking the center with two pawns and developing the pieces um i mean it's tough and d so it's it's it's already bad here but i mean from this point forward it's it's like plus 1.5 so just so you understand like and rookie eight is now probably close to plus two um and uh i'm just mainly curious to see like uh yeah queen c3 here is the best move could i have played hg in rook h7 yeah i could have i could have done take take rook h7 so i calculated this as just leading to a mate uh and rook f4 queen g6 king f8 okay just here yeah so queen c2 doesn't work because this very nice i could have played rook h1 and just sack my rook and chop chop chop maybe knight g5 oh no then check so i could have gone for this but i decided not to do it that was that was good that was honestly that was a nice game um okay let's uh let's prepare the next one there we go all right playing a polish player bersak i hope that's not like a bad word got a digital some evil sunflowers a profile photo is very scary uh we already had e4 so i'm gonna play coral con that's the plan d5 e5 okay uh bishop f5 is of course good but um listen i mean i've got a karo khan course and uh it's not even about promoting my own courses i honestly just think that this is such a good line for black it's so easy to play and nobody with white plays the most challenging way uh c3 is already not even that good because yeah so what we're gonna do is i mean you can play bishop g4 but the easiest way to play this is the difference between this central block and the one from the last game is that here we have equal center control and we're already kind of creating practical problems you know we we have we black fights back for the center whereas in the last game the pawn wedge that we had in the center with the same pawns e5 d4 black was not equipped to actually counter attack us in the center of the board so bishop b5 is probably a normal move i think you can play queen a5 and something like this but i'm just going to play e6 and and knight e7 so in all all sort of end games this pawn will become a liability because it has no pawns defending it and our position is quite strong like we can pretty easily get to it what i mean by that is moves like queen b6 knight e7 etc okay so probably hear taking is is the best move um that's that's usually my rule of thumb it's it's completely fine uh we cannot play knight d4 but we can play queen a5 but then of course knight c3 uh knight e7 is also reasonable i wonder if i should play bishop b4 and then knight e7 i wonder if that's a thing maybe i think i will this is maybe a rare chance that i can actually put my bishop out before my knight because normally in these structures you play like 97 knight f5 but even if it's not the best move it's a it's a practical move and you know queen b6 is practical there's a lot of practical moves here and i i i feel like uh i gotta play like what the people might play you know so knight e7 if i have to take i will but i can also reroute and there you go there's even more pressure on the center so i'm not uh i'm not too stressed in a perfect world i play knight f5 i play queen v6 and everybody hits this white castles i castle and d4 is under attack like actually under attack now not a joke so castles i apologize the most uh [Music] most polite thing i've ever said probably in a in a recording for any video a3 so danger levels here right uh i don't have to take i can play knight takes d4 which has been my plan for some time and uh now black is in uh almost completely winning shape almost because for example queen d1 loses immediately to bishop takes pawn takes and knight takes bishops i think opponent has to play this move they have to defend their bishop queen d3 and then if i take you have to take with a pawn uh and then maybe i take b5 so i'm just gonna be a pawn up but at a level probably above 22 2300 it it's it's lost for white like it you will lose probably 90 of the time that's that's what happens uh it's just you know it's the name nature of the game bishop c3 of course i'm just going to play it very simply i'm going to try to get you all into a simplifying mindset okay here comes knight b5 i'm not even going to hesitate just don't hang this pawn and also don't damage your own structure queen c8 is fine to go queen c6 honestly even like b6 should be fine it's not a pretty move now my opponent should really try to trade off the weak pawn the c pawn is horrible uh that's not a bad move at all we can try to play an end game if they take they might just keep me pinned which i also respect then i will play queen c7 probably to avoid the pin i can also play queen eight offering a trade it's not a terrible move but i decided to play h6 to just kind of play queens and rooks uh i don't know what my opponent is contemplating so intensely but there is absolutely no crime in thinking okay so bishop h4 has been played uh i am going to play queen c7 as previously discussed queen e7 and now we will be playing queens vs rogues so again c4 really should be played if you don't play c4 i'm gonna play rook c8 you will never ever ever play c4 because then i'm gonna have full control so that that is like if yeah so queen b4 is actually also okay if i take and then you take with a c pawn but now i'm stopping c4 and i'm hitting this so because this is the best move here 100 because you have to prevent white from trading off the only weakness okay and of course winning a second pawn is is good and now we'll play rook c8 and of course being up two pawns is better than being up one pawn i don't know nobody can really uh nobody can really debate that i think i'll just go back to f6 and now the easiest thing to do is just to trade queens and trade rooks we play rook ac8 uh now i wouldn't take here what i would do is i would put the rook on c4 and the point is that if you get taken your pawn will go you don't get taken you will either double up or just start winning everything so you have a very easy you have a very easy position here take take rook c1 rook c8 and something like this so b5 a5 c3 c2 you're going to win this by virtue of your pawns just going together now admittedly you shouldn't just get caught up with just moving pawns and only pawns but i think in this case you you can you can you shouldn't push one at a time you really should like make one hit the rook you should be pushing the pawn with tempo if you push the other one it's probably also fine like i can ignore this taking it is also fine but i can ignore it it's wait here here could be annoying take take b3 can't trade rogues oh this is easy yeah i can't take see my first instinct was wrong i had to calculate now don't i wouldn't push c3 i think it's also fine but you should hit the rook and the trade doesn't work because the pawn slides through so a king just can't stop two pawns especially if it's behind them it can stop two pawns if it's in front of them but that one is behind now we uh get to our nice position and um king d4 will go b2 and if rook here will push and push in that case we do have to uh push two alternating but you basically um you push the one that won't die and uh we are winning b2 here rook b1 doesn't really matter rook b1 or rook there we're gonna push the c pawn so rook b1 c2 c3 c2 and uh we didn't even have to touch this side of the board so just like this king d3 c2 we'll make a queen and if the opponent wants to play we will demonstrate how to then win that end game but otherwise yeah this is just over rook behind a pawn especially pawns together just fatal not much to be done i'll make a queen i won't disrespect and make a rook or something and my opponent is still going to play a little bit but now they're getting forked so they also could have gotten forked like that they just resign that was a good game uh and yeah opponent just didn't have a good weapon against c5 which it goes to show you at 1460 you know i didn't play anything insane i just played all the normal moves of my opening and and black was already doing very well on like move eight you know like here uh here of course a3 is a blunder but if something like this got played maybe queen a5 maybe knight f5 it's equal but it seems like black in my opinion has the easier game that's what i would say that's why i really like to recommend it and everything else was straightforward so all right next person we are playing is from lithuania and also likes bitcoin i'm gonna go d4 let's go c4 budapest gambit wow okay this is a very tricky system so you have to take knight g4 uh knight f3 actually here you just straight up have to know what you're doing uh knight yeah knight there so here bishop f4 is uh is a good move uh and against bishop b4 knight d2 you just basically have to not hang mate um so for example here queen e7 after a3 there's a tricky and you play knight c3 also possible but then i you know you damage your structure i don't really like that queen e7 is the move here there's also f6 which is like an extra gambit which i don't know anything about so yeah now now uh you play a3 to get this bishop and now you have to not hang mate that's it that's your only responsibility um you can take only five first if you'd like so something like knight takes i think that's fine right i can take on e5 unless i'm insane but i think this is okay uh knight e5 and then e3 very important here to play this so now there is no checkmate and then queen d2 and like this um and here what black wants is to play a bunch of pawns on dark squares and put their bishop and black is gonna say i am fine uh white can play for a very quick c5 and i don't remember if it's here or where maybe bishop e2 castles castles or bishop b2 and c5 but the point is that um white sacks upon and plays like super aggro between d5 rook c1 i'm just gonna go here for now so castles and okay actually wow b6 is played right away so um queen d5 maybe opponent plays it immediately i'm very unhappy about this maybe i should have played c5 i'm just gonna play the normal stuff and uh i am going to spend the rest of this game trying to make c5 work that is how that is how you play it something like b4 and c5 bishop is going to come here maybe black is going to play for f5 maybe g5 there's all these different ways that black can create play and my way of creating play will be too push this point here and that's what we're doing we spent a lot of the last game playing quietly so uh you know for this game we have to talk a lot more so i'm thinking just rook c1 also rook fc one is very interesting like that could be completely fine queen c3 also could be okay something like this to then play c5 uh but you you have to break with the pawns here because black's position is simply too solid and you know there's a chance black plays c5 but if black plays c5 then this becomes a lot weaker that's a decent move black is trying to win my my queen with knight to f3 and maybe trying to mate me as well evil evil stuff wow queen f6 queen g6 maybe i take i was gonna go rook c1 but i really don't like this bishop g3 and maybe like h5 it's kind of scary maybe it's okay but looks kind of terrifying i'm gonna i'm gonna go for it i'm not i'm not afraid you wanna check maybe you're gonna have to prove it you might it might very well be a mate and i might just be getting smashed by the budapest game but i uh i really like the budapest it's in the black gamuts course which like i told you in the intro you could get for forty percent off rupa's gambit is pretty sick um because nobody's gonna play it the way i play it okay rookie is a smart move i could play bishop g3 preemptively and maybe go for f4 that could be interesting c5 is sort of like the move that i need to accomplish this move if i have any hope of getting anything so maybe i can take and even shut down my opponent or take and infiltrate if i can get in with my queen i can beat some stuff up over there but queen g6 has to be played i i think if it doesn't get played then so yeah i i was thinking to play bishop e5 this is a this is a very tough practical decision in fact we have a situation we had a couple of games ago when i played white when i would not normally play the move c6 but in this case i will because the rook look at this i can take and probably push or i can just push but this is so funny this is so funny because now the bishop is going to to jail and at least when the rook was here the bishop would come around but uh this yeah this is this is very funny now c6 and um bishop a and we're very happy with the bishop on eight i mean the bishop is just not going to easily get back into the game so smile yep bishop to a8 and i can i don't i don't do i want to trade queens maybe the rook comes out i'll take whatever because my next move is b5 and once we cage in the bishop it's going to be a very funny game where we have a bishop and black doesn't very very funny situation super rare too you know at least the bishop on h8 is usually the one getting trapped but uh yeah this is uh that is that's very funny so on uh this kind of shows you the exact way you're supposed to counter uh this budapest gambit side expansion uh trade in the center i know and and now we can trade everything i mean it really makes no difference like rook d1 we can trade all the rooks and uh the bishop on e8 it doesn't i mean it we're just playing a full game up a piece basically so everything being symmetrical uh and we will convert i guess i'll give a check maybe king f8 will be played and um i think even for instructional value i'll just trade off both rooks probably don't have to do that i can even try to play like rogue d7 and try to break out the pawn and but this is just pretty humorous and in the long run black will probably sack so they will sack he had to do pawns but if that's not even a bad move i i could win by taking probably but i'm going to keep the cage i i i don't want the bishop to move at all i'm just going to keep a4 make sure the bishop never gets out um and this would be a totally different position if the bishop could go the other way so king e2 and i'm going to try some rooks rook takes and rook d1 and i told you i'm just gonna normally you want to keep some pieces on the board but here we have no need for that uh and uh yeah i mean material is equal but peace quality is not but i anticipate king d6 and then bishop c6 that's what i think is gonna happen although i i almost wish that doesn't happen because then we can just play a full game where where the bishop never gets out but i mean i think i think black is gonna be like i'm gonna lose anyway so i might as well try to break out it's just a very human nature decision of course if you just leave me with bishop vs pawns i will take them all king d4 and uh yeah i don't know h3 g4 to try to get e4 maybe even bishop f7 bishop g6 the king is doing a decent job but what's going to happen is that black is going to run out of moves like in fact i can probably show you in a very funny way how black will run out of moves like i can play bishop b3 bishop a2 but should b3 bishop c4 and the pawns will just die they will just walk to their death run out of moves and then the king will walk back it's gonna be kind of a hilarious position but yeah so just bishop b3 yeah like i said i'm gonna i'm gonna basically make black move all the pawns this is a very rare case you can do this where you just have a piece completely imprisoned uh let's go too it's fun unique unique content uh g3 if h4 maybe i take i don't know f4 i'll take if g4 i can push so anyway you can skip ahead to the next game if you want we're obviously going to win this one this was just a pretty fun example but uh very rare you get something like this at some point i would imagine mr ketokus is going to take on c6 yeah there it is and it's happened so now i'm gonna do this which i think is very important i'm going to isolate my opponent's flank pawn on the same color square as my bishop like this uh b5 will be played of course to try to create a pass pawn i'm gonna take with check and uh bishop f7 a4 bishop h5 a3 and i can always bring back my king so we're going for the outside pawn because my flank pawn is there uh and we have the benefit of this but we also have bishop h5 and we can just come right back but we'll just draw back to meet the king in the pawns and the game is just simply over takes and we roll king is also just way too far c4 we're just taking and that's it ulta past gambit is good but being an international master is slightly better and now you also know a nice very solid variation to not get mated in eight moves gg that whole game played itself literally absolutely nothing to analyze there uh with maybe the exception of uh maybe the exception here of of queen g6 but my plan was to play like a combination of two moves so something like if h5 you know f3 and then e4 and and get something like this where this bishop is sort of out of the game and we're coming back around so yeah the game would have been a bit longer if that happened but instead we put a bishop in into prison so uh here comes larry and me i don't know what who lair is but uh d4 i played a carl khan and i played e5 right so this game i will play uh g6 the shape g7 okay we have a london versus a modern d6 i'm playing uh this is london uh this is uh london potentially london course versus modern course this is what i like to play if you're gonna play a modern system this is what i like to play against uh london so knight d7 and push for a quick e5 and maybe even f5 like e5 f5 can sometimes be kind of interesting um i'm gonna apologize to my opponent i said c6 was very mean so here comes e5 this is this is what london players really don't like uh i could probably take with the knight as well but i'm gonna i'll take with the pawn they really don't like this cause now now a london player is uh totally out of their element uh and uh you you don't give them anything you don't give them the night in the middle you don't give them the center control this is not a bad move actually i'm going to go knight e7 you can also block with the f-pawn but i'm just going to try to get a little bit more development and i didn't play knight f6 it's also fine but i played 97 um and probably we will now both castle i might go for a fianchetto over here b6 bishop b7 to try to play on the diagonal knight c5 also very useful move and of course we always have e4 in fact after castles e4 bishop e4 bishop b2 it looks like we're succeeding but i'm not so sure that's an interesting move to try to go knight d5 if castle's 95 maybe f6 yeah we should be fine let's see if let's see how aggressive my opponent is feeling some people just like they're playing me they want to get developed okay so they're looking to finish their development i really don't want to play a 5 because i'm not taking care of my pin and c6 kind of chops the movement of that knight i'm thinking f6 h6 c6 i really i like c6 but i also want to do this i don't know knight c5 is interesting knight c5 could be very interesting it also could be good to play like one of these moves and then knight c5 huh um [Music] i can play h6 and g5 just push everybody out the only reason i don't like this is that my queen is stuck guarding my knight and uh i'm a little bit cramped i think i will go f6 i will go f6 i'm not too worried about check let's play knight c5 bishop c4 maybe even bishop e6 and this is just going to be a long game this game because we have we're going to have some trades now it's all going to come down to the quality of the pieces i can also play king h8 but i think for instructional value i'm going to show you how to play a oh but now i'm getting two bishops so i can take the knight with the bishop with the knight and i can actually get two bishops let me play let me play this first because uh i don't want to move my rook and lose my pawn i'm playing a6 so that this rook can't really do too much i mean definitely some sort of like g5 should be good here for me to just completely shut down this bishop right now that that bishop is totally out of the game you had to trade light squad bishops there you shouldn't have allowed me to get a bishop here maybe rook d8 like this so we have still pretty symmetrical structure overall but at least we have knight for bishop and queenie too okay plan is quite clear to me let's shut out this bishop from the game completely now so we're not even letting it get back into the game at all and i'm gonna preemptively move to e8 because i understand that rook d1 is coming or the other rook so i can play queen g6 or queen c6 or or just meet the rook on the d-file and trade pieces because again this is going to be just like last game if we can trade a bunch of pieces and leave the bishop g3 there like looking like tara like terribly like how it does you know even h5 h4 is possible now so for example i will go here and white just doesn't have enough space or targets yeah h3 it makes sense definitely uh h4 is good but even g4 is good and knight f5 is pretty good and maybe even pretty annoying and then g4 knight d2 queen g6 yeah like we can build a whole initiative here so i can play knight f5 the bishop is going to come back even more and then maybe even something like this just like very simply like showing what i'm trying to do there of course when you play like this when you when you play like the kind of chess like okay we're going to seize the initiative now and we're gonna go go go you run the risk of blundering and we are overextending a little bit here for sure uh i i think every move that i've played so far has kind of tied together every move makes a lot of sense uh yeah that's a good move that that's a great move my opponent should absolutely be doing that and now what i want to do is i want to anticipate the counter play with the knights if i'm completely disregarding my position here and the safety of my of my pieces i might run into trouble so i'm going to play knight h4 uh knight c5 is probably going to get played and then i have a cool trick i can play knight f3 check it doesn't do anything but it looks cool oh it does do something because king h1 maybe i have stuff on the h file hmm i shouldn't discount my idea right away but black is definitely overextending a little bit i mean there's knight c5 should be played and then i have to think of something yeah crazy some crazy attacking possibilities here always look for checks take take as discover check and i win the queen this is still the best move and there's an argument to be made i should have played b6 to just stop that but of course it comes with its own problems so i'm just trying to play very aggressive kind of a same side attacking ideas here mostly because of the the poor bishop rook d2 must lose first of all rook d2 runs into knight f3 which is glorious uh which i'm gonna play knight f3 is an amazing move it looks like a total mirage but it now is possible because knight d2 is even playable uh yeah so king h1 and now we can take the rook i'm looking to see if we have anything better like taking here and going for something but i think i'm just gonna quickly pick the rook up and not really hesitate uh knight f3 was only made possible because of rook to d2 if rook stayed on d1 i would have had to look for something slightly better so uh yeah i think um rook d8 makes a lot of sense might as well bring the rook now and the knight c5 is still a problem i still should be careful but it's slightly less of a problem because now i i also have some more material to back me up i'm even thinking something completely insane like this king f7 knight c5 rook h8 looks a little bit suspicious i i i don't know if i want to get involved with this i might just play f5 now knight c5 will be played with no question because yeah duh now this is under attack i was thinking to go bishop c8 it seems a bit sober but it might be necessary now of course we're gonna get checked that's what you do when you need counter play you just try to check and i was thinking to just trade queens just take my rook for knight position and trade the queens like queen f7 i don't really see any move here for white i mean queen before is a bit ridiculous but maybe and if you don't trade with me whoever said the attack was done right i mean we're gonna push all the pawns this bishop is really being pressed out of the game but if we trade queens then we'll just have to win an end game wow okay so okay i play a fourth in 94 am b6 knight a6 bishop a6 some back rank problems maybe b6 is definitely a good move i i want to trade even at the cost of a pawn i want to trade some pieces i can also oh my god wait a minute i have something even even cooler i can maybe just leave the knight there completely wow wow wow wow wow wow that is incredible i can leave the knight and just play bishop b7 and attack the king the knight is trapped okay knight d3 is fine a5 a5 so now the pawn is not a weakness and we attack the queen not so easy to find a safe square actually that's completely safe and i'm sort of an idiot but then at least i can attack the queen again i'm gonna lose this pawn if i'm not careful i can push it but the whole point is to kill the bishop i don't really don't want to kill the i don't want to allow that so bishop d7 knight e5 is playable danger levels if i take take take take and queen d5 uh can i go here i guess you just go back what was the position just now my bishop was on c8 so we're not repeating moves if i play this uh [Music] i mean i want to trade but i don't want to lose any pawns i'm sorry i i just don't want to lose any pawns it's not you it's me uh but that was good counter play here by my opponent yeah i'm just gonna go f4 and i'm gonna lose a pawn but right now my opponent is playing with no rook so i'm gonna lose one of my extra pawns but i'm still happy i think but yeah good counter play by my opponent like really being resilient maybe queen h5 i'm like really like not focused right now in terms of converting this position into an actual win actually quite bad i'm gonna take i can start like just making belligerent exchanges and not being worse i'm not risking making the counter play any worse yeah but this is definitely not very clean knight f4 suddenly the bishop is going to come alive man maybe rook d2 d2 to get in i'm not i'm not thrilled with what i'm doing here queen f5 let's trade queens it's insane there's knight takes this this and bishop c7 but i i i mean that that doesn't look like it's good because i get in if i can get f2 and d2 d1 d2 it's probably just lost it's all lost it's just taking me some time and i'm falling asleep doing it but it's all lost hem queen e2 uh i mean bishop f7 is reasonable so is rookie eight i'm gonna go rookie eight anticipating this also i have a threat discovered attack on the queen and obviously if we trade like this there's there's still the problem of the king and the bishop over there so this is anything but good okay i don't understand why you would do this are you gonna go queen c4 fair enough this is under attack i can't take can't take maybe c6 let's go c6 rookie one is not a problem because we just guard i mean we have very good defense and i will unpin myself in a moment we basically need to make sure that even though this the bishop can get activated it's not actually going to attack anything weak in my position or strong not attack anything weak or strong in my position for that matter so hmm 88 as planned there's not much to be done there is not much you can do i will unpin myself and then i will go all the way down with my rogue this was a tough game it's a good game good resistance by my opponent uh king h8 now rookie one king h7 probably also fine that's better my brain is fried as always an hour into recording this stuff and talking so i'm gonna go here and it'll win and queen f2 is coming this is a funny move i can play like g3 in some positions bishop can't take one can't take because we take the rook in some positions in some positions not now but in some positions queen f4 yes i've been waiting for this moment my whole life let's trade everything this is very funny it's gonna trade absolutely everything doesn't matter king g7 makes no difference to me actually very instructive outside passer so uh i can sack a4 take take q1a3 king d1a2 take take a4 fake take king 1a3 king do one a2 boom and the game is over outside past pawn very nice and we just make it all the way down it's very important to identify in which structures you can actually make an outside pass pawn i'm going to make a rook and then i'm gonna take on g2 of course you also oh a very good moment there to lose the game rook g2e7 so this allows me to bring my king now we take everything and uh i'll make a queen to end things off okay gg that was a good one that was a fun game and that's a nice way to attack the london system if you're gonna play g6 uh e5 is quite decent uh and um yeah i mean already here black is actually playing for the advantage like knight c5 bishop e6 uh and uh yeah bishop b3 was no good of course you have to go here but still because this bishop is so out of the way this london bishop um it doesn't get into this game at all and black is doing very well uh so last game last game i mean that was i guess i'll play e4 french so against this uh let's play knight f3 and i'm going to play e5 and the wing gambit this isn't my gambit repertoire playing like this opponent just blitzes it wow an a3 so this is uh the wing gambit and you don't even have to take back right away you can just take the center uh and and the point is that again this is the third time in this video we've had d45 alekhine uh karo khan but in this case white supports everything and i'm going to put my bishop on d3 take back at some point i have the pawn you know gonna get taken back uh bishop d3 there's probably knight b4 so i probably should play c3 i think that makes sense i'm gonna go here and castle uh and we have a really solid structure so what a lot of people do here is they break with f6 because they know that if they don't they might get completely suffocated further down the line okay a2 is a very annoying move you actually make me take your pawn that's just being stubborn more than anything uh and now now we obviously put our bishop on d3 so that it cannot get hit with knight before and now what i like to do here is i actually like to play h4 uh in some in some versions so for example uh sometimes you can castle and that's what i'm gonna do right now and and black will play knight g6 just kind of lazy offhand knight g6 uh because now you can't really play f6 f6 is much better if your knight can take it's not very good if white shreds open the center on you so black is up upon but severely lacking in space this this wing gambit against the french and sicilian positions is very nasty and gambit's repertoire for white know what it is um and uh yeah knight g6 i'm i'm thinking to just play h4 not not right away but like that's my plan h4h5 it's a little bit stronger when the rook is uh still on h1 but playing like this is is kind of normal here i'm playing for h4h5 very standard anytime you have a knight on that square so those four squares attacking the knight with the flank pawn with the h pawn or the a pawn it's kind of a very typical idea um probably this is the best move right now you know what i should have probably done is played queen c2 so that this move is not as powerful yeah and it's played good good for my opponent so i can take i don't think i want to do that i think instead i'm gonna play either rookie one or rookie two i don't know which one i want to do rookie one or rookie two i think i'm gonna do it like this i'm gonna bring my a-rook which my opponent allowed me to take with the pawn over here on a2 and uh and uh kind of get this position although i can also throw in the capture on g6 yeah so right now i have to be a bit precise i have to probably take on g6 take take 95 95 rookie 5 and i don't know wild position yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna play like this this pawn is gonna restrict my opponent's movement so nothing is nothing is happening here yeah bishop c5 makes a lot of sense h4 knight g5 etc maybe bishop g5 yeah maybe hold on the ship g5 actually makes sense so does bishop e3 h4 castles h5 rook f3 is a very funny thing uh i can also take now and then play queen d3 that looks not so stupid i must say taking and playing queen d3 uh yeah i mean black has knight e7 which is depressing and then i will probably pin the night so this is a this is a potentially very violent position that's about to develop i'll pin the night of course uh if i just win the pawn it's not that great is there a castle short ah did i blunder short castle here oh and the check is not so strong uh oh let's not even check at all oh wow i don't know if i blundered or like i i don't know if it's that bad blunder might be too strong of a word but castles just gets the king out of safety i mean out of danger out of safety uh yeah of course 97 is fine but now that i know that short castles are still there i'm very tentative but i'm still going to play bishop g5 i mean you need to continue the initiative right so i need to pin the knight uh and maybe knight d2 knight b3 knight d4 of course in the french the light square bishop is black's major problem so black really struggles to get this bishop in the game but there is a6 and um how do i deal with that i was thinking to just play knight to d4 but there's takes and uh i'm gonna i'm gonna maybe have to sacrifice some material this is not this is not ideal i always take my my eye off the ball in the last game and i sometimes get myself into a very bad position like allowing way too much play in this game but it's okay i mean it's still a lesson in how to deal with a bad position but it just goes to show you that i do have to focus i do have to focus okay queen b6 also threatens bishop b5 uh i can take on e7 i can also play knight d4 but bishop b5 is always there i'm gonna take the knight and i'm gonna take g6 and um of course if bishop b5 just takes so right now i have i have the upper hand in terms of the initiative i have the far superior threat but bishop b5 is a is a pain it's an annoying move for sure i might need to even play like c4 i might have to sag but i really don't want to and this is actually pretty legitimate counter play on my king [Music] it would be really nice to have a bishop and i don't because the bishop can fight on the diagonals okay so that move queen g7 rook f7 queen g5 yeah i should do that i mean it's a free pawn with check and now i have to come back because otherwise my knight is hanging now we have to play some moves so my knight is hanging right i have this with the idea to play knight g5 that's actually very very good that's actually very good so i guard my knight in fact maybe queen g6 was even better but queen h5 is very annoying because if the king continues to try to unpin itself i have check and then the back rank and then i can try to win this rook but right now i'm just yeah yeah so i was thinking here or knight g5 knight g5 straight away rook g7 queen h6 maybe this is better so let's check the king to send it to the back rank and then play knight g5 so right now we're winning this dance right that's what we're doing at knight g5 there's bishop to e7 but then i have check here check back king to wow what is going on um knight g5 bishop e7 is ridiculous i'm still doing well but this lurking threat of bishop b5 is absurd i have to move oh wait there is no threat not quite it's not as bad as i described because whenever there's bishop b5 i can go rook b2 and i can pin the bishop ah wait maybe this is not so bad i was thinking to play some c4 move so i could sack the pawn and then play knight c3 but i'm gonna go knight g5 so opponent has to find this move maybe they will it's a tough move i mean it makes a lot of sense but it's so hard to back up they find it and now this there is takes so i was thinking to just take on g5 then bishop b5 but then rook b2 then queen c5 and then i just move my rook yeah i should be good there so takes the good thing about this is that that bishop is a very good piece for black and black still cannot castle so since black can't castle black's king is always a liability and this yeah so i really wanted to play c4 but actually rook b2 is good i think and then i have then i have a lot of tactics so for example here i can play rook b2 so i i realize that i can do this i can i can pin the uh bishop to the queen so good good tactical vision i mean left right diagonal this is a very geometric tactical fight very high level fight here i mean just seeing how the board works um you know if i back up there and i lose my rook like just starts pushing so i don't think queen c6 is that scary i'm even thinking to sack the pawn now but i i just i don't want to give my opponent any play that's the problem i just have to be careful i'm just gonna play rookie one maybe rook c1 was smarter yeah cause right now i mean black can just just throw caution to the wind and play 5a4a3 and just try to survive uh and they can because i have no you know i don't have anything oh wait a minute could i have taken on b5 am i stupid um so that i should be five i mean i could have played this and check and can't move the king up because i take the rook and rook f8 maybe queen e6 ah man maybe rupee five was just winning whoopsies uh that's bad and yeah oh this is actually very bad because now the rook is ah man i messed up maybe i have some a way to get back some initiative here i really don't want to sack my pawn though i'm pretty rattled by that mistake maybe c4 bishop c4 and now i go for this pin and try to create some play b5 knight d2 one of the lines opens up i mean it's a crazy position i mean yeah and the rook is coming i i mean this i have to be fast here okay let's go queen back to e3 maybe i don't think that's the last mistake i'm gonna make in this game so i'm playing queen e3 so that if the rook moves i have actually can take on a7 and that would be really nice because then i would be up two pawns and i would just need to deal with a bit of counter play and a queen trade at that point would lead to just a totally winning end game yes so now now is this just can i can i play this this is so bold i mean i could just lose the game i have no clue the other thing is this ties this queen down so there's no queen c4 business because queen d7 rook h7 maybe i just play like f4 or something and i defend everything i'm gonna have to push my pawn and probably black will sack something black will probably sacrifice like a bishop or a rook to open up my king uh but taking on a7 is huge i think because now it's very hard to protect the remainder of the pieces without weakening anything else or like if you're going to get aggressive here with black it might not be so simple knight a3 is coming even c4 c4 now is possible because bishop c4 rook b7 and queen c4 knight a3 etc so i'm and queen b7 so i'm really threatening some very nasty uh stuff just by winning the a7 pawn and getting all the way back there like this is a very natural move here but i'm not sure it accomplishes much you're gonna have to like sack something which still looks scary um king e7 should lose so first of all i have i have probably just this check which is just i think a good move i think k7 is a bit slow i don't know what my opponent was trying to do there c4 you know what i could do like i said earlier i can go for an end game something like this i can uh i can i can try to force an end game with no queens on i will never get mated with no mate i will never lose wise words i also could have played queen d6 take take and b5 is under attack but i decided to do it like this queen before and infiltrating over here if my knight could be there or on one of those dark scores that would be nice but the night is slow takes the night a long time to get into the game so yeah i was very nervous when i missed king d7 uh i should have been more precise but between v6 yeah and with with the queen trade the rooks can't break through as a solid structure the queen can the rooks can't and if you play queen c4 queen a4 i have this and if i get in there you're gonna lose everything so but maybe still queen c4 and just try you know try your best probably not though but i i from a practical standpoint you should play queen c4 okay well that's going to probably i don't know about this rook b6 don't have an auto win though i i don't have just the immediately winning idea which is kind of sad i really want to play c4 i think i'm just gonna do it uh if queen c4 there is this or that if bishop c4 yeah so against this move i was thinking to just win some tempe maybe it's not even good i got a little bit too excited to sack a pawn maybe knight a3 knight a3 should be good knight a3 knight b5 let's do it i want to just take the bishop that's not a bad move actually okay knight b5 am i blundering mate i don't think so i have some nasty ideas not right now but whoa that's actually pretty scary rook takes h2 oh my god that is like no joke and it's like made almost i have to like defend here oh my god okay luckily i saved myself some time uh queen b4 threatens knight d6 this was my entire idea so queen before rook h296 king d7 and i can probably take the bishop first of all i think that's what i'm gonna do i also think that's what my opponent is gonna do i think my opponent's gonna see this and get really excited to mate me but not realize that i don't have to win the queen or the rook i can win the bishop very funny this is a very annoying move which is why i activated my knight this way because in the future i was looking to clear it out uh and of course if king f8 or something i take the queen with check which is just winning it's never too late to hang mate though never too late so i mean i think the opponent will either resign or just play rickets too yeah there it is check you have to do this ah that's also not a bad move uh but i think i can take and if here this is made if here that probably leads to mate yeah so i can just play check and i can win the rook and i'm not getting mated myself which is good not getting mated is a good thing yeah so queen h8 is actually still a maid threat but unfortunately i'm just gonna take the bishop and go here and uh yeah they run out of pieces that was fun that was a lot of fun i hope you enjoyed pretty long episode hour and a half but if you made it this far appreciate you very much um you can tell me if you have any holiday plans there you go that's going to be your hidden message so i'll see in the comments section who actually watched this far 40 off all courses and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 400,926
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna
Id: gb2oRPo11j4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 20sec (5480 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 24 2021
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