Bobby Fischer Crushes Everyone and Then Continues Crushing Everyone

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hello everyone and welcome to a really wonderful game uh between robert james fischer and svetos argliego rich i was uh planning on having a rest day today but then i figured why not why not better show a game played uh well by bobby fisher because we haven't seen a game uh by bobby for quite some time now ever since i did the bobby fischer saga we pretty much uh don't show any more games by bobby fischer even though he has a lot of great games that we still haven't covered which is something that i plan to rectify uh maybe maybe sometimes uh sometime in the future so uh without further ado let's check it out uh this game uh took place in the tournament of peace that took place in uh ravine and zagreb in 1970 so basically right before uh fischer started his uh path to conquer the chess world at you know the in interstellar tournament of palmer america the the candidates matches and of course the final match against the boris posky uh and here upon arriving here uh he already requested an additional thousand dollars to even participate in this tournament because uh fischer arrived from herzegovi he played the blitz tournament there and he finished uh four and a half points against mikhail tal and also five points ahead of victor courtney so that's really insane and wayne came here i thought uh he thought that he would you know get some more money because they would be honored that uh he's playing there uh but they denied his request and then bobby refused to play in the first round as you know something fisher very often did but then uh parma his opponent in the first round said that the the russians are very happy that you are not playing bobby uh so you know they take that into consideration and upon hearing this as the story goes bob decided to play so uh we've discussed the results of this tournament very often but we haven't really checked out any of the games here aside from fisher's only loss in the tournament to kovachovich which is basically his uh only loss uh well he's the last loss before uh starting the the interzonal tournament of palma de mallorca so uh without further ado let's check it out it's quite an interesting game and uh well uh that's uh that's all i'm gonna say and uh yeah uh upon hearing this that the the russians will be happy that fischer will not play uh he only replied true uh okay let's play so let's see how fisher uh decided to open with the white pieces as usual fisher the e4 player opens with e4 uh gligorich opens with e5 we have knight to f3 knight to c6 and the bishop to b5 the rule lopez is on the board uh we have a6 the glee gorge goes for morphy's defense and the bishop to a4 with knight to f6 and castle so just a normal uh normal line that's being played today very often uh bishop to e7 rook to e1 and b5 chasing away bobby's bishop bishop to b3 and now d6 and here c3 so these are all very standard moves that are played even today in top tier tournaments we have castles uh and now h3 and here we have h6 something called the dismissal of defense uh we have d4 bobby strikes in the center and now rook to e8 preparing to shift the bishop to f8 again this is still all played today we have knight beat to d2 with the standard maneuver of shifting the knight over to f1 and then to g3 and bishop to f8 now by uh svetozar we have knight to f1 uh and here bishop to b7 here a bit more popular is bishop to d7 but both moves are very popular we have bishop to b7 by gligoric and now knight the g3 fischer eyeing that f5 square and now knight to a5 a standard idea in the royal lopez attacking the bishop on b3 and preparing to strike one once more in the center with c5 so bishop back to c2 not knight to c4 putting some pressure on white's position and now b3 here chasing away the knight knight to b6 and now a4 of course now that the target has been created here on b5 bobby attacks it uh and here nowadays as this is all still being played today b captures on a4 is the go to move but uh gligorich in those days played c5 uh so what do you play here with d5 by bobby closing the center and now even c4 you can always capture on a4 but glee guruji decided against this he played c4 and b4 now leaving black one more chance to capture on a4 otherwise bobby is most likely going to push the pawn all the way to a5 and have a nicely closed center and the queen side and then he's going to take the game over to the king's side so well you could capture here uh maybe not something or that's all that great uh you could capture with the knight but just capturing with the pawn runs into bishop to e3 and now this knight is coming to d2 you will put additional pressure on the c4 pawn and then these two pawns are weak so black has uh uh not the greatest of positions so instead after b4 bishop backed the c8 by gligorich and now uh bishop to e3 just continuing development we have bishop to d7 and now a5 bobby closes off the queen side and attacks that knight pushes it away uh we have knight to c8 and now just queen to d2 putting pressure on the king's side and now bobby needs to figure out a way how to continue uh this attack as veto star would most likely be very glad uh with with a draw against bobby with the black pieces so here knights to h7 now you're ready to push that uh f5 pawn if ever needed uh with king to h2 and now bishop to e7 uh we have knight to f5 asking now do you want to capture on f5 and the black can indeed do this but after captures captures white doesn't mind the the double def pawn he's gonna play g4 uh uh cement his uh pawn on f5 and then just enjoy a very very comfortable position and black always have to watch out for ideas like bishop captures what if what if this diagonal opens up and so on so here uh after this knight to f5 by fischer we have bishop to g5 by gligorich and now comes knight cactus and g5 we have h captures on g5 and now g4 and if you haven't captured the knight on f5 then you definitely don't capture it now because here bobby would just play g captures he would get a nice uh a semi-open file for his rooks he would bring the other rook to the g file and the attack would simply keep mounting on so here after g4 we have g6 agligorich now pushes the knight away and knight back to g3 uh we have f6 now strengthening the position here and it seems like black defended there is nothing to worry about however there is one little thing to worry about and that is what happens if bobby places uh his rooks on the h file and this is exactly what bobby does he plays rook to h1 now he's going to move the king and even if needed you can even double up rooks on the h file before you continue uh with the push of the h pawn so here rook to f8 you want to play rook f7 move the knight and then bring the rook to h7 to help out counter that rook on h1 so king g2 and now uh we have rook to f7 uh bobby first one first has to play f3 if you play with h4 right away then the g pawn is hanging so just f3 defending that pawn knights to f8 and only now h4 so here bobby opens up the h file uh on the next move we have g captures rook captures and now rook to h7 offering a trade of rooks but now just rook h8h1 and it's a very very uh difficult position for black to play because like i said the queen side is closed the king side is closed you you don't have a breakthrough of any sort with black and you there's simply no way for you to bring your pieces into the game so here after this doubling of the rooks we have rook capture some h4 uh rook captures on h4 and the g5 and now with the g5 lego reach closed off the dark square bishop along uh with the light square bishop so it seems uh bobby's attack uh has stopped however we have rooked the h5 by fischer and now this is an incredibly difficult position for glycogen to play i'm just going to demonstrate what happens if if gligorich plays something so let's say he goes knight to h7 fischer's plan is to just bust open through the position with f4 even at the price of some material for example if g captures bishop captures and now you you've uh you know you've created a breakthrough and there's nothing black can do about this if the bishop is captured it doesn't help queen captures and now what do you play here uh this bishop this bishop's diagonal is opening up the knight is also coming into the game so we might see something like queen e7 knight to h5 going now after the f6 pawn and if queen to e5 trying to get some sort of a queen trade in now we just go for rook to g6 check king f8 and now our king hunt begins queen h6 check king e7 you're gonna capture on h7 with check king to d8 and now knight captures on f6 threatening checkmate so black has to react there's really not much you can do here and after let's say rookie seven defending this you're gonna go rook g8 to check and now of course you cannot go here because the queen can capture once again so you go you're gonna block with the bishop but now queen f5 and that's it there is no defense uh if you trade queens you're just losing because you're down material and if you don't uh if you don't trade queens uh well what else are you playing uh uh because once you capture the queen first rook captures here comes with check and only after the king moves you capture the queen e captures on f5 and now it's just game over but other than this there's really really not much for you to do here uh you you cannot capture the queen you cannot move the queen otherwise this is happening so this would was not possible so after this rook to h6 ligo rich was struggling to find the move i don't know the exact situation on the clock but i imagine he was somewhat low on time most likely and he played king to g7 he attacked bobby's rook and said all right move your rook and then we continue the game if you play knight to f5 i'm just going to capture it not a problem however he missed one very important idea here so feel free to pause the video and win the game for bobby while i give you a couple of seconds so uh for those of you who were able to do it congratulations on spotting the only move that wins here and for those of you who just want to enjoy the show it's rook captures on f6 this is what bobby played and it was in this position i know 35 that sweatshirt resigned to the game as there is nothing more to be done here uh why not well if king captures them bishop captures and g5 just wins the queen and if you don't capture with the king if you capture with the queen now bishop a knight stage 5 check again just wins the queen king knows you're gonna capture the queen and that's that's just game black has really no compensation to continue this whatsoever so uh that doesn't work capturing with that doesn't work uh so what can you do uh instead of uh capturing well you could not capture but then you i mean your entire position just falls apart knight is coming to h5 bishop captures on g5 and so on so of course uh gligorich knows this and he of course decided not to continue uh and another excellent victory for bobby fischer who if you've ever heard me talk about this tournament of peace in uh that took place in romanian zagreb will be crushed uh crushed to the field uh but i am going to show you here one very important image now this is a an image that was taken prior to the final round so here you can see fisher uh exchanging some words with with lego reach his opponent in this game so let's just enjoy that photo for a second as we don't have many of them but some photos of of this tournament do exist so here's one nice one and also here are the final standings of the tournament we've showed them a few times already but just in case you're new to the channel uh there we have it fisher won the tournament with 13 points uh so two whole points ahead of uh last year vasily smith so really crushed the field and then of course you have petrossian mini chief of berto brown so 18 players were in this tournament but bobby just uh as usual reigns supreme which is not uh not surprising as this was the time where bobby fischer was the strongest he crushed everyone in the herzeg blitz uh in in herzegovi blitz tournament then he came at the determinant of peace also crushed everyone with a with a two-point lead and then he announced that he's going after the crown that he will challenge the russians and so on which you probably know if you've watched my bobby fischer saga if you haven't uh do check it out i will put a link into it in the description below so you can start increasing your vast knowledge uh so yeah uh interestingly uh bobby received uh a special trophy after winning this tournament it's called the horseman of peace now i couldn't find a photo of this uh of this uh well trophy the horsemen of peace but you know i do have an image in my mind of how i imagine it to look and it's it's quite a beautiful trophy if any of you maybe have an image of this trophy or something i would very much enjoy seeing that uh so you know do share it and then we can you know share it share it with everyone but it does sound very mysterious the horsemen of peace uh but yeah so fischer announced that and they said that uh upon returning fischer left it at the us embassy so maybe it's still uh still somewhere around there uh but yeah uh so uh that's the game hope you guys enjoyed it and uh yeah we might show some other games but at some point i would like to really cover all of this because we've covered the entire bobby fischer saga but then maybe these two tournaments to cover them in in its entirety would uh serve as a nice mini bobby fischer saga that could kind of lead into the fischer saga so sort of a prequel uh so maybe if you guys are interested in that as well we we can check out um how those games went as you can see uh all top theory that's played even today even though it was played some 50 years ago and it still stands uh so yeah i once again hope you guys enjoyed it uh i would like to thank a mystery person uh scott steinerman's dad uh aaron anderson and marco armando serderooch for contribution to my channel thank you a lot to really appreciate it as usual you can check two of my previous videos here thank all for watching and i will see you soon continuing the coverage of the morphe saga checking up on your wonderful suggestions and whatever else happens in the chess world so thank y'all i will see you soon and have an excellent rest of your day
Channel: agadmator's Chess Channel
Views: 277,022
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Keywords: agadmator, chess, best chess channel, best youtube chess channel, youtube chess, bobby fischer
Id: 5wHufHWUMes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 45sec (885 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 02 2021
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