How Deadly is IM Levy Rozman's 1.e4!? | IM Eric Rosen vs Gotham Chess

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alexa what's the date today today is tuesday september 29th oh so i can help you celebrate birthdays alexa stop it oh is that taking place today that's taking place all the time yeah this will be more hopefully more educational and hopefully hopefully family friendly eric yo are you wearing a dark red shirt uh it's a sweater but yeah it's cold here it's like in the low 60s today i'm also wearing it oh oh we're matching that's nice okay we didn't plan this but uh no no uh all right did you prepare it we should probably tell people what we're doing we should yeah um i i kind of gave the rundown but uh we should also make sure we're on the same page yeah don't want any misunderstandings so it's three plus two blitz first to six and a half six months yes wins a match if we're tied six and a half to six and a half we play 3-0 until there's a winner yes and you're white every game you're going to play e4 every game and the first game we'll see yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah just whip out some d4 uh yeah i don't want you to do that from my prep first game is stafford gambit yes and probably that will be the only stafford gamut of the match i don't know if either you know i might i might we'll see how it goes no um i yeah my goal is to play as much unique stuff as possible hopefully wait that's my goal too okay well there we go it'll be more exciting that way and also tonight's the debate eric did you know that yeah people are reminding me in chat but it seems like people in chat are more excited for this than anything else taking place in the world well this is a very very intense uh debate in in and of itself i was going to say i think the only thing remaining for me was um what what are we what are we wagering because i think somebody said that um i originally said 50. i don't even know if you're cool with that oh that's that's fine okay because someone was like eric wanted to make it 69 which is a very peculiar number i don't i don't know why you would that that was just random people in chat sometimes they'll say that where they'll they'll say that i want something but uh i'm i i'm neutral whatever way um i mean it's easier i don't know how can you gift uh an odd number of subs yeah you can just customize a number oh okay um i'm i'm fine either way i feel like 50 is a more family friendly number i i i really don't know the difference um but yeah 50 uh 50 is good you know that's uh that's like half a video for eric on youtube at this point so it's uh he's we'll see yeah we'll see how much viewership this uh this acquires on youtube i think the last one performed well i think so and then we'll i guess we can reconvene afterward that would that would make the most sense i mean if it goes to all 12 and potentially into a tiebreaker we'll we'll we'll see but yeah i mean assuming we're both alive afterwards and not uh yeah not dying in pain then yeah i'll be happy to to have some post game reflection whatever happens see you soon eric all right good luck oh what happened to my face there's my face okay all right so the games will start i guess momentarily so levy can levy has like admin power okay games are starting okay stafford time i just want to blitz out the opening because i feel like i'm going to be in trouble in the middle game and d3 expected and then maybe knight c3 maybe f3 so he's playing near ditzki's line bishop e2 expected so i prepared this i usually play h5 but i know he's not going to fall into this like fishing pole trap so this is a secondary line usually recommended by uh by the engine objectively white spider here i've never seen g3 before though i guess he's just going to play this end game so he'll be up upon all of the bishop pair um oh there's some comp yeah g3 is not recommended by by nereditsky oh wow so he's inviting bishop f3 which maybe is kind of risky or g1 because there's 92 ideas i always have bishop h5 let's play this wow he castles i forgot that's legal um i guess i'll castle queenside i'll try and make it sharp so i'm preventing c3 because now d3 is attacked knight d2 i guess there's bishop e2 but probably just bishop h5 if i've never had this line before in stafford i mean partly because i usually don't play knight g4 and it looks playable h5h4 can't complain with this uh oh do i get my pawn cube i could get my my indestructible pawn cube but i kind of want to keep the bishop here uh i'm conflicted let me keep the tension let's do it okay so i want to i mean i have a pretty good scoring with uh the pawn cube because i don't get it too much even though people people in the youtube comments past present and future will say pawn square but if if it survives throughout time then it's three dimensional i don't know oh maybe i won't get it that's kind of sad i want my pawn cube he wants to he wants to revoke me to take on e3 um this is kind of a cute move but probably just terrible uh what else to do and there's f6 i'm just down the pawn oh there's actually some bishop d4 move so i guess f6 is uh the way to go i'm so disappointed i'm not getting my pawn cube after a5 i have a choice between taking and bishop bishop d4 time is okay i always have to consider the idea of bishop e2 i think i'll play this i mean i'll play this and there's a small trap if you play c3 i take and win d3 he's not gonna fall into that it was a close call felt like if i took i would open the center oh thanks for subbing dj something something um yeah the alert box will stay on let's take with the okay okay still down the pawn but i mean i have life i have uh so he has no files to work with no half a win files even i have two half open files he has two center pawns okay c5 is oh c5 probably loses a pawn so the bishop let's retreat the bishop maybe go for some pawn break i'm also discouraging knight b3 king f3 i'll play c5 now okay so knight b3 i take um i probably want to do this in some kind of uh like f5 and knight f3 is possible well c3 is now possible but he does have to be careful what pawns he pushes because pawns can't move backwards yeah so now i want to maybe fantasize about c4 and b3 is a nice prophylactic move because i can play h5 just trying trying to poke holes in this ultra solid position a c5 could potentially be weak let's do this if he takes i play rook a chair i win back the pawn also i defend g7 i might want to play g5 because emotes i already played f6 spam a small time advantage there's also f5 as an idea take and then take try and use the pin at the position for white is very very solid okay i think the rook wants to be here now i'm threatening to take and maybe rook h2 or h3 but yeah he's being very safe here i kind of just have to wait i'm thinking about g6 f5 could be interesting maybe maneuver the bishop to c6 just have to keep up the pace he wants to play g for g5 i have f5 deep breath thanks for the bits okay so keeping the files closed i keep as much tension in the position as possible having g6 here been watching you for the longest time on yt and have been crushing my friends with oh that's nice stafford thanks to you glad i think that's when i see you catch a stream okay this is a cool line actually i'm sacking another pawn in the end game to play b5 look at this move i'm not sure if i take with a or oh he doesn't even take it um hmm play rook here first i can also just play b5 immediately i'll play b5 immediately and take with the a pawn towards the center now double up against this pawn which is now weak keep the time advantage here's h4 interesting idea oh he plays it first now i can play this okay one back the pawn let's go [Music] one looking to be on b6 to be aware of knight f6 i can take that if i take what to do maybe maybe b4 first doesn't feel right to close down the structure but i can always exchange when needed this move d3 is weak okay now i'm winning a pawn can win b3 it's still a tricky end game okay so i'm stopping rook b i want to watch the b pawn it might just be winning oh wow that's a good move it's a really good move it takes takes okay forking the pawns i think i'm guaranteed to win one of them okay wanna push with check crazy game so far check i have no idea what's going on it's really complicated wow what is this why am i getting needed queen f3 queen c6 bump two pawns oh no no i'm getting mated uh there's my queens ah was it just forced me i didn't see queen b8 maybe it's for i don't know wow what a game that was a crazy game okay next scene starts okay let's play i'll play cecilia okay i i've i felt like i played well except for the fact that i lost but what to do okay let's be solid i know he plays this uh this sort of stuff play this move okay just gotta stay focused okay let's do this i think he plays 92 here thanks for subbing coverage okay 93 is uh a bit out of my prep i think i'll just play d6 i was preparing d6 against 92. so i know he likes to go for g4 if i castle so like g5 wow assuming he wants to play like some f4 move i think i'll play rook b8 and just go for like b4 or b5 b4 so i'm gonna have a fight i don't mind this position there's some other line i was preparing where i play b5 and just sack it and then get the b file oh he wants to mate me so tricky i have 95. i can also castle casting looks interesting kind of risky actually 95 95 looks really solid because then the other knight can come here if he ever plays f4 i'll have knight g4 and i want to go invade his uh i mean at least invade the center square pressure c2 the knights will come come alive hopefully yeah so he's trying to like coordinate some attack but uh at least for now i have i think i have better piece harmony i mean the plans are a bit more clear for black it's not entirely clear what's uh white's doing here it's playable so i guess idea if i play knight d4 he takes takes might as well play this first there's some cases where white wants to castle queensland but probably not here so keeping the options open b5 also prevents knight b5 in the event of ticks etc actually not sure what to do here maybe some kind of b4 i could also just play knight d4 queen b6 i think i'll do this it's nice and positional i think i'm likely to get the bishop hair there's a crazy line up here i can take a knight of three and trade i don't know if that's good but he doesn't go into it whoa it's curly queen with a raid thanks curly queen uh if you're just joining i'm playing a match so i'm not really focusing on chat but um i really appreciate the raid uh if a mod can give a shout out to curly queen you know a very active twitch streamer i'm currently playing a match against levy rosman gotham chess we played one very hard-fought game this game is going better he won the first game first to six and a half wins the match i like this pawn against the knight knight's very restricted the bishop's restricted this knight is has the most bragging rights but isn't so impressive so he moves back and queen 85 is a candidate move i think i'll play queen a5 just to tickle i'll see what he does and try and make him think thanks for subbing oh curly queen appreciate that maybe gifted a sub or maybe not i'm not sure but thanks so much okay now i have another time advantage okay so here there's a few different options i can take take once should probably take on f3 first i think i want to keep queens on the board uh for two reasons i think my king is safer and he's lower on time so i want to keep tension and i have bishop h6 ideas i've see file ideas too like bishop b7 rook c8 some a5 b4 ideas just have to maximize my ideas play a5 first i might throw in bishop h6 why not get the queen out of there if f4 i have e5 really uh e5 i guess i need ideas to take an a5 is weak so i should probably play b4 play b4 fix the c2 it does give him the c4 square but now i have i have a very clear threat the knight's very restricted is he just ignoring my threat let's do this oh rook g5 positional per trojan sack uh let's just take it and let's trade bishops okay nice position let's stay calm oh i could get a i could get maybe a pawn cube there's more pawn q potential the c file's so nice for uh for me and the king will find safety you might play f4 just to create some spiciness and now the c-pawn's pinned he wants to maneuver the knight okay i'll castle probably rook f4 yeah this is uh just domination that was a nice game happy with that game oh we can't rematch because i'm i'm black every game but he'll auto start the game okay what else did i prepare i forget what i prepared i'll play i'll play an alekhine i look i looked at like one weird alakin line that he plays i think this and then some rook a3 random shenanigans ah he's not going into it okay i'll play a vienna i guess i looked at vienna a little bit hey it's gary gifting a sub thanks gary ah siri i don't know i was not talking to you siri quiet um okay f5 f5 is like the i think the most fun line for black then there's some long variations starting with this this this this i think bishop e2 knight c6 bishop etc i don't know d4 i i reviewed this like right before the match kind of yeah knight c6 and then this this this this knight e2 then i take on c3 this is all memory so far 92 i take bishop e3 and then there's this cool knight b4 idea knight b4 to d5 uh there was some game i think it was who was it justin wing against carissa yip oh he castles okay so this is a slightly new position for me i'm wondering if i can still go for the same idea of knight b4 it's interesting like before he doesn't have rook c1 um i could also just play bishop bishop c5 actually looks really natural here bishop c5 and then just castle i think i'd want to castle kingside i guess he has a knight f4 uh i should have made an effort to understand this position more because m4 is kind of annoying i mean like b4 immediately things can get really messy i guess if he plays not a four he can't win c3 let's just castle so i am oh doesn't tell me in the material i get spoiled playing on lee chess so i'm up a pawn right uh i'm up a pawn but c3 is kind of weak he can take it but if he takes it i have uh bishop d4 um knight f4 is like the i think in the spirit of the line bishop h6 wow so he's not threatening me yet but what to do in rook f7 bishop h5 i could play king h8 king h8 looks like a save move bishop c6 i have to take with pawn this is okay safety first still have to keep an eye for this idea because i'm not too concerned about b7 and c2 looks very tasty oh i have triple pawns now i guess i know no longer have knight before but i have the bishop pair threatening to take on h6 this is a cute idea it's kind of like a puppy it's so adorable alfine hello the bishop and i'll try and win a2 and i'll hold on to this c3 pawn bishop b2 oh he wants to do things on the king side i don't think i'm too terrified i mean rookie one expected this could get sharp take on e2 he has e6 ideas i might want to play my bishop's really out of it but i want to play rookie 8 first rookie a7 hangs bishop c5 is coming too my bishop's just completely out of it okay let's stop bishop c5 that was a bad idea i was just terrible that wasn't really cute or adorable but that's okay i'm still up upon have the bishop pair he's running tricky things king g8 now now looking safe on g8 i probably just want to do this in chill bishop e7 is my replacement for netflix i have to do something in chill oh he wants to attack me okay let's start with bishop e7 he wants to rook lift i could bishop lyft scary the queen's a little bit vulnerable this bishop i mean let's try this first i'm just curious what he's up to and queen h3 maybe i mean there's some g5 ideas oh g5 is very spicy i always have to watch out for e6 i don't think e6 is too scary though if i play oh my time i think i just have to do this and pray g5 let's go i don't know if it's a bad move or a good move it's so spicy so g4 yeah who knows what's happening here there's lots of resources just concerned about my time oh my f pawns pinned to my queen um now let's do this yeah there's no great fork wait what is this oh he also played knight g6 now well played i guess i could play some queen move i'm in big trouble here though i think f5 is kind of hanging i'm trying to calculate but it's so messy i have five seconds left i'm expecting queen f5 and it's gonna just explode probably in my face queen f5 takes a knight takes on f4 takes on e6 everything's hanging in that line bishop d4 is always a concern he wants to meet me oh good move da no there goes all my pieces i still have the c pawn though and now the a pawn it's really bad oh there's a free thing can i stalemate myself ah i just want to steal me myself i resign ah that was unfortunate that was a cool position i don't know what was going on there but he kept attacking me ah good game well played okay so it's two to one um i think next game i'll play a french i'll play like some kind of slower i don't know what he'll play maybe he'll play b3 i was expecting or i was preparing for b3 after which i'll play a sicilian oh he's playing knight c3 um let's play c5 i'll have another sicilian and he can't play he can't play his a3 line except i guess he could it doesn't make as much sense in this position though uh maybe he'll play grand prix i kind of tricked him into like i don't think he usually plays this move order okay actually i've i play this line for both colors looks like he'll play a close sicilian i know he taught he taught box boxes opening this is all box box did in pog champs with both colors really i guess i should take a knight c6 so unexpected open sicilian white's wasting a little bit of time but it's playable refrigerator thanks for subbing you da best oh thanks you also the best i guess knight f6 idea knight g4 maybe there's also ideas i mean the queen's a bit awkward here i think 95 should be played sooner rather than later like maybe even right now i don't know uh i mean let's do it right now freeing open ideas of rook c8 i mean there's a lot of ways this could go wrong for white b3 interesting okay so i'll play rook c8 i guess this is a logical home for the bishop because the queen's in the way of the normal development so i think what i want to do is play bishop c5 and d6 and just kind of chill oh there's some b4 idea maybe to snag the pawn and queen d2 probably expected queen d2 oh queen g5 what is this okay so first question can i play d6 sacked the pawn and try and trap the queen there's queen h6 knight g4 queen d2 i mean knight g6 is a safe safe move there's really not too many options here i think i should just play knight g6 e5 i don't think i'm too concerned about let's play knight g6 it's a good thing my bishop's defended hmm i'm up on time if for some reason i thought i was down on time okay that's good so i could play queen v6 here just a nice square for the queen keeps both bishops more defended there's no knight a4 and probably h6 some point soon also i build a pressure against f2 the drawback of this is b4 now runs into knight a4 so i have to be aware of that i'm actually expecting h3 here but h3 is not usually a move that gotham would like to play just knowing his style he likes to be aggressive and confrontational oh looking h1 okay he wants to play f4 so i think do i want to chase the queen away oh there's a crazy line where i play b4 allow knight a4 and take on e4 and give away my queen oh but then the rook's attacked in the end i think i'll start with this i'm thinking bishop c6 here i have knight oh i don't have knight g4 so d7 hangs so i think bishop c6 is a nice kind of prophylactic guy i over defend the pawn so the knight has more mobility i want to play this h3 is now expected now another benefit to this move is now i can play b4 knight a4 and take and then ah but then i'm not attacking e4 but maybe i have queen b7 it's a nice square for the queen that's a nice sort of sicilian position i mean my pieces are happy white setup isn't uh isn't super active also f2 is hanging f2 is hanging so i guess he plays that to try and defend so i could trade i don't really want to trade i play bishop back be interesting i'm concerning b4 here before it doesn't quite work if i take i think i'll just move back and see what he does try and keep the pressure i'm not sure if i want to castle here that's annoying because i feel like i should punish this knight or just his like whole setup in general and d5 maybe d5 at the right moment i think i will castle like play rook d8 and d5 as long as he can't play e5 okay now b4 is interesting before there's still knight a4 i mean i can take maybe knight g4 here my g4 is kind of interesting and it's going to be another crazy time situation so my plans to take and eventually play knight e3 let's go for it i don't know if it works oh he doesn't take back interesting so i play e5 e5 f5 um let's try this i mean i'm allowing f5 f6 i calculated just knight g6 back i bishop e3 intermeso and this move will go for d5 thanks for the bits appreciate that eric you're the best crush this dude even if he was my coach laughing face laughing face what to do here queen c5 idea queen c3 have to be very careful though okay let's play this let's be safe safety first oh not good this night is stuck i'm still alive i have four ideas okay pawn's located thankfully what is this position maybe trade brooks i just can't allow any counter play what's my plan okay rook i have a plan to win the g5 pawn let's go defend first you can win a3 i just want to keep everything defended i have time [Music] let's go okay wow what a hard game that was a crazy game that was that was a really hard [ __ ] i'm happy with the way i played i'm happy that i've i found night h8 like the only square for the night crazy crazy end game thanks uh oh i'm singer cheering a thousand bits thanks so much i'm singer appreciate that okay i'll take a small break so two to two so it's tied it's gonna be a a close match okay i think i'll repeat the alkyne um yeah let's repeat the alkyne i want him to play this and he could go into a vienna again okay so he's playing this stuff let's go let's go let's go wait a minute what did i prepare for this i prefer a5 i think i should really uh yeah i think he plays rook a3 here i mean he could do other things but i did oh he does other things let's play d6 okay so we'll have a more traditional alekhine with a5 and a4 included which should actually benefit me i think just because uh this square is nice nice for a night gall i'll try and pressure the pawns really wait what free pawn i mean some kind of gamut it looks like let's take this i want to go for e6 i'm okay giving back the pawn as long as i can complete development which i don't think should be a problem oh thanks for subbing maggie appreciate that ng gmc something also sudden now let's go for e6 this is a nice sort of opening success i mean time advantage material advantage queen h5 a sneaky sneaky um okay so i have queen of queen f6 maybe queen f6 there's knight b5 bishop d6 i think it's okay and then there's c5 in the end oh but i have bishop b4 okay that should be fine so knight b5 was kind of concerned about this but bishop b4 and in some cases i can even sack the pawn castle um there's also bishop g5 here but then queen g6 is uh i mean i just want to trade queen simplify and get some uh oh but he wants to trap my queen so probably okay there's two options there's this move or just h6 maybe or g6 even g6 is kind of interesting but then 94. i have to be very careful here yeah 94 is kind of terrifying but 94 bishop b4 let's play g6 i'm just curious where his queen's going so h3 i can take and unleash the the beast on c8 if 94 i have bishop yeah okay so he retreats probably i can take in bishop b4 there should be four threats to win a pawn there's f4 i think it's okay it's kind of risky f4 takes takes there's some queen h4 that looks okay there might be inter mesos even which could simplify okay probably time to oh wait i don't want to allow 94 so probably take some takes dangerous is that i think it's a risk worth taking that's a pawn worth taking i'm up two pawns now along bishop a3 but then this move it could get sharp if it gets sharp then materials less relevant it's more about king safety and initiative and time of course f4 so i have queen b6 as a resource i think i should just castle get back upon there's knight c3 as well um what else bishop g4 i think i'll just castle that's scary though could also play e4 e4 is interesting let's go for this these dark spurs are going to be uncomfortable debating queen h4 queen b6 i mean if i win enough pawns i can afford to stack the exchange like taking on c3 though looks really risky but where does a queen move let's just do this let's be safe i'm already up a pawn i want to just cover the king's side as much as possible and watch my time and okay maybe a bishop h6 i can consider attacking the exchange like bishop v6 knight c3 is kind of interesting okay maybe queen or queen b3 gotta move quick ideas oh wow that's a good move i have to move back i wasted time there okay queen c5 maybe give me some ideas decided not to redeem blindfold oh yeah i wouldn't i wouldn't follow through with that good choice can take on c4 this attack looks really really dangerous i just got a train bishop d5 maybe queen d4 ideas okay i want to get counter play as quickly as possible i give rook to your queen d1 then rook to queen takes e4 some tactical idea [Music] so i'm threatening this okay i want to trade on milan queen h4 oh but then we trade more okay i'm very much alive here okay this should be good for me just simplifying oh my pawn defend the bishop pin the rook i want to go for each four you can win a pawn as greedy move but why not oh a lot of d3 she doesn't do okay this should be winning i'm giving him chances though i keep the pawns on dark squares very important so they work together with the bishop and walk the king up and then walk the pawns up you this better be winning i think it's winning it's scary though still kind of sort of to defend the pawn there we go how i make progress let's go i almost flagged on so many occasions there wow man he put up so much resistance i thought i was going to win easily but no even good positions are not easy to convert let's go so it's first is six and a half wow so we're about halfway through kind of what to play next game i think i'll play a pierce or a modern just have to stay calm man and these games so much adrenaline thanks for the bits in gmc appreciate that need sku also yield eel subbing thanks yo eel and lord francesco and maggie i just see the event list um i'll have the chat open uh he might oh maybe i should have the chat open because it's longer break than usual um did he message me i'm fine taking a small break after that game oh maybe not okay close the chat all right let's play g6 let these bits light their way to victory thanks brian appreciate that so i know he's capable of doing things okay i'll play i'll play this thing the the norwegian rat e5 knight h5 carlson went through a phase of doing this or we can just transpose into appearance i guess i think he plays oh what is this i don't know what he plays actually oh he plays this stuff g4 i used to play this there's some like knight c6 e5 i think i'll play knight c6 here i'm out of theory i mean i've only looked at one line that he plays with this and this but not h3g4 um maybe i should have played c6 i don't know um it's tempting to play h5 actually or e5 e5 d5 and like d4 is kind of interesting the 25k bits back hey don't have to haha i looked anyway thanks ryan i appreciate that okay so the question is what to do with a knight uh i guess knight here and then chip away with c6 so it's very kings indian like i'll play c6 immediately if average g5 i have knight h5 um these structures are sometimes difficult to understand taking and playing b5 it's interesting idea i think i'll do that try and get some some play on the other side of the board it's kind of risky but it looks fun so if takes ideas very simply rook b8 maybe even queen a5 uh or bishop a6 it's very binko like where i just assume there's going to be some compensation like more open lines to work with also b4 ideas so inevitably i'll castle kingside i might delay it just to consider h5 um okay so we take so there's some takes on e7 um let's go for this so takes takes knight c6 i can take i mean line can keep going i have d5 in the end not sure if queen a5 does much it's a resource okay so i think i'll win back the pawn i i think that's it's a good trade like we're basically trading b pawns oh the knight's coming to c4 though [Music] so i actually have queen a5 and winning d5 but i don't know if i want to do that just because knight c4 is very strong in the end there [Music] i could also i could actually take first on d5 queen a5 went back the pawn oh it's interesting if i'm considering knight e takes bishop takes queen a5 um i'm king seven [Music] maybe i'll do it that's kind of risky i mean just because the center is opening up my king's still in the center and he has this encountered bishop but that was like kind of a key center pond and if i can survive and not get mated and build up the center um i'm just dreaming of a oh dear did i blunder i have rook takes b2 i may have just blundered there takes b2 i have to try i forgot about knight c3 i know how i overlooked that move oh that's really bad that's really really bad i'm gonna lose this probably like really quickly too ah like c4 is coming i have to play king seven yeah i have to play key seven because the pawn was attacked that was a bad bad decision i got too excited i mean at least i have maybe there's some comp though bishop e6 rook c8 [Music] try and get some accidental compensation my time too man so accidental gambit and you have to treat every blunder as a sacrifice or a gamut the knights attacked bishop e6 preventing this alexa quiet so rook c8 i mean the issue he can just move his knight oh am i losing my queen oh no my queen my beautiful queen okay we're treating it as a sacrifice again even though this is really bad you could take with knight now let's take the bishop i'm missing my queen take the rook how what's the damage so rook for queen basically oh my pawn any tricks i don't see any tricks the hope is ruxia then pray oh wait i was expecting queen g6 oh that was such a bad move i'll play on because who knows miracles sometimes happen right the hope is this this and me oh there goes my rook ah man i felt sharp i just missed knight c3 well it's tied okay it's tied level match to move on from that game i like the position otherwise i should have taken on b2 i got way too fancy there um i'm running out of lines to play i guess i'll play a scandi oh thank you jay the space hound appreciate that so john bartholomew style when in doubt team scandy uh so i'll admit um i i checked john's scandi repertoire against uh levy scandi repertoire so this is exactly what john plays and this is what i was expecting from levy so c4 queen d8 uh knight c3 castling queen b3 lavi had at least one game in this and on um oh yeah h3 included yeah so queen d8 so this is exactly what john plays oh queen b3 immediately i'm wondering if this is prep because if i were castled this could very possibly be prep because in the other line like knight c6's idea i don't think knight c6 actually works in this position huh i could maybe just sack the pawn and treat it as a gambit it's kind of risky i can defend what would john bartholomew do man i don't want to take too much time here i should just i should probably play a sad a sad queen c8 yeah i was preparing queen b3 with inclusion of knight c3 castling after which knight c6 is uh is really interesting um i know john is actually working on a new scandi chassis course which he was talking about the other day on stream have to maybe invest in it if i truly want to be part of team skandy okay so probably rook t8 i mean i know there's c5 as a thematic idea um maybe is more difficult to play now i mean knight c6 still may be possible hmm yeah love you just got a better version of what i was preparing i think i'll go for c5 so i did as if takes i play 97 because okay my queen's tied down and d5 is possible i mean maybe i taken just bishop d6 and maybe a6 first i don't know i'd be so curious like how john bartholomew would treat this position but i did check a few of his games just to see where he places his pieces so there's this move and then maybe i can take because it takes bishop h2 if takes takes i would defend there's bishop c4 in the end but then i take but he would have to oh he doesn't take too much time there i mean do i do i be greedy i'm scared of bishop g5 i wonder if i can just play a6 provoke takes and then takes and then try and just win d5 i think i'll do that a6 is useful also in preparing b5 is some day c4 and the position's a little bit shaky also my time time is very shaky at least i have the development square for the night so oh rook d1 defends the pawn but okay b5 c4 could be nice rook d1 b5 bishop f4 c4 is a nice intermeso we might see a4 but then okay i take the pawn yeah once i play c4 there's no more target on c5 and yeah c4 would chase away the queen and it's threatening basically to win the pawn but this rook wants to enter the game the queen wants to find a more happy square i was down a minute like a minute ago right yeah he's been spending some time which is nice now it's hard to stop c4 bishop g5 it's hard to actually like over defend the pawn okay so he goes for bishop g5 let's start with c4 i might just throw in like ooh that's a tricky move so i can't play knight d7 that's a really tricky move and queen d7 runs into 95 and queen c7 runs into bishop f4 i i've queen of fate what's wrong though if i take hey maybe i should just go for takes and this looks really shaky let's play this i'm just trying to be solid he might just take and it takes i survive i think in 97 let's keep the bishop on the board and go for h6 that's a good move okay seven what oh tricky tricky that was a really good move [Music] [Music] oh i'm getting outplayed free rook oh it's not free nothing in life is free ah yes he forgot my bishop i'm still dead losing though might as well put the bishop on c4 he wants to meet me and go for this don't hurt me don't hurt me man he played that really well ah he's hurting me ah oh he didn't make me in one he had maiden one there okay time to mate him threatening maiden one let's go he saw it kind of i just want him to forget about his time or forget about my bishop and defending from a distance um uh bishop g8 and so sad i have to turtle up i feel like such a turtle please just flag okay i was trying to set up like this bishop f7 stalemate but his pawn was too quick okay that was a close game so i'm behind i have to start playing better openings yeah probably probably e5 and sicilian will be my two main choices i have to improve on that previous e5 game um i'll play e5 so that previous game i play the stafford we'll go back to most likely vienna but we'll see yeah vienna time i'm gonna repeat the same line he's thinking he might play bishop c4 i honestly didn't really look at any of this i'll just play my usual stuff like knight a5 and then basically just chill i'll get some some quiet position uh i'll play play d6 first very soon i'll take i'm trying to play quickly here [Music] c6 is very typical the main setup is usually bishop e6 knight d7 i might include h6 depending what he does probably a5 or a6 i'll play a5 oh okay i probably have to take this i can play queen c7 let's take it just rookie eight so i have the bishop here i mean white has a bit more space i don't i don't think i mind if the position opens up a queen b6 is actually some annoying idea let's start with bishop e6 idea knight d7 bishop f6 if queen here i play knight b6 and then i can take with bishop and there's knight g5 yeah maybe he heard me knight g5 can move so probably knight d7 oh let me take queen c4 i have d5 i think it's okay i'm attacking the knight so basically provoking the exchange i just want to play this and kind of chill maybe use f file and there's also the idea of playing d5 like d5 bishop c5 which is interesting which maybe like fits my fits the bishop situation a bit better yeah let's do this that wasn't the like original intention there's some idea you have this if f5 i have e5 d4 hmm so i could kind of provoke or force a bishop exchange like bishop c5 i'll play bishop c5 why not and don't mind some end game i feel like he's good at attacking chess so i really don't mind uh getting some end game positions i have queen b6 really trying to force the bishop chain actually taking with knight could be interesting or just bad because he can pin me say with queen so what to do now maybe rook f7 f5 f5 rook f8 i think it's okay and this is the only half open file so i want to control it eventually the knight can maybe come in and try and get into the g3 square this will be five ideas hmm thanks for subbing this one queen b4 here i like the position applying pressure if g3 i can take on e5 rook f1 probably expected but then this move knight b1 or 94. hmm let's see five i think i'll go for knight c5 and it's a very pleasant position as long as i prevent light from attacking me the queen's defended so i don't have to worry about uh dumb tactics i think the plan is just uh oh considering actually just going back attack the pawn how does he defend queen e2 i mean there's g5 at the right moment let's go for the trade let's keep things simple because time is getting low i mean maybe rook f5 or i got five to take e5 some different ideas here that's a clever move to do it's a very clever move hmm i'll just take taking queen c5 i'll play quicker so i have the outside pass pawn potential d4 potential probably want to play c5 sooner rather than later or b5 b5 a4 h4 prevents g5 he might try and pawn storm f5 always may be possible yeah the storm is beginning okay so tickle the h-pawn oh each one's not even attacked though that move didn't do anything okay keeps things kind of solid i guess queen is tied down i want to play a4 soon it's interesting position like i really want to work both sides of the board there's h5 which is interesting too i always play rook 8 uh let's just keep pushing which i don't know what to do here let's keep pushing maybe c5 eventually hmm i don't know what's going on now that looks like a nice square though am i winning i don't know no checks no checks things are defended i queen e4 i should play queen e4 i was just trying to build up time there we go wow okay man these games i feel like every game i win it's just it comes down to these end games man it's intense okay so it's four to four wow this could come down to the wire okay i think i'll play sicilian again also alkine kind of worked out well that previous game okay i have to take a deep breath thank you darth blood and ammar something something into rock dc or tariq dc it's beginning it's becoming harder and harder to say words correctly uh yeah let's play this so repeating sicilian we've had a few sicilians i'll play i'll play a6 this might transpose into the previous line that we had we'll see he could play nine of three i know i know i know uh play e6 here i usually don't feed in keto but i mean the setup is logical go for the ventral d5 i mean d5 e5 and h5 stuff yeah knight h3 is a very typical square for the knight i'm thinking just immediately rook b8 let's do it and then just b5 b4 and gain space on the queen side i mean f5 am i concerned i guess i could castle first i mean g4 could come in g4 actually f5 is a very typical way of trying to slow down the attack okay typical close sicilian position i mean oh plays e5 without being provoked ah because he wants to play knight e4 so maybe what to do that's actually an interesting idea i should probably play d5 f5 i don't know it's also a d6 i mean he's gonna take though and then still go for knight e4 and c5 could fall unless there's i mean there's 94 queen d4 in c3 i think i'm losing a pawn there i was looking at knight f5 i mean i might end up just sagging a pawn there's f6 that was actually an annoying move man this critical moment oh i have an idea knight queen c7 knight d4 let's yeah let's go for this so i think he's gonna quickly take and play knight e4 and then i'll play queen c7 takes knight d4 um i didn't really calculate beyond this i just see i'm getting pressure against the c file knight is a bit loose um and my bishop's happy actually 96 i can take it i mean there's b4 here imagine before i can probably have some tactics against a rook i mean he might play v4 like trying to stack the exchange like before knight e5 can be interesting yeah it's a tricky spot for white because if i take if i win c2 then d3 is weak and i would have a really nice position um so i mean these are basically the candidate moves i guess knight a6 is the most forcing uh probably takes yeah so he's getting the bishop hair i have to take i guess we'll get some end game trade queens i mean white's pieces aren't so impressive like the knight is out of play the bishop's tie down to the pawn 95 ideas that's very logical oh but i have i have fork potential it's a fork knight let's go oh okay that's a counter attack but then knight f5 my pieces are coming to life so rook d1 maybe some bishop d4 tempo move um oh i forgot about that move but okay now i can play h6 and go for h6 if it takes takes i don't know what's going on and there's takes takes never mind um in 96 here great entertainment from you both oh thanks for that maybe rook to e8 first go after the pawn so rook d1 then knight d6 i like the position still i mean this was a nice find it's a pawn defended at least temporarily but okay it's still a target and 91 would be a sad move and 95 this is a very levy-like move so if i take takes takes takes g4 i might just want to play h5 just prevent g4 oh f7 is hanging i why did i not see that oh no that was bad that was really bad oh but tactics me no no tactics he's six is weak all my time let's go for this okay still some hope now i got some counter play down two pawns here and down some time take the bishop maybe try and simplify let's take and come back to c4 i'm just trying to hold on for a draw bishop f6 so e4 can be weak 96 ideas okay let's win e4 oh maybe i'm playing for a win actually yeah i'm playing for a win now i don't know how that happened knight's better than the bishop i'll come to f5 no draw i'll play rook a3 pin the bishop oh good move um tricky he's asking to get mated or skewered what's my plan here let's see my plan in this move or k797 check i play for a win still and the g7 doesn't quite work oh i repeated uh i mean it's probably objectively drawn at that point allowed the rook to to come in good game wow what a game at least i didn't lose i was in big trouble i almost collapsed almost collapsed man yeah we both had chances in that game a little bit disappointed i didn't put up a game more create more torture for him thanks for that let's play alakan again he's debating what line to play i mean we're both kind of we don't really know so much oh he might go for this again oh he's going for this i've never actually like seriously studied this oh thanks oh wow it's white man a white man something something gifting three subs appreciate that he usually doesn't i don't think he's ever played c5 so i checked his games against alakine um but i don't know what to do here i assume c6 eventually d6 i might gamble the pawn actually maybe this was better to attack the pawn i don't know hmm i think this is okay i mean this is a thematic approach just try and punish white for overextending if he takes then i'll have a choice what to take back with i might be left with an iqp isolated queen's pawn or maybe not maybe we're just simplifying coin a4 doesn't do anything oh it looks okay he can't take because the bishop hangs okay we have a position oh he wants to kill me um i have to defend um oh that might pawn both pawns are attacked so i have queen c7 it's probably the most natural move i mean thankfully he doesn't have rook c1 at least in the very near future bishop d6 or bishop c5 or knight c6 knight g5 could be coming that's a scary position actually yeah it's hard to it's hard to make sense of this like c6 i think i want to play bishop c5 and just be active knight g5 i can castle oh i can castle there's no queen h3 okay yeah castling is the best one of the best ways to protect the king and then very soon i mean knight c6 i want to play positionally so he's the one with iqp he's also the one with a battery okay let's castle king safety first and rookie one may be expected i could maybe even sack the pawn there's a line rookie one this is this this but then i have two bishops and what else okay so he's going for the throat oh he also played knight e4 i mean everything is defended i think but knight c6 is queen c2 so i have to be careful bishop f5 doesn't quite work i might just play h6 knight e4 bishop e7 looks somewhat solid i don't think he'll take maybe he will there's also bishop b6 maybe but i think the bishop belongs on e7 especially against the knight yeah rook defends i just want to consolidate complete development get the knight to d4 someday oh he wants to keep attacking me um i mean king h8 f5 looks kind of enticing oh he wants to play d4 as well that's a scary position like time picking a chain of d4 i have f5 i'm scared of bishop h6 is this getting really messy queen g6 i have queen b6 as a defensive resource in one of those lines so takes takes queen g6 i have queen b6 i think everything's defended there meantime i want to play f4 and just cut off the bishop and go for f4 unleashing my own bishop making one bishop happy one bishop sad and i want to take problem maybe bishop f5 with tempo okay some momentum i also have 16 seconds so queen b5 probably knight c6 oh i'm losing a pawn kind of a6 here i guess okay g5 is crazy but maybe necessary also maybe take let's take let's get rid of the pawn yeah let's move so i'm down the pawn but okay things are crazy let's c8 anything can happen here knight d4 maybe let's just apply pressure first attack oh no my bishop no ah that was a really bad move ah 95 maybe i'm allowing trades though [Music] i'm just down a piece i'm gonna fight though the time is low for both of us i just want to use that file almost flagged there oh good move not looking good ah that doesn't work pawn storm let's go okay i'll keep on storming why not oh really okay at least i have some hope here even though i'm down four pawns any hope i don't know if there's any hope here this is looking kind of dire you can't spell dire without die this move maybe [Music] let's play this go after f3 this is kind of sort of painful as rook's coming in too [Music] ah just give me a stalemate hope thing and sometimes with two pawns it can be tricky but with three pawns it's hard to be tricky here it's really hard to be tricky oh okay now i can be tricky this king doesn't have so much shelter all right he's writing mate i mean the whole like he pushes and then there's some stalemate trap even here ah oh jeez oh that's meat uh good game well played i i'm in a must-win situation because it's versus six and a half what to play can maybe repeat vienna maybe i'll play repeat french two i'm gonna play sicilian i feel like that's giving me the best chances he plays b3 okay so now this is one line i was sort of kind of expecting and d4 is a little bit odd i don't mind this though i mean knight c6 is very natural i know there's some idea 97 like g6 in these lines motivation [ __ ] oh thanks i need motivation appreciate that i think queen c7 is natural here a6 is very typical i give knight c3 i play 6 to stop knight b5 i think i'll go i'll go for 97 because if he castles there's some attacking potential i'm trying to believe two and bishop d6 may be casting queen side even c4 is interesting and play a6 i'm actually not sure where my king should go um maybe i should just kind of play it solid there's 95 here oh john bartholomew with our raid i was talking about you earlier hashtag teamscandy thanks for that i'm in a serious match so i can't can't say too many highs i want to play 95 maybe just bishop e7 solid move and then and then knight e5 because he's gonna try rook c1 like d5 also someone give a shout out to john i'm sure most people know who john is i really appreciate the rain if you're just joining i'm playing a match i'm in a must-win situation because we're playing first to six and a half and lavi has five and a half right now and my pawns attacked i played d6 i guess and d6 looks solid yeah we have a we actually have a hedgehog don't mess with the hedgehog trying to figure out where my rooks want to go shout to john let's go eric i think speedhawks okay so r8d8 um b7 can be a little bit weak but okay knight before i have b5 so i think i'll start with rookie 8 this natural move aligning with the queen freeing up f8 potentially for a minor piece uh he wants to play h4 maybe rook d8 i mean just optimizer rooks h4 maybe knight e5 and then g4 eventually if we trade i can take with pawn and get the bishop to a happy place yeah now d4 is a nice orifice in the center f4 then this wins a queen double e pawns are actually kind of nice here okay so that i was thinking b5 probably b5 there's light c5 though there's actually not too many options here i'm calculating uh knight knight d4 there's also bishop b4 i mean b5 knight c5 bishop c8 maybe let's go for this don't want to spend too much time i have to use a clock as a weapon let's take that and knight t5 is the most combative move it's kind of risky though because it's a bit loose but he plays it anyway i'm bishop a8 knight d4 oh knight d4 might actually i guess he could take g4 takes takes takes takes hmm i might just play bishop c8 here it's kind of sad but i want to hold on to my bishop hair the knight is a target ideal knight d4 b4 is always possible too my pawn gets attacked he wants to play b4 himself so here okay so i'm attacking the knight in my square it's not fully defended but you can't take it right away i don't think what does he do b4 but then i take twice knight d3 i win b3 oh but then e5 so maybe f6 here always play f6 bam now b3 is attacked it's getting complicated hmm i don't know what's going on i'm going to try and be safe that was maybe a really bad move but yolo threatening 93 am i i am i think kind of maybe not sure i think i am and i have three i take and then win something he sees it it should be seven that was not a good move i'm still alive though maybe it was wasn't too bad i'll just improve now that was a good move oh my thing's pinned oh this king's weak work h3 ideas this king's very weak where's my tactic let's see my tactic good position it's king g8 playing safe hung up on there i'm hanging upon again kind of play for a draw i just have to control a4 i think is a key square it's weird but let's go with this the queen's really out of play though i can't afford to trade queens oh no my queen funny move i might still be in trouble though i think i'm still in trouble you you let's go winning a pawn oh my my king is outside the box that was very tricky oh it's threefold let's go that's our first draw what a game that was 99 moves 99 hold a number oh man oh he's reading so high i guess i've been farming him for raining points kind of okay so draw keeps me alive in the match now i'm really in a must-win situation he basically has rods and he's white first time catching a stream i don't know how to distract you too much so good timing very good timing if you're gonna cheer or sub do it between games okay i think i'll play a pirates i'll play um yeah let's play pierce again i didn't mind the position i got earlier even though i really botched it earlier please knight c3 okay let's go for this oh he's playing a grand prix interesting so c6 is like a typical way of being solid here what does h3 and what he's doing here because he wants to play g4 it's interesting wondering if i can play d5 here let's do it because h3 like even though i lost a tempo he kind of i mean he's not developing his pieces so i'm trying to punish him it might backfire i should have thought this through more because this pawn is going to be weak but the idea so they used to play h5 provoke g5 and get in bishop never mind i have knight g3 here what is this move what is going on knight g3 rook h2 d4 what is this i have h5 h4 actually as a resource i think i'll go for that i mean he might take and sack but what is this position i don't i think when he played bishop g2 he didn't see knight g3 but who knows though so i don't mind if i trade this off yeah i probably have to now but i want to go for h5 oh he has queen b5 and then c6 okay so the idea is just to poke a hole f5 could be fun but f5 i just take it could get really messy okay so you play the g5 so what do i want to do here also what is this opening i play c5 i could just castle actually the king is quite safe on the king on yeah on the king side because it's hard for him to actually break through i just have to figure out my queen side development because i want to probably get this set up but it's probably better to have the pawn here i have to make some maybe small concession he's just going for bishop d2 i can play knight c6 maybe that's the way to go i'm always okay if he takes something like b4 to d5 ideas some bishop ideas maybe i should have included this actually i don't know [Music] oh i guess that's one way he can try and prepare f5 alexa stop it alexa quiet f5 night before bishop b4 is actually annoying it takes takes well maybe it's not so bad because i can i can afford taking take and playing at g6 and end okay so he might play f5 if he doesn't play f5 i do this and this yeah now the goal is e6 bishop found a home i'm down a bit of time but i don't mind the position and this bishop's not doing much but that's okay it's a closed position kind of if he i don't know what his king is going to do maybe just chill maybe go to f2 so won't be safe on the queen side oh he maybe wants to go for sax so let's let's control squares yeah not allowing f5 or takes on g6 oh oh i have oh i can't play c5 let's use b4 hmm um i mean i guess i'll go i could take on e4 i'll play rookie first i might play another five if i got a chance but he might take first yeah take the queen actually wait no i should take with rook actually i don't know let's take with rook i keep the queen defending the bishop man i missed my night that night was so good there bishop b4 was a good move okay so he's going for the sack if i could take i'm taking maybe queen of fate i have to take it's probably really strong so i have bishop h8 as a resource maybe queen f8 my time i'll start with queen f8 that's not a good move though so you can just defend f2 i'm going to have to hunker down yeah we'll have two coming i'm not dead yet europe d7 bishop h8 wow so he doesn't well i can't do i i can't take because queen h7 or f2 so i have to play this first it's sad but okay the rook defends rook g7 might be the idea down on time i have queen b4 is a threat of counter play look at this position though my bishop as long as i'm not getting needed what else to do have to throw pawns hope for the best that f5 is really strong to take and pray i'm controlling all the mating squares i think it's scary after rook f1 though i'm just gonna call his bluff and pawn storm uh okay i can simplify it's bad for me though he probably has a draw at least i have to play for a win oh my rook ah i have to go for dirty flag somehow please flag my only hope break through ah this is actually a cool breakthrough right i make a pass pawn unfortunately it's over good game what a game that was a crazy game to finish things off wow good match gotham beats me again oh so those were some really really good games um i think i had chances even i mean like this position it's so hard to play with low time and we were both kind of at a standstill i mean he found the idea of rook f6 and e6 ggs oh no oh no yeah oh no my match yeah look at games um what to do oh okay i think we'll we'll join we'll join the zoom call again if this goes on youtube this this is going on youtube youtube people hope you enjoyed that congratulations to levy gotham chess uh streaming on twitch oh thanks so much joking yeah thanks everyone for gifting and subbing and cheering that was fun um obviously it's competitive but uh and the whole point is to to have some interesting games instructive games um yeah i really tried to mix up the openings uh but towards the end i was just trying to play what gave me the best chances um yeah let me let me prepare for a zoom call but if this goes on youtube uh links will be in the description i'll try and chapter the videos and youtube people if the video ends here stay tuned for more content and i'll see you in the future
Channel: Eric Rosen
Views: 214,205
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, imrosen, Eric Rosen, Chess Openings, Chess Tactics, Blunder, Chess Strategy, Twitch Chess, Chess Stream, lichess, IM Rosen, IM Eric Rosen, Eric Rosen Chess, Best YouTube Chess Channel, Best Chess Channel, YouTube Chess, Blitz Chess, Speed Chess, Chess Commentary, International Master,, chess game, chess video, chess explained, Checkmate, chess 2020, Levy Rozman, GothamChess, Gotham Chess, Scandinavian, Vienna Gambit, Sicilian, Alekhine's Defense, Stafford Gambit
Id: vc_g_9q0hKM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 56sec (7556 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 03 2020
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