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oh hello hello hello hello how's everybody doing this is Ric Blake's jr. and I'm so excited to be able to talk to you today let me see if I can just adjust something really quickly and let's get ready to get into what I want to discuss today I want to talk today about upgrading your life and whether we do here on YouTube to invite people to come in I'd appreciate it if you would do that it'll be a blessing how to upgrade your life also if you if you like what we're talking about I'd love for you to follow me and share it let's expand this community oh god bless you I think that's Michelle god bless you how'd upgrade your life this is something that I dealt with in the new home Family Worship centers on Sunday from New Orleans to Houston Texas and I thought to bring it to my my YouTube family I think it'll be a blessing to you we talked about how to upgrade your life because I feel a specific and definite prophetic unction that this is the time for you to really think about the next level it's time for you to upgrade your life you've been circling in the same place too long it's kind of like kind of like Israel who who wondered and you know around the the wilderness for 40 years really when God intended for them to make a 40-day journey it's time to upgrade but one of the things we're going to see as we unpack this today is that upgrading first starts upstairs you cannot upgrade your life until you upgrade your mind and this is why I tried to bring content at least that at the least will hopefully gets you to thinking because if you're not thinking at another level you're certainly not going to another level upgrading starts upstairs now let's get some definition to upgrade means to raised to a higher raise to a higher grade or standard it means to replace with the more enhanced version it means to replace with one that provides better performance to improve the quality of something to exchange a possession for one of greater value or quality it means to trade up this is the season in your life that it's it's the perfect will of God for you to move to the next level you've been you've been settling too long now it's time to seize what God is really predestined for your life because God as we look all through Scripture God is a God of the upgrade you know it bewilders me sometimes in Christian circles I know everybody that watches my youtube channel and not Christians and I appreciate that even but it amazes me that in Christian circles quite often we we glorify stagnation and we demonize advancement you know if a child of God or believer seems to live an extravagant life that they can afford that they work for and they can afford it's almost like the believers kind of hone in on that individual and they work overtime to assassinate the character pull them down but the reality is that if if we believe that God has created all of this stuff and if God is the giver of every good thing why shouldn't you as a child of God walk in the best why shouldn't you upgrade your life in all respects from your relation to your spiritual well-being to your emotional health to your physical health why shouldn't we be upgrading why shouldn't we look better as we get older why shouldn't we move to better neighborhoods and why shouldn't we have why shouldn't our marriages look like newlyweds after 30 years if we really believe everything that the Bible teaches relative to God being the give of all and every good thing the purpose of being a soul or a human being God makes us we are the Bible calls us in Genesis living Souls and a living soul indicates that we have to expand and increase we're not like common animals that just live off instinct and are content with going around going about the normal routine instinctively we're living souls which means that we think we grow we decide we feel we envision we imagine we create and if you are a living soul that stuck inside of a life that is not advancing is not growing is not evolving wow what a sick and miserable soul you must be really when you think about you know upgrading even in terms of and I said this Sunday as I was teaching this to my church even in terms of relationships in terms specifically of marriages one of the biggest problems with marriages and if you're watching this before December the 2nd 2017 this weekend in New Orleans we are having the Royals marriage seminar that Lisa and I are hosting and you can register for that at my website RC Blake's calm but one of the biggest issues in marriages is that watch this one part of that marriage evolves and grows and upgrades while the other part many times stays stagnant and then what was designed to be a unit that evolves and grows and upgrades together now becomes lopsided it becomes unequal midstream the relationship it's a horrible thing for you as a as a husband to watch your wife's mind grow to watch her grow spiritually to watch her grow financially it's a horrible thing for you to watch your spouse do things that are necessary to take care of her health and you're sitting around and you just kind of eaten your ice cream and your potato chips and you're not reading you're not growing you're not going to school you're not evolving marriages are designed to upgrade from from from season to season we should be upgrading together because it is the will of God that everything grows and increases now the Bible says in second Corinthians invite some people how do you invite people on YouTube I never get that share this on Facebook or do whatever y'all do to help me to get some people in here but the Bible says since in 2nd Corinthians 3 and and 18 but we all with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord are changed into the same image from glory to glory I like that we're changed if you're looking talk about the glass he's talking about the Word of God if you're intently studying the Word of God he's saying he's saying that the impact is that it changes you and you move from glory to glory you move from one level to the next the Word of God and in other words consistently and constantly upgrades your life you know it constantly upgrades your your life but the interesting thing in 2nd Corinthians 3 and 18 is that I saw this while I was teaching at Sunday morning he says but we all with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord are changed into the same image from glory to glory most of us do not experience an upgraded life because we do not want to most of us do not experience an upgraded life because we do not want to change we want things to change while we stay the same how many of you all know that this is very very true we want circumstances to change while we stay the same we want to maintain the same bummed-out circle but we want a different set of circumstances you will never upgrade if you do not change you cannot upgrade if you do not change now let's look at a gentleman in the Bible a biblical character a biblical character caleb was one of two of the original Hebrews that came out of Egyptian bondage and made it into the Promised Land when some theologians say that as many as 3 million Jews off out of Egypt on their way to the promised land but only two of the original group made it and Caleb was one of them the second one was Joshua that's the context now in in numbers 14 24 it says but my servant Caleb because he had a love of spirit with him and have followed me fully him will I bring into the land where until he went and his seed shall possess it God says of Caleb he's going to make it into the promised land unlike the three million others who did not have the right spirit now when you look at this when you look at the story behind Egyptian bondage from Egypt to Canaan from Egypt to the promised land from slavery to being kings and queens in Egypt Egypt represented not enough as slaves they lived in a world of not enough when God pulled them into the wilderness in their transition God provided just enough so they upgraded from not enough to just enough but God ultimately wanted to bring them to Canaan the promised land where there would be more than enough and only Caleb and Joshua upgraded from not enough to more than enough and there are some things that are resident in Caleb's psychological profile that I think will help all of us if we model some of his principles you don't upgrade your life without understanding and without in invoking certain principles and the first thing I want to say to you pulling from the life of Caleb and how he moved from Egypt to Canaan how did he upgrade his life so drastically the first thing I want to show you is that the first thing you need to write down somewhere it put it up in you no better yet lock it into your your memory bank never allow other people's limitations to become yours if you're going to upgrade your life you must never allow other people's opinions to become yours Caleb in other words had his own mind about what was possible for Caleb now when you read the context you discover let me read it for you numbers 13 30 and 31 it says in Caleb's still two people before Moses and said let us go up it once and possess the land for we are well able to overcome it that's Caleb's opinion but now listen to the people but the men that went up with him said we be not able to go up against the people for they're stronger than we 12 spies when our Caleb was one of the twelve two of them came back Caleb and Joshua with a positive report the other ten came back saying we can't do it and they influenced the whole nation to disbelieve the promises of God but I see that Caleb did not allow the majority opinion to impact what he thought was possible for him Caleb said I don't know about y'all but I know I'm well label to go and take the land and the first thing you must do is you must divorce yourself from group thinking if you're ever going to upgrade your life you must divorce yourself from group thinking if you really pay attention to the group and everybody that subscribes to the group's philosophies they all end up with mediocre at best average lives it's those persons that dare to believe for themselves it's those persons that dare to dream outside of the box of the community it's those persons that dare to say I believe there's more than you all are reaching for then it stand out and become the superstars of life if you're going to upgrade your life the first thing you must do is you must never allow you must never allow the limitations of other people to become yours just because they didn't do it does not mean you won't do it and just because they did not do it does not mean you should not try to do it you must never allow other people's limitations to become your limitations you can never be happy listen to this statement you can never be happy settling for what other people are satisfied with just because you're satisfied with a hamburger that mean I'm gonna settle for a hamburger when I see a steak place down the street just because you know you're happy living in X Y Z neighborhood doesn't mean I'm gonna be happy when I see you know ABC down the street just because you're happy you know riding at the back of coach doesn't mean I'm gonna be happy when I see the folk up there eating off Chyna in first class never allow other people's limitations to become yours because you will discover in life that your circle many times which into sending grow and as you develop you will discover that your circle will have to change periodically because once you rise a ring above your old circle and they're not willing to go with you they're going to work overtime to try to get you to come back down so you have to keep going you can never allow other people's limitations to become yours the second thing I will say to you is that you must always ask you must always ask for what you want you know indecisive but even though he was in the midst of a majority of people who were saying you know this can't happen we can't do it so forth and so on Caleb asked for what he wanted even though it was outside of the box outside of the parameters of the majority he asked for what he wanted he knew what he wanted in the ass for what he wanted in Joshua 1412 he says now therefore give me this mountain wherefore the Lord speaking that day Caleb says they want to stay over here they don't even want to go into the land because they're afraid of the Giants but I'm saying give me the mountain give me the mountain where the Giants are I want the highest place let me say this to you life rather gives you life rather gives you anything positive that you do not ask for life rarely gives you anything positive that you do not ask for you have to ask for what you want you have to ask for what you want I was sharing the illustration that I've seen so many times in traveling you can you can buy a coach ticket and if you are bold enough to go up to the desk and ask somebody is there first-class seat that I can upgrade to you will either discover that to upgrade to first class is probably little or nothing and sometimes people upgrade for $30.00 you know he you got what other people have paid sometimes two three thousand dollars for you got an upgrade for $30.00 and you sitting in the same area with them benefiting from the same amenities just because you asked now you now watch this you'd have one person as bold enough to go up and ask and quite often they're with a group of people who are afraid to ask and the same group that they came with they had the same coach tickets now they have to watch the one that was bold enough to ask for what he or she wanted they have to watch them sit down first class while we have to pass them back pass them by and go to the back of the plane simply because they did not ask what are you missing in your life because you're not asking for it James four and two says you have not because you ask not what are you missing in life because you refuse to ask for it you see things like your preparation and your expectation are your means of asking life for what you want when you when you wake up in the morning and you hit your knees in prayer and you you spend time with God and you reach your word and you read books that grow your mind and empower you rather than sitting on Facebook all day watching what other people are doing or watching Netflix all day or just listening to jay-z or music or whatever you do all day long just just just just mush in your brain out you fill in your mind with knowledge you are asking life for what you want when you do when you put yourself in the circle of people who are where you want to be instead of just hanging out with people who are where you're trying to leave you are asking life for something the third thing never become discouraged by the length of the process who sometimes the the process of upgrading takes a little longer than we would like in Caleb's case it took him 45 years he waited for 45 years to get to what he wanted he had been waiting 45 years to get to that Promised Land and to get to that mountain 45 years now watch this here's the thing I want you to think of how soon are you discouraged there's some of you that say I want to go here in life you said that three months ago and already you're discouraged what makes you think that anything great is going to come overnight what makes you think that you're going to shift levels overnight that is just gonna be the blinking of an eye and all of a sudden presto magic you're gonna be there nothing great happens overnight and if you're going to upgrade your life you're going to have to have the virtue of patience I'm 53 years old and I'm still pushing for things that I expected to happen when I was 30 you're gonna have to have a spirit of patience and you're gonna have to wake up every day and keep working for it keep working on it like this was your first stay working on it unmoved by the fact that you expected it yesterday you expected it last year you expected it three years ago and it's not happening and you wake up today like this is your first day working on it because you're so excited never never become discouraged by the length of your process in Joshua 1410 there Caleb talks about his 45 years of waiting now watch this listen to this statement patience they may want to write this somewhere the Holy Spirit gave this to me patience is a common virtue among kings and queens patience is a common virtue among kings and queens wherever you see people ruling dominating reigning going from one dimension to the next there you see people who function and operate with the spirit of patience if your king or queen you can't afford to be impatient because some things will demand time God Almighty the moment you get discouraged in your process is the moment you cease to deserve it when you wake up and you're so discouraged about your vision that you have and your goals that you're reaching for you cease to deserve it if every other week you need somebody to come in and motivate you and pickiest lift your spirits up you don't deserve it you don't deserve it you may as well find you something else because you don't deserve this even jesus said he that puts his hand to the plow and looks back is not worthy of the kingdom of God if if you're looking back all the time and you always discourage you see look at Galatians 6 and 9 says and let us not be weary in well-doing just keep doing well for in due season we shall reap if we faint not their things as I just said that I've been waiting to manifest for the last twenty plus years and at 53 years old right now here in 2017 I am still pushing for those things you know what I do I wake up every day and I just keep doing well be not weary I'm gonna keep doing something that something positive something that moves me in the direction of what I want to see accomplished now the the length of time is that's God's business the season is God's business the timing is mine to everything there's a time and a season time is what we control what you do with your time will determine what God's seasons will do with you if they will pass you by or if they will manifest God controls the seasons I control the time so I choose to use my time positively energetically and productively I'm not going to have a loud spirit of discouragement to enter into my heart because it will poison it will poison the seed of my greatness thank you I'm glad that this is blessing you number 4 watch this only have 5 and I'm pulling all of this from the the process of Kingdom number 4 you must keep your circle small and positive you must keep your circle small and positive Kayla think about it did not have I just told you that three million people didn't agree with Caleb and they didn't go into the Promised Land because Caleb had another spirit the only other person that had the same spirit as Caleb was Joshua they were the only two that went into the Promised Land so the only person that Caleb had rollin with him when the 12 spies came back it was just in Joshua there won't say mage you do not need a big circle you just need a powerful circle you need a positive circle you can determine watch this watch this I heard our red MouseMan role written Myles Munroe said this in reference to your circle and if you know you got to do some certain analysis and Myles Munroe said this which is powerful watch this he says you can determine where you are by who you keep running into you can determine where you are by who you keep running into if you keep running into bombs it means that you're constantly traveling on a bump frequency see what when you when your mindset shifts listen to this very carefully now I got I got I've got a drill this one when your mindset shifts to Kingdom and you and you you you you have on you take on a mindset that I'm getting ready to dominate what happens is you begin to elevate and so you begin to leave a lot of that former circle behind and and somebody just sick I don't hear I'm lonely watch this when you're shifting out of one level and on your way to another it's a lonely transition and some folks it was lonely at the top it's really not lonely at the top it's lonely between levels if you don't let the feelings of loneliness overtake you while you're shifting you're gonna come in contact at the next level with a new and highest circle now watch this as you get higher the circle gets smaller as you get higher the circle gets smaller when you hit the bottom the circle you got to do that to go around the circle you do that to go and then as you get a little higher it's you know it's less circumference and then as you get higher it's less and then as you get higher that circle becomes smaller and smaller because the higher you go you really don't need a large circle you just need a small positive circle now let me show you something in the scripture Oh proverbs 27:17 says iron sharpens iron so a man sharpen it the countenance of his friend if you don't have a person in your life that's sharpening you and the beauty is watch this he says iron sharpens iron so a man sharpen at the countenance of his friend really what he's talking about there is one-on-one relationship just two people one sharpening the other so really true if you have one strong person in your life you may have all you need to become everything you can be a lot of y'all want these these massive entourage is and you want all of these people around you you really don't want that and you really don't need to be quite honest with you everybody that's in you crowd is not in your circle and some of you have made the mistake to the to confuse the crowd you know between make confusion between the crowd in your circle your circle of the people that roll and ride with you a new car the crowd of the people that meet you in the auditorium of the arena Dan getting in your car not now watch this when you look at the life of Joseph I'm talking about how you don't need a you don't need a big circle you just need a small positive powerful circle when you look at the life of Joseph in the Bible Joseph starts off with his own brothers hating him wanting to kill him unloved not received didn't fit in he moves from that to being somebody slave don't nobody love no slave people just used slaves don't nobody love no slave they may respect the slave when it when it comes with the kind of giftings that Joseph had but at ultimate in the data just using slaves and then watch this he moves from being a slave to being a prisoner now y'all know don't nobody love no convicts but they mama everybody everybody know that if he go to the prison to visit you will see the mama and the girlfriend maybe mom and a wife maybe the wife or the wild girlfriend for very little while watch this so Joseph was a slave in a foreign land had nobody on his side but his gifting he kept working his gifting every day no matter what situation he was in he was working his gifting you never see way that discouraged to read the story of Joseph you never read what he got into depression now you know you have to have his moments but he just kept working his gifting he stayed positive and one day his gift brought him before Pharaoh and his gifted him overnight from the prison to the palace he became the second man Pharaoh watch this a whole nation hated him he was invisible to them and one man by the name of Pharaoh fell in love with him and because one man fell in love with him he was he was elevated above the entire nation that he was invisible to now there's some of you that are striving to win the approval of the nation when all you need is the proof of the Pharaon you trying to win all of these people when God has put you in in the way of the one person that can change your entire life I'd rather have Farrell love me and the nation hate me because if Pharaoh loves me in the nation hate me they can't stop my rise or I could have the nation love me and Pharaoh not even know me and then I'm just stuck in mediocrity with the nation you don't need a big circle that's why some of you God is kicking some people out of your life and it's intentional because for you to go where God is bringing you your circle many times has to be downsized you feel like you're being downgraded because your circles being downsized really when God is upgrading you he downsize is your circle because everybody is not designed to go where God is bringing you right now I'm traveling a track those of you that follow me too I travel a lot and in most cases I'm by myself I don't have I don't have any armor bearers I don't have nobody caring man I go by myself I'm scared you know I travel by myself I'm not scared of nothing I don't need nobody to fight for me and all that I go by myself now back in the early days I would go places I'd have a hole I have people sitting behind me right now and in my money eating up my food paying for all those rooms and all that kind of stuff when you got all those people to rock everybody not therefore the right motive and I learned something else when I got all those people away from me I had no drama in my life when I had them in my in my circle I had all kinds of drama stuff coming up missing all kind of stuff happening around I the higher you go the smaller your circle that's my point and then watch this number five and then finally always believe greetings from Poland god bless you those of you that are watching me for the first time follow me follow me here we're gonna try to keep bringing something to you always believe in yourself always believe in yourself Caleb said in Joshua 14 11 and 12 I'll paraphrase he says Joshua I'll give me the mountain I'm as strong today at 80 some years old as I was when I was 40 give me this mountain I'm well able to take it always believe in yourself Caleb did not need cheerleaders Caleb did not need anybody patting him on the back he did not need anybody Tooting his horn Caleb said I believe in myself there are many of you that are watching me now who cannot who have not I won't say Kenna have not upgraded your life because you've been leading on your family to believe in you you've been waiting on your friends to believe in you you want your co-workers to believe in you you want your church members to believe in you but if you really start and look yourself in the mirror you've been seeking all of that affirmation because you really don't believe in yourself when you believe in yourself it doesn't matter who doesn't believe in you see because your life is not going to go in the direction of what I believe for you what they believe for you your life is going to go in and in the direction of what you believe about yourself I love it when people don't believe in me I love it and I don't make any noise about it I just quietly do what they said I couldn't do because at the end of the day I gotta believe in me man I don't I don't need I don't need cheerleaders this is great I have I have you know army of people that just love me and say great things and they build me up and all of that and it's wonderful I love it I benefit from it but if I didn't have it it wouldn't stop me because I believe in myself if you're going to upgrade your life you're going to have to believe in yourself y'all give me some thumbs or whatever dies was that likes what is this I'm still trying to figure YouTube out you will never upgrade your life without self confidence you will never upgrade your life without self confidence because you are your only vehicle to better listen to that last statement you will never greet your life without self countenance because you are your only vehicle to Bella if you don't believe in yourself how are you want to bring you to the next dimension you gotta believe in yourself because you are your only vehicle to bet I can believe in you all day but I can't carry you to your destiny I gotta carry myself to my own destiny so if you don't believe in yourself it's like you know riding in a car with four flat tires you gotta believe in yourself because you are the only vehicle that you have to a better life and first John 5 and 14 he says and this is the confidence that we have in him that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us so my confidence it's really not so much in myself as much as it is in the God who empowers me glory to God glory to God so it's time for you to upgrade your life God is calling you into more and I want to pray for you before I don't I don't usually do this on YouTube but I want to pray for you before I let you go today and my prayer for you is that God will just bring a sense of calm to you and that person that was saying that they're so lonely I've been there and that's just a matter of adjusting some things in your life you know my prayer for you is that Spirit of God would just come upon you and make you to know who you are and and make you aware of his presence in your life you may be alone you may be by yourself or feel like you by yourself but you're really not and there's some there's some there's some things that God can minister to your life when you don't have all of that noise in your world it's it's more of a benefit than you realize and God has a season and a time to bring the right people into your life he does and he will but I want to pray for every one of you today that the spirit of complacency the spirit of mediocrity it's the spirit of sabotage self sabotage where we self sabotage our own success where these things were broken off of your life and where you begin to get your mind right as we wind 20:17 down and prepare to go into 2018 that that you get your mind right because 2018 is certain and suppose certain is supposed to be your year of upgrading everything about you supposed to upgrade your marriage is supposed upgrade your relationships your health your money you walk with God everything about you is supposed upgrade in 2018 but upgrading starts upstairs it starts in here when you get this in this in sync with what God has said everything explodes so father my prayer now is that you would just move up on your people and God I pray that you would just cause it's supernatural shifting in their lives that will cause them to put all things in order God let us see ourselves in those areas where we need to improve and change some things let us face ourselves and God I thank you for giving us the the willingness and the boldness even to change areas of our lives in God we thank you that everything you've promised is manifesting before us right now I call it I declare it i decree it over the lives of every person that might watch this video in Jesus's name Amen I love you all now listen go to my website RC Blake's comm pick up my books in fact about it right now we have a sale going on you can go to RC Blake's comm pick up my books look for my look for the conferences that are coming up in your area next year 2018 first part of the year we're going to be in with queen ology the study of a queen it's a women's empowerment movement we're going to be in Fort Lauderdale and we're going to be in Atlanta we're going to be in New Jersey we're gonna be in Baltimore oh my god so much is going on go to my website RC Blake's comm and sign up for my mailing list at my website so you can be in the loop of what's happening with RC Blake's and tell somebody else about my channel I appreciate you all thank you so much I'm sorry that I couldn't reach your comments this writing is so small it's hard for me to see it on my phone but I love you I thank God for you and I want you to have a great day god bless you now now let's see if I can get out of here
Channel: RC Blakes, Jr
Views: 113,207
Rating: 4.9261212 out of 5
Keywords: success, winning, winners, motivation, rc blakes, robert blakes, success thinking
Id: ee3RumLJ1Ek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 21sec (2361 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2017
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