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[Music] [Music] and tonight I want to talk about why it's so easy for some men to run game on some women you cannot be a silly woman in a sick world you cannot be a silly woman in a sick world now some of you all are going to get offended by this and I really don't care because somebody got to tell you you are your own worst enemy you cannot be a silly woman in a sick world this is a world that will eat a silly woman alive and if you do not possess wisdom and if you're not in pursuit of wisdom this world will expose you and there are too many women who have not been educated let me deal with this real quickly because I just got off the phone with one of my little nieces and she may be on here tonight of course I wouldn't call her name not a biological need say his spiritual nice and you know game we had the conversation and she running it down to me and I'm just just screaming out on the phone game game game game have you read my book have you read my book game and that to many women man that are being abused out here because your head is your head is screwed off you've disconnected your brain from your life and in second Timothy chapter 3 verses six and seven the Apostle Paul says something very powerful he says to Timothy for of this sort are they which creep into houses talking about certain kinds of men creep into houses and lead captives silly women the Bible calls them silly women laden with sins led away with divers are many kinds of lust always learning always on periscope always reading the books but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth no application now Paul calls these woman's silly and he talks about how these certain kinds of men creep into their houses and lead them astray let me deal with this in about ten minutes as for those of you who have a short attention span I need you to hear this tonight I need you to hear this tonight this is gonna help somebody the first thing I see relative to the marks of a silly woman is that she entertains watch this she entertains men that creep the Bible says for this saw today which creep into houses and need captive there creeping into her house and she entertains them why do women entertain men that creep men that are unstable men that are not committed men that are all over the place clearly men who live their lives loosely why does she entertain them the question is often asked why do men sleep around so much because so many women let them she entertains men that creep this speaks of a lack of judgment now y'all got to hear what I'm saying right now this this conversation this little this little thing we got going on right now is gonna save some of y'all's lives if you hear what I say to you tonight this is the kind of stuff this is what the father/daughter talk is all about it's the stuff your daddy should have taught you before he released you into the world this speaks of when you they creep in the houses and need women silly women estranged she entertains men that creep it speaks of a lack of judgment or a lack of discernment why does she have such poor judgment why does why does this woman have such poor judgment that she allows a man that creeps into her space she's driven by now you have to hear this because this is powerful right here and it's truth and I get in trouble a lot of times with brothers with men leaders because of this statement I'm getting ready to make she's driven by a misogynistic pressure that says our conditions the woman to believe that she is only as valuable as the man on her arm she feels like in other words she has to have a man to have value and the world has taught you that intentionally the world has psychologically incarcerated you to know appreciation of yourself apart from a man and as a consequence a woman would rather have a piece of a man than to be a whole woman without any kind of man in some of y'all on here tonight you cannot fathom living as an individual the thing you are most afraid of is living as an individual you have been out of one relationship in and out of one relationship after another because you cannot imagine being without a man because for you you don't even realize that you have been conditioned to think that if I don't have a man I am worth nothing so you'd rather have just the image of a man it's like parking a car in your driveway that doesn't even have an engine you just want your neighbors to think you have one and you're out there waxing it and washing it every weekend it can't move now this woman that entertains men that creep is a woman that is totally sensual and emotional I don't care not about her going to church in holding positions in the church and and knowing the Bible this woman is totally sensual and emotional she's not spiritual she's not learning and she's not intellectual not at this point she may be highly educated she may have a PhD but at this point she is not spiritual she's not discerning spiritually and she's not even using her brains to even allow this man to have an audience with her look what the Bible says in Proverbs 27 and 12 a prudent person sees trouble coming and ducks a simpleton walks in blindly and his clobber I don't think they like what I'm talking about I see my numbers dropping off Oh somebody got to tell the truth though man I'm tired of y'all calling me with this foolishness you know these these are and not don't get me wrong it's not all brothers it's not all brothers you have some good men out there but some of y'all just so addicted to trash you can't appreciate treasure and you called it me with this foolishness clearly game you're too intelligent for this you're too spirit feel for this the Bible says and this is the message Bible a prudent person sees trouble coming in ducks but a simpleton walks in blindly and his clobber proverbs 14 15 and 16 the gullible believe anything they're told the prudence sift and weigh every word the wise watched their steps and avoid evil fools are headstrong and reckless so the first thing we see about the silly woman is that she entertains men that creeps the second thing no watched as he goes deeper the plot thickens watch this the second thing we see is that she lets him creep into her house because the Bible says for this Saturday which creep into houses and Clin it's not his house because he wouldn't have to creep in his own house so he probably doesn't have a house of his own so he's creeping into her house he's creeping into her house look number 2 silly women let men creep into their space and this speaks of what her lack of boundaries she allows this unproven man into her personal and intimate space now this relates to women who go too far with men financially amazing how many women that are on this scope tonight and some that have dropped off because they couldn't handle what I was saying that have overextended themselves to men financially you don't even know this man and you you are here you know load your credit cards up it speaks of it speaks of a woman that allows a man in our life sexually allowing him into your personal space your intimate space and then watch this and then it's even worse when you're a woman who's a mother of children and you bring in men into your intimate space where your children reside not only are you foolish relative to yourself but now you're risking the well-being of your children with the man you don't even know you so desperate for man you are jeopardizing your children you want a man so bad you about to lose your kids your mother you got time to have no man creeping in and out of your house with your children yo you're a dignified woman of God what in the world you doing got all these men in and out of your life bringing them all into your personal space you even know this man he's got him creeping in and out of your life come in for you know that is just a booty call and then you don't see him no more for three or four weeks then he call you with that say no jive talk and there you are falling for it again and yetsko this a cycle that goes on for years until you turn on periscope and there's a black dude with a camouflage jacket on and a beard looking crazy in the camera telling you some of y'all need to send this to some of these girlfriends of yours because this is some fully stuff in a day and age where all of this knowledge is being dropped to see intelligent spiritual women being made fools of unnecessarily look what the Bible says and Paul says and this is the message Bible version again in Philippians 1 9 and 10 he says so this is my prayer now listen it is very carefully this is the message Bible version Philippians 1 9 and 10 for this is my prayer that your love will flourish and that you will not only love much but love well learn to love appropriately learn to love appropriately you need to use your head and test your feelings so that your love is sincere and intelligent not sentimental gush live a lover's life circumspect and exemplary a life Jesus will be proud of Paul says ain't got no problem with your loving but love with some intelligence and discernment you don't let people into your space these boys creeping into your house number three number three y'all still with me not only does she entertainment net creep but she's number two she allows these creeps to come into her space her house but then the Bible says the Bible goes further the Bible says let me read it in second Timothy three six and seven it says for this saw today was creeping the houses and lead captive silly women not only do they entertain creeps not only do they let the creeps creep into their personal spaces but watch this they actually allow the creeps to lead them into bondage I don't know I don't know how I don't know how how low you have to go I don't know how low a man or a supposed to be man has to our low he has to bring you in your life before you wake up and realize that maybe this is not a person that should be in my life and maybe this is not a person that I should be intimate with how how severely does a man have to damage your life how much does he have to rob you of how much does he have to cost you before you wake up and say you know maybe I shouldn't sleep with this man anymore he's given me three or four STDs my credit is ruined I've lost my reputation maybe I should move on from this guy but instead you let him leave you captive you let him lead you into bondage this speaks of lack well I'm not gonna say that I'll put it this way I was going to say something that would have been harsh I'm not gonna do that a leader a woman that would follow a man you know in the church we talk a lot about woman submitting to man and I believe that but you know what I also believe a man has to be a proven leader you know what I also believe no man should force or coerce a woman to submit you know what else I believe when a woman finds the right man that's the right leader submission will come automatic it won't be because the pasta beat her over the head with the Bible last Sunday when she finds the right man she will submit naturally but in an amazing how a woman can spend her life following clowns and those clowns will leave such a wound in her life that when a king finally shows up she's so bitter and she's so calloused that she won't follow the king a leader should be vetted based on knowledge and character you don't follow you don't let a man come into your life and lead you until he's been vetted everybody should know what vetted means now Donald Trump has worn that word out toven tested tried every man should be vetted that you will allow to hold any significant relationship in your life and if he's not proven by watch this his knowledge and his character you'd be amazing I say it all the time it's amazing how a PhD of a woman is led by a GED of a man and that's just for emphasis because educational accomplishments has doesn't speak of intelligence a lot of men who didn't graduate from high school who are brilliant but I'm just using that for emphasis how a PhD of a woman will be manipulated by a GED of a man you will allow a man that has gone nowhere to need you you're gonna allow a man that has gone nowhere to lead you and your children you are I hate to say it I love you and I'm saying it in love you are a silly one I know you're gonna probably unfollow me but I gotta tell you one more time come in real close you are a silly woman you following a man that has gone nowhere just because you have a need to have a man on your side he may actually be a little boy with a beard you have a need for a man you so out of control sexually your passions have overridden your intelligence and shut off your spiritual discernment and you're letting a fool lead you see you don't want you don't want my you don't want my advice you don't want my advice when you entertain this fool and he first starts coming around and he's creeping in and out of your house and you the men in your life that can tell you what you're working with you want to hide it from them but when that fool leads you into captivity and bondage and your life is broken and this fool walks away now you want to involve you won't involve me now you won't involve me now you want to get everybody involved now and some of y'all only I don't mean to make it easy I don't mean a man I hope some of y'all get mad I don't care what you're right on here you're a silly woman because you're too intelligent for this you know too much for this and you you spirit-filled meaning you have just ignored the Holy Spirit you have shut off all of your brain and you just being driven now by pure passion lust and the Bible says and I'm out of here before I get in trouble I gotta get out of here cuz I can feel I can feel the heat coming off of this this device right now I gotta get out of here the Bible says in first Peter 3 and 7 likewise ye husband's dwell with them according to knowledge the silly woman allows the fool to lead her into bondage but first Peter says first Peter 3 and 7 says likewise she husband's dwell with them according to knowledge first thing you want to know about a man is what do you know why would you submit yourself to following submitting to an ignoramus a dummy an airhead strong back weak mind a man that can make a bunch of babies but can't raise no children he know how to have sex but he's never made love because love is made between the ears not the sheets he's a dummy just a big Pranava dwell with them according to knowledge then he says giving honor unto the wife not only is he a knowledgeable man the man that would qualify to lead you not only is he a knowledgeable man but he's a man that respects and deserves your value because the honor something is to put it on a shelf above to esteem it he's wise enough to know your value you ain't got to beg him to see and understand who you are that's why you can submit to him because he first honours you he honoring you coming in and out your house having sex with you while your children down the hall sleeping you got some strange man coming in your house having sex just just a booty call and here you are an intelligent spirit-filled woman and you you settling for that and running out your house have you ever noticed three minutes after y'all through he found a reason to go all he came for was sex he don't want nothing else from you he creeping he knows nothing cuz if he knew something he'd find him a wife and understand he would he would obtain a good thing and have faith on his life and if he knew something he would honor you he would do you better than he's doing you but because you allow it it continues I can't believe all these men dogs out here well they couldn't be dogs y'all finish that you finish that yeah all these men out here dogs but there wouldn't be dogs there couldn't be dogs even if they are dogs thank you pastor D maybe your dog catch you watch this giving honor to the wife as unto the weaker vessel and as being heirs together the grace of life that your prayers be not hindered so my prayer for you tonight is that every shackle every psychological lock be broken off of your life all of these soul ties that have you confused and bound to relationships that are doing nothing but draining you and pulling you down and under my prayer tonight is that the Spirit of God will break every one of them break every chain and that you tonight oh whoa take a real serious look at your life and everything that did not come from God you must send it out of your life every person that is not our Dane of God they gotta go you are better than this you are bigger than this you are smarter than this you're wiser than this sometimes life begins when certain people walk out if they won't walk out sometimes you got to put them out but it's time for you now to raise the bar it's time for you now to raise the bar I came on here tonight to say that to you because I wrestled with should I talk about it it's necessary I've been avoiding these conversations lately because I don't want to make the brothers feel like well you know I'm trying to make life hard for brothers I'm trying to paint good brothers in a bad light but they're just it's just too much so I love y'all I love you I really do I love you that's I love you and and I'm talking out of it out of the sincerity of my heart it's time for some of you all to shift and I'm not talking about like next year with next year's just weeks away talking about tonight you are not a silly woman so stop behaving as such cuz women set such a low bar you know when I was when I was younger somebody said many many years ago and I was look I was running women like that I did it because they allowed me to the game has not changed the players have changed the game is still the same when a woman walks in wisdom there's a presence about a wise woman that a player won't even approach but see when you're desperate and you don't know your value and you don't know your Worth and you just will settle for anything don't nobody kidding about all them fancy clothes you an and all those big words you learn down at the University players can read through all of that and they can sniff your insecurities out you got to do some self work a lot of y'all don't need to be dating anybody right now you won't you don't even know your you need to do some self work so that your spirit man and your soul emanates who you really are because you trying to project the image of a strong powerful woman but on the inside you still a little weak woman that will settle for anything and believe anything any man will tell you and they'll play you all day long like a piano you need to do some self work you need to get around some strong some really strong women get all these the weak girls from around you running in packs a little weak women get some strong women around you that can build you up and help you to see who you are and what you can really accomplish get your vision in front of you strengthen your relationship with God let God send your king stop worrying about trying to go make a man find a man run a man down man lady sister daughter girl whatever you want to be called get yourself together God has more for you than this your life consists of more than this I love you good night [Music] Oh [Music] Oh I see [Music]
Channel: RC Blakes, Jr
Views: 205,236
Rating: 4.9324584 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 24sec (1764 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 16 2016
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