How to Talk About Your Goals in English - Basic English Phrases

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Happy New Year welcome back to our weekly live stream my name is Alicia and in this week's live stream we are going to talk about explaining your goals explaining your goals will be the theme for this week's live lesson I thought this it would be a nice topic to start a new year so today I'm going to talk about goal-setting some key words for setting your goals I'm going to talk about basic patterns you can use to explain your goals and I'm going to talk about some detailed explanations that you can give to talk more completely about your goals so I think we're going to start in just a moment please send a message in the chat when you see us I see YouTube hi youtube hello Ronnie and Filipe hi everyone I see you all Facebook is up as well hello Facebook hi darish sorry if I said that wrong Anderson and some zyi Juan Carlos hello Jorge on YouTube I'm doing well how are you all happy New Year to everybody again I hope you enjoyed a happy and safe New Year's Eve and New Year's Day it was fun for me I had a great time I hope you had a nice time too and I said today we're gonna talk about explaining your goals so maybe a good one if you have some New Year's resolutions so I want to just give a quick I guess New Year's welcome a New Year's hello I shared this on yeah we'll see a second I shared this on Instagram last week but this was in this room here we were making some like Q&A videos last week so this was our end-of-the-year picture but I thought it would be nice to share this as like our start of the year hello to everybody so we're back in this room today making today's livestream so thank you as always for watching us and for participating in everything we do we're very excited too more stuff like this in here this year too so thank you so so much for watching last year and this year as well alright we're about three minutes in so I'm going to start today's topic by talking about setting your goal setting your goals so if you have watched the YouTube channel recently I don't think it's on Facebook yet but if you have seen the YouTube channel recently maybe you have seen there's a new video up about learning so I think the title of the video is like learning hacks but we talked about this thing I'm going to discuss right here this goal setting thing so how to make goals that are like what are called SMART goals so I'm going to talk about this first today but first I am going to share the video on Facebook so that other people can find it so I hope that you do too I'm going to share it and then I'm going to begin the lesson okay so as you join please don't forget to send a message in the chat and like and share the video too if you like to do that kind of thing we appreciate it okay I'm gonna start now but um everything's ready let's get going okay so let's begin today's lesson by talking about setting your goals how to set goals so I said that this is something we talked about on the YouTube channel recently maybe you can see it right here this thing I'm going to talk about is what's called SMART goal setting so you can see the first letter here of each word Smar t this spells smart so this is what's called smart goal setting so this is something that I think there's a researcher or a writer developed this I want to say in like the 1960s or so but this is a really great way to like decide if your goal is a good goal or not hey we've zoomed in thank you so I'd see a lot of your comments on the YouTube channel and on Facebook a lot of you right I want to speak English fluently or I want to speak like a native English speaker and I understand that for sure but the problem with that kind of goal is that it's not like a clear goal how do you know when you've achieved that it's really hard to know when you've achieved that right so today I want to talk about this system and how to like break down your big goal into smaller goals and then we'll talk about how to explain that so let's look at the first point here first point in a SMART goal is a specific goal it's a specific goal so specifically what are you going to do so make sure that this is something that you can explain easily is it as simple easy to explain thing is it specific so like speak like a native is kind of it's not a very specific goal really so maybe like I want to mmm be able to give a presentation that's a very specific goal right so we know you can do it or you can't do it and it's very clear specific to a situation so a specific goal it's specific goal okay second one is measurable measurable so let's break this word down here is a suffix suffix s tu ffix suffix means a like a small group of letters at the end of a word our suffix here is able so that means possible to something we can do we have the ability to do and here the root of this word is hearty measure measure so something that we can measure something we can measure means like maybe you can collect data about it like you know did I achieve it or not so in my example give a presentation it's easy to measure that goal did I give the presentation yes or no or for example if I want to study vocabulary words I can measure how many words I study every day so your goal should be measurable measurable okay third this one is attainable attainable or sometimes I also see I think we use this on the channel to achievable achievable so achievable so this means we again achieve a bilaval attainable this means something it's possible to achieve something it's possible to attain possible to get so sometimes actually sometimes I see comments on the channel that are like I want to be fluent in three months and it's like I don't know how like attainable that is for a lot of people it's like if you want to study for like ten hours a day every day maybe but most people don't have that kind of time so it might be pretty tough so make sure you choose a goal that's achievable that's attainable you can actually do that then you can actually get it okay on to the next one the next one these are two common words that are used for are here they are first relevant relevant so this means like it's appropriate and that means it's appropriate for your life it fits your life or it suits your life it makes sense for you so if for example like let's use a crazy example like maybe you're I don't know let's imagine a thirteen-year-old decides I want to give a business presentation and maybe that's great they're a super ambitious but maybe it's not relevant for a 13 year olds life to give a business presentation yet so maybe there's a different goal that's better for a 13 year old learner so think of something that's relevant for you or that's realistic realistic so it's something that makes sense for your life so choose a goal that's kind of like reasonable as well we could use the word reasonable here okay finally the last one here is timely timely sorry it's kind of hard to see that's a why I have erased it sorry timely is the last goal timely means that there's a reasonable period of time to achieve that goal so if you want it like in my example if you decide like I want to become fluent in three months so that's not a very good goal because it's not very timely there's not a good amount of time to do that but it's not very specific you can't measure it it's not achievable and it's probably not very realistic either so some examples of good goals I'll explain a couple more later but give yourself some good goals like I'm going to study for 15 minutes every day or I'm going to study 10 vocabulary words every day and then in one month I'm going to know maybe 150 new vocabulary words or I'm going to like really master 300 new vocabulary words every month so those are more specific and measurable goals like we know for sure did we achieve them or not and we can like think about them as being like realistic we can actually do them so this kind of helps a lot with motivation too like if you set goals that are too high or you set goals that aren't so clear like how do you know did I achieve it or not so this can be a really good way to find out what did I do it is it a good goal or not so try to think about each item on this list for your studies so I actually use this when I'm making plans for things and this really helps me even with the small steps so like one thing that's a problem for me it's like I used to think in like really big goals but I didn't think about the small steps to get there so I would recommend you use this for your small steps as well each little step in the process okay so this is our kind of beginning point for today's lesson I hope that this is kind of a good basis a good foundation or base to start the year on with that I'm going to take a break I'm going to take a break and then we're going to talk about some patterns that you can use to express your goal I already talked about a couple of them so this week we have just regular good old-fashioned free stuff available for you guys you can see the banner here is one but second we have our free PDFs for you to download I mentioned I thought it would be a good one for many of you the business English and we have web came back today so this is the business English PDF I've shown this quite a few times I think but my actually I like the page on the back here on the back of this page is some phrases you can use for a business meeting so I mentioned just now like maybe if your goal is to do a to give sorry a business presentation in English this could be a really helpful set of phrases to use as well as talking about Q&A also here are some job titles that you can use as well so I thought that this one would be really good thanks I thought this one would be really good for today's lesson because I know a lot of you I've heard from lots of you now actually that you're studying English to get more opportunities in your career so that might be helpful for you and then I'll show a couple more later that I thought would be good too but there are a lot of these and actually there are some new ones that I don't have printed out I don't think they're like emergency ones and then there are some there's actually there's one about your goals too there's one about setting goals there's another one about visiting the supermarket so there's lots of like little everyday life things that you can find so if you want to download these or if you want to check all the other free PDFs that you can download to your phone your tablet or computer please check out the link below the video if you're watching on YouTube in the description box and if you're watching on Facebook please check the link above the video or in the description above the chat if you're watching on Instagram please check on youtube or on Facebook okay so with that said I want to continue to the next part of today's live lesson hello everybody if I haven't seen you yet and the chat thank you for joining us and Happy New Year today we're talking about explaining your goals hi there everybody lots of people saying hello today from around the world that's super cool watching from Seattle hi Adam and um Darren what is my next class for 101 I'm not exactly sure do you mean life there's a schedule I'll have to check okay um I don't see any question so I'm going to move on to like some grammar patterns and some vocabulary patterns next so if you have questions or example sentences please send them in the chat and of course please don't forget to like the video and share the video too so that other people studying can find it uh-oh Peter says what does not being mean Ave um if you saw that on my Instagram or my facebook navigates Japanese hotpot Japanese hotpot cook to that a couple days ago anyway okay let's go on to the second part of today's lesson the second part is some simple patterns that you can use to explain your goals so I used a couple of these already to talk about my example goals so first one this is a more polite expression I plan to I plan to so you finish this pattern with a verb because here there's a two so this leads us to the infinitive form of the verb so I plan to study for 15 minutes every day so if you need a verb here a simple present tense / I plan to study for 15 minutes every day I plan to exercise 3 times a week I plan to sleep eight hours every night so we need a simple present tense verb in this part of this sentence you can make a very simple goal with this pattern and it sounds more polite actually this I plan to okay second one then Oh someone wrote I plan to visit England nice that's a cool cool cool okay um others yeah and if you have other examples send them and I will try to check them live in the chat okay next one is I'm going to I'm going to this one is nice it's casual it's easy to use and it's one I used it in the first part of today's lesson so again we use a simple present tense verb here like I said for example I'm going to study 15 new words every day okay so this is an example of a smart goal I'm going to study 15 new words every day again simple present tense verb I have something I can measure here 15 new words I have a time period here as well every day so this is a simple way to build a goal I'm going to I'm going to sounds less formal than I plan to I plan to sounds a little more formal a little more polite than I'm going to someone are I'm going to have a healthy breakfast now very nice very nice okay someone says I'm going to sleep I'm sorry that's okay goodnight bye someone said I plan to visit China a cool Eduardo said I'm gonna be fluent this year and we're to review this part make sure you set a specific goal fluent is very hard to measure okay someone said I plan to visit Mecca and Medinah cool Jorge says I'm going to watch Alicia's videos for the rest of my life to improve my English wow thank you good luck awesome someone said I'm going to military service next week or I'm going to do military service next week great Oh lots of balls coming in this is great you guys I'm going to live I'm going to live in Canada Christian I'm going to live in Canada great hi everybody on Facebook Oh Facebook's lagging a little bit byes can see it on my phone some people said I'm going to sleep at 9 p.m. okay good I'm going to Thailand this weekend says Leila ha that sounds fun and warm that sounds nice good someone says they're going to visit me hmm are you sure okay great very nice goals very nice goals okay um Andy on on D sorry on YouTube says I'm going to watch three videos on English class 101 intensively each week this year cool thanks very much I hope that you enjoy and find them useful okay great nice example sentences everybody let's go on then to a much more formal expression I want to introduce this one because I know many of you are studying English for work so if you want to explain a more a plan in a more formal setting you can use the word intend I intend to so I intend to is more formal than I plan to so I plan to is kind of like polite if we imagine this is a scale I plan to here I'm going to is here I intend to is here intend to sounds quite formal so I intend to improve our sales by 10% this year for example so I intend to sounds more formal we don't use this word so much in everyday conversation because it is quite formal so if you're talking with your friends use I'm going to or contract this to I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna study 15 new words every day okay next one for those of you who have not decided just yet maybe you haven't decided exactly what your plan is for the next year you can use this one I'm thinking about so a couple points here pronunciation point first I'm I'm don't forget this I'm I saw a couple of you in the chat like I'm don't forget your I am and I'm thinking about and then we usually use something like for example I'm thinking about learning a new language so this is a very like uncertain sentence I'm thinking about learning a new language so this is not a smart goal because the person has not decided yet but if it's something that you're considering you're thinking about something you can use this I'm thinking about learning a new language or I'm thinking about getting a new job or I'm thinking about moving to a new apartment so this is a nice way to express something you have not 100% decided yet and with this one someone wrote in the chat notice there's no two here there's no - actually I'm using this ing form the present participle form so I'm thinking about learning a new language I'm thinking about studying a new subject I'm thinking about moving something so no - in this one this is different from these three I plan to I intend to I'm going to okay but no - here I'm thinking about I'm thinking about having a relationship I intend to improve in my life ziba I'm thinking about learning a new language or I'm thinking about taking new lessons maybe I'm thinking about beginning so lots and lots of you are using to hear no - we do not use - I'm thinking about present participle learning learning ing form of your verb I'm thinking about starting my own channel on YouTube nice good one on Facebook I'm thinking about studying maybe hello I'm thinking about traveling to Paris again no - in this pattern No - in this pattern I'm thinking about opening a business nice ok I'm thinking about going back to school cool very nice very nice everybody I'm thinking about reading a book ok so here's a good a good lesson point for lots of you one don't use to in this pattern I'm thinking about learning there's an i ng right here so 2 points for many of you in the chat right now thinking about learning learning mastering good good good good ok um other points thinking about studying the newspaper daily woohoo ok Wow there are lots of questionable example sentences today ok let's keep it clean everybody ok I'm thinking about moving to a new country great alright looks good so those two points there for you guys lastly I want to I want to so again this is for something maybe you don't have a plan but you just want to express a desire for something I want to so of course you can use this outside of your goal setting like I want to eat dinner now or I want to sleep now but if you're thinking about something and you want to express like why do you want to do that like I'm thinking about learning a new language because I want to travel to a new country I want to travel to a new country for example so here you'll notice we are using two again I want to I want - and our simple present tense verb again here I want to do travel country okay good so I'll finish that part there take one more quick break and introduce another PDF I wanted to share with you let me find it but yes keep sending your example sentences I'll try to check them I'm thinking about learning all subjects says many on Facebook wow that's a lot to do I'm thinking about improving my speaking nice that's good excellent sounds nice okay I'm thinking about taking private lessons good ones I want to celebrate I want to do don't forget to with your I want to pattern I want to do the celebrate good ones okay nice someone says I want to eat macarons that sounds like a good day right there okay sounds like a good day to me okay let's take one more quick break I wanted to introduce a missing page here okay so I know from your feedback from those of you who have sent comments and who have sent audio and video to our monthly review series I know lots of you are studying for work and for travel so I thought that these two PDFs would be useful we'll see them extra close up over here I thought these two would be very useful for those of you who would like to travel more with your English so this one is at the the expressions to use at the airport and this one is travel to the USA so yes on these there are like vocabulary points on the airport one it's about like locations in the airport on the first page and on the travel one it's about sightseeing spots and like money expressions but again I like the stuff that's on the back of these a lot so this is one this is a part that my students wanted to practice a lot they always felt really nervous about this which is like talking to immigration officers at the airport so this is a really short but quick reference guide to the questions that immigration and like baggage check people ask you so this is something I thought would be really good for those of you who are interested in travel and then this other one this is this is from the travel to the USA one on the back here there are some questions that you can use when you're visiting another country so for example do you speak English or do you understand or I don't understand so there are some useful travel points on these two PDFs travel to the listen this says travel to the USA but it could be travel to other english-speaking countries as well so you can find these from the link these and other free PDFs from the link below the video on youtube or above the video on Facebook so please you can download these for free these are free so you need an account if you don't have an account you can create one for free and download these and a lot of other things so please check this out for sure okay let's continue on to the last point in today's lesson so the last point in today's lesson is about giving details so there will be some very small points that I hope help you explain yourself and your goal in more detail here so as a finish if you're just joining yes today's topic is explaining goals if you have not seen the whole video it will be recorded so please don't worry also don't forget to hit the like and share buttons we really appreciate it ok onward last part for today this given your details so here I have two two verbs I have increase or decrease so to increase means to go up to go up so maybe like I want to increase the number of vocabulary words I know or maybe I want to decrease the amount of junk food eight for example so maybe you have like business goals like I want to increase sales or I want to I don't know like decrease what do you want to decrease in business what's something bad I want to decrease negative customer reviews for example but a key here is actually this preposition decrease by decrease by I noticed lots of people miss this thing right here this little preposition so increase by an amount or a percent so in my example sentence let's use increase for this example let's use increase so increase means to go up so I want to increase and here I get to increase the number of vocabulary words I know by 300 by 300 so this means the total number of new vocabulary words I want to learn is 300 that's a different way to say this sentence so increase by 300 so like vocabulary words increase by 300 that's the preposition that we use to talk about this increase or decrease we use the preposition by to do that you can also use this in past tense this is actually very commonly used in past tense past tense is increased past tense decreased so for example the my vocabulary words increased by 300 in spring or our negative reviews decreased by 20% okay what's okay cool so uh that means I have maybe extra time slightly extra time oh okay maybe I can go a little longer oh that's dangerous I talk too much okay so you can use an amount here a number or you can use a percentage here too you need to use a percentage here I'm sorry and I'm like a number or a percentage here by 20% as well isn't it okay um other things so if I want to ah DeRay I hope I'm saying your name right on Facebook says I want to increase my income in 2019 by 10% great example sentence on Facebook thanks very much for that great I guess it is live hello umm can I share this schedule including topics for 101 do you mean the Facebook schedule I don't I don't have the Facebook schedule we have a schedule for our live streams though so please check the live stream event page for our schedule okay I don't see other example sentences so I'm going to go to the next point okay the next point I have this pattern and these are some example sentences that show us how to use this pattern very simple pattern it is verb with more or less and then an object so how do we use this someone actually just use this one so earn earn so earn earn is my verb here earn means get or receive and it sounds like we do something we work in order to receive something so earn in this case I have a dollar sign to K this K means 1000 1000 earned to K more money earned to K more money so this means to K more money this really means to K more then last year probably so be careful again when you're making a like this remember to make sure that it's a smart goal like we talked about at the beginning of today's lesson like if I say mmm I want to study more English it's not a very specific goal so earn 2 K more money like this is pretty clear maybe you could say like someone like the person in Facebook said I want to earn 10% more in 2019 that's a very clear measurable and specific goal so this is a simple pattern yes but make sure that you're setting goals that are very clear and that you can track and measure another example I've used this a few times today steady X where X is a number X number of words a day so study like I said like 15 words a day so here I can I can use this or I could use I could use what else some of you actually wrote lessons here so like study three lessons a week or watch three lessons a week or watch a movie every month read a book every month that's a very common goal I think - so these are very simple but they're very specific and good goals like small goals to help you move forward okay this class is going to finish in a couple of minutes actually I'm on my last point but I have a little extra time today okay last one study for 15 minutes a day so another small point here for 4 because I have this amount of time this length of time 15 minutes a day study for one hour a day or study for three hours a day if you're a very intensive kind of person study for 15 minutes a day don't forget this for though for so a lot of people again miss these little prepositions like for and by but you need these to correctly explain your progress and your plans okay I don't see any other example sentences yet I want to study more English on a daily basis basis so try to make it specific instead of I want to study more English like specifically what do you want to do I want to study 10 new vocabulary words on a daily basis that's a better goal so make it specific make it instead of more which we cannot measure make it something that you can track I want to study for five hours a day oh my gosh I don't have that kind of time if you do that's awesome good okay study for 20 minutes a day says Mohamed on YouTube nice one good I intend to get a 7 on the IELTS exam says oh hi cool nice what time do you start every day this is a once a week livestream we broadcast every Wednesday 9 p.m. Eastern Standard Time that's New York City time that's our live streaming time a couple of you are asking that this is a once a week livestream once a week livestream and today we're going a little bit late we have a little bit of extra time today ok other points I want to earn more money in 2019 I think everybody does but again make it specific specific so many of you are giving goals that are just more or less make it specific like how are you going to do that what is what is like the way you're going to track it how do you know did I achieve it or not so do you want to make like $1 more than you did in 2018 or more specifically $2,000 more so try to be specific I think that's a better goal okay good lots of you are sending really nice really nice goals do you have tips to improve my English yes that is our job here at English 101 so please check out all of the videos that we have on our Channel and on our Facebook page that's our job we're trying to help you and trying to give tips and grammar points and vocabulary and study tools to help you as you improve your English okay but that's everything that I have prepared for today so I'm going to end there I hope that this is helpful for you I hope that you can think about this right here as you make your goals for this year I'm thinking about this and I hope that you can explain your goals with these patterns I hope that these are helpful too so thank you very much for joining us for this week's lesson we are going to be back next week next week's lesson is about what I say ah yes next week I have planned a beginner grammar practice lesson for next week so I know it's the beginning of the year and maybe some people are starting to study English again so next week I'm going to do a beginner grammar practice lesson so I hope that that's good even if you are past beginner I think I want to include I'm going to include some kind of some expressions that may still be useful especially for explaining your schedule so we'll talk about this this will be next week January 9th January 9th is Wednesday Wednesday January 9th at 9 p.m. Eastern Standard Time if you don't sorry I had a week off so next week if you don't know your time in your local city in your time zone please google it please use your Google skills so we'll be back next week if you want to make sure to catch our live stream please hit the notification button on youtube or on Facebook on the Facebook event page if you click interested or going on the event page you can get a notification so you can catch our live stream so please do that but I'll finish there for today also please don't forget all the free stuff that we have I showed these in today's lesson but there are lots and lots of other topics for you to study for free that you can find from the link below the video on youtube or above the video on Facebook so please go download all those free things I hope they help you with your studies I'll finish there for today though so thank you so much for liking and sharing the video and for sending your great example sentences good luck setting your goals for this year and I will see you again next week enjoy your week enjoy your weekend and take care bye you
Channel: Learn English with
Views: 142,387
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords:, englishclass101, learn english, easy, fast, longplay, compilation, fun, simple, learn while you sleep, english exposure, english immersion, get better at english, live, livestream, tv, english tv, american english, british english, talk about your goals, goals in english, talk in english, 2019, new year, resolutions, english goals, basic english phrases
Id: dn5QU8VyCV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 27sec (2367 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 02 2019
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