How to Talk About Emergencies in English - Improve English Conversations 🔴

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rolling cool hi everybody welcome back to our weekly live stream my name is Alisha and today we're going to talk about emergencies today's theme is explaining emergencies and making reports so in today's lesson I'm going to explain patterns you can use to make phone or in person reports about emergency situations I'm also going to talk a lot about some key vocabulary words that you can use to describe like medical emergencies or to describe like accidents we'll also talk about vocabulary for suspicious situations so there's a lot to talk about I will probably talk too much as usual but there will be a lot of patterns that you can kind of use to make your own reports or to describe your own situation so please feel free to send your example sentences in the chat throughout the lesson and I will try to check them alive but they're a lot so I see Facebook and YouTube up hi everybody lots of people there Josh and Diego Minaj Lennon someone who's a Korean name I can't read sorry Estevan Mohammed Samson Adrian Apache Patricia Minaj again hi Karina hi there and on Facebook I'm milk our hello owl and ma say again hey Luis and Roenick and Momma and Zia and nabila hi everybody Osmond - great lots of people as you join please don't forget to like the video so other learners can find today's lesson we really appreciate it and of course if you'd like to share the video we also really appreciate that too okay we will take about a minute before we begin the lesson so as always a quick announcement let's see last yeah like 12 hours ago maybe we have this new video go up on the English class 101 YouTube channel this is a video about food nouns so I made this video about counter words that you can use to like count uncountable nouns that are like food-related nouns so this is a really good video for just everyday life things so talking about eating so if you have not seen this video yet you can check this out this is on the English class 101 YouTube channel so I hope that's helpful coming soon is a similar video uncountable drink nouns so I know lots of you like food lessons okay cool so with that as I said today's lesson is about explaining emergencies explaining emergencies so I hope that we can talk about a lot of things hi everybody I can't get to all your comments but I see you thanks for watching okay uh we are about three minutes in so I'm gonna start soon I'm gonna share the video actually and then we will begin there it is cool okay so today we're going to talk about a lot of things I hope I can get through it all we will see we will see so let's get started I want to start over here I want to start by introducing some reporting patterns so for today's lesson yes these are patterns you can use to explain emergency situations yes but you can also just use these to kind of give reports even like at your workplace like you're calling to report I don't know some may be problem at your workplace it doesn't have to be an emergency situation so there are a couple of other times when you can use these so let's get started alright first for reporting accidents for reporting accidents we can use this pattern right here this first one this is a phone pattern this is a phone pattern so when you're calling someone like in the emergency line in the US it's 911 si phone number when you're using the phone to report an accident you can use this pattern right here I'm calling progressive tense I'm calling to report and then you'll need an article so I'm calling to report up I'm calling to report and here then are a few examples these are things to report so we have specific noun phrases in some cases or we have like some more information that we need to provide common examples I'm calling to report a car crash or a car accident so a car crash or car accident you can use both of these to describe the same thing so an accident involving a car an accident between two cars or a car accident like a car in a building so a car crash or a car accident I'm calling to report a car accident this second one this is something that you will need to put your own information into this is if an object fell so fell here fell is the past tense of fall fall becomes fell in past tense so an object fell on a thing or a person an object or a person so for example a tree fell on a car or a building fell on another building I don't know it's something kind of crazy happened so this is one you can use to describe when one object falls on top of another object so I'm calling to report in this case I'm calling to report that an object fell onto another object you will need to change the sentence slightly another one someone wrote I'm calling to report that we are the best English class whatever Thanks that's not a bad thing that was very funny good Oh someone Marcelo says I dropped a 200-degree cup of coffee on my lap is that an accident yeah sure you can describe that as an accident it's up to you if you need to call someone and make a report about that I don't know but that's a very hot cup of coffee so you can describe that as an accident yes so something you do not plan on happening is an accident okay um good yeah misil's you're getting ahead they're on Facebook someone said I'm calling to report at Brooklyn College someone not breathing well I'm going to get to that in part two of today's lesson you guys are getting ahead of me that's awesome okay a couple more common ones though I'm calling to report a fire up fire I'm calling to report a fire any fire like that's not supposed to be there just use the word fire so you don't need to say fire accident or fire incident I'm calling to report a fire finally this one chemical spill chemical spill so a chemical spill some of you I know work in like research settings so if you work with chemicals or if you work maybe with lots of cleaning cleaning products and there's a spill of a dangerous chemical you can use this word to report it I'm calling to report a chemical spill calling to report a chemical spill okay so some of you I saw in your example sentences you already have this giving your location part included that's awesome so a couple patterns to give your location so after you make a phone report and you need to give your location where are you you can use one of these two patterns so if you have studied how to give directions you might recognize or you might remember some of these so first one here is I'm at so again I'm I'm I am I'm at the corner of the corner up don't forget this up here this preposition I'm at the corner of Street a and Street B so the idea here is for example if you're at an intersection right here if this is your spot at least okay maybe we'll zoom in in a second so imagine you're at an intersection here so an intersection means a place where two roads come together so if you're here at the corner of these two streets you can say I'm at the corner of Street a and Street B so I'm at this corner here that's what this means that's one pattern you can use to describe your location if you're in a place that's very well-known you can use this pattern I'm at the supermarket in front of or maybe behind or next to whatever may be X station for example so if you don't know the street name if you don't know exactly where you are but there's a really big landmark like a station in this case or like a really well-known store or supermarket you can use a landmark that's called a landmark so something that's well-known like an object or a building that's well-known you can use that to report your location so I'm at the corner of Street a and Street B so to put all of this stuff together you could say maybe I want to report a fire I see a fire in a building I could say I'm calling to report a fire I'm at the corner of Street a and Street be like the fire is in the building next to the supermarket across from the bank so we can put together like directions reporting information all of this alright so these are our basic reporting phrases we'll use today we'll use we'll come back to them a little bit later as well okay so I want to take a quick break it is ten minutes past the hour um I have as always free PDFs for you guys but I know III don't think I have it here actually but oh okay there's actually a different one I don't have it in front of me you will see it you see it right here actually - that there's a special Black Friday deal whoa Oh is it bigger thank you thank you for doing that in there's a special Black Friday deal if you don't know what Black Friday is Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving and a lot of stores a lot of companies have really really big sales for Christmas on this day so our our our kind of special I think it's one day only is that right or it's only until Friday I think I saw the video this morning I think it's that and it's like it's a special Black Friday sale and there are limited spots available so this is our special thing for it this week for sure so you can check this the link for this is in the description of this video if you're watching on YouTube you can find the link below the video in the description box if you're watching on Facebook you can find it above the video above the video so this is a special like a special like big deal only for Black Friday so you can find all the details out of the website please check it out all right yes it is live indeed it is indeed live okay cool yeah and you can see some of our team members are sending information in the YouTube chat I see that now Hey okay so we'll come back to that again later with some more details to you oh right if you're just joining us though today's lesson is about explaining emergencies and making reports explaining emergencies and making reports hello everybody that just joined I see lots of you just joined on Facebook hi Sylvia and Kim and I'm on and BK and Ali dad hi okay let's continue to part two of today's lesson then part two here is medical emergencies medical emergencies so in this part of the lesson I'm going to talk a lot about key vocabulary words you can use to describe like injuries so if you get sick or if you get hurt injured these are some words you can use and some patterns you can use to just that you can also use some of these when you visit a doctor to explain an injury or to explain an illness okay let's take a look first one the first medical emergency is a very common one and you don't have to use this in emergency situations you can just tell your friends if this happens to you it is I cut myself with a knife and cut myself with a knife so you'll notice here this cut it seems like it's the same as present-tense cut so like present tense cut and past tense cut they have the same spelling the same pronunciation so we know though that this is a past tense statement because if this were a present tense statement it would be a really strange thing to say so a quick grammar reminder we use present tense to talk about regular actions yeah something we do like as part of a schedule so if this is part of my schedule I cut myself with a knife that's a really strange thing to say so we know that this is probably a past tense expression I cut myself with a knife that's how we know that this is not a present tense statement it doesn't make sense as a present tense statement so I cut myself this is also an example of a verb that's used reflexively so for you more intermediate or advanced learners reflexive verbs are verbs were the subject and like the object are the same person or the same thing so if you want to change your subject make it he cut himself with a knife she cut herself with a knife so your subject and your object refer to the same thing that is correct to do okay someone said I cut a knife with my finger are you sure I cut my finger with a knife so the object or the person that was cut should be the object of the verb here okay um I don't see any other questions yet okay so I'll go on to the next point someone mentioned this in the facebook chat earlier many things for that I'm having a trouble breathing so here you'll notice I'm having I'm having trouble breathing you can use this in the progressive tense I'm having trouble breathing means right now it's difficult for me to breathe progressive I'm having trouble breathing another way to say this is I can't breathe I can't breathe so you'll notice the grammar here changes simple it's a much more simple sentence but it means like it's impossible for me to breathe I can't breathe if you want to change this so that you can explain a friend's condition like my friend is having trouble breathing he is having trouble breathing or she can't breathe these are how we would change these sentences to describe it so trouble breathing it's like it's difficult to breathe can't breathe it's like impossible like it sounds much more serious I can't breathe okay good I have trouble trying to breathe underwater zazz lys I think that's a very common that's very common problem okay let's go on to another actually maybe for some of you the most important part of today's lesson I'm having an allergic reaction this word right here is really important if you have like a food allergy if you're sensitive to food if you're sensitive to certain animals allergies so like for example I know peanuts are really common food item that people have allergies to so some people will eat that or contact like touch peanuts and maybe their skin will get really big or turn red or can't breathe so that's called an allergic reaction the pronunciation is allergic reaction please keep in mind there is this word allergies I have allergies like I have allergies to pet sir I have allergies to food allergies and allergic has slightly different pronunciations so I'm having an allergic reaction reaction means response an allergic response to something so again we're using this progressive verb form here too I'm having an allergic reaction and you can explain the the allergy to I'm having an allergic reaction to peanuts having an allergic reaction to a cat for example okay someone says I don't understand the use of having okay thanks for the question that man so having here I'm having we use this to mean I'm experiencing so in these sentences if you can kind of think of it as like I'm experiencing but experiencing sounds way too formal we use have like imagine in the sentence I'm having a good time it means I'm experiencing a good time but we don't say experience they're here having means experiencing so please think of it in that way do I have any allergies I have a slight cat allergy a slight cat allergy I sneeze a lot okay good Danny says I've got an allergic reaction we would say I have an allergic reaction I have I'm sorry I'm having an allergic reaction or I've got allergies too so in my case like I've got allergies to cats that's something we would say okay good I'm having chicken pop-up chicken pox maybe P o XP o X is chicken pox yes okay but let's move along men time's running out next time I have severe pain in my body part this is the next pattern two points for this sentence severe severe is the pronunciation of this word severe means very very strong very very bad I have severe pain in something I have severe pain in my left arm I have severe pain in my stomach I have severe pain in my head these are quick ways to explain you are in a lot of pain something is very very painful okay let's see actually I will talk about this because the last part is a little bit shorter so let's continue on down this list for now and if you have some examples with this severe pain point please feel free to send them in the chat okay I want to continue I mentioned this word in the first part of today's lesson chemicals so we talked about a chemical spill so if you work with chemicals if you work with like cleaning products chemicals it might be part of your everyday life so I got chemicals in my eye or I got chemicals on my skin so this is one part in my eye I got chemicals on my skin so notice here your preposition changes yeah in my eye so meaning like inside your eye area and on my skin I got chemicals in my eye on my skin watch out for that preposition there this part I got I got so we used got to mean like I had eaten like a negative reaction or I had a negative it's kind of used to mean like something negative happened to me so I got chemicals on my skin we would say we would not say here I have chemicals on my skin like you could explain it as like a simple fact but it sounds more kind of like a negative experience to say I got chemicals on my skin oh no similar to like I got a bad score on a test or I got lost for example it's like saying became with a negative feeling about it I got chemicals on my skin it's bad okay um anything else someone said I everyday have pain head I'm talking I'm going to talk about that later I have a headache every day I have a headache every day nice examples to everybody Albertus that I have severe pain in my shoulder shoulder SH o u LD er shoulder shoulder yes you may ask live questions I can't promise I can catch all of them nice one I got chemicals usually we use this plural form chemicals chemicals s don't forget your s there I got chemicals in my ear I got chemicals in my hair good I have severe ah careful severe your spelling of severe there there's an e at the end without it sever the word is severed this becomes the word sever sever means to cut something severe means very strong watch out for your spelling there I got chemicals on my nails up for your nails we use this preposition on as well so watch out for that okay I got wasabi in my eye oh no come nice example sentence that's pretty good I got chemicals in my mouth nice nice nice I have dizziness in my head or just I have dizziness is okay we understand it's in your head there great nice example is everybody let's continue on to this next part and then we'll talk about a couple more vocabulary words and take a break um this is one I actually had to use this one time I found a person on the ground so maybe you've had like this experience on the street or something if you find another person and you want to explain that what do you say so first past tense I found a person on the ground so not floor floor is inside like now in the studio we are inside there's a floor here if you're outside it's on the ground on the ground again your preposition here is on so I found a person on the ground he or she is not responsive he or she is not responsive responsive you see inside this word responsive is this response response so that means he or she is not giving a response if I say like hello are you ok there is no response we communicate that with this he is not responsive she is not responsive this is a key word when you're making a phone reports there ok let's finish this part with this last bit down here describing pain I want to introduce three points here about describing pain junior Alisha I have an allergy or I'm allergic both are ok I have up like peanut allergy or I'm allergic to something both are fine there ok last describing pain if you move nice era if you have arrived in a hospital a common question a doctor or hospital staff will ask you is this one right here on a scale from one to ten how bad is the pain on a scale from one to ten this part on a scale from one to ten means from zero or sorry from one to ten how bad is the pain so that means you please choose a number so one is like pain ten is strong pain on that scale how bad is your pain so you can say eight six three that's a quick way for doctors and nurses to understand your pain last part in this section three key vocabulary words here some of you already talked about these are three ways different ways to describe the pain that you feel the first word is sharp pain sharp pain so sharp like a knife a knife is a good image for this word so sharp pain if you can imagine like someone stabbed you it's really like like a knife pain in your body you can describe that as sharp pain so for example I have a sharp pain in my stomach or I have sharp pain in my head so it's like a knife we use sharp pain to talk about that the next word here is this one throbbing pain this one is hard to pronounce so there's that th at the beginning and unvoiced th throbbing throbbing pain so this the root here is throb throb to throb means to rhythmically beat so this comes from your heartbeat actually so your heart has like that regular beat so when you have pain that has the same rhythm as your heartbeat like you notice it's it has like a rhythm to it we describe that as throbbing pain something is throbbing pain so like a headache is often a great example of throbbing a pain you could say sharp throbbing pain too if you want to that's also good okay and the last one that I want to describe is eight you can put this before I'm sorry after a body part - someone mentioned headache earlier great headache stomach ache backache those are the common ones I think so an ache is kind of just a low level of pain that's just constant it's not really throbbing it's not really sharp it's just uncomfortable maybe like shoulder ache as well okay so those are three quick words you can use to talk about different types of pain all right but I have to take another break and then we'll finish with a few more key words if you missed it earlier if you missed it earlier today is a very special thing that we have it's this banner down at the bottom of the screen this if you don't know Black Friday I mentioned it earlier in the lesson but Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving so Thanksgiving is on a Thursday the day after Thanksgiving is Friday so this is called Black Friday and it's become a really popular day for shopping so there are lots of really good deals discounts bargains things like that so many people like to go out shopping on Fridays with their family members usually for Christmas so we also have a Black Friday special this year so this is 51 percent off so this means this is for basic premium and premium plus 51 percent off so if you are excuse me so if you are not a member of the website this is a chance maybe to get a good deal if you decide to become a member oh it's for life access for life I just controlled s cousin for me it is access for life that is pretty exciting so if you want to check this out there's I guess there's limited spots available 101 interesting you can find this in the link below the video if you're watching on YouTube and above the video if you're watching on Facebook so please check that link if you want to get this Black Friday deal okay a couple questions Armando says hi when do you use it hurts it hurts this a very general word anytime you make it like an injury like if I kick something like ahhh my leg hurts like we use that to talk about just general pain we don't say I have a pain in my leg for that we would say it hurts like ah my head hurts a little today like ah my hand hurts like I stretched it I don't know or like my neck hurts I slept weird okay let's finish then with this part here MA ammaji says how many days do you have online class in a week this is once you were watching once a week class okay let's go to this our last part here I want to introduce just a couple of vocabulary words for suspicious people suspicious sounds they're disturbances so if you want to make a report like we talked about here about something that's not an accident but it's a suspicious person this is how you can do it so like I'm calling to report a strange man or I'm calling to report a strange woman outside my house so again you can use those location expressions we talked about at the beginning of today's lesson I'm calling to report a robbery I'm calling to report a theft what's the difference between robbery and theft robbery is generally like large-scale like a bank robbery like someone stole a lot of money or like lots of like diamond necklaces or something that's a robbery theft is usually smaller scale like someone went to a convenience store and like stole like five hundred dollars it's usually like smaller scale things robberies are like bigger things so I'm calling to report a robbery or I'm calling to report a theft that's another point here we use an article I'm calling to report a robbery I'm calling to report a theft is okay or I'm calling to report theft you may hear it with no article there the last two words are threat and assault threat threat so again there's that thr pronunciation a threat so threat this is related to the verb to threaten to threaten so in this case there's not any like physical attack but someone uses strong words to say something like I'm going to hurt you or I'm going to do something bad they're saying that something bad is going to happen in the future that's as a noun a threat so you could say I'm calling to report a threat or I'm calling because I was threatened threatened finally assault if you see it like a fight if you see a fight you can say I'm calling to report a fight yes or I'm calling to report an assault and assault so if threats are like words we're using words to scare somebody assault is actually attacking somebody so you're using physical force making someone do something that is assault so I'm calling to report an assault or someone was assaulted for example as a bird assaulted so these are a couple of words you can use to talk about suspicious people are like fights or other disturbances so those means like societal problems very example uh armored threatened threatened with a knife yes you could say that someone threatened me with a knife yes you can okay um I don't see other questions yet some of you are writing some very silly sentences about theft okay ah great I will end there for today though cuz I'm late I talk too much as always so this lesson if you missed it please don't worry this lesson was recorded you can watch this on our Facebook page or on our YouTube page at any time if you have questions please send them in the chat I will check your messages and try to answer them somehow in the future of course we will be back next week so today's lesson will finish here but next week we will be back next week it will be November 29th Wednesday November 29th the topic will be explaining steps in a process so I'm gonna talk a lot about sequence words like first after that then next that sort of thing um so I kind of I want this to be a good lesson to help you with writing and with imitations too so please join us next week for this lesson so that's Wednesday now it's 9 p.m. eastern standard time because of daylight savings so please be careful 9 p.m. Eastern Standard Time is New York City time of course you can always get a notification on youtube or on Facebook you can get the hit the notification button for our live streams that would be fantastic so we'll finish there for today don't forget to check out this this Black Friday sale there's only I wonder how many are left now I don't know I'm kind of curious I don't know anyway if you want to find this this special Black Friday deal please check the link below the video on YouTube or above the video on Facebook thank you as always for sharing and for liking the video we really really appreciate it thank you for your questions really great questions everybody and thank you for your example sentences so please enjoy your weekend if you are celebrating Thanksgiving and Black Friday I hope that you have a nice celebration but otherwise I will see you all again next week thank you bye bye [Music]
Channel: Learn English with
Views: 107,832
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords:, englishclass101, learn english, easy, fast, longplay, compilation, fun, simple, learn while you sleep, english exposure, english immersion, get better at english, live, livestream, tv, english tv, american english, british english, talk about emergencies, talk about emergencies in english, english emergencies, english emergency, talking in english, english conversations
Id: P0F_CtugQuk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 9sec (2109 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 21 2018
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