How to Make Travel Plans - Basic English Phrases

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start streaming all right we're rolling good morning good afternoon good evening good night to wherever you are in the world welcome back to our weekly live stream my name is Alisha and today we're going to talk about how to make travel plans how to make travel plans is our topic for today so welcome as you join the live stream please don't forget to hit the like button and of course share the video too I'm going to do the same you can watch the live stream on YouTube on Facebook on Twitter on Twitch on Instagram as well but the best place is probably in YouTube or Facebook so thanks for joining we're going to start very soon we'll give everyone a little time to join the live stream and then we're going to begin so as we begin I don't see chat yet I'll pull up Facebook I'll pull up Facebook chat myself but then I haven't seen the you can be chat yet so I hope everything's good um but while we wait I have as always just something a little reminder from the channel to share so if you have not seen it yet on the channel there's a new episode of ask Alicia the weekly Q&A series that you can watch on the channel so if you haven't watched that this week's is about I talked a little bit about how to use the word though a lot of you ask about using the word though especially at the end of a sentence so I talked a little bit about where you can find an answer for that and then I talked about the difference between like don't have to and have not I think it was so there's some good grammar reminders there so please check that out if you haven't already okay it looks like Facebook is up Twitter is also up fantastic I think it's all up YouTube is also rolling which looks pretty good yes good okay YouTube is up I see everybody hi everybody we're ready I think fantastic okay then now that everyone is here yeah I already talked a little bit about kind of the the new episode of ask Alicia that's fought in the channel but there's also other good stuff for you to check out there too so please do so oh hey then now that everything's ready hi YouTube hi ready Wow Eduardo I say yes to Eduardo's monkey tie from Morocco Wow cool okay welcome welcome ok I see everything great we're ready we're ready alright so now that everything is rolling I want to get into today's topic which I said is how to make travel plans how to make travel plans is today's topic so I mentioned before sorry I'll talk a little more slowly now I mentioned before we're gonna talk about three main things today three kind of main categories we're going to talk about expressions for making your plans we're gonna talk about how to change your plans and then we're gonna talk about cancelling them as well so those three things and I'm gonna focus a lot on some vocabulary that you can use to sound a bit more natural we'll also do a quick grammar review kind of in the middle of today's lesson too so we have a lot to do hi everybody hi jr. Ronald gin Ellison Sandra Hector garrison and it's vehicle and Cuong and one on Facebook great lots of people watching well thumb okay so let's begin with the first part of today's lesson please the first part of today's lesson is going to be about booking so booking means making your reservations let me just scroll down in my notes here okey-dokey so let's begin with the first part of today's lesson which is making a reservation so I just used the word I just used the word booking so this is a key vocabulary word for today to book so to book so I know you guys probably all know the noun like book something you read but to book to book means to reserve to reserve and at least in American English we use the word book a lot more than we use reserve reserve sounds more formal than book so when make a reservation when we make like a reservation for a flight a reservation for a hotel for an activity a restaurant whatever you can use the verb booked booked so um we'll see a couple so I kind of made some example sentences to show you how we use these expressions so the first one the first one that uses the word book as a verb we'll see in just a second this is yeah can we see that one that's perfect perfect okay so here we can see it I need to book my flight I need to book my flight so this is when you're making travel plans you're preparing for travel at this phase I need to I need to book my flight I need to book my flight so here we have a book which I mentioned means reserved I need to reserve my flight need to if you like you can change this to I have to I have to book my flight that's also okay to use so book this will be a key vocabulary word for today okay then the past tense of book is booked so I'll just write it here in parenthesis booked is the past tense so after you make your reservation after you've completed that you can use the past tense booked to describe that I'm gonna move sorry I'm gonna move the mic so I can't see my notes okay so oh yeah we have two examples now that's great so I need to book my flight and I need to book my flight to Italy so here's an example of how you can use the expression with a specific location I need to book my flight to a location okay so let's go on then to the second pair this if we can see both pairs like both sentences on screen at the same time that'd be perfect so um when you want to explain your travel plans that you finished making the reservation you can use this past tense booked to do that so we'll see that ooh in just a second I think there's a bunch on the screen right now all righty yes perfect okay so to use past tense then after you make the reservation after you make the reservation we use this past tense booked the pronunciation of this is booked the T sound not booked it but booked booked so I booked a flight da hands in YouTube says what does that mean flight flight means your airplane travel airplane travel so this sentence means I reserved airplane travel a seat on airplane travel from City a to city B so in this case example I booked a flight from Tokyo to Venice for example so this is how we use booked to talk about our travel plans okay so the next point when you're talking about your travel plans specifically flights and maybe like buses or trains or whatever there are a couple of expressions we use to talk about timeframes for those like the the travel time travel related expression so one key word is layover layover so a layover you might also hear stopover as well stopover so layover I'll also include at your stopover I think in American English we tend to use layover a little bit more so layover or stopover these mean the time between flights the time between flights so from the moment your flight arrives in one city your waiting time is your layover so you have waiting time and then your next flight so your time between your flights is the layover time that's the layover time so we'll see some examples Oh perfect thank you so we'll sees a couple examples I hope you guys can see this on Facebook I have a and then your time period layover in your city name so I have a three hour layover in New York City for example one huge point here though this part you'll see three hour this is singular so don't use the plural three hour I have three outward so why because this uh right here this is attached to this noun layover is the noun this right here is like an adjective three-hour we don't use the plural form here we always use this singular so I have a one hour layover I have a two-hour layover I have a five-hour layover in Paris for example so yes this is this is like when you're traveling yes stopover as I said stopover is the same stopover and layover are the same yes so this is the period in between your travels like in between your flights or maybe like in between train travel like from station to station yeah so this is the expression we use so please use the singular form here I have a three hour layover in New York City for example so these are a couple key words to talk about your actual planning for travel and to explain your travel plans okay good and send some questions do I see lots of people thinking although oh and don't forget to hit the like button when you join as well but if you have questions for sure Shariff why don't you use the plural for ours we don't as I just said we do not use the plural form for ours because this is an adjective this is acting as an adjective this is modifying this noun right here when it's acting as an adjective there's no plural form used use the singular this applies to everything like age or time related as well check the video the livestream video on adjective order for more details about this point okay let's take a break though it's hot in here today let's take a break huh mode on youtube I have an hour an hour because hour starts with a vowel sound we use and before vowel sounds thanks for the question okay Hugh it is hot in here it is getting warm in this location but let's talk about this free thing that I'm Fanning myself with today as always we have free stuff for you guys so if you have not please make sure to check the link below the video on YouTube and above the video on Twitter and on face book as well so we have a bunch of free PDFs for you guys this is perfect for today so the free PDF cheat sheet checking in at a hotel so of course there are vocabulary words here for the places in a hotel yes but these are some key things we're going to talk about these in just a moment some of these these are expressions questions and sentences to use at your hotel so for example when you check in at a hotel or when you need to make a request at a hotel this is a really really good resource for today's lesson so please go download this from English class it's totally free totally free so check the link below the video or above the video yeah you can see now these are this is just one there are a lot actually of these so maybe you could check the restaurants one as well the around town one for your travels too so there are a lot of really good resources to check out everything is free so definitely go download those you can do it now or you can do it later after the lesson now is good that's fine will be here okay so if you are just joining today's lesson yes is about how to make travel plans how to make travel plans we just talked about some key expressions for making your plans we talked about this keyword to book something and we talked about the word layover as well so now we're going to move on to talking about reservations like how to make reservations for things and maybe a little bit about grammar to use to sue let's go along oh yeah and your futures turning don't forget to like the video please please please okay I'm gonna steal the mouse for just a second thank you scrolling down oh oh I didn't see that in my notes okay Oh add that here shoot okay um all right let's go on do the next part hotels hotels and activities will be the next part so the first part focused in a lot on transportation airplane transportation but the next part is going to be about like hotels and activities that you do during your travel so as we talked about for hotels we can use the same verb I need to book my hotel is fine to use there then we can use the same thing for tours so we'll see in just a second a couple of example sentences of how to use book for tours and for activities so I talked about using book for flights like I need to book my flight we can use that for activities for Jota for hotels as well so we'll see this in just a moment perfect looks good yeah so I included some for tours and some that are just for everyday activities so the first expression up here is I booked a tour of plus your city and the area you're visiting so for example I booked a three hour again singular I booked a three hour bicycle tour of London this is true I did this last number those fun um then you can also just use it for a simple activity as well this this is something you can use even in your hometown now in your home city right now so I booked a haircut for example so that's nice so this is a really really useful for my thing so this is something you can use anymore any reservation you want to make a book to restaurant it's good maybe a really important keyword for today um good vinícius yes you can use book for a table at a restaurant yes yes yes yes okay so with this though with what we've talked about so far here I want to review some key grammar points with a few sentences someone is exploding meeting super me sorry Kyle okay good so I want to review then so now we have a couple of key vocabulary words here I want to review some key grammar points that you need to use I think correctly when you're talking about your travel plans and you're explaining them to people so we're gonna talk for Grandma today or for grammar in this part I'm gonna focus on a couple of key points and they are simple present tense simple present tense so this is for timetables and schedules we use simple present tense for timetables and schedules and then we're also going to talk about like progressive tense ing at the end of verse will and won't and going to and not going to so this first point this will be for timetables and schedules so alright schedules here so timetables and schedules will use simple present tense to talk about that I'll give you an example in just a moment this point is going to be for your future activities future activities so again I'll share an example a couple examples in just a second okay so I made a sample very short very short itinerary for this sort of practice so let's take a look uh at this part okay so a few just simple sentences a few just kind of activities to take a look at this grammar first part we see my flight leaves at 12 o'clock my flight leaves this leaves this is present tense simple present tense that I just talked about so my flight leaves to leave gets conjugated to leaves because my flight is the subject it my flight leaves at 12 o'clock same thing in the next scent I arrived in Paris at 4 p.m. the next day so I arrived so if here arrived arrived is also in present tense simple present tense but there's no s at the end because the subject is I I arrived no s at the end of that so next step will be after I check in at my hotel I'm going to do a little sightseeing so here I used going to to talk about a future plan because I've already decided the plan I've already determined what I'm going to do so I use going to to express that then then meet a friend at a restaurant I booked for dinner so here we have this key vocabulary word again I'm going to meet a friend at a restaurant I booked for dinner perfect so we can include that there the next day here I will probably get breakfast at a nearby cafe so right here is another key grammar point aisle this is the contracted form the reduced form of I will iíll probably so um will as I said like we've talked about will and won't in this livestream before you can go back and check other episodes of this but will is used for decisions that we make quickly like in a conversation or there used will is used to talk about things we haven't like officially decided yet we're still maybe thinking about it so here I've included aisle but I added probably so it means like I'm not 100% sure but there's a pretty high chance I'm going to do that thing I'll probably do blah blah blah something like that ok so this is a sample itinerary we're using simple present tense for timetables and then we're using the progressive tense ing will won't and going to to talk about the activities in that schedule there's a lot of grammar in this actually but this is quite typical for talking about your travel plans so I hope that this is helpful about why did I say get breakfast and I didn't say have breakfast just because I wanted to like you can use both both are fine both are fine so the next day I'll probably have breakfast at a nearby cafe that's fine also so there's not always just one correct choice so don't worry so much okay good good good good sounds good all right with that then let's take another be Rick let's take another break take another break uh to talk about some free stuff as always free stuff this week I mentioned this is perfect our perfect one for today is this checking in at a hotel a cheat sheet the free one so on the back actually here there's a really nice one if you have not reserved a restaurant there's this expression could you I can't read backwards could you please recommend a good restaurant around here so this is probably a really really good resource when you're traveling and you need to know like a few key expressions you can use in the hotel or around the place that you're visiting so check this out it is free you can get this from the link below the video on YouTube above the video on Facebook and Twitter and pitch Instagram maybe it's in the profile I don't know but please check it out it's totally free if you just log in with your account you can download everything that's on the screen right now so there's a lot a lot of stuff I'm showing one of these today but there's a whole bunch there's a lot of these to check out so please take a look they offer you alrighty then good stuff good stuff our book and reserve the same yes and no yeah book is the same meaning as reserve but it is more casual reserved sounds more formal okay alrighty let's continue on to the third part for today's lesson I'm going to take the mouse again all right so the third part of today's lesson is going to be about changing your plans or cancelling your plans so let's get into it oh yeah if you're just joining yeah today we are talking about how to make travel plans also how to break them so now we're going to talk about how to cancel your plans so we've talked about the word booked as a verb but now let's look at some different ways to use it so when you need to cancel a plan you can use the verb cancel so to cancel a we can use some of you have already used this to cancel a booking or to cancel a reservation so these are the noun forms of these same expressions to book so to book as a verb we can make it a noun by saying booking booking to make reserved change from a verb to a noun we can use reservation so I need to cancel my reservation for example I cancelled my reservation I canceled my flight perfect so here we can see this is a sample pattern how to make this I cancelled plus some activity some reservation find I canceled my flight I canceled my hotel I cancelled the restaurant for example so use cancelled in the past tense the pronunciation here is a D sound cancelled cancelled there so booked has a T sound canceled has a D sound there I canceled my flight I canceled my reservation then when you need to make a change like you need to change the time or you need to change the place or something like that just use the verb to change so to change a reservation to change a reservation I need to change my reservation perfect I changed here we have I changed the booking for some reservation so I changed the booking again booking means reservation I changed King for the hotel for example I changed the booking for the tour as well so please use the verb change to describe that okay sometimes to make a change you need to add people like more people are coming to the restaurant for example when you want to change your reservation so that more people can join you can use to add people I need to add people to the reservation so let's take a look at an example of this okay I'm going to add plus the number of people to your booking I'm going to add two people to the booking for example I'm so here also I contracted sorry I'm going to I change this too I'm gonna the more like a casual version so in speech we say I'm gonna or a omona I'm gonna I'm gonna add two people to the booking so to increase the number of people please use add I'm gonna add two people to the booking all right so these are maybe expressions you can use for like restaurants or perhaps hotels I suppose mmm I bought why did I say booking and I didn't say booked again this is the this is the noun form this is the noun form booking is a noun to book is a verb this is a grammatical difference okay let's talk now about a couple expressions you can use for changes on your flight so there are two expressions two key words I want to mention for this part first one is to upgrade to upgrade so here we see up up like actually like to move this this direction and then grade means like level so on a on a flight there's typically maybe two grades two levels there's the regular flight and then like the first class or business level so to upgrade means to move up to the next level in your flight so if you say ah yes we'll see that in just a second perfect thanks guys I upgraded to business class I upgraded this part I upgraded to business class it means you yourself you chose to move up to the next level so maybe you paid for a business class seat however you see this expression here to get bumped up to get bumped up this part so to get bumped up this is something you did not choose to get bumped up means someone else probably the staff at the airline decided to move you into business class so we use bumped up bumped up this is like kind of a casual sort of word which is like a quick like a quic pushing motion like I got bumped up to business class so this is generally a happy thing so you want to get bumped up to business class however just keep in mind the who made the decision this is the difference between these two sentences I upgraded to business class I decided to do that I got bumped up to business class I did not decide to do that someone else did it I got bumped up okay good good good good okay how to book a hotel we talked about expressions for booking hotels you'll have to do that unlike websites I think probably that will be a little bit different or you can check maybe some of the free stuff we talked about earlier today - oh right but those are kind of the key vocabulary words I wanted to talk about today so I think oh my gosh this time goes so quickly it's already like 30 minutes past the hour that was so fast Wow okay so I have to finish up for today so if you missed it please don't worry this is a video you can check on the Facebook page and on Twitter and on YouTube and on Instagram everything basically so please come and check us out if you missed anything let's see cuts EEG is upgrade from business to first class correct it could be yeah if there's a difference between business class and first class on your flight then sure that's fine okay good but I have to finish there I'm late now so thank you so much as always for joining our lesson this week next week we are going to be back next week's topic is going to be data how to make a presentation I'm going to talk about presentations and kind of the general flow for presentations and some patterns that you can use at the different stages of presentation so the introduction to your presentation a summary all those kinds of things we'll talk about this next week so that's next week may 23rd Wednesday May 23rd 10 p.m. Eastern Standard Time that is New York City time if you don't know your time please Google it you can do it I'm sure so next week we'll talk about how to make a presentation so please please please join us again next week okay we'll finish there for today but please make sure to go download all this good free stuff from the website this class is going to finish now so please check this out and get some free study tools on English class 101 dot-com all right I'll finish there so thank you so much for liking the video for sharing the video for joining this week and for sending your great questions and comments I have a nice day have a nice night and I'll see you again next week enjoy your weekend bye bye you
Channel: Learn English with
Views: 42,077
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Keywords:, englishclass101, learn english, easy, fast, longplay, fun, simple, english exposure, english immersion, get better at english, live, livestream, tv, english tv, american english, british english, make travel plan, plan travel, travel planning, how to make travel plans, how to, basic english phrases, english phrases
Id: tqiTKO7DJm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 36sec (1836 seconds)
Published: Wed May 16 2018
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