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wanna speak real English from your first lesson sign up for your free lifetime account at English class 101.com hi everybody welcome back to ask Alicia the weekly series where you ask me questions and I answer them maybe first question this week comes from ghoul hi ghoul glow sent us hi Alicia what is the correct pronunciation of s and th sounds when they come one after another especially when we talk fast for example it's 3 p.m. here is the thing is that possible he is thin could you please pronounce these sentences sure yeah this is a tough one so when we're speaking quickly we make the S sound as short as possible sometimes it's just ants and we drop the it sound like in its sometimes it turns into a Z sound so I'll say these sentences at regular pace it's 3 p.m. it's 3 p.m. he's thin he's thin he's thin here's the thing here's the thing here's the thing is that possible is that possible is that possible so we're not pronouncing all the sounds clearly in that last example is that possible becomes is that possible is that possible it's like a Z sound everything gets combined into there so in the first example sentence it's a quick soft S sound it's 3:00 p.m. we're not exaggerating the th sound so much there it's like the th sound happens but the tongue doesn't come out between our teeth he's thin thin thin so I hope that helps you next question the next question comes from Maxim Romanovich hi Maxim Maxim says hi Alicia nice day isn't it indeed about two weeks ago I started learning English by watching serials without translation in my own language is it normal that recently I started to notice I could talk in English to myself about a half-an-hour am I getting crazy with English thanks for sending this no that's awesome I think that's really cool umm sometimes you guys do send your comments like oh wow I can understand things now or I can use English more than I could before so I don't think that's weird at all I think that's great I think that's just proof that's evident that your dedication and your studies are paying off in other words you're making progress so I think that's great so thanks very much for sharing this comment and good luck in your continued studies it sounds like you're enjoying yourself that's awesome great thanks very much for sending this let's go on to the next question next question comes from soo Miah abdullah hi soo Miah soo Miah says hi I have a question what is the difference between portal and date Oh interesting question okay portal portal is something used in like science fiction stories we use portal in science fiction stories and you might sometimes see this on the Internet as like a hub a web hub for something but portal is used to refer to like a gate between dimensions it's like a special kind of like dimensional gate so portal is not commonly used in everyday speech maybe some of you have played the game portal that was a really popular game where you had a gun and you could shoot the gun like on a wall and a portal would open here you could shoot another portal on another wall and walk through it so it's like some kind of dimensional like sci-fi word gates however is the much more commonly used word we use gate to talk about this like entrance to a house or to someone's yard or so a garden for example so a gate is much much more common we see them in our neighborhoods in our cities all the time so typically in most situations I think Gate is the better word portal is like a science fiction kind of gate it's usually like the image is like a circle gate is like something that swinging is open something like this I hope that helps you interesting questions thanks very much next question next question comes from one punch in Taiwan punk punk punk says hey Leisha could you please clarify the phrase we got you back I came across this expression on my email from my bank it said we've got you back on fraud I want you to check does your email say we've got your back or we got you back these are very different expressions so I'll explain first the expression we've got we have got your back means we support you we've got your back imagine like a friend watches your back a friend is behind you watching your back the back side of your body like to protect you to make sure nothing bad happens to you so when someone is watching your back to say I've got your back something like that means I support you I'm looking out for you I'm trying to protect you however we got you back we got you back means we got revenge on you for something you did something bad in the past and someone got you back means they got revenge on you someone took revenge for something bad in the past so we've got your back and we got you back are very very different expressions I think your bank is probably saying we've got your back in regard to fraud in other words the bank is trying to protect you if you want to use this expression in everyday life like a friend is going to do something difficult or dangerous you can say I've I have I've got your back sometimes we also make it more casual we drop half there and say I got your back I got your back meaning I support you I am looking out for you interesting question thanks very much for asking let's go on to the next question next question comes from Ronald Royce high Reynolds round says one how to study new words and remember them two how to speak in an American accent number one how to study words and remember them to study words and remember them you could try using a vocabulary flashcard tool like unki unki is a great flashcard tool it's a computer-based tool so that's great for flashcards I think you can download sets of flashcards to help you study vocabulary words and expressions other things you can do once you've practiced those words make sure you use them so use the words right with the words speak with the words so don't just input input input but create using those new words - how to speak with an American accent practice speaking with an American accent that's what I did when I was growing up and that's what speakers all over the world do to gain their accents they practice speaking using that accent so if you want to speak with an American accent I would say practice speaking with an American accent I have an American accent so if you want to practice speaking you can try to practice speaking like me if you want to if you want to get some ideas about American accents you can check the English topics series on this channel where you can see Michael Davey and of course me I'm talking in English but in a more casual setting so you can get an idea of how our accent sound in everyday conversation so if you want to see what an American accent sounds like and use that as a way to practice your speech you can check that out for sure those are all the questions that I have for this week thank you as always for sending your questions - remember to send them to me at English class 101.com / ask - Alicia thanks very much for watching this week's episode of ask Alicia and I will see you again next week bye hi everybody welcome back to cop words my name is Alisha and today we're gonna talk about ten different ways to remember words so these are actually some ways to remember words that you have sent in to us so I'm really excited to see what your recommendations are I study other languages so let's talk about it let's see I associate new words with words that sound similar in my native language if you're studying English your native language might share some words so like I'm studying Japanese and for example the word chocolate sounds very very similar in in Japanese so in English the word is chocolate in Japanese the word is choco doodle so it sounds similar so that's an easy word for me to remember I learn about the roots of words and how different words are related to each other many words in English have roots in very very old languages like Latin so a word like omniscient for example can be broken down into maybe two parts the Omni Omni meaning all or everything and she int the shins part relates to knowledge or knowing so together the word means all-knowing omniscient maybe you can guess the meaning even if it's the first time you've seen the word okay I listen to songs and memorize the lyrics this is also a common way to to help kids learn things too through songs opposite of B plus or minus the square root b squared minus 4ac all over 2a it's a quadratic function equation because it's a song it's still in my head Thank You mrs. Sam I often watch TV or YouTube videos that are designed for young children that's how children in the native language learn so it's a great tool for you don't be embarrassed to do that I do that in English we have Dora the Explorer we have Sesame Street I speak as often as possible with native speakers a native speaker can go up that's that's a strange thing that you're saying so there are a lot of small factors that you can't get unless you're speaking with a native speaker so this is a really really great tip if you're interested in doing this with us we have on English class 101.com a special subscription which is called the Elise level of subscription where you get to actually study with one of our teachers here so if if you don't have somebody that you can study with now that might be a way to do it please check that out if you're interested I try to use the language routinely in the context of daily life when you're alone just doing stuff at home like making breakfast or cooking or doing the laundry if you use the language just to say like now I'm going to I don't know cut vegetables or oh I need to do laundry later today or thinking about your appointment whatever another good example is really I put my phone into my target language you're telling little stories when you're having conversations with people so get used to telling yourself the story I use repetition reading writing and speaking words over and over again keep repeating in your studies even if it feels like you know you're not making any progress you are just just the act of doing that repetition can be helpful for you if a football player never throws a football he's not going to be able to throw it very well is he you have to repeat repeat repeat and then when you're faced with the actual situation where you need to throw the football you need to use that vocabulary word you're ready you already know how to say the word so yes repeat it's good I try to think in English so it becomes natural to my thought process I do this I think about what I need to do I think about what I have done I think about what I'm going to do and so in that way you can practice past tense future tense and present tense recently this has been happening to me I've started dreaming in Japanese from time to time where I dream bilingually it's exciting I think I try to use the word in a simple sentence so I learn whole phrases not just individual words yes this is a huge tip so vocabulary is important of course if you don't know a key word you might miss the meaning of something but context is important too so there might be two words which seem very similar like big and large for example but when should I use large when should I use big like if your clothes shopping and you say mmm do you have this in a big size it might not be the correct way to use the word instead do you have this in a large size is the correct phrase so learning how to use the correct vocabulary word at the correct time is important and you can do that through studying sentences and phrases instead of just vocabulary this is why reading is important I feel reading as much as possible especially the newspaper helps me to remember words when I was a kid I just read everything I was I was so into reading I loved it and I think that it helped it actually helped my language skills improve even in my native language again at first it's really hard to do and you might have to use a dictionary a lot but you'll learn gradually more natural speaking patterns more natural writing patterns too which will help you to sound more natural when you speak and maybe he can help your listening skills too when you can listen for those patterns that you see in textbooks that you see in newspapers and novels whatever it's a great tool reading and thank goodness that's the end so those are 10 tips that you can use to remember new words and new phrases try them out I'm going to be doing my best with my target language I hope that you do too thank you very much for watching please please please subscribe to our channel if you not already and we will see you again soon for more exciting information by the bathroom hi everybody my name is Alisha today we're gonna be talking about the top 10 favorite English words we asked our fans on Facebook what their favourite English words were and these are the top 10 that came out so let's talk about them come on the first word first phrase is come on come on is a phrase that's used to encourage other people like let's go to the party come on or you could also use it with downward intonation as in come on when you feel upset about something someone has stopped in front of you in the middle of the street and you're trying to walk but they they just don't move you can say come on though don't say that out loud maybe because they might get upset with you come on over that's a good one yeah come on over to my house or come on over to the barbecue this weekend it's gonna be a good time so you can use it as part of its separate phrase as well not just by itself believe the next word is belief belief is used a verb it's a verb when you trust in something or that you feel that you know that something exists or something is possible or something is capable many people use it as in like I believe in you to show that they think that the other person or the other group of people is capable of doing something or people use it for their faith as well like I believe in God or I don't believe in God for something that youth you have your faith in and another person or in religion whatever that might be consistency consistency is a noun the consistency of a liquid can be really thick or kind of thin or you can also use consistency to talk about something that's important that you need when you're studying a language for example consistency so consistency refers to doing the same thing the same way over and over and over again studying every day or making a habit out of studying creating consistency in your study patterns will really help you in learning another language and watch our videos every week we're consistent friend-friend that's good I'm glad that that was a word that was chosen from the Facebook thing friend yeah so someone that you feel close to or someone that you get along really well with is your friend mmm in a sentence I went out drinking with my friends yesterday and that was a bad idea friend also can be used for the people who follow you or the people who you're connected to on social media so your Facebook friends maybe Twitter you can have Twitter friends maybe Instagram friends people that you haven't actually met but that you somehow have a connection with online people are now calling them your friends but whether or not they're true friends remains to be seen what is a true friend a true friend is someone who you can tell all your things - and they won't judge you for it gatecrash this this gatecrash means to go to an event without having been invited to the event I've also heard just crash I haven't heard it with gate but I just heard crash isn't to crash a party so in a sentence I once crashed a house party hmm I wasn't invited but someone somehow we had a connection and we just showed up and had a good time but usually gate crashes are perceived as their very unwelcome like you shouldn't be there great great is just a positive word how are you I'm great Oh how was that movie it was great any time that you want to express some sort of positivity you could use the word great great you're great Eileen pizza is pretty great I haven't eaten beads in a while Pizza I don't know I love the phrase I don't know I talked about this phrase in one of the English topics videos that we did with Michael we'll check that out if you haven't already I don't know of course is used when you do not know information you don't know the answer your teacher asks you a question in math class or something and you can say I don't know for I have no ideas so you can use it in this way but I like to use I don't know a lot to transition in my speech when I don't have a good idea or when I'm out of things to say and I want to kind of pass the conversation to the next person I go I don't know I don't know you can use this when you're trying to make a decision for example and you kind of want to encourage the other person to like help make the decision so one person might say what do you want to do and you can say I don't know what do you want to do I don't know what do you want to do and eventually somebody has to make the decision but you can kind of pass back and forth with I don't know I don't know in this sort of soft way never mind never mind means don't worry about it or maybe like stop thinking about that I don't need to think about that anymore never mind like you want to move on in the conversation you can say never mind are you making embarrassing comment never mind what is happening there was there's like a creaky cracky thing happening I just used it never mind no it wasn't on purpose so I just use never mind I was pretty good passion passion passion refers to something that you feel very strongly about positively usually so you can feel passion for your studies you can feel passion for your hobby you can feel passion for your family or your friend I think we use passion moreso to talk about like a love relationship of a romantic relationship so you could say I have passion for my wife I have passion for my husband or like I have passion for this hobby that I do it's a really positive word so in a sentence let's see I think a relationship should be full of passion I have passion for music I do I have passion for music I'm constantly listening to music from the moment I wake up in the morning I literally have headphones in in my bed and I'm listening to my latest the latest new things on my soundcloud stream that's true sparkler why did you guys pick spark sparkler a sparkler is a small firework like a handheld firework that you can use like a fourth of July you light one end of it and it kind of makes that sound to it cuz it kind of burns and you can write stuff and if you take a picture with a like a long time err on the camera or whatever you can spell out boobs one of my favorite things to do on the 4th of July in America is to light sparklers with my family and friends and that's the end so that's were let's see how many 10 those were 10 really cool words that you guys chose from Facebook thanks a lot for participating and sending in those words it's interesting to see what you guys chose thanks again for watching today and we will see you again next time bye we're stirring the pot here in English class 101.com want to speak real English from your first lesson sign up for your free lifetime account at English class 101 calm the only thing I want for Christmas the series to chill hi everybody welcome back to ask Alicia the weekly series where you ask me questions and I answer them maybe thanks very much as always for submitting your questions remember you can submit your questions to me at English class 101.com slash ask - Alicia first question question comes from Carla hi Carla Carla asks how do you native speakers use to have I have seen I've I have got formal and informal sure we use the verb to have for a lot of different meaning there's a grammatical function for the verb have when we pair it with the past participle form of a verb like I have plus past participle to make the present perfect tense or I had plus past participle to make the past perfect tense so there's that kind of grammatical function of the verb have however if you just want to use the verb have in everyday situations like I have a phone or I have a camera or I don't have any money for example then to have in that case just means to own something or to hold something to be keeping something so please consider the sentence that you're looking at with the verb have in it if it comes before a verb in the past participle it's probably a past perfect or a present perfect expression if you're seeing something after the verb have like an object in my examples like a phone or a camera or money then it's probably referring to owning something or keeping something so those are probably two of the most common ways that you'll see the verb have and it's variations in at least American English speech next question the next person asks two questions so the next two questions are from SLR Ciotti where we're saya D I'm sorry question one from essa can you explain through thorough though and thought they sound similar yes indeed they do sound similar and they even look similar in writing for sure however these words have different meanings and different functions in speech and in writing let's look at through to begin with though through means to pass into something and to come out the other side of something so for example to go through a tunnel or if you're looking at a document for example to go through a document means to read through read all of the content of the document from beginning to end so through something is to begin at something and pass through all of the content to pass through everything and come come out the other side or to complete something so we also use the word through to mean finished in American English like are you through with dinner or I'm through with my homework so through those are a couple of different ways we use the word through the second word thorough thorough so different from through thorough means comprehensive thorough means completely thorough means well done it has typically a positive meaning so for example she was very thorough in her explanation of the word through or she was very thorough in her explanation of the word thorough sorry she was very thorough in her presentation meaning she gave a lot of information in her presentation thorough means well done containing a lot of knowledge a lot of information in something thorough so please be thorough in completing your homework or he wasn't very thorough in cleaning his room so thorough means well done completely done finished so considering everything considering all points of something even the small details is considered thorough so we can use thorough for presentations for activities that require small details a thorough safety check for example so these are actions that are done completely fully to the small details so that's thorough next right here is though though though you can think of though in the same way you think of the word but so it's used to contrast information it's used to express a difference in something so you could follow someone's opinion with an expression like though so for example I think summer is the best season though winter is pretty fun too so you can think of though in the same way as you think of but a though B so you're presenting a and then a contrasting opinion be and you're connecting those two ideas with though in the same way you would but so though though although is similar we use although and though and but in similar ways what's the difference but is much more casual and but is use much more in casual conversation and everyday conversation if you're writing a document a formal document or if you're making a formal statement you could use though in place of but so though shows contrasting information the last one on this list is thought thought thought is the past tense of think when used as a verb so I thought you were coming today or I thought it was going to rain later or I thought this was such a great afternoon thought is used as the past tense of think we can also use thought to refer to an idea as a noun so I had a thought for example or do you have any thoughts about this project so we can use thought as a verb past tense of think or as a noun to refer to an idea so again that's through thorough though and thought some of you might be wondering how do I remember which is which when I'm reading or when I'm listening you have to pay attention to the grammar of the sentence they all have different grammatical functions so you need to think about the grammar surrounding the word two-on-two question do from SF what does love to hate me and when can I use it love to hate means it's something that you really really dislike but it's sort of enjoyable to dislike so for example this is an expression we can apply to reality TV so many people think reality TV is not very good entertainment or it's not very high-quality entertainment however it's really really fun to watch so maybe for example you just hate a character on a reality TV show but somehow you enjoy watching that TV show too so something that you feel very strong dislike for and yet you really enjoy it at the same time that's something you can love to hate you love to hate that thing next question next question comes from Bowie Dent a bow a bow a den day I'm going to ask when can I use ever in a present perfect sentence like I have ever ever means at any time or at all times you can use ever when you're asking a question like have you ever bla bla bla have you ever been to France have you ever eaten ramen have you ever taken a trip to the mountains for example we can use ever when making questions that's one but because ever means at all time or at any time we may not use it to answer a question like that have you ever blah blah blah we usually say yes or no in that in response to that we can say I have never ever taken a trip to France or I have never ever forgotten my key use for example I have never ever blah blah blah but in that case it still means never an expression like never ever just emphasizes the word never so to use ever we need to pare ever with a verb in a sentence so we can't say I have ever just I have plus a verb we cannot say I have ever that's incorrect I have at some at any time or at all times it's it's redundant it's it's not necessary we can however use ever in a negative expression like I haven't ever been to France or she hasn't ever eaten cheese for example so we have to pare ever with a negative to make a response we use ever for present perfect tense questions and paired with a negative have or has to make a response to make a negative response so please keep those two in mind next question next question comes from Baja hey Baja nice to see you again bajas question is what does - mean and when can we use it ok so the word - as a verb means to run very quickly for a short period of time so for example I dashed to the station to catch my train or I dash to the classroom for my test he dashed off to the flower store to buy a bouquet for his mother for example so these are very very short periods of time and very high speed that's 2 - however we can use dad as a noun in a way that does not refer to running we can use it in writing as well sometimes we use the word - to refer to these lines we see in writing you might see hyphens and dashes and M dashes these all have different functions in writing hyphens may be used to connect words and dashes can be used to show periods of time and M dashes can kind of show extra information in a sentence so we call all of these dashes this is kind of the category that we assigned to each of these so there's the verb - - and there's also - as a noun which means all of these sorts of things so thanks for that question mark next question next question comes from Ricardo Villarroel hey Ricardo welcome back Ricardo's question is what's the difference between several sundry and various okay I'm not quite sure how sundry fits in here several means a few of something so think of several as higher than a couple or a few but it's not quite at many yet so maybe as a good hint the word several sounds a bit similar to seven maybe it doesn't necessarily mean exactly seven of something but it's a bit higher than a few and it's not quite at the level of many or a lot of the next word you asked about sundry sundry is something we use for household items like everyday small household items we usually use that in the plural form like shops which sell sundries so this is quite different from the words several and various so sundry is usually used in the plural form and it refers to everyday items in your house the last word you asked about various we use various to describe a miscellany of things we use it before a noun typically for example various ideas or various people or various subjects various topics so various is used to describe many different types of something several refers to quantity various is just used to indicate that there are different types or different kinds of the noun that follows it so as I said various ideas various flavors various people meaning different types of ideas different types of people different types of flavors so several quantity various types next question next question comes from Arnett Jake new gooood Newton ugly eyebrows are how do we use well before someone starts speaking and though after they speak well is kind of used as a soft way to begin speaking well it kind of shows that you are listening to the other person so it shows you listened to the other person and you are responding to them well if that's the case it kind of has that nuance well it sort of shows you were listening and you are going to respond based on that information remember though is used to show contrast so if someone presents you with an idea or gives you an opinion and you want to show contrast to that formally you can begin with though so if for example you're in a formal situation a business situation for example and someone says I think we should continue with the idea we proposed last summer for this project you might counter the opinion or you might oppose the opinion by beginning your statement with though so you could say though that's going to cost a lot of money to implement so though shows contrast in a formal and polite way next question next question comes from Michael King hi Michael Michael asks I want to study at home self study what should I do ah yeah okay I have self study and it can be tough to do but you have the internet congratulations so what can you do there are a lot of things number one define your goal what is it you hope to achieve what are you looking to do through your studies don't just say I want to learn English that's not a very specific goal give yourself a specific goal to achieve like I want to pass this level of a test or I want to be able to do this thing in my life I want to be able to give a business presentation in English number two look for resources that are going to help you achieve that goal if you need to work on your speaking you need to find ways to practice your speaking if you're looking for something to help you with your reading or you're writing for example look for tools that do that if you want to read look for blogs look for websites that have the content in your target language that you want to know more about so start reading things and trying to pick up the vocabulary through studying those things in your target language there are tons of resources out there but you need to define your goal first and then start looking for the resources that match your goal three may be the most difficult one for a lot of us is to practice every day find some way to make language practice part of your everyday routine in my case for example I found that it was really helpful for me to take 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes in the evening during my commute on the subway to study vocabulary and that helped me improve little by little day by day so it was a total of 30 minutes but it added up over time I am through practicing every day you'll find that the resources you're using will become easier to understand number four where possible try to create an immersion environment if you're not in the situation where you're actually living in the country or you can go to the country where they speak the language you're studying try to create some kind of immersion environment for yourself where you can't escape into your native language just as much as possible try to create some sort of immersion environment so that you get used to hearing those sounds and kind of the natural responses that people have to those sounds too number five I think one more really good tip for studying at home is asking questions so there are other people who are learning your language and other people who are trying to study we see it a lot on this channel too and you guys are fantastic about helping your fellow classmates when you have a question and you can't find the answer for it ask someone don't let yourself get stuck also think about the resources you already have if it's a question about vocabulary you can check the dictionary if you want to deepen your vocabulary you can check a thesaurus if you have a specific question about how an expression is used try asking a native speaker try posting on a message board try posting in the comments try posting on our website so if you have a question reach out and ask chances are if you have the question it's going to help somebody else to ask the question and get answer if you have a question ask good luck with your self-study next question next question is from Harley passes hey Harley welcome back what does uncountable mean this refers to a group of noun that we do not count with numbers alone so for example bread is uncountable instead we use a counter word between the number and the uncountable nouns so in my bread example we use one loaf of bread one slice of bread there are different words we use to count the individual pieces or the individual units of the uncountable now uncountable nouns means nouns which we cannot count with just a simple number before then now we need to use an additional counter word next question next question comes from Taylor hi again Taylor what's the difference between look into my eyes and look me in the eye I would say that we use look into my eyes in more romantic situations or you might hear this in like movies maybe there's something magical that's happening and I don't know which is casting a spell and she says look into my eyes look me in the eye is typically used in a more aggressive situation its youth than an expression like look me in the eye and say that look me in the eye tends to be a more aggressive statement look into my eyes sounds more romantic or mysterious next question from Yong ki Yong Yong hee I'm sorry what's the difference between I like to take naps and I like to take a nap or I like to go for walks and I like to go for a walk so when you're speaking generally especially in a sentence like I like to you need to use the plural form of the noun you can't use the singular form of the now because you're talking generally about all cases of that noun or all cases of that action you're talking about a regular activity you like to do something you have done more than one time something you are going to do repeatedly presumably into the future so you need to use the plural form next question next question is from soo ha how do we write a good paragraph number one you need to think about the position of your paragraph in your overall document let's think about writing in document in terms of three parts and introduction of body and conclusion in the introduction section you need to introduce the key information your reader needs to know what they're going to read about later in your documents so if your paragraph is in the introduction you need to think about how to introduce your information there second the body section of your document should be where you include your evidence your supporting materials your opinions any references that you have so if your paragraph falls in the body of the document you should have these things in mind if your paragraph is in the conclusion of your document at the end you should be concluding or finishing your ideas it's typically a good idea to summarize the ideas you presented in the body and the introduction of your document in the concluding session do use transitions when you're writing it's good to transition from one sentence to another and to use good transitions between paragraphs themselves so some example transitions could be 1st 2nd 3rd or next then finally after that moreover additionally furthermore so transitions help the reader connect the ideas that you're presenting in your writing 3 avoid trying to include too much information in one sentence remember you need to try to present your ideas as clearly and accurately as possible so if you find you're just writing and writing and writing and the sentence is becoming extremely long take a moment and look at the goal of this sentence what are you actually trying to communicate if you need to break it into smaller sentences and connect them with transitions next question next question comes from Juan Garcia high lawn lawn asks I would like to know how to use down up off in on and out after a verb and why it's necessary oh dear Juan this is a very big question your question is about phrasal verbs these are all called phrasal verbs verb plus adverb or preposition there are an enormous amount of phrasal verbs I cannot possibly talk about all of them in one video phrasal verbs are necessary because they are part of speech they are simply a type of verb type of expression so you need to know them because they will help you to communicate effectively so if you want to know more about specific phrasal verbs I would suggest checking a dictionary okay thanks very much for submitting your questions again this week great questions as always thank you so much you guys make me think really hard remember if you'd like to submit a question please send them to me at English class 101.com slash ask - Alicia alright so thanks very much for watching this episode of ask Alicia and I will see you again next time bye bye this is not a traditional Christmas outfit I kind of look like a cleric from the movie equilibrium have you guys seen that movie with Christian Bale and Sean Bean you know that movie where they like don't have any feelings and they fight this video is over today we're going to talk about four techniques to help you stop translating in your head and instead start thinking in your target language this will allow you to have conversations with ease read smoothly and better understand native speakers these are four methods to help you think in a new language number one surround yourself with your target language this way you'll be completely immersed in the language without realizing it you'll learn pronunciation sentence structures grammar and new vocabulary play music in the background while you're cooking or have a radio station on while you study just use one of our endless podcasts available to you these are easy to listen to in the background while doing other things number two learn through observation this is how we all learned our native languages as kids words will develop their own meanings that relate better to your target language rather than meanings that are translated directly number three speak out loud to yourself even if you're a little embarrassed it forces you to listen to how you speak it makes it much easier to spot simple grammar mistakes number four practice daily if you practice everything for only one day you won't retain the information you learned the brain can realistically only focus for about 30 minutes so studying a little every day allows you to absorb better follow these steps and have patience you'll soon be able to achieve your language learning goals just make sure to remember these four methods sign up for your free lifetime account no credit card required and you'll get the best free online resources and start learning more every day want to speak real English from your first lesson sign up for your free lifetime account at English class 101.com want to finally start speaking in your target language in this guide you'll discover the top 7 ways to practice speaking on your own with our lessons let's begin number 1 shadowing shadowing is a proven learning technique where all you do is repeat what you hear in order to practice speaking so access any audio or video lesson on the site and press the play button to start then as you listen or watch just repeat the conversations or even easier read along out loud with the dialogue section the script is right there in front of you with our lessons you can master entire conversations just like that number 2 read out loud I just mentioned it but reading out loud is another powerful tactic and deserves its own mention with every lesson you get written transcripts and translations so as you play the lesson read the dialogue out loud as you hear it why by reading out loud you're also practicing your speaking skills you can do this with the lesson notes the lesson transcript or the dialogue tool with the dialogue tool you can listen to each line again and again and repeat out loud until you master them all number three speed up your reading to speed up your speaking being able to speak without thinking is a sign of language mastery if you're talking to a native and can respond quickly they'll assume that you're fairly fluent how can you do this when you read out loud try increasing your speed a little bit every time so start by reading with a dialogue tool if you're like most learners you'll read the first line slowly that's because you're still getting used to the words which is okay reread it on your second try you know most of the words and you'll read a little faster reread it again on your third try you'll be even faster at a native speakers speed and being able to read these phrases out loud and fast will help you speak fast number four record and compare yourself with native speakers in order to sound like a native speaker you must imitate native speakers so here's how access the voice recorder which is in the dialog study tool in every lesson click on the microphone icon listen to the native speakers audio and then record yourself you can then compare the two recordings side-by-side and practice and try again and again until you perfect your pronunciation number five get feedback from our Premium Plus teacher if you're learning by yourself and don't have access to real teachers then you can always get feedback from our Premium Plus teachers with the my teacher tool you can record yourself speaking and send the audio file to the teacher they'll review it and tell you what to improve and how that's it number six level up your speaking with Premium Plus assignments with Premium Plus you can also get assignments that cover reading writing listening and even speaking from your teacher these assignments can be tailored to your goals and needs you get a new one every week or any time you're ready for a new one number seven get even more lessons in the lesson library if you want even more lessons on speaking and conversations visit our lesson library and under category two conversation you'll get all of the pathways and lessons that are focused on speaking if you enjoyed these tips hit the like button share it with anyone who's trying to learn a language and subscribe to our channel we release new videos every week and if you're ready to finally learn language the fast fun and easy way and start speaking from your very first lesson get our complete learning program sign up for your free lifetime account right now click the link in the description I'll see you next time my hi everybody my name is Alisha and today we're gonna be talking about ten of the hardest words to pronounce according to you guys so we collected some information from you on Facebook thanks very much for sending in your ideas and these were the top ten most difficult words for you to pronounce so let's get started absolutely absolutely absolutely might be tough to pronounce absolutely means 100% absolutely is an agreement phrase are you going to that music event next week absolutely yes 100% definitely absolutely loot like a loot hell ute dude big rhyme big rhyme apparently means dirty I have never heard nor used this word before but perhaps it's difficult to pronounce big rhyme the door to my apartment was big rhymed in the storm last week breakfast the next word is breakfast breakfast is hard to pronounce but that is the meaning of breakfast you're breaking the fast so fast is a period of time without eating and to break means to just well in this case breaking something it doesn't refer to like crushing a thing but stopping something to break the fast of the night in other words so you're fasting during the night you're not eating so you wake up in the morning you break the fast but we don't say break fast we say breakfast in a sentence this morning from breakfast I ate a bowl of cereal with grapes and I had a coffee too colleague colleague yes colleague many of my students struggle with this they say colleague or they say colleague you or something cuz the spelling of this word is really really strange there's that gue at the end and we're more commonly I feel it's just co-worker colleague sounds slightly more formal to me then coworker somebody who you work with or somebody who you have a business relationship with in some sense could be a person from another company could be somebody from your own company anyone who you do business dealings with is your colleague can be your colleague in a sentence I'm going to a networking event with my colleagues next week miscellaneous that mis see miscellaneous so just as the spelling I think maybe it's confusing for this word miscellaneous miscellaneous just means others stuff or just other uncatted Erised stuff I keep a lot of miscellaneous items in a drawer in my house maybe they don't they don't really fit into one category like it's not kitchen things it's not clothing it's just sort of a mixture of things miscellaneous things negotiation the next word is negotiation negotiation yeah there are two T's in this but neither T is a hard T they're both very soft that Sh sound because they're followed by the eye and another vowel that she a negotiation negotiation refers to a compromise between two people you're trying to make a decision and you negotiate in this case that's a noun form negotiation business negotiations continued for more than a month with this important deal realm realm I see why this one's hard it's that rolling part the room it's a weird word isn't it it's used to talk about just like the kind of a fantasy world is sort of the nuance of this phrase the realm in a sentence lets us go to the realm where the elves live and eat their bread unfortunately the next word is unfortunately unfortunately unfortunately just means too bad you can use this to to start bad news for example like unfortunately I can't come to work today because I'm sick or unfortunately I broke my arm at the basketball game last week or unfortunately my haircut is bad vocabu-larry vocabu-larry vocabu-larry vocabu-larry vocabu-larry vocabu-larry just refers to the words in a language my vocabulary in my second language is really really low I need a bigger vocabulary so that I can express myself more clearly world world oh I see why this one's hard world world hard to pronounce that rld I think together is tough Plus that w at the beginning as well it's such a short word but you have to say so many weird things at the same time world your tongue is going yeah Wow like this in a sentence I have traveled all over the world and the best food is in my stomach that's in so those were 10 hard to pronounce words give them a try slowly at first and just kind of try to work up to him saying at a more natural speed if you like thank you so much for sharing your opinions with us on Facebook and please make sure to subscribe to our channel so that you don't miss out on any of this fun information so thanks again for watching today and we'll see you again next time bye you don't need new shoes you need new fee too much information hi everybody and welcome back to top words my name is Alisha and today we're gonna be talking about your top 10 language learning goals for the year sounds good right let's go I'll finish the survival phrases series on English class 101 comm by listening to two lessons a day the first goal is I'll finish the survival phrases series on English class 101 comm by listening to two lessons a day wow that sounds like a good goal two lessons a day that doesn't sound too bad I suppose having never listened to one of these because I speak English already but what I mean if it's if it's only like two or three minutes you could do that like one in the morning and one of the night I'll finish reading one English book by reading ten pages a day I'll finish reading one English book by reading ten pages a day oh that's a really good goal actually actually I have this goal for myself for Japanese and I'm doing a terrible job of it because I picked a book that was too hard mmm so I guess if you want to do this you should pick a book that's just a little challenging for you I think that's the best thing to do something just tough so you learn what you read I'll pass my English test the next goal is I'll pass my English test pass my English test so hopefully all of you will pass any English tests that you have coming up or get the score that you want on your English certification exam again I think it's just an everyday thing like studying every day making it a habit is the best I'll memorize five English songs whoo oh the next one I used this technique when I started learning Japanese actually this goal is I'll memorize five English songs songs were great because like the melody helps the words stick your head but it does make things a little bit weird because you might end up using like an intonation pattern or a speaking pattern that's not so natural but you can at least kind of remember phrases or remember how words are supposed to fit together even if it's not necessarily grammatical you know you might still be able to use it actually this is a surprisingly easy one if you just take time listen to the songs and repeat after the singer the same way that you would for a song in your native language this one's a pretty fast goal withing I'll finish memorizing 350 words with flashcards on English class 101 calm the next goal is I'll finish memorizing 350 words with flashcards on English class 101 comm 350 words with flashcards I wonder how long that would take 350 words if you learn I don't know 350 words I feel like you could do that in like a couple months pretty easy if you're ambitious a couple weeks that's a good one I'll write 10 postcards in English to my english-speaking friends the next goal is I'll write 10 postcards in English to my english-speaking friends that's sort of cute actually I would be sort of happy to get a postcard from a friend like you don't get postcards these days and like a handwritten one from someone who's studying like English I'd be really cute I'd like this hey all my friends watching this video will you send me a postcard okay how's anyone and Mike really bad Japanese you can make fun of my handwriting looks like an elementary school student I'll learn how to talk about past present and future events so the next goal is I'll learn how to talk about past present and future events this should really already be a goal this is pretty much what language is like language is a tool to talk about past present and future events and potential events as well if you're watching this video you're probably studying it right now I'll master 150 words by memorizing five words a day the next goal similar to one we just saw a few minutes ago is I'll master 150 words by memorizing five words a day that sounds pretty good words a day sounds fine just make sure to review so you don't forget the five words you learned the day before find a way to make sure that you don't forget the words you've already learned but five words a day seems pretty reasonable if you can stick with it I'll become a better English writer by journaling every day the next goal is I'll become a better English writer by journaling every day I think this is a really good goal to have actually just doing something writing something creating something in your target language in this case in English is great I do this in Japanese like I don't hand write but I use sometimes I use like Twitter or Instagram like just to try to say what I would like to say in of course in English but also to try and say it in Japanese as well so I use writing as a way to like just try to create language every roughly every day or so I'll watch one history documentary a week to learn more about the United States the next goal is I'll watch one history documentary a week to learn more about the United States oh this is interesting this is a cultural goal really so watching the documentary is a nice nice way to practice your language but because this this goal has a history documentary in the in the goal name you'd be learning about the culture of the country the culture behind the language that you speak a little bit that's a really good goal actually I like that one okay that is the end that was the last one all right so those are ten goals for learning English this year so maybe this is maybe maybe one of your goals was included in this list if you have a different goal for your language learning this year please leave it in a comment let us know how it goes - thanks very much for watching this episode of top words if you haven't already please be sure to like this video and subscribe to our channel thanks very much and we'll see you again soon bye whoa that's a big goal watching the same movie every day that is a really hardcore I wonder what what movie would you watch clearly like there's any other choice yeah I was gonna say like Star Wars but that's probably that's probably not a very good choice because it's like science fiction I would want to use a movie that's like you know you can pick up like lines from actually use them maybe like a comedy then or even like it sounds dumb but like a romance or like what's that call it chick flick yeah you know like this like cheesy romance movies those might be good yeah honestly because there's so much like normal dialogue in those yeah wow that would be quite a goal wow if anybody does that 10 points for you hi everybody my name is Alisha and today we're gonna be talking about the top 25 English phrases so let's get started the first phrase is hello hello of course is used as a greeting you can greet your friends you can greet your co-workers your family with this phrase just by saying hello hey hi what's up hello so yo pretty much any time of day you can use hello hello the next phrase is good morning good morning is used as a greeting in the morning you can kind of feel when morning ends for you good morning is nice and polite or even just morning with your close friends or close co-workers the next phrase is good night good night is fine we don't use this to greet other people we use it when we're saying goodbye to other people at night family members particularly mothers and fathers to say good night to their children before they put them to bed you can say it to your friend in a text message or in an email if you've been talking for a while good night so the next word to talk about is goodbye use it when you say goodbye to your friends when you leave your friends goodbye bye of course take care have a nice day peace out that's another way to say goodbye okay the next phrase is I'm plus your name of course this is a way to introduce yourself you can use I'm in my case Alicia I'm Alicia - introduce yourself in any situation new friend I'm Alicia okay the next phrase is what's your name what's your name is used to ask someone else what their name is so what is your name sounds a bit try to use what's your name if you forget someone's name you can say sorry what's your name or sorry what's your name again next phrase is nice to meet you nice to meet you anytime you meet someone new nice to meet you is fine good to meet you is a little more casual great to meet you sounds very excited pleasure to meet you sounds like maybe a formal situation or a business okay the next phrase is how are you how are you is an it's just a friendly way to check in with the other person you can use it with friends your family your co-workers maybe even your boss to a certain degree how are you how you doing the next phrase is I'm fine thanks and you if you saw English in three minutes we talked a lot about this phrase instead of I'm fine thank you and you say I'm good thanks how are you just shorten it make it a little bit more natural how are you good how are you great how are you not so good how are you okay and so on so when someone says how are you offer I usually say I'm good this week i bla bla give some information about what you've been up to maybe a hobby something that you did recently an event something interesting you saw whatever people want to make that connection with you and it's a good chance for you to continue speaking the next word is please PLEASE as a polite phrase used when you want something from someone else you can use this as a response when someone offers you something like in a restaurant for example would you like more water would you like something to drink oh please my next phrase is thank you thank you is used to express your appreciation you can use thank you with everybody the next phrase is you're welcome you're welcome when someone says thank you you can say you're welcome no biggie I use no biggie as in no biggie is short for no big problem next where it is yes yes of course yes means is any positive expression someone asks you a question and the answer is a positive answer you say yes yep uh-huh yeah we know next I'm guessing I knew it yep the next word is no no is a negative response to something when you have to give a negative answer so as you can probably guess the long form of no is negative I like to use nope it's very very casual not gonna happen my parents would use that with me to soften that a little bit if you want to show a negative response to something like let's go for dinner tonight what do you want to do like do you want to go out not really hmm no I don't think so mm-hmm to soften it the next word is okay okay this word comes from copyeditors okay when they had to check a manuscript they had to label the manuscript all clear AC but because they were copy editors and they have a very very sick sense of humor they thought they would mark it okay for all clear to make a joke because o and K do not start all and clear but it caught on among everybody in the world anyway okay is used to agree with somebody else well it can be used actually to express a positive or kind of a slight negative I feel transitioning in your conversation you can say okay now we're going to talk about blah blah blah okay the next phrase is excuse me excuse me it's used to get someone's attention in English when you don't know the other person for example in a store a supermarket maybe a stranger on the street you need to ask directions you can use excuse me you can use excuse me in the supermarket excuse me can you tell me where the hot sauce is if you've done something rude in public you can use excuse me I personally do not do rude things in public ever I'm sorry is the next word we're gonna talk about I'm sorry is used to apologize when you have made a mistake or someone you know it's made a mistake and you're connected to it or you just feel bad you can use I'm sorry you made a mistake at work I'm sorry you forgot to feed your cat I'm sorry sorry about that you bump someone next to you oh sorry what time is it is the next phrase when you need to check what time it is what time is it when you ask someone else what time it is maybe you say this to yourself to check your watch check your phone check a clock pretty straightforward phrase there aren't really any short version so that's an easy one where is that plus a location so you can use this for a building or a store we don't we're not going to use this where is the for a place a city name or a state name or a country name to do that you would need to remove the but where is the bank where is the post-office you can use this to ask directions to ask for help in your house or at work where is the copy machine where is the file I need where is the bla bla bla where is the bathroom is perhaps a very important question to know the next one is may I use the restroom may I use the restroom is a polite and soft expression that you can use if you to use the toilet you need to use the washroom and when you're at someone's house for the very first time when you're in a place that your that is new to you you can ask may I use the restroom more casually can I go to the bathroom to be very polite you can say may I go to the bathroom the next phrase is I would like to order something you can use this at a restaurant probably or in any situation where you need to place an order I'd like a pizza I like beer can I get the check please this will be used at a restaurant when you've finished your meal and it's time to go can I get the check please in a very very casual situation you can just say check please that's fine the next phrase is see you soon see you soon is used with friends and family members perhaps when you expect to see them again soon after saying goodbye to them this is used at the end of the conversation you're going separate directions see you soon see ya is also good or just see you to make it a little more formal you can say I'll see you again soon make a full sentence out of it that way the next phrases see you later see you later is very similar to see you soon but the point is would see you later is that you're probably going to meet that person again later on in the same day the last phrase is really really is a very useful word because you can use it to show you were interested in a conversation with upward intonation really really tell me more or to show that you're not so interested in the conversation with downward intonation really so there are many other words that you can use similar to really in this way like seriously or oh oh and so on so it's a really good practice for your intonation so those are 25 very common words and phrases in English if you liked this video if you liked this topic please subscribe I'm sure there'll be a button here somewhere a button here or wherever but please be sure to subscribe to our channel because we're gonna be doing more videos like this and we already have more videos like this so please be sure to check them out thanks very much for watching and we'll see you again soon really Oh interesting uh-huh okay I see great fantastic unbelievable mmm gratitude subjects what do we have for dinner tonight Pizza affirmative or if on this I am Chris Hardwick want to speak real English from your first lesson sign up for your free lifetime account at English class 101.com hi everybody my name is Alisha and today we're gonna be talking about the top 25 english nouns these are the top 25 most commonly used nouns in English so let's get started the first noun is the word name name of course is used in common questions like what's your name my name is and so on my favorite actor's name is Harrison Ford something like that the next word is time time is used of course to express the point in the day is used in questions like what time is it can you tell me what time it is I don't have any time lately if you're really busy have you any time it's time for my favorite show house of cards Kevin Spacey is cool the next noun is man please be careful man is one of those words it has an irregular plural form when you need to use the plural of the word man you should say men do not say man's it's very funny but don't say it who's that man or what's up man you can use man with men or women interestingly enough the next word is women women also has an irregular plural form please say women when referring to more than one woman not women's or woman even though the the singular and the plural form of women and women have the same spelling at the beginning WOM the pronunciations are different women women so watch out for that when you say that's pretty why man the next word is person person you can use it to refer generally to either a man or a woman please be careful persons plural form becomes people when you want to talk about another culture for example you can say such in such countries people or the people in that country speak above all language the next word is thing generally an inanimate object something that is that just doesn't move like a water bottle or you know a sweater a thing you can use it when you don't know the word for something so thing is very very useful what is this thing I like many things for example where the wild things are the movie that's already out that I totally knew about no the next word is mother mother is the person the woman who gave birth to you is not exciting mother is commonly shortened to mom or mama or mummy madre if you speak Spanish Mumm Mumm bah if you're me mamacita the next word is day of course day is used in all of the days of the week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Friday Sunday time period when the Sun is out the day or the daytime have a nice day the next word is world world just refers to the entire planet Earth I like to travel all around the world or I like trying foods from all around the world in the world of science this is an upcoming technology or in the world of literature he's one of the most famous authors so worlds can be used to refer just just to kind of a more specific hobby or a specific interest or it's just a specific person's life wharf world's father father is your dad other other common words used for father are dad papa pop daddy paw Basha while mother is used to refer to kind of like nurturing kind of like you know the earth or things that like kind of give life to others father at least in my mind there's kind of this image of someone who's a little bit more strict in your life the next word is sister a female sibling is your sister you can also use sister for a female person that you feel very very close with so I might call my female friend who's I'm very close to my sister my brother likes to shorten it to sis you might also hear sista as well if you are silly sister Whoopi Goldberg was in a famous movie called Sister Act the next word is brother brother is a male sibling you can also use brother to refer to a close male friend common variations of brother are brother bro bra rosy broski depending on what kind of person you are you can choose to use any number of those like I might sarcastically say to my friend cool story bro look if he's told me a story that's not very exciting in Mario for example the name of the Mario games is actually Super Mario Brothers but brothers is abbreviated as BRS Super Mario Bros yeah just be careful about your use of bro because it sounds a little bit like a college-age boy that's kind of the kind of of the word bro oh brother where art thou the next word is daughter daughter is a female child daughter do you have a daughter I have a daughter I don't have a daughter taken its son a male child is someone's son son s Oh n is pronounced exactly the same as s u n son what are you talking about son the next word is I II ye I your eye is the round thing that you used to see with eye is used in a lot of expressions and idioms in English as in I've got my eye on you meaning I'm watching you or keep your eye out for something meaning please look for something or please pay close attention I'm waiting for something to happen the next word is hand body parts give me a hand or can I give you a hand means please help me or can I help you to give someone a hand head this thing on the top of your body your head we use head to refer to the top of things as in the head of a company the head of a group the head of the line so whoever is first in the line whoever is top at the company they are the head if you have a head dance the next word is foot this is another word that has a weird plural form one foot two feet foot interestingly enough foot is used of course to refer to your body part a foot also is a unit of measurement if you are from America or I believe one other country in the world uses this system sorry we're not onboard with the metric thing in America but foot is 12 inches about this long so if head refers to the top of things foot is used to refer to the bottom of things if you've written a paper on Microsoft Word for example at the very bottom of the page there will be a space called the footer meaning the bottom where you can put little notes to your reader the next word is place place can be used to refer generally to a location commonly to refer to friends homes or apartments let's go to your place or can we have the party at your place is a little bit more natural than I want to go to your house the next word is work be careful about using work as a noun and work as a verb your work refers to your job your sponsibility er tasks at your office or your workplace you can use it in a phrase like I have a lot of work to do or please help me with my work I like to go to work it can be used to just refer to anything artistic in general so it can mean it can be a painting it can be a building it can be a sculpture it can be I don't know whatever anything artsy can be referred to as work as in I really like that new work by that artist or did you see so-and-so's new work twerk the next word is weak weak refers to the seven-day period that we have decided is one week here in the modern world commonly used in expressions relating to your activities as in I go to the gym once a week or I see my friends twice a week or I have to work every day of the week Monday through Friday is referred to as weekdays Saturday and Sunday weekend next word is month month is there are twelve months in a year my favorite month depending on which country I'm in I generally like autumn months like October I think I usually like the month of October September October is good because it's not too hot and not too cold halloween is coming and that's my favorite holiday Hannah Montana my next word is a year year refers to the time period usually 365 days there are leap years where there is an extra day in the month of February what year were you born or I was born in the year of the rabbit depending on which calendar you like to use it can be used to introduce a story as in many years ago I went to bla bla bla year the platypus next is the word one the number one the first number one of something to refer to somebody who you loved and who left your life you can say oh he or she was the one that got away the next one is the number but it can be using a number of expressions like what's your phone number or give me your number or here's my number it means phone number but we don't always say phone that's the end of this top 25 most common nouns in the English language maybe you've used some of these you probably have keep them in mind and have fun with them thanks very much for watching this episode and we'll see you again soon bye overhead one do you like trees yes yeah right Matt hi everybody my name is Alisha and today we're gonna be talking about the top 25 english verbs by frequency so let's get into it me is the first English verb the refers to existence I want to be an astronaut I think you would be a great person for this job be yourself let's be friends I could have been a writer if I wanted to be the next verb is have I have a dog I have an idea what do you have how many do you have how much money do you have do you have any friends how have you been have you seen my mom I can't find her have yourself a merry little Christmas the next verb is do do you want some pizza do you have a dog so why do you need if they do do be do be do if you're Frank Sinatra I do the things that you do better say say say say what you say name say you love me do you know what I'm saying know what I'm saying the next verb is get get a life get a job get a haircuts get a better suit Stevens what you got I could have gotten pony but I went with a lizard instead I'm getting tired that's not true the next verb is make make a cake make your mother proud someone outside is making a strange face at me through the window at the moment that is a true story [Music] legitimate means the next verb is go go big or go home I'm going to the beach you should go to the beach you should go to the forest go to a baseball game with me past tense of goes went I went spelunking on my holiday the next word is no this is an interesting word because no is actually not commonly used in the progressive tense no is commonly using present tense to refer to your mental state or your emotional state so we don't really say I am knowing really but we can say I know I know the answer what do you know about this issue he couldn't have possibly known the location of the treasure how many people do you know I knew it the next verb is take take a cake take a break take yourself to bed you should take vacation have you ever taken a bath the next word is see we'll see I'll see you later the next verb is come come as an expert please come to my house come to a party I'm gonna come over to your place later the next word is think think I think you're great he thinks pizza is the best food I'm thinking about lunch I'm thinking about coffee what are you thinking about I've been thinking about something that's a Hanson song have you ever thought about the meaning of life look look it's the next firm please look at the camera look over there look over here and look at dog look at your mom oh my gosh would you look at that look at the time look it's a bird it's a plane it's actually a bird look that's it is it me you're looking for hello next word is want want what do you want I want food how many coffees have you ever wanted I wanted to go to the dry cleaners this morning but I ran at a time that's true the next verb is give give me a break I'm going to give you a raise Stevens I'm giving you the ax fired give me a break I have given you everything I have go on tomorrow off right now I could have given you the world and instead I gave you a carpet uses the next word use don't use a pen I like using chocolate when I make food are you using me for my brain next is fine we could have found buried treasure last weekend I'm finding Nemo find things on the internet with Google find English words and phrases at English class 101.com yeah tell is the next verb tell me a story tell me lies tell me sweet little life tell me the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I am told that you are an extremely good opera singer I'm telling you to leave tell lies every day don't tell lies the next word is ask ask please pronounce this correctly it is not ax many native speakers make this pronunciation mistake and it really bothers me ask ask me about my collection of rare doughnut recipes ask your mom about her life why don't you ask your boss to the party how about you asked your coworker for some advice about this issue I should have asked for help but I didn't the next verb is work work is work I'm working now sima team the weather seems nice today he seemed a little angry this morning feel is the next word feel I feel happy feelings feel feel clap along if you feel like that's what you try oh my gosh try is the next word huh I'm trying my best I try every day to work very hard have you ever tried ramen I tried ramen yesterday and it was really good do you try to exercise every day I'm trying to sleep go away the next verb is leave leave leave me alone leave your doors unlocked don't leave your doors unlocked I have never left a hot air balloon without first taking a picture the next verb is cold call it the next breath give me a call please call me later call me maybe Oh your mom on her birthday every year she'll be happy Cole Cole you're a seagull have you ever called the wrong number have you ever called a dog by another dog's name and that's the end no the most fun episode I've ever done anything so those are 25 English verbs some very very common English verbs give them a try we've talked about a lot of different grammar forms and a lot of different ways you can use these verbs so please practice them and if you like this video please be sure to comment please please please be sure to subscribe - we'll have a button around here somewhere maybe mini buttons so please subscribe to us and check out more content as it becomes available thanks very much and we'll see you again soon bye surfed look at that's do you wanna leave your babies outside of them leave your attitude at the door there are a lot of verbs in English okay these are just a few let's begin the discussion of the personality adjectives hi everybody and welcome back to top words my name is Alisha and in today's episode we're going to be talking about what adjective describes your personality best so let's go charismatic someone who is charismatic is perhaps a good leader people are drawn to them people want to follow them want to come to them charismatic doesn't necessarily mean that that person is a good person or a bad person just that they are very good at drawing people to them people tell me that I'm very charismatic boring boring means something that is not interesting so hopefully nobody calls you boring if you're a boring person work on that let's talk about cardboard boxes reliable reliable someone who's reliable someone that you can trust or someone that always does what they say they're going to do my best friend is very reliable humorous humorous humorous is just funny there's a difference between funny and humorous and silly and terms of people anyway this is how I would break it down silly it's like appreciates just very kind of childish stuff or just enjoys laughing funny is um like a slightly more grown-up funny I feel like silly can be part of funny silly can fit into funny but funny is a little bit more grown-up maybe your make like the actual word jokes that are you know require a bit more knowledge or a bit smarter and then humorous humorous is like I feel like it's a bit more pretentious I hope that my friends think that I'm a very humorous person the next word is energetic energetic means you have a lot of energy I personally don't use it if someone says what's your best friend like I wouldn't immediately think he's energetic like I feel like that's a given somehow and when I say that's a given it means it's it's an already understood idea I would use energetic for something you would not expect to be energetic my grandmother is very energetic she hikes mountains even though she's 80 something lazy yeah you don't want to be called lazy generally yeah it means that you maybe you're not hard-working you don't take care of yourself or you don't take care of your responsibilities generally lazy is not seen as a good thing unless unless you use it an expression like today is a lazy Sunday one of my co-workers is really lazy he never has his stuff done on time extroverted extroverted it begins with that prefix X X TRO like X meaning outside so like extra more information so an extroverted person is a very outgoing person they like talking they like talking to people they want to go out and do all the things and be social and go yeah I like being extroverted on this program introverted the opposite of extroverted is introverted introverted inside something interior they want to not go talk to people all the time or maybe they just have a different way of expressing their social skills in reality I'm other introverted person the next word is indecisive indecisive indecisive people drive me crazy this word means someone who is bad at making decisions I have a friend who is very indecisive she can't ever make up her mind I have to do it for easygoing easygoing easygoing is a good thing to be generally in my opinion easygoing means you're relaxed you'll just do whatever you're happy to just hang out if someone makes a suggestion you're cool with that alright fine that's great for me I'll do whatever my best friend is very easygoing he's cool to do anything the next word is naive naive so someone that doesn't have a lot of experience in a topic or even life experience could be considered naive you don't want to be called naive the suggestion with naive is that it's easy to take advantage of you maybe you could be easily molded or your experience can easily be changed by someone else so generally naive is not a good thing you don't want to be naive my friend was very naive and got in trouble with a bad business deal the next word is artistic yeah artistic is a good word similar to creative perhaps artistic is someone who enjoys art or enjoys creating things so this doesn't it's not limited to you know just art like paintings you know during doing paintings or sculptures or something like that any kind of creative endeavor any kind of creative work I feel you could use the word artistic for my aunt is very artistic she can draw very well enthusiastic enthusiastic this is similar to energetic but it just means you're excited about things you're enthusiastic about something usually sports fans are very enthusiastic about their favorite team friendly friendly I hope that you are a friendly person because someone may be that it feels easy for you to talk to someone that's chill someone that's probably outgoing maybe a bit extroverted is a friendly person I went to an event on Saturday and everybody there was very friendly it was a fun time how would I describe my personality God it depends on the day man the one that I use late is scatterbrained but that has a very negative connotation about it scatterbrained if you break down the words scatter and brain scatter means like to spread something randomly brain meaning inside your brain I have so many different things going on that like I'm thinking about like this job in that job in this project in that project and I have to do this and oh my god my laundry's not done yet and what am I gonna make for dinner tomorrow oh my god I have to go running later tonight what am I gonna do how many cups of coffee if I had this is what's going on in my head those are 15 words that you can use to talk about your personality or to talk about someone else's personality so you can try and use one of these words to describe your personality leave us a comment below and you can test it out if there's a different word that you are interested in using to describe your personality or another person's personality let us know better thanks very much for watching this episode of top words and we will see you again soon I want to speak real English from your first lesson sign up for your free lifetime account at English class 101.com vamos a la piscina that means we're going to the movie theater right all right hi everybody my name is Alicia welcome back to top words today we're gonna be talking about must know expressions for agreeing and disagreeing very useful so let's go exactly exactly when you agree 100% with something someone else has said you can say exactly for example ramen is one of the best foods in the world exactly I don't agree I don't agree you have a different opinion from the other person they tell you I think that soccer is the best sport you can say I don't agree but be prepared to provide your own opinion after this I think soccer is the best sport I don't agree I think that football is oh that could cause some problem I'm soccer football Americans say football when we mean American football but the rest of the world says football when they mean soccer maybe maybe is when you don't know when you can't make a decision or when you're not sure about something okay so someone tosses you an opinion someone says their their idea to you I think it's gonna rain tomorrow you can say yeah you don't know for sure yes or no but it's possible it's a good sort of in-between expression but if you use maybe all the times gonna sound really strange and it's gonna sound like you can't make a decision so use maybe very sparingly don't use it so often maybe is very commonly used it's a soft no it's up to you to figure that out among the people that you're talking to though you want to stay over at my house this weekend and maybe I couldn't agree with you more you are in complete agreement with the other person and really want to communicate that to them do you think that what they have just said is really really correct super correct yes you are completely onboard with that idea you can say I couldn't agree with you more I couldn't the negative form I could not agree with you more meaning it's not possible that I could agree more with what you're saying next week it's really important that we have a barbecue because summer is ending and then your friend can say I couldn't agree more that's a fantastic idea I'll buy steak I think we're going to have to agree to disagree agree to disagree this is a kind of it seems like a simple phrase agree to disagree so you're agreeing with the other person you agree that we have a different opinion agree to disagree I would use this expression at the end of a discussion so person a and person B have different opinions and they've been discussing those opinions for a long time and person a is not changing his or her opinion person B is not changing his or her opinion so you can say at the end of the conversation okay we have to agree to disagree let's just accept our different opinions and move on in the conversation you have a point there this is not necessarily an agreement or disagreement phrase it's a small agreement within a larger discussion so maybe you've been discussing a topic for a long time and you've disagreed with the other person until this this time this person says something and you agree with that ah you have a point there so there's one thing that this person said that you can agree with you can say you have a point there I think that's correct or I agree with that point that's exactly how I feel that's exactly how I feel meaning my feeling is the same as your feeling or my opinion is the same as your opinion that's exactly how I feel maybe you can use this if someone describes your feeling very accurately for example you can say I feel like the company is really heading in a nice new direction you can say yeah that's exactly how I feel I really like the new boss I don't think so I don't think so it's soft it's not so direct it's not a hard I disagree but just I don't think so of course you can use it to discuss opinions but you can also use it when you're making plans are you going to that party this weekend I don't think so it's not a disagreement but it can be used as a negation phrase and a negative response to something when used as an opinion I think Chinese is the hardest language to learn you can say I don't think so I think that Arabic is the hardest language to learn yes you're right yes you're right means you're correct yes I agree with you I think that's the right information I think that's the correct opinion just a very clear agreement phrase you're right it also has the nuance of being correct so maybe there was there were there was a possibility the other person could be incorrect did you know that pepperoni pizza is the most delicious pizza in the world yes you're right you could change it to that's right for that opinion you can use your to talk specifically about the person itself but that's right yes that's right that information is correct I guess so I guess so it's sort it's an agreement but it's sort of a flaky agreement I guess so it's like you don't really want to make a decision but you don't feel strongly in one like in agreement or disagreement you can say I guess so it's usually said with this tone of voice I guess so you know we don't really say I guess so generally it's like you can't quite make a decision or you don't want to make a decision you can say I guess so hey we're gonna go for Chinese food for dinner tonight do you want to come yeah I guess so you don't feel strongly either way I guess so I'm afraid I disagree it's a rather polite expression that you can use in a business situation for example I'm afraid here doesn't mean I'm actually scared or I'm really frightened but just it's a softener that's used at the beginning of sentences to introduce a negative opinion so I'm afraid I disagree or I'm afraid I can't agree with you for example I think that you need to adopt a new policy for your company I'm afraid I disagree it's a soft disagreement that sounds a bit more formal than some of the other phrases we've talked about so far absolutely absolutely means 100% yes exactly precisely definitely it's a quick and clear and can be polite as well as casual word that means you agree with the other person hey do you want to go to the beach this weekend yeah absolutely absolutely oh that's in so those are some phrases that you can use to agree and disagree with other people there are a lot of them so and you can kind of mix and match them as you see fit so give them a try thanks very much for watching this episode of top words and we'll see you again soon bye plays beach you've decided to study a new language so now what well you want to become fluent fast right here are the top five shortcuts to learning a language number one create a study schedule and set some goals many language learners are unorganized creating a schedule allows you to free up time to study consistently goals give you motivation and something to strive for number two make it fun if you learn how to make your study time enjoyable chances are you'll be more inclined to study watch a TV show with subtitles or listen to some music number three find a language partner this is the best way to improve your conversation skills it will help you gain fluency even faster and increase confidence when speaking number four use word list to build up a solid vocabulary this is a great way to build up your fluency one word at a time luckily we have all the word lists you need with a range of topics from food to love choose whichever language you want to study and go number five don't be afraid to make mistakes nothing helps you improve more than correcting your own errors you're more likely to remember it correctly the next time around everyone makes mistakes don't be afraid to learn from them there's no magical way to learn a new language overnight but doing all of these can really help your learning process and remember if you're interested in getting on the fast track to fluency sign up for your free lifetime account no credit card required and you'll get the best free online resources start learning now welcome back to the Internet hi everybody welcome back to ask Alisha the weekly series where you ask me questions and I answer them maybe first question first question comes from Ferris does Ali Ferris Kazanlak how do I stop translating the meaning of English words in my head I can tell you about the things that have helped me and maybe they'll help you I put myself in situations where I could not escape into my native language in my case I could not escape into English I would go out like for food and drinks with friends who could not speak English I had no choice but to use a different language with them to something that I've noticed some of my students do that actually kind of bothers me they bring a dictionary to their lesson and they'll stop conversations in lessons to check words in their dictionary and say a single word at a time instead of just trying to find a different way to explain that one it totally stops the flow of conversation - you don't have really the option to do that in a conversation most of the time you're not going to be carrying around your dictionary with you I hope unless it's in your phone I suppose third I think that this is a chance to develop a better skill instead of trying to translate into English or to translate into a different language you should think about finding a different way to explain the word you want to use let's say for example that you want to use the word beautiful but you can't remember the word how would you explain that so think about other ways to communicate an idea even if you don't have the vocabulary words so going to your dictionary shouldn't necessarily be the first course of action it shouldn't necessarily be your first step think about a different way to communicate the idea you're trying to communicate think of examples to explain the word you're looking for and then the other person can teach you like if you're working with somebody or you're talking with somebody who understands you're not a native speaker chances are if you can explain the word you're looking for they will tell you they will be your teacher I just explained like with body language sometimes too if I don't know it works so another thing that really helped me was not just studying vocabulary words but actually approaching things as phrases so not saying okay this word equals this word in my language but rather here's a phrase that communicates a meaning that is interesting to me or that I hear my friends use a lot I'm going to use that phrase so don't just input input input start outputting to so hope that's helpful for you next question next question is from Quang Jiang hai Duong dongok says I'm curious what do you do in your days off you want to know how to do my days off I'm going days I'm pretty normal my days off I cook I go jogging I sleep I I build this into my favorite DJ's I see my friends I eat and drink and watch TV that's about it I'm a pretty normal person next question next question is from Muhammad's Ohio what the difference between famous and popular great question famous is something that is well known many people know about that thing or that person Beyonce is famous the Statue of Liberty is famous the Eiffel Tower is famous popular however means many people know about it and it is liked it has a positive image so like Beyonce is popular or like a famous candy is popular like chocolate cake is popular it's a famous food and many people like it so popular is famous Plus like a positive image sometimes we can use those two words for the same thing so Beyonce is famous Beyonce is popular but famous doesn't always mean they are popular so someone can be famous for a bad thing in that case though it's typically better to use the word infamous infamous infamous means famous for a bad reason so famous for something negative next question next question comes from oh you wrote the pronunciation of your name very nice item I thought I think okay okay Alicia well my level is intermediate they feel that they're stuck at the intermediate level and want to reach the advanced level they're watching lots of videos on YouTube reading academic articles on the web but still feel that progress has somehow stopped could you give me some advice okay you say in your message that you feel your progress somehow has stopped I have been here to the intermediate plateau like you begin learning a language and it's like yeah I'm learning all these things and then you kind of like Plateau you get to a level where things don't continue and you feel like progress goes much more slowly I would say in this case first identify how you feel your progress has stopped by that I mean like do you feel like your vocabulary is lacking or do you find that it's hard to listen to people and to understand what they're saying do you find it's hard to write is it hard to to like to read things so first identify what is that thing that you feel like you're not good and then start to approach your further studies with that as the focus I think that if you can think about your different skill sets your different levels in reading writing speaking and listening you can identify which of those or things is weakest for you and start there so when you feel your progress has stopped things like okay what am I not good at doing and then focus your time there so maybe that's a helpful first step for you hope that helps next question next question comes from Chiara GRA GRA GRA GRA asks uh I'll help you studying and I'll help you to study what is the correct one thanks I'll help you something I'll help you do this so just the regular plain form of the verb I would suggest is probably the most natural choice thanks for the question though next question next question comes from sheriff sheriff Emmett sheriff almond okay should I use the singular or plural verb after colloquial names for example my team have won the match or has won the match okay in this case my team has won the match my team has won the match so use the singular form of the verb like same as like he has or she has my team has is the correct answer here next question next question comes from Jeffrey hi Jeffrey Jeffrey asks sometimes I watch movies and some characters say you wish with a very angry attitude or I wish in other situations what do these two sentences mean and how do I use it AHA interesting question okay when someone responds with you wish to a negative suggestion it's like they're mutually together they're recognizing that they don't like each other so usually the first character will say something like make a negative suggestion like you should you should leave town and get a different job leave us alone something like that and then the other character will say yeah you wish like yes this this character recognizes you want me to do that yes but I'm not going to do that in other words so it's sort of like a challenge so this person says like this negative suggestion the other person recognizes this suggestion it says no I'm not going to do that but I know you want me to do that so you wish and this way means it's like a negative challenge look they're kind of fighting recognizing they dislike each other so that's one the other one what was in the month so I wish we talked about I wish in the previous the previous episode of ask Alicia so please check that out but essentially I wish refers to something that we cannot do now or something that is different from the present situation but we want we want to happen we want to be able to do so please check the last episode of ask Alicia for more about I wish like the positive meaning next question next question is from Romeo Liu from Vietnam hello Romeo could you please explain what the expression try as I may means this is usually used in an expression that's sort of negative like even though I'm trying my best it's difficult for me to do this thing so try as I may I just can't get a new job or try as I may I just can't earn that much money or try as I may I just can't seem to cook this dish for example so even though I'm giving my best effort even though I'm really working hard this other thing just isn't happening for me so it's sort of like it's sort of like a sad or like a disappointed or unhappy expression actually thanks for the question room you okay so those are all the questions for this week's episode of ask Alicia I hope that they were useful for you if you would like to submit a question remember you can send them to me at English class 101.com slash ask - Alicia thanks very much for watching this episode of ask Alicia and I will see you again next week bye I talk too much I'm late for work hi everybody welcome back to English topics my name is Alisha and today I'm joined again by hi I'm Davey welcome back Davey so today we're going to be talking about famous American Christmas movies we have both prepared three movies that maybe had some kind of special significance to us around the holiday season or Christmas in particular so let us introduce a few Davey do you want to start sure I this was the first one that jumped to my mind so I'm sharing it first home alone yeah classic Christmas movie I remember going to see this in the theater with my mom and I was when I was a little kid yeah so that may be ages me a little bit it's a great movie Kevin gets stuck home alone in I'll go I believe as this family goes off to to spend Christmas in Paris and he has to fend off some whacky criminals right and Alma lo and there were there were what like two or three sequels to home alone I think there was at least one like wouldn't you find that a bit suspicious about that family if that child continued to be left home alone year after year and the same criminals came back year after year yes some of them have to change actually I think in the second one it's still Kevin and then I think they switched to a different kid for a different movie I see I don't know I don't remember right and the only reason I think that that's considered a Christmas movie is because that's the time of year at which the movie takes place I must disagree with you there okay there is a strong Christmas message it is yes Kevin is home alone at the beginning of the movie he's motivated because he's so dissatisfied with his family life he's really angered angry at his siblings and his parents and he wishes that they would leave and they leave and he stuck home alone the first he loves it and he puts on his dad's aftershave so I get the home alone face I remember that and you know hanging out then the criminals come and he realizes he misses his family he needs them and he finds Christmas solace through an old man that lives down the street uh-huh it's a heartwarming tale indeed action as well yes actually zany antics yep just like Christmas right hmm every Christmas is like that always always throwing refrigerators at criminals that's right right mmm cans indeed blowtorches right yeah the traditional festivities have you it was pretty cruel for us actually yes I don't remember being that creative or evil when I was that little true yeah a lot of things going on in that movie we can analyse but let us move on okay okay so I'll go on to the first movie that I have on my list the first one that I have is elf elf is fairly recent compared to a movie like home alone home alone it was made in what the early 90s that's right something like that elf was made what like the early 2000s or so elf is Elvis quite a new comparatively new Christmas movie actually but the story is will ferrell plays an elf so elves are in maybe American Christmas lore and Christmas stories elves are the people who help Santa Santa Claus in his workshop to create toys for children and elves only stay in that workshop they lived there in the North Pole with Santa but in this story of elf one of these elves leaves the North Pole in an effort to find his father because he's raised different from his fellow elves because he is much bigger so he's played by Will Ferrell it's a comedy but it's also kind of a sweet story of a person who is different trying to find acceptance in a world that doesn't really appreciate people who are different so there are a lot of kind of nice messages in this story and it's comedy as well so like there are a lot of really funny moments but they're also kind of like some really sweet moments as well there's singing in it which is very nice there's actually very nice singing I know I don't even usually like singing but that's quite good Zooey Deschanel yeah lovely voice know that song leaves that is the that is a very questionable Christmas song I will say this was very troubling Christmas song the one who they sing their consent is cool I'll just say that baby it's cold outside is the least agreeable well perhaps Christmas Carol but anyway that's a different topic so else yeah elf is a very popular and rather cheery pleasant movie I I watched that Christmas movie every year really every Christmas I watch them are you the kind of person who watches Christmas movies every year well I guess yes yes because I watched that almost every almost every year almost every year I don't remember every year what is it that makes you want to watch the same movie at the same time every year I'm not that honest or well I won one kind of movie that I will watch again and again is a comedy I will watch comedies over and over and over again I'll always laugh at the same jokes I like waiting for the jokes knowing they're coming and I I love Alf it's a very funny movie and I remember that that movie exists when christmas is coming around so I'm more like it just reminds me to watch elf okay so it's not that I think Christmastime I have to watch elf it's more like Christmas reminds me to watch oh I see it's a very funny movie it is good ok nice what's your next one my next one is another one I watch almost every year by heart yeah a lot of people might argue that diehard is not a Christmas movie I think that it is and perhaps maybe this is one that you could say is becomes a Christmas movie by default mm-hmm but again John McClane didn't have to go down to the building to that Christmas party but he did he went down there to try and win back his ex-wife because he was struck by the Christmas spirit and then he found himself in the middle of a terrorist plot and had to fight his way out happens to me all the time yeah yep happens to you too I'm sure from you know yeah from time to time every now and again not every year thankful right right you just get swept up in a terrorist plot and you have to fight your way out yeah holiday season tired old tale yep yep for sure for sure but yes that is a hotly contested hotly contested means many people discuss and debate about it that's a hotly contested movie in terms of whether or not it is it is in fact a Christmas movie that's true but it seems that the majority consensus most people believe or well some people I should say do believe firmly the die-hard is a Christmas movies well you should watch it and make a decision for yourself that's true that's true nice okay what's your next month I'm gonna go to one which you guys actually pointed out to me I guess I'll just introduce the name of it first the movie is called the Santa Claus this came out when I was in elementary school I don't remember the Santa Claus but this I did not realize it until like a few minutes ago usually Santa Claus the the person like in all of our Christmas stories the guy who brings presents and his red coat and red pants and all that we spelled his name without in without an E but in this story uh the main character is played by Tim Allen who was a very popular actor kind of comedic actor in the 90s in the USA and in this story Tim Allen accidentally kills Santa Claus as Santa is delivering presents on Christmas and so Claus here refers to like a condition like a condition in a contract or part of a contract something that indicates future necessary behavior in this case so in this I'm over complicating it but because Tim Allen's character kills Santa Claus the actual person there he by doing so he begins he enters into a contract wherein he has to become Santa Claus the next Santa Claus this the title of the film is actually a play on words it's some wordplay related to this and I didn't realize that until just now I saw the movie as a child and I didn't realize the play on words at the time but now it's like oh it's interesting there's kind of a double meaning in in the title of this movie so yeah so the movie is Tim Allen learning how to be Santa Claus and as he's going through all these changes and like personality changes and physical changes as well yeah yes and this was one I saw it maybe once or twice I think when I was a kid but there were just like some strong kind of funny visuals in it like his hair he would subtly grow a beard or he would suddenly get like really fat like as he was becoming Santa in the movie so this was one that I remember from my childhood for some reason you know what I don't remember either is whether or not the Santa Clause stipulates if you have to become Santa as a result of murder or just accidental well I'm that it was accidental in the movie so what happens if you really if you really go for it I don't know I don't know let's continue continue on do another movie okay all right my last movie I had to go for a classic is It's a Wonderful Life I haven't seen this movie in a long time but it's one of the maybe oldest Christmas movies I remember not because it's just the oldest one of my list I think this movie come out in the 50s or 60s but it's one I remember watching when I was very small watching it at home with my family and it's just a really good classic Christmas movie yeah I think I've only seen it once as well I saw it maybe when I was a teenager but the movie it's called It's a Wonderful Life but it is it is an emotional film that goes to many different places it is so heavy movie yeah if there's some Christmas themes for for sure so yeah that's quite a that is absolutely quite a classic I think but um mmm don't let the title fool you there are many there are many emotional roller coasters to ride in that film for sure okay nice then I'll finish up I guess with one that we sort of debated I wasn't sure whether to include it and we decided okay all right decided okay the movie is The Nightmare Before Christmas The Nightmare Before Christmas I was hesitant to include this because I feel like it could be like a Halloween movie but at the same time it is sort of a Christmas movie so if you're familiar this is a film by Tim Burton it's sort of and it's an animated film but basically the characters in the movie the animated characters in the movie are from a place where Halloween is like the theme of their City Halloween Tom yeah it's called Halloween town and one day one of the characters in Halloweentown discovers this other place as other city like Christmas town like where all of everything is themed around Christmas and he's so excited about it he wants to bring that back to his Halloween City so he tries to recreate Christmas in his hometown essentially and he creates kind of this very very strange like very dark interpretation of Christmas but again he's trying to bring like this Chris the idea of Christmas spirit to his hometown in the in the best way that he can and he kind of messes it up but the the message there is just that he's he's trying to make his community a little bit happier to improve his community a little bit and kind of the struggles that he goes through to do that yeah so that's a very interesting film as well there are a lot of layers to that it's true I think that that are the overall plot makes it more of a more of a Christmas movie than a Halloween movie yeah I think so too more of a Christmas mr. I think so too and actually while I was talking about that have you seen the movie The Grinch the Grinch who stole Christmas which one the old the old animated one or these well both that's true I don't think I've seen the Jim Joe carry one think I've seen that yeah I think I saw it one time but it just occurred to me now it's like oh that's a classic story is a classic Christmas story about this kind of mean old essentially mean old man who's like tries to push everybody out and lives outside of town but around Christmastime like the community tries to bring him in and show him like appreciation and care and eventually he you know warms up to them and tries to kind of integrate into the community a bit but that's another one that's sort of into that same theme that maybe we've been talking about if people coming together around Christmastime every year mmm very nice that's the Christmas message I think I think so I hope so loving community indeed great so that's all I have Todd all right so those are a few very famous I think American Christmas movies if you haven't seen them you should check them out I think that they're actually some pretty good references and cultural references especially a movie like die hard I that is a huge hugely famous movie that lots of people reference and might remember for Christmas as well I think it's also quite popular so is else maybe two but all of these really can give some interesting insights into American culture and I mean you can practice your English to of course and enjoy and there are a lot of Christmas movies that we didn't get to talk about today so have a look around explore see what other Christmas movies that you can find absolutely yeah so and if there are any other Christmas movies or if there are some famous holiday movies from your country that you enjoy and that you think are really famous or kind of represent holidays in your country let us know in the comments section so thanks very much for watching this episode of English topics if you liked the video please make sure to give it a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel if you haven't already also you can check us out at English class 101.com for more good stuff thanks very much for watching and we'll see you again soon you [Music]
Channel: Learn English with EnglishClass101.com
Views: 242,912
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: englishpod101, learn english, english language, japan, english, school, teacher, tutorial, lessons, compilation, how to, fast, quick, easy, speak english, conversation in english, english pronunciation, conversation skill, english conversation, comp, compilations
Id: oSvkaPZETas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 6sec (7266 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2019
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