How to Make Requests in English - Basic English Phrases

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always lose them during the stream you guys don't know that starting alrighty welcome back to our weekly live stream we had a one-week spring break but we are back today thanks very much for joining us oh yeah please turn on Instagram if you're just joining we also now have instagram available so you can watch us start live video add your phone number oh I don't think I can do that dance dun dun cancel okay I can't do it maybe oh I can't do it okay well I won't do it alright so maybe what happens to come back next week I don't know but welcome back anyway to our weekly live stream my name is Alisha and today we're going to talk about how to make offers and requests how to make offers and requests so I mentioned in our previous live stream I mentioned it on Twitter that some of the key grammar points we might use today will be can and may and will also maybe talk a little bit about some and any so if you have questions about those grammar points you can check them there are videos on the YouTube channel so you can review those grammar points after the lesson today if you like oh okay so while we wait for everyone to join a couple of quick announcements one yes we're back after Spring Break - for those of you who are members of the website and who are subscribed to the YouTube channel we have a new series that's coming up I heard it's gonna be on the website first it's gonna be on the website first so yesterday me and that doesn't make one of our team members we were shooting in here yesterday to make a couple new episodes for the new series about verbs that's going to be on the website so if you want to see that first as soon as possible please visit the website you can sign up if you haven't already there's a link below the video or above the video depending on where you're watching so please check that out I'm really excited we've had a really fun time making those episodes so definitely check that out okay I don't see any chat so I'm not sure oh there it is okay YouTube hi YouTube good we're up there and I'm getting Facebook up over here too it looks like there are lots of people on Facebook - fantastic - hi YouTube thanks for coming alrighty um with that then yes today's topic is how to make offers and requests so we're going to kind of look at three different groups for today's lesson three different categories first I'm going to talk about making requests that will be number one do we'll talk about making offers and three the third part of today's lesson will be responding and maybe making compromises - so I saw some of your comments from the last few live streams so I'm going to try to write pretty clearly on the board today sorry I know my writing isn't always super clear okay but let's begin with today's topic if chats difficult over there I can pull it up here no worries control desk I can see chat on my phone no problem we got it we got it so YouTube can be there and I can check chat over here okay so let's begin first part and first part for today's lesson will be making requests so I'm going to put requests on this side of the board over here so first topic for today requests requests so requests just to review a request when you want someone to do something or when you need something you can make a request a request so let's begin with a very casual very simple request form which is oh I've just lost it can I go back down to thank you okay so first one will just be can i okay can I so this is when you want maybe permission to do something or maybe you want to receive something depends a little bit on the request so here you can see this is for I when you yourself want something can I have some cake can I go to the Supermarket with you for example can I you can replace the I in this with the person you are asking on behalf of so for example if you're asking for like a friend like can my friend join today's lesson or can my parents come to the party you can change this part of the request to reflect the person that you are asking on behalf of can I do something okay so can I though oh you're going to check the Instagram okay cool so can I if you want to ask for an item so you can use some when you're making requests for an item so when you're using like a noun phrase can I have some cake was my example sentence can I have some extra time for example hi welcome so can I have some blah blah blah this is when you want to receive an item not when you are asking permission to do something so can i okay so this is sort of the basic introduction to today's today's topic but I want to move on to the second part many of you have questions about this actually can I versus may I what's the difference actually in in everyday modern English there's really not a difference between can I and may i we use them in the same way however may I does sound more polite and if you want to be like correct historically may I is arguably more correct in terms of asking permission for things so if you're the kind of person that wants to be really really correct all the time is really strict you should use may I when you make requests like in school for example may I use the bathroom or may I borrow your pen in modern American English this probably sounds a little too formal in many cases when we're speaking with our friends when speaking with friends we just use can I like can I come and fix the Instagram for example you can't see it but our producers behind the screen right now is it good no all right so can i and may i are both used to make requests may i is going to sound more formal than can i can i okay so as i said may i borrow my pen or borrow your pen yeah nice examples in YouTube chat may I use this desktop computer good oh yeah what what on yeah in YouTube says may I help you yeah may I is used in like service situations may I help you a nice example coozes may I get your number that's funny okay good so nice examples of this all right so may I sounds more polite than can I in most cases good good good good all right to lots of people watching hi youtube my facebook ok let's continue on then to another another one let's go on to this simple pattern will you will you so this is the beginning to a question when you would like someone else to do something for you so can i and may i these are asking like there's something I want there's something I want to do there's something I want to receive when you're using will you will you will you do something for me will you give me your pen will you give me some time will you hang out with me later for example so this is when you want someone else to do something for you so here you can see we're focusing on the other person in this question will you will you yeah someone on facebook says will you marry me perfect example you're focusing on the other person will you marry me that's exactly it good lots of that will you open the door please yeah lots of good examples on Facebook and YouTube chat definitely check the chat for some good example sentences will you give me a hint perfect perfect good nice ones ok so will you sorry will you is used when you want to focus your requests on the other person the other will you good excellent okay and then this is I gave some examples and your examples will you marry me for example those are using a verb you can however as we talked about before use some to request to request an item so will you give me some of something again will you give me some time for example when you're speaking with a boss maybe will you give me some so why do I point this out sometimes students use any instead of some we cannot use any in these examples we'll use any when you're asking like an information question but we do not use any when we're making requests and when we're making offers please use some can I have some will you give me some may I have some please use something in these cases will you give me a break good will you give me some money nice will you give me your hands uh-oh that expression will you give me a hand use the singular will you give me a hand this is a casual way to ask for help give me a hand will you give me a hand thanks money good good examples good examples guys will you do me a favor will you cook for me ah good one ok let's go on to the next example for requests then please is it ok the next one I'm running out of space I want ok I'm going to include I want here just because some people do use it but I don't really recommend using I want to make requests I don't recommend this because it sounds rather direct and it sounds impolite as well if you go to a restaurant for example you say I want this I want that you sound very direct like you're demanding this thing I want something you can use it with friends like I want to go to the movies later or I want to go hiking this weekend but when you're speaking with someone you don't know or you're in a service situation I want can sound a little too direct so I don't really recommend it yeah so but you will some people will use this I don't consider this very polite for requests Instagram is up yeah all right so our producer just fixed our Instagram feed hi Instagram if you're just joining on Instagram we have an Instagram channel which is what English class 101 101 Oh 101 calm okay thank you I'll see you back in the box good bye alright so I want is probably not so good to use but you will hear native speakers using this okay let's go to the last one that I hear a lot of questions about from you guys and from other students can you and could you so many of you asked this question what's the difference between can you and could you can you and could you so this one it's like can you and could you we use them both to make requests here I used can I at the beginning but when you want to focus again you want someone else to do something for you can you could you do this thing for me both of these are fine for making requests could you just sounds more formal could just are you can sing could you sounds more formal it sounds more polite so this one is better to use if you want to sound extra extra formal extra play I'm gonna move because I'm in the way Hangouts again okay could you is gonna sound more formal than can you okay nice good examples to could is more polite yes can you help me good can you help me can't you shut up that's not a very nice request person oh my gosh could you give me a hand yes perfect could you give me a hand in the singular yes that is correct someone said could you is more polite yeah can you give me your real name yeah perfect very nice could you pass me some bread ah another good point then maybe that goes along with some and any that I briefly talked about before some is used with with countable nouns and with uncountable nouns but when you use an uncountable noun like bread you don't need to use the article so someone said could you pass me a bread close could you pass me some bread to pass me some bread or a slice of bread so actually there are countable and uncountable noun videos up on the YouTube channel go check those out for sure all right whew that was a lot let's take a quick break then nice thanks for sending your great example sentences yeah yeah we're busy in here today so let's take a break as always we have PDF stuff for you guys free stuff so today we have as always Oh are they gonna see that no maybe I don't know okay I'll do this now um so I was thinking of what might be good to introduce for this grammar point when you're making requests I was thinking it's good to use these patterns when you are eating at restaurants so this is the free dining vocabulary and dining question cheat sheet pdf this is free you can get this from English class the link is below the video on YouTube and above the video on Facebook so this actually includes a few like food-related vocabulary words and questions for sure but you can use these requests as well with these like can I have some water may I have some water could you bring me a beer for example so I thought this was a nice one to use here yes I know I'm sorry you can't see this but you can download it like right now actually for free so check this out I think you're gonna see the all of them that you can get yeah they're there so that's everything that you can find from the links below the video on YouTube and above the video on Facebook so please go download these they are free hmm yeah actually lots of people do check them yeah so we're pretty we're pretty excited every lesson and more and more people check them out and we're adding new ones also so definitely have a look at those okey-dokey artichokey let's go along shall we or no see we have more time okay good if you're just joining yeah today's topic is how to make requests how to make requests I'm very large today or very small I don't know okay anyway let's get going if you're just joining please don't forget to like the video and maybe share the video as well always appreciated but let's continue on to the second part of today's lesson then so I felt small okay so let's continue on to the second part of today's lesson which is offer so the first part if you missed it the first part of today's lesson was making requests the second part is going to be making offers so let's move on to the other side of the board making offers all right so again we're going to use this some grammar point that we talked about in the first part of today's lesson so let's begin offers to make an offer do you want okay so maybe a basic a basic offer do you want do you want this is probably most useful when you want to offer an object when you want to offer an item do you want some cake do you want something to drink for example do you want so you're offering someone an item an object of some kind do you want so you can use some with this if you're offering a noun like I just said do you want some cake for example do you want some beer do you want some pizza for example so but you can use you can use a verb here do you want to watch a movie do you want to go for a drive do you want to take a nap for example you can use a verb with this as well yes producer does want to take a nap so you can use a verb with this with this grammar pattern how I when you are making an offer specifically offering something to someone do you want some of that thing maybe do you want a as well if you're offering the singular good do you want some water a nice example do you want a beer perfect good do you want to get some water perfect nice ones guys it's good do you want to hang out sometime very nice okay good hey Junior yes it is live for real Anderson okay good so let's go on then to the even more casual version of this offer which is just wanna wanna so we're using want to but we're dropping do and you we're just saying wanna and then we follow this with a verb phrase want to go to the beach wanna take a break want to get lunch so extremely short extremely casual we typically use this for actions actually so you can use this with get and a noun my example just now like I said wanna I'll erase this for example I said want to get lunch we'll use this with like meal times quite often want to get lunch you want to get dinner do you want to get breakfast you can use that too all of the above yeah so you can use get with this before a meal or a drink to want to get a drink perfect perfect very natural what a monster this is our producer good she likes energy drinks good okay so these are quite casual expressions you can use do you wanna and wanna those are great but let's move along to some more formal examples you will hear these in service situations and you might use them in business situations let's take a look okay first one I think most of you know this would you like and then I'll include it here would you like some of something so in a service situation like if you visit a restaurant for example would you like some water would you like some appetizers for example would you like a simple and formal expression a polite expression you used in service situations so you can use this in business as I said in business meetings when meeting a client for example would you like an same thing with this do you want or wanna you can use this for verbs as well like would you like to see a movie with me for example would you like to get a drink as well you can use this to just sounds more formal than do you wanna so this is great for polite to situations okay let's look at one more let's look at one more quite formal typically used in just in-service situations can I offer you can I offer you some so here we're using the word offer in the offer so like common in a service situation like I said can I offer you some snacks I don't know snacks are quite informal but can I offer you some tea for example something it's like maybe quite polite something you would imagine in a very polite or a very formal situation making an offer there so you may hear this one in I don't know in meetings perhaps this one would you like would you like is perhaps more common I feel yeah some relief from the strains of daily life indeed good nice examples guys would you like a cup of wine close for wine we use glass as a counter instead of cup of wine we use glass of wine nice examples in the YouTube chat would you like an umbrella ah yeah good an umbrella so a singular remember when you're using the singular part the singular form of the noun use a or an when you're using a countable now so lots of grammar review for at this point today good ones in on Facebook ah on Facebook can I offer you my house oh my goodness that's quite an offer be careful there other ones can I offer you some beer yeah quite formal though quite formal so just just remember that would you like to help me that's that's a very interesting request on Facebook someone alia said would you like to help me that's kind of its it's correct grammatically but it's you're asking for someone to help you so instead of would you like to help me which makes it sound like you're trying to persuade the other person it's like can you help me might be a little more natural I think all right good good good let's finish there for now nice example of you guys would you like to drink something with me perfect perfect very good okay let's take another break then thanks very much for that so as I said yeah there's lots of free stuff available on the website as always for you guys free stuff yeah free stuff yes travel I am I'm going to share the next one the next one I'm gonna share I was thinking this one checking into a hotel would be good as well as when you're traveling so we can use today's today's topic making requests and offers along with like when you're traveling when you're checking into a hotel or when you're staying at a hotel so these are a sentences you can use in a hotel here's a perfect example could you please call me a taxi could you please call me a taxi so we've just talked about this request pattern could you could you so these are great opportunities to use these requests and offers so please check this out this is one of many free PDFs at English class please check the link below the video on youtube and above the video on Facebook Twitter twitch Instagram I think it's on the profile page on Instagram if you're watching there I can't tell hi so please check that out they are free all right maybe yes okay so I think we're gonna see it again if you missed it before if you're watching on YouTube and Facebook you will see it again if you're watching on Instagram there's a bunch of PDFs that you can see on the the channel but if you can't see on Instagram because there's no screen on Instagram these are some examples we're looking at today checking into a hotel and maybe eating it restaurants are quite useful for this week's lesson okay so with that let's go on to our last topic for today so if you're just joining please don't forget to like the video of course share as well we really appreciate it but let's go on to the last part of today's lesson I'm going to erase the board don't worry you can check the video later so I want to talk about how to answer natural responses for these things okay so to respond to offers and requests some on says Rachel you never answer me my name is not Rachel maybe that's why okay so let's talk about positive responses positive responses okay positive responses and then we'll talk about negative responses too and then we'll talk about compromises okay let's look at positive responses to begin with okay so for requests and offers let's just make a big list short is good short is fine you don't need to give a long response to these things so sure it's great sure but this pronunciation sure in American English sure sure sounds good we'll see that later of course of course so of course is like yes of course I'm going to do that there's no worries at all other casual ones yep yeah another great example maybe you know this one sorry you bet you bet oh you bet you bet quite casual as well you bet it's a good one for offers if someone offers you something you can say yes please like do you want some cake do you want something too yes please yes please is a good offer you cannot use this for a request so this is only when you accept something yes please it's a polite way to accept something another one for offers only yes thank you yes thank you this is only for offers again so when you accept something yes thank you or yes thanks it's okay to another good one that's very casual is totally totally you can use this for requests or offers yeah on Facebook raaah gender says sure or definitely is good as well nice fun Steph on YouTube says certainly also certainly yes certainly lets out of here certainly is good that sounds more formal certainly like can you do this for me certainly or would you like we don't really use certainly for offers though so like would you like some cake certainly it's like it's more for a request we use this more for requests that's good and then we saw great ones sure thing says Oscar yeah sure or sure thing quite casual and friendly nice ones guys of course uh of course or of course uh yeah yeah I know there's not much facing backward okay of course this is of one F of course of course not off course off course means you're going off of a path away from a path so don't use off course of course of course absolutely nice one I'm but like three of you said absolutely great absolutely it means yes it's like a very strong yes yeah can you help me with this absolutely okay let's go on then to negative responses negative responses now please so first negative response sorry I can't sorry I can't so this is a rejection expression like so this can be for request that can you help me with this sorry I can't I have to work for example or do you want some cake sorry I can't I have to leave for example you can use this for both if you have to reject something all right next one extremely direct I don't recommend this because it's just too direct and it might seem a little rude it's just no no so like do you want some cake no it's quite direct you might hear kids use this if kids if the kid is in a bad mood for example but no no is quite direct yeah what's that a question to me so no no it's quite direct you can use it but yeah oh yeah okay so a producer is saying we could use not really like you could use this for offers to reject an offer like do you want some cake and not really you could use that if you like so that's one okay another extremely direct and casual one is nope nope nope nope this one is used only with like close friends and family members perhaps nope nope yeah another good one from our producer is uh-huh or not so there are some how did you spell that just basically any uh-uh-uh-uh any kind of negative sound you can use that to reject an offer so these are good for offers offers okay good let's finish with two more negative responses then yeah no thanks is another one from no.1 okay no thanks alright I'm running out of time so I'm gonna finish the last ones that I have so I wish I could I wish I could this one is for requests for offers I wish I could I wish I could meaning I want to do that thing but it's not possible it's not possible I wish I could I can't and finally I have to work so this is one example of an excuse you can provide some reason why you cannot do that thing I have to work I have to work okay finally last point if you want to compromise like you want to do something with the person but you just don't have time right now or there's some reason you can't do that thing instead oh okay that's very handy thank you so instead if you want to compromise try this I can't today I can't today present tense I'm sorry present tense I can't today how about tomorrow instead how about Sunday instead how about this weekend instead so one thing that I've noticed when like my students are practicing making offers or inviting people or whatever if if the plan is not possible on that day they quit it's like you can compromise so use this expression to make a compromise so I can't today how about tomorrow or I can't meet at 5:00 how about 8:00 instead yeah oh good point what is a compromise so a compromise is working together to find the solution working together to solve a problem you're changing the situation changing the conditions in some way so if I say do you want to watch a movie tonight I can't today how about tomorrow that's a compromise you're changing the conditions of the situation so this is a great expression for making plans so if someone offers a plan you can use this I can't today how about the 30th of February that's not a day that's not very nice okay anyway we have to finish there because I'm late as always I have talked too much so let's finish there great but thank you so much for sending all of your great example sentences fantastic and thank you for your questions too if you missed it oh if you missed it I'll sit over here where should I go okay so if you missed it all of this is on a video yeah I'm okay this is on a video so you can check this on the channel or you can check this on the Facebook page yeah I've got a I'm almost falling down in every episode man but next week we'll be back again with a new lesson next week we are going to talk about how to make travel plans now I should be over here we're gonna talk about how to make travel plans now so this will be next week May 16th this will be Wednesday 10:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time Eastern Standard Time is New York City time if you don't know that time in your local time google it you can find it on google please check it out next week how to make travel plans very exciting so we'll probably actually this might be good to review checking in at a hotel so please go download this free pdf when this lesson finishes excellent so we'll finish there thank you so much for joining us on Facebook on YouTube on Twitter on Instagram where everywhere now so we'll finish there for today um thanks for sending all your questions if you have other questions you can send them in the chat or send them to me on ask Alicia and I'll try to take care of them so we'll finish there thank you so much for liking and sharing the video thank you for sending your questions and comments and we will see you again next week have a good day have a good night I'll see you again soon bye bye you
Channel: Learn English with
Views: 99,362
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords:, englishclass101, learn english, easy, fast, longplay, compilation, fun, simple, learn while you sleep, english exposure, english immersion, get better at english, live, livestream, tv, english tv, american english, british english, make requests in english, english grammar, english phrases, basic english, how to make, how to make requests
Id: zxXOo541RMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 29sec (2129 seconds)
Published: Wed May 09 2018
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