How to Talk about Food in English - Beginner English

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I'm YouTube or Facebook rolling yes okay hi everybody welcome back to our weekly live stream my name is Alicia and in this week's lesson we're talking about food we're talking about food this week so food this week I'm going to use this diagram behind me I made to explain kind of some leveled up adjectives so how to go past how to go beyond like good or sweet for example so I want to kind of give some deeper adjectives and then I'm going to use this sort of spectrum over here to talk about expressing your hunger so how do you express like your level of hunger we're also going to talk a little bit in review about your preferences I like I don't like and we'll talk about giving recommendations so today will be lots of vocabulary and expressions that I hope you can use right away so as you join please send a message and the chat to let us know you're there please hit the like and share button we appreciate it as always we will begin in about two minutes there's a lot to talk about today okay I see lots of you in the YouTube chat hi everyone hello let's see there's URI and Leah yes I am really live right now we are really live right now Fernanda hi from Brazil M nix hi Klaus hello I just saw you write something in the chat um Charlie you're new hi welcome ok Harry hello Ethio hello you are not in Argentina right no Lucia from Mexico hello hi Fernando great lots of you and YouTube on facebook facebook is up great ty everyone on Facebook vanthu hello Cesar hello Robinson high flat vo hello Rafa hello Margaret hello ha I can't keep up and someone writing in Thai I cannot read Thai very sorry but hello I assume it says hello great Wow we have lots of people watching that's exciting I too I'm going to go to Facebook and share this Wow look at all those people watching okay fantastic let's get going if you missed my introduction today's live stream is about food it's about soon so I'm going to begin maybe over here with some review points while everyone joins us as I said yeah please don't forget to like and share the video and make sure to send example sentences throughout today's live lesson and if you have questions please feel free to send your questions in the chat also I will try to catch them if they're about today's lesson if not if you're not watching live please feel free to send some questions anyway I'll check the lesson after the live lesson I'll check the chat and I'll try to answer your question somehow for now though let's begin I want to start as I said on this side of the board I think I want to start kind of with these two points these two points here the first part for today's lesson will be very review focused so your preferences your preferences this means what do you like what do you dislike what do you hate so let's review kind of a basic pattern for foods that you like for foods you like you can use I like your food or I love food the difference between like and love is just the level really so I like is a little less strong than I love when you want to explain something you do not like just use don't like I don't like you can use hate you can use hate but just be careful if you use hate with for example a specific like a person's favorite food it might seem a little bit offensive so you can say I don't like or I hate another one that you can use here is I'm ugly this I'm not a big fan of I'm not a big fan of something is kind of a softer way that you can express when you don't like certain foods so I have here two food I like or I love food you can use in this part and adjectives like I love sweet food or I love spicy food or I hate spicy food here you can also use the name of a country's cuisine as well so I like Thai food or I like Japanese food or I don't like Indian food for example so you can use a type of food you can use a cuisine you can use the name of a food I love curry or I don't like rice maybe so you can use a lot of different things in this pattern this is a very basic way to explain your likes and your dislikes here so with this then I do want to go to this part this experience parts a little hidden there sorry we'll talk about this and then I'll go on to this diagram I made here so here your experience this is one point I hope many of you remember from today's lesson this experience point what I mean by experience first this is a question have you ever had or have you ever tried a food so again this can be a country's food a type of food a specific dish name have you ever had Thai food have you ever had sushi have you ever had spicy food so this one I want you to remember this one because I hear lots of learners use the expression do you know do you know like do you know sushi for example but the question do you know is a bit different from have you ever had or have you ever tried or have you ever eaten that dish so this is a more natural question have you ever had curry for example that's a better question then do you know it communicates more so when you answer this question is have you ever had just give it yes or no can you guys see that so I'm just gonna write yes really big or no this is the most natural way to do this so just answer yes I have or no I haven't for an experience question um if you say no you can say no I haven't but I want to if it's applicable if that works for you I don't excuse me so this is I hope one big point for many of you to take away to use from today's lesson have you ever had his food have you ever tried something so yeah send a few sent a few example sentences have you ever had sushi sushi good ok I'll check the chat I don't see any examples yet so Oh someone wrote I don't never eat Mexican food you don't need to put don't and never together because they're both negatives so I never eat Mexican food ok or I don't eat Mexican food ok so don't put those two negatives together there ok yeah try to send your examples there and I will check them out yeah I don't like Ethiopian food good okay so let's continue on then to this diagram here that I made it's a little small but I think we can zoom in because we have the technology can we if not that's okay I will read things many times in a very clear manner ok um so I made this diagram I want to continue on from talking about your preferences so what do you like can't get a thing so from what do you like there are this is kind the small cooking lesson I suppose to a food lesson from preferences the things you like and dislike there are five basic ways to talk about flavors there are only five five categories of like food of flavor these are them so the first one here is salty salty so you can say salty has that salt as the root yeah this is the adjective form a food that is salty has a strong salt flavor another one bitter bitter the spelling is B ITT er maybe if you make your video big you can see this a little better so bitter bitter so something that is bitter for example if you drink a beer beer is often very bitter that that kind of like taste on the back of your tongue often is a very bitter taste or like if you've had a burned sugar it's very bitter very bitter so bitter is another very is one of the five basic flavors the next one is sour sour sou are sour is the next basic flavor sour things we often have like sour candies at least in the US so maybe like lemons are a great example of sour food it's like a really strong taste that for some people can be very uncomfortable so a sour food or sour flavor next one is sweet sweet so sweet things these are things that have that like natural sugary taste so lots of fruits have a sweet taste so maybe apples are sweet for example and then the final one here is mommy this is a word that comes from Japanese money umami is like depth of flavor it's something that's like rich so it has a lot of body to it so I want to start with these five basic vocabulary words these are kind of the five basic ways to express flavor in cookie you can use these in cooking as well but you can use them to talk a little bit of your preferences so to go back to this pattern we talked about you could say I love salty food or I don't like bitter food or I hate sour food or I love sweet food so this one is a little different though mummy we don't use a mummy so much as an adjective we use it more as a noun like I love food with lots of mummy is a good way to express that so if you don't feel comfortable if you want to use something that's like I guess a little bit similar to the mummy you could use the word rich rich I'll talk about this a little bit later we use this a lot for desserts actually okay so with these five basic flavors if you missed it don't worry this video is being recorded I want to kind of go more in detail with these things then so around this diagram I have a few other vocabulary words let's start up here so up here I have these two words spicy and hot spicy and hot we use both spicy and hot to mean um something that's like it makes your mouth feel like it's burning kind of but not because of temperature it's not a temperature problem this is a food that has like peppers in it it's so if you're from a culture that has lots of spicy food you probably know but in cultures maybe like in Japanese food culture for example spicy or hot food is not so common so spicy SPI see why and hot are both used to describe that feeling in English so here hot does not mean temperature so if you're eating something and you say oh it's so spicy that's a very accurate word but you will hear native speakers use hot foods so hot it doesn't always mean temperature so if native speakers are confused like do you mean temperature or do you mean spicy they just asked each other so spicy and hot are used to describe the same feeling so I put them here like in kind of bitter salt or salty territory but you can kind of feel what spicy is for you someone says I hate spicy food oh I like spicy food actually good someone says Peruvian food is Peruvian food spicy someone says spicy and hot I love it we have lots of spicy food fans in the chat huh I like it too I hate spicy food yesterday a little bit spicy some salsa Mexican food ok onward let's go to the next part over here the next kind of more detailed vocabulary word is tangy tangy the spelling is T a n G Y tangy so what is tangy tangy I put it here between sour and bitter this is not a perfect it's not a rule but it's here between sour and bitter because it's something that has it can have like kind of a creamy feel often but there's some kind of like sour or some kind of sharp taste to it like we really notice another flavor maybe it's herbs or maybe it's something sour like I said good examples of tangy food if you know like Greek yogurt that's a great example so it's really creamy but there's also kind of this sour flavor to it so you might have like something like a sauce a really tangy sauce that's a common way that we kind of experience tangy food so Tenny is another good one maybe you have some something tangy in your food in your food culture I'm very curious to know about the foods from where you guys are from so if you have some examples please send them in the chat I'm checking lots of you like spicy food ok lots of you like spicy food someone says what is your name teacher my name is Alicia ok let's continue to the next one for time reasons I want to continue down to this next part of this diagram kind of moving into the sour part here so I have three words in this section here they are tart tart tea 8rt acidic acidic AC I D I see and fruity which is kind of over here a little bit let's start with tart so tart I have here in the sour part so tart is something that's like lightly sour so if you imagine a lemon is like maybe a very sour food something that's not quite as strong as lemon is tart actually maybe if you like cooking if you like baking you know a tart is a type of dessert this is also an adjective that we can use to describe slightly sour food it's often slightly sour and like slightly sweet so it depends a little bit on the food so tart tart you can use this to describe desserts quite a lot so that's one that I want to talk about here next is this word acidic acidic so maybe some of you can see acidic the base word here for acidic is acid yeah acid so acid has it can have that very kind of strong like for example like a vinegary taste almost so maybe a salad dressing could be very acidic or again to use the lemon or lime example there's like a topping or some kind of liquid that gives a very strong acid acid a taste acidic taste to it so acidic is how we describe that acidic acidic Juan and YouTube Mayo can be tangy it could be Mayo can be tangy mayo's kind of creamy Mayo is short for mayonnaise when we say tangy it's usually there's some kind of like herb or some other maybe acidic part added to it to create a more interesting flavor let's see someone says is Thai food spicy food I think so sometimes it depends on the dish it depends on the dish really all right let's move along time reasons the next word here is fruity fruity I talked a talk I put this between sour and sweet because fruity can be kind of both so you can see here the root is fruit so there are lots of different kinds of fruit obviously so some are more sour so some are a bit sweeter so just think about kind of which one you want to kind of communicate which feel is it like a sour fruity so maybe like a grapefruit for example is it sweeter so like berries or apples so this is kind of in between these two words okay um I guess I'll continue on yes I'll finish up this diagram and then we'll take a quick break I'm going to slowly alright let's move on to sweet I'll try to check your chat let's move on to sweet I have these two words here syrupy and sugary syrup syrupy syrup maybe you guys know maple syrup maple syrup is probably the most popular syrup in North America maple syrup commonly put on pancakes so syrup is something that's very sweet yes and it's kind of it's like a liquid it's like a really thick liquid so syrupy can mean something that is sweet yes and it's kind of thick so if you pour it it's not like water but it kind of takes a long time to come from like the bottle that you're you so something is syrupy syrupy you could use syrupy to talk about a sauce for example something that is syrupy maple syrup yes Giovanni says can we use fruity to describe coffee sure yep if you have a coffee that has fruity three flavours you can do that for sure no problem lemon is bitter perhaps yeah like it depends a little bit on like which lemon you eat but for some people you could get a bitter taste from lemon sure today's lesson is about food Lila okay let's get to the next part sugary so what's the difference between syrupy and sugary syrupy is like it's a texture thing it's kind of it's the quality so we kind of visually we see something is syrup like it's syrupy sugary is something that has a strong taste of sugar so that means maybe it's not natural so if you like eating like processed candy so you like candy bars chocolate that kind of thing we might call that sugary so it has kind of an unnatural sweet flavor that's really sugary or if you're eating a dessert that's topped with sugar you can call that sugary it's something that uses a lot of sugar processed sugar ok onward Leah says are these natural tastes of natural foods or can be junk food as well yes they can be junk food absolutely I'm going to finish with junk food words actually junk food is next ok we have just a couple more and then we'll take a break let's move on to this word decadent decadent I've spoken about this in a lesson before decadent is spelled Dec a de an ET deck so decadent is something I have it here between sweet and mummy so decadent to something that's often a dessert it's like has like a high calorie kind of like luxury like really really nice image about it and it's often like kind of a like a chocolate cake style dessert so something that's really really strong in flavor lots of fat maybe some sugary flavors as well that's something that is decadent so a great example like my favorite cake I make like this flourless chocolate cake it is decadent there's no flour it's super rich so I mentioned this word rich rich is a great word you can use to talk about something with lots of mummy or lots of body you can use this for desserts you can use this to talk about anything that has a really deep flavor to it it's a really but keep in mind it's like um it's something that's often used with desserts maybe with like sauces perhaps with like maybe meat dishes from time to time if they're paired with a sauce so something that has a lot of body to it I keep using that word actually too a lot of body something that has a lot of body this is used for like wine and beer so for example red wines have well some if you're drinking a rich a kind of richer I guess you could say it red wine you could say it has a lot of body to it getting off track a little bit so rich rich can be used for desserts and a lot for its sauces okay um ice cream is very decadent says Michaela indeed or gelato gelato is another example of something decadent oh that sounds so good okay let's finish and then we'll take a break these last two here these last two right between salty and umami are great words to talk about junk food junk food savory is the first one sav ori savory something that is savory has this salty flavor yes and maybe it has this mommy factor too so it's something that maybe is kind of rich and kind of salty something that is savory we use savory to talk about like roast meats we can use savory to talk about sauces kind of saltier sauces we don't use savory so much to talk about sweet things savory savory so like I had like a really savory rose to meet last night that is true all right last word then we'll take a break greasy greasy this is the last one Gracie gr e is y greasy greasy you can see the root grease grease grease or oil in other words so greasy food is like junk food so food that uses a lot of oil a lot of grease maybe you can see the grease or the oil on a napkin when you're eating so like hamburgers are greasy pizza is greasy burritos are greasy those are like all my favorite foods are greasy foods so you can use these kinds of words to talk about flavors that are kind of between salty and umami and have this sort of maybe sometimes junk food nice feel about them okay so that is a lot of vocabulary to start with so we can use all of these words in an expression like this I like or I love that style food so in my case I love savory food I love greasy food sometimes I love I've I sometimes like tangy food um and I also like spicy food as well great yeah so those are my favorites send your favorite someone says I hate greasy food and really I like it from time to time but if I eat too much greasy food I don't feel very good I know about you guys you like tacos I also like tacos Gabriel I tacos last night it was good I was very happy with myself okay other ones no food no hot dogs at Yankee Stadium are greasy are they I have not had a hot dog at Yankee Stadium before okay we are going to take a quick break I'm trying to find the thing that I'm looking for right now all right I'll find it in here anyway let's take a quick break we have free stuff as always for you guys so I want to introduce since today's topic is food I want to introduce the free thing that we have as always this week I want to focus on our dining cheat sheet so this is free an example of one of the free things we have on the website here are well this is kind of a list of vocabulary words you can use at a restaurant today I'm not talking about dish names these are like the kinds of dishes the courses you can order at a restaurant these are like restaurant related vocabulary words but the words I'm talking about today our words you can use to describe your preferences so what do you want to eat what kind of things do you like or dislike so you can use that when you're asking for recommendations which I'll talk about in a moment you can use that to ask waitstaff so that means the staff at restaurants for recommendations and to explain like your preferences as well so check this out this is a nice addition to today's lesson you can find this from the link below the video on YouTube and above the video on Facebook please check the description box it's not in the chat box so please go get this it's for free from English class ok good fantastic if you are just joining today's lesson today we are talking about food food and being hungry so that's part 2 for today's lesson is talking about being hungry how do you explain your level hunger we're going to talk about that next so as you join please don't forget to hit the like button and share the video as well we always appreciate it many things okay um let's go to part 2 for today I will try to check your questions again so I am trying to check the chat please feel free to send your example sentences and questions there let's move on ok let's move on to part 2 for today part 2 is over here so there are two parts in part two expressing hunger expressing hunger so this means how do you explain your level of hungry and of course that's one and I'm also going to review giving recommendations giving and explaining recommendations and preferences okay so let's start here express your hunger Express your hunger I made a spectrum so this is this is a spectrum so we're going to go from one end of it to another end of it and we're going to look at some expressions you can use at each level of hungry so if you have some ideas I did not include everything on this list if you have some ideas send them in the chat and I will add them to the board for everybody to see let's start though let's start down at 0% so at 0% you do not want to eat food so reasons could be this expression I'm full I'm full so this is I apostrophe M ful ful L I'm full means my stomach is full so we use this after eating so we cannot eat anymore food I'm full I'm full I don't want food I am not hungry so no 0% you can use this I'm not hungry I'm not hungry I've put this kind of down here because maybe you could eat I don't know but it's maybe not always 0% I'm not hungry again I'm this is one point I noticed many learners miss I'm not I but I'm I'm I'm not hungry I'm a full this is the second one here so maybe like 10% 20% or so I'm not hungry moving along up here maybe 50 percent or so 30 percent I don't know this expression so this is something I use actually it is I could go for a snack I could go for a snack in Natives level speech I could go for a snack I could go for a snack so what does this could go for could go for could go for is like saying I kind of want I kind of want I have a little bit of a feeling for this thing I could go for a snack it's like I could eat a little bit I'm not hungry I'm not really hungry because this is like a fifty percent or so expression but I could I could have something I could go for a snack um moving along I see some of you are already writing I'm super hungry we'll get there in a second the next one here is this one I'm a little hungry so maybe about 60% 70% or so I'm a little hungry a little hungry so maybe you can guess to level this up a little bit more you just remove a little here's I'm hungry I'm hungry is a quick in a clearer way to express it I'm hungry or I'm a little hungry too leveled it level it down finally up here at 100% I have a couple expressions some of you already wrote I'm super hungry there are these two I'm so hungry I use this one a lot I'm so hungry and this one I'm starving I'm starving this isn't like this is an exaggeration an exaggeration means a word that makes it sound more like bigger than it actually is isn't an exaggeration you're starving means you are dying because you're so hungry so of course in most cases we are not actually dying but we want to communicate that strong level of hunger I'm starving I'm starving so this is a quick introduction to expressions you can use oh my gosh we're two minutes late I have no idea Wow I have to stop talking okay good so that's a quick spectrum Oh someone asked what is a snack a snack snack is a small food small food it's not a meal small food so if you like junk food like potato chips or I love potato chips take their chips are like crackers if you're a healthy person maybe you eat fruit first back so it's not a full meal okay I'm going to finish quickly I didn't realize how much time I was going to well finish them quickly with these two lines about like recommendations and like giving recommendations and asking for recommendations so when you want to make a plan with a friend you can use one of these two like to ask for a recommendation or to ask for an opinion what do you feel like eating what do you feel like eating this feel like means what do you want to eat what do you feel like eating you can answer this with a one-word answer ty is fine Japanese pizza burritos I don't care you can use that as well I don't care or anything so that's a quick way to ask for someone's like a recommendation or an opinion what do you feel like eating what do you feel like eating last for today this one I use this a lot it's easy it's friendly what sounds good or what sounds good to you what sounds good what sounds good answer something ty sounds good or Pizza sounds good curry sounds good very quick and easy friendly I like to use that one a lot okay but I'm out of time I talk too much again so I will finish therefore today I will check the chat from today's lesson I'm try to answer that someone wrote just now is it weird to use I'm starving in a day no you can use I'm starving it just sounds like you're really really really hungry it's common though it's common to use that but I'll finish there for today please send other questions if you have them in the chat I will try to catch them especially it's especially easy for me to check YouTube as well so please please send anything you have there but I have to finish sorry so we'll end there for today but we'll be back next week as always of course next week's topic is going to be shopping shopping in English do we have a tech so October thanks October 24th is our next lesson next week Wednesday October 24th at 10 p.m. Eastern Standard Time if you can't remember just set a notification on Facebook or on YouTube and you will get an announcement when we begin our live stream so please join us I'll be talking about shopping and shopping related expressions that will be next week Wednesday in the meantime don't forget to get your free stuff we have lots of free stuff I showed you this one the food one a little bit earlier there is also a cooking a cooking PDF in here too so if you like food if you're interested in this point I talked about earlier you can check that out for some more vocabulary and expressions that you can use okay so I'll finish there for today thank you as always for sending your questions for liking and share ring and everything we really appreciate it so have a great day have a great night enjoy your week and I will see you again next time
Channel: Learn English with
Views: 133,998
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Keywords:, englishclass101, learn english, easy, fast, longplay, compilation, fun, simple, learn while you sleep, english exposure, english immersion, get better at english, live, livestream, tv, english tv, american english, british english, food, beginner english, how to talk about food, talk about food in english, english food, food in english, food phrases, food vocabulary, restaurant, taste, tastes in english
Id: d9Q389RmiY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 45sec (2145 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 17 2018
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