How to Give a Presentation in English - Basic English Phrases

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everybody welcome back to our weekly live stream my name is Alisha and today we're going to talk about how to give a presentation in English I'm going to talk about three key parts of presentations in English in today's lesson I'm going to talk about number one introductions meaning how to introduce yourself and how to introduce your topic number one I'm also going to talk about number two sequence and transition words how to tell the story and explain the flow of your presentation and third I'm going to talk about conclusions and Q&A sessions so we have a lot to talk about as you join please send a message in the chat like share the video and we're going to begin in about two to three minutes YouTube is there hello everybody on YouTube Joel Nixon aboard Sufjan Jose Michael Fernando Katya Duan I'm sorry if I'm saying your name wrong Manny Patrick Stanley ask gansan wow so many people hello thanks for joining us everybody Facebook is up as well hi everybody si Elias and ireoke abdullah muhammad tarik vine queer julio Wow lots of people star white great hi everybody thank you for joining us as I said today we're going to talk about giving presentations in English Wow the chat is just exploding right now that's amazing hi everybody I can't catch your names hi Bennett hi everybody I see you I see you great thank you all very much for coming today we're going to start in a couple minutes we're going to give some time for other learners to join today's lesson I think it's a popular topic so please make sure to like the video and also share it so other people can find it as we wait I just got a message it just got a message from one of our other video team members about this thing I want to share I shared this a couple of days ago on Instagram and Twitter and all that stuff but we are trying a couple of new things so usually we focus on language videos English language videos on our YouTube page and on our Facebook page but we're trying a couple of culture related videos so we made we went outside out of the studio a couple days ago and we made a short video about a small point of culture in the US and I just got a message from our team member and director for this shoot and planner that this has been edited so I'm looking forward to sharing this soon if you want to make sure to catch this video when it comes out please subscribe to the English class 101 YouTube channel we are very excited to share this and I hope that it's useful for everybody so please go to the English class 101 youtube channel to find details about that great okay so for today's topic as I said if you're just joining today we're talking about how to give a presentation in English so I see tons of people there's so many messages coming in thank you everybody for joining us I am going to share the video as well and then I am going to begin today's lesson so if you like you can share as well as I said we have a lot to cover today so I hope we can get through it all as always if you have questions please send the questions or please send your example sentences in the chat I will try to check your sentences I will try to give feedback live today I can't catch everything but if you have questions please feel free to send okay so let's get started first part I want to talk about today the first part I want to begin with introductions so introduction means the first part of your presentation this is the beginning of your presentation how do you start your presentation so when you begin your presentation begin with a self introduction who are you so if it's at your school if it's at your company you can just give your name if you're giving a presentation at a conference or somewhere outside your school outside your company you can give your name and your company name or your name and your school name so for example when I start these live streams I say hi everybody my name is Alisha and today I'm going to talk about how to give a presentation in English this is how I begin all of our live streams our live presentations hi everyone my name is Alisha today I'm going to talk about topic right here so this is a very basic pattern you can use to introduce yourself and to introduce your topic in one sentence I'm going to talk about topic other phrases you can use hello everyone my name is so-and-so today I'm going to give a presentation on or you can change this to I'm going to give a presentation about your topic I'm going to give a presentation about business English for example so place your topic at the end of your introductory sentence if you have an example please send it in the chat and I will try to check it out one more pattern you can use is a little bit more casual hello my name is so-and-so and today I'm going to share about topic so you can use share if it's less formal so it's not such like a polite situation maybe it's a little bit less formal so it's a little more casual feel so maybe you're not on a stage or you're not in front of a lot of people it's a little more casual today I'm going to share about topic okay mamita on Facebook wrote today I'm going to give a hospitality presentation nice hospitality okay make sure you write this I'm don't forget I'm too I'm going to this I'm is I am today I'm going to give a hospitality presentation that patterns great to so this person instead of saying today I'm going to talk about hospitality said today I'm going to give a hospitality presentation that is a phrase you can use to give a something presentation great Scarlett said hello everyone my name is Scarlett and I'm going to talk about Nicaragua perfect very nice very nice good okay other things other things okay I don't see anyone other other comments yet alright okay so let's move on to the next portion these two patterns here it's a little bit tricky to see will change but this part these two parts here are about the organization of your presentation so when I say like the organization of your presentation I mean how do you explain to your listeners or to the people watching like the the topics in your presentation so for example when I started this livestream I said today I'm going to talk about number one introductions number two sequence and transition words number three conclusions and Q&A so in this part of your presentation the next part after you introduce yourself after you introduce your topic tell your listeners the smaller topics inside your presentation and the order so first second third fourth and so on for example the presentation will be in number so three four parts first I'm going to talk about second I'm going to talk about and third I'm going to talk about so I'll give more more examples in part two of today's lesson so the presentation will be in three parts in the case or the presentation will cover cover so cover it means include so if you imagine like your presentation is an umbrella and under the umbrella are like these little topics so here's my presentation topic in my case how to give a presentation or like business English is my umbrella I have these other topics these other three topics under that umbrella so my presentation will cover these three topics these three things okay so I have here my presentation will cover subtopic 1 subtopic 1 so here topic we have this main topic right subtopic means a smaller topic inside the topic subtopic 1 subtopic 2 and subtopic 3 so these are your smaller points inside your presentation nice there are some other examples that are coming in I missed one on Facebook I couldn't see it quickly enough sorry what was it I'm going to talk about being a company employees attea good I'm going to talk about being a company employee nice that was good that was good ok so finally the last portion for the introduction for your beginning is down here sorry control desk it's hard to see is it ok down here ok the last part I'm I've marked this with a star this is about questions so when you begin your presentation you can mention like is it okay to ask questions in the presentation or should we wait until after the presentation so there are two patterns first it's okay if it's okay to ask questions during the presentation use this pattern this is please feel free feel free means feel okay it's okay to do this please feel free to ask questions during the presentation please feel free to ask questions during the presentation so I use this at the beginning of the livestream please feel free to send questions in the chat during the presentation please feel free to ask questions during the presentation so that means it's okay to ask during the presentation however point two here if you don't want questions during the presentation you want your viewers or you want your listeners to wait until you're finished wait until the end use this please hold your questions until the end of the presentation please hold your questions so not keep we use the word hold please hold your questions until the end of the presentation so that means no questions now please wait okay so as I always say please feel free to send your questions in the chat but I'm going to take a quick break so that was the introduction quick patterns for making an introduction to your topic and to yourself so I will take a quick break here of course send along your comments and questions in the chat but I have one thing I want to show you as always we have free stuff for this week we have free stuff as always for this week and I chose this it's a little difficult to see I'll try to get close whew business English this is the business English PDF so on the front here these are vocabulary words you can use for like the office an office situation but this part on the back which is difficult to see it's hard to see right up here I'll read these because it's a little difficult to see them this part is phrases for business meetings but it says business meetings but this is also perfect for presentations so for example there are some introductory so introductory means beginning phrases I just talked about here for example I like to introduce if you want to introduce someone to give a presentation or if you want to talk about like beginning a meeting like let's begin shall we and so on there are some useful phrases for meetings and for presentations appear so I'm not going to cover all of these in today's lesson I'm going to focus on small points in the lesson but you can check this PDF the business English PDF from the link below the video on youtube or above the video on Facebook there is a link there you can download them for free you just need an account the account you can get a free account on the English class 101 website so please check this out you can get this and a whole bunch of other stuff for free as well so I show you these every week I think but there are many other topics too like this is food or like hobby topics skating and so on but I think for today's lesson this business English PDF is a nice choice so please check this out from the link below or above the video click the link if you're watching on Facebook the link is above the video in the description not the chat box if you're watching on YouTube the link is below the video in the description not the chat box if you're watching on Instagram please find the link on youtube or on Facebook okay with that let's go on to the second part of today's lesson as I said today we're talking about giving presentations in English I'm going to go to part two now so if you're just joining us thanks very much please feel free to send your questions during the lesson and also please make sure to like and share the video so other people can find it ok onward so part two for today is about sequence and transition words sequence and transition words so what do these mean sequence means like the order of something 1st 2nd 3rd or next after that then and so on those sequence words transition words our words we use to move from one topic to the next topic so for example additionally moreover and so on we're transitioning we're moving from topic to topic but we're connecting our ideas okay mmm good all right so let's begin so when you start you're like the body of your presentation the middle part of your presentation you talked about your subtopics you can begin with something like this first I'd like to talk about subtopic one so again subtopic is like your small topic inside your bigger topic first I'd like to talk about subtopic one a couple of points here this one I'd I'd pronounciation point don't forget this D here so not I like not I like I'd like why because this ID is the contracted the reduced form of I would like I would like first I would like to talk about but naturally first I'd like to talk about something so first I'd like to talk about introductions that's what I said first I'd like to talk about introductions so you introduced this is your introduction for your small topic so when you share information about the topic then these are two questions to think about first why is this important so why is this topic important in this case why am i teaching you sequence and transition words to help you connect like the parts of your presentation to help you connect the parts of your story that's why this is important what do we need to know what do we need to know so I'm explaining now you need to know this you need to know this you need know this so in your presentation think about these two questions why is this important what do we so we as your listeners what do we need to know and tell us that information okay so first I'd like to talk about introductions then when you finish there are a few different ways to finish talking about this topic then you can conclude rather formally this is a fairly formal way to conclude so to conclude as a verb to conclude to conclude means to finish to conclude to be done to end something but we also use in conclusion in conclusion so that means in the end in the end but here in conclusion about subtopic one so in conclusion say again your main point about subtopic one so for example I said sequence and transition words here like in conclusion sequence and transition words are important because they help you connect your story together so again reiterate reiterate means to say something again reiterate your main point so to conclude to re-iterate means to say something again this is a formal word that means to say something again to reiterate to reiterate so reiterate your main topic about your subtopic what do you want people to know then move on so okay now I'd like to move on as I just said move on I'd like to move on to subtopic two so you show that with okay you can use your voice to do this okay now right there as I did using your voice to communicate with your listener you're moving to the next topic we're going to a new topic okay now I'd like to talk about subtopic two or now I'd like to move on to subtopic - so we're connecting our stories we're connecting the main parts of our presentation with these little words these little like of transition words and these little words that show us the sequence of a presentation and keep in mind these subtopics are the same subtopics you shared in your introduction so they help the listener understand are we in the middle are we at the beginning are we near the end of my presentation okay mmm other points okay I don't see other questions so I'll continue okay so next when you get to your final point you can use something like this last or lastly last or lastly there forget for this lesson there's not really a difference last and lastly I'd like to talk about some topic three so you can see there's a pretty clear pattern I'd like to talk about topic I'd like to talk about this or I'd like to talk about that all right down here I've created kind of a list of useful words that you can use in this section as you can see the first group is just like sequences yeah sequence words first second third fourth so just keep in mind when you use these words first second third fourth you be try to be consistent so remember the number that you're using in your presentation so first second third and so on you can use these to show like the number of your points okay another thing you can do as I talked about you can use these sequence words or rather transition words like next then after that last or lastly and so on so these also these connect your ideas inside your paragraphs so you can use these in your writing as well finally down here there's worth like additionally moreover and furthermore actually all of these words these words mean and pick mean end but they're very formal so you can use these in your presentations and in your writing please just mean an but if we use and and and all the time it doesn't sound formal and it just sounds very repetitive we're using the same words so please try to use a mix of these okay I'll finish up that part then so that's a quick introduction to sequence and transition words I will take one more break Oh someone said is it possible in the last point to say finally yes yes definitely it's okay to use the word finally they're no problem okay good I don't see any other questions so I will take a quick break and then we'll go to the last point as I said I thought that this PDF this business English PDF was good for today's lesson because of the words up here on the back that are good for business meetings but for those of you who are studying English for career opportunity reasons for career improvement reasons there's also on this PDF a list of job titles so these are very common job titles in the middle of this PDF for example like president or assistant general manager managing director and so on so there are some good keywords here for job titles you can check that out this is you can download this from the link below the video on youtube or above the video on Facebook so please check this out Oh some questions are coming in life said is it possible to use firstly secondly thirdly yes yes you can just be consistent so firstly secondly thirdly great or first second third great make sure they match it sounds nice okay someone says I missed the first few minutes of this video please give a link to watch again when this video finishes recording you can watch it again right here right here okay I'm going to go to the last point for today's lesson then the final point is over here lastly lastly finally they mean the same thing lastly for today's lesson I'm going to talk about conclusions so a conclusion means the end of your presentation the last part of your presentation I'm also going to talk about Q&A question and answer so sometimes presentations finish with Q&A sessions in our case we do Q&A during the lesson okay then I'd like to conclude today's presentation by summarizing the information so this is a very basic pattern but in my case I usually in this lesson I don't use the word conclude because conclude sounds quite formal and this is kind of a casual lesson so I like to use I'd like to end or I'd like to finish today's lesson you can use any of those like ending concluding finishing verbs I'd like to end today's lesson or I say I'm going to finish today's lesson by talking about conclusions so there are a couple of small changes we can make to this basic pattern to tell our listeners the presentation is going to finish soon okay so I'd like to end today's presentation by summarizing the information so this is quite a quite a basic pattern I think but summarizing to summarize in the perform to summarize means to put your ideas together in a short way so all these points we talked about earlier I'm going to put them together in a short like sentence there's a couple of small sentences that's to summarize your main ideas to summarize but here I'm saying I'm going to conclude the presentation by summarizing the information or I want to summarize my presentation both patterns are fine to use what words should we not use in a presentation well depends I mean don't use informal words generally so okay okay Oh somewhere let's see Caesar says can I use in brief to conclude my presentation or in an oral explanation or in writing in brief I'm not sure what that means here in brief and that's not something I would think to use in a presentation in brief I would say briefly briefly like if I want to quickly introduce a topic so briefly let me explain but I don't use the expression in brief maybe if you have an example okay ah someone also said I'd like to wrap up is that okay yes yes I'd like to wrap up I'll add that here I like to wrap up wrap up is an informal way of saying end so wrap up is like you imagine a present we use the verb wrap to talk about covering a present with paper so to wrap up a presentation is like to finish the presentation it's done here so to wrap up a presentation is a nice friendly expression to end something okay I also included this phrase to end today's presentation to end today's presentation I hope you remember the basic flow of presentations in English something like that so we give a summarizing point at the end of our patien all right good then I want to finish I'll finish this portion with a couple of Q&A points so I mentioned at the beginning of the lesson here when you want someone to hold their questions keep their questions until the end of the presentation you need to come back to that so for people who have questions you can say if there are any questions I'd be happy to address them if there are any questions I'd be happy to address them so again this ID is here don't forget this D sound I did not I be happy I I would I'd be happy to address them someone said can I use idioms and presentations yes if they're appropriate there are many business idioms I think we have some business idioms in yes and a top words video on the English class 101 youtube channel you can take a look at those okay so if there are any questions I'd be happy to address them this is a formal way to say please ask me your questions now it's okay to ask me questions now so you can use this to begin the Q&A the question and answer part of your presentation so it is 30 minutes past the hour so I have to finish it it's okay okay so this is a very basic introduction to the flow of a presentation in English how to give an introduction how to transition between your points and how to end your presentation so there's a lot of stuff to cover here but it's quite important I think to connect all of your ideas can you pronounce reiterates please to reiterate reiterate reiterate next online class timing could you tell us yes we are here every week every Wednesday night 9:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time you will see next week's timing in just a moment oh okay so other things can you say is there anything question closed Alfred on YouTube are there any questions are there any questions so that's a very short simple way to ask are there any questions are there any questions yes you can use that other points the difference between I'd like and I like in meaning I'd like so I use this pattern throughout today's lesson where can I write this I'll write this here is it okay okay the difference between I'd like and I like so we need to break this down so I'd like I used this in today's presentation a lot this is a key small point I'd like is the reduced form of I would like I would like I would like to means I want to but I would like to is more polite I would like to give a presentation about something I like means I enjoy that thing so I like baseball or I like this marker or I like my job for example I'd like means I want to do something I'd like to I like to is something I enjoy doing it's fun for me that's the difference between I'd like and I like so please be careful of that pronunciation point mmm other points uh is it correct to say call me back yes there are a lot of interesting sort of related questions here in brief this is how we can give a presentation in English ah maybe Cesar has a question on Facebook about using the expression in brief in brief I personally would not use this and I'm not I'm not sure I've heard it before I usually would I think I would prefer briefly so or maybe quickly but another word is in some in some I talked about the expression in some I'm sorry I talked about summarize to summarize something I would say in some I would not say in brief however okay well there are lots of different questions coming in now so I think I need to wrap it up a little bit ah other points other points other questions we're almost out of time today but thank you for sending lots of questions that's great ID I just talked about ID I just talked about ID if you missed it you can watch this video back in about three minutes so please check out this part I just talked about ID okay I'm gonna finish up there for today so I'll talk about next week's lesson then so next week as I said we will be here again at 9 p.m. Eastern Standard Time that is New York City time so please Google to find your local time but next week's topic we will be talking about the first conditional so first conditional means if Clause plus a simple future tense statement so for example like if I won the lottery I would buy a house for example so we're going to talk about the first conditional in next week's lesson that will be February 27th please join us February 27th Wednesday February 27th 9 p.m. Eastern Standard Time if you can't remember you can set a notification on YouTube or Facebook we have an event page on Facebook so you can mark you're interested or going on Facebook or on YouTube there's a bail notification so click that and you will get some message when we begin the lesson so please join us again next week and don't forget to check out the free stuff I focused a lot on this business English one this week but there are so many other things that you can get for free there's one about family members which I think I showed last week or so as well as a lot of other topics that you can check out all of these are free you can find these from the link below the video on youtube or above the video on Facebook so please take a look and check that out I hope it's helpful if you have other questions please send them in the chat I will check after this lesson finishes but thank you as always for joining us this week enjoy the rest of your week thank you so much for liking and sharing the video we really appreciate it so enjoy your weekend and we'll see you again next time bye you
Channel: Learn English with
Views: 365,289
Rating: 4.9038634 out of 5
Keywords:, englishclass101, learn english, easy, fast, longplay, compilation, fun, simple, learn while you sleep, english exposure, english immersion, get better at english, live, livestream, tv, english tv, american english, british english, presentation, give a presentation, give a presentation in english, english phrases, basic english phrases
Id: ySzV7I_Sn6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 46sec (2146 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 20 2019
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