How To Tell Stories in English? - Learn English Vocabulary 🔴

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you have pressed the button thanks Kyle all right I will wait for the internet to alert me that they are there so hi everybody I think the video has started recording so welcome back today again this week we are streaming live thanks very much for watching whether you're watching live or later as we get ready to go we'll review a couple points from last week and we'll answer a couple questions as well that came up so I see our our let's see our pages are loading up right now will be just a minute and then we'll get started so if you're just joining whether it's live or not live please make sure to like the video as you come into the stream that's me super super helpful for us so hit the like button as you join send us a comment when you join too and we're going to get started in just a minute or two hey Facebook looks like Facebook is up I don't see comments yet and YouTube is up high let's see Jeremy is there Joe wat hi okay good YouTube chat is ready um someone who said like on Facebook great so I think that means that Facebook is up great alright we're going to wait a couple of minutes for everybody to join us live and then we're going to get started on today's lesson so today our topic is going to be explaining memories how to explain your memories so I'm going to explain some grammar points and a few expressions that you can use to talk about your memories so I thought this would be a nice topic for this time of year near the end of the year when we want to maybe reflect on the things we did earlier in the year so as we wait for everybody I want to review a couple points from last week last week our topic was cooking verbs and so I had a couple of questions some people asked a couple questions but of course I always try to include a review from some some part of my life the way that I used the points we talked about so I always try to include like a tweet or something from Instagram or whatever so this week I said like the first sentence I said I launched a cooking project then immediately got insanely busy and haven't made anything special in weeks so I talked about cooking yeah but here I said I'm thinking about baking up some lasagna so we use the verb baking or too big last week to refer to cooking things in an oven so I used the word in my everyday life here in this way in this case I used baking up like we use up after like a cooking or a creation related verb to kind of give the ID likes to give the idea of like finishing something like to finish up something or to cook up something to bake up something so I used it in this way but with this kind of casual up afterwards so this is how I used it in my everyday life so maybe you use some of our words too but there were a couple of good questions from last week's livestream I want to quickly address last week someone named Dave Moby asked can the verb blend replace mix in this context the verb is blend blend ble nd not necessarily blend means to mix and to break down to make smaller like to puree something or to make a mush out of something so we can't always replace blend and puree they can't they're not interchangeable so that's what also tea fellas asked what is the past tense of saute the past tense of sautee is sauteed we treat it like a regular irregular past tense verb so sauteed is the correct answer okay so we are at four minutes past the hour so let's get going I see quite a few people in two days chat which is good I see a lot of you from Brazil as always - Ola hi patria Damon Mauricio Mateus Ricardo hikmah Tula Daniel okay yes I know the beginning was very fast because I had a lot of points to review but I'll slow down now so let's begin today's topic if you're just joining today we're going to talk about how to explain memories we're going to talk about how to explain your memory so let's begin um let's see Kyle can I steal the mouse for just a second thank you okay we have to share the mouse okay great thanks Kyle okay so um we're going to start today with maybe a phrase that many of you already know the expression when I was a child maybe many of you know the expression when I was a child so we use or a lot of people use when I was a child to introduce kind of a memory to introduce something from their childhood but in American English we don't often use the word child to talk about ourselves like child actually sounds a little bit formal instead it's a little more common for us to use the phrase when I was a kid when I was a kid so kid is a little more casual kid sounds like a small person who's just running around having fun child sounds a little more formal so we tend to use child a little uh a little less often than kid we also use the expression when I was little when I was little so meaning physically when your body was little like your your you were smaller than you are now so when I was little or when I was a kid these are two expressions that we use to introduce memories so I want to talk about these today when you use these expressions when I was a kid or when I was little you probably need to use the past tense after this so when I was a kid plus past tense statement a past tense action something that you did in the past something when you were young when you were little when you were a kid so I want to use this as our first question for today so please get ready to type your comment so when you were a kid think about when you were a kid when you were young when you were little what did you do when you were a kid what did you do when you were a kid so for example when I was a kid I played video games everyday so past tense I play video games everyday or when I was a kid I fought with my brother a lot fought is the past tense of a fight fight so I'm when I was little I fought with my brother a lot that's sort of true or when I was a kid I always wanted to eat candy I always wanted to eat candy so you can explain a repeated action with this grammar too when I was a kid I went to school every day or when I was a kid I played some sport so what did you do when you were a kid what did you do when you were a kid no it's our Facebook scream okay it's Facebook okay I don't see Facebook good okay when I was a kid I used to play football a lot nice Sherif okay on YouTube great you're the first one excellent so when I was a kid I used to play football a lot and we're going to talk about used to a little bit later in today's broadcast so when I was a kid I used to play football very nice great a lot of comments on YouTube so when I was a kid I played the drums a lot great Vinicius Carlos says when I was a kid I played video games every day I played video games every day Cesar says when I was a kid I ate a lot of candies good okay monie says when I was a kid I played a lot good okay not taya on Facebook she asks can we use when I was a little kid yes absolutely when I was a little kid so little means very very young so kid means like a young person but little kid means very very young but yes you can use a little kid absolutely okay when I was a kid I usually ate ate too much candy so not eat make sure to use past tense when I was your past past tense I ate a lot of candies okay when I was a kid I ate sugar so please use past tense past tense in this part past tense here okay when I was a kid I hated to go to the dentist good very nice very nice when I was a kid I used to sing English songs with my parents okay others on YouTube when I was a kid I used to play cricket a lot good I used to play cricket a lot you don't need every time in that sentence when I was a kid I used to that was too fast I something he comes I used to come to the USA that comment disappeared very quickly when I was a kid I had a music I I had a band and I was a singer very nice very nice okay good so this is our sort of review phrase I think maybe many of you know this expression but I want to point out that we often use this when I was a kid instead of when I was a child so please think about this when I was a kid or when I was little these two are pretty good okay good ones still coming in when I was a kid I was a good kid good okay very nice when I was a kid I used to read children's books also remember the plural the plural form is different kid the plural form is kids child the plural form is children please be careful of these points so just a couple a couple little reminders there all right it is ten minutes past the hour though so that means it's time for a quick break so if you joined us last week thank you if you joined us last week thank you of course but um we talked about we had this special deal last week which was a 55% off deal like the the crew has put together this really cool like marketing marketing me coolly planning thing that's like every day is a different deal so last week there was a really popular one that was like fifty five percent off for two years on the website so it's a premium subscription deal and you get fifty five percent off for a two year period so that was super popular so they plan to do it only you once but I guess a lot of people liked it and wanted it so they're doing it one more time today so if you check the link on youtube below the video or on facebook above the video you can see the page I think you're going to see it in just a second yep there it is so every day for the end of the year the crew has been doing these really cool deels so if you check this the website every day you can see a different deal but for the people who are watching on the live stream only I think it's the live stream only you can check the link below the video or above the video on Facebook below the video on YouTube and you get there's a 55% off deal only there so please if you're watching the live stream today is the last chance to get that so please do check that out so check the link definitely grab that I think it's yet today only so please do check that out pretty good deals so awesome alright but with that let's continue on to the next point I want to talk about today okay so if you're just joining today today our topic is memories we're talking about explaining memories today so if you're just joining please do make sure to like the video as always very very helpful share it to all that good stuff but I'm going to take the mouse for a second and go to our next point okay so next I want to introduce some phrases that you can use to introduce like a shared memory a memory that you shared or a memory that you think somebody else has experience with so I want to talk about two expressions first well I'll just show them both to you at the same time so these expressions are do you remember when and do you remember the time do you remember when and do you remember the time so maybe somebody eye aside some of you if you follow me on Twitter I signed a little bit of review homework there is a song it's a song called remember the time that I thought would be a great way to practice today's grammar point if you looked at that great great because we're going to talk about that a lot today so do you remember when and do you remember the time so you can use these expressions for experiences that you shared with another person in the past so you can use this one do you remember when also commonly to talk about like world or to talk about news items in the past as well so please keep that in mind okay um so you could say for example like do you remember when we went camping last year or do you remember the time we had that crazy party for example um so these are ways that we can use these expressions but as I said in the in the song that I was referencing so if you want to check it out it's Michael Jackson's remember the time it's a perfect perfect way to practice this though so in that it's a series of questions and examples about memories so it's like do you remember a time plus an example of the memory so I want to talk about one of the expressions that's used there I'm gonna steal a mouth sorry for just a second just a second sorry and then we'll go back to it sorry okay thanks so I want to talk about an expression where we use do you remember Plus how plus a past activity expression so for example like do you remember how we used to go drinking every weekend or do you remember how you used to stay up so late every night for example so in these expressions how means the way of doing something so we use these expressions to mean like they're kind of like an introduction to the memory so we use them sort of to in to introduce a shared experience and then give more details about it so I want to try to practice this with our next question for today so let's use a pattern like this like a do you remember when question to think back to your childhood again and please remember let's use past tense to respond to this question past tense so it's the next question is gonna be if we're ready I think okay so the question will be do you remember when you were in elementary school what did you like to do what did you like to do so hopefully you can remember elementary school like yeah I remember elementary school well meaning I can remember it easily I remember details for example or you could say I don't really remember elementary school that's fine but hopefully you remember um elementary school so you can say then in response to this question what did you like to do you can say I liked plus a noun phrase some activity you liked to do so for example yeah I remember elementary school well I liked reading books I liked reading books I especially liked reading fantasy books I loved that I loved that when I was in elementary school so do you remember when you were in elementary school what did you like to do what did you like to do is our second question for today so what did you like to do in elementary school I liked reading books I liked I liked reading books late at night like in my bed I would read books in my bed of it like a flashlight and my parents would get mad at me yeah I liked I liked staying up late I still like staying up late actually so what did you like to do when you were in elementary school what did you like to do okay some people are saying do you remember when do you remember when questions yes good good good good so but when you were in elementary school what did you like to do what did you like to do I liked reading books late at night hmm okay I remember how me and my best friends played played remember to use past tense so I liked is in past tense so for example my friends and I played football and watched Tom and Jerry so past tense played football watched Tom and Jerry again I liked okay good I like to play with my friends very nice money says I liked to study I like to study good on Facebook too I like to play hide-and-seek hi Messiah okay I liked I liked don't forget this D forget this poor dear I liked to play volleyball good um I like to watch my teacher explain lessons okay um I like to play hide and seek is a game we'll use um I like to play hide and seek play hide and seek good good good good Tariq says I liked to study I liked to study very nice I remember elementary school I played so many of you are using the progressive tense so a lot of you are saying like are for example some of you are saying I like playing or whatever I'm seeing many of you are using this pattern to respond to this question why is this wrong this is wrong because like is oh thanks Cal like is present tense I'm asking you a past tense question what did you like to do past tense what did you like to do so not like playing I like playing but I so this I like playing no you can use I liked playing so you can use the progressive yes you can use the progressive after your past tense so it should not be sorry cut it should not be it should not be present tense it should be I liked playing sorry go it's it's just I like to playing I liked playing okay so please use past tense so still many of you okay good I liked to play football and watch and watch Jim Carrey's math good one good I like to play badminton as well I like your videos why thank you good I liked to play cards good Yuto says I like to eat sushi because I'm Japanese haha well I also like to eat sushi and I am NOT Japanese mmm I liked playing football I just remember I liked eating glue you actually liked eating glue I've heard of kids who have it I've ever I've never understood the interest in eating glue there that's very funny thank you okay that's very funny Holly says I didn't like anything oh really nothing you didn't like anything in elementary school sad face sad face for sure for sure I liked to sleep in the classroom good okay everyone is now using the past tense good good good excellent excellent okay Cesar says I liked eating my sandwich at lunch time me too that is still the highlight of my day is eating okay oh you guys are very funny all right very very funny but it is 20 minutes past the hour so that means it's time for another break okay so if you are just joining us or if you missed it before or just would like a reminder the crew has a really cool daily deal for you guys until what for two more days only but every day is a different deal but last week last week there is a really really popular 55% off premium subscription deal and they plan to do it only one day but I guess a lot of people liked it so they've made it for one more time today on today's like the last the real last day so if you go to the link below the video on YouTube or above the video on Facebook you can get to the page where you can pick up your 55% off premium subscription it's for two years it's for two years so I think if you visit the website you can find as you see on this screen the holiday deals so these are the specials for for this year's holiday season but you can find the 55% off deal today I think today is the last day so please go check that out that was a lot of people I guess who are interested in that so they decided to do it one more time so please go pick that up today I think that's it that's today so check the link below the video on youtube and above the video on Facebook yep Kyle is hovering over the link there um yep there it is light blue yeah so so check that out today and of course you I think you can check you can check that page for other deals maybe there are two more days of deals of separate deals too so check it out check out that page if there's anything else you would like to find but I think the premium the premium subscription is the is the best deal because everything is included in them so please go check that out looks good looks good alright yes I am really live Fernando okay Oh apparently less than three hours left oh my so be quick go quick okay it is time then to go back to our last point for today I'm going to steal the mouse again thank you thank you thank you thank you okay reading my notes okay great so on to our last point for today a grammar point for today also if you are just joining us please make sure to LIKE the video very helpful as always okay but if you're just joining live we are talking today about how to explain your memories your memories so we've talked about some expressions to introduce your memories but I want to talk about two grammar points for explaining your memories so I mentioned that there's a really perfect song for talking about this a song called remember the time and I want to you borrow two lyrics from that song to illustrate to explain our next grammar point okay these these these two lines are first do you remember so we just studied this one yeah do you remember how we used to talk so here I want to focus on used to then the next line is an example example we'd stay on the phone from night till dawn so night meaning nighttime and dawn until the Sun comes up this weed means we would we would so these are the two points I want to focus on for the last part of this lesson when to use use two and would to talk about your habit so we have two points here used to which we see in this sentence this lyric and would we would hear these are both used to talk about past habits past habits but what's the difference kind of difficult right how do we know if we should use use to or would so a key difference we can only use would we can only use sorry we can only use would if we already understand it's a past tense situation so I we need to know that this situation or the conversation is about something in the past about something yeah can we see that one again cough sorry the yes that one please so here we know it's a past tense situation because there's this question do you remember how we used to talk this is like the introduction we're talking about a past tense situation so to give the example we'd we would this we'd remember is we would stay on the phone so we can use would in this case because we understand it's a past tense situation to begin with so when you want to use would you need to make sure that you and your listener or this everybody in the situation understands it's a past tense situation or must understand that it's a past tense situation so everybody must know okay I have limited space on the board so to use would I'll put here you must know it's a past tense situation you must know it's a past tense situation however used to we can use any time so we don't have to we don't have to know that it's a past tense situation like I can be I can begin a conversation with used to like I used to play video games everyday that's fine I can begin my conversation with used to I cannot begin with I would play video games ever that's not correct because I haven't introduced a past tense situation here so please introduce a past tense situation here before you use wood so I used to play video games everyday great conversation starter or part of a conversation but we cannot say I would play video games every day so please keep these two points in mind when talking about wood and you can see here after you use wood we would stay so the verb follows wood we'd stay on the phone we'd play video games every day we'd go to a restaurant every month so please use the verb after stay so we would I would you would to talk about your past habits so both used to and wood are used to talk about past habits so here must know it's a past tense situation anytime is used to so let's practice this let's practice this with our last question today we're almost out of time yeah last question today what is something you used to do please share an extra detail with the word wood what's something you used to do one and please share an extra detail with wood like we've just talked about this year so for example oops I've lost my example sentences okay so for example I could say I used to I used to play golf every spring I'd I would every spring I'd practice with my team mates after school so I used to to introduce I used to play golf verb phrase I'd practice with my teammates after school okay or another one I used to have dinner with my family a lot we'd we'd go out and celebrate when my brother and I got good grades so what's something you used to do what's something you used to do what's something I used to do once so when I was a little kid I used to go to school every day okay so I used to go to school every day then let's try to use would let's try to use would to give a detail share a detail about this activity so two points here two points what did you do what something you used to do so you don't do it now plus a detail plus a detail okay so I used to bla bla bla now used to in my case I used to play golf or I used to have a dinner with my family a lot I used to bla bla bla I used to I used to eat onion but nowadays I eat onion good I used to eat onion is fine but one of the key points of used to is this action this action here this verb phrase you don't do this action now you don't do this action now so I used to uh Oh denílson fantastic okay I used to read comic books I'd read a lot of different kinds of comics good perfect perfect so that was really nice two points there fantastic Thanks okay I used to play soccer every day I'd eat after that perfect very nice okay I used to watch cartoons with my cousin we'd play while watching perfect nice one nice one I used to play piano so here the just the regular verb I used to play piano I'd play for hours nice one Nelson thank you I used to swim I'd go to the swimming pool every weekend oh I'd have to go to the swimming pool every weekend nice more complex grammar okay I used to go to church every weekend good so like I'd Papa Blas add some detail with wood to practice these two points I used to work to make money I thought okay okay do you no longer work you don't work anymore so remember used to it sounds like you know long do this action no longer do this action okay I used to play a lot I'd play video games maybe again and again for example or I used to play soccer I'd kick the ball into the neighbor's house good okay very very nice very nice so please keep these two points in mind when talking about your memories your past habits okay they're used a bit differently all right but we are out of time unfortunately every everyday we're out of time unfortunately today so I need to wrap it up thanks for your nice example sentences though sounds really good alright but we have to finish unfortunately unfortunately so thanks very much for joining me for this lesson of course and if you want you can check out that song to help you practice your your memory explanations if you like but a couple of announcements number one next week we'll have our last last last last live stream of 2017 this year's last live stream will be next week so please join us please don't miss it we're going to talk about gifts so ways to give and receive gifts I think it's the holiday season in many countries right now so we're going to talk about some ways to talk about gifts so please join in if you can't watch live at least you know watches later send us a comment just so we can connect at the end of the year it would be really really good so that will be next week Wednesday December 20th 9 p.m. Eastern Standard Time 9:00 p.m. that's Eastern Standard Time is New York City time so please please check us out next week Wednesday December 20th 9 p.m. Eastern Standard Time to talk about gifts so last one for this year so please please please join us for that um yeah and send us a comment if you can't join live just so we can wrap up the year together um so that's all of course thank you for joining us for this lesson if you want to watch it back great great please feel free to do so and also send your questions in on Facebook and on YouTube that would be great we'll check them and I'll try to answer some in next week's live stream so thanks very much for watching thank you for liking and sharing the video it's very helpful and I will see you next week for our last episode of the year in the meantime of course I think you're going to see you have a couple more hours to get the 55% off premium subscription so I think you get like all the all the good stuff on the site like audio and PDF and video lessons and worksheets and an audio recorder there's a ton of stuff I think you can read about it on the page so please check that out I'm gonna go you go check out that page below the video the link is on youtube or above the video on Facebook is the link so thank you so so much for watching enjoy your day enjoy your night I will see you again next week bye bye you
Channel: Learn English with
Views: 158,444
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords:, englishclass101, learn english, easy, fast, longplay, compilation, fun, simple, learn while you sleep, english exposure, english immersion, get better at english, live, livestream, tv, english tv, american english, british english, tell story, stories in english, memory, share memories, how to talk about, past, english stories, talk about yourself
Id: ULShghB23gU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 24sec (2064 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2017
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